How Did Henry VIII’s Jane Seymour Die? | The Six Queens Of Henry VIII | Channel 5

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while Anne sat in the tower Henry immediately set about finding her replacement one woman that caught the Kings I was Jane Seymour [Music] Jane Seymour was around 24 years old she had come to court to serve first Catherine of Aragon and then Ann Berlin she was described by many as being kind and sweet natured she was virtuous and honest and above all unassuming in April 1536 Henry had sent Jane letter we think it contained a summons to the Royal bed but Jane sent it back unopened and told the messenger that she wanted to make an honorable marriage less than 24 hours after Anne's head hit the cobblestones Henry and Jane were engaged to be married we've no record of how Jane reacted to the news that Ann had been beheaded but I don't think it could have concerned her too much for she showed no hesitation in stepping over the body of her rival to get to the throne Jane may have looked inoffensive but I think she had a farce Celia streak than anyone realized just 11 days after Anne's beheading Henry and Jane married the king was deeply in love again not everyone shared Henry's high opinion of Jai Spanish ambassador Eustace Shapley was mystified by the Kings choice he wrote in a letter of May 1536 that Jane was a woman of middle stature and no great beauty she's over 25 years old she inclines to be proud and haughty and she's a woman of no great wit [Music] so why did Henry consider Jane to be good wife material especially after he'd previously been married to two attractive extraordinary and intelligent women I think Jane suited Henry precisely because she was the polar opposite of his last two wives he didn't need it to be as experienced and intelligent as Catherine or as sophisticated and witty as an he didn't want her to challenge him instead he saw a woman who'd be compassionate and loyal and above all who'd do whatever he told her without question Henry had once loved his daughter Mary but when she was around seventeen he divorced her mother Catherine he declared Mary illegitimate and under the influence of Anne Boleyn he stripped her of the title princess Mary was now 20 years old and a lady-in-waiting to Ann Berlin's daughter Elizabeth Jane Seymour took the risky decision to fight for Mary to be restored as a princess [Music] on the 6th of July 1536 Henry finally did as Jane had asked he agreed to meet Mary [Music] this was the first time Henry had seen Mary in five years [Music] she caused you so much harm and prevented me from seeing you for so long has paid the penalty [Music] Jane also welcomed marry into the family with open arms she treated her as if she were her own daughter Jane had brought Henry the greatest gift of all he had never been so happy [Music] - I shall but Henry's good fortune was not to last he'd gained a daughter but in less than a month he lost his only son the illegitimate Henry Fitzroy 27 years and three wives into his reign and still Henry had no male heir he began to lose hope Henry had only been married to Jane for two months but he was already convinced his dynasty was doomed to fail to his utter delight Jane became pregnant this was the news Henry had been waiting for [Music] in September 15 37 Jane was moved to Hampton Court Palace to have her baby [Music] the royal doctors and astrologers confidently predicted the child would be a boy but the royal birth was a long way off and there was plenty of danger still to come Oh on October the 9th 1537 Jane went into labor but things did not run smoothly after two days there was still no sign of a baby [Music] Henry grew more and more anxious as the days passed he and the whole kingdom prayed for Queen Jane and their future Monica [Music] Henry feared that history was repeating itself and once again his child would not survive the birth [Music] then on the third day of Labor at two o'clock in the morning Jane finally gave birth and just as the Royal doctors predicted it was a boy [Music] Jane must have been elated she had finally given Henry what he wanted and in return the birth had given her security safety and power she could do anything ask for anything and Henry would almost certainly give it to her [Music] Henry v8 finally had a legitimate son and heir he called Jane his true love and his true wife this is what all the upheaval the trouble the misery and the slaughter of the last 10 years have been leading up to now at last he was a king with a male heir and if Jane could have one son there was no reason why she couldn't have more it looked like Henry's Tudor dynasty was finally secured plans were drawn up for Queen Jane to return to London the triumphant mother of a future king of England but those plans would have to wait [Music] on Monday October the 15th three days after giving birth Jane fell seriously ill she had caught an infection during labor poly caused by poor hygiene for the next nine days Jane fought for her life to Congress to restore the us at any man to unsung it was a fight she would not win around midnight on October the 24th 15:37 Jane Seymour died benedict omnipotence to Jane's reign lasted just 17 months it was short-lived but incredibly successful she proved herself to be a compassionate queen and a loving wife you
Channel: Channel 5
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Id: AtXgcBYwWjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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