How big is a visible photon?

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Hi Everyone! Have you ever wondered about how big a photon  of visible light is? It must be smaller than   the pupil in your eye, right? In fact, it should  be small enough to fit through a 1 micron slit.   Yet, it should also be big enough to completely  cover two slits, that are spaced more than a   thousand microns apart. So, I guess, answering  this question is not going to be a trivial thing.  In the past, I always used to think  of a photon as something really tiny,   like a little electromagnetic wave  traveling through space at incredible speed.   But in the last few years, my views have changed.  And in this video, I will discuss why that is  So, if you Google for information about  the size of a photon you will not find one   definitive answer. It seems everybody has their  own opinion about this subject, or even about how   size should be defined. Some say that, because  a photon is massless, it does by definition not   have size because it does not occupy space like  a physical object. But you can also define size   as the “distance” or “volume” over which  something interacts with its surroundings   or even with itself. And if that’s your  definition, then photons definitely have size.  Now, in school I was taught that a photon is the  smallest amount of energy that can be present in   light of a particular wavelength. So, photons  do have wavelength and for visible photons that   wavelength is generally in the order of half a  micron. But wavelength is not the same as size.  For humans, size is important, I guess. If you  buy a new car, you better make sure it’s the   right size for your family and your garage. And  so, if you see that a lens can focus light to a   spot smaller than a micron, it is tempting to  think that a single photon should be smaller   than the spot, right; because light is made of  photons. Well, things may not be that simple.   For one: is that spot size really 1  um, or is it actually much bigger?  One of the most fascinating properties  of light is indeed its wavelength.   If you look carefully, light constantly reminds  us that it must have one. As soon as we create   a disturbance in the path of the light, we can  observe this phenomenon called interference.   A very famous example where we can observe  interference is of course the double slit   experiment, where the “disturbance” in the path  of the light is a mask with two narrow slits.   So here the light can only to go along two well  defined paths. And the result is that we observe   these areas of higher and lower intensities  behind the slits. And these areas are where   the light waves are either in phase or out of  phase. Now, this is just one example: we can also   create interference by for example recombining  the light of a source and its mirror reflection.   Or we can even manipulate the interference very  cleverly by using a Fresnel zone plate pattern.  Interference is caused by the fact that  light is an electromagnetic wave or   field. And this is the way that you generally see  alternating electromagnetic fields visualized:   as a wave travelling along a narrow line.  Now, looking at this kind of depiction,   you should ask yourself a few questions. The  picture suggests that the perpendicular magnetic   and electric fields indicate the field  strength at the direction of propagation.   But it also suggests that the field  travels along a very narrow line.   But this is obviously not correct. If only,  because magnetic field lines are always closed   loops and extend into space quite a bit, actually  quite a bit more than is shown in this picture.   And since the electric- and magnetic fields  are always directly related, we know that the   same is true for the electric field. So even an  electromagnetic field with the lowest possible   energy, which we refer might refer to as a  single photon, can never be this localized entity   travelling along a very narrow line. Instead, it  must be something widely distributed in space.  On the other hand, if we try to detect light, we  find that the detection events themselves are very   localized as well as quantized in energy.  We can only detect the field of the light   by removing discrete amounts of energy from the  field, and when we do this, the process occurs   very locally. For example, it can happen when  a photon is absorbed in one particular pixel   of a CCD sensor. Or should I say in one  particular atom in a pixel of a CCD-sensor.  So, this is where things get a bit weird: on the  one hand, we know that the field representing a   photon is distributed in space. But when we try  to detect it, we can only do so very locally.   And we might ask ourselves: what do mean exactly  with the term photon: does it refer to the field   or part of the field itself, or do we refer  mostly to the processes of transferring energy   to and from the field? And now that we  are asking ourselves all these questions,   how long is the electromagnetic wave  of a photon? Is it like 1 wavelength,   or approximately 2.5 like is shown here,  or maybe a few thousand wavelengths?  As I said earlier, my views on what photons are,  have changed quite a bit in the last few years.   In fact, there was this one experiment I did  in October 2020 that really got me thinking. I   showed this experiment earlier, as a side note at  the end of a previous video. So, what I build was   a modified version of the double slit experiment.  And the modification I made was that I had split   the path leading to the slits into two spatially  separated paths. Each of these paths leads to   only 1 particular slit and both paths have a  different length. In fact, I made the longest   path about 40 mm longer than the shortest path.  And even though 40mm may not sound like much,   this distance is equivalent to more than  75000 wavelengths of the laser light I used.  Now, when I brought down the beam power  to “single photon” level, I did not really   know what to expect. But it turned out, the  experiment still showed very clear interference,   even with this additional path difference present.  So, the experiment suggested that, not only can a   single photon simultaneously take paths that are  spatially separated over a substantial distance,   but it also allows these paths to have  a very significant difference in length.  