How Asprey Jewellery Became A Royal Signature | Inside Asprey | Real Royalty

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for over 200 years osprey has been heralded as the epitome of british luxury goods that one is 70 70 000 pounds since queen victoria granted a royal warrant it's been a favorite of the aristocracy remember they're all family so treat them with have those respects but now osprey faces its biggest challenge why do they never stick to their appointments keeping an old-fashioned business alive in the modern world they're ignoring the trend for mass production and they're gorgeous hoping the super-rich will still pay for handcrafted british products for the first time asprey has let us into an extraordinary world this is a hand-finished piece all made upstairs how much this one is 4.6 million revealing just what it takes to attract the wealthiest people on the planet you'll see somebody walk through the front door and you think you know they're going to spend some money and you get quite disappointed if it's less than 10 000 to be honest it's kind of like that central london bond street [Music] it's 8 30 in the morning asprey sales manager craig and the cleaning team are making sure everything is perfect before customers set foot in the store craig started selling jewelry when he was just 16 in glasgow since he came here two years ago his day has started exactly the same way coming in on a monday morning or any morning to put jewelry out it's quite therapeutic it's quite enjoyable to do it's a nice way to start your day as opposed to running into an office there's emails there's phone calls so it's quite a nice way i'm quite lucky one of the more substantial pieces is this which is a beautiful 15 carats fancy yellow diamonds it's incredibly rare maybe the only one you know on the streets in london in the world it's you know it's very rare and that one retails at 2.4 million but there's one or two uh discerning ladies that do like a large colored diamonds uh so yeah we are confident that this will this will sell [Music] aspiri began business not as a jewelers but as a maker of elaborate dressing cases but today jewelry has become the most important department in the shop [Music] much of it is made in a workshop hidden above the store stuart has spent his entire working life making jewelry for the last 12 years he's been making it for aspri's clients the most expensive was priceless completely priceless phenomenal exciting piece of uh tiara completely priceless the most famous people i've made jewellery for is the queen prince charles elton john beckhams but nobody knows us we're just hidden away sometimes perhaps you you'd like to say hey look i made that bond street boasts the giants of the global revolution in mass-produced luxury but while its competitors have hundreds of stores across the world osprey remains niche with only a handful and despite its prime location few people dare enter but today's first customer is someone you might recognize the actor samuel l jackson oh it's very quiet why is it jam if it's going to be that quiet can you hear i can't hear it okay that's way too personal if you paid that much for a watch you want to be ostentatious you want everybody to know my watch is chiming what's that oh it's time over the last two years head of pr loren has built a relationship with mr jackson she often lends him jewelry for events every time he comes through from the um airport he pops in before he goes to his hotel so yeah it's good really good hello sir today he's popped in to pick up some cufflinks to wear at an awards ceremony we'll just go for something really classic these are classic yeah yeah an ordinary nothing ordinary about aspirin osprey built its name as a luxury emporium selling items that often have a sense of british irreverence last year mr jackson spotted one of these solid silver gorilla safes the cost 55 000 pounds he bought one i love looking at that gorilla it still catches my eye when i come in so now at least i can see one at home so it's kind of nice it's very nice to walk in that closet ah look at the girl thank you so much thank you all right see you take the gorilla safe is typical of the unusual pieces that have always brought the rich and famous to the store the workshop that produces them is the oldest and largest of any on bond street aspri still employs many of the country's top craftsmen who make their best products by hand once an item is made silversmith steve polishes it most people you talk to they don't really understand what's what polishing's about what is it about it's about getting things nice and shiny it's a rocket cocktail shaker yeah that will go on now then the cone and then when that's done that will slide into there and it looks like a rocket not something that we would buy but i love it i think it's fantastic so who's gonna buy that seven half thousand who'd you think someone with a lot of money but then that's what ashby's all about isn't it martin started out as a window dresser in slough now he's asprey's visual merchandise manager it's his job to ensure the products lovingly crafted upstairs will attract the eye of customers downstairs the kind of client that we get here i'm not sure that it's product that people actually need um i mean sometimes