How-Cast Katana Videos DEBUNKED and FULL RANT

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[Music] I'll earn everyone's welcome back to my channel this is the message I'm speaking and today we don't have a lot of fun we're going to watch together some beers which I'm really into hardcore fantasies these are really really fun like these things and easily is what happens it it was sorry do you all what do you mean they're your fantasy are they not running over it all for the restore the Lord arranged there's a real race yourself [Music] welcome back so please see for yourself when I'm talking about periods here's an example of how to deal with two attackers as the first attacker comes in all right we want it we want to catch again just like we explore it in the basic blocks all right more or less and then from there we could let it go okay I'm really just walking and trying to bring the opponents together right while using my my blade as a kind of shield right okay keeping myself safe at all times so that's one example of how to deal with two attackers right now that you have seen it I thank you for watching and I'll see you tomorrow for my next video goodbye well no no I can't I can't talk about this now I'm sorry I'm sorry I can't make a beat about this no no no I can't I can't no I got I know I know I know I can't do it no because you see what the problem is I love swords too much I love history too much and that's when my Italian blood gets all pumps and freely running and all that see if you can keep calm with all that deal to Peter running freely in your veins so I can't keep calm and yet sometimes when I get upset I also get sarcastic I'll give you that I'll give you that now some people it might be banking suits you know one that what they've been telling me they've been telling me that I am scornful presumptuous arrogant insolent disdainful contemptuous cynical good recovery by the way I mean to say like as an English teacher that's a going nice vocabulary that defy and what you want me to do it okay but time fun no no make it we do it fine go do it i'ma give you all right brace yourselves it's like to keep it civil all right please show me let's hear the first clip what is a katana katana is a medium length blade that it's very fast and is designed to be used with a two-handed grip as opposed to the one handed grip of the classical Western swords and really began around the Memoriam a period mobile yama periods like hold on a second memoriam a period or as the Sigma mu gamma it's like late 16th century so he's saying that katana were invented in latex in cities for what I said perhaps I didn't understand that maybe but it all wrong as far as I know the transition between touchy to Gucci katana and katana we're talking about Muromachi period and it's still used today although not on the street in Japan Thank You Oliver can I call you Oliver thank you for that lad no problems now you can all look your tickets to Japan go around go to the supermarket don't worry people are not wearing done anymore you will be fine thank you for that really appreciate and in certain circumstances I'm sure still carried around as actual weapons here there so what sorry what what did you say I don't know what is living what what Japan is talking about here this is a bokken a wooden sword tools and actually classically was even used as a weapon itself by people that couldn't have a real blade and was used quite effectively there's many stories about people prevailing in battles using wooden sort right I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt here because I'm a gentleman I hope that with the word battle he meant a jewel because we all know the story of Miyamoto Musashi and how good he was using the book and a book a door and how he could win someone I in actual jewels but if by battle my goodness he meant war which is actually what a battle a battle in a war if he's talking about armies and he's talking about stories of someone i winning loads of battles with only wielding a wooden gutter already the idea someone I going into battle wielding a katana is food because someone I wielded bows and Tolan we said it loads of times it was a backup weapon . but now even the idea of winning battles with a wooden sword what stories may I mean it don't count one example of how you can use the sword not just as a cutting tool but also as a shield because in Japanese history there are no shields the sword is actually used as a shield as well ok let's try to keep calm now let's keep my decency shields I have already made actually two videos on shield usage in Japan and how much this is a huge misconception that it's very strange to hear an expert talk about it Japanese used shields ok I've got all the documentation and information in the Lydia so you will find in the description below if you want to know more about it but already the idea of Japanese not employing shields in on the battlefield is wrong right I'll give you that Japanese didn't use shields on the battlefield as much as we did in Europe in the Middle Ages or perhaps in classical times between Rome Roman history and Greek history ok but the Japanese did use several types of shields on the battlefield and when they didn't use shields the katana was not used instead as a shield that wouldn't make any sense it would be the stupidest thing to do in the world to use a Canon as a shield this was the shield of a samurai on the battlefield this is the salty the pauldron the right portion of the armor this is a 16th century version of the tall spectacle or modern armor if we if we look at earlier examples you can see how even more resemblance of a shield actually was in the all-euroleague for example these are shields because the shield is something on the battlefield that needs to protect you from missile fire from arrows and a katana cannot protect you from arrows or the battlefields these will so let's just explore some basic blocks if you will downward strike he's coming in I'm just going to catch it here at the tsuba okay and then I'm going to parry around okay and come in for an attack catch the food at the deceiver a platform distract this person here helping you out I'm very sorry for him I'm very sorry goodie clearly doesn't want to be there I mean look at him look how fat he is it doesn't even believe in what you're talking about it's quite clear so I support you mate all is gonna be fine don't worry well rottenness look at this man he is moving incredibly slowly and okay they're moving slowly to show them move but have I seen ones one of these masters pretending showing us one of these techniques you inspiring with a person who doesn't want you to do it a person who strives to hit you really what a person who's going to put himself in the perfect position for you to do your move and regardless of all this catching a sword at the tsuba when it's full