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hello and welcome to life central church it is so good to connect with you again today wherever and whenever you are watching this my name is leon i'm the lead pastor here at life central we have people in the room and we know that we've got plenty of you out there as well and it's great to connect with you whether you're in the room or whether you are online as well and um let me just say normally we are one church in four physical locations in the west midlands in houzz owen hagley and rowley and in albania in the city of doris but right now we are literally anywhere and everywhere as we're in this season um the sea the service will last just around an hour um and during that time we're going to get into the message very very quickly and then at the end of that there'll be some time of song worship and response where we can think about what god has said and today i'm really excited jane sergeant who's part of our teaching team she's also the ceo of face trust a youth charity based here in our building that we partner with she's going to be speaking to us on the story i'll tell and literally this is such an important subject how to avoid burnout so right now during this season if you're thinking to yourself i feel empty i feel low i feel like i'm burning out how do i avoid burnout don't go anywhere you really want to be a part of this service together let me just give you a heads up of a few things that are coming up on uh monday uh november the 9th is just going out my head we have our next alpha course and if you don't know what alpha is it's coming up here on the screen right now it's literally a course it lasts about six weeks it's on an hour on zoom so it's a virtual course and you get an opportunity to ask any question you want about the christian faith and there'll be some discussion so you can sign up for that on our website or you can take your mobile phone out and you can text to 6077 lcc alpha and then your name so 6077 lcc alpha and your name and we will be in contact with you and that's how you sign up so that's on november the 9th the previous day which is the sunday the 8th we're running a course called closer look not of course it's a one-off session called closer look this is for anyone who's part of our physical locations or you've joined us online and you want to take a closer look at life central church what are the vision what are the values you'll get to meet some of the leaders here's some of the history and how you can get more involved with us as a church again go to our website sign up for a closer look on sunday november the 8th one final thing last week we launched our lifecentral online community on facebook it's a facebook group and again this is a really brilliant way to connect with us whether you're in at one of our physical locations or whether you're connecting with us online we'd love you to journey with us in that facebook group we're going to be putting content in there and conversation that won't be available anywhere else so if you're on facebook we'd love you guys to basically go to the group request to join there are a couple of really easy questions you'll need to answer and then we'll approve you and then you join the group there's already almost 300 people in the group building community together online which is so so exciting so that's enough of all that we are going to get straight into the service now and we are going to sing an amazing song so if you're in the room i'd love to invite you to stand and if you're not in the room or you're online please join with us wherever you are you know we were praying this morning over the chairs in this room and the chairs in your room as well and we were praying that during this hour together that you and i would connect with the god of heaven and earth and you know there's so much going on in our world right now that tells us who we are that shapes our world view that tells us our identity and yet this song tells us we're not any of those things we are who you say we are aren't we we are who god says we are that's our identity and so whether you're here in the room or whether you're online today we want you to know you are who god says you are and as we sing this amazing song you can sing out there as we worship with this amazing song let god encourage you and let god speak to you whatever seat you're in whether it's here in the room or whether it's at home amazing song who you say i am let's worship who am i that the highest king would welcome [Music] oh [Music] yes i am [Music] his grace he died for me yes me is always there's a place for me i'm a child of god [Music] oh [Music] [Music] forsaken [Music] [Music] i am am i am is yes [Applause] when the story of this season is just a story we tell let's make sure our stories are worth telling [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi and welcome to um week four this brilliant series we've been in um called the story i tell and if you haven't seen the other three weeks can i please encourage you they're online listen to them in your car when you're exercising you really really shouldn't miss what's being said over these last few weeks and last week if you saw it leon spoke about how we could be part of the bigger story and this we're going to lead on from that and i'm going to look at um but that's great but what if you feel what if you feel that you've got nothing to give the at the end of yourself that you're not sure what you've got to offer anymore if you've just just had enough and sometimes it's the little things isn't it that can the straw that breaks the camel's back as that famous phrase says and i don't know whether you've ever felt that if one more thing just happens if one more thing i'm just gonna lose it i'm just gonna lose it but have you ever ever got to the point like some of these guys check this video out [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] so [Music] ever got to that point ever got to that point you know i've got to be honest with you i've thought about it i've envisioned myself doing it but i've never quite had the nerve to and did you see the looks on some of those co-workers faces do you know the truth is that sometimes others may be