How bad is NO MINI-TURBO in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe?

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Today I am on no mini-turbo. Thanks Nintendo  for hiding the most important stat. We are on   Sydney Sprint, everyone is Yoshi, everyone here  has at least a mini-turbo of 18 even that Daisy   player. All the Mr Scooty players and biddy  buggy players have a mini turbo of 19. My   King Boo combo is a bit low in mini turbo that  one's uh 16 Waluigi, Wiggler is 14, yes I have   all these memorized and Funky Kong on this combo  has a mini turbo of 6. Now I am low on mini-turbo   but I should be able to win this because I am  high on speed. There's a red shell behind me,   I'm slowing down. Oh I have no acceleration  I can't really do that. I guess I could have   used the–uh I have no handling [laughs]. This  sucks! At least I have a big hit box to help   me collect coins– Okay so if you don't know what  the mini-turbo stat does, it's the most important   stat in the game because for these drift boost  mini-turbos, it controls how fast they charge,   how long the mini turbo lasts, and how much faster  it makes you, and it also does this for trick   boosts. Also my handling is low like everything  is low right now, I'm having trouble controlling   everything. I really steered a little bit when  that boomerang came towards me but that was stupid   because it doesn't do anything. [laughs] When I  steer left and right it does nothing here watch   this. That's so dumb [laughs]. Okay anyway, we're  going to try and do well here grab me some coins.   Ughh this is so dangerous I want the double but  I don't want to get hit oh nooo! I was going to   dodge it but the hit box. Uhhh what is ha– no  no no [boom] Welp! We now know why no one uses   this combo. [laughs] Okay so having low mini  turbo and like a big hit box low acceleration,   a lot of this combo sucks. But! on the bright side  I have a high speed stat and hopefully I can show   off the uses of that. Purple nope nope not quite  I'm not even going to try next time! I still need   to get used to this thing. I used to be pretty  good cuz I use combos like these a lot. But then,   I just kind of stopped, using them quite as much  and now I use try hard combos more– look! I'm   frontrunning I hit someone with my green shell!  Ooh! blue mini-turbo. Everyone's going to pass   me at some point here, just cuz the mini-turbo  stat is more important for going fast, than the   speed stat is. The speed stat is important when  you're in speed items, because then you can't   charge mini turbos, but like here I'm just going  to drive straight. Most people would be charging   up mini-turbos there, but not me, because it's  just not worth it. These mini-turbos, they barely   last anytime– look at how long the boost lasts,  I'm going to do a blue mini-turbo [turbo]. Look   at that it lasts for no time! Oh I shouldn't do  this yeah glider vectoring is like not very good,   because you can't turn very hard. I really need to  watch the mini map for a blue shell, just in case   I need to be able to slow down so I don't get hit.  But I have no acceleration either actually I don't  know maybe I should just get hit [Music] [sigh]  that was close I’m I think I'm losing first here.   There's a blue shell [phew] don't red shell me  [boom] Whoa! [laughs] thanks for body blocking   the red shell. And I will purple mini-turbo,  just so I can say I've done one this race. No   mini-turbo trick here [laughs] we're just keeping  it really simple. Okay, I don't want to get backed   but I don't think they're going to do it. I think  Tom Rose is going to play safe with me– just blue   mini-turbo. This is not worth it! So much muscle  memory that is just not worth it! Okay! it backed   it elsewhere. I think I'll just chain this  mushroom. I I need red shells to win. What are   you doing slowing down? I have red shells, okay–  wait a minute. I can win this, if there's no blue   shell, if there's no shock I win this. LOOK AT  THE BRIGADE OF YOSHI’S! [laughs maniacally] You   guys suck! [laughs] you lost to this combo!  