Can Modern Forensic Science Solve Cases Without Bodies? | The New Detectives

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a motel clerk disappears leaving behind a trail of blood investigators have their suspect but without a victim what can you charge English [Music] the shooting is reported but investigators have no proof that it really occurred until they can sift fact from fiction they've haven't got a case is a missing sofa the key to a woman's disappearance the prosecution can't rest until it can make sense of a series of odd clues murder is usually the most obvious of crimes the victims bodies mute witnesses to violence but their silent testimony may go unheard when they disappear without a trace [Music] [Music] Memphis Tennessee a thriving southern city Houma Beale Street the Blues and Elvis Presley but in 1997 it played host to a deadly mystery in the early morning hours in February 8 a man arrived at a Memphis motel he became concerned when calls to the front desk when unanswered he went to check it out the clerk appeared to be missing he didn't see anyone in the lobby but there was blood on the counter the office security door was open noticed more blood on the frame convinced something was wrong he left and called police [Music] [Applause] when Memphis police arrived they discovered blood outside the motel entrance smearing indicated something had been dragged across the hater they found more clues inside while the office showed no sign of forced entry the cash register was open and empty but a purse lying undisturbed nearby caught their attention they didn't believe a woman would willingly leave it behind the wallet inside still contained money as well as a checkbook credit cards and driver's license in the name of Ricky Ellsworth eluded by police the motel manager arrived and confirmed that Ricky Ellsworth was the clerk on duty she said Ricky lived nearby with her husband Don and two children a trusted and reliable employee she wasn't the sort to just leave in the middle of her shift circumstances of the crime suggested more than robbery police suspected the clerk had been abducted as police processed the scene other significant details began to emerge the office security door was equipped with a keypad but it was open and showed no sign of tampering either someone had known the code or the clerk had unlocked the door to investigators that suggested Ricky Ellsworth might have known her abductor although police had begun to suspect foul play nothing prepared them for what they found in an adjacent bathroom there were signs of a desperate struggle and much more blood the running sink contained a small flashlight and the toilet seat had been ripped from its hinges wet blood-tinged sheets indicated someone who tried to clean the room not only had Ricky Ellsworth disappeared but it now seems she'd been seriously injured captain RG Moore who led the crime scene unit feared the worst we don't have a body and we don't know exactly what happened with Hamlet just like it's gonna be a homicide case and we process the same we'll collect a blood sample we collect all the evidence we can find from the scene and just keep them until we see what we've got investigators hope the evidence would lead them to Ricky a squad car brought the victim's husband Don Ellsworth to the motel he said me and Ricky were happily married he told police his wife was a kind person who work for the Christian prison ministry in her spare time every Christmas she baked pies for the prisoners but Ellsworth said their marriage hadn't always been so tranquil they'd once separated for two years and she'd gotten involved with a man who assaulted her and went to prison for it Ellsworth said the man's name was Michael Brimmer after finishing at the scene the investigators returned to the station to conduct a background check on Michael Rimmer what they found in the files was chilling Rimmer was a high school dropout with a history of drug problems to violence in 1989 he was convicted of robbing and brutally assaulting Ricky Ellsworth details of rumors previous assault on Ricky raised Detective Robert Shem wild suspicions his actions at that crime basically mirrored what was happening here at the motel with the cleaning up attempt to clean up the evidence we immediately began looking for Michael Rimmer meanwhile detectives narrowed the time frame for Ricky's disappearance they found a couple to a checked in with her at 1:15 a.m. but when two others tried to check out around 2:30 she wasn't there detectives located a witness who said he'd pulled into the motel at approximately 2:15 hoping to rent a room but he saw a man with bloody knuckles behind the counter and left without registering he also noticed a four-door maroon car backed up to the curb its trunk and doors open based on his description police put together a composite of the man at the motel using an identified by a collection of facial parts and features that can be assembled as needed the suspects face came together it resembled Michael Rimmer then ask the witness to look through an album of more than 50 mug shots including Rimmer's their hopes were dashed when he couldn't positively identify Rimmer as the man with the bloody knuckles detectives learned from a co-worker that Ricky had recently gotten a birthday card from a Michael in Mississippi she took the card into the back office to read but became angry and threw it away it was becoming clear to detectives that if they wanted to find Ricky Ellsworth they needed to find Michael Rimmer they started at the auto repair shop where he worked nobody had seen him since Friday the day before Ricky disappeared he'd left his tools and paycheck behind one more critical fact emerged when we got to talking to the employees there this same maroon four-door vehicle was described as being Michael Rimmer's car so then we decided we