How do I spend time with God? • Spiritual Practices: Solitude & Silence • Jon Thompson

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[Music] well welcome to week 4 in our ongoing learning and growing in the spiritual practices now today we're gonna dive into two new major practices maybe you've heard about them maybe you haven't solitude in silence now some of you're going oh god please please give these to me as a gift I was talking to a mother at our Port Perry site and she's now homeschooling five children and as I was on the phone with her she said I have never been attracted or wanting solitude in silence in my life but me and my husband have decided we want them and we want them now we just might leave and ask God for these gifts if you're on the online chat you might want to start putting amen or clapping hands because oh my goodness she's like get me out of here I just want some silence and some solitude I was joking with some of our staff the day I was finishing writing the sermon that I would probably never experience these even if I wanted to during this ongoing moment after I said that the day got even more crazy something burned upstairs the fire alarm went off and we barely got the call in to the alarm group so they didn't call the police over the fire fire station to help us cuz we didn't need it and then my daughter's Xoom crashed as she was trying to work with her tutor and then the puppy Augustine who's the new addition to our family started playing with a glass upstairs knocked it and it fell all the way downstairs and smashed into a thousand pieces and then tried eating the glass so we were trying to prevent that and if that's not enough then the day ended by my son being on the deck and getting the largest splinter I have ever seen in my life it took two hours maybe 2 hours and 20 minutes to get out in periods and I swear the police were gonna come at the end of the day to because he was screaming so loud as we were taking out I thought a neighbor thought we were gonna be like murdering our child so that's the day that I was trying to finish a sermon on solitude Oh in silence that was my day what about yours let's talk about reality beyond today pre Cova and even during Cova and some of you will be listening to this message years later post Ovid our culture swims in the opposite direction of these two spiritual practices let's just let the facts speak the average person sees about three million people in their lifetime and will interact and remember about three thousand we tend to during normal periods have about twelve social interactions per day lots of faces lots of people and now of course with Google Hangouts and zoom we are actually probably interacting with more people and psychologists are now telling us that it's actually taking a greater toll on us because we have to focus more on a screen the average North American has 30 conversations a day and here's something we will spend 1/5 of our life talking 1/5 of your whole life you'll be doing what I'm doing right now in one year the average person their conversations would fill 66 books at 800 pages a book that means 52 thousand eight hundred pages of conversation you're gonna do in one year if you're a man the average a word count is 20,000 a day if you're a woman it's thirty thousand a day and then let's go to technology more than 4.5 billion people are on the internet starting in 2020 active social media use has passed the 3.8 billion mark 60 percent or nearly 60 percent of the world's population is now online and trends say that by the middle of 2020 half of the world's population will be using social media across the globe in all the different cultures social media is access to about two and half hours a day across about eight to twelve different social networks and messaging apps Facebook Instagram snapchat tik-tok to name a few but as the age gets younger the stats go higher the average eight to twelve year old in America spends about four hours and 44 minutes a day on a screen that was in 2019 now with your 13 to 18 they used entertainment social media for an average of ready seven hours and twenty-two minutes each day in 2019 and when you look at the studies connected to adults they're not far behind oh and then the crisis that I'm living through and you're living through right now hit which one person said is a workaholics dream slash nightmare all rolled into one and so we have less or more interactions depending on who you are so now this older quote really comes home modern people modern man is a little afraid of being alone and being still because we're afraid to know ourselves we actually find difficulty in knowing than one another because we don't know how to withdraw into ourself we find it hard to fully go out to other people now as we come to these very counter cultural practices they're intertwined by the way some of us by personality let's just admit it we love these but remember you who love these you've got to have this in your mind the goal is to meet with God not to just be with yourself or or be introverted if that's how God has created you or to escape other people it's fine by the way that some of you love these but don't call them spiritual practices holy habits spiritual disciplines when you're not meeting with God it's just your personality others of us hate them and it sort of goes against how we are created more as extroverts or Community Connection people and we never want to do them but we are also called in to them for freedom and encounter so welcome to the conversation about solitude and silence and like I just shared much of our fast-paced culture rises against this yet as people are becoming more disenfranchised with the Western story in the secular story many are starting to rediscover these practices yet the question always for us as Christians is who are you meeting in these moments when