How Can I Know God Exists? | Dr. Vince Vitale | Remind 2018

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good evening everyone great to see so many friendly faces good to see the rest of you as well actually i can't see any of you which is maybe good you know if you take off halfway through the talk i won't know so i'll just keep on going i thought it was pretty unfair of abdu to uh i don't know if you heard him but when he came out and this lectern was down here he said who set this up and who was it set up for he said oh that must have been set up for vince that was a little unfair as if i'm the unusual one at five foot nine rather than abdu at seven foot whatever real pleasure to be with you very excited to journey with you over the next couple of days very expectant that god has some very big things to do and i hope i'll get to spend some time with many of you personally and have a chance to pray with you as well my title for tonight is how can i know god exists and i want to start by sharing with you a new argument for god's existence that i think is going to become highly influential in the years ahead and here it is if there is no god how come the world fits so perfectly into a chicken all right don't worry i've got some better arguments on the way let's hope but when i got to college when i arrived at college honestly i thought the chicken argument was about as good as it got i thought that faith had to be blind i thought you couldn't have reasons for faith i thought the idea of reasonable faith was an oxymoron i thought faith was for people who didn't think hard enough i was studying philosophy at the time at princeton university uh a friend of mine a guy who i played soccer with he challenged me to read the bible i was always up for a challenge and so i began to read through the bible for the first time and i would cross things out i would add things i'd actually write a big bs in the margins wherever i disagreed and christians would actually look over my shoulder and say vince why do you have a bs in the margin of your bible and i'd say oh that verse makes for a great bible study that was my starting point but things changed for me they changed for me because i continued reading the new testament and without even realizing it i began to fall in love with the person of jesus i began to fall in love with the way that he treated with people with the grace love that only he has with the way that he cared for the marginalized for the with the way that he spoke to people his gentleness his respect of every single individual and then i continued reading and i got through the gospels and i got to the acts of the apostles and all of a sudden i started seeing all of these words like convincing and disputing and debating and examining and explaining even proving i kept seeing the word persuading in fact the word persuasion was the word that was most used when someone became a christian i found the bible asking me to love god not just with my heart and my soul and my strength but with my mind i found it praising one people group as being more noble than another why because they examined the scriptures daily to determine if what was being said was true i found this definition of faith in hebrews that faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen i did not expect this at all and i said this is not a book that is asking me to check my brain at the door before i consider faith this is a book that is asking me to love god holistically yes with my heart and my soul and my strength but also with my mind and i can remember reasoning to myself if god really made me and if he made me with this mind then he would want an honest intellectual search for him to at least point in his direction and over time that is exactly what i found things also began to change for me because i met a group of christians who weren't afraid of my questions they welcomed my questions they thanked me for my questions they acted as if i was giving them a gift when i asked them my hardest questions and there are two reasons as a christian that i have come to highly value questions first because the answer to any question is something true and i believe as a christian that all truth is grounded in god the answer to any question is something true and i believe that all truth is grounded in god therefore every time you ask a question you put yourself in position to learn something true which therefore is grounded in the ultimate truth of god you put yourself in position to learn something new about god and every time that someone else asked you a question they give you the privilege of being able to share something with them about who god is and what god has done we just need to think creatively enough and prayerfully enough to make the legitimate connections between the questions that our culture is asking and the ultimate truths found in the gospel there's a second reason why i've come to value questions so highly and that is because questions are how you get to know a person any person if i want to get to know you what do i do i ask you good thoughtful questions about yourself and when you give me an initial answer i'm not satisfied with just a superficial answer i ask you more questions about yourself i ask you deeper questions about yourself i don't just want to know about the superficial things i want to ask those questions that get even to the parts of who you are that other people object to that other people find difficult that other people don't want to be bothered with asking questions is how you get to know a person and we worship a personal god so never allow anyone to make you feel like because you have questions that means that's a sign of lack of faith actually it is the very precondition of a deep faith that knows god in a personal way ask your questions encourage other people to ask their questions and when they do ask their questions they're difficult questions it's okay sometimes to put your hand up and admit that christianity asks us to believe some incredible things the entire universe was created by an invisible immaterial being that being then intricately designed the universe so that human life would be possible then that being came and lived among us as a human person he died three days later he literally