need to track down and find out where Michael Rimmer got this Ford or her own vehicle it wasn't registered to Rimmer if it wasn't his and detectives wondered where he got it his co-workers sent detectives to another friend of rumours we told him that his own meruna four-door car had been stolen a month earlier shortly after he was seen Rimmer [Music] after four days Ricky Ellsworth was still missing and so was Michael Rimmer [Music] hoping for a clue to his whereabouts police questioned his brother Richard Rimmer said he'd last seen Michael on the morning of February 9th just hours after McNeil's word disappeared michael had seemed exhausted when he arrived in a maroon car around 9:30 a.m. he asked Richard if he knew how to remove a blood stain from the backseat then Michael pulled a muddy shovel from the car and scraped mud from his boots Richard also told police that Michael claimed Ricky bought the car for him she had visited Rimmer in prison after he claimed he'd found God and Richard knew the two had met after his release but somewhere along the line the friendship soured by now two weeks have passed and still nobody had seen or heard from Ricky Ellsworth detectives had lost hope of finding her alive and their prime suspect Michael Rimmer still eluded them they would have to find him in a stolen car if they got any chance of moving murder I issued an f2 property warrant old Michael Rimmer and indicated in that warrant that when he he was located or if that vehicle was located that he was to be held for the Memphis homicide unit and processed detectives got a promising lead from one of Rimmer's former cellmates he said Rimmer spoke of killing Ricky and burying her in Mississippi after he got out of prison Rimmer's former girlfriend told detectives of a wooded area called plantation point near ARCA Butler Lake in Mississippi it was 45 minutes from Memphis she said Rimmer liked to go there detectives headed to plantation point they combed the area on foot but didn't find anything then they called in black water divers from the Shelby County search and rescue unit specially trained to operate by touch in a dark murky black water the divers searched the lake they didn't find anything either detectives were thoroughly frustrated they chased down every witness and lead but were no closer to solving the case or finding Rikki Ellsworth or Michael Rimmer now they'd run out of options in Memphis nearly a month invest with no progress in the potential homicide case in early March detectives got a phone call from Johnson County Indiana a sheriff's deputy there had stopped the maroon car for speeding when he ran a check on the license plate he discovered the car was stolen and there was a warrant for the driver Michael Rimmer sought for crimes including robbery and possible murder had been arrested during a routine traffic stop detectives flew to Indiana and prepared to finally question rimmer and examine the car for evidence after obtaining a warrant forensic investigators with the Johnson County Crime Unit searched the car they hoped for solid evidence but never expected to find what they did numerous receipts hotel receipts pawnshop receipts restaurant receipts showing Mike's every step from the day Ricky came up missing until his actual apprehension investigators tested the stained backseat for human blood the results were positive it was their first physical evidence to suggest a connection between rimmer and the Memphis detectives questioned Michael Rimmer the mix two days he denied stealing the car or having anything to do with Ricky's disappearance so far all their evidence was circumstantial made out Ricky's body there was only one way to link Rimmer to her murder the blood from the rear of the vehicle Michael Rimmer was occupied in the blood from the scene matched we had a problem though we had to determine a show somehow that that blood was Ricky Ellsworth blood they had one chance a reverse paternity DNA test which uses the combined DNA traits passed on from parents to determine the DNA characteristics of their children forensic scientists compared blood from Ricky's mother to samples from the crime scene and the maroon car they matched the test established a 16 million to one probability that blood from the car and motel came from an offspring of Ricky's mother it was the final link police needed improve michael Rimmer's guilt was written in blood based on evidence police believed they know what happened on February 8th Michael Rimmer drove to the motel sometime around 1:30 a.m. knowing Ricky Ellsworth would be alone when he arrived she led him into the office there Rimmer exploded into violence attacking her then wrapping her body in sheets afterward he tried to clean the room but gave up and left the sink running dragging Ricky to his car Rimmer made his escape although her body was never found police believe Ricky Ellsworth is buried somewhere near Butler Lake Michael Rimmer was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to death while no body was ever found in the Rimmer case police used blood evidence to prove murder but in Cleveland Ohio police would have to build a case on even less on Saturday December 15 1984 Cleveland police were called to the home of Ernestine Campbell she reported that her brother Henry was missing but she feared for his life because she'd heard he'd been shot and his body hidden in an alley she told police she'd last seen Henry the night before we need left home for a nearby after our spot officers searched the alley but couldn't find a body in fact they didn't find any signs of foul play they drove through the neighborhood but didn't see anything unusual there was no sign of Henry Campbell and nothing to indicate the violent crime had occurred officers canvassed the area talking to residents who might have seen or heard something the night before one witness