How do hardware timers work?

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This was really interesting. Thanks for sharing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 58 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/unholy453 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

So, any guess how long before he has a rudimentary microcomputer complete with a CLI going?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 54 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tso πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ben eater, so good that he has his own reddit tag

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 211 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MountainAlps582 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Always love Ben Eater videos!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ftedwin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

There’s some mid 80’s nostalgia from the C64.

Took me a bit to figure out the interrupt vectors must be at the end of ram on the homemade system.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/myztry πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

How does sleep() really work?

[drinks more coffee]

It doesn't.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CodeLobe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It does not work, that's why I'm always tired...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dlevac πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Stecco_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel I already saw that video long ago. Even the comments seem familiar... weird

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/agumonkey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
when writing software it's common to want the computer to delay for some period of time so for example this computer i built is running a simple program that just flashes an led on and off a few times per second and the software is pretty simple it just needs to turn the led on wait a bit and then turn the led off wait a bit and repeat and this of course is a 6502 based computer that i built i've got a whole series of videos walking through that process and how it all works that you can check out on my channel or my website 6502 where i've got more info and where you can get kits to build your own but anyway i've got this led hooked up here to bit zero of port a here and that makes it really easy to turn on and off because assuming the led is off which we can do by writing a zero to port a we can just increment whatever value is on port a and it'll turn that one's place bit on and then once it's on decrementing port a will turn it off if we do this in a loop then this will flash the led basically as fast as possible but of course it'll be too fast to see unless we put some sort of delay in here between each of these instructions and that's what this video is about how does a computer produce a precisely timed delay so one thing we could do is use the no op instruction which doesn't do anything but it does take some time to execute problem is it doesn't take very much time so we'd need to do a lot of these actually quite a lot but if we did need just a really short delay this might be practical you figure the processor is running at one megahertz and each of these no ops is going to take two clock cycles so that's two microseconds so if you needed you know a few microsecond pause i guess that would work but for longer pause we could use uh just a loop with a bunch of no ops in it so for example what i'll do is i'll create a subroutine called delay where we can put a delay and that way we can call it twice [Applause] so this way you know we turn our led on and then we delay for some period of time then we turn the led off and then we delay for some period of time and that's our our loop and so the question is what does this delay do like i said we could have some no op instructions in here but if we want to do a whole bunch of no op instructions what we could do is just have a loop we can use the x register as a counter for a loop so load the x register with ff which is as big a value as we can put in there it's an 8-bit register then we'll use the decrement x instruction which will decrement and then branch not equal to delay one and so what that will do is it'll you know start with x register as ff and it'll decrement it and then if it hasn't reached zero it'll jump back up here to delay one where it'll decrement it again and so if we just put a no op in here then this will execute in this case 255 no op instructions and then once it's done with that it returns from the subroutine and that completes our delay subroutine if we want to figure out how long this delay is going to be we could you know actually figure out how long each of these instructions is so no op we know is two clock cycles decrement i think is also two clock cycles and then the the branch not equal is two or three clock cycles depending on whether it branches or not and so we're going to execute that 255 times you could add all that up and figure that out but another approach is just run the program and see what it does and i i like that approach because it's uh it's easier now if we get that program in here and reset the computer it looks like the led is just on and i suspect what's happening is it's flashing but it's probably just flashing too fast we're not delaying long enough to to notice and we could confirm that by looking with the oscilloscope here if we just probe that port there here we are in the oscilloscope and we can see it it is you know sort of blinking on and off if you will but the frequency is 276 hertz so it's blinking on and off 276 times per second so definitely too fast to see but if we slow