Funky Kong reclaiming his throne in Mario Kart   8 Deluxe! Okay, I'm glad I was able to prove  that this combo really is not that bad thanks   to that race, and here, usually I would go to  the right and try to get a front run going,   but because of how fast this combo is, I want  to get more coins just in case like there's a   really good chance to get hit right here and I  can definitely make a comeback with this speed   stat cuz all the speed items really use the speed  stat. Ohhh! I have no handling on the glider ohhh   that was rough. I don't think motion glider is  even faster than uh just tricking on the glider   with this combo. Ohhh and here, I just practiced  this shortcut a lot, yeah that does wait does   it– [bonk] [laughs] no it doesn't work I shouldn't  have tried. Ugh! I have no acceleration so that's   a shortcut I've practiced a lot lately it's super  fun I managed to get it three for three recently,   and unfortunately that was not it, it is it is  not going to happen on this combo. Uh a lot of   shortcuts actually are just like, way harder, or  impossible when you have low mini turbo, and like,   a mini turbo of 6 is not usually what people mean  by low mini turbo, when people say low mini turbo,   usually they mean like, under 14, or like maybe  even under 18 cuz 18 is the Yoshi teddy buggy   mini-turbo, um yeah so, this mini-turbo of 6, it's  like impossible to charge mini-turbos sometimes,   and it's just not a good time when you're trying  to do Advanced Tech. That's the annoying thing is   like, you'd think high speed low acceleration,  would be high skill ceiling as well, uh because   you have to like oh avoid getting hit by items so  you don't have to deal with your acceleration.But   in truth, it really just no no it it really  just means, that you have to play really simple,   because there's a lot of stuff you can't do. I'm  I'm going to get hit by a star and there's nothing   I can do about it, that's the maximum motion  glider. Can you believe that? motion glider   usually goes like this! And ahoo! [sighs] Okay!  I can still do well this– no I jinxed it I jinxed   it at least I have a mushroom. Don't have to worry  about acceleration. The bomb where’d' it go? Okay   we're good we're good, just don't get hit on the  line. [signs] It wasn't that good. [laughs] This   is nice! I can take a little breather here and  just head backwards. Oh! too many people going   backwards. I have no acceleration [laughs]  everyone just chilling. Okay so speaking of   shortcuts, this one of the best shortcut tracks  in the game, and uh here I can take every shortcut   obviously you don't like need any particular  mini-turbo stat to take these shortcuts you   just have to drive. That can't be said for all of  the most important shortcuts in this game. I made   a video recently where someone um asked me hey for  all the important shortcuts you're talking about,   can you do these with all combos even with low  mini-turbo stat, because some of them have really   sensitive mini turbo chargers? And the answer is…  within reason? yes, if you don't use like Yoshi   Teddy you can still do it, but, you shouldn't  use a combo like this with 6 mini-turbo cuz like,   imagine trying to charge up that mini turbo for  the Mushroom Gorge gap jump, or the dragon drift   way, I'm pretty sure dragon drift way one is just  not possible. Editing shortcat here, not only is   it possible but I did it 3 for 3 on my first  try [laughs] it just takes some break drifting   so yeah this game is super balanced. Okay, I did  not think shock was coming but, and I could have   dodged it I'm just going to keep bagging it  doesn't really matter the pack is so close,   I'm just going to keep going around for coins–ooh  coins disappeared. This big hit box is nice though   for grabbing the coins. All right I might get two  items, here let's just do that [Music] okay let's   grab two items here [Music] all right nice! Bunch  of shortcuts. Let's chain the star here. A red   shell… it might be too risky to chain I may not  get mushrooms again so I'm just going to go for   this. Come on bagging track let me take advantage  of my speed–oh no I'm dead I'm so– oh no I'm not   dead. I got second! I was like frames away from  winning what [laughs]. Ohhh if I threw that red   shell a little bit earlier, I thought I got hit by  the piranha plant so I already gave up. Wait! the   person in first left, I won! [laughs]. So there  are two conditions it seems to be able to do well   with this combo, and first is don't get hit, which  is what you saw on Paris Promenade, and second is   get a bagging track with a million shortcuts and  that is what you saw on the last race. So that   was just beautiful, but you're not always in  control of either of those factors, so really,   it's like kind of a luck fest when you play this  combo, but you can have high highs you just also   have low lows–don't hit me with that! thank you…  people love to back their items there cuz it's   impossible to dodge. I'm going to get coins here.  