claimed she heard shots and saw men running near the club another recalled hearing shots but couldn't provide any other details still others confirmed shots were fired but nobody admitted seeing anything police were frustrated they had reports of gunfire and a murder but couldn't find the purported victim homicide detective John kweli the lead investigator recalls the odd circumstances of the case usually we're called to the scene of a homicide where we have a victim laying on the street or in a house but we have a victim and a lot of times we'll be able to get the weapon used in a crime with this incident we were murder was reported we went to the scene we didn't have a body we couldn't find the body we couldn't find any evidence of blood or we didn't have a weapon it was kind of starting without anything to work with police needed more information so they returned to the Campbell house Ernestine gave them a picture of Henry and more details she'd heard that some people claimed they'd seen Clarence Barnes shoot her brother in the back she said Barnes ran the After Hours Club in his home and that there was bad blood between him and Henry - Richardson's at the station people who had been at the club that night began coming forward a woman named Jacqueline Richardson told investigators she saw Campbell at the club and that he argued with bar when Campbell left barns had a gun followed him outside [Music] she said the two men were joined by a third and walked out of her sight shortly after that a woman ran into the club screaming that there'd been a shooting Andrey Campbell was injured Richardson went outside where a passerby told her some men were chasing them shooting at another she said she didn't see anything and returned to the club Barnes was already there asking everyone to leave as the search continued for evidence of murder Victor Santiago told police what he knew he was the third day and Jacqueline Richardson described and his account took up where hers left off he said he'd seen the two men arguing outside the club and heard Barnes order Campbell to leave according to Santiago Campbell caught up with him a few moments later as they walk down the street he heard a shot and Campbell fell forward Santiago said he took cover and watched Barnes fire three more shots at the prostrate Campbell police now had to eyewitness accounts but still no evidence of a homicide Anri Campbell had disappeared and detectives had to eyewitness accounts of murder but no body and no evidence several residents claimed clarence barnes bragged that he burned Campbell's body and that nobody would ever find the investigators brought Barnes to the station for questioning he admitted having words with Campbell and asking him to leave but said he didn't know what happened after that he denied having anything to do with Campbell's disappearance when police asked Barnes what he did for a living he told him he worked at the Animal Resource Center at a local university that immediately rang a bell in Quay Lee's mind and he called Warren's a supervisor we asked him if he had a an incinerator in the school and he said all yes and then we we asked him how big it was he said it was big enough to incinerate a steer we told them then that we were investigating a homicide and that possibly there may be human remains in the incinerator and asked if he would seal the room he did the next morning detectives and the team of forensic investigators went to the Animal Resource Center believing they might find the remains of Henry Campbell while the facility director arranged access to the incinerator the security chief showed them surveillance video from the night Campbell disappeared it showed Barnes arriving around 3:30 a.m. he backed into the receiving area which was approximately 15 feet from the incinerator entrance police could see him carrying something toward the incinerator room but couldn't identify what it was the picture then jumped away and came back in the next picture was the incinerator door open and Clarence pushing a cart in there you could not see what was on the carpet we knew he was in the incinerator room at that hour when investigators saw the incinerator they knew they were in for a long complicated task dr. Elizabeth Balraj coroner of Cuyahoga County recalls the challenge there were hundred gallons of cremated ashes or containing remains from various animals and we had to sift through those and find a very small amount of human bones if human bones were to be found at all the team began the painstaking process of sifting through the incinerator contents using a fine mesh screen they collected fragments of bone and other unburned debris though most of the fragments were hiding some humor including a vertebra mandible and part of a pelvis they also found a piece of melted lead its size and mass were consistent with a 38 caliber bullet it was the first solid evidence of murder although investigators believe they found Henry Campbell their case would go up in smoke if they couldn't prove it they turned to dr. C Owen Lovejoy a biological anthropologist at Kent State University and an expert at identifying altered or damaged remains he applied his skills to making a positive identification from the incomplete and severely damaged bone fragments Lovejoy concurred with dr. Balraj that approximately 160 of the recovered bones were human the next step was determining whether they came from one person and whether that person was henry campbell the process would be complicated by their condition here the pieces of the puzzle all of the edges had been frayed as you well by the cremation process and so none of the pieces fit together and we had to look at them in an isolated state after a thorough inventory of the fragments Lovejoy determined that portions of an entire skeleton were present no bones were duplicated that told Lovejoy the