you practice these holy habits see this is not about self-help this is not some avenue for self-realization the purpose is not self-discovery or the encounter to get healed through pain etc though those are byproducts and find this is not a bad encounter with you or the universe or some higher power or no this the goal here is to encounter the true only living God found in Jesus by the Holy Spirit now talking about the Holy Spirit as we get going here one of his fruit the fruit of the Spirit is intertwined between these two practices it's the act or the fruit of patience or the act of waiting think about all the times that God's people over their lifetime had to wait Daniel Lions Den Noah Ark Paul prison Moses wilderness solitude silence waiting and patience have always marked those who walk with God the closest wow talk about countercultural going against the grain of our own natures and our own culture years ago someone was introduced introduced interviewing a spiritual formation writer about this very question and he focused in on the patience and the waiting part he says like why do you do it and what's the purpose and it doesn't it seem like a waste of time and this is how the person responded there is a cultural myth that waiting is doing nothing oh let me say that again there is a cultural myth especially in North America that waiting is doing nothing second waiting they said is the most important thing a person can do third if you can't learn to wait and be still you cannot hear what God wants you to do in your life Wow so here's the question I mean lots of us listening are seekers and skeptics and we're trying to understand the Christian faith so that's one perspective some of us are brand-new Christians and trying to understand how to walk in this relationship but many of us listening have been Christians for years and years and this is not our practice at all so so why no matter who you are in those categories are another one why do most of us not want to experience silence or solitude let alone silence and the solitude to encounter God himself well there are lots of reasons some obvious some not now the first is this it's the fear of being alone time and time again when there are surveys done globally within the top three fears being alone has always brought up and these practices we think will plunge us into one of our deepest fears so we avoid them but right here in this moment were then confronted by Jesus and His Word I mean do you actually believe that Jesus said he will never leave us or forsake us see if you're a Christian you actually are never truly alone and we don't need to be afraid of solitude and silence because when we sit in these he's still there right even more when you get serious about silence or commit to purposeful solitude things deeply hidden within us suddenly come to the surface quite unexpectedly when all the noise and all the distractions go away there's a real fear among a lot of us of what might be discovered guilt brokenness fear things that happen to you you don't want to face or things you did you don't want to talk about or things done to you the list goes on and on when you go quiet for real you're left with you and what's in you sometimes there are and I've experienced this very disturbing emotions that come up when we do these practices that we don't want to face like terror or panic or or hatred see if you're always talking if you're always with people are always online are always watching are always scrolling and always on the move and always stimulated there's always music in the background and you've always got something in your ears then you will never have to face pain or history or sin you will never be able to sit with the one who could make you free encourage you or direct you I mean this is what David wrote so long ago actually connected to quite a dangerous and violent moment in some 46:10 be still and know that I am what God notice again just like we learned about prayer silence and solitude are other centric encounter with God not encounter with yourself and as you encounter him as you become still and know he is God all the stuff we suddenly face could be healed and put in his proper place now Jesus is the ultimate example of this time and time again Jesus was true if you read the Gospels he does it 45 times and he withdraws and he prays and amazingly if you really do that your homework you'll find out that Jesus just before almost every major event he's alone praying and then the thing happens or the thing happens and then he goes away and prays so right when he's 30 he's baptized we've talked about this before what's the first thing he does he goes in solitude and silence and what he prays and then his ministry started it's amazing in the very first chapter of Mark which is sort of the earliest biography of Jesus we see this right up front mark 1:35 very early in the morning well it was still dark Jesus got up Jesus left the house he went off to a solitary place where he what prayed he's alone praying in the Gospels and then he chooses the twelve disciples Jesus sends out the twelve disciples they come back so excited that he says to him by the way isn't that awesome you should now go away and rest and be quiet when Jesus hears about his cousin's death John the Baptist he goes away into the hills alone after he feeds the 5,000 he goes away again at the Mount of Transfiguration he takes up Peter James and John to mentor them in this solitude and silence experience and just before Jesus is about to be executed and betrayed where is he well he's alone in the Garden of Gethsemane what praying the pattern is clear Jesus like we say around here all the time at Sanctus church is not just our savior and not just our Lord but he's our model right so now let's stop and make the connection back to week 1 and if you were not with us please please I beg you to go back