How Deep Is the Ocean In Reality?

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[Music] how deep is the ocean in reality a whopping 94 percent of all life-forms on earth are aquatic it sounds shocking and makes you a land dweller a small minority doesn't it at the same time such a huge number of living beings who can't survive without water is understandable after all more than 70% of our planet's surface is covered with water the world ocean includes the Pacific Ocean the Atlantic Ocean the Indian Ocean and the Arctic Ocean there's enough water in the oceans to fill a 685 mile-long bathtub and people have explored just 5% of this enormous water reservoir this means that the other 95 percent is still hiding its secrets and tucking away its mysteries one of the main nagging questions people have been asking for ages how deep is the ocean in reality subscribe to our Channel and you'll get the answer not only to this but also a lot of other questions all the secrets are waiting to be revealed on the bright side of life have you clicked the red button great then let's get down to the very bottom of the world ocean our descent will be slow and steady otherwise we may miss some milestones on the way sunlit zone 14.5 feet is the depth of the standard Olympic diving pool with a 33 foot high diving platform the submerged coastal remains of the seven pagodas of Mahalo be purim a city in India lie 26 feet below the surface of the water at least that's what scientists believe at a depth of 33 feet scuba divers get their first martini the compressed nitrogen which divers have in their air tanks leads to an effect similar to drinking one martini cocktail for every 33 feet of descent 65 feet down and you will find shallow coral reefs if you are diving in some tropical location of course you'll also get your second martini which will lead to mild euphoria at 100 feet underwater in polar and temperate areas there are kelp forests some of the most dynamic and productive ecosystems on earth in addition your third martini makes your response is delayed but at the same time you feel overconfident 115 feet is the depth of a plunge pool under Niagara Falls and that's almost two-thirds the height of the Falls 131 feet is the maximum depth that is allowed for recreational scuba diving besides this is the depth of the deepest swimming pool in the world y40 is a diving pool situated in the four-star hotel monta grotto terme in Padua Italy this swimming pool is in the Guinness World Records you can buy tickets at the hotel and enjoy free diving or scuba diving 196 feet and you are drinking your 6th martini which can lead to hallucinating at this point killer whales usually dwell at the same depth and the normal operating depth of world war ii us summaries is just a tiny bit deeper at 213 feet Italian underwater cyclist Vittorio innocente a manage the deepest underwater cycling in the world in 2008 having descended to 230 feet below the ocean surface you'll encounter whale sharks which are the largest fish species in existence your vii martini might make you feel terror or on the contrary sleepiness at a depth of 305 feet you'll see the wreck of RMS Lusitania which was sunk in 1915 eleven miles off the coast of Ireland by a German u-boat it took the ship just 18 minutes to sink to the seabed taking 1198 passengers and crew members along with it by the way if RMS Lusitania weren't lying flat on the bottom she would be sticking out of the water because the length of this ship was 787 feet 328 feet can be a fatal depth for divers who have failed to exercise caution the reason is decompression sickness it can occur if a diver starts to rise to the surface too quickly in this case the water pressure changes too rapidly and as a result nitrogen doesn't have enough time to clear from a person's blood or tissues this leads to the appearance of nitrogen bubbles which can damage the blood vessels and block blood flow what's more unlucky divers experience terrible joint pain a common symptom which often makes people double over despite these potentially dire consequences Herbert niche managed to get as deep as 700 two feet the most amazing thing about this is the fact that the man was free diving he descended there having taken just one single breath at that depth of 328 feet one more unique inhabitant of the ocean water spends its days the Giant Pacific octopus this creature resembles the chameleon in its ability to change appearance to match rocks and corals in fact it's this octopus species which can reach twenty feet in length that inspired horror stories about sea monsters grabbing sailors off their ships some more food for thought if you capture an octopus it will amuse itself by shooting water at its targets what if you happen to be a target for one of those 20 foot long creatures at 354 feet you'll find K 141 Kursk a Russian nuclear submarine it sank in 2000 after something went terribly wrong during a naval exercise a depth of 426 feet entered the Guinness World Records thanks to the