yes i mean for instance i can remember a couple of christmas ago we had paul mccartney in and he needed a couple of dozen wine glasses because it was christmas time so sometimes yes but generally you know who would need for instance a stag heady cancer you don't need one but it's you know it's beautiful why wouldn't you not want it you know it's i must have i want one of those um i don't need one but i want one the stags head decanter is a best seller it takes a team of nine to make each one very good managing director paddy bing's strategy is to focus on producing goods for a very select type of customer they're buying scarcity and that's sort of what luxury always used to be about was this sort of sense of exclusivity that what you were buying in some cases that there was only one off and that is very appealing to to to these people with summer approaching paddy is about to launch his latest and perhaps riskiest venture a private handbag collection he's commissioned 41 one-of-a-kind handbags because he believes there are women so eager to get one they are willing to spend on average 33 000 pounds martin is turning a small section of the store into an exclusive vip room where the bags can be viewed in private don't damage them i'm deliberately gonna going to have the the diamonds facing that way because that's where they will be sitting so i think you have a good corp made out of crocodile and lizard skin many are encrusted with jewels and trimmed with 18 carat gold fittings we have some really exclusive ones here and the metal work on the bag they've been encrusted with pave diamonds so that makes them special special really i think this one should be as prominent as possible because it's the new shape and it's quite nice faded pave that one is 70 70 000 pounds um not only is it it's a handbag it could also be a piece of jewelry couldn't it because of the diamonds here do you ever find it hard to believe that people are willing to spend that kind of money on handbag kind of used to it by now and what does bad for me is that somebody will buy three four or five at a time which makes it even more you know wow you know so you know in this day and age of austerity there are people that still have that kind of money that they will buy um luxury goods thankfully otherwise we'd be out of a job [Laughter] idea only specially invited guests will be allowed to enter this room the task of identifying those guests is entrusted to director of sales bobby they are women that know what they want and within a certain circle everyone knows that bags are one-off so um yeah i believe they'll be sold pretty pretty quickly actually well we need to see the sparkle of the diamonds but something on here too the handbags have taken a year to design and make that's much better yeah but bobby hopes his sales team will sell them in just four weeks very very quickly this morning so i hope you had a good weekend today is the day we've got the start of the private event um looks like we're going to get some big hitters coming in so make the most of it thank you so much guys we'll catch up through the day thank you bobby has scheduled appointments with several of his top customers who he thinks won't be able to resist these one-of-a-kind bags where pressure comes into it is that all this work has gone into having these made especially and setting up it's actually they're going to sell i think so the pressure's on the sales team i think as bobby waits for his special guests in the private showroom the regular customers are on the lookout for the ideal purchase [Music] the album of pussycat yes are they they're salt and pepper grinders they are beautiful with a beautiful wooden box they are magnificent they're works of art in their own right but they're functional they're fully functional one of aspiri's more unusual hand sculpted items has just taken the fancy of texan tourist mrs gilchrist how do you work the damn thing there's the grinder at the bottom and it's what stunning it is absolutely holy cow i mean if this is handmade in here i mean it's just like phenomenal when he's not making jewelry stewart sculpts moles for many of the figurines sold downstairs in a perfect world i'll definitely be an artist i like to do my own thing and i like to use my own imagination but when you're working for a company such as espress you are restricted to what you can do if the company wants a stag's head water cooler then that's exactly what we go and set out to do 6995 that's a work of art for us i love it i'm fortunate that i can still add little things to it to make it interesting or make it my own stuff i i do enjoy doing this it's much more fun and it can look sometimes good not always i mean you have to look at these things just they'll go and they're gorgeous this owl and the pussycat sultan pepper set will soon be the only one of its kind to grace a dining room table in houston despite the sales in the rest of the store it's not been the best day for bobby or asprey's investment in private collection handbags after a year in the planning the one thing they didn't plan for was that no one would turn up in central london it's another morning in luxury retail today's first customer is mr tazuka hello again bobby director of sales knows him well he's a very long-standing