and listen to week 1 in the series Jesus chose not to do ministry out of his divinity between Christmas and Easter even though Jesus is the second person the Trinity He is God he's equal to the Father but he did this so he could model what a normal Christian life looks like remember one of those crucial verses right into the book of John John 5:19 I tell you the son can do nothing by himself he can only do what he sees his father doing whatever the father does the son does also so we asked this question remember in week 1 and we also dealt with this in the spiritual gift series how did Jesus hear what he was called to do since he was not using his godness though he remains God how did he see what God the Father was up to and the answer is he used what spiritual practices this is how he saw this is how he listened this is how he got permission and two of the most important habits Jesus is used is using in these moments is solitude and silence okay then you're like okay well how do you define this okay I love how one person said solitude one wrote is the creation notice you've got to create it of an open empty space in our lives by purposely abstaining from interaction with other human beings so we can be freed from competing loyalties and can be found by God see solitude isn't just time alone it's time alone with God the problem is never God's availability it's our availability and why why is this important let me repeat this if Jesus's whole ministry was permission-based only what the father tells me what to do if we can never listen then we will never know if we don't create quiet moments we can never be like Jesus see this discipline along with others is critical in hearing what God might be asking of you what God might be speaking over you what God might be wanting from you what God wants to encourage you with what God might want to free you from but you need to pair one with another Richard foster once wrote silence is the way we make solitude a reality silence one wrote is the closing off of our cells from sounds weather noise or music or words so we may better still the inner chatter and clatter of our noisy hearts and become increasingly attentive to God so if you want to be attentive to God in others if you're in a relationship with God through Jesus by the spirit if you want to be close to God if you want to hear God if you want to be healed by God if you want to be led by God if you just want to sit with God these two practices are critical but not only are they hard to do in our culture but if you begin to do them you'll experience more resistance not just from your home and not just from our culture itself and not just from your calendar or family or job but actually your own heart will resist this and actually Satan the kingdom of darkness will show up one of the second largest spiritual conflict moments in jesus' life other than the cross happens during an extended moment of silence and solitude and and I'd love you if you've got a Bible in any form today to turn to the book of Matthew Matthew 4 because Jesus well he is in solitude in silence interacts with the devil and it's important that we walk through the temptations he faced because when we do these things we'll face the same ones it says in Matthew 4:1 then Jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil there it is again there's Jesus's model and after fasting for 40 days and 40 nights Jesus was hungry obvious yes Jesus is fully God but he's also fully human and was vulnerable so Satan now comes oh and and who Satan again I love the description in John 8:44 Satan was a murderer from the beginning not holding to the truth there's no truth in him when he lies he speaks his native language for he is a liar and he is the father of what all lies so Satan now comes to the wilderness and Jesus would have been gone too tired and crack lips and parched and swollen tongue and smelling like exposure for 40 days he's vulnerable like the very first Adam in Eden Satan would use the same vehicles of temptation and the question is would the second Adam Jesus given like the first Adam see the temptations have not changed since the beginning what's given to Adam and Eve given to Jesus and given to us are exactly the same and the devil tempts Jesus just like he started with even Adam you could read about it in Genesis 3:6 remember Satan says to Eve oh you should go eat from the forbidden fruit and when Eve looks at it here's the description Genesis 3:6 when the woman saw the fruit of the tree was ready you can underline this good for food and next one pleasing to the eye underlined and desirable for here it is underlined gaining wisdom those three things are actually the temptation Eugene Peterson gives us great insight into this temptation one good for food sensual gratification the craving of the physical food drink sexual gratification central pleasure now again those things aren't wrong in themselves unless they cross the boundaries that God has said we can or cannot go to and or if they lead us to sin the second temptation pleasing to the eye is lust of the eyes it's wrong desire it's greed it's coveting it's envy it's jealousy it's wanting to go where you're not allowed it's trespassing it's to be captivated by the outward it's to live or die by what people say temptation three the fruit look good for gaining wisdom it's a legal knowledge you should be like God you can be God you should trust pass move him out so that's what was given to even Adam now watch this ready in the book of Matthew the tempter came to Jesus and said if you're the Son of God tell these stones to become bread there it is temptation one central gratification hey Jesus you're so hungry bread sure smells good and it would taste good and bread is good for you and God invented bread and you're so hungry come on it's okay to be hungry was not a sin or wrong and Jesus by the way