How do we know that water is H2O?

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it's alright news I'm gonna take two different test tubes here and you we're gonna just barely place it over that metal whip spin that around so see it nice what we're going to do is we're going to take that and hook it up to the negative and positive terminals of a battery so the Blackbear to the negative and the red they're to the positive when we do that we see two different gases being produced at different rates well rhinos when we look at how much of each one we get and what each one is I'm go ahead and zoom in and speed this video up so you can see that Colo faster you so now getting to the point we're at about ten million here and about five milliliters in here and hopefully you could have seen that there was a two-to-one ratio of the two gas is the whole time this one being twice as much as this one we're go ahead and zoom back out and kind of see what the identity of these two gases are so to do that we're gonna do a little splint test and I'm gonna let the reaction keep going while I test this one here because I want this one to fill up a little bit more so first thing we're going to take this tube empty out the solution okay so that right there that little mini explosion there is indicative that we had hydrogen gas at this end of the container so we had twice as much hydrogen gas as whatever the gas is this and the other component of this so I'm gonna let that run for a little bit longer and we'll go ahead and speed this back up again and we'll come back and check out where that is okay a point where we can go ahead and test this so to do that I'm gonna take a splint and dine it sorry about that just like that and we're gonna go ahead and put that out and we're going to use that to test this okay so we can see there that that candle out of a glowing splint reignites in there which indicates that that is oxygen present inside of that tube so we're showing is that we have two times as much hydrogen gas being produced as oxygen gas over here you
Channel: Scott Milam
Views: 32,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electrolysis, water, H2O, how do we know, evidence, experimental, hydrogen, oxygen, 2 parts, 1 part, NaOH, conduct, electricity, battery, decomposition, compound, elements, element, H2, O2, 2H2O, electrolysis of water, lab, experiment, ratio, formula
Id: DgsX4E4Ik7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2017
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