Ohhh got to know the lines here or you bonk into   everything. Wow got the orange mini-turbo it's  like I'm a natural with this [laughs]. Oh yes!   okay! They have a red shell but they got angry  [laughs] and just threw it at me–no! Ahh I tried   to wall dodge but that was never going to happen,  not with this h– you really didn't have to do   that [laughs] [Music]. [Sighs] Ughh okay I I could  have saw that coming. Oh no! jeez! well super   bounce with the mushroom [Music] [bonk] oh yeah  yep yep this is what happens when you're not good   with the combo, this race I could have done much  better if I was just better. Okay well just lost   to all the Yoshis, we beat the Peachette [laughs],  the Peachette name is L, she deserves last place.   This is good, this is really good! Moonview  highway is such a speed-focused track and you   don't get that many mini-turbos especially because  of all the boost panels [bonk] no no no I got   bumped into that! thanks a lot Diddy Kong! [oof]  Wow okay so I just lost that, as it turns out time   trials are not the same as real races. Okay this  track is like, not that good for me but it's not   quite as bad as some of the other tracks, cuz I  just go in a straight line and the thing is like,   these Yoshi's charge a lot of mini turbos in the  straight line, however, it's not as good for them   as charging a mini turbo on a turn, because you  know if they're charging mini turbos on a turn   that just comes naturally, but if they're charging  mini turbos on a straight line, they have to keep   moving left and right which is a little bit worse  for them. So this I can actually like, probably   outspeed them, a lot here not like, all the time  cuz obviously this combo doesn't hold the world   record on this track, but at least, I can kind of  put up a fight here probably. Peachette is going   right so I'm going this way, I do not want to deal  with those green shells. I need some more coins   right now. [Bonk] Ugh I just got bumped! Th-this  is why you should never have kids. Okay we're   making a little bit of a comeback, there's triple  greens right there they are going to outspeed me   because of the purple mini-turbo, so I made sure  to use the star so I don't get hit. Okay okay   little draft– no no no I used that by accident  no the red shell went everywhere and still hit   me [sighs]. Ahh it's lap three but I still kind of  want these coins [laughs]. Come on come on don't   hit me I'm going wide. I'm stupid for mushrooming  there. This is impossible, this is just– nope nope   I have so much speed, I have so much speed I  still got a middle spot. It looks horrible,   it's the most disgusting gameplay you've ever seen  in your life, but it kind of works and I still   do okay [laughs] Oh! the Diddy Kong came first! I  am so proud of my son, this is why you have kids.   Okay I I just got bumped so much I'm bagging, give  me 9th place or worse. Let's go the items don't   matter too much at the start I actually should be  grabbing these coins here. The handling though,   like with the handling stat, that this has being  so low, it's actually really hard to hit the   coin sometimes. If you are very experienced at  Mario Kart hitting the coins is not too hard,   but I still remember when I first learned this  game, hitting the coins was impossible, that was   the hardest thing it never felt like I was going  where I thought I was going to go. Holy. Okay here   we go here we go start making a comeback– no these  are not the right items for the comeback. Stay   ahead of this Birdo. I am not willing to swerve  out of the way, I am just going to go forward   because swerving, I've learned doesn't work my  hit box is so big I wasn't even in the middle   of the road [laughs]. Ugh that's not fun, it's  not fun using a hitbox this big but what are you  gonna do. I need to rep Funky Kong in a cool combo  [laughs] all three hit me [laughs] stars are my   savior you see why I don't really want mushrooms  right now, everything hits me and I just want to   be invincible. Okay well, literally all I can get  is mushrooms this is so sad. Yeah if I had a star   I could have dodged that but I was very lucky  where the mushrooms popped out. Okay let's do   this let's do this I'm not in a bottom enough spot  to make it worth