deepest underwater wedding which happened in Thailand diving instructor Hiroyuki Yoshida and Sandra Smith became spouses on September 30th 2013 at 591 feet under the water surface rms carpathia found her last dwelling this ship became famous after her participation in the rescue of the Titanic survivors unfortunately a torpedo attack in 1918 sank this heroic ship Twilight Zone @ 656 feet the twilight zone begins that's where you can see the giant oarfish let's be honest these less than beautiful creatures can grow as long as 35 feet and gain a weight of 600 pounds when you look at the red rays that sprout on the dorsal fins of these snake-like fish and their bulging eyes you might grasp the notion of sea monster let's get down to 984 feet oh no there's no need to panic it's just a Japanese spider crab well admittedly they can grow to be more than 12 feet long and weigh as much as 44 pounds yes they can have a 13 foot wide leg span and this makes it possible for them to tower over you if they feel like doing so but all this might is mostly legs as for the body of the crab it's typically no larger than a foot and a half across hmm perhaps this fact makes them on the contrary even more terrifying what's your opinion we'd love to know it tell us in the comments below and 1089 feet descent and you'll reach the death of the deepest scuba dive Hamid Gobber from Egypt accomplished it in 2014 you'll need to go 1332 feet down to find the bottom of Lake Superior this Lake belongs to both Canada and the USA and is the largest freshwater lake in the world by its surface at a depth of 1453 feet you could reach the height of the Empire State Building if somebody powerful enough decided to submerge it underwater 1640 feet is the deepest blue whales can dive blue whales are the largest and loudest animals on our planet if you imagine an animal as tall as a 10-story building that would be a vertically positioned blue whale the longest blue whale ever recorded reached 108 feet the tongue of this creature weighed as much as an elephant and its heart was as heavy as a car as for being loud you can compare it for yourself a jet engine makes a noise at 140 decibels the call of a blue whale can reach 188 decibels their moans groans and pulses are heard by other whales at a distance of 1000 miles kind of like the sound my dad made that one time I accidentally stepped on his foot the 1,755 feet is as deep as the emperor penguin can dive at this depth the water pressure that a penguin or a person experiences is equal to the pressure a quarter feels when a polar bear is standing on it the so far channel or deep sound channel starts at a depth of 1968 feet this is a layer of water used by whales and submarines for a long distance sonic communication two thousand one feet below the surface is the deepest a person innate es su atmospheric diving system soot can die at a depth of 2,200 96 feet lives the European eel this unfortunately critically endangered species can be found in Europe and the eel can reach almost 5 feet in length two thousand seven hundred twenty three feet is the height of the tallest building in the world the Burj Khalifa in Dubai the giant squid lives as deep as 2900 52 feet below the surface it size being ten point five inches across are the size of frisbees that are filled with water which leaks out of the squid dies females are 10 feet longer than males by the the average length of this creature due to deep-sea gigantism is about 40 feet the suckers of this giant squid have serrated rings around them when attacked by sperm whales their main enemies squids use them to leave huge circular wounds still from 4.5 to ten million giant squid get eaten every year by sperm whales midnight zone the light coming from the surface doesn't reach this point so you will see nothing but impenetrable darkness on top of that the water pressure you'd feel if you reach this point would be the same as you'd experience standing on the planet Venus you'd be crushed almost immediately at a depth of three thousand six hundred eight feet there's the deepest volcano recorded by scientists that's west mada in the Pacific Ocean three thousand nine hundred thirty seven feet is the depth where the so far Channel ends deadly ferocious and unbelievably fast great white sharks who can live longer than 70 years feel great at a depth of four thousand one hundred ninety nine feet and that's where most swimmers prefer that they stay the same depth also witnesses the deepest reptile dives these dives are performed by the largest living turtle species the leatherback turtle they're famous for the absence of a hard shell 4921 feet is the depth at which that catch-all industrial fishing method is used that's when huge nets with heavy weights fastened to them are dragged along the seafloor to capture everything that hasn't been wise enough to get out of the way five thousand three hundred eighty three feet is the maximum depth of Lake Baikal Russia the largest by volume freshwater lake in the world if you descend it even