had abilities to do great miracles but Satan's goal was to drive a wedge between God the Father and God the Son so he uses bread and hunger central gratification he wants ready Jesus to be alone and self-sufficient you don't need God's help you don't need God's power ready you don't need God's permission you just do it well jesus answered very interesting man does not live on bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of God Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 8:3 and he's quoting a moment where the people have been wandering for an extended period of time and they're in the wilderness now Jesus is in the wilderness and he's going to be the more faithful Israel watch this though Deuteronomy 8:3 God speaking to Israel he humbled you causing you to hunger then feeding you with manna which neither you nor your ancestors had known to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of God see God the Father gives the bread obedience to God the Father's will and waiting for him to give the thing over self-gratification what's the modern twist on this temptation what are you gonna face when you begin this journey well Henry now and put it best he says you'll be tempted to be relevant he writes the secular world around us is saying a lot we can take care of ourselves we don't need a church we don't need a priest we don't need God we're in control and if we're not we just need to work harder to get control the problem in culture is not like a faith it's lack of confidence but see there's a completely different story to tell under all the great accomplishes accomplishments of our time there's a deep current of despair well efficiency and control are the great aspirations of our society loneliness isolation like a friendship intimacy broken relationships boredom feeling the emptiness and depression and a deep sense of uselessness fill the hearts of millions of people in our success-oriented world and by the way isn't amazing that the Cova 19:00 pandemic has brought all of this to the surface even more well the devil is not done he now takes Jesus to Jerusalem in a vision like state verse 5 the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple so not just Jerusalem but to the temple he takes him to God's presence isn't that wild takes him to the footstool of heaven and earth he takes him to a holy place the most holy place to to tempt him to do the most unholy thing now I was in Israel I think six months ago or whenever it was and you can still see where the highest point of the temple is it's a hundred and eighty feet high so Satan and Jesus are standing and he says if you're the Son of God throw yourself down because the Bible says he'll command his angels concerning you and they will lift you up with their hands so you'll not strike your foot against a stone so watch this in the most holy place on earth the devil quotes the Bible Psalm 91 and actually not only quotes the Bible he also repeats the Jewish thinking of the day see rabbis in Jesus's day used to say this when the king the Messiah reveals himself he will come and stand on the roof of the temple so Satan says to Jesus by this action you'll prove who you are just go ahead and and do it see the second Avenue is lust of the eyes it's greed it's inappropriate desire or as one wrote it's to be spectacular you'll have the great applause Jesus the people will love you what a show you'll put on you you will have hundreds of thousands or millions of followers on Facebook and you'll be retweeted and loved and Instagram ever and we'll talk about you you deserve the show you are the show God shouldn't be the center of the show you should be you should be the center of attention you are the son of God right I love again when Henry now and said Jesus refused to be a stunt men he did not come to walk on hot coals or swallow fire put his hand in the lion's mouth to demonstrate he had something a sentient authentic the son of God can live only in a relationship of trust which needs no testing that's why Jesus is also written do not put the Lord God to a test to the test well Satan ups the ante now take some from one country one city one place in a vision like moment shows him the world which if you read the Bible he's called the god of this earth he says this is all mine so it takes Jesus to this high mountain and he says and he shows him by the way all the kingdoms of the world in all their splendor he says I'm gonna give all this to you if you will just bow down and worship Me all the color all the military all the food all the sexual pleasure in any direction all treasure all of physical reality the goal was to get Jesus to do this the wrong way this was an attack on his identity by tempting him to bypass his call God had already promised Jesus everything mean Psalm 2:7 I will proclaim the Lord's decree this is a messianic Psalm he said to me you're my son today I've become your father asked me and I will make the nation's your inheritance the ends of the earth will be your possession so the goal is to give the earth to Jesus but without the mission of the Cross and without the establishment of the church you can be king and powerful in control and self-made but you don't need to suffer you can just have it notice the verse just before the Great Commission when everything had been done right what does Jesus say in Matthew 20 and 18 all authority in heaven and earth has been taken by me I bought it no no given to me it had to be given under God the father's will not take him Jesus responds in verse 10 away from me Satan for it is wrists written worship the Lord your God and serve him only all this happens during solitude and silence so solitude and silence and the growing of patience through waiting are some of the most important holy habits you can practice and don't forget or at the heart of jesus's own life and work and the most significant