How do you connect with real estate development mentors?

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the purpose of today is to let everybody know about the council about the campaigns that we've been working on and to welcome you guys into our community and to work collectively to build it together [Music] I'm just saying right we do this every day but that's that's a lot right um so it does take um not just the relations with the property owners but it takes relationships like with a team of people and professionals to get things done and so I want to kind of touch on that for a little bit and I want to start with you Donovan because you've grown really really fast uh really really quick and I would say really fast really quick but like I meet a lot of I meet a lot of folks who want to get into the real estate space especially the development space right um and kind of like what Tiffany was saying uh there's these a song titles so to speak um Donovan kind of grabbed hold of the information and took it and ran with it and so that's what I mean it's fast that fast that quick okay but I want to touch on that because along the way you had to pull in some different people to help you do what y'all are saying right to get to that property and actually get that wealth going so can you speak to like how you begin building uh your team like what kind of give us a backdrop today yeah so first of all thank you yeah Jason's being generous I'm just a regular old guy like there's nothing special about me um but yeah so I think a key is so so he says that he said it so but uh but you go to his Twitter right and the first pen tweet is him on Bigger Pockets interview because he has 12 plus duplexes in his pipeline that's not something everybody does every day I need him to know that so y'all please to push back the point is anyone of you can do it so that's the key is like again there's nothing special about me I don't have any type of construction background um none of my family was in real estate it was like Jason said I took the information and kind of went with it so um again like I was talking about the financing piece a lot of people are like okay Donovan want to do what you do I want to flip houses do new construction how do I get the money um I didn't have any money so when I got started this was 2020 I was a year out of college I got like 30 Grand in student loans listen I'm not worried about building you know duplexes at the moment I'm like I got debt to pay off but um the point is like how do you still make it happen Okay so you start reaching out to your network you come to events like this how do I who can I talk to who has the money who trusts me enough to let me borrow it here I know five grand here 10 grand there and then once you got the land okay how do I build it now you reach out to someone like Garland Garland knows the process to build how to maximize the unit um density or whatever the lot size is um okay now I got the architect plans in place now what do I do how do I finance it well you come to someone like I don't know Andre has a few I don't know if he's still here Andre yes to real estate him and his his son Chase um I reached out to him a lot because he's doing new construction kind of the same way I am he gave me a reference for a lender I reached out to my network so again like everything I've done was just leveraging the people I know not necessarily me being special or anything it was just me kind of putting the pieces together so I think that's what I wanted to touch on is like anyone can do it it's not nothing crazy you just gotta uh leverage the network did you know those pieces before you got going absolutely not no so you saw you were assembling on the Fly I was I was pretty much assembling the parachute on the way down once I jumped out you talked about a lot of people you reached out to and Tiffany I want to ask you because um you've been recognized as being an influencer and networking and you really have to get in there in those rooms that you're in and throw your elbows around sometime sure right and so Diamond spoke about reaching out to different people earlier today y'all Andre say he's he reached out to people and the folks just told him good luck you know what gave him a prayer so I want to touch like if I'm reaching out to people like Tiffany like if I want to reach out to you like what does that truly look like you're a busy person you want to help everybody wants to call and say they want to help like what does how did you how do you reach out to those people and kind of get that connection that relationship I think the first thing is when you go to anyone if I come to any one of you the same way if any of you come to me your time is valuable your time is worth money so when you pick up the phone and call someone you better have your questions ready to go because in my mind I'm already in 17 different places I'm thinking about 30 things right now food is one and so you want to make sure that when you pick up that phone and you call that professional that you have your questions already pulled together and you know this is what I'm calling for this is what I need and this is who I need to speak to and when you call them let them know hey look all I need is 15 minutes of your time and when you say 15 minutes you mean 14 minutes and 59 seconds because you want to be respectful and for me if you're that respectful of my time I'm going to be like man like if you need anything else give me a call back on this day when I have a little bit more time but it lets me know that you're serious you called me you had your questions together you had your information together you've already done some preliminary homework