How Do You Live In A World That Loves The Lies of Satan?

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situation is so clear the data affirm if you get vaccinated you are protected even with the Delta variant The Wall Street Journal confirmed that the first Corona victim seemed to have been researchers working with bat viruses at the Wuhan Institute of virology the pandemic systemic racism income inequality immigration gun violence but here's the thing if we don't address climate change none of those issues will matter because people have got to know whether or not they're president or crook well I'm not a crook I did not have sexual relations with that woman so why did they lie to us about it for so long that they're really criticizing science because I represent science they are lying to you climate change is slowly making the planet uninhabitable you're not going to get coveted if you have these vaccinations lying liars and the Liars who tell them has become so commonplace how commonplace has it become Al Franken was recently quoted as saying I had no idea it would get this bad can I be seen in public now lying is so common after watching CNN for 30 straight days the devil was quoted as saying whoa I thought I was a liar lying is so Vogue Richard Nixon was recently heard saying from his grave apparently he's a part of the Nar wish I had lived in the 21st century politicians they lie a government institutions lie big Pharma lies Educators lie mainstream media lives late night talk show hosts wow do they lie it's almost impossible these days for a Christian to make a genuinely informed decision about the protection and safety for their own Families how do we navigate these rather deceptive Waters perhaps this list will help you to do just that number one you might want to start by giving up I'm thinking that somehow you can sort fact from fiction only time is going to reveal who's been telling the truth and who has been lying but you and I we might be dead before that happens so to make a decision you can rest in when sources don't appear to be consistently reliable remember two words faithfulness and sovereignty step one ask God for wisdom to help you be faithful to him step two read your Bible for principles to follow on the subject at hand three utilize your god-given faculties to gather the most reliable information you can four seek wisdom from like-minded and mature Believers step five pull the trigger I hope that didn't trigger anybody make a decision and if it turns out well praise God if it turns out poorly remind yourself that you are being as faithful as you could be and that God is Sovereign and this is his will for your life for those of you who like pithy summaries do your best and rest seriously do your best and rest God doesn't require us to always be right but he does require us to be faithful so use your faculties be faithful and Trust his sovereignty number two make your decisions in the context of a local Church community you'll be glad you did number three do not be like the essenes remember the first century Jewish sect kind of strange they live communally in the middle of nowhere think Nebraska only less populated we can thank them for the Dead Sea Scrolls but Christians we're called to be in the world to be solved and light not ascetics who live in the wilderness and take several baths every day like the S scenes number four don't become cynical easy to do but the Lord is not like Italy his trains are running right on time all the time so what appears to be a mess to us is exactly the way that God has ordered the world for his glory remember unlike our institutions God never lies he never Goofs up he's never late ever five just stop being surprised the devil is the father of Lies the more people and institutions are under his control they are bound to do what their father does six Don't Panic look up this is the persistent advice of the Bible Psalm 11. you know this when things aren't going well cynics are telling the psalmist flee like a bird to a mountain raising the question hey what are the Righteous to do when the foundations crumble answer verse 4 the Lord is in his holy Temple the Lord's Throne is in heaven his eyes see his eyelids test the sons of mankind the Lord tests the righteous and the wicked and his soul hates one who loves violence he will reign coals of fire upon the wicked and brimstone and burning wind will be the portion of their cup for the Lord is righteous he loves righteousness and you are going to see his face don't get cynical don't be in a panic look at the throne see Jesus seated reigning and be at peace consider Isaiah 6 in the year King Uzziah died the king reigned for 52 years peace prosperity everybody knew that he was on the brink of death oh no we're in a panic here what does Isaiah offer these rather upset and confused and concerned Jewish citizens look up I saw the Lord Seated on a throne isn't that exactly what John also did 95 A.D the Christians under persecution of domitian hey what's going on 18 chapters John points his concerned followers to look upward and see Jesus on his throne that's what we need to be doing to otherwise honestly you're going to go Bonkers here's Johnny and finally if we are going to spend oodles or energy Discerning truth from lies our primary concern should be truth about God evaluating judging naming calling out wolves will always be able to discern their Lies by comparing them to the truths of the Bible so while we can't necessarily judge the CDC the who the FBI or the CIA or the NSA or NBC are pretty much any other cable news Outlet we actually can Mark those who cause Division and avoid them got any other tips to help Christians navigate the loss of institutional trust drop it below [Music] our circumstances can be challenging and difficult but I do want to maximize Christ as being Our Hope and Christ is the one that ultimately gives us stability [Music]
Channel: Wretched
Views: 47,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel, Christian, Jesus, Theology, Bible, Christianmedia, Witnessing, Religion, Preaching, God, Teaching, Media, Openair, apologetics, discernment, biden, desantis, news, mainstream media, msm, trump, fauci, redpilled, conservative, lies, main stream, kimmel, colbert, msnbc, cultural engagement
Id: ObfBFksa-4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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