physically rose from the dead and then for seven weeks afterwards he appeared to hundreds of people and hung out with them and cooked breakfast for them on the beach christianity makes some big claims but here's a phrase i want you to remember from tonight criticism without alternative is empty if you say to me vince you have a terrible phone i mean really it is a horrible horrible phone it would be perfectly naturally natural for me to say to you in response okay i'm willing to take your criticism but what type of phone do you suggest i get instead what is your alternative and if you turned around to me and said actually i've never seen a phone better than yours that's that's the best phone i've ever encountered well your criticism would lose weight your criticism would no longer be powerful because criticism without alternative is empty if someone criticizes a belief of yours it is completely reasonable to ask them for an alternative and then you can put the alternative side by side and consider which makes more sense that's what i want to do tonight i'm going to give you four reasons why i believe in god above and beyond the fact that the world looks like a chicken i'm going to give you four reasons why i believe in god and then we're going to place these reasons side by side with the alternative beliefs and see which make more sense so let me give you four reasons and we can see them by looking back we're going to look up we're going to look down and then finally we're going to look within first let's look back all the way back to the beginning of the universe now a hundred years ago most scientists didn't think that the universe had a beginning they thought that it just always existed but one of the most significant scientific discoveries in the last hundred years is that scientists in general have come to believe that the universe began there are a variety of scientific and philosophical reasons for this i can't go into all of them but let me just explain one for you the second law of thermodynamics it states that entropy will increase to a point of thermodynamic equilibrium now that's fancy language but basically it means that the universe has a certain amount of usable energy and eventually all of that usable energy will be used up when it is the universe will be said to have suffered a heat death think of the coffee that you had this morning its heat signifies usable energy but if you leave it long enough all of that energy is going to get used up and eventually the coffee is just going to sit at room temperature well if the universe had existed infinitely into the past if it had existed forever then it should already be at room temperature why because however long it would have taken for the universe to get to that room temperature for it to cool off that amount of time would already have passed because it extended infinitely into the past but the universe is not at room temperature there's still usable energy we're all still drinking hot cups of coffee and that suggests that the universe must have had a beginning the brilliant cambridge physicist stephen hawking he was not sympathetic to christian claims but he confirmed this conclusion he said all the evidence seems to indicate that the universe has not existed forever but that it had a beginning about 15 billion years ago he claims this is probably the most remarkable discovery of modern cosmology yet it is now taken for granted the universe had a beginning now i think that that beginning is explained when i open my bible and i read in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth but if you don't believe in god what is your alternative the alternative is to believe that the universe just popped into existence for no reason whatsoever that is a very odd claim here's one depiction of it that i saw recently atheism the belief that there was once absolutely nothing and nothing happened to the nothing until the nothing magically exploded for no reason creating everything and everywhere then a bunch of the exploded everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self-replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs now yes that's having a bit of fun but it's also making a reasonable point things don't just pop in and out of existence for no reason none of us have ever seen a table or a tiger or the person sitting next to you just pop into existence if the universe began to exist there has to be an explanation for its existence at one point it did not exist and then at a different point it did exist there has to be an explanation of that change from non-being to being for a long time i assumed personally that christianity offered the crazy explanation of the universe and science offered the sober sensible rational explanation science without god it wasn't that i had some strong argument for this it was just a cultural rumor that i had bought into my thinking about this began to change when i was having a conversation an email conversation back and forth with a former professor of mine who had become a friend professor at princeton of the history of science and he wrote me this email in our exchange and he had detailed all of his different objections to christianity and then in the last line as if to trump all the other objections and arguments he simply wrote nor can i believe in a virgin birth as if to say it would be crazy to believe in such a thing and i began to draft an email back to him trying to explain to him why maybe he could consider believing in a virgin birth and then it dawned on me he already did all of us everyone believes in a virgin birth whether they realize it or not let me explain what i mean by that now christians believe that jesus as god himself was miraculously born of a virgin i might again just put my hand up and say admittedly this is well outside the realm of the ordinary but what exactly is the alternative take stephen hawking's attempt to propose an atheistic birth of our universe here's what he says he says the universe can and will create itself from nothing spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing why the universe exists why we exist is that any less miraculous of a birth than the virgin birth of jesus that sounds a lot like a virgin birth to me or take the position