HOW DO I KETO MEAL PLAN??? How Keto Meal Prep for Success!

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hey guys hello and welcome in total health with dr. NIC and if you're new to my show my purpose is very simple and that is to inspire and power and motivate you to live longer healthier more abundant lives and guys one of the biggest questions I get every single day is what do I eat on keto what do i do how do i meal plan I need specific recipes show me how to cook give me healthy answers well guys we're going to get to that on some of the upcoming videos as I promised we're going to show you some different recipes and different things you could be doing but today I want to really give you the mindset of how you should prepare and how you should meal plan what's the thought process behind all this how do you figure out the numbers before you begin your day I get so many questions people saying this keto thing sounds so difficult it sounds so calculating how do I know how to do all this it sounds too difficult to remember guys once I show you the mindset it's going to make a whole lot more sense so that way is you plan and prepare your day you're gonna understand better what you can do on your own you don't want to be dependent on on other people you want to know exactly what you can be eating and I want to make sure we keep that power to you and so we're gonna keep it basic I'm gonna show you kind of how I go through my day and how I plan on what I'm gonna be eating during the course of the day and like I said I'm going to keep it simple no fancy things here this is going to be a basic way that I eat during the course of the day and I think you'll find it very very applicable to the way you eat too so guys what we're going to talk about is how to keto meal plan so jumping on in as I've mentioned in some of my previous videos the app that I use is called my plate now this one's a great one because it literally tells me exactly how many grams of protein I'm getting exactly how many grams of carbs and how many grams of fat how it figures out all the percentages and that's really the best thing you really want to know all your percentages now I've had people telling me also too that they can't get my plate maybe you're in London or other parts of the world where you can't get this app another great one I've heard about is MyFitnessPal this is another great one a lot of the viewers have been writing in about letting me know that they can use this one too so try this one out if you can't use my plate try MyFitnessPal see if that one works for you so now let's dive on in how do I figure out my numbers now this is me okay so basically because of my body weight and where I want to get as far as my body composition I want to take in roughly about 1,700 calories per day you may be more you may be less it's based on your goals what your goals are as far as weight loss weight gain if you're building muscle it's going to be different if you're just trying to lose fat and once again one of my previous videos I talked about how long you should do the keto diet you could do at any amount of time you want you could cycle in and out but it depends on your goals what are your goals body composition hormonal changes losing fat just getting ready on for a trip that you may be taking maybe a cruise or something so that's gonna dictate what your calories are for the day now for me I also know I want to be under about 50 grams of carbs per day and you should too if you're just starting keto what I recommend is maybe doing 10 grams of carbs per day for about the first week the second week go to 20 the third week go to 30 the fourth week go to 40 and obviously the fifth week go to 50 but I always try to stay under 50 now protein because I'm trying to you know I'm working out on a regular basis building muscle and so on I need about 90 grams of protein per day you may be different if you're a lady who's just trying to like I said get in shape you're really not trying to build a lot of muscle you're gonna want to stay lower you might be down into 50 60 grams per day range but the rule of thumb is this on average how you calculate your protein and this is another question I get all the time how much protein do I know how to take how how do I figure this out it's really simple it's about 0.6 grams per pound of lean body weight okay so 0.6 grams per pound of lean body weight once again if you're a bodybuilder and you want to build a lot of muscle mass you're gonna need more protein so you might want to be up around one gram per pound of lean body weight if you're a lady or a man who's not wanting to put on any muscle mass but just lose weight you might be down at point three point four or so and how you figure this out you probably think well how do I know my lean body mass well the way you calculate that is you look at your fat percent now in my office we have something called the tanita machine where you stand on it and you hold handles and the handles they actually puts a little bit of current through your body you don't feel it so don't worry about that and then what it does is it measures your body fat very precisely some people use calipers but there's another way to do it too and you just might want to go online and get one of these charts these charts show you if you're a lady for example that if your about this lean and hopefully you can see this on the video you're about twelve to fourteen percent body fat if you're maybe a little bit thicker around a waist a little bit more here you might be 24 to 26 percent body fat if you're down here in this range where it's you know I'm sorry to say but overlapping a little bit more you might be into 50 plus percent range so find these charts that's a very low-tech way to do it you can get them online just Google body composition charts and you'll see guys you're gonna be a little bit different you're gonna be in a lower fat percentage here you're typically lower than women so where a woman might be 10 to 12 to 14 percent if you're this lean a guy might be 5 percent 6 percent 7 percent okay so go by that chart now knowing those numbers what you do is now you figure out for me I'm about a hundred and forty seven pounds of lean muscle mass or lean body mass I should say I multiply it times point six and I get roughly 88 grams of protein per day so that's the way you figure this out once again if you happen to be maybe 125 pounds of lean muscle