How Do Dolphins Communicate

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this PowerPoint is PowerPoint number four from the tools of the mind curriculum it is called how do dolphins communicate communication is about sending and receiving information we communicate different in different situations think about it look at this picture which one of these ways of communicating would you use to invite someone to a surprise birthday party which would you use to get a friend's attention and invite them to play why just like humans dolphins and the oceans have different ways of communicating sometimes they need to tell each other where to find food sometimes they need to tell each other when to escape from danger other times they want to tell each other I'm your friend scientists who are interested in learning about how dolphins communicate drop big microphones into the water to listen to the sounds that they make using the microphones scientists learned that dolphins make noises to communicate like humans do but instead of using words they use clicks and whistles dolphins learned to communicate soon after they are born just like humans do a baby dolphin is called a calf scientists think that each calf develops its own whistle called a signature whistle the signature whistle is like a dolphins name dolphins learn the signature whistles of their friends if they are lost or afraid they make their friends whistles to signal for help it's like they're calling Tyrone Maria where are you dolphins use clicks to communicate two scientists have a theory that when dolphins send out many clicking sounds at once they are communicating strong feelings to other dolphins they could be saying that they are excited angry or happy and want to play dolphins also snap their jaws together to communicate making a noise as their teeth hit each other scientists hypothesized that dolphins snap their jaws to tell other dolphins to give them space it's like saying move away I need more room here think about it can you make a noise by snapping your teeth together
Channel: Meredith Shockley
Views: 405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BCZ8teWMi-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 13sec (193 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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