of the prominent atheist philosopher quentin smith this is a prominent philosopher with 12 books and over 150 peer-reviewed articles to his name and here is his explanation he says the fact of the matter is that the most reasonable belief is that we came from nothing by nothing and for nothing we should acknowledge our foundation in nothingness and feel awe at the marvelous fact that we have a chance to participate briefly in this incredible sunburst that interrupts without reason the reign of non-being that definitely sounds like a virgin birth the more i thought about it the more i realized it's not a matter of whether we believe in a virgin birth it's just a matter of which virgin birth we choose to accept we can believe in the virgin birth of an atheistic universe that is indifferent to us a universe where there is at bottom no design no purpose no evil and no good nothing but blind pitiless indifference as the famous atheist richard dawkins has put it or we can believe in the virgin birth of a god who loves us so deeply that he came to be born among us and to live beside us and to call us family and to call us friends the exact opposite of blind pitiless indifference someone who is not blind to anything about you and yet loves you someone who knows you in absolute full and yet loves you in full someone who knows everything about you every dark corner every secret and yet he came down and he sat beside you and when he had to choose to save his life for yours he chose you what an incredible gift let's turn to a second reason for god and for this let's look up let's look up to the cosmos and let's see that the universe is incredibly finely tuned for life what do i mean by that well imagine that by this point in the talk you're incredibly bored hard to imagine i know and so you take out a deck of cards and you start playing poker with abdu not for money and you start playing poker with abdu and in the first 12 rounds abdu gets 12 straight royal flushes what's going on oh add you pretty quick to throw you under the bus there it's not very nice of you guys and you're braver than me i wouldn't throw a guy that big under the bus that's right abdu's cheating why because it's so incredibly unlikely on chance alone to get 12 straight royal flushes it's like winning the lottery 12 straight times someone must be messing with the cards even if you thought abdu is a really honest guy there's only a one percent chance that he would cheat before you started playing poker with him if he got royal flush after royal flush after royal flush after royal flush you would have no choice if you were being rational than to believe that someone got their hands on the cards and arranged the system well over the last 35 years or so the fine-tuning argument has suggested that exactly the same is true when we look at our universe one royal flush after another here's why the universe that we live in could have taken many different forms and scientists have approached a consensus not just christian scientists but scientists in general that there are dozens of fundamental features of our universe that needed to be precisely the way they are in order for life to be possible not just life as we know it not just life on the planet earth but any form of life anywhere in the universe let me give you just one example take the explosive force of the initial expansion of the universe scientists tell us that if that explosive force had been different in one part in 10 to the 60th no life would have been possible in other words the percentage difference that you could have while still accommodating the possibility of life is a zero followed by a period followed by 57 zeros followed by a one if the initial expansion of the universe had even been even the slightest bit weaker gravity makes it collapse back in on itself almost immediately far too quickly for any form of life to develop if that initial expansion had been even the slightest bit stronger particles literally disperse into thin air they wind up so far from each other so quickly that all you could have got would have been cold simple molecules nothing like this sort of complex chemistry required for any form of life sir roger penrose emeritus professor at oxford one of the world's leading mathematical physicists he estimates that the overall difference when you take into account all of the different features that needed to be precisely tuned the overall difference that you could have while still accommodating the possibility of life is one part in 10 raised to the power of 10 raised in turn again to the power of 123. i would write this out as a percentage but even if i could turn all of the matter in the universe into paper i would still have far too little paper to print the required number of zeros in fact i would need more zeros than there are particles in the universe sir fred hoyle the late cambridge astronomer one of the 20th century's most significant scientific thinkers he compared the random emergence of even the simplest cell if you were to try to get it just based on chance with god out of the picture he said this would be like a tornado blowing through a junkyard and just happening to produce a perfect boeing 747 airplane those are the sorts of odds that we're talking about what explains this incredible precision how are we to account for these royal flushes that are turning up hand after hand after hand after hand all through the universe i think we should come to the same rational conclusion the universe is not the result of chance someone got their hands on the cards someone designed the system and this is exactly what the bible claims for since the creation of the world god's invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen being understood from what has been made so that people are without excuse we've looked back to the beginning of the universe we've looked up to god's design of our universe now let's look down and what i hope that you'll see is an empty tomb a tomb that's empty because jesus miraculously rose from the dead now before i was a christian became a christian in college and before that even the idea that there could be evidence for such a thing a miraculous historical fact from 2000 years ago i just thought that was absurd and when i finally began to