it down by you know let's say a factor of 255 which which we could do with maybe another loop then we might be able to see something so let's give that a try and for that we can use the y register which is conveniently enough available so we'll load that with uh ff and just create another loop around this loop where we get to the end of the the the loop for x we decrement y and then branch back up to delay two and so that forms an outer loop so we have an inner loop that does 255 no ops and then an outer loop that does that 255 times so that should hopefully create a long enough delay that we'll actually be able to see something [Applause] so let's give this a try we'll get that in there reset and sure enough our led is blinking okay so that worked but it's got a couple drawbacks and you know one is that in order to know exactly what the period is or you know essentially know exactly how this still how long this delay is you know we'd have to uh you know analyze exactly how many clock cycles each of these instructions takes and and add them up and you know depending on how many times they go through the loop and that sort of thing uh and so getting a precise delay it's certainly possible but it's not exactly easy and then of course if the processor were running at a different speed then that would you know change everything of course the other disadvantage of course is that while the processor is in this loop it can't do anything else and you know maybe we want to flash an led and actually do something else instead of use all of the processor just to flash an led and so the solution is usually using some sort of external hardware timer and conveniently enough we already have a hardware timer this 6522 versatile interface adapter chip has got two timers built into it that we can use you know so far in my videos i've mostly just been using these i o ports the port a and port b which let us read and write from these 16 pins here but this chip has got some other functions so here are all the registers of the 6522 so we've got the output and input registers b and a which we've been using as well as the data direction register for bna which uh let us specify which bits are inputs and which are outputs on those two ports but then we've also got you know the timer 1 counter low and high and we've got a timer 1 latch low and high as well as timer 2 counter low and high so there are actually two different timers that we can control using these registers and the two timers have slightly different functions timer 1 is a bit more capable for what we're trying to do so that's what i'll be using so if we go up to the top of the code here we'll see where we've got the registers defined already and so i'll go ahead and define timer 1 counter low and timer 1 counter high and those are register numbers 4 and 5 and of course the way we've got the 6522 hooked up everything is going to show up at address 600 something whatever register it is so that's timer 1 counter low and high registers 4 and 5. and timer one actually has several different modes that it can operate in and those are set using this auxiliary control register so there's this bit six and seven here for t1 or timer one uh timer control that can be put into any of these modes and this auxiliary control register is register a number b so i can define that in the code as well and so those top two bits in the auxiliary control register control what mode the timer's in and the first one i'll show you is just this first mode where they're both set to zero and we know we're not doing anything with timer two or any of this other stuff so we can actually just set this whole register to zero so right here in our initialization code we've already got a zero in the a register so we'll just store that to the auxiliary control register so that'll set that to zero and that puts the counter into a one-shot mode which is basically a countdown timer so that means we'll be able to load the timer with some time value and have it count down and then we can figure out when the timer expires and this part of the data sheet here on page 17 describes how that works but it's a little bit confusing because there's four different registers that it uses there's the timer one latch high and latch low timer one counter high and timer one counter low and basically the way it works is that the low and high in each case here together make up a 16-bit counter so overall the timer can be set to any value between one and six five five three five which is you know the highest number that can be represented with 16 bits and for reading these registers the the latch so high and low to get this this these 16 bits here this latch tell us what the counter was set to in other words where it started and then the 16-bit counter tells us where the counter is so as it starts counting down this will start counting down so when the timer starts this latch and this counter are equal but then as soon as it starts the the counter starts counting down uh but getting it set up initially is a little bit weird but if we go through here it it just sort of describes it so it says bit six and seven of the acr logic zero so we set that so that sets the mode then it says the low order timer one counter or low order timer one latch must then be loaded with the count value so we have some count value that we want to count some uh you know period that we want to time and so we can set that either in the the latch low or the counter low and it says note that a load to the low order timer 1 counter is effectively a load to the low order timer 1 latch so if we load some value into this counter it's automatically going to load that same value into the latch now it says next the high order count value must be loaded into the high order timer 1 counter at which time the