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all right so dhcp is a very important protocol our  devices use it in and out all day every day and   everything is great until something goes wrong so  let's go ahead and take a look at how dhcp works   and what to look for when we're troubleshooting  it okay so you can follow along with the pcap in   the description down below go down there download  it and you can follow right along so let's keep   dhcp simple it's really just four packets and  you can see them here on my screen so discover   offer request acknowledge super simple but let's  go and break them down and look at the function   of each step in the dhcp process first when  a machine wakes up on the network it just   opens its eyes it establishes link state but it  doesn't yet have an ip address it also doesn't   know what network it's on it doesn't know who  its gateway is its dns server or any other   information that it may need in order to operate  and that's the purpose behind dhcp to give it that   configuration that it needs to start working on  the network so in this first packet we can see   that in play if i take a look at packet number  one notice at layer two this is an ethernet two   encapsulation if i just expand this  out this is going out to a broadcast   so this station it woke up it's sending this out  everywhere okay this is type ipv4 let's go ahead   and take a look at the next layer protocol and the  ip information this is being sent from zero zero   zero zero i don't yet have an ip address i don't  have a name i don't know who i am give me a name   next destination address so this is being sent out  to a true layer 3 broadcast address hey out there   i'm looking for a dhcp server that can help me get  going and get operating on this network okay next   the udp layer so dhcp operates over udp the source  port the client side is going to use port 68   the server side is port 67. okay and the rest  is pretty standard udp stuff length checksum   and so on all right but now let's actually take  a look at the dhcp information so in our packet   here we can see that the message type is a boot  request uh really there's only two message types   that you can have either a request or reply if  i come down here there's ethernet so this is   telling about the hardware type that i'm using at  layer two if i come down here it's a transaction   id so this transaction id is just a random number  that the client selects in order to identify the   dhc process that it's using if you take a look on  the top you can see that that same transaction id   is copied back to me by the server it's again used  in the request and then the final acknowledgement   so that's how i can link all of this together as  being a part of the same dhcp transaction down   here boot flags let's open that up and take a look  so with dhcp originally devices were configured   using the bootstrap protocol so sometimes  you'll see that kind of sticking around boot p   but for now almost everything uses the actual  dhcp process we'll talk a bit more about that   in just a minute so with this flag what we're  doing is we're telling the server hey if you   want to hit me back with that offer you can  just unicast it back to me i'll accept that uh   alternatively i could say go ahead and broadcast  it back and in that case the response the offer   and the ack would both be broadcasted and i  would be able to pick those up and use them   okay so let's go up and click discover okay so  now let's go and take a look at some of these   other options so client ip address hey it's all  zeros i don't know next server ip address how   am i supposed to know about a server on this  network if i haven't been here yet and relay   agent look that's again not my job here i'm just  a client trying to get an address with dhcp keep   in mind this discover is broadcasted so it may  be that my routers or network infrastructure has   to take this broadcast and send it off to a true  dhcp server that it knows about in that case that   router would be known as a relay agent so by the  time this discover actually makes it to the server   that router would insert its ip address here in  this field so that the server knows that this was   sent by a relay but in that initial discover  especially when we're capturing client side a   lot of times you're gonna see zero here now client  mac address this is basically all the client knows   about itself is its own mac it's like it woke up  and it looks at its arm and it sees a tattoo of   its mac address okay so it's able to offer that to  the server so that it can be uniquely identified   when an address is assigned to it okay continuing  down magic cookie it's just a number you're going   to see in every single packet that's dhcp what  this does is it basically differentiates between   boot p and dhcp because up until this point  they're very similar but here we're saying no   magic cookie is dhcp now the rest of the dhcp  options are going to follow all right so let's   take a look at some of the options that the client  is requesting here so the option the type of dhcp   message is that type one so this is a discover  that's why we see discover up here with wireshark   next we can see the option requested address  so historically or before in the recent past   this client was using an address on this network  so what it does is it says hey server if you still   