and research before you even got to me whether it's right wrong or indifferent you've already done some homework on your end before you get to me so that when you call me you're just calling to verify or you're calling to say hey Tiffany am I on the right direction and if not where can I go and what can I do but I think the biggest thing when you're talking about reaching out to people like I said even if I reached out to you guys I'm saying look I got I got 10 minutes you got 10 minutes let's knock out the most that we can do right now and just knowing that their time is valuable and treating it like like so and when you call them and respect them they're going to give you all all of the information they have and some unfortunately for any either you three like to add to that like what are three or four things I should know like if I'm gonna call and I'm gonna sit down you know what I'm saying like I think sometimes right and sometimes that's the thing like I want to call but like I don't even know what to ask or I don't know where to start so like where can I start um typically when people reach out to me and I have conversations um with you know strangers or people that I haven't um had added to my circle just yet the one thing I'd like you to tell me is at least like what is your goal like what is your end game like what do you what do you see your North Star as like what are you seeing when you're thinking real estate what are what are you seeing when you're thinking generational wealth can you tell me your overall goal or what you would like to accomplish just that one thing and then from there we can kind of reverse engineer it Okay so so I need to have everything basically basically same thing here I don't need to know everything but at least know where I'm trying to go now where you're trying to go is that financially is that just in general or again like you don't even have to be financially just that like just that Sticks and Bricks type of figure like it don't even have to be like well done well drawn just a general conglomerate like of an idea that I can pick apart so so Donovan did you have that goal when you were reaching out to folks yeah so I think one of the things I wanted to touch on was the reason why I think someone like Garland was so willing to help me was because I was already taking action so like I reached out to Garland like last month I said listen my GC Built My firewall incorrectly I don't know how to do it because again I have no construction background can you help me and of course he already sees me taking action he's much more willing to yeah Diamond here's what you do you do this this and this tell him to do this and they should pass it so again because I was already in the Motions taking some type of action with a very specific question it's much more easier for that person to help you and those are the people I helped the most when they reach out to me Donovan I was looking at new construction I looked at this lot um but the part I'm not uh not understanding is how do I get the loan how much do I actually have to bring okay I'm willing to help you because you've done some homework like Tiffany said you did a little bit of research just up front you don't have to Google everything but like show me like yeah like you're respectful at the time so um yeah that's the biggest thing okay so but let's just say I got I I did a little research yeah right I did a little research I got my nerves together I made the call you know I called Tiffany I called you and Tiffany's You Know Tiffany she got three major deals and she didn't call me back I don't know what happened I don't know if she got my email what you know like how do I how how do I provide some type of value or incentive or can I provide some value incentive for you to say I want okay I'll connect like is that something I should be thinking about um I say follow-up is essential I will tell you I have people that will call me and text and you will see that I have read your text and I nine times out of ten have seen it but you have no clue if I just got on the plane and I'm headed to my fiance was in Atlanta so I'm constantly traveling so just because I don't respond on the first email or text or call doesn't mean I'm ignoring you or what you want isn't important follow up with me because the moment that you say Tiffany I called you never call me back I'm going to be so apologetic because it was never my intent not to get back to you I just forgot like I said 30 things food is always one and I'll tell you you know when when they say you know make sure that you guys are doing the homework before you get to them have you know have an idea of where you want to go I would say to end all of that be honest with who you're calling about where you are be honest with yourself and be honest with them right because if you call me and you make it seem like you know everything I I'm only going to give you what I think you need if you call me and make it seem like you got your financing piece in place I'm not going to give you any direction on where to go so I think it's important that you let people know honestly where you are in your process I've done my research I've told you where I want to go but here's where I am in my process so that I know which way and where I can direct you at so I would definitely say make sure you follow up like I don't care how many times you fall it fits three times I have called people 10 times before and I'm like hey it's me it's me and then when it gets like a little I'm like hey it's me again I know you've heard my voice you know like I call people all of the time if you let one know stop you from getting information it wasn't important for you