value is simultaneously loaded into the high order latch so same thing we can load a value into the high counter and then that will load it into the the latch but loading into the uh the high counter is special because that actually is what starts the clock so says the counter will start counting down on the next phi 2 clock so the next processor clock following the load sequence into high order t1 counter so this high order t1 counter that's kind of your your start your start button so when you load into that it starts the counting it also says during the load sequence the contents of the low order t1 latch is transferred to the low order t1 counter so it actually when we load this it does a couple things so it copies what you're loading into the the high order latch as well as copying the contents of the low order latch back down into the low order counter as well as actually starting the counter so anyway all of that is to say that that as as kind of a shortcut you can almost just ignore this latch altogether and just think well first you load the low order counter with the lower eight bits of whatever value you want to count to and then you load the high order counter and as soon as you do that you've got all 16 bits loaded in there and the counter starts right away and the fact that it's copying that into this latch is kind of beside the point we don't really care in this case however there's there's another mode that we'll talk about a little bit later where that does come into play but anyway once it starts counting it says you know they'll start counting down and once the the t1 counter reaches a zero count uh the interrupt flag is set so once this gets to zero it'll it'll set this interrupt and the interrupt flag is talking about is this interrupt flag register here which is register 0d and if we look at this internet flag register it's got a bunch of bits for different sorts of interrupts and bit 6 is timer 1. so when that timer gets to 0 it'll set this bit in the interrupt flag register so that's another register we'll need to be able to look at and so that's the interrupt flag register and it'll be address 600d now for the delay subroutine we'll go down here and basically just get rid of all this and what we're going to replace it with is initializing that timer value and then waiting for the timer to expire and the time are 16 bits so the maximum we can get is fff which is 65 535 and this is going to be clock cycles that the timer is going to run and so since we've got a one megahertz clock that means this is going to be 65 000 microseconds or 65 milliseconds and so that's the longest we can have the timer run for if we want to do a more round number we could do say 50 milliseconds which would be that and that would be in hex be c350 so when we load our timer that low value the low uh byte would be five zero and the high byte would be c3 so we'll load the low one first and then the high one that'll start the timer so the low byte is five zero and that goes in the timer one counter low and the high byte is c3 and that goes in timer one counter high as soon as we store that into the timer one counter high that starts the timer so now at this point we basically just need to wait for the timer to expire so we can just sit in a loop here uh checking to see if the timer's expired and we're going to know the time is expired by looking at bit 6 in the interrupt flag register this ifr and to check that bit 6 what we can use is we can use the bit instruction the bit instruction does a few things to do a bit test it ends the the the operand with whatever's in the accumulator so you can set certain bits in the accumulator to test those bits and then it'll set the zero flag if it matches or not but it also just copies the bit 7 and bit 6 into the negative flag and the overflow flag so we're interested in bit 6 and so you can see it just copies bit 6 right into the overflow flag so if we do a bit test of the interrupt flag register we can then do a branch if overflow clear back to delay 1. what that'll do is it'll say if the overflow flag is clear after doing this bit test on the interrupt flag register in other words if bit 6 is clear then just jump back up to delay and just sit in this loop and so essentially we're sitting in this loop these three lines here until bit 6 gets flipped in the interrupt flag register and so bit 6 being set means that there's a set by timeout of timer 1 and then we can clear it by reading timer 1 counter low so once we drop out of this loop here if we just read from timer 1 counter low that'll reset that that flag to sort of acknowledge that we've we've detected that the timer has expired so that's our new delay routine so this will delay for exactly 50 milliseconds let's give it a try so install the new program here and reset and there we go it's blinking and with a 50 millisecond delay between when it turns on and off that'll be 100 milliseconds per cycle or in other words it'll flash about 10 times per second which is what it appears to be doing so that seems to work but you know it's got some drawbacks as well at least in theory though during this loop here we could uh do stuff you know between each time we check to see if the timer's expired it wouldn't really matter how long that stuff took if it was you know at least as long as it wasn't more than you know tens of milliseconds because the timer is running independently so at least in theory we have the ability to to maybe do some other stuff while the timer's running although the program's not really structured all that well for it but we're also limited here because the the maximum delay we can do is is 65 000 cycles or in our case with our clock it'd be 65 microseconds you know if we wanted a longer delay we could just call the routine multiple times but