client of ours he has a beautiful golf course in spain we probably see him three four times a year he has a significant collection of watches from us some of them significant values this is the first time mr tazuka has brought his new wife mrs tazuka into osprey this is the sky dweller this is very hard to get hold of just from rolex and they've known to have one that's been being customized by banff with this sort of aspiring on there that one is eighty-five thousand eighty percent that one and that is number four of 12. we wanted it to be only just a few in the world obviously it's it's for our favorite clients this one this one i'll keep this no problem yeah i will put those away [Music] two new watches to his collection being able to shop here has been his dream since he first came to london when i came here in london 40 years ago that time i walked on street crazy some small things how much 1 million so i work i make money and easy to get the aspirin so to understand osprey has occupied this site for over 160 years spread over five georgian town houses its modern interior upstairs hides a far less opulent world downstairs well this is in the basement which consists of 50 rooms very narrow corridors i'm afraid john is in charge of maintaining the entire building but a recent facelift has presented him with a fresh challenge the actual glass atrium roof we normally clean three to four times a year which is a bit scary because you get a winter day it's darker outside it's inside all of a sudden the whole show was lit up below you and you saw it like going whoa scary the renovation of the store was overseen by lord norman foster and cost 50 million pounds but while the refurb may be rather modern john has to clean the atrium roof the old-fashioned way when i first joined it i hated heights it wouldn't get mad but step that hardly so the glass roof was a quite a challenge to start with i don't like sitting around doing nothing i'm so used to doing things so anything that comes along i think yeah i'll do that sometimes i regret it but uh most times it's all right this is a scary bit standing in the middle of the glass but i've been assured that it will take a fair awake but uh it's odd because it's like looking down on a microcosm of shopping you're observing them and they can't see you with competition increasingly fierce along bond street each year osprey tries to produce a show-stopping jewelry collection it's the responsibility of jewelry director justine she's called this year's collection chaos chaos is a mixture of stones and it's as though you've just sprinkled them on and so you just see this this melee of beautiful colored stones and and they're in a random movement that was chaos mark 1 where there was a lot of random stones that's chaos i love the word i don't know why it just sounds lovely doesn't it chaos it's like a kaleidoscope of colors and that you know when you have those kids things those kaleidoscopes and it's all sparkly around that's the inspiration for it justine's been painstakingly sourcing precious jewels from five different countries around the world for her vision to succeed she needs the perfect combination of tourmalines and diamonds that box there is a box of diamonds so they're the ones that we're scattering in between so that box has got a vast valley on it there's a lot of money on the table price range it is targeted to be the necklace under a hundred thousand and if it is someone's twenty-first birthday present how wonderful i always worry that we sound quite a hundred grand looks imagine my mother throwing a cup of tea up in the air when she seems that bit [Music] the old adage is if you have to ask how much something costs you probably can't afford it but to find out how much anything costs at aspiri is a bit of a challenge you know some people will ask why don't you have prices and everything and we do i mean there are prices on things that are very discreet but i think there are two things some people who have maybe never shopped with us before or people who perhaps haven't looked this kind of product before you might pick up a price and look at something and it might scare the living daylights out of you and you think you know how is this you know champagne bath possibly you know worth over 30 000 pounds but then when you you know start to engage about how it's actually made and that you know there are not 50 000 of these around the world it starts to make a bit more sense you start to add value through the conversation and it's the kind of thing that someone might walk in and just say that will be perfect for my yacht but it'll be perfect for you know the polo party that i'm throwing this year so it's there's a market for it you know it's certainly it will it will sell you know at some point [Music] it's been two weeks since the team started selling the new collection of one-of-a-kind dual encrusted handbags by now they would have expected to have sold quite a few they haven't we do to an extent take huge risks um when i say to an extent i have to have complete faith in the designers but then that's the business we're in you're waiting for what we would call a lightning strike to happen today bobby is going the extra mile to tempt the women who can afford these handbags into the store asprey is