able to spot before we do what's really going on on the inside of us and we're going to look at this morning what god has to say about this topic about how we can avoid burnout and really what that's all about is the need for our own self-care and many of us will have stories of times you know when we felt at the end of ourselves when physically emotionally and even spiritually but this isn't a new issue this isn't a symptom of our current culture this isn't like a trending topic but what can happen is so often is that our stories can stall or sadly even stop when we hit times like this in our lives but we can look at an example this morning with a guy called elijah and it shows us how that when we encounter experiences like this in our lives this can still be a chapter in our story worth telling and elijah's story is going to help us this morning learn how god deals with us when we feel overworked and over strained and i love the bible because it's so full of you know of stories about people just like you and me right in your living room this morning just like you may be feeling elijah was just as human as we are just as susceptible to burning out not looking after himself giving up just as we are and so much so that a book in the new testament called james in chapter 5 verse 17 says this that elijah was a man just like us it was worth recording and we're going to look at elijah's problems and god's solutions and whether you would call yourself a jesus follower this morning i guarantee that there's something helpful for you in what i'm going to say today if you found yourself even this week going i've just had enough i've just had enough so before we can look at god's answers we need to find out what led elijah to the place he was at so what conditions led elijah to being there well the first thing he had was unrealized expectations unrealized expectations if you read elijah's story back in one kings and in just the previous chapter to the one we're going to look at this morning he just taken on 850 really angry prophets he'd proven that the god who we served was the only true god by calling down fire from heaven he'd won he'd won elijah should have been out there celebrating celebrating but here he is hiding and feeling discouraged listen after being threatened by one woman one woman now what does that say about our gender i'm not gonna leave that hanging but it was one woman elijah had unrealized expectations he expected things to go so great after his vic after his victory he thought he'd be embraced as the winner he thought they'd be chanting his name but he was treated and called an enemy when he should have been hoisted on people's shoulders and carried down the mountain here we find him sick as a parrot depressed in despair running away for his life and giving up hope from the mountain he's in the valley and we find the story in one kings 19 and we're gonna pick it up at verse one i'm gonna read it to you from the new international version now ahab told jezebel everything elijah had done and how he'd killed all the prophets with the sword so jezebel sent a messenger to elijah to say may the gods deal with me be ever so severely if by this time tomorrow i do not make your life like that of one of them elijah was afraid and run for his life and when he came to bear sheba and judah he left his servant there while he himself went to day's journey into the wilderness he came to a broom bush sat down under it and prayed that he might die i've had enough lord he said take my life i am no better than my ancestors and then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep so moving from unrealised expectations that caused elijah to have a tr a reaction to the traumatic events that he'd gone through and elijah just experienced the most exciting moment in his life and it should have been the best moment of his life do you know what his adrenaline would be pumping and the adrenaline gets us through but at the end it leaves us drained elijah was physically mentally and spiritually exhausted and therapists today would call that he's suffering from burnout he's suffering from burnout and the truth is that when we walk towards a goal and we give it everything we've got everything we can we go all out whether the outcome ends in failure or not we still feel absolutely done in we lose our energy we lose our motivation and even interest in things around us and that's where elijah's at bur elijah also knows that jezebel and her husband were systematically killing all of the prophets that belonged and spoke up on behalf of god so when he hears that jezebel is out to kill him naturally he stresses out he stresses out and the issue here isn't that we shouldn't feel this way what i'm not saying to you today is that we should never feel um unmotivated we should never feel at the end of ourselves because we will and we do and we will again the crux comes in the decisions we make following that and this is where elijah's self-care plan starts to fail he worries and he runs off and what does he do what we do what i do he starts to make poor decisions poor decisions you know poor decisions can make us feel more discouraged and more depressed and more low and instead of getting help did you notice what elijah does he chooses he chooses to isolate himself he travels 80 miles into enemy territory and then went on his own now i'm an introvert i tick a lot of boxes for an introvert but i want to be honest with you i know the difference between when i'm recharging on my own and i love to do that i love my own company but i know the difference inside of me when i'm choosing to recharge and when i'm choosing to isolate myself there's a huge difference when i know i'm isolating myself it's often because people are irritating me around me and i just can't stand to have people around me and so i withdraw that isn't me recharging that's me isolating so i can kind of understand why elijah felt that way because after everything he'd given the results seemed to be such a huge disappointment it was a big anti-climax what had he got to show for it but notice what elijah does he leaves his servant there he chooses to isolate himself and then he's alone he pushed away his best friend this is what not to do when we