How Dinosaurs Evolved and Took Over the World

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like many animals they came to dominate certain time periods the dinosaurs appeared out of the ashes of a mass extinction the great dying that marked the end of the Permian and the beginning of the Triassic among many of these bizarre experiments of evolution that were common in the Triassic was a tiny advanced carnival that would eventually go on to dominate the earth for the next 160 million years it is common knowledge to the dinosaurs first appeared in the Triassic but they were actually not seen until almost halfway through the period the Triassic was filled with very strange animals like the tree dwelling drop Anna soars or the reverse pterosaur Shera Victor X however the dominating animals in the early triassic were advanced reptiles known as ARCA sort these creatures had actually existed since the late permian but were obscure and rarely seen in the Triassic they rose up and took control as the dominant predatory animals as well as occupying some of Everest niches the reasons for their success is usually attributed to the conditions that were left over from the Permian extinction oxygen levels were low in the early stages and conditions were primarily arid throughout the Triassic it is thought that the arcus ores had more advanced respiratory systems than many other animals at the time and were better at conserving water these unique and invaluable tools allow them to become the most feared predators of the area Triassic quite soon after their first appearance the arcus will split into two groups the pseudo sukiya and the ornithol deira the pseudo sucio group contained animals that would eventually evolve into crocodiles and the oneth aderagroup contained animals that would eventually evolve into dinosaurs but at this time in their history you would find it very difficult to distinguish them as the crocodile group were behaving very strangely for crocodiles like occasionally walking on two legs or sometimes even being herbivorous if you travel back to the Early Triassic and eaten chances are you wouldn't know if you were eaten by a crocodile or a dinosaur the most common way in which paleontologists tell these two groups apart is by their ankles pseudo sukhiya had a greater range of motion in their ankles as many of them had limbs sprawled out to their sides and others were able to transition from a sprawl into a more upright position if need be all of the Darren's on the other hand have ankles that only really allowed them to move their feet on a single plane which gave them much more stability while running upright especially while moving at speed this adaptation may have been important in allowing the most arrived forms to become permanent bipeds and to become more dinosaur light and different groups seems to have evolved to spend at least some of their time on two legs independently this moved towards bipedalism among these dinosaur ancestors was probably driven due to the different bills these animals had they had stronger and very muscular tails also their bodies moved more easily side to side so the most efficient form of locomotion while moving at speed may have been on two legs this is an adaptation being copied by some lasers today that while moving at speed up to run on their hind legs the on earth adherents are also thought to contain pterosaurs which would have diverged away from this group just before they starts to look very dinosaur-like animals like mera Sukkos for instance looked like small theropod dinosaurs and were probably permanently bipedal but these animals still had some primitive features as Scylla Sora still had long four limbs showing their quadrupedal ancestry these animals looked a lot like small theropod dinosaurs however do not meet the current definition of dinosaur and are named dinosaur walks to closest relatives of the dinosaurs over the years the animals that hold the title dinosaur has actually changed quite a bit as our understanding of what these creatures were and how the world works has improved significantly when pioneering paleontologists first started to study their fossils important concepts such as deep time extinction and even evolution were only just starting to take hold dinosaurs were thought to be any large lizard like animal that lived a long time ago and as more prehistoric animals were being discovered a word with this definition would have been stretched into uselessness the definition most commonly used today is the common ancestor of the two major dinosaur groups so riskier and oneth Ischia and all their descendants this is because the Iguanodon was alone at this Kea and the Megalosaurus was a sore Ischia which were both the first dinosaurs ever named named by richard owen who coined the word dinosaur the most likely candidate for this common ancestor and therefore the probable first dinosaur is believed to be errata that lived over 230 million years ago dinosaurs may have appeared as early as 243 million years ago evidenced by the remains of Nyasa soros although this creature is only from fragmentary remains so it is difficult to know if it was indeed a dinosaur or just a dinosaur a morph so the earliest dinosaurs were small sometimes tiny bipedal carnivores and were far from the dominant group of animals or even predatory animals their habitats were largely populated by various types of arcus ores the dominant carnival's still being the co2 sukhiya that were more successful than dinosaurs well past the métro assic adding to this most early dinosaurs were around the size of a small dog whereas some pseudo Suki uns like the Saurus Lucas was 7 metres long however could have been even larger with upper estimates of 8 or 9 metres the dinosaurs were not dominating harbour varnishes either but their niches were not being filled by arcus ores and instead were largely being occupied by the same creatures as before the Permian extinction sign app sites these were aging creatures with an ancestry dating back to 300 million years ago and were not reptiles at all but actually distant mammal relatives a group of these animals called descendants had diversified into many species and were the most common large herbivores of their time by far however this would start to change about 230 million years ago with the appearance of small dinosaurs that unlike their predecessors were adapted to eat plants one of these individuals was about the size of a large dog called chromakey Saurus that would have lived in the shadow of these cows eyes to Summerlin's these creatures were actually the ancestors of the largest land animals ever the sauropods these sauropod ancestors would start to reach large sizes by the end of the Triassic although nothing compared to their gargantuan Jurassic proportions some of these animals like Plateosaurus could already reach lengths of 10 meters by the end of the Triassic when they would start replacing the descendants as the dominant herbivores most Triassic habitats around the world were monopolized by the large pseudo Sookie ins about 230 million years ago in what is modern day South America a group of dinosaurs called Harris or Reds first appeared this group were amongst some of the first dinosaurs and some members like herrera soros that the family is named after was some of the first large predatory dinosaurs reaching lengths of about 6 meters this predator would have had a much lighter build than some of the large to dessous kids would have been faster and more agile some of the key dinosaurian advantages true change came in the form of another mass extinction that occurred 200 million years ago marking the boundary between the Triassic and Jurassic periods the triassic-jurassic extinction event is lesser known as some of the others but was actually quite bad killing off as much as 30% of animals the majority of the old reptiles the sudha Sookie ins and the descendants were wiped out leaving a land folder of dinosaurs pterosaurs turtles and small mammals this extinction event was caused by increasing volcanic activity and unfortunately why the dinosaur survived while lots of the other groups did not is still poorly understood however it is very plausible that their highly efficient bird-like lungs may have helped them during lower oxygen levels although this extinction event was important to dinosaur evolution it was not analogous to the KT extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs allowing the mammals to rise up where mammals were for the most part tiny or nocturnal living in the shadow of dinosaurs and then in a blink of an eye were able to colonize many new habitats for some Triassic dinosaurs like Coelophysis are known from hundreds of fossils and were one of the most numerous prehistoric animals in the fossil record dinosaurs were common in successful animals by the end of the Triassic this extinction event just made a common group of animals become nearly every land animal larger than a cat the extinction event did seal the fate of the psuedo sue qian's or at least the ones that hunted on land one group of pseudo Sookie and still remain dominant in their habitats of freshwater rivers and lakes past the extinction and unlike the non-avian dinosaurs they still survive today these of course were the ancestors of crocodiles a massive thank you goes to fossil worth david van der Rohe Stuka rim and all my other patrons for their support if you would like to support me as well then you can go to patreon and make a pledge if you liked the video would like to be updated of future content then consider subscribing thank you for watching you
Channel: Moth Light Media
Views: 76,835
Rating: 4.9643493 out of 5
Keywords: History Of Dinosaurs, About Dinosaur History, Origin Of the Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, The History Of Dinosaurs, Dinosaur Lecture, Evolution Of Dinosaurs, moth light media, celophysis, Saurosuchus, Pseudos
Id: GQFp0-zRchA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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