How Do Louisiana Farmers Use 8,3 Million Acres Of Farmland And 31,300 Farms - American Farming

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foreign s today we are going  to the U.S state of Louisiana   to see how farming and livestock work here agriculture is one of Louisiana's most important  industries ranking in the top three along with   petrochemicals and tourism according to USDA  statistics at the beginning of 2022 there are   about 31 000 operating farms in Louisiana with the  total area of about 8.3 million Acres accounting   for 29 of the state's land area [Music] currently  operations on farms in Louisiana are mainly   growing corn sugarcane rice raising cattle pigs  and poultry in addition the state is also famous   for catching some seafood species such as shrimp  oysters and crabs each year the Louisiana shrimp   industry creates approximately 15 000 jobs and  contributes 1.4 billion dollars in state revenue we are currently on a pig farm in Southwestern  Louisiana here more than 200 pigs are raised   on a free-range Farm they are free to dig into  the ground and play in a large protected area it is estimated that there are about 175  pig farms in Louisiana that are raising pigs   this way the number of pigs raised on the  free range in this state is about 4 000. every day hundreds of pigs at this  Farm will be herded into the forest   next to the farm to freely feed here  they can eat some grass and nuts   in addition farmers will also bring pellets  to the place to supplement the diet of pigs most of the feed used for pixia is corn soybeans  and a mixture of sweet potato flour therefore   the quality of pork on these Farms is always  much higher than that of pigs kept in a barn according to statistics in 2021 there are  about 63 000 pig farms of various sizes   operating in the United States of which Iowa  is the state with the largest number of pig   farms in the country with about 5 700 Farms  this translates to about 24 million heads foreign Peak Farms there are also about 680 other pig  farms operating in Louisiana of various sizes in recent years in the United States there have  always been about 2 700 pig slaughter facilities   in operation and an average of about 1100 pigs  are slaughtered every hour across the country   it is estimated that around 120 to 130 million  pigs are slaughtered across the country each year   and the average annual pork  production is about 25 million pounds   contributing 57 billion dollars  to the country's GDP [Music]   this is a free raised Chicken Farm  located west of New Orleans in Louisiana   there are about 350 hens raised here  for the purpose of harvesting eggs   just like the pig farm in the beginning of  the video every morning hundreds of chickens   at this Farm are also released into the pasture  to freely dig for insects and supplement forage the freedom to forage on a large pasture means  most of the food is derived from nature making   the quality of eggs at these chicken farms highly  appreciated and they are almost always sold out in addition to foraging on their  own in the pasture the chickens at   this Farm are also supplemented with  other Foods mainly corn and cereals even the leftovers from human meals  will be used to feed the chickens [Music]   according to the Louisiana Agricultural Center in  2021 there are about 1500 active chicken farms in   the state and only about eight percent of them  are free-range Farms in recent years the average   amount of chickens produced in Louisiana has  fluctuated between 870 and 890 million pounds   and the state's revenue from the chicken  industry is about 780 million dollars annually   according to USDA statistics in 2021 in the  United States there are around 233 000 active   chicken farms and only 1.7 percent of them are  free-range chicken farms most chickens raised the   United States are raised in factory farms with  absolutely no access to the outdoors [Music] goodbye livestock Farms we will now go  to the sugarcane fields of Louisiana   to see how the process of cultivating and  harvesting millions of tons of sugarcane happens the end of July is usually the time when sugarcane  planting takes place in most fields in Louisiana   according to statistics in 2021  in Louisiana there are about 403   000 Acres of Farmland used to grow  sugar cane and this is the state   with the second largest sugar cane  area in the country after Florida today the majority of Louisiana's sugarcane  Farms are concentrated in the southern part   of Point Coupe County the area of sugarcane  grown in this County accounts from about 22   percent of the cane growing area of the  state most of the sugarcane varieties   currently grown in Louisiana take about  11 to 13 months to be harvested [Music]   July to October every year is  the time when millions of tons   of sugarcane is ready to be harvested  in 2021 cane production in Louisiana   is 13.3 million tons and Cane production in  Florida is about 17.3 million tons [Music] after harvesting thousands of tons  of sugarcane will be poured into   these wagons before being transported  to the Sugar Factory thank you foreign exterior view of a sugar mill in Louisiana currently in Louisiana there are 11 operating  Sugar factories and the annual production in this   state is about 1.5 million tons accounting for  20 of the country's cane sugar production [Music] in addition to the vast sugarcane  Fields Louisiana's agriculture is   also famous for its rice fields currently  this state ranks third among the states with   the largest rice production in the country  leading the list are Kansas and California according to data reported in 2019 in  Louisiana there are 425 000 Acres of   Farmland used for Rice cultivation and the number  of active rice farms in this state is 823 Farms each year the United States produces  21 billion pounds of rice and about   55 of it is consumed domestically with the  remainder exported to 120 other countries   in addition the rice industry generates  about 34 billion dollars a year in the   United States and provides  about 125 000 jobs [Music]   farewell to the farms on the mainland of  Louisiana we will now go into the waters   to see how the process of catching  millions of shrimp here is done   every day these fishermen will sail into the sea  about 70 miles from the mainland to catch shrimp these are recreational shrimp fishes who use  trolls they're about 16 to 25 feet in length   and are limited to no more than 250  pounds of shrimp per day per boat   although the Nets yield a lot of fish all of these  fish will be used to feed the seagulls the main   aim of these fishermen is shrimp and crab for many  years now Louisiana has always been the state with   the largest shrimp production in the country with  about 110 million pounds caught each year [Music]   in addition to shrimp crayfish is also a species  that is widely farmed and caught in Louisiana   currently Louisiana is always leading in  the country in terms of crayfish production   an estimated 125 million pounds of  crayfish are harvested here each year   