feel like this proverbs 27 verse 10 says this it says do not forsake your friend or a friend of your family and do not go to your relative's house when disaster strikes you why because better a neighbor nearby than a relative far away what's god trying to tell us about that he's telling that isolating ourselves only brings us the next thing elijah does that emotion of loneliness ever felt lonely it's horrible isn't it it's horrible it's such a deep-seated gut-wrenching emotion and it was true at one point for elijah when he was on top of that mountain and he was facing those profits and he was praying to god he was on his own physically but there are people around us and maybe we just don't see them when we feel that way we can feel abundant but the bible tells us that we need to build up those relationships around us you see god knows what we like he knows how we'd like it to respond and it isn't always the wisest decisions that we're going to make but then elijah descends into self-pity and that's always a dangerous state to be in i can't say anyway can't see any way forward cannot see how this is going to get any better it's just too much let me tell you the truth is that our problems may be too much for us but no problem is too much for god no problem is too much for god but elijah ignores that and then what does he do he starts negative self-talk can we recognize ourselves in his journey negative self-talk you see elijah wasn't enjoying his own company was he when he was walking into the desert he wasn't going for a long stroll on himself recharging his batteries what's the story he's telling right at this point what's the story he's telling he's giving himself negative self-talk can't handle this anymore i'm done i'm done my life's terrible i can't cope i give up i've got no value i've got no value i don't care for anything i might as well not be here and that's the spiral he goes on do you know when i use myself as the only standard of measurement and i become my own sounding board i never ever do a good job of helping myself and here's elijah talking himself into an even worse state you see what happens is we depreciate our own self-worth we become our own worst critic and just like elijah exhaustion will rob you of perspective exhaustion will rob you of perspective we start to blame ourselves for things you know that aren't even our fault that we have no control over and we can't control everything but we feel like we feel like we have to i have to work everything out and rick warren has this great phrase he says it like this if it is to be it's up to me i want to tell you that's not true this morning that's not true wherever you are in your world right now however you're feeling that is not true but then elijah goes a further step he then starts praying to god negatively he's talked himself into such a state that look how he's praying he's praying to the god who gives life to kill him and take it away elijah faced all kinds of problems i can see that he's exhausted he's fearful he's lonely he's disappointed he's full of self-pity classic symptoms of what today we would call stressed stressed out burnt out worn out am i speaking to anybody like that today are you tired of running and running but never getting anywhere you know what but god hears him god hears him and how does he answer and this is really one i want us to focus on today god writes a self-care prescription plan for elijah which is the same prescription plan he would write for you today if you were sitting in a gp's office with him exactly the same and it may not be what we think so let's get back to the story one kings 19 picking it up in verse six and all at once an angel touched him and said get up and eat he looked around and there by his head with some bread baked over hot coals and a jar of water he ate and drank and then lay down again the angel of the lord came back a second time and touched him and said get up and eat for the journey's too much for you so he got up and ate and drank strengthened by that food he traveled 40 days and 40 nights until he reached horeb the mountain of god there he went into a cave and spent the night so what's the first thing on god's prescription list today for us sleep and nourishment i can sleep and eat can you sleep and eat listen this is this is tick one if we can sleep and eat we can journey home god saw elijah's exhaustion and understood why he was feeling that way and when we feel exhausted i've got less control over my emotional state worry grips me harder temptations seem to be harder to overcome but notice what god doesn't do he doesn't say just get over yourself elijah will you start will you pull yourself together when you stop wallowing in your own self-pity look at what you've done look at what you've just done and now you're feeling like this what's the matter with you get up off your lazy backside and get on with the job doesn't say that but neither does he say it's going to be okay elijah just come on give us a hug it'll be okay cheer up a bit we'll have a few jokes on the few like he doesn't do that either what does he do he gives elijah sleep food then more sleep and more food every problem can be partly resolved by a proper diet and a good night's sleep can it we all know that we need the right balance of physical mental and spiritual things to flourish but we forget those things and we find ourselves running on empty so quickly and things can often look better after a good night's sleep and a good meal or two but we can become so consumed by something that we end up neglecting our basic needs we end up neglecting our basic needs and you might not be even aware that you're doing it today you might be going through the motions of eating and sleeping but maybe maybe your meals are rushed or they're not as healthy as they should be you've had takeout four times this week or how many of you are skipping meals maybe you forget breakfast on the way out or maybe lunch is that thing that you call lunch but really your desk frantically typing away and shoving a sandwich in your mouth or maybe you're drinking lots of coffee or or monster energy jinx drinks to make up for that lack of sleep you've had listen that's a recipe for disaster over time like elijah