remains came from a single individual but was it Henry Campbell next he would try to establish specifics about the individual investigators had recovered part of the pelvis which is diagnostic for both sex and age Lovejoy concluded the remains belonged to a male approximately Henry Campbell's age while detectives were closer to proving they'd found Campbell they needed positive identification but Lovejoy couldn't give them that not without more to go on whenever we have a candidate individual that we believe the skeletal remains might match what we do is we try to get a pre-mortem x-ray investigators delivered existing x-rays of Henry Campbell to dr. Lovejoy could they help him prove murder as Cleveland detectives sought to identify the bones found in the incinerator dr. Owen Lovejoy compared post-mortem x-rays and bone fragments with Campbell's radiographs he focused on the skull and and mandible one recovered cranial fragment had a BB embedded in that matched an x-ray taken when Henry Campbell had accidentally been shot years earlier Lovejoy also identified shared characteristics between Campbell's other x-rays and corresponding bone fragments but he found the most compelling correlations in the lower mandible or jaw bone and the outline of that jaw the details of the bone structure and the details of the root areas where that where the teeth had been prior to death all were configured in such a way that they indicated that this was a positive identification since the jaw figured so prominently in that identification dr. Elizabeth Robinson the team's forensic odontologist reviewed Lovejoy's conclusions in her opinion two significant findings bolstered his analysis the end of the jawbone was flat a unique defect present in Henry Campbell's jaw a second anomaly an area of intense calcification clinched the identification it was in exactly the same area that it was on the postmortem as on the ante-mortem it was also only 5 millimeters in size in other words the exact same size same area and on both x-rays with the positive identification investigators have literally called proof of a homicide from the ashes on December 21st less than one week after Henry Campbell was reported missing Barnes was officially charged with murder based on the evidence police believe Barnes followed Campbell from his After Hours Club shot him then in his body later that night Barnes took Campbell's body to the Animal Resource Center where he incinerated it in April of 1985 Clarence Barnes pled guilty to the murder of Henry Campbell he received 15 years to life for aggravated murder in [Music] Cleveland police had to sift their case from a pile of ashes in Maryland investigators followed a winding trail of clues to capture a killer Rockville Maryland August 10th 1988 17 year old Kyle au returned early from a California vacation at the behest of a family friend to check on his mother Lisa too he hadn't heard from her in nearly a month and others told him they hadn't heard from her either that wasn't like his mother when he and his mother's friend found no sign of Lisa in the house they contacted police [Music] they went to the Special Investigations office at the Montgomery County Police Department to report her missing detective Turner I informed officers that nobody had seen or heard from his mother for a month he said that his stepfather Gregory too might know more he was overseas on business and I didn't know how to reach him before Gregory left he told friends that Lisa had flown to San Francisco to visit a friend in the hospital Kai said it was unusual for his mother to go away without telling anyone except Gregory police promised to investigate they began by contacting the airline's records confirmed that a one-way ticket had been purchased for ll2 on July 13th the destination was San Francisco via a connecting flight in Los Angeles the ticket to Los Angeles has been used but not the one for San Francisco it appeared Lisa too wasn't planning to come back that was her right but the detectives needed to make one more call they contacted the friend Lisa was supposed to be visiting in San Francisco she said she hadn't been in the hospital wasn't expecting Lisa and hey I talked to her in months now detectives began to consider whether Lisa too intended to disappear or if there might be a more sinister explanation detective Roger Thompson ordered it was not the normal missing person case where we we know somebody's missing for a particular reason they may not contact family members but we sooner or later find them this had some some mystery to it to find out more detectives spoke to several of Lisa's friends and learned the twos had been married nearly 10 years it was the second marriage for both and Kyle au was Lisa's son from her previous marriage the twos had enjoyed the good life Gregory was a successful restaurateur in fact one of his restaurants had been a favorite of Washington's elite but it hadn't blasted he'd suffered business reversals and lost his restaurants a commission sales job couldn't support the family's affluent lifestyle [Music] grigory Lisa argued about money and their marriage was rocky police also learned that Lisa was romantically involved with another man police questioned him at his office he said he spoke to Lisa the afternoon of July 14 the last day anyone saw or heard from her he denied knowing anything about a trip to San Francisco and expressed concern over Lisa's sudden disappearance he indicated Lisa's husband was suspicious about their relationship when he passed a polygraph test investigators believed he was telling the truth detectives checked out the family's finances and saw indications of serious problems Gregory was $30,000 in debt detective Mike Turner realized too was under a lot of pressure Gregory was known to like to gamble and we determined that he through interviews with friends had