there's actually still a better way that brings me to the second mode for the timer which is free run mode which you set by setting this t1 timer control to zero one and that gives you continuous interrupts so basically if we look back at this here we've got our counter and our latches and before what would happen is we would load this counter up and it would count down and when it got to zero we would get that interrupt where we get notified in free run mode what happens is when this gets to zero we get notified but then it immediately restarts by loading whatever's in those latches and resets the timer and starts all over again and so that's where you see the value of having a separate latch which indicates what the timer should reset to when it resets and the data sheet describes you know how how that works exactly so you know it talks about if you reset by loading the counter while it's counting it'll reset the counter right away whereas if you load the latches while it's counting then you're configuring what it should reset to once the current counter expires so it gives you a fair amount of flexibility but i think the most useful way to use it is as an interval timer that just triggers at a predictable interval so if we look at the code what i'm going to do is instead of setting up the timer here when we want to initiate a delay i'm going to set up the timer at the very beginning of the program so when the computer first resets i'm going to have it run an initialized timer routine and it'll actually get rid of all this delay stuff and then the init timer routine will be where we first initialize the value that we want for our timer and then since the timer is going to be running in free run mode we want to set the the first two bits this timer control of the auxiliary control register the acr we want to set that to 0 1 so that we get continuous interrupts so before we were up here initializing the acr register to to 0. so instead what i'll do is when we initialize the timer we'll set the acr to have those first two bits be 0 1 and that'll put the timer into free run mode that'll cause the timer to trigger uh you know continuously at whatever interval we set here and then as for that interval we wanted to trigger fairly frequently so i'm going to set it to 10 milliseconds which would be 10 000 microseconds although actually you got to pay attention to your data sheet because what you see here is is in this uh free run mode we're going to get these interrupts irqb that's our interrupt it's going to happen every n plus 2 cycles so if we want these interrupts to come every 10 milliseconds we actually don't want 10 000 microseconds we want 9 000 whoops we want 9998 way n plus two is going to give us a period of ten thousand so we convert that to hex it's two seven zero e so the counter low byte we wanna set to zero e and the counter high byte we wanna set to two seven so the counter low will be zero e and the counter high will be 2 7. so this will cause that timer to trigger interrupts every 10 milliseconds but then as to how we detect that interrupt there's actually sort of two ways so one we saw is this interrupt flags register we can look at that and see if that bit 6 is set and that's what we were doing before but in order to detect that we have to pull this interrupt flags register and continuously check to see if that bit's set we can also have the 6522 actually trigger and interrupt a processor interrupt by setting a bit in the interrupt enable register so there's a corresponding bit in the interrupt enable register for timer 1 that we can set and so if we set this interrupt enable register which is 0e if we set that register and we have the set bit set and the timer one bit set that will enable interrupts for timer one and we'll actually get an irq an interrupt request that will trigger when that timer expires so the interrupt enable register is another register here and it's a register address e so 600e and so if we set the first two bits of that so the first bit to say we want to enable interrupts and the second bit to say we want the interrupt for timer one that'll generate interrupts and then we need to write some code to handle the interrupts and so we can put an interrupt handler here right now there's no interrupt handle it's just set to zero but we could set that to irq and define that here and that'll be our interrupt handler and at the end of the interrupt handler we want to return from interrupt and then the only thing we really have to do in the interrupt handler is clear the interrupt and you know for this case we're only expecting interrupts for a timeout of timer one so we can read this timer 1 counter low that's probably the easiest way to clear the interrupt and we really don't care what the value is we just need to read it to acknowledge the interrupt so we can use the bit instruction which will read it without doing anything with any of the registers other than the flags register which will get automatically restored at the end of an interrupt anyway but the thing i really want to do in this interrupt handler is actually just count the number of interrupts we get the basic plan here is just to have some variable call it ticks and every time we get an interrupt every uh 10 milliseconds we'll increment ticks and then anywhere else and ticks is just a variable in memory and anywhere else in our program we can look at text to see you know essentially sort of what time it is or how many how many ticks have passed since the computer started up and so ticks is just going to be some value in memory so we have to define it up here and we could just put it at address zero that's the beginning of memory so we'll just say zero zero zero zero is is the address for for this ticks variable although if we just say zero zero that's a