How do I migrate my VMs to Nutanix AHV

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hi i'm dave johnson in my job i get asked questions i get asked lots of questions then i make videos where i answer them welcome to i get asked this a lot today's question is how do i migrate vms to my new ahv cluster hey everyone dave johnson with cybernorth with another episode of i get asked this a lot um i got a green screen pretty excited about that um and so i'm going to be playing around with that just doing something basic for now but in today's episode i am going to cover a question that that i do get asked a lot um which is customers asking hey how am i going to migrate my vms to a nutanix ahv cluster um and uh and i think it's it's it's a little bit more if you're a nutanix customer you have access to a product called nutanix move and um nutanix move could be used to do just that migrate from say vmware or hyper-v to ahv you can also use it to migrate from vmware to vmware and stuff like that um but but we'll focus in on vmware to ahv because that's what i have in my lab so to uh to get started with that um let me let me share my screen that's that's what i need to do um so first things first we need to download nutanix move so you'll sign into the nutanix support portal and go to downloads and nutanix move and from here you have a few options and and there's there's users got user guides to uh to all of this stuff you can follow them they're super easy to follow um you can download if you want to put it on vmware you can there you can just download an ova and deploy it i'm going to be deploying it on ahv and if you download the movezip file for ahv they give you a nice little utility that i'll walk through that will deploy it for you i already have it downloaded and unzipped onto my utility server in my lab the other thing that i want to walk through is a little bit of prep work that we'll do in ahv go to settings and go to network configuration and we want to have a network that one of two things either you have dhcp or you have an ip address management enabled network in ahv i have one of those i like it a lot that's what i'm going to use you specify the vlan network information and you're basically creating dhcp right and then you set up some pools ippools to use so that's what i'm going to do um to help with the deployment if neither of those are an option you can set a static ip to your move appliance i'm not going to go over that today but it's uh it is easy to do so once you have all of that done and you've downloaded move and you've unzipped it we need to run the the executable um so what we're going to do is cli windows exe again this is all in the um user guide so you run the executable dash c and then specify your nutanix cluster and hit enter and it's going to ask you for your username and something didn't work oh it's probably because i need to run this as administrator so let me try this again run as administrator yes okay username password and we will get connected um so let's let's go back into prism real quick um and uh i'm just going to copy this to my clipboard and we're also going to need to know what where we're going to store the vm from a storage perspective uh what storage container we're going to use i'm going to go ahead and use the default container that's what everybody's going to have by default is a default container so i'll put that onto my clipboard now we just need to deploy the move vm so we say deploy vm vm container and hey tabs tap completes because uh my uh clipboard is not working um vm network ipam network perfect and then we hit enter and it's going to deploy the vm for us um it's basically orchestrating the stuff that you would do if you downloaded the qcal file um this file just has the qcal file in it and it's going to upload it into the image catalog and then it's going to create the vm for us and power it on um so that's uh pretty slick the way they did that this shouldn't take long so i'll try to i don't know entertain you today is friday the 13th happy friday the 13th um we uh we just got our new puppy uh last night uh we have three dogs now we have uh two morkys they're maltese yorkie mixes uh harry and uh he's he's about five years old and katie who's about a year old and uh then we decided to get a standard poodle puppy and uh it's pretty funny he's he's what 12 weeks old or or something like that now [Music] whatever it is that they have to be before you get them and uh he's about as tall as uh as one of our morkies uh katie um but uh anyway friday the 13th um it's it's been a fun one uh already my my laptop got a blue screen of death on my laptop this morning um that was fun and then harry decided to jump up on uh on an end table and knock over a lamp and broke it so that was fun um i'm i'm sure something's going to go horribly wrong in this video um it'll probably crash my nutanix cluster uh for some reason while i'm doing this because you know that appears to be the luck that i'm having today but so far it's going okay it uploaded the file um the vm powered on it got an ip address and now it's just waiting for the services to start so um this is actually going really well um and uh and look at that it opened the browser for us automatically so that's fantastic end user license agreement yeah i'm going to accept it you can read it if you want and then we're going to provide a password um yeah why not let's just let dashlane generate a password for me and done there we go um that was scary um okay so there we go we've signed in to move um now we need to add our source and our destination environments um so i'm going to go ahead and pick vmware as my source i'll uh just a friendly name vmware and then fqdn for vcenter username use a service account i'm not going to use a service account because it's my lab and i don't feel like it and didn't like something didn't like my username okay and then we're going to add ahv nutanix aos nutanix and there we go we have added both vmware and ahv [Music] and as soon as this finishes inventorying the ahv environment we will be able to create a migration plan so there we go i'll create a migration plan we'll name it i get asked this a lot and then the source of course is vmware targets nutanix target container i'm just going to pick the default container and then we can go through and pick vms i'm going to i'm going to pick my 2012 r2vm um you just click the