If you were used to visualize a photon as  being this little local electromagnetic wave,   like I used to do, this experiment burns a  hole in your brain. Because it shows that   the interference properties of single photons  extend over amazingly long distances in space.   And at that point I realized that my ideas  about the photon were completely inadequate.  And there were several people, that told me the  outcome of my experiment had to be wrong. Of   course, without offering any particular insights  on why. Personally, I am convinced that the result   of the experiment is correct, but I now also  think that the explanation I gave for the behavior   is flat-out wrong. So, we are going to do  this experiment again but now stretch that   difference in path length a bit further and see  what happens. Will there be interference, no   matter how long we make that second path, or will  at some point maybe the interference just go away?  Let me just walk you through the schematic:  a HeNe-laser produces a beam of coherent   monochromatic light. The intensity of  this beam is then attenuated to single   photon intensity levels with a series  of gray filters. Later in this video,   I will discuss how that was done. Next, there is  a beam splitter that creates 2 different paths   for the light. The short path leads directly to  a detector, while passing a second beam splitter.   The other path takes the beam on a little  sightseeing tour and eventually brings   the light back to recombine with the light  from the of the first path. As you can see,   the long path is about 5 times as long as  the short path. After the light of the two   paths is recombined, it is detected here in a  camera where we can look at the interference.  Let me show you around the actual setup. Here is  the HeNe-laser, a golden oldie which was produced   in December 1979. At its last calibration, it was  generating < 1mW. But wait, does it say in 1985?  Now even though this laser has matured as  gracefully as I have in the last 35 years,   it has lost quite a lot of its mojo.  Because now, it only produces about   0.3mW. But all the better actually, because we  don't need a lot of light for this experiment.  Next in the setup there is a mirror under  45 degrees that is used to control the beam   direction, followed by a set of neutral density  filters to bring the power of the laser to   single photon level. The light then passes through  a beam splitter, creating the two paths. The first   path continues in a straight line to the detector,  while passing a second beam splitter. The detector   by the way is a pretty standard IP camera, with  a Peltier element to reduce thermal noise a bit.  The longer path in the setup is routed via  a Porro prism to the second beam splitter,   where it is recombined with the first beam.  As you can see there is also a lens here,   which is used to compact the interference  pattern a bit to make the detection more   sensitive. The additional mirror for the  second path was necessary to achieve a detour   of more than a meter long on the base plate. By placing the two recombined beams under a very   small angle, the interference pattern displays  only a few minima and maxima, which is convenient,   because a pattern like this allows for  very sensitive recognition of interference,   even at extremely low intensities. The  interference is recorded using a camera.   And because the light levels in the room are  way too high for doing single photon detection,   I also shielded the setup from ambient light.  For this, I used a few pieces of cardboard, just   to give the setup a nice high-tech look and feel. The most important question in this experiment is:   how can you be sure that the beam power of  the laser is in the single photon range?   Well, imagine that we have a continuous light  beam coming out of a laser and we start adding   gray filters that each transmit a certain fraction  of the light, say 10%. At some point we will reach   an output power in the beam that is equivalent  to on average only a single photon at any time.  So how do we do the calculation? Well, we assume  that the light is quantized in discrete amounts   of energy. We start out by calculating  the maximum life time of such a quantum   in the setup, given the speed of  light and the maximum path length.   For 1300mm, this value is 4.3 nanoseconds. This  means that, for an average of 1 photon in the   beam at any time, the photon flux can be as  high as two 230 million photons per second.   And using the photon energy of the laser  light, this flux is equivalent to 74 picoWatts.  With the current power output  of the laser, which is 0.3 mW,   we can calculate that we need to attenuate  the beam by at least a factor of 4 million   to get to this 74 pW. This means we need a filter  with an optical density of 6.6 in the beam.   Now, in practice I was able to detect interference  with filters having an optical density of 9.   And if we use these last filter settings,  we can calculate that, the beam intensity is   250 times lower than that of a beam  containing, on average, 1 photon at any moment.  Now that we know that we can indeed go  into the single photon intensity regime,   I can finally show you the  result of the experiment.   Do we still observe interference with  a difference in path of over a meter?   Let’s not keep you in the dark any longer. This  is what we observe in the single photon regime   if either one of the paths is closed off and  this is what we observe if both paths are open.   Now, there is no doubt about it: even in this  case we observe an interference pattern. Hence,   at single photon intensity level, the photons  do exhibit interference. Even if the 2 paths   differ in length by a factor of 5 and in absolute  length by more than 1.6 million wavelengths.  Now I can assure you, the more you think about  this result, the whackier it gets. And I guess   whacky results ask for whacky explanations. So,  in the previous video on the subject, I proposed   a pretty whacky explanation. In an attempt to  explain, I suggested that we could assume that the   phenomenon of interference is somehow be detached  from our temporal and spatial observations.   So basically, my suggestion was that, because  light travels with the speed of light,   it does not experience time and distance, so all  paths are covered instantaneously when viewed from   the perspective of the photon. But in retrospect  that explanation is rather silly and raises more   questions than it answers. Also, there is a much  simpler explanation that actually makes sense.   