have this one available this is an address that i  would like to request from you next we're sharing   what our host name is and here kali linux 2021-3  and then last this is what you really want to   look at when you're checking out a dhcp discover  this is a list of all the stuff that the client   would like to have back from dhcp so some of it's  very important for me i want to see a subnet mask   i want to see a router i need dns without those  basic ones i'm not going to be able to go very far   but you also see some other interesting  ones time offset a host name interface mtu   classless static route network time protocol  servers so there's other configurations that   i could request from dhcp and it's possible that  we could configure these things with our endpoints   using dhcp that's how we can get those extra  parameters out to those endpoints all right   so that was our discover that gets broadcasted out  and if a relay is involved it'll be relayed to the   true dhcp server but now let's go ahead and take  a look at the offer that comes back so let's look   at that second packet so we can see here let's go  ahead and start at the top so this is unicasted   and the server is basically saying hey you told  me to unicast it back to you on dot four so here   you go here's i'm using this address and we can  see the udp ports port 67 to 68 basically those   flipped okay now to the fun stuff in dhcp i'm  going to go ahead and minimize my hexadecimal view   down here so boot reply this is that two right so  in the first packet it was one so now it's a two   and if i come down here i can see client ip  address so your client ip address is the address   that i'm gonna use for you mr client this is 55.4  the server ip address that it's coming from 55.1   and then that client mac address identifier so the  server basically said hey here's an offer for you   and here's the address here's identifying myself  55.1 here's the lease time this is how long you   can use this address for here's your subnet  mask here's your router ip here's your dns   and domain name local domain here's a host name  that you told me about and then we're going to   end our options now notice that the server  didn't give us everything that we asked for   ntp or that interface mtu but it did give  us some basic parameters that we need to   get up and get rolling now with dhcp you can get  more than one offer if i send out a discover i'm   discovering the dhcp servers it could be that i  could get three different offers at this point   now i'm going to formally request the one that i  choose and i'm going to identify the server that   it came from all right so let's see how that  happens in the next packet all right so dhcp   request this is broadcasted at layer 2 and  layer 3. so if i had several offers come in   basically i'm implying hey i'm not picking all you  other guys i'm picking if i come down to the dhcp   come down into my options down here server  identifier this is what i'm saying i'm officially   requesting this address from this server this  is the address here's my name and by the way   i'm going to repeat my option request down here in  those parameters just in case there's some extra   parameters that that server might give me once i  actually formally do that request to that server   okay so let's see what happens in our fourth  packet finally that ack acts coming back unicasted   and formally the server says okay acknowledge  i'm the server that it came from here's my ip   address here's how long your lease time is again  here's your subnet mask your router your dns   and some other basic stuff so dhcp really is that  simple it's four packets discover offer request   and acknowledge now here's a few things that you  might want to watch for as far as troubleshooting   dhcp watch for several offers coming back it could  be in your environment you're using a known dhcp   server and what if you see after your discovers  that you're getting several offers from other   servers that you don't know about that you  didn't authorize it could be that an attacker   is trying to trick you into using their dhcp  service and of course taking you off in a whole   different direction also i want to watch for one  station sending out a lot of different discovers   if it's saying discover discover discover discover  it could be that it's trying to exhaust my dhcp   pool because a dhcp server is only going to have a  limited number of ip addresses that it's going to   offer per subnet so a bad guy could ask for all  of those addresses and exhaust my dhcp pool but   for the general function of dhcp hopefully that  made sense discover offer request acknowledge this   is how dhcp works and how we can look at it in  wireshark thanks for watching i'll see you again
Channel: Chris Greer
Views: 15,767
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Keywords: intro to wireshark, wireshark, chris greer, free wireshark training, wireshark for beginners, wireshark tutorial, packet analysis, ccna, protocol analysis, wireshark training, packet capture, wireshark training 2022, dhcp, dynamic host configuration protocol, dhcp explained, dhcp configuration, dhcp relay, dhcp problems, multiple dhcp offers, dhcp discover, dhcp offer, dhcp request, dhcp ack, how dhcp works, what is dhcp
Id: Cy0M54GSpBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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