work of jesus think about it overcoming satan the call of the twelve the feeding of the 5,000 the transfiguration where we see the full identity of jesus expressed the cross were all connected to these two holy habits it's okay why do them for reasons one encounter when we do these things we will sit with him be with him hear from him remember what we heard all the way back in week 1 let me say it again Philippians 4:12 Paul writes this incredible statement where he says I know what it is to be neat and I know what it is to have plenty I've learned the secret of being content in any and every situation whether well fed or hungry living in plenty or one wow I can do all things to Christ Jesus who gives me strength he says the secret of contentment with everything or nothing in the crazy or the boring in the isolation or the suffocation is Jesus himself in other words contentment is found in a person was Teresa of ávila that once wrote settle yourself in solitude and you will come upon him in yourself see that's true if you're a Christian that is absolutely true if you're Christian if you're repented of your sins you believe Jesus really died really physically rose from the dead that he's God in flesh he's the only way to salvation if you're born again if the Spirit of Jesus lives in you and you commit yourself to solitude and silence you will come upon Jesus within yourself yes but if you're not a Christian these practices that all the other ones will only take you to you or your pain or your history or your fear or will even take you to another force that you think might be divine but actually is not which is more scary and dangerous we do these practices after we get saved by trusting in Jesus but if you want to encounter Jesus and to imitate Jesus solitude and silence absolutely must be on the table reason too it deals with idolatry and sin these moments will begin to expose you and give you the chance with God and later his community to flush out and actually confront the ongoing temptations of relevance popularity wrong control and self-reliance if you want to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus and you don't want to grieve the spirit you want more of his work in your life well these will help you number number three it not only leads to transformation it leads to hearing these practices will give you a new capacity for discernment as you're alone with God you're gonna be able to discern in ways you never can when you're so busy and always on it's also essential for a prayer life to God as we were with God and hearing like Jesus did oh here's the fourth one and I haven't even brought this up could be a whole nother sermon but will at least begin it this way silence and solitude this specifically silence helps us tame our tongues Richard Foster said this is profound the tongue is a thermometer it gives us our spiritual temperature it also is our thermostat it regulates our spiritual temperature controlling of the tongue can mean everything James 1:19 my brothers and sisters take note of this everyone should be quick to listen slow to speak slow to become angry Psalm 141 3 set a guard over my mouth Oh Lord keep watch over the doors of my lips Ecclesiastes 5:2 do not be quick with your mouth do not be hasty in your heart out or anything before God God is in heaven we are on earth so let your words be few okay well let's say we're like yeah we're in what we're gonna try doing these when we have the chance how do I do them I mean for real like how do i do them especially in the culture that we live in well number one you don't have to become a monk to do these things I mean some of you might be called in to a monastic life that's fine but this is not the call for the average Christian and yet the average Christian is called in to these because we all can do what Jesus did so how do we do this well we live life well number one as I read all these different people they say find little moments of solitude there are more moments of solitude than you think get up just a little bit earlier with a cup of coffee when no one else is stirring and sit and you could have some solitude and maybe even some silence maybe go to bed a little bit later some of the best times I have in solitude is after I've cleaned the kitchen after the kids are bed in bed and I just take a moment in other words instead of just watching Netflix from 8:30 or 9:00 till 11:00 take 20 minutes out and just be involved in solitude or silence when things sort of get back to normal lots of us have solitude moments in the car when we're stuck in traffic that can be redeemed find little moments of solitude acknowledge them and redeem them number two find a place to keep going back to lots of people need routine so maybe there's a place in the park or maybe there's a place in your home lots of people that I talked to who do this have a chair like in their house there's that chair and that's where they go to do that thing find a place that someone consistent number three create moments of silence literally shut up when's the last time you literally were in your room and you shut off everything no music no humming in the back like nothing and just sat there for five minutes you'll be shocked how much is in your mind five minutes ten minutes choose not to talk for a day please tell your family if you choose to do that because this isn't sort of like sort of you know passive-aggressive moments I did this by the way for 24 hours once when I was in my undergrad at Bible College and I had a marker that people knew I was in being rude they knew I was practicing silence for day but not solitude and I couldn't believe what came up in my mind in that 24 hours and then some of you're like okay well if I start doing this a little bit what I actually do well you're gonna listen you're gonna find out how busy your mind is and here's one of the most important