going to throw a lavish british tea party you know just give them that little bit extra treatment try and soften them up a bit you know before we go in for the kill that looks great okay how's it all going down we have um the first appointment at four o'clock um today yeah yeah okay looks really nice guys thank you very much you're welcome upstairs justine settled on the ideal jewels to create chaos her hugely ambitious collection now the pressure is on stuart he has two months to bring it to life hey stew how you doing yeah good how are you yeah all right final final layouts already fantastic one thing that i need your help on i i want to see as little metal as possible for a change oh really yeah yeah yeah can you finish it tomorrow [Music] i'm gonna keep me out of mischief to hold the necklace together stewart's using platinum a metal more expensive than gold his first job is to stretch a tiny bar into a four foot long piece of wire i've been a jeweler for 35 years i think it is now a long sentence i left school at 15 no levels or anything like that i wanted to be a pilot didn't have the brains to be a pilot in the raf so i came into this trade everything stuart makes ends up downstairs where mr white is looking for a little something for his wife's birthday [Music] white gold i've got a version of that and they have the diamonds do you want to see those in yeah yeah a lot of it is more physical than people would ever realize it's strange how your friends not think that jewelry's all in some big tin can somewhere waiting for it to come out already made but but it's not has she got short hair long hair longer shape at my length longer than these would look lovely i do find that men when they come in and select earrings that they like to see them on do want the other one in to have to see yeah it makes the sale easier it's more engaging with the client men generally like that yeah i love these what's your fault thousand 15 hundred and fifty including tax okay all right arm's hating there you go first time i've been in the shop oh it's amazing i've gotta say i own a property company so this is very fascinating this is better than the drill really it's beautiful absolutely stunning today stewart is one of only a dozen employees in the workshops decades ago these workshops were full of craftsmen but the increase in overseas mass production means now only the wealthiest can afford their hand-crafted items [Music] but osprey has still managed to hang on to some of britain's top craftsmen like billy who's been entrusted to make the premier league trophy the trade's getting smaller and there's only a few people that can do this type of work and i happen to be one of them i've been doing it since 1977. so i think that tells you i enjoy it [Music] nine years ago john was one of the silversmiths here but as the industry changed so did his job this is definitely one of the less glamorous sides of this job unfortunately there's not many jobs in the silversmithing trade left now because obviously his money's tight and workshops are getting smaller so i think my sill smithy days are really over and i'll be just doing the maintenance it's always somebody seems to shrink that down at least i've survived it's a good company to work for it has its advantages [Music] upstairs bobby is still waiting for his four o'clock appointment to arrive she's a long-standing osprey client and a known handbag collector it's now ten to five why do they never stick to their appointments it drives me absolutely bonkers [Music] we've had a few cancelled appointments today passes the way um sometimes it's not always a necessity to come out and buy something here it's it's just a luxury [Music] alex has got used to the idea that one sale can completely transform his monthly pay packet well before i came here i was an actor and worked right up a little bit and tried to get a proper job for a while and then a proper job turned into sort of a you know regular job i work on commission so obviously if i don't sell i don't get any commission so obviously for me it'd be great for it to be as busy as possible but there are definitely some months which are bread and water months when it's not happening it's tough but you learn pretty quickly when you have a small child that you don't sit on your rear end and wait for it to happen you you go out there and do something about it which is what i have to do for aspiri's most valuable clients they're willing to go above and beyond tonight they're transforming the shop into a party venue for an alzheimer's charity event hosted by an old friend we've got the um dinner for samuel l jackson um there's about 100 guests and there's other celebs here too i'm not quite sure who they are but um we'll see when they arrive it's all very exciting [Music] as visual merchandise manager martin's on a mission to have the handbags looking their best with hardly any of the 41s sold so far the dinner is an opportunity not to be missed so tonight this is where they're am having dessert with the posture legs so you never know someone might be tucking into tiramisu and think i'll have that bag you never know [Music] managing director paddy wants to take advantage of having a shop full of potential customers these nights always important i mean you know mr jackson