shorthand for saying address zero it means the same thing it's address zero in memory and of course if we do this what will happen is every time we get an interrupt so every ten milliseconds we'll increment ticks until ticks reaches 255 and then it'll wrap around but it's actually pretty straightforward to make this a much bigger variable by using four different bytes so ticks is in you know address zero in memory but text plus one is going to be an address one address two and address three and we could you know sort of piece all four of those bytes together to create a a single 32-bit number and with 32-bits you know we could store values up to 4.2 billion which if we're counting you know 10 millisecond intervals you know that would let us count up to 42 million seconds which is you know almost 500 days so with a 32-bit tick counter like this we could keep track of intervals of up to you know almost 500 days which you know seems like more than enough for a breadboard computer and the way we do that is after we increment ticks we see if it rolled over we see if it if it equals zero and if it doesn't equal zero then we exit our interrupt handler because we've successfully incremented it but it does equal zero then that means it rolled over and so what we'll do is we'll increment text plus one that means we incremented this it got to zero and so then we increment uh text plus one which is going to increment our next byte in our 32-bit uh word and then same deal if that doesn't roll over we exit the interrupt handler but if it did roll over then we go on and increment the next bite so that means this rolled over so now we increment this byte and as long as that didn't roll over we'll exit the interrupt handler otherwise we'll increment the last byte [Applause] and so we've initialized our timer uh and set it to trigger every 10 milliseconds and then every 10 milliseconds we're going to come into our irq handler here and we'll increment our text counter and it's a it's a 32-bit counter and you know most of the time when this irq is triggered we'll clear the interrupt we'll increment ticks and it's not going to roll over most of the time so we'll just branch down to end irq and exit so it's a very small interrupt handler that's not going to create much of a performance penalty and i suppose one other thing we can do in our initialized timer here is initialize our text counter all four bytes of it two to zero so that way our counter starts out at zero [Applause] and so what this lets us do is when we get up to our our program here you know we can sit in this loop and while we're sitting in this loop in the background that tick counter is just going to keep incrementing every 10 milliseconds and so if we want to let's say toggle the led on and off every 250 milliseconds all we need to do is just keep track of what that tick counter is and if it's increased by 25 then we know that 250 milliseconds has passed and then we'll toggle the led so to do that i'll create another variable which tracks the toggle time and we can put that in memory page 0 as well and i'll put it at address 4 because remember ticks is at address 0 but it's also at address 1 2 and three because it's a four byte value so the next sort of memory address that's free is address four so we'll put our toggle time there and i'm just gonna keep track of one byte of toggle time since we're not trying to keep track of intervals that are longer than 256 ticks which would be uh i guess about two and a half seconds so one byte's enough let's initialize that toggle time to zero here and we'll just start it out at zero and then what we wanna do in our loop is basically just compare the toggle time to the current time the current whatever text currently is because you know ticks is going to constantly be increasing in the background so we just want to compare the toggle time to ticks and actually what we can do is just subtract them and see what the difference is and to do subtraction the 6502 you start out by setting the carry bit because it uses the carry bit as sort of an inverse of a borrow so we always start out by setting that and then we'll load ticks whatever that happens to be at the moment and we'll subtract the toggle time from that and that'll tell us how many ticks have passed since the last time toggle time was set and then that difference is going to be in the accumulator so we can just do a compare to compare it to uh you know whatever value we want so we compare to 25 and that'll see if 250 milliseconds have elapsed and if 250 milliseconds or more have elapsed then the carry bit will be set so if the carry bit is not set then we can just branch of carry clear back to loop and check again because tix is going to be constantly updating otherwise we'll drop down here and what we want to do is basically just toggle the led and in this case we can't just do the increment decrement because we don't know if the led is on or off we want to toggle it so what we can do is just xor the led bit by one and that'll toggle it so we'll xor whatever's on port a with one and that'll flip the bit in that one bit position and then write that back out to port a and that'll toggle the led and then one other thing we have to do is we have to keep track of the current toggle time so we just toggled the led so let's load up the low order byte for ticks and store that as our new toggle time and then we'll go back up to the top of our loop and we'll now be checking ticks against uh the the updated toggle time and see if another 250 milliseconds have elapsed and just keep going through that process so let's save this and give it a try [Applause] so there we go put that in reset and of course it's not working and i think what we're missing is we enable interrupts here on the 6522 to tell it to send interrupts but