it to stop for an item there,   just going to keep going forward. This green  shell.Thank you! thank you for getting rid   of it. All right let's take the straightest line  possible. I'm not going to turn I'm not going to   turn [laughs] I just go in a straight line that's  my strength with this combo [Music] okay okay well   I can't get first [Music] the green shell almost  hit me! Is this combo good? is this combo bad? I   can't even figure it out right now [laughs] it it  can do well sometimes. Oh yes! moonview highway   again this is my chance for redemption to prove  that this is actually the best combo for this   track. Okay I'm just mushrooming I want to get  away from people. Is this combo just actually not   that good here [laughs] I get hit by everything  anyway. Okay I'm going to really focus this race,   I feel like I've been talking too much cuz this  combo is insane, but okay I'm going to slow down   a bit here at the start, try to make sure I get  a mushroom here. Nice! okay and you don't take   the shroom cut here, cuz this is slower nice  little draft take the shroom cut right here.   Purple purple yes! Red shell in front of me but  I'm not going to outspeed the Yoshi teddy buggy,   especially on three coins. Okay here we go here we  go! Red shell coming for me. I still need coins.   Oh I have no handling. When you have no handling  it's not just like you can't turn sharply you also   can't turn wide, which is crazy, and uh I was not  looking at the mini map so if they slow down for   the blue shell I was toast. When I'm using combos  that I don't normally use I can't look at the mini   map very much it's just a compromise I'm willing  to make, I don't even try [laughs] Here you should   mini-turbo trick but we're just going to hop  trick, and oh this is such an awkward section,   I'm so slow there. Okay okay but this section a  straight section, I can go well not faster than   them if they snake it's so I have no advantage  on this combo [laughs] I remember I made a   video oh blue shell, get him yes oh red shell  anyway that's fine that is fine. I get to keep   a red shell protection can't even talk about  other stuff right now we're just going to go   forward. I don't think my glider speed is very  high, so I'm just going to stay on the ground   where it's faster anyway, and not worry about the  items. Please give me two red shell protection,   that's fine too. Should I go for this short–no  I'm not going for this curb shortcut I can easily   mess it up I think I win if I don't take it  anyway. Okay now we just dodge items–no no no   is that triple reds? You are such a nice person  lasting holy [laughs] you could have ended me.   I have no acceleration oh thank you so much  for protecting yourself, you protected me too.   Lasting is probably short for lasting friendship  because that my friends, is how you keep people in   your life you don't triple red them at the end of  Mario Kart when they're playing on a stupid combo,   that is just mean and I'm so glad they didn't  do it. Oh that was great! [laughs] thank you so   much! I should not have won that race cuz they  were actually totally safe to throw at least   one of them they have triple reds all the way  till the end which is like, you know they they   just probably wanted to see me do it. How how  do we do the shortcut? drift? Oh I can't drift   wide–what was that? that was horrible I'm all  the way over here. Ahh okay whatever whatever,   I need my coins up in this case, so we're going  to go here. Oh no traction, it's so different. Hi   lasting see I'm not going to hit you, not going to  hit lasting cuz I have a lasting friendship with   them I'm just going to get rid of their greens.  Mushrooms very nice. This is actually so good   cuz with the online lag, often you can't actually  avoid an item even though you're trying your best,   so this way I can uh make sure that I can actually  recover if I get hit, so glad that wasn't coming   for me. We're just going to do the the easy  version of the shortcut here, that I taught   in the–whoa! Wait, that was amazing [laughs] that  was actually really good. Okay and we go for one   boost and then just go up here, all right we're in  second wow just need to watch out for this banana.   It might have been worth it to go for it honestly  no one else was going to be able to get it, uh in   time and I had no acceleration [Music]. Let's  do this, coin, I'll coin out of my mind here,   couldn't get the third trick, oh no there's fire.  