is an old friend of the brand and you know he knows you know there's a great group of people and you know we're always looking for opportunities to attract those kinds of people into the stores so you know who knows they might even do some shopping [Music] samuel l jackson's evening is a roaring success even harry potter fans get an autograph but the handbags were less successful there weren't any takers yeah i mean it's been yeah we've we've said we've struggled with it but it's been slow than we would have liked today customers from all over the world come here to buy into a little bit of british heritage but asprey pioneered the luxury market at a time when the aristocracy was in its heyday [Music] steve eaves has been selling aspirin merchandise for 45 years he's also in charge of their museum pieces in those days they would have been the very very best of a british society the royal family members of the house of lords generally the incredibly wealthy entitled people of the united kingdom in 1862 asprey was granted its royal warrant for creating dressing cases like this one now titled ladies wealthy ladies would travel the length and breadth of the country and inside this is everything they needed so that madam could wash her hands this was put on using a mixture of pure gold and mercury and then it was put into the fire and of course if you put mercury in the fire it gives off highly toxic fumes so the poor guilders didn't last very long they died so lady mary could watch them well that's one way of looking at it but the other way of looking at it is these incredibly wealthy people kept an awful awful lot of people employed fed an awful lot of families by by their spending 150 years ago the average craftsman died aged just 41. luckily for stuart today it's significantly higher even if the work is not that much more enjoyable it's not the nicest jobs i wouldn't recommend it apart from being fiddly and mucky it gets very hot most of the time i'm thinking about paying the mortgage and things like this you know like everyone else does you know final moment enough to keep the bills at bay that sort of matters it's down to stewart to create justine's vision of a necklace with randomly floating stones after a month of hard work the complexity of her chaos design is becoming apparent it sounds really simple and very easy and these pretty drawings look fabulous and you think how difficult can that be it is one of the most challenging projects i've done i think they want it in the shop fairly quickly so pressure pressure pressure if you panic into making jewelry it shows you have to be calm yeah i quite like to say to stewart right where are you have you finished and what's the due date but you can't say that to a craftsman they go oh well it might be now no it's my department my subject my strategy if i don't deliver it it's it's my problem it's saturday and while bond street may be teaming with shoppers asprey never expects a big crowd with his wife pregnant at home it's a chance for bobby to give her some rest and spend time with his daughter [Music] saturday for me is always at the zoo in the morning she loves the zoo and then she enjoys coming in here for a little nap well she does a bit of work and is she going to follow in your footsteps i'm sure i'm sure she'll want to be a customer rather than this side of the fence it can help to break the ice to have um his little one running around it's um because they love it you know it's quite it's quite a clever ploy probably quite a good tour is using the private handbag collection was meant to last a month the month is up but only four of the 41 handbags have sold today the team thinks the bags might finally get moving two or three other middle eastern clients that would expect him back in today said you know today's the day for the private collection back so hopefully something will happen today since the decline of the british aristocracy asprey has had to rely on an international clientele to keep up sales these are your favorites okay i love this guy yeah it's very nice bobby is targeting the private handbag collection at the super-rich women of the middle east he's got an advantage they tend to think i'm from the middle east and a lot of a lot of middle eastern customers that come in to um start speaking in arabic and it's quite funny but i grew up in london this is with rubies and sapphires and amethyst one of qatar's leading fashion designers has just been shown into the private collection after a successful fashion show in london she wants a special bag that reflects her personality while wearing the traditional black abaya it's nice what do you think of the design i like it it's different yeah it's different are the bright colors important for guitar yes because all kids are really wearing the black the habit oh yeah black is very nice coming with you so it stands out more doesn't it yes mrs almanai buys a burgundy crocodile skin private collection bag with rose gold fittings she was uh quite taken with it every little help since they say tescos come through to the other room with the collection bags yes please this is my daughter this is one i was telling you about mrs al mansour and her family are visiting from saudi arabia they're important clients of bobbies and have bought