look into it i couldn't believe how strong it was i couldn't believe how profound the evidence was this book was published in 2003 by a former colleague of mine at oxford university richard swinburn he's considered by most to be the most influential british philosopher of religion of the last generation or maybe two in this book he argues that on the available evidence today it is 97 percent probable that jesus truly physically miraculously rose from the dead 97 percent now look he doesn't expect us to take the exact number too seriously he likes to work with probability theory and so at each point in the argument he plugs in his best guess and it comes out to 97 he says you can't take it as a precise number but nonetheless the fact that someone of his intellectual credibility can make that claim says say his best guess is 97 make the claim in print have it be published by oxford university press and then ably defend that claim at top academic conferences all over the world as i've seen him do it speaks to just how profound the evidence for the resurrection is there are a number of reasons for that let me describe just one of them here is an amazing passage written by the apostle paul in the new testament from first corinthians chapter 15 for what i received i passed on to you as of first importance that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures that he was buried that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures and that he appeared to seth kephus and then to 12 after that he appeared to more than 500 of the brothers at the same time most of whom are still living though some have fallen asleep then he appeared to james then to all the apostles and last of all he appeared to me also in the last few decades experts have come to the conclusion that this passage which claims that more than 500 people saw jesus at the same time and i love it says most of whom are still living almost as if to say if you don't believe me fine go out and ask them yourself experts have come to an agreement that this passage was actually the first summary or creed of christian beliefs it was passed around the early church and it was within its current form almost immediately after the events took place even the most adamant critics of christianity agree with that claim take gerd ludeman german new testament scholar generally extremely skeptical of any claims that the bible makes and yet he says we can assume that all the elements in this tradition in first corinthians 15 are to be dated to the first two years after the crucifixion not later than three years after the death of jesus and then he goes on and says we it may be taken as historically certain that peter and the disciples had experiences after jesus death in which jesus appeared to them as the risen christ michael goulder a british biblical scholar this is someone who was president of the birmingham humanist association again someone not sympathetic to christian beliefs and yet he comes to the same conclusion a couple of years after the crucifixion this tradition was in place and then robert funk one of the co-founders of the jesus seminar they became famous in the 1980s and 90s because of their attacks against christianity and he says exactly the same thing the time for development was thus two or three years at most it is now agreed that almost immediately after jesus crucifixion there were many people who were utterly convinced that they had spent time with him after he clearly had been killed here's the question what can account for that what can bridge the gap between the history of christianity part one jesus's friends having deserted him when he was arrested dejected and defeated when the man who they hoped would be the messiah the one who was going to reign forever the one who was going to become a king and rescue the jewish people from the heavy hand of rome died that should have been the end of the movement and then the history of christianity part 3 which saw these very same disciples who weren't even bold enough to be present at the crucifixion jesus as god utterly convinced that they had spent time with this man for seven weeks after he had been killed so convinced of it that they would rather be tortured and give up their lives than deny that fact what can bridge that gap pliny the younger he was a roman governor at the time first century persecuting christians we had this amazing passage from him from the first century and he says i ask them if they are christians and if they admit it i repeat the question a second and a third time with a warning of the punishment awaiting them if they persist i order them to be led away for execution those who walked this earth with jesus went from being too scared to even be present at his crucifixion to giving up their lives and to preferring to be tortured and killed rather than deny that jesus is god and all they had to do to do was deny him in word to plenty of the younger say fine i'm not a christian and then they could go home to their homes and continue to worship him in private but even for their lives they would not deny him how could every one of them become so utterly convinced that this dead man on a cross was worth worshiping what can account for this it doesn't add up the history of christianity part one the history of christianity part three there is a huge historical gap something happened and if you don't put the resurrection in that gap it's not like the gap just goes away the gap is still there so what is the alternative the christian response is the miraculous resurrection of jesus christ now if that is not your explanation it's completely fair to say okay but criticism without alternative is empty so what is the alternative could it be that jesus's resurrection developed as a legend over time this was the dominant scholarly position in the early 1900s you know the idea we start at the beginning of this row and i tell you a hypothetical example about abdu playing poker and then you tell the person next to you and they tell the person next to you and it winds throughout the whole room and by the time it gets to abdu's wife nicole in the back abdu has actually played high stakes poker with lecrae and he has lost their entire life savings right this is the way legendary development