How Can You Pass the HGV Class 1 Test at First Attempt? Discover the Best Tips Here!

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trying for months and months how do I pass this hvv class one test hi I'm Patrick Bill and welcome back to our retro H training series the video is designed to help you pass your hgv test and to become better lry driver in this video I'd like to show you and explain the few really really good tips on how to pass this difficult hgv class one test in my experience I've had a lot of different stories a lot of different people coming to me and asking oh I failed few times I failed even one was 10 times and coming to us and can you help us what we did we did like a 15 15 hours retest pack and then they passed first time with these tips you will be able to pass I've been teaching people for almost 20 years now and I'm so sure of my techniques and training that I'm offering now pass guarantee you can find the contact to me in the description of this video now let me take you for the test rout part of the test route which is very very difficult and all these tips I want to show you in real life as we go also I have chosen byid day and it is an afternoon so it's going to be quite a lot of happening I want to show you how it is in real so this roundabout with sing left first exit and everything is about the planning okay you want to don't stop you want to just keep on moving this would be the best but sometimes when it's so busy it's just not possible so like on this occasion there's so many cars going and not indicating or indicating incorrectly that you need to play safe but the main thing is just to wait patiently and don't pull out on anyone so what I mean about that is that if you hesitate and don't take your chance once it's going to be just hesitation and you're not going to fail for that but if you pull out on onto someone uh someone let's say indicating incorrectly and going anyway your way then you will fail for that okay so planning planning so one of those tips how to pass your class one test is excellent planning and to plan better plan further because you are longer and heavier all this comes together so this road 50 m per hour trying to go a little bit faster we're doing 40 now it it does feel okay we just going to keep on going and again anticipating the worst case scenarios so something basically bro broken down around that vent or something doesn't mean that you have to go super slow because you just need to be able to stop this vehicle in the distance that you can see the speed drops to 40 mph you check your mirrors and we're going to turn right at this roundabout it's a second exit so again you want to just look and plan so I can see this car is indicating but actually the road is is made like you know it looks like it's going right but it's actually straight okay so motorcycle was quite far I also good indicating left and coming off the roundabout stand C this is turning so planning to go on the roundabout remember you want to you want to plan for going you don't want to plan for stopping so when you're approaching the roundout your plan is to go so adjust your speed on on the approach slow down L yeah maybe the cars in front of you from in front of you they going to clear they're going to go and then you can just slowly go cuz the worst thing is is actually to stop at the roundabout because to get this truck going is that's the most that takes the the most time and we've got now meeting situation so this is another one you know you've got to plan to go right so we can see it's clear now to go so we're going but until very end you stay behind the car and then you go okay something shows up so we're going nice and slowly coming back with without any signaling and indicating again and waiting until the very end and then you go okay something just showed up again we'll see if we can go in a gap yeah the Gap is quite big we can come back thank you and again looking ahead you want to be just driving without stopping or slowing anyone okay so you can see the traffic lights ahead we're going to be turning left at this traffic lights so when you see the traffic lights in the town and you're not sure if it's tight if it's wide then you split the lens play safe okay the last thing you want on your test on your HVB class one test or after as well to get stuck uh when turning to the left at the junction because that will mean if the trailer comes really close to that barriers that means you just can't go anymore and you're going to damage the trailer and the barriers so the only thing is then to reverse and you don't want to be reversing on the traffic lights stand clear this vehicle is turning left stand clear this is turning left stand C is turning left okay so most of mistakes on the hgv tests they are about planning they they shouldn't don't plan correctly they hit the CB or they move they pull out on someone so planning planning planning and because you know you used to drive in the car you don't need to plan as much because in the car you just press the brake and you stop pretty much instantly from 20 or 30 mph is just it takes not a lot of distance in this you need to have much more space to do all those things so as you can see here we've got a very narrow uh road because of the road works so again you position yourself nice and close to the right hand side you look in the right hand mirror and this is your reference point on