And this explanation was suggested to me by David  Nadlinger, a researcher at Oxford university.   He very kindly explained where the experiment  went wrong. The physics behind it is pretty   hefty and not YouTube video material, so  I’ll try to explain this in my own words.  The essence is that the electromagnetic field of  the beam, after leaving the attenuation filters,   is a more or less a continuous wave or  field, like drawn here schematically.   And you’re probably are thinking: where is the  quantization? I thought light was made up of   individual photons? Well, yeah but no but. [Vicky  Pollard] yeah, but no ,but yeah. Thing is that,   even though the energy transfer processes to-  and from the field have a quantized nature,   the electromagnetic field itself is actually is  not quantized. It can basically take on any value.  So let me explain this in a little more  detail. Contrary to spontaneous emission,   which is sort of a random statistical process  of energy emission in discrete packages,   a continuous laser like a HeNe laser emits a beam  of coherent light. And the field exiting the laser   is a continuous electromagnetic wave  which has a high field strength.   And that is because, almost all the quanta  of energy are added to the beam in phase,   due to the stimulated emission process. If  such a beam passes the gray filters, it will   decrease in intensity because of absorption  of a part of the energy in the beam. And yes,   this absorption process has a quantized nature,  and happens in discrete steps. But it happens in   sort of a random manner in time and also spread  out in space within the volume of the filter.   So, each absorption event takes sort  of a random little bite out of the   remaining field, decreasing the intensity a bit. Now, because the electromagnetic field strength   itself is not quantized, this process eventually  results in a sort of continuous field strength   that is much lower than what is found in  a true single photon event produced by   spontaneous emission. The field strength can  at times even be almost zero or actually zero.   But even though the field is very low, it is  still coherent and more or less continuous.   So, this could very easily explain why we  observe interference in this configuration:   it is because in essence we have 2 continuous  coherent beams interfering. So yes, the power   of the beam is far below single photon  intensity level, but none the less it is   continuous. And this is very counter-intuitive  if you are taught that light is quantized.  So basically, I had poor choice of light  source. Had I chosen a fluorescent lamp   instead of a laser, my single photon  calculation had actually made sense.   And of course, I would also never have observed  single photon interference in the current setup.  The experiment by the way also shows a  few other interesting aspects of light.   You see that the interference pattern consists  of these individual sensor pixels that light up.   And it is good to realize that these are in  fact not single photon detection events. What   we see is CMOS-pixels that collected a specific  minimum number of photons. And the reason that   it is displayed like this, is because I cranked  up the gain of the camera to a very high level.   Anyway, even though we are not observing  single photons, we can observe this interesting   phenomenon, called “shot noise”. Basically, we  see that the spatial distribution of photons   is not the same for each individual measurement.  And this is caused by statistical variations in   the photon detection for each measurement. It’s also a subtle reminder of the fact that   when we can never observe interference from just a  single photon. Because demonstrating interference   always involves collecting many photon-detection  events. In other words, what we do when we look   at interference, is gathering statistical  information about the spatial probability of   detecting a photon somewhere. And this probability  itself, like the field, is also not quantized.  I guess my main problem with understanding the  behavior of light was that everybody always told   me that the energy in light is quantized. But they  forgot to tell me that the electromagnetic wave,   so the carrier of the photon energy, is not  quantized. An electromagnetic field can be   attenuated, diluted by traveling through space  and can be split in arbitrary fractions when   passing a beam splitter. The field has no problem  whatsoever with this because it is not quantized.   But of course, the probability of detection, being  proportional to the square of the field strength   will also be diluted or split. And  that is basically what we observe   when we look at interference: these dark and  bright bands we observe are just the result of   local variations in field strength, due to  phase differences between different paths.  If you consider the field as the leading  property for the probability of detection,   the things we observe in diffraction experiments,  like for example the double slit experiment,   become almost kind of trivial. Because, if  quantization is not a property of the field,   but just of the energy transfer  processes between field and matter,   the outcome of the experiment is  basically what you would expect.   But what is definitely not trivial to imagine,  is how the energy contained in a wave, spread out   in space can be converted back to another form  of energy in a very local and quantized event.  So, to get back to our original question: “how  big is a photon of visible light”? Well, if you   consider the photon to be the same thing as the  electromagnetic field, photons can be absolutely   huge. Or at least their volume of interaction  can be huge. In fact, within this definition   is no fundamental limit to its size. But if you  define the photon as the quantized interaction   between field and matter, then a photon is in fact  an extremely localized phenomenon. You choose.  [DELETED SCENE] Here is the HeNe-laser, a golden  oldie which was produced in December 1979.   At its last calibration, it was generating  < 1mW. But wait, does it say in 1985?   Hah, I remember that year. [music]
Channel: Huygens Optics
Views: 147,629
Rating: 4.9300046 out of 5
Keywords: photon size, electromagnetic field, quantization, coherence, degree of coherence, wave, particle, HeNe-laser, Helium Neon Laser, interference, diffraction, single photon
Id: SDtAh9IwG-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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