we can get caught up in that cycle of running and running and running and never stopping but never really getting anywhere either we get so exhausted i can get so exhausted that i forget why i was originally motivated to do that thing in the first place and then i start wondering what the point of it all is anyway so why don't we address it why don't i address it we can have a tendency to feel guilty about taking time out to look after ourselves the bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made so it follows that we should we should place a high value on looking after ourselves well but we don't and in today's world being constantly busy can seem just unavoidable so making the time to care for yourself requires intentional focus intentional focus you need to take time aside maybe plan your meals take some exercise take some rest enjoy that hobby or two it's okay have a quiet time some time alone with god that could mean that some of us some of you watching today need to consciously shift your priorities a little and i just want to say something here and i really felt prompted to put this in when i was preparing for this this week some of us may be really fortunate to have somebody in our lives who picks up the pieces what do i mean picks up those pieces when we forget to look after ourselves you know that person that friend that partner you know part of your family that person that reminds you about that appointment you've got to be at today that drags you away from your computer at 2 a.m in the morning that makes sure you're not just eating junk food they're a real blessing aren't they but boy can i take them for granted what i don't notice is that they're spending time looking after things that i should be taking care of myself and that sounds really harsh but with some things if i just prioritize better had a little bit more self-awareness i could carry that burden myself because neglecting ourselves so that someone else has to do the hard work is beneficial to nobody ultimately i bear the responsibility for my own self care and i can justify overlooking it because i'm too busy helping i'm too busy serving i'm too busy working but if serving others comes at the expense of my own health i'm no use to anybody and ephesians 2 verse 10 says that we are god's handiwork that's you watching today right where you are that's you in the room if you're here you are worth taking care of and actually you need to take care of yourselves so that you can help other people and those others you are helping deserve the very best version of you that you can be so sleep and food we can do that never make a decision when you're tired sleep on it that's your physical self-care back to the story and the word of the lord came to him what are you doing here elijah he replied i've been very zealous for the lord god almighty the israelites have rejected your covenant they've torn down your altars and they've put your prophets to death with the sword i'm the only one left and now they're trying to kill me too what's happening here the second thing on god's prescription list he allows us to vent god allowed elijah to repeatedly vent his frustrations and angst and when we do this i've got to be honest we tend to exaggerate our problems was that a bit hurt we do we exaggerate elijah i'm the only one he can't get the picture right ever been that tied you can't think straight elijah makes it sound like it's the whole world against him and it's one woman now that one woman may seem like the whole world elijah is listening to his feelings rather than the facts i feel it therefore it must be true do you know i have to remind myself loads of times that my emotions can lie you know my feelings can lie to me they're unreliable they're unreliable and you might feel right where you are today that god isn't very close to you here's the truth god is just as close to you right now as he is when you feel close to god the truth will change you not your feelings but god allows elijah to vent his feelings and that's a start and god wasn't shocked without elijah felt you know god doesn't fall off his throne if i tell him how i'm feeling when we can express our emotions and our feelings it helps reduce our emotions that are going on and swirling around on the inside of us to more tangible thoughts and words and then i can start to identify exactly what i'm feeling and thinking revealing your feeling is the beginning of healing revealing your feeling is the beginning of healing and somebody once said this to me and it's always stuck with me that any area of my life that i can't talk about is out of control and when they said that to me i bulked a little bit at it but i went away and thought about that and you might not agree with that statement but i found it to actually be true that if i can't talk about it i'm probably not managing it very well if i can't talk about it i'm probably not managing it very well so i need to learn to vent upwards to god though as well as outwards the people around us face your frustration talk to god god will listen until you run out of words and then some that's the start of our emotional self-care back to the story verse 11 the lord said go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the lord for the lord's about to pass by and then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the lord but the lord wasn't in the wind and after the wind there was an earthquake but the lord wasn't in the earthquake after the earthquake came of fire but the lord wasn't in the fire and after the fire came a gentle whisper and when elijah heard it he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave what's the third part of his self-prescription plan his own still small voice and the ultimate answer you know to when we find life is hitting us hard and draining us is that we need to rediscover and refocus on god and god said to elijah what are you doing here it wasn't because he didn't know the answer and horeb was another name for mount sinai and and if you you know about that mountain that's where moses received the ten commandments from god many many many years before when we're feeling far away or disconnected from god it can be good to make our way back to where we've met god