the right not on the left you keep on checking on the left from time to time but the main focus is on the right and the left will fit because the lanes are made uh for the D car for fire engines to uh go through okay and again if for any reason on your test on the road works one of the cones is knocked and is obstructing your way then say to the examinator um I'm going to have to mount the cab because this is blocking the road it's not safe it's not enough space for me to pass and that's and that's fine then they will just they will not say go on May or anything like that but because you said it you planned it it's not classified as losing control it's not going to work if you say we go in a round roundabout and you going to say oh I'm running out of the space so I'm going to mount the cies on that occasion it's not going to work but if it's Road works and if it's really tight then you can say these things and again like the traffic lights we just passed remember green light that's all good but green is mean and it can change very quickly so when you're approaching and you're going quite fast and it's very hard to stop this because it takes a lot a lot of distance so I'm always hovering over the brake really if I'm going downhill or taking my foot off the gas completely so I'm in control okay and we've got another situation sitation here which is meeting so we're going to be meeting traffic and we don't want stop we don't want anyone we don't want to stop anyone or slow down and also we've got the cyclist which is excellent so we want to deal with the cyclist with the speed cuz again you go you mat speed of the cyclist then it's going to be very difficult to speed up and roll like that you know the cars are coming you can see it is just wide enough so you don't pomp through it you just nice and steady keep on progressing we just going to follow this road first exit of the roundabout and again look at that we've got the here we've got The Pedestrian Crossing and you have to anticipate someone runs from around that corner and jumps into the crossing so you can't go too fast and then it's your round about so again the car is coming actually it was a test um and off we go it looks like we've got a few blockers we can go right next round about we going to be turning left first exit so again see if you're not sure this Lanes look really tight don't they so I'm just going to split the lines just to you know just to make it easier for myself left stand clear this vehicle is turning left and this car is so far that we can pull keeping an eye on the crossings we do have a bit of a traffic in the trff like this you've got to leave yourself at least a car length space from the from the vehicle in front of you just in case anything happens fire engine comes you've got to move away you've got to be able to move away without them moving and again we've got the crossing so scanning this is another one scanning everything around the crossing because people can sometimes very quickly turn to toward it go on a Crossing when the trailer is still on a crossing and then there is a problem okay so we've got another position Crossing so again here you're allowed to enter this Crossing if it's no one around okay if it was anyone around walking then you wouldn't enter it because there is a roundabout just after so you know you might need to stop and it's going to be fine to stop at this Crossing on the crossing if everything was clear on you know when you checked okay and we've got another 10 in left at this mini roundabout very tight corner you want to position yourself so again nice planning position yourself pull towards the roundabout slightly and then keep the cab nice and close to that cab to that Island and then the trailer will nicely follow just keep an eye on it on on the mirror and on a trailer because it comes very close to the car and the last part this island here you can see the road just goes to the right don't steal too early to the right because you will bring the trailer onto the car so only when you pass with the wheels with the trailer wheels the the island on the right that's when you start steering and the speed just changed to 30 mph so it's another one you know uh very frustrating when when on your hgv test when you don't spot the speed limit and you just stay L 20 over there and you stay 20 all the way up if it's too slow for conditions then that's the problem [Music] also so again enough tip for you for your hgv test is to basically scan the road and check for the speed limit every time you turn off from from where you've been and if the speed didn't change on the new road then is what it was before so um keep on asking yourself through the test what's the speed limit is it safe to do it just keep on asking yourself and you know just go with with what you're answering another meeting situation again you've got to wait for this to be clear or you know just Vehicles really really far over there there you go someone is kind letting us go so we can use it I would always mentioned to The Examiner they flashing their lights we are going and again me round about here just yeah keeping an eye cuz something can go quickly out of it especially that this blockers they were stopped at that [Music] point and we can bring it a little bit faster 26 mph now I feel is good here very busy very tight road that is also and 1 half T limit so expect unexpected all the time following this