we haven't enabled them on the processor so there's the clear interrupt inhibit instruction which enables interrupts so let's uh enable that and give that a try all right let's try this again there we go so it's blinking and it looks like that's probably toggling every 250 milliseconds we want to verify that we could measure by hooking an oscilloscope up so let's do that and so there it is and it's toggling every 250 milliseconds so the uh the entire cycle is 500 milliseconds or twice per second and the frequency it's showing us is about two hertz so that all checks out so this obviously has a huge advantage that we can you know basically wait for any arbitrary amount of time here you know we're literally just looking for 250 milliseconds and you know we could change this to whatever time we wanted if we wanted a much longer time you know we might need to do a 16-bit comparison but that's certainly doable and it's also fairly straightforward to have the processor do other stuff uh at the same time and just kind of demonstrate that what i could do is i could sort of refactor this a little bit change this uh to a sort of an update led subroutine and the subroutine will do basically the same thing it's when you call a subroutine it will check the current time the current ticks counter and versus the last time the led was toggled and see if it's been at least 250 milliseconds then toggle the led again and record the new toggle time and then return from the subroutine and then that way the way we could write our program is we could have just a main loop for our program like this and then in that loop we just call this update led routine [Applause] and of course we could do all sorts of other stuff in this main loop as well as long as we call that update led subroutine every so often and everything will be fine and of course our text counter is is ticking away in the background and other subroutines could use that for other things and and so on so you can see this technique provides quite a bit of flexibility so now that we've got our led flashing at whatever rate we would like it to flash at we could you know do some other things with the computer and you know perhaps have something that we put out on the display that updates uh periodically in addition to the led so just as kind of a demonstration of that i've pulled in some of the lcd routines that i've written in previous videos that you can go back and look at and i've got a new function here called update lcd and it's basically doing the same thing that we just saw with the update led which is it's looking at the the ticks the global text counter and comparing it to this lcd time variable which is just a new variable i have that's keeping track of the last time the lcd was updated and it's comparing it to 100 in decimal so that's going to be one second so it's going to update the lcd every second so if if it hasn't reached one second then it skips lcd that jumps down here and returns from the subroutine but otherwise we we do all this stuff and basically what i'm doing is i'm taking the tix value and ticks plus one so the lower 16 bits of ticks and putting that into this value which is used by print num and again you can check out a previous video on printing a 16-bit decimal number to the lcd but that's basically what we're doing is we're printing the tix value whatever it happens to be or at least the lower 16 bits of it we're printing that out to the lcd and so we store that so that's the first thing we do is we store the current text value and then we clear the display and we print that number and then here we're loading ticks and storing that as lcd time so that's just recording the last time that we updated the lcd and that's what we're using up here for comparison as well so this should look very familiar to the update led routine that we just wrote it's just that instead of these three lines where we toggle the led we've got these lines here where we print out the current text value whatever that happens to be and if we go up to our main loop it's pretty simple we just sit in a loop and update the led update the lcd update the led update the lcd and then each of these routines is sort of responsible figuring out if it's time to update so update led is gonna update every 250 milliseconds it'll toggle the led and the lcd will update every one second and actually there's a change i need to make here when we're reading the value of ticks and ticks plus one it's possible for an interrupt to occur that changes ticks in the middle of this so i need to set interrupt inhibit here and then clear interrupt inhibit down here that way no interrupts can occur that change ticks while we're reading the two bytes of ticks here and if we want to take a look at what that looks like i've got that program in here so we'll go ahead and reset and the led is flashing and here you see the lcd updating and it's updating every second and it's printing out the current text value which is you know incrementing every 10 milliseconds so 100 times a second and since it's printing the current text value right after it rolls past each 100 ticks we see it appearing to just count by hundreds so anyway hopefully you found that interesting to see how programmable timers are used by a computer and some of the different things that they make possible so as always you know thanks to all my patrons for helping make this video possible and all the videos on my channel possible and remember if you're interested in trying any of this stuff yourself check out my website 6502 you can find all the details on how this 6502 computer works and and build your own
Channel: Ben Eater
Views: 333,849
Rating: 4.976274 out of 5
Id: g_koa00MBLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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