in the past where we felt close to him in better times back to a place where we know god can be found where is that for you where is that for you and i think that's why elijah was at horeb because god's presence had been there so powerfully in the past and maybe he just knew that god would be there but when we find ourselves in these circumstances when i find myself in these circumstances i often disconnect even more i isolate even more and i want to urge you today if you haven't read your bible or spoken to god for a while start again if you haven't been part of your connect group for a while you've not you know tuned in and zoomed for a while go again this week if you aren't part of one yet start a conversation to join if you've stopped connecting with church as often as you did whether online or never the opportunity to join us in the room do it watch it self-care we're stronger together we are stronger together and god told elijah to go out and stand on the mountain and god puts on this amazing you know pyrotechnic show me you know bonfire displays have nothing on what god probably showed elijah that day he sent three noisy things which didn't contain god as presence but then a fourth more quiet one did and even though god invited elijah at the beginning to go out and see do you remember he said go out and stand on the mountain elijah didn't go until the fourth thing came when he wrapped his face in his mantle in his cloak and he went out to the mouth of the cave why is that important to know because this was a common jewish reaction that whenever you thought you might be in the presence of god you wrapped your cloak around you elijah knew god was in that whisper no detail is written in the bible for nothing everything has a purpose if we'll only look for it and that's the start of our spiritual self-care so just coming to the end of the story lord said to him go back the way you've come go to the desert of damascus and when you get there anointed zeal king over aram anoint jehu son of nimshi king over israel and anoint elisha son of shafak from abel mahola to succeed you as prophet jehu will put to death any who escape the sword of his ale and elijah will put to death any who escaped the sword of jihoo yet i reserved seven thousand in israel all whose knees have not bowed down to baal and whose males have not kissed him this is the incredible thing about what god does he brings a renewal of purpose and reassurance god gives elijah a whole new set of assignments nothing helps us overcome discouragement and make us feel like we're um we're burning on all cylinders again like rediscovering purpose and purpose isn't a destination purpose is a journey we are on with god and i've never arrived and things are never as bad as they may appear where god's concerned elijah insisted twice twice that he was the only surviving worshiper of god and god told him he was one among seven thousand you know i've often found that whenever i have one of my own little pity parties god usually shows up in another person who seems who is having a much more difficult problem in their life which gives my problem some more perspective renews my purpose reassures me and then finally what does he do he's not finished with elijah yet he gives him a friend he gives him a friend the lord gave the solitary isolating elijah a best friend elisha elisha shared the load and the healthy life tries to keep its relationships and friendships healthy as well if you've got worries if you've got fears if you're feeling exhausted if you're struggling today please tell somebody tell somebody so pulling this all in what i'm actually encouraging you to do today you know am i speaking to anybody who just wants to pull the duvet covers up over the head um you know you feel like the pile of things you've got mounting up is so hard that you're never going to get to the top of it are you feeling physically emotionally or spiritually exhausted god has a self-care recovery plan for you with those four elements totally covered in it first get your physical act together maybe you need to rearrange your schedule that you get a better bit earlier get some more rest then do the emotional talk about what you're feeling tell god how it really feels for you today tell a friend if you're part of life central church and you're part of a connect group tell your connect group leader maybe work out what or even who drains you listen not everybody everybody fills my tank some people are draining some experiences we go through are draining we need to make sure that we've got more going in than we've got coming out who does that for you who could you call today that would just give you a right laugh on the phone you know those people that come to mind straight away then then you can start to refocus and re-center on god so where might you be spiritually empty today let's just take a moment let's breathe let's pause let's relax and let's just check this video out for the next few moments quiet your mind and listen carefully with your whole heart take a deep breath in hold it now breathe out jesus says in matthew chapter 11 come to me all who are weary and burdened and i will give you rest [Music] deep breath in hold it now breathe it out jesus didn't say you might find rest or that somehow you'll find rest as you wander aimlessly through this life he said come to me and i will give you rest i will give you rest it's a promise he goes on to tell us that he is gentle and that in him our very souls will find rest [Music] breathe in hold breathe out you can take jesus at his word you can choose to take all your cares and worries anxiety and pain habits and hurts and give them to jesus are you restless are you weary and worn out if given the opportunity could today be that day of rest as you breathe in and breathe out remember that jesus is patiently waiting for you to come to him bringing everything that's weighing you down jesus is waiting to give you rest [Music] if given that opportunity could today be your day of rest well i'm going to give you that opportunity god will constantly give you that opportunity bro i'm gonna give you that opportunity right now right now because if we sort out this self-care thing if we take responsibility for looking