works jesus's friends they didn't actually think that he had risen from the dead but they told stories about jesus and every time it got told it just incrementally changed and by the time it got to the back of the room jesus had miraculously risen from the dead what i have shown you about first corinthians chapter 15 completely undermined this theory no one takes it seriously anymore studies show that it takes about three generations for any significant legendary development to work its way into a text and as we've seen even the most critical scholars agree that this passage shows that immediately very shortly after jesus's death his followers believed that he had risen from the dead and had spent time with him there was no time for a legend to develop could it have been a hallucination or a series of hallucinations no i don't think so different people don't see the same hallucination one scholar did an extensive survey of the entire academic psychological literature and did not find one example of that and moreover the bible is filled with records of not just one but many a great variety of resurrection appearances jesus appeared to both individuals and to groups at different times in different regions and different places he appeared to both his friends and to his enemies and all of the records are in agreement that this was a literal physical resurrection hallucination theory can't come close to accounting for that range of evidence could it have been a big conspiracy an elaborate lie i don't believe it could have liars make very bad martyrs people lie when they're getting something out of it people don't lie when they're being tortured and killed for it when i first looked into the evidence for jesus resurrection i was absolutely floored at what i was finding and so i arranged meetings with two of the top non-christian professors in the religion department at princeton i thought to myself okay this is what the christians are saying but surely those who don't believe and are experts in the field they're going to have different explanations and i met with each one of them and one of them glanced towards a mass hallucination theory without conviction and without anything to back back it up when pushed the other professor told me that as a historian he simply wasn't interested in the question there seemed to be this assumption that as soon as we begin to talk about the miraculous we're no longer talking about history and i've never been able to understand why he thought he could make that conclusion first rather than looking at the evidence and letting the evidence lead to the conclusion i learned something very important a very important lesson through those meetings never assume that just because a professor or a classmate or a colleague is very smart that they have deep and thought through answers to the most meaningful and fundamental questions of life here were two people who were two of the smartest people in the world and i was asking them a question that was right at the center of their discipline of expertise and they didn't have a fully considered or even close to a fully considered response i think of a line that ravi shared when we were speaking at google headquarters he said just because you have a smartphone doesn't mean you have a wise phone very appropriate line at google there is a difference between intelligence and wisdom someone may be very intelligent but that intelligence is only wisdom if the heart's desires direct the mind's acuity towards the questions of eternal significance the disciples saw something and they completely transformed their lives what did they see my answer is this god has provided confirmation for all by raising jesus from the dead i had actually just finished reading a book on the resurrection when i first entrusted my life to jesus it wasn't just what was in that book but it was what god was doing in my heart conviction of sin for the first time in my life asking those difficult questions becoming part of a community reading the scriptures falling in love with jesus and seeing that there were robust answers to the questions that i had and i closed that book on the resurrection and there was no one in my dorm room except for me but i exclaimed out loud oh my gosh this really happened have you had that experience where faith becomes not blind not wishful thinking but the unbelievable reality of what really happened i admitted at the beginning of this talk that christianity asks us to believe some incredible things but criticism without alternative is empty so let's look at the alternatives god created the universe or the universe popped into existence from nothing with no explanation whatsoever god fine-tuned the universe for life or life in the universe is the result of pure chance which is about as probable as a tornado blowing through a junkyard and producing an airplane jesus rose from the dead or i put a question mark here because the reality is that if jesus is not your answer to that question then despite 2 000 years of historical scholarship and speculation there is not a single other even remotely plausible explanation for the eruption of the greatest movement of all time and that's just three reasons that point to god with more time we could look at many more we could look at morality what is more reasonable that god is the standard of good or evil or that there is no such thing as good or evil as richard dawkins has claimed and as i quoted earlier without god you're left with the dangerous prospect of trying to salvage a morality based on survival of the fittest how different from jesus christ who turns that completely on its head not survival of the fittest but the fittest god himself sacrificing himself giving his life for the least fit for you and for me we've looked back to god's creation of the universe we've looked up at his design down at an empty tomb finally let's look in a friend of mine once said to me vince do you think that we can know god i said yeah sure he said no he said do you think that we can really know god he didn't mean just as a theory he meant do you think we can know god personally tangibly as somebody that we walk life together with day by day hand in hand he meant do you think that we can know not just about god but god himself