things when the bad stuff comes up when you suddenly are fearful or panicking or you get really angry or an image comes up or something comes instead of running from it or suppressing it say I'm giving this to you god I'm giving this to you God in other words start handing the stuff over if that cut starts appearing in your mind but give it to Jesus over time as you do this more things will be quieter here in this space this is when you begin to listen and read your Bible and pray these practices tie into the others they help lots of times when the rhythm is a little bit more normal and I'm working actually in this facility at lunch for 5 to 15 minutes I'll just walk in here and I'll sit here I'll be my by myself and I'll commit to solitude for 50 minutes just to listen just to pray and sometimes even to silence it's just a rhythmic way of doing this now to help us do this better we're gonna sort of point you to some resources on the chat and then connected to the podcast and and these are discovered in John Ortberg book the life you've always wanted which is an amazing book on spiritual disciplines for everyday normal people and and what he did in his section on solitude is he he pointed to two different things how to do this everyday and how to do this every year now in the everyday thing he just tells you how to review your day with God and so we'll post the book and maybe we'll be even even able to post the thing we'll see but it just shows you how to do this every day at the end of your day how to review your day with God in solitude and silence the other thing he points out though is we should do an extended solitude and silence moment probably once a year and and I love he he found this quote by a guy named Francis DeSales who was in the 1500s a Catholic bishop in Geneva in Switzerland and he uses the image of a clock from his generation but the the quotation is so helpful to an extended period he writes this he says there is no clock no matter how good it may be that doesn't need resetting remember this is his time period and rewinding twice a day once in the morning once in the evening in addition at least once a year it must be taken apart to remove the dirt clogging it straighten out all the parts repair those that are worn out in like manner every morning and every evening a person who really takes care of his heart must rewind it for God's service Wow more however he or she must often reflect on their condition in order to reform and improve it finally at least once a year they must take apart and examine every piece in detail that is every affection and every passion and order to repair whatever defects there might be and so his encouragement is once a year for 12 hours or 24 hours we should be going away and committing to a time of solitude and silence with God using other spiritual practices and again in John Ortberg book he actually outlines how to do that hour by hour for a whole day and it's an amazing simple way and we'll point you to that but I want to encourage you to begin small I want to encourage well first of all even before that understand that this is so fundamentally important solitude and silence are critical to prayer to Bible reading to hearing to being led solitude and silence are going to bring up so much of the hidden stuff we don't want to face but when we face it we can be free oh and the Holy Spirit won't be grieved oh and greater moves of the kingdom will happen solitude in silence can happen in short ways in 3-minute periods 5-minute periods 10-minute periods it can happen in half-an-hour periods and days so are you willing to begin are you willing to reorient your life to experience an experiment and are you willing to encounter so let's just take a moment and let's pray these things number one thanks Jesus for being our model thank you that you show us what it's like to walk with God in a perfect way again I pray for all sorts of people connecting with us who are seekers and skeptics and spiritual or or nothing and they're trying to understand the faith I just again pray that they would encounter you first so these disciplines actually become useful later for us who know you already I just number one pray that you Holy Spirit would be sent out and begin to seek and speak to those who would even be open and solitude and silence would begin to mark our church in bits and pieces and then in greater measure I pray you'd meet us when we do this and I and I pray that new rhythms would be built across our church so the encounters would grow and in those encounters we would only meet Jesus in his spirit and his word would have authority lastly I pray you just help us to do it help us to see the moments of solitude or silence or show us where the creation of them could be we're just so thankful for this grow us in this we ask in Jesus name and we all said together yeah amen so glad that you joined us today there are again never forget you can always reach out to us here there are people in the chat who want to pray with you we'll post resources every week as we do this and hopefully you'll begin to grow in this and let me just say especially for we who are listening to this sermon series in this moment realizing many of you might be listening years later some of us now actually have more time for solitude and silence and some of us don't but we should be looking for the moments let's look for the moments and then let's seize them together because remember Jesus is the source of contentment and we sit with him we can find it god bless you we'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: Sanctus Church
Views: 241
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Series - Spiritual Practices
Id: crnpleItlNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 22sec (2302 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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