little plus then it shows up over here you could obviously pick as many vms as you want uh go ahead and click next it is currently in vlan 10 i'm going to move it to vlan 10 i'll go ahead and pick a test network i'll pick vlan 20 as a test network and we'll click next and obviously the test network it's optional you can use it to test the migration before you actually do the migration right um for uh we're gonna we're gonna need to provide user credentials with administrator privileges um for this vm because it's going to install the nutanix guest tools so that when it boots up in ahv it has the drivers that it needs to see the disks and the nic and things like that right so again use a service account just like i am i am a service account um if these were linux vms we provide linux credentials you can override individual vm settings so if you have vms that you're moving that are in different domains you can you can specify those really really easily time zone i want us eastern because that's where i am i am going to retain the mac address from the source vms um it gives you the option it's cleaner i say go for it every time um and we will click next everything else we can keep as default i don't need dashlane to save anything here and then it's going to start doing the work that it needs to do right it did a quick check to validate that my username and password is going to work to deploy nutanix guest tools and there we go um now we have this migration plan you can see the screen looks a little bit differently if we wanted to create a new migration plan we could we clicked new migration plan go through all those steps again done um a couple of things to be aware of with nutanix move is um it will do 16 vms at a time right so if you have a migration plan that has um you know more than 16 vms it's only going to allow you to fail or it's threaded in such a way that it will do 16 concurrently right and as it finishes one it'll add another one to the to the queue so to speak um so just for planning purposes if you're using this to move a large environment um keep that in mind um it's installing device drivers right now on the vm um and uh and then and that doesn't require a reboot um the reason it doesn't require a reboot is because when you do the migration it will reboot so um then then they will be there so um this uh this this will probably take a second um i don't really have much uh to entertain you with at this point so um i'll probably pause my recording and uh if anything interesting happens in the meantime i will i will resume it so that you can see so just a quick update it did install nutanix guest tools in the vm and now it's starting to seed the data to the ahv cluster we can see here i've opened the console to the vm that i'm moving um and you can see the nutanix virtio drivers uh have been installed so that's that's just some of the prep work that it does so that everything works when we fail it over or migrate it or move it probably the best thing to say okay so the seating is done and now you can see the status uh what it says is periodic data sync is in progress we can cut over at any time it gives us the estimated cut over time which is really just saying it looks at how quickly the data is changing so think of it as kind of a an rto and uh we can see here going back to the dashboard this is what it looks like we can select this migration plan no no we can't we go into it um we can abort it we can pause it we go in here there we go so now we can either cut over we can abort um we can create a test vm right so let's try that let's create a test vm yes and let's go into ahv and see what's happening clean this up and we should end up with a vm there it is let's go back and look at move we can make sure you guys saw that i clicked on view test vm it's going to bring us to uh our ahv console which i have open on my laptop this is powered on launch the console and we're at a sign in screen so from here we can do any testing that we need to do um let's just assume that we've done all of our testing um and uh you know now we're ready to cut over we can recreate the test vm we can remove the test vm right so i'm going to go ahead and remove the test vm removing test vm go here you can see these tasks are showing up the test vm is gone it's ready to cut over so um now we can pick this and cut it over so we can see here what's going to happen source vm is going to shut down virtual nexus source vm will be disconnected uh it will have a note added to it so let's go ahead and continue take a look at what's happening here it has powered off the vm the nic is disconnected so that you know it's not deleting this vm right so if we needed to fail back to this vm we could right there's a note here vm migrated to doo doo doo doo by nutanix move migration plan the name of it um so tells us so we have an audit trail of everything that happened let's go back here here's my vm it has been moved over it has the same name as it did in vmware has the same resources and it will end up with the same ip address so let's go ahead and launch the console it's already powered on right reboot doesn't take a long time there we have it that is how you use nutanix move to migrate from vmware to ahv um thank you very much for joining me and watching this session um i i would really appreciate somebody commenting on a video uh i don't know why i want that to happen so much but i really do um preferably not someone from russia who's trying to get us to go to some shady website so anyway have a great weekend um comments that you could provide would be topics that you want me to cover could be anything with cohesity or nutanix or vmware as long as it's not vsan but just regular vmware would be fine i could bring in some some guests to talk about some some topics please just let me know what you want to hear i i'm not 100 sure i i have a lot of monitors um so sorry i'm looking off to the side but um you know i could i could cover some stuff uh some more stuff with cohesity maybe protecting sql um and uh maybe maybe protecting sql doing some test dev stuff with uh with cohesity for sql and vms and stuff i could certainly do that yeah just let me know thanks everyone
Channel: I get asked this a lot
Views: 401
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: kCWWi_P3E0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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