roundabouts through you can use the paved area around them and again looking at the mini roundabout anything coming towards us and turning into that side road you would have to let them go you can go over the mini roundabout as well we've got a priority here don't stop too early because the cars will just use this as a signal and they keep on coming they will keep on coming so you want to just keep on making progress again another roundabout just straight over not going around the mini roundabouts as you are to be okay when we get to this junction ahead going to be turning left toward sales Bri it's a very very nice one one nice Junction with have the really tight turn the first one comes here so you need to pull the truck out so you don't click the C with the trailer of course you've got islands that are another problem on your um offsite 10 left here just looking for the chance pass is going towards us so I've got to wait for them as you can see this turning is very tight so we're just going to go as far as we can stop and wait for the cars to let us go unless no one is coming so they stopped because that small car was stopping so I just pull in and pull in Back to the to the left and now the next bit is just not to not get the trailer on the wrong side of the road so just going slowly and you don't want stop any Vehicles so just wait for them to stop and then we're going to go or when there is a bigger Gap we can just go trailer was just on the white line which is good you don't want to make anyone slow down or stop if your line is not that great through that corner then you would have to just wait until it's clear there will stop for you eventually another roundabout which is going straight on second exit again planning to go in looking looking looking okay all clear let's go so planning to go not to stop indicating left as we're going up about and off we go and again as I said with the speed keep on asking yourself what's the speed limit is this safe to do it and in here it looks like oh what's the speeding is it it looks like it's nothing you know it's just like the end of town so maybe it changed but it didn't the last speed limit I saw it was 30 and it didn't change from that so I'm doing 30 keep on asking yourself through the test what's the speed limit is it safe to do it so we're going to be turning left at this round about first exit and again couple of things here is that the corner is quite tight okay so don't bring it to the left to ear cuz you're going to clip the C with the trailer and the other thing is see the blockers one two off we go two blockers is enough is turning 50 mph now right 250 try to the 50 we're going to be turning left of the round boat first exit stand again splitting the lines on the approach stand and trying to look for blockers or for the good chance stand clear this is turning C go is turning left just checking your blind spot additionally so turn left at this roundabout first exit again nice planning here around this corner just keeping the cup out close to the cab with the trailer but no clipping you don't need to go on the wrong side of the road clear this vehicle is turning left and 30 mph safe to do it just keep are going to turn right up the roundabout so again you want to keep on planning for going not for stopping but we've got a big fence here which is abstracting the view quite a bit so looking to the very end and even if you think oh something is flying and I'm not blocking the roundabout just press your brake stop let them go and then reassess situation again indicating left coming off the roundabout left and off we go Supply planning planning planning on your HV class one test is the thing that will help you pass okay so planning like here scanning The Crossing everything around the crossing there's a tie band ahead of us so we want to have clear around the crossing bunch of kids just yeah and this guy is letting us in so I clear the trailer from The Crossing now we're going to be turning right blockers nicely done and in yeah if you position yourself correctly then you will just get in there without no problem and speed is changing to 30 as I said keep on scaming keep on looking for the speed keep on asking yourself what's the speed limit is it safe to do it yeah and anticipating all the time that something can go into the road quite busy as you can see me round about as well so just slowing down slightly oh all clear we running across the road and it looks like they lay let's go so [Music] fre second roundabout we're going to be turning left first exit just ising stand so 30 m hour to do it so here it was real life real Friday driving and tips for you on how to pass your hgv test I hope you can put that in practice and pass your test if you enjoyed this video please press like subscribe share and comment also drive safe
Channel: Retro HGV training
Views: 3,961
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Keywords: How do I pass my HGV Class 1 test on the first try?, What are effective tips for joining busy roundabouts during the HGV Class 1 test?, Can better planning and scanning improve my HGV Class 1 test outcome?, What are the key strategies for passing the HGV Class 1 driving test?, Which truck is recommended for taking the HGV Class 1 test?
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 29sec (2069 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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