Come on just there be another blue shell please,   we're doing easy strats again, no no no no I'm  how did this work again? no no no no no no no I'm   using this and going really slow. Come on come  on. Wow! I am getting so much better with this   combo [sighs]. Wow you guys are so good with your  Yoshi Teddy buggy. There's a Waluigi wiggler, that   person watched a Mario Kart guide from 2019 and is  very confused. Can we get a draft here? can we get   a draft? Okay not quite I am just going to go for  coins here hopefully I'm actually going to slow   down here. I can catch up with the huge shortcuts  so this is actually totally fine, I just want to   make sure I have coins my speed stat with speed  items is going to help me come back. Okay nice   I'm just going to use all these I need to get rid  of this before the item set, and I'm probably not   dodging a shock at this point anyway I just want  the potential of a bullet during the really long   no shortcut section, and then at the end I want  mushrooms again. I just keep getting blue shells   today. Hey nephew! I didn't hit him [laughs] okay  we're just going to try and get ninth here so I   can get a better box. Let's go! Bullet nice! I'm  just going to stay Invincible as long as I can,   and this is going to drop me off at the shortcut  with a star. Oh my bullet is so much faster than   yours [laughs] So yeah I'm already back in this  I'm in fifth. Okay no threats behind me right now,   I'll probably just chain the star. Had to use  that to speed up so the other person didn't get   it. Oh no this is not good [Music]! I probably  want to chain this, no no I'm I'm just going to   save it no no no no no no no I didn't even see the  blue–no! and then it got stolen anyway. Okay okay   okay it's all over. Wow wow I can't start a drift  [laughs] that's so embarrassing don’t you hate   when you can't start a drift and you're like no  I swear this never happens [laughs] nooo!! I got   greened in last [laughs] Okay maybe this is not  a good combo. We got Sydney sprints again it is   my time for Redemption on Sydney Sprint. You know  what? back when I played the max speed combo in   that video Way Long to go against players in like  the under 10,000 VR level, I won the Sydney Sprint   race so I have to win this one even though I lost  earlier, but now I'm used to this combo that's   the difference, and you know what's funny the max  speed combo video, the no acceleration combo, and   this no mini-turbo combo, they're all basically  the same thing, they all are just maximum speed,   no handling, max weight, it's just they're all the  same thing because Nintendo doesn't get creative   with the stats. So, get wrecked! you just watched  the same video three times and you thought it was   something different [laughs] what a loser! Oh  okay that's enough toxic for me for one day.   This is awesome I have to take shortcuts all the  way into first. Should I save this mushroom in   first? I'm just going to do it, I'm not going to  be in first anymore actually. Oh no actually I'm   I'm still in first, Diddy Kong You' never hurt  me right you would never you don't have an item,   let's try to take the double item box from you.  I just want to make sure they they don't have a   red shell. Oh mushroom nice okay, there's a  blue shell are they going to pass me? no I   just dodged it okay good good thing I saved  it. Coin up nice we're front running here,   give me the mushroom give me the other mushroom.  It's not just the fact that I got these mushrooms   it doesn't help that much, but the fact that other  people can't get them, that's also really good so   it's it's almost like a double mushroom, it's like  either you or someone else gets it [Music]. Two   red shell protection if there's no blue shell for  the rest of this race I could do really well here,   just a purple mini turbo I think the world record  charges two purple mini-turbos cuz they're insane,   with their mini turbo stat. They're chaining  red shells [Music]. I'm so lucky I have a   second protection. I don't think they got a red  shell YES YES the blue shell wasn't here in time   because my speed stat is so high let's go! This is  officially the best combo in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Channel: Shortcat
Views: 181,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cm4bQAlI6t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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