accrued some debt in gambling that he had not been able to pay and this was another problem that arose with his relationship with Lisa detectives also learned Lisa twos Bank and charge accounts had been inactive since early July that didn't make sense if she was alive they discovered that her husband who was still unreachable on a business trip would collect a $200,000 life-insurance policy if anything happened to his wife detectives began to suspect that the couple's financial woes might spell more than a simple missing-persons case as the investigation continued Lisa's son was doing a little detective work of his own Chi Lao found his mother's address book in her bedroom that was odd because she seldom went anywhere without it he also noticed that furniture in the house was missing or rearranged he called detective Turner hi detective I [Music] returned to the police station and met with investigators he had found that forty four thousand dollars had been withdrawn from a bank account Lisa kept for his education and that wasn't all Kai told police his stepfathers gun was missing and asleep sofa had disappeared he said his mother often slept on it when she and Gregory weren't getting along [Music] I also informed detectives that his stepfather Gregory was due back from his business trip that evening by now investigators had a lot of questions for Gregory too they met him at the airport and brought him to the police station he was concerned about his wife and was eager to help police he told them he bought Lisa a plane ticket to San Francisco so she could visit a friend in the hospital he said he drove her to Dulles International Airport the next day and watched her board the plane he claimed she called from Los Angeles and said she was awaiting the flight to San Francisco he hadn't heard from her since when they told him Lisa's friend wasn't sick and wasn't expecting her he seemed surprised then he offered another explanation [Music] he claimed his wife was unhappy with her appearance and wanted plastic surgery he said they'd argued about it in the past he surmised that might have been the real reason for the trip Lisa probably made up the story of a sick friend realizing he wouldn't buy the ticket if he'd known the truth when detectives inquired about the missing sofa - said it was infested with mice and he had it hauled away [Music] he also said he threw the gun away after a well-publicized glocal incident where a homeowner shot some trespassers he explained away the $30,000 debt as business and travel expenses - begged off further questions saying he was tired from his long trip detectives agreed to continue the interview another day if two would take a polygraph test at work he agreed and promised to return the following Monday Guri - didn't keep his appointment he skipped town - detectives that seemed the act of a guilty man we then felt that the suspicions that the family had that we had put together since the initiation of the investigation now had come to fruition and we were looking probably at a homicide their suspicions about Gregory - even more wen-chi brought them an air express letter from California in it Gregory claimed he was in Los Angeles looking for Lisa if he didn't find her there he planned to continue the search in San Francisco investigators considered the letter a self-serving excuse from a guilty man but believing and preening are two different things without Lisa's body there was no evidence she was dead they began looking for proof in Gregory's story investigators followed up on Kai's tip about his missing college money and enlisted the help of the state's attorney's office John McCarthy deputy state attorney in Montgomery County found Lisa had controlled it Gregory too cleaned out that account we got bank photographs from the bank and you clear as day you can see Gregory to stealing the forty four thousand dollars from that fund and within a period of ten days after he stole it he had run through that money it was gone detective Turner re-examined the airline ticket to San Francisco they learned it was possible for someone to check in have the ticket marked but not board the plane he suspected Gregory too had done that and that Lisa never boarded the plane they contacted passengers who'd been on the flight then attorney McCarthy got a real break a woman called to say she'd been on the plane with her husband and small child while airborne the couple took several photographs well I've got some pictures of the seat that Lisa two was supposed to be in on that plane from Washington to San Francisco and she's not in those pictures and she forded to me those pictures and one of the ways we were able to prove conclusively that Lisa was not on that plane that Gregory said she was on was with those pictures detectives wanted to know more about the missing sofa sleeper they wondered if Lisa's body was inside it when hauled away they tracked down the men who picked it up they remembered the couch because Gregory tipped over for carrying it out to the truck they didn't notice anything unusual about it investigators traced it to the landfill but that was a dead end the sofa had already been ground up and buried detectives reasoned that Gregory might have gotten rid of the sofa because it contained proof of Lisa's death if that were true there could be other evidence of the residents they obtained a search warrant to find out an examination of Gregory's car uncovered incriminating evidence clumps of mud weeds and twigs were stuck in the undercarriage indicating the car had been driven off-road in the trunk they found a plastic tarp a carving knife and a machete all of the items were cleaned but they could have been used to dispose of a body inside the house detectives found their first physical evidence of foul play there were droplets of blood on a chair near the spot where the sofa had stood