it was never important to you we can make excuses to not do whatever it is that we don't want to do but when it's something you want to do you're going to find a way or make one so I would say follow up follow up and then also just being honest with where you are and where you want to be now I I asked that question from attorneys alike how do I show value how do I what if I'm not active right how do I show value because I wanted to touch on like this the notion of like mentorship right now and I think that's a big thing I was outside too quick too quick I was out somewhere and I asked someone who the mentor was and it was a person they follow on YouTube now I don't have any judgment to that but they have never met that person and for me I'm not too old but I'm older and I didn't understand that okay I feel like a mentor is somebody I should be I should know this has a has a uh uh uh they care about what's happening to me so to speak right um but it's hard how do I come to that point and so that's why I want to talk to like their value piece that's why I brought that up right um same thing with mentoring I met a young man at a at an event and he said well can you Mentor me yeah he's the first time he met me so I was confused as to why he wanted me to Mentor you never met me and I gave my car I said come to my office I never heard from you right so that's my piece yeah I want to know I'm gonna start with you man I kind of want to know like in terms of something like that you're talking about mentorship like how do I work towards it okay so I'll start by saying how I kind of snatched my mentors um and I don't and I don't think I've ever like formally asked him like hey like can you Mentor me that's never come out of my mouth um for me it was just more so about showing up and following up so like sometimes I wouldn't even hit him up like I just be like oh where they gonna be tomorrow like what they gonna be this weekend and I'm like okay bet that's the event I'm going to you know so just so I can kind of like rub you know like rub elbows a little bit speak but don't start a conversation like just so you just getting to know uh my face and then maybe like the third event or like the fourth conversation just like oh okay well this is what I've learned so far x y and z um do you want to do lunch or can I help set up at the next event that you're having um I mean like how can I be of value to you even though not anywhere close to where you are but I know you're gonna need some food at the event I know you're gonna need some tables and some chairs can I bring the tables and the chairs you know just trying to be in their view um before even like and now like I talked to them probably like two times a week at this point they don't even know like yeah like you're my mentor I didn't ask but like you're it um I elected right and I guess for the people that have latched on to me like I know that I'm their mental their Mentor um they've done it the same way it's just like hey Mill can I can I ask you a question or hey man like what are you gonna be like what's your next event I'll just tell them and I know I don't text back or call back rarely email back so it's just like it's like extreme follow-up like you can't take it personal you can't be emotional I'm not I'm not gonna take it personal when you hit me back and I do respond like yeah come through pull up like yeah like nothing even happened so like that's that's kind of how I take the route to my mentees people that are Relentless at following up and just really showing up and placing their self in the space so that way okay I know you about it I know you really want it I can trust you with some stuff okay can you do this for me have you or sorry now here development wise do you have a mentor or someone you consider Mentor yeah I have people I consider a mentor but like she said like they don't know because I just constantly asked some questions and then slowly I'm like okay I got you like um but what what I was gonna say is like to add to that is like the reason why they're willing to respond is because like hey I asked them for hey how do I arrange the financing for this piece okay I go back and do it and then I come back and tell them okay I did what you told me to do it worked I appreciate it you know so the follow-up of like okay after you've asked someone for something like let them know how it went and they're like okay great I'm glad I could help and they're going to want to help you the next time so I wouldn't say ask someone to be their mentor and say kind of like force it like yeah like hey like ask them questions like you take some action yeah that's it yeah okay no I think that's good that's good because I think a lot of us are looking for guidance and a lot of times just don't know like we don't know how to engage that person sometimes they seem so far away some of y'all probably see like the three of them are pretty heavy on social media and now days like it's become almost celebrity and so you might go see Tiffany and see y'all man she's got all these followers she's not going to respond to me but she wants to help that's why she has the followers that's why people are following her because she wants to help and give that information so I want to make sure we touched on like how do you connect with these people how do you connect with folks that are out here doing it so that you don't waste their time or yours hey hey
Channel: DT3M Fund TV
Views: 355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real estate development, real estate mentor, real estate investing, community development
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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