speed do it on a fist done Kendall do it on this man here let's check out this is opportunity to strike you know I want you to do it on that man catch it and then do all your turning and twisting like for example in this clip here or unarmed movement against an attacker with a sword and so when he comes in from jodan no kamae the most important thing is for me to get out of the way of this portion of the blade okay because this is the most powerful cutting instrument for him and as far as his leverage goes and I want to try to enter in okay and maybe use my my footwork in order to stay and get control of this area okay all right getting out of this getting out of the way is correct time okay if you can control this this side that's best okay yes do it on a muscle I ate done Kendall actually you don't even need an H down Kendall eight cube handles more than enough defend against someone with two swords honestly a martial arts is one thing some martial arts one thing I hate is when people let you do all your moves look at that he's completely ignoring a very basic concept sport that you learn in Chima in Kendall and even in Olympic fencing from crying out loud it's the concept of temple there are and you can only do a certain amount of things before the opponent's retaliate so does something to you you can't do all of that that's like time frozen completely time Fraser are you doing all your little moves and showing awfully and that's not even controlling anything now look at this one here this group of the two opponents how to fight two opponents a publicly-funded I think the first one would already chop your hand but apart from that why is the guy at the bottom just looking why is he staring at you why he's not doing anything it's quite clear this move only works on someone who doesn't want to hit you and the other guy while you started moving around like that would have easily shot to your pieces easily chopped in pieces now how cast a channel with five million subscribers please don't call this who is water cane juice soon I expect I live in confused because he says his excellent tutor expert he said he knows the idol and then I go to the page and it means youth all over the place I'm really sorry if you get confused me I don't even know what this man teaches don't feature him feature Matt Easton from scholar gladiatorial ease or find an equivalent of mud Easton but Japanese like mugged or Easton soldiers name a star dome on see my hair a man who knows how to fight a man who knows how to spa because he has spurred many times just as simple as that learn the techniques apply the techniques these people just learn techniques but they don't even know if they work because they never even tried them you can see that when your own eye now you see people went ballistic on me when I started touching the katana when I sort of touching at the time and I tried a couple of things just to show other principles mind you not even to teach techniques and people went ballistic on me telling me that I'm no that I don't even know how to hold a katana regardless of the fact that I have said millions of times from my videos that I am NOT an expert of martial arts but then they feature this man here and it says at the bottom that he's an expert and then I and I am expecting to be trained by an expert and learning something because I want to learn how to use a sword since if people tell me that I don't know how to use a sword and at the moment I can't go to a dojo I thought I thought let's just check out on the internet see what I can get this is what I get and then some people tell me you shouldn't talk bad about other other content creators because then would you be happy if people did that to you no problem mates no problem I remember when good karma made a few videos where he complained about things that I was doing that some people make videos and they praise me other people make videos and they show me where I might be wrong in some things and I'm fine I'm fine of course I think that these should be done with respect and if you know this although I do happen to be some somewhat sarcastic and whatnot in some of my videos particularly the rants but please notice that I have not won insulted this man okay I haven't but I do strongly oppose this sort of martial teaching I do strongly oppose this sort of martial teaching if he's not happening what I said and wants to make a video about it I have no problem at all I'm a youtuber I stand in front of a camera and I'm selling these people watching my content and I want to be 100% honest when I think that a video is well-made I'm gonna say it when I don't think video or a series of videos like in this case is well-made I am gonna say it this is being coherent and my wrong number one am I saying something wrong about these videos combat needs to be effective if it doesn't work you got to stop teaching it and I refuse to believe that someone I fought like this in feudal Japanese time you know why because when a martial art is just something you do in a Dodge of three to four times a week just for fun that's one thing but when you are on a battlefield and you're about to lose your lives and you've got your family at home where you're trying to defend perhaps or maybe other times you're just a complete just like some of some what I wear honestly and you just want to gain as much money as possible when I killed as many enemies as possible so that you can get money out of it some samurai were like this other samurai were loyal and honorable people whatever you are of the two you still want to make sure that they techniques you use will keep you alive if they don't work in practice they're not going to work on the battlefield and you're not going to risk your life just to show off whatever moves that you think in your head is going to work because those who did die on the battlefield it's the survival or the strongest please let me know what you think in the comments below I hope that you enjoyed this video hope it wasn't too redundant or too was the word for it to Italian was I you know make sense I thank you for your time and your patience and of course for your support I'll see you tomorrow for my next historical video customer is going to be historical and I'm going to talk about the romance by the way little spoiler and remember the Metatron has played his way goodbye another one bye olive [Music] you you you
Channel: Metatron
Views: 306,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How-Cast, Katana, Master, Training, War, Samurai, Japan, Japanese, Ninja, Ninjutsu, Ju-jutsu, Kenjutsu, Iaido, Iaijutsu, Martial Arts, Combat, Ninja Turtle, Sexy, Fight, Fighter, Fake, Terrible, Horrible, Fail, Monster, Rant, Debunking, Myth, metatron, d&d, larp, roleplaying
Id: ZpWJ73DxLZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2017
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