but investigators suspected more might have been cleaned up to find out they processed the area with a luma light which makes blood that cannot be seen with the naked eye glow they discovered blood spatter as where the sofa had been and it displayed a significant pattern we know that the couch was open at the time when this all occurred because there was no blood swiping or markings underneath the couch it was a fold away opened up couch and when they put out the processing you can see basically see the outline of the couch opened up as a bed investigators also found signs of smearing evidence someone had tried to clean up the blood [Music] while they were processing the scene the phone rang at our rental agency in Las Vegas was calling for Gregory to the car he read it several days before was overdue it was the break police were looking for now they finally knew where two was but they needed some help in capturing him what I would like you to do is if he calls in about the car in the next few days or brings the car in try to stall him or if he calls in tell him that you would like to replace the car with another car because this one needs for service or whatever reason you can think of or it's going to be resold but somehow get him to come to the rental office to get another car my name's Greg the plan worked on Saturday September 10th he arrived at the car rental office Fisher cars ready police arrested him on a fugitive warrant nearly a month after he disappeared detectives Turner and Thompson flew to Las Vegas where they began retracing twos activities since he fled Maryland a matchbook in his hotel room led them to a Chinese restaurant the manager recognized tuna from a photograph she told investigators he had applied for a job saying his wife was dead and he wanted to start a new line stock on the job application he gave his name as Gregg sent when the detectives returned home with two they called in a document examiner at the Maryland State Police Crime Lab they knew Gregory had used aliases they wanted to confirm whether the handwriting on the job application and other items he wrote matched the bank's lip closing CAI Lau's College account the stolen money would provide the motive with a more serious crime of suspected homicide after providing known samples of tooms writing detectives awaited the results of the document examination the job application bank slip and other documents were compared against 2's handwriting in making the comparison factors such as writing style speed and pressure are all studied document examiner David Sexton explains and it's a combination of those characteristics as well as a combination of recognizable letter formations and that combination of characteristics that are unique to the individuals handwriting the writing on the job application Bank slip and other documents was Gregory tubes police also consulted a forensic serology investigator about the blood spatters found at the to house he confirmed they were consistent with a high-velocity wound most likely from a gunshot despite all the evidence investigators had collected their case was still flawed they needed something solid to prove murder without police's body the only physical evidence they had was blood from the house they had to somehow tie it to the victim they had only one chance and it was a long shot [Music] to prove lisa ii had been murdered maryland investigators had to link her to the blood in the house they hoped forensic DNA analysis could do that but in 1988 it was still in its infancy in fact DNA evidence only been used in a few trials nationally none of them murder cases and the two case posed a significant challenge there were no known samples of Lisa twos DNA that could be used for comparison without them it would be difficult to connect Lisa with the blood spatter [Music] the DNA lab needed to perform a reverse paternity test but this time they would have to work backward they would determine Lisa's DNA from the blood of her son because Kyle au was a genetic combination of both his parents scientists could in theory forensic Lee subtract his father's DNA from his blood what remained would be Lisa's DNA profile blood was drawn from Kyle ow and from his father in Hong Kong for comparison by process of elimination the lab confirmed with 98 to 99% accuracy that blood found at the two house was Lisa with forensic DNA testing detectives were able to prove homicide investigators believe Gregory too was moved to murder by jealousy over his wife's affair and the prospect of solving his financial problems with her life insurance they pieced together a likely scenario for the night of July 14th there were indications that the couple had argued perhaps over the affair perhaps about money desperate and enraged Gregory too pulled his gun from the cabinet shot Lisa [Music] he then disposed of her body despite his protestations of innocence Gregory too was convicted of first degree murder on November 21st 1989 he is currently serving a life sentence lisa twos body has never been found once police had no chance of proving murder without a body but today they can make a case on forensic science even when the victim has disappeared without a trace [Music] you
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 466,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American police procedures, DNA analysis, cold case investigations, crime scene analysis, crime scene reconstruction, crime solving methods, criminal justice system, criminal minds, criminology studies, forensic evidence, forensic examination, forensic files episodes, forensic series, homicide investigations, investigative journalism, mystery solving, real detectives, true crime community, true crime tv shows, unsolved mysteries
Id: 3J1qh3PjS4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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