after our souls we start to gain a bit of awareness of where we might be pushed to our limits at times you know what areas do you need to start keeping a watchful eye over and then i can also start to have a clearer picture of where i can get help then a bit where i i may need to talk to my friends and my family [Music] because what i want to do is get to the point where i can be more aware of where i can help others too because that's what we call as christians kingdom living this is how god intended community to work but none of this really works out at all you know if i don't get my own house in order first so i want to ask you one question one question where do i need a hand up so i'm able to stretch your hand out where do i need a hand up so i'm able to stretch your hand out and i just want to pray for you right now if that's you in the rumor of that's you right where you are today right in your living room or wherever you're listening to this in your car you're driving i just want to pray for you right now and jesus you know how tired i am you know how one i how worn out i am you know how weary i feel you know how my emotions are you know how often i just feel i just can't do this anymore but i get up tomorrow when i do it again but god i want to say to you this today that i need your help i need you to restore my soul would you help me to take the next step that i need to take today help me to get the rest i need help me to spend time with you help me to talk to you about my feelings and my frustrations help me to get back into this community if i feel myself disconnecting [Music] help me find my small group my connect group so i can have support so that then i can give myself to helping others i acknowledge today lord that i need a hand up because i want to be able to stretch your hand out amen so what's your next step today is it to make that doctor's appointment is it to put vegetables back on your menu is it to send that email off to start that conversation is it to go back to your connect group this week and as we come to sing our last song together whatever it is that you know that you know that you've been neglecting about yourself and remember this is about you and only you it's time to tackle it it's time to tackle it because it's time to look after the you that god has made you to be so you can do the good works that god has called you to do let's sing this last song and connect with him [Music] overwhelmed by the weight of your sins jesus is calling have you come to the end of yourselves do you jesus is calling the precious blood of jesus christ leave behind your regrets and mistakes come today there's no reason to wait jesus bring your sorrows and trade them for joy from the ashes a new life was born jesus is calling [Music] forgive blood of jesus christ [Music] the precious blood of jesus [Music] christ oh what a savior [Applause] isn't he wonderful sing hallelujah christ is risen [Music] bow down before him for he is sing hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] foreign the precious blood of jesus christ jesus christ [Music] they cross as you wait for the crown tell the world of the treasures you [Music] found i i don't know about you but i think that was so rich today and um i know there's some of us in the room here experiencing that and many many of you out there are experiencing that as well but maybe you've got questions still maybe questions about the christian faith maybe you think i'm not so sure about this and you you connected on youtube um or you've connected on later because of this subject matter maybe you think i'm just not so sure about the whole christian faith we want to invite you into a space where you can ask as many questions as you want and we run something here called alpha we run it online so it doesn't matter where you are in the world you can connect in with us and here's the information that's coming up on the screen and you can go to our website or if you're in the uk you can text to 60 triple seven lcc alpha and then your name 60777 lcc alpha and then your name and then we will contact you again and uh you know that gives you an opportunity to take maybe your next step but i know for many of us if we are followers of jesus we've been challenged today haven't we to take our next step and i'd encourage you to do that um you know we um last week introduced a song to you which we wanted to bring back again as we finish and wrap up our time and at the end of this song if you're watching online you're going to go into the studio with andy and laura but you know this is a great song and it talks about battles and i think elijah felt that he didn't only had lost the battle i think he felt that he'd lost the war in that moment but you know the reality is we do as followers of jesus we do lose some battles but we never lose the war because actually because we follow someone who who who has defeated everything and has never ever lost a battle and because jesus has never ever lost a battle when we lose a battle we know we'll never lose the war and so this is a great song which just reminds us that jesus has never lost the battle and i don't know how you're feeling today but as we as we sing this song as we worship god with this song let it lift your spirit but let it not just leave what jaina said here in this room or here online take your next step that's so important and you know i think as we take that next step every battle we fight we can fight it with him the one who has never ever lost a battle let's celebrate [Music] [Music] um [Music] lazarus and your voice is calling me [Music] [Music] again you can do all things you can do all things but fail cause you never lost the battle no you never lost the battle and i know i know everything's possible by the power of the holy ghost [Music] [Music] god can do all things i know i know [Music] you never will [Music] i know you can do
Channel: LifecentralChurchUK
Views: 5,739
Rating: 4.7714286 out of 5
Keywords: church, meaning, purpose, life, calling, motivation, happiness, lifestyle, Jesus, God
Id: nHqfoL_0fgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 58sec (3598 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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