after the crayfish are dumped out of  this trap the fishermen will continue   to bait the Trap and put them under the  water to prepare for the next Harvest [Music] currently in Louisiana there are about 1   000 crayfish fishermen and  about 1 300 crayfish farmers after transporting millions of  crayfish will be placed in these   mesh bags and transported to the processing plant [Music] hello my friends today we will continue to  the farms in the United States to see how the   Harvest of thousands of tons of vegetables  and fruits happens here in the 2022 crop   and in the later part of the video  we'll go to some U.S Waters to see   how the fishing of certain species happens [Music]   according to USDA forecasts due to the impact of  climate change agricultural production in 2022 in   the United States could be reduced by about seven  percent compared to 2021. however for many Fruit   and Vegetable Farms on a large scale the 2022  crop is still considered a Bountiful Harvest [Music]   the first place we will visit is a sweet  potato farm in Johnston County North Carolina   the end of August to November is when about  5 000 workers flocked to sweet potato farms   in North Carolina to harvest and about 35  percent of them are a legal immigrant workers the Harvest workers job is to pick up the  sweet potatoes and fill these small buckets next the sweet potatoes will be loaded onto  the truck and for every bucket of sweet   potatoes these workers will receive a small  cut to receive money at the end of the day in recent years the production of sweet potatoes  harvested in North Carolina has always exceeded   the production of sweet potatoes in any other  state in the country [Music] according to   statistics in 2021 the sweet potato growing  area in North Carolina is about 46 000 acres   and the yield is about 771 000 tons accounting  for 43 of the country's sweet potato production   in addition to North Carolina California  and Mississippi there are also two states   with large sweet potato growing  areas in the United States [Music]   we are currently at a table grape Farm in  California [Music] every August to November   is the time when tens of thousands of workers  flock to California's grape Farms to harvest   California's Vineyards are also home to the  largest number of Migrant workers in the country   it is estimated that more than 93 000 immigrant  workers work on Vineyards in California each year billions of grapes will be cut and  those that do not qualify will be   discarded before packaging can take place  at this Farm the amount of grapes that are   dropped and discarded during the  Harvest is about 17 to 20 percent   for those who like to eat grapes this is  a huge amount of grapes wasted [Music]   according to a USDA report in 2021 the total  area under viticulture in California is about 900   000 Acres accounting for 95 percent  of the country's great growing area   annually the state also produces about 5.9 million  tons of grapes with a value of 5.2 billion dollars   not only is it the state with the largest  fresh grape production in the Country   California is also a state with Raisin production  accounting for 98 of the nation's production third place we will visit in this  video is a Cherry Farm in Washington   between April and the end of July  every year is the time when about 21   000 workers flocked to Cherry  Farms across the country to harvest currently the United States has  about 115 000 acres of land used   to grow cherries mainly in States like  Washington California Michigan and Oregon   although they are often labeled simply as  cherries at the grocery store there are more   than one thousand different varieties  of cherries grown in the United States feelings of cherries we picked and placed  in those plastic buckets and for each bucket   filled with cherries a worker here will receive  a salary of four dollars on average they earn   about 70 to 90 dollars a day after eight hours  of work according to statistics in 2021 Cherry   production in the United States is 266 000 tons  and brings in a value of 523 million dollars   Washington is the leading state in the country  in terms of cherry production with about 164   000 tons followed by California with  59 000 tons and Oregon with 43 000 tons once harvested billions of cherries  are sent to the factory to be packaged   and processed into other products  such as canned cherries or juice next we will go to a broccoli Farm in California   to see how the process of harvesting  tens of tons of broccoli happens here currently in California 119  000 acres of land is used to   grow broccoli accounting for 90 percent  of the country's broccoli growing area broccoli is harvested on all  farms in the United States by   hand because there are no Harvesters  currently available for this vegetable   these workers will cut the broccoli and fill  the bucket they carry behind their backs   every year about 4 000 workers come to  California to work on Broccoli Farms after the buckets are loaded the  broccoli is poured into plastic   trays and sent to the factory for Packaging this is what happens at a packaging plant   here broccoli will be sorted by size and  packaging will also depend on the order [Music] foreign next we will go to the Waters of Alaska to see how  the process of catching thousands of halibut works initially this farmer would hook the bait to  the fishing line and release them into the sea   each hook will be spaced  about five to six feet apart   and in each drop around 300  hooks will be used foreign [Music] after about two hours after the  hooks were released into the sea   about 4.7 million pounds of halibut are  caught each year in Alaska and most of the   halibut fishing is done by individual  small boats once caught this Vision   will use a knife to kill the flounder before  transferring them to the boat's tank [Music] the last place we will visit in this video is  the Waters of Louisiana here hundreds of tons   of oysters will be harvested to move to a new  farming site for many years now Louisiana has   always been the state with the largest oyster  production in the country the annual production   of oysters harvested in this state accounts  for about 63 percent of the national production after these oysters have been harvested they  will be transferred to other boats and they   will be continually raised to the new waters for  about a year before being officially exported this is how these fishermen transfer all of their  newly purchased oysters into the waters under   their jurisdiction it takes about two hours to  transfer all the oysters on this boat to the Sea
Channel: Tony 98 - Discovery
Views: 2,188,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, harvesting, agriculture, agricultural, farmland, farm, louisiana agriculture, louisiana farm, american farm, documentary, farming documentary, harvest, cultivation, farm life, agriculture technology, modern agricultural technology, #tony98discovery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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