mass or lean body mass and you want to multiply it times 0.3 or point or or 1 that's how you figure it out so just use this equation right here it's very very simple and once again you go by this chart okay google it body mass composition charts body fat composition charts and percentages and you'll be able to find that very easily now knowing that and knowing my numbers I know what my calories want to be per day I know what my carbs want to be per day and I know about where my protein is now does my protein fluctuate sure on days where I'm exercising more heavily I might have this a little higher if I'm days where I'm exercising a little bit less going a little bit lighter I might lower that a little bit but that's the ballpark I want to be now knowing that I also eat three times a day so I typically eat lunch after my workout I will see eat a snack a protein snack around midday around four o'clock so between seeing patients I'll stop and go have it either a protein shake or a bar or something with some coconut oil and then I have a dinner so I'm eating roughly three times a day that's not counting in the mornings if I'm not fasting and I may have some butter or bulletproof coffee whatever you choose to call it so I calculate that in and I'll show you in a moment how I do that so knowing these numbers I also know that my percentages so I want to make sure just like you know if you're on the keto diet you want to make sure your fat percentage is in the range of 70 percent roughly you want to make sure your protein is about 25% and you want to make sure that your carbohydrates are about 5% of your total calorie percentage for the day once again the apps that I showed you either my plate or My Fitness Pal will show you how to calculate that and I'm going to show you in just a moment some examples of what I do so another thing you're going to want to get is a scale now you say doctor this is really getting technical I don't have all this kind of equipment I mean I just want to eat I don't want to be measuring things well guys it's not very hard at all all you do is you get one of these scales it's very simple they're about $25 online just go on Amazon or to the scale comes right to your house of course and then all you do is you put a plate on top of it you push this button right here and it does what we call a tear which means it takes the weight of the plate out so this ends up being back at zero when you have a plate on it now when I go to eat some food I weigh it I say okay if I'm eating some turkey breast let me put a little bit turkey on it yep I want about 7 grams for 7 ounces and you can change the unit's right here 2 ounces or grams so you can change the measurements just by pushing this button so once I put the turkey on it and I say wow once 7 ounces 7 ounces are going to equate to about you know 35 grams of protein or 40 grams of protein that I'm looking for that's good and then I start to change the numbers from there as far as what I want to add to my turkey now so for example now I want to have breakfast so on a day where I'm not fasting and I have some bulletproof coffee or some butter coffee whatever you choose to call it and for those of you who are new to this basically it's about eight to ten ounces of coffee two tablespoons of Kerrygold grass-fed butter unsalted and 1 tablespoon of MCT oil or coconut oil okay you can find that pretty much anywhere on the internet but that's how you make it now so over here hopefully you can see this well I know being a white background it might be tough to see but once again I'll put it up on the video as far as a slide brewed coffee that's my brewed coffee right there MCT oil MCT oil as you can see from this ring here and this shows me that it's virtually all fat which is great that's what I'm looking for in the morning and over here carry gold pure Irish butter unsalted also about a hundred percent fat so this totals 302 calories of coffee which is going to be great for cognitive function of also fats now the fats it's going to equate out to where I'm having just basically fats in the morning which is great because I want to have that energy the MCT oil is great for energy and the fats will fill me and satisfy me until I have my workout and then I'll have lunch after that so now I'm done with my workout and my workouts are typically about 11:30 in the morning after I'm done seeing patients my shift ends at 11:00 I head to the gym and I go work out my workouts take case you're wondering about 4045 minutes because I want to make sure that I compress the time so I do something called super sets and that's for another video anyway lunch now so I'm done with my workout I'm heading home I'm gonna have lunch at this time so what do I have for lunch well in this case I had a protein shake it was really simple and I know you guys are probably thinking no no I want to see the food what did you eat I want food this case I just had a protein shake no big deal it was easy I had almond breeze almond milk unsweetened okay and as you can see a lot of fat here a little bit of carbs a little bit of protein I had organic coconut milk from Whole Foods almost all fat a little bit of carbs very slight that a protein and then I had multi collagen protein I want to be able to you know heal the joints as I'm working out this is mainly all protein almost 100% and then over here we see keto feast this is another product by ancient nutrition where it's a keto protein powder this in this case is about 67 percent fat about 25 percent protein about 7 percent carbs so that's perfect that is the perfect carb ratio so when I combine all this together for lunch its 619 calories now what we're gonna see at the very end is you're gonna see how all these numbers play into the total equation of my fats my fat percentages my protein and my protein percentages and my carbs and the carb percentages so now around 4 o'clock like I said between patients I'll go have a snack in this case it was just a protein bar protein bar is very low carb so as you can see it's got a lot of protein about equal amount of fats and about equal amount of carbs so overall people look at this and say but wait a minute have too many carbs for that meal well once again you're gonna average it out over the course of the day but at the same time this one in this case and this is a another video I did before about carbohydrates you want to look at the net carbs and that carbs are