it's a great question there are many things in life that cannot be known from a distance you can't know how to ride a bike from distance you can't be a food critic without tasting the food you can't be an art critic without going to see the art you can't appreciate just how tall abdul is until you go in for a hug and you find yourself having face planted squarely in his armpit there are things that you can't know from a distance some knowledge requires direct experience of the thing known in philosophy we refer to this as non-propositional knowledge a while back my wife joe and i visited florence we had the amazing privilege of seeing michelangelo's statue of king david it didn't feel like a privilege as we stood in the rain for two hours getting drenched to see something that we had already seen countless times on postcards and on documentaries and in photographs and we discussed our difference of opinion about whether we should continue to wait in line and get drenched in this italian city or whether we should move on and see something else and in the end as a very civil married couple we did a marriage compromise i wanted to go and joe wanted to stay and so we did a marriage compromise and we stayed but when we saw the david after we got through all that rain when we saw the david in person up close we were so grateful that we did we knew something about that piece of artwork and about its beauty and the transcendence that god had given to it that simply could not be known from a distance it could not be known just from photographs and postcards and documentaries i think the same is also true of knowing god someone once said there are two ways to choose a coat you can take it off the rack and look at all the measurements all the dimensions see if the end seams are right for you see if the shoulders are right for you or you can just put the coat on and you can see if it fits i think both are important i was someone who never would have picked up the coat unless i could look down at it and see you know what some of the measurements make sense it's in the vicinity of something that would fit the morality the philosophy the science the history the measurements make sense but there is no substitute ultimately for just putting on that jacket and i wonder if there are some of us here this weekend who are thinking along these lines yeah i'm going to put that jacket on at some point when i'm going to not just know about god but i'm going to really know god but i'm not going to do that until all of my questions have been answered until i've checked every single measurement and i see every measurement is perfect you know the reality is if that is our disposition that time will never come i have more questions now as a christian for many years than i did before i was a christian every time you answer a question a new question arises and that again is an opportunity to worship god and to deep dig deep into the answer to that question and therefore into who he is if we wait until the questions are gone we will never take that step and i wonder if there are some of us that need to understand that the measurements make sense but actually put that jacket on to taste and see to clothe ourselves in christ jesus said i stand at the door and knock and anyone who hears my voice and opens the door i will come in and be with him and eat with him and he with me it's a beautiful invitation there's a painting of that verse in oxford it's called the light of the world by william holman hunt and it has a very interesting detail on that painting there is no handle on jesus's side of the door he knocks and he knocks and he knocks and even when we turn our back on him and walk away from him he knocks but he will not force his way into that room and as i've prepared for this weekend there are two types of people that i've really been praying for first it's for the person who has looked at the measurements who knows all about god but can't honestly say that they know god himself because they've stared at the jacket for ages but they've never actually put it on and for the person who needs to open that door to jesus i hope that this will be the weekend that you do that and then there are some of us who have done that we call jesus our savior but it's a little harder for us when someone asks us if he's our lord we've let him in in part but maybe he's in the house but there are certain doors that he knocks on that we're not willing to let him into and maybe there's a specific door that we know in our hearts that this weekend we need to open i was reflecting on a guy who we saw come to faith not long ago he looked at the measurements he saw that they made sense but he was ready to take that step of relational trust because he knew there's only so much you can know about a person from a distance if you really want to know that person in full and with utter intimacy you need to take that step of relational trust towards them and he did that and he closed his eyes and he prayed to receive jesus christ into his life and when he opened his eyes in front of our team these were the very first words out of his mouth as a christian he said i have always felt alone and like i had to wear a mask but now this is the first time in my life that i can take off that mask and be fully myself and fully alive no argument can do that no propositions can do that no theory can do that no measurements can do that but opening that door in your heart through a simple but heartfelt prayer can do that and jesus will respond in such a way that you will know more than ever before what it is to be fully you and to be fully alive that's my prayer for each one of you this weekend and i'm excited to journey through it with you thanks so much god bless you
Channel: RZIM HQ
Views: 12,436
Rating: 4.8957171 out of 5
Keywords: RZIM, Ravi, Ravi Zacharias, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, apologetics, evangelism, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Christ, Christianity, Christian, Christian Apologetics, philosophy, God, truth, Bible, gospel, Lord, salvation
Id: _Dkpn3HkEno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 55sec (2575 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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