deeper down to five thousand nine hundred ninety seven feet you'd reach the deepest part of the Grand Canyon if it was situated under water at six thousand five hundred sixty one feet you'd have a chance to come across the black dragon fish and this wouldn't be a happy encounter in fact this dragon fish looks pretty much the same as the creature from the alien face luckily due to some peculiarities of this living being you wouldn't be able to spot it unless you used a flashlight but it would be better not to seven thousand three hundred eighty one feet is the deepest sperm whales can dive these whales also called Kasia lots are the largest toothed whales reaching sixty two feet in length a depth of nine thousand eight hundred forty two feet will reveal to you deep-sea coral reefs they can be found in all oceans at a depth of ten thousand four hundred feet the deepest offshore drilling happens twelve thousand seventy three feet is the average depth of the world ocean twelve thousand four hundred sixty seven feet of water separate you from the wreck of RMS Titanic a British passenger ship that collided with an iceberg in the Atlantic and sank in 1912 you might have heard of it just a bit lower at twelve thousand seven hundred ninety five feet below the water surface there are Air France flight 447 black boxes Airbus a thirty three thirty crashed into the Atlantic Ocean in two thousand nine the abyss at a depth of thirteen thousand 123 feet the midnight zone ends and the abyss lies ahead the first terrifying thing about this zone is the water pressure it's a shocking 11,000 pounds per square inch can anything alive survive in such conditions the answer is a confident yes numerous nightmarish and strange creatures inhabit these depths including the viperfish angler fish and fangtooth fish water at a depth of 15,000 91 feet is filled with various marine litter plastic and fishing nets are the most typical ocean pollutants get down to sixteen thousand three hundred five feet and you'll see hydrothermal vents spewing hot water these are sometimes called black smokers eighteen thousand eight hundred ninety seven feet is the depth at which you can find the deepest shipwreck ss Rio Grande sunk in 1941 in the South Atlantic and was discovered only in 1996 Trench zone at a depth of 19 thousand six hundred eighty five feet the abyss ends and gives way to the trench zone the water pressure at this depth is 1,100 times more than you feel at the surface of the ocean this is the same pressure a person would feel if they had to carry about fifty boeing 747 jumbo jets if you somehow teleported to this depth with no outside protection you would be crushed immediately the ISIS underwater robot which is used for scientific research can reach a depth of 20 1325 feet at 26,000 738 feet the deepest fish was observed alive this was the snail fish seen in the Mariana Trench in 2014 34,000 973 feet that's the depth that xenovia fors giant single-celled organisms that can grow up to eight feet find comfortable for life in 2012 James Cameron the producer of the abyss and Titanic went almost all the way down to the bottom of Challenger Deep the deepest known place on earth in a small submarine he descended to 35,000 754 feet below the ocean surface describing the place as incredibly lonely and almost sterile and the deepest point reached by humans was a depth of 35,000 813 feet it happened in 1960 when Don Walsh and Jacques Piccard ascended to this incredible death in their bath escape Trieste they spent five hours descending to the necessary level unfortunately they managed to spend only twenty minutes there after that one of the submarine windows cracked and the men decided to return let's move just a tiny bit further down 36,000 feet is the average flight altitude of a commercial airplane have you look down out of an airplane window if you have then you can imagine how unbelievably deep our oceans are and eventually at a depth of 30 6070 feet you will reach the very bottom of the ocean in its deepest point known to man challenger deep on the other hand scientists and researchers believe that even this incredible depth isn't the deepest point of the ocean the time will come when humankind discovers new challenger deep who knows maybe then the world ocean will decide to reveal some more of its mysteries do you agree hit the like button if you'd love to know more secrets of our planet seas and oceans and please tell us in the comments below would you dare go down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench
Views: 5,943,808
Rating: 4.5869608 out of 5
Keywords: how deep is the ocean, ocean, Earth facts, amazing things, amazing videos, fun science, things you’ve never seen, facts about the world, facts about nature, discovery, underwater, water creatures, sunlight zone, twilight zone, midnight zone, the abyss, trench zone, bright side, brightside, bright side videos
Id: cl_I2KoGyhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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