important in this case there's 22 grams of carbs but 15 grams of it is fiber so you deduct that out so it's got only 7 grams of carbs in this case now so that was my snack 190 calories dinner right now we get to something where I actually chewed food ok so when I got home for dinner after work I get off of work around 6 o'clock we're done seeing patients I head home and in this case I kept it really easy I'd really didn't feel like cooking much I still had some turkey from Thanksgiving not recently this is remembered for so I had some turkey from Thanksgiving I weighed it out so I had roasted turkey breast and as you can see in this case turkey breast almost all protein with a little bit of fat but what did I do I added some oil to it I put some olive oil on it ok so while it was in the pan I put a little bone broth in it so that way I could kind of steam it warm again I don't microwave it and then I added some olive oil to it a little seasoning on it and it was good to go I had some broccoli so I put some broccoli and I saute that in a pan it's another video I'm going to show you how we do that and I added some more olive oil to that you could add butter olive oil and butter avocado oil coconut oil whatever you want to add to add your healthy fats to that so now I had a pretty good dinner it was basically protein vegetables and fats that's exactly what I want now as far as a total let's look at my daily total now for the day I had 1,900 calories okay of that 67% of it and you can see the wheel here in my plate app it actually shows you the wheel you can see your percentage of fats for the day percentage of proteins and percentage of carbs and as you could see right here my fat was at 67% am i heartbroken because it wasn't 70 no it's no big deal I'm in the range it's all I need to be over here my protein was at 22% well it wasn't 25 okay big deal net carbs 11% now notice I said net carbs not total carbs because when you add all these in you have total carbs you subtract the fiber out and that is your net carbs because fiber is undigestible it does not get counted towards your carbs now does sugar get counted towards carbs yes they do but they're already factored in so you don't have to worry about adding sugar because it might say total carbs then it might say net carbs or fiber and then it might say sugars you don't have to add the sugars in don't worry about that they're already added into the total so once again my fat was in a perfect range it could have been a percent or two higher but no big deal protein was in a great range carbs in a great range now like I said before my total calories was 1,900 I worked out I burned roughly 262 I had about a 40 minute workout that day my net calories for the day were 16 81 right in the range I want to be so that's how we figure it out so guys it wasn't some big complicated thing I just looked at the app in fact many times I just pick it up and I if I see a food that I want to try I just plug in the food I just say okay search for whatever and then I hit the barcode scanner and I pick up the object and I put the barcode scanner on it and I look at it and say yeah that looks good that looks like something I'd want to eat it looks like it's got the right percentages or it's right where I want to be as far as my my percentage is total for the day and I'll eat that or I might look it and say no way I thought that was going to be healthy for me but it turns out that this is almost a hundred percent carbs many of you guys asking me questions all the time and you say hey can I use this flour and cooking or that flower you know chickpea flour or certain kind of bean flour and I write back and say no way those those that's you know 92% starch don't have it no goat it'll it'll throw you out of ketosis so by having the app you can actually look it up really quickly it's not hard if you want to add a food you hit the plus sign you add a food it says when are you eating at breakfast lunch or dinner oh this is a lunch okay and it's this food or push the barcode scanner it pops it up it has millions of different barcode scans in there and then you hit I ate this and all you do is push the button and it's added to your list and then the the app can calculate your total at the end of the day guys that couldn't be easier very very easy I know a lot of you're stressing out saying way this is crazy this is - calculating I can't think of all this the great thing is this number one once you start figuring things out and you start to go you know what eggs are good I'll leave plenty of eggs steak is good I'll have steak but I'll have some oil on it I'll have some vegetables I'll add some oil or some butter to it you start to do these things and then you start combining maybe into one food like an omelet or a frittata that's a recipe I'm going to show you guys how to do you can start adding all these foods together into one meal or one dish and you'll start to figure it out you'll start to realize that okay you have your certain go-to foods I'm gonna show you guys some great snacks that you're gonna be able to just enjoy and feel guilt free about and know that you have some healthy fats and healthy proteins mixed together so guys I hope this video was beneficial for you if it was please make sure that you like you share you comment and subscribe guys thanks so much for helping our channel grow it's been growing by leaps and bounds I mean hundreds and hundreds of people every single day so I appreciate that and hopefully let me know how we're doing let me know in your comments if we're doing the good things if we're doing videos that you like like I said I know you're all out there asking for a lot more meal planning and a lot more recipes and we're gonna bring that to you I'm just working on those videos right now sometimes when my kids are home it's kind of hard to get in the kitchen they're so noisy I've got a lot of kids that many so it's a little crazy anyway guys thanks so much for being here I love and appreciate you like I said like share comment and subscribe and I'll see you next time god bless bye bye
Channel: Total Health with Dr. Nick
Views: 58,484
Rating: 4.8996654 out of 5
Keywords: keto diet, keto, keto meal plan, weight loss, fat loss, burn fat, health, fitness, dr. josh axe, thomas delauer, dr.eric berg dc, mercola
Id: Zl3lGwyzro4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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