How Do I Remain Calm & Stable in Tough Times?: Part 1: Subtitles English: BK Shivani

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Today people say very beautiful line They say that today, relationships are become so complicated. Earlier, relationships were easy. But these days relationships are becoming complicated. Is it relationship which have become complicated? Or? Complications or knots don't come in relationships Where do knots come? Here in the mind. Complications occur in the body, much later. First they get created here in the mind. If the knots are released from here Then it becomes easy to release the knots (complications) from the body. If the doctor releases the complications from the body But if we have not released complications from the mind Then the doctor tells us to take care, otherwise we will need to meet again after 4 or 5 years. Wont they say that? So we need to ask them that after you have already removed the clot You have removed the blockage Then why should we ever meet again? Because the doctor can remove the blockage only from the body But we have held on to the blockage here on the mind, for a very long time. And everything that we have held on to, here It is affecting our body. We were thinking about someone else And because of that, illness is getting created in our body So whenever such thoughts go on in the mind We need to lovingly counsel ourselves That because of them I should not harm... Whom should I not harm? I should not harm myself. It is only occasionally that big challenges come in our life. Our Sanskars are not created during big challenges. Sanskars get created based on what we repeatedly do everyday. Small scenes keep coming everyday. Some scenes are such that, they are fixed and they occur everyday. Simple example is the everyday traffic on road. Similarly you see that same pothole on the road, maybe for the last one year. But everyday as we cross the pothole, we create one thought about it. How many of you create a thought about that pothole everyday? We do. Look at the road, look at the government, look at the pot hole... They don't do anything about it... 5 to 10 thoughts are wasted just like that. And it happens daily. We need to think. Daily wastage of energy. About that road, about the traffic. If someone sounds the horn, we start creating thoughts about them. Everyday energy is getting wasted and we said it is normal. If there is a pothole we will obviously create thoughts about it. So the pothole was earlier only on the road. Somebody else would repair that pothole But looking at that pothole, we create a pothole here in our mind by repeatedly thinking about it... The first of all look at those scenes of life that come everyday. They come everyday and we know the tomorrow they will come again. Those scenes will come tomorrow isn't it? Generally there is one person at home who has a habit Of keeping everything very organised and neat. It feels as though no one lives in that house. That house will be so neat. Another family member will have a habit of keeping things here and there. Both these people are living together in the same house for the last 20 years or 25 years. And for all these 25 years everyday they will have a little discussion or argument about the topic of cleanliness. Does it happen or not? How many of you discuss daily about the same topic at home? This is important. It is necessary that the things which happen every single day We are already prepared isn't it? It is like that exam where we already know the question before-hand. Why should we fail over a question which we already know, as sure to appear? Why should we fail when we know it will happen? They had not kept it neatly yesterday also. Today also it is not properly kept. And we know that even tomorrow they will not keep it where it should be. All the effort that we waste in talking about it and thinking about it It actually needs lesser efforts for us to just pick it up and quietly keep it where it belongs. But if you actually ask them That you waste so much energy in discussing about the topic with them everyday Instead of it, why don't you just keep it in its place, yourself? They say I can definitely keep it. When I do so much at home, can't I keep that one thing in its place? But if I do that, then who will teach them how to be organised? That is why I don't do it myself. I tell them everyday. Our intention is very good. It's our family and it's our children so our intention is very pure. That we need to discipline them. But often, in the process of trying to discipline them Our own state of mind starts getting disturbed. Our energy is getting wasted continuously... Today let's just finish wasting energy in small scenes that occur everyday. Why? Because our energy is getting wasted in them And when there comes a slightly bigger situation in life We will not be able to face them. We will not be able to forget past incidents. We will not be able to forgive people. We will not be able to finish matters of the past. Instead of noticing people's specialties, we will be more focused on their faults and weaknesses. This is a sign of weakening of the soul. The other person might have 10 strengths and 2 weaknesses. But where does our attention go? When you visit a place, there might be 10 specialties and 1 fault. Instead of being thankful about those 10 specialties We will find some problem with that one thing We think about it and we speak about it And we deplete our inner power. While this goes on, if one day, suddenly a big challenge comes up in our life Do you think will have power left in us, to cross that challenging situation? We have reached such a stage these days, that if someone does not click Like on our post on social media We casually waste 5 thoughts early in the morning about them. How could they not like my post? How could they do it to me? I click Like on their post everyday... Now that they have not liked my post, from tomorrow I will not like theirs. Why should I? 3 to 4 thoughts were created just like that By creating such unnecessary thoughts scene after scene after scene... The mind has created a habit now of overthinking And when it overthinks, it creates wrong thoughts. Now look for one situation that will happen tomorrow, where you will tighten the tap (of thoughts). One situation. Raise your hand if you've chosen one situation. Your family member is sitting on the adjacent seat. If you look at each other raising hands now, tomorrow you can even check They will say you had raised your hand yesterday, that you will not get irritated about this matter. We get irritated, being unaware. If we pay attention even for one day We will save ourselves from getting irritated in at least 5 out of 10 scenes. For example, when we are walking on the road If we find something that we don't need, we throw it on the road. After eating something we throw the cover on the road. We say there is already so much lying on the road. What difference will it make if I throw this? And then we go to another country. We know that we are not allowed to throw anything on the streets that. We know that we will be fined heavily otherwise. So there we don't throw anything on the street. But we had a habit of throwing, isn't it? Here we would throw. Why didn't we throw there in that country? Because there we are aware that we are not allowed to throw. In life we need to create certain disciplines. Of what is allowed and what is not allowed. How many of us get angry? Check for yourself. We don't get angry at everyone. We are allowed to get angry at some people. We are not allowed to get angry at a few other people. When we are able to choose whom to get angry at, and whom not to get angry at Where we are allowed to get irritated and where we are not Where we are allowed to raise our voice and speak, and where we are not Whoever still has that power On a scale of 1 to 10 they will can be rated above 6. We will start from home and reach office. It can take 15 minutes or 90 minutes. A lot can happen around us. How many of you feel that tomorrow you can reach your workplace without creating thoughts about traffic? Is it compulsory for the rest of us? Why should we think of traffic? If we are driving then we need to focus on it. We should not think of how other people are driving. Last week a sister came to our centre She came with her husband. She said her husband has a habit while driving, that if anyone else on the road is driving wrong He keeps commenting and scolding them. And it is not at all pleasant. Windows of those vehicles are closed. So who is having to hear whatever he says? People sitting in his car. But it is his habit. She said he uses foul language Every time someone drives wrongly, he definitely has something unpleasant to say. After few days it becomes a habit. Energy wasted. Our energy is wasted. Energy of family members is wasted. Our health is affected and their health is affected. And it doesn't make a difference to the person who was driving wrong. Look at the futility and how we waste our energy. We are at a loss. Other people are not affected. If we can correct somebody then it is beautiful. If we cannot correct them, at least let us protect our own energy. Create a pure thought and give them a blessing That you will also learn the art of driving well. This is my good wishes for you. Just send this thought and proceed. Don't waste energy. Don't have too much energy with us. We have just evaluated ourselves and given marks. If we take care throughout the day tomorrow There will be situations which will not be according to me. What is the equation we have set right now? That when situations are according to us, we will think right. When situations are not according to us We start thinking wrong thoughts. Just for tomorrow we will do this homework Whether the situation is according to me or not I will not create more than one thought about it. Can we do it? Why is it important to conserve this energy here? Why is it important to protect it? We need to increase our happiness and experience contentment. Emotional and spiritual health. India is ranked number one in depression, in the entire world. It is an illness which is spreading very rapidly. WHO has said that 1 in 4 people has symptoms of depression If it is 1 in 4, on an average it means one person in every family. We need to protect our family. We need to do something so that instead of being number one in depression, depression gets eliminated from this country. We need to protect our mental health, we need to protect our physical health We need to heal all our broken relationships. We need to make our environment Satvik. We need to do everything from here. When we need to do so much from here We cannot afford to waste all the mental energy in small scenes of life. We get angry occasionally but we keep getting irritated often. What is the difference between getting angry and getting irritated? Another habit we have developed is to hurry people when they are doing something. How many of you say "Hurry up"? Let us change one more line today Because each time we use such vocabulary Due to which our mind also get agitated When we say...Hurry up... Hurry up.. Hurry up There is no time, so hurry up. We get agitated and we agitate the other person also. They will say I am doing it. Yet we say - I know you are doing it, but hurry up. By saying this and putting pressure on the other person repeatedly What happens to the other person's capacity? What is the answer? Their capacity wont increase. But it is possible that their capacity will reduce. Because their mind is getting disturbed. Even if you don't say anything, even if you don't speak to them They are working. You just stand there and keep thinking What is he doing? Let him do it fast. He is not finishing in time. Why can't he be quicker? Even then our disturbed, turbulent energy reaches their mind It disturbs their mind Their capacity to work will reduce Their chances of making a mistake will increase. Very often when we gather like this for an event, somebody's phone starts ringing. That person will take out the phone in order to silence it But people around them will stare at them in such a way And also send such a strong thought to them That the person's hand will literally start shivering. This is practical, it happens. People who can put their phone into silent mode even if there woken up from sleep They are not able to silence it at that moment. They pass it on to the person next to them, requesting them to turn it off soon. It happens because we radiate agitated energy to them. It has a severe influence on everybody. It will certainly affect other people, but whom does it affect first? Me. Our mind has got into a habit of remaining in such a state today. We are unable to just sit silently We are unable to sit peacefully Even if we have to stop our vehicle at the traffic signal for one minute Even in that one minute we pull out our phone to check messages. We are unable to sit still. Because the mind is constantly agitated. It is a sign that our inner power is decreasing. Now we need to reclaim this inner power. What should we do for it? In every situation Before controlling the situation We need to pay attention to our state of mind There are two aspects - situation and our state of mind. Which of the two is in my control? My mind. The situation is not in my control. It is a different thing, that we believe situation is in our control The situation can be our child, and we feel that we can control our child. There is only one thing which can be according to us. Only one thing which is in our control. Our mind. Instead of paying attention to our mind, we keep trying to control the situation. The other person does not take care of his state of mind But instead he tries to control our situation. So two people who have already gone out of control And are trying to control each other So their relationship gets conflicted even without a reason. Because we are always focusing on the other person. God teaches us a beautiful line - Even before saying something to the other person Even before teaching something to the other person Stabilize your own state of mind first Clean your vibration Correct your thoughts about them. And then give them the correction or learning in one line. But before giving them correction Give them respect from your mind. Can we respect someone and then correct them? Where should we radiate respect from? From our mind. But if we are thinking negative about them, then we are insulting them internally. Even if we are giving them correction using kind words But internally we are disrespecting them and then we are speaking kind words. So first of all, they will not accept our correction. And secondly, because they sense vibrations of disrespect from us They will say something because of which we will feel disrespected.
Channel: BKShivani
Views: 1,192,777
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Keywords: Bk Shivani, Sister Shivani, Shivani brahma Kumari, Bk Shivani latest videos 2023, Sister Shivani latest videos 2023, Brahma Kumari sister Shivani, Bk Shivani meditation, B k shivani, bk shivani, Meditation by bk shivani
Id: 9gGOouDSLu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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