handbags from aspiri before but this is his last chance to sell them a private collection bag before they return home almost every person i know not every person of course but as they've got three or four backs crocodile ostrich python is really popular the same with them yeah same model yeah but it's it's smaller this is nice for the evening i've never seen a diamond one but they're amazing i'm sure that an arab woman would get one with mrs allman sewer ready to spend money the team spot an opportunity to show her one of the most expensive items in the whole store it's very easy to to make a sale and think that's it finished done but actually you should not presume that they finish shopping temp them with something else saying something like i noticed you have a beautiful watch would you like to see a new one just come in this brooch is so nice this really you know i've not seen something like this really really nice most the clients are wealthy ladies that come in and buy a handbag it's obviously natural to then try and show them the jewelry this is the type of jewelry i mean that we're famous for this is one of the rarest pieces a 2.41 vivid blue 2.4 vivid pink this is a hand finished piece all made up stairs how much this one is 4.6 million to find the stones that would be the same shape to put into this ring very very rare pieces see from a distance you see the fire in those stones it's your size is it um i think five kilos uh all together two and a half years just just under five yep for the lot you like the box she wants the box she doesn't want the rings just the box not the ring that's right eventually mrs elman sewer does make a purchase she buys one handbag thank you thank you say bye bye she's gone away to think about the ring despite the recent handful of sales the private handbag collection is still underperforming justine's under even more pressure to get the chaos collection on the shop floor and sold as soon as possible how are you i'm all right you sure are you linked i'm linking it give it are you sorted yeah they're soldered my greatest nightmare is a wheatling yeah yeah i know it's it's the one thing i've sort of thought about at night thinking once um i've got it all linked i'll go over every joint and making sure they're all sorted yeah please do and i don't want to apply any unnecessary pressure but really [Laughter] it come my way soon so okay um i need to sit on the shop floor pretty quickly um and i'm under quite a lot of pressure to get it on the shop floor okay and even though i'm trying to give you artistic time ah you've run out of it okay thank you anyway i'll see you later okay yeah it will be fantastic touchwood i i've got enough it will work it'll just fine it's fine asprey's new standout jewelry collection is fast becoming a cause for concern chaos is proving so complicated that despite stuart working on it full time it's now a month behind schedule managing director paddy wants chaos to rain on the shop floor justine hello there you are so how's chaos we're gonna have a little quick chaos meeting we can have a chaos meeting yeah chaos chaos is positive audrey in the workshops moved on to setting the necklace something like 100 stones in the necklace yeah so i don't want to push her too much on timing audrey has to individually fit each of the gemstones into the platinum claws made by stuart she is one of only a few female gem setters in london my mom's a hairdresser and ever since i was little everyone was like oh so you're gonna be a hairdresser like your mum and that just seemed like living hell actually just you know fussing about women and touching hair and talking all day long would drive me nuts yeah there's never been a sane jewelry yeah it's a requirement of the germans to be a little bit nutty what's it like being the only woman i don't like to really make a big deal about it we've got that calendar on the wall and they don't have to take that down because i'm here i don't really mind and who knows maybe there'll be more women and we'll get like a fireman calendar or something we do have some beautiful diamond set pieces here eating carrot yellow or white gold with diamonds and are obviously a bit more scattered would you like to try them on i can take them out for yours let me bring them out don't worry about the praise come and take a seat and i'll take it i don't uh really spend any any money on jewelry we are looking for a 21st and a 50th actually so who's 21st is it i mean it would be lovely but um i just can't really justify it i like the fact it's a serpent it's very sweet the snake is a sign of protection and safety which is quite it's quite hard it's lovely then there's always the problem of where am i gonna wear it you know beautiful emerald eyes they're lovely so you see the contrast cheeky monkey you appreciate it differently i think when you're a tradesman you know whilst i'm working on this it's kind of mine once audrey has set all of the 83 stones into the necklace chaos will finally leave the workshop uh uh i should be really excited when well no no relieved would be a better word i think it's like all things when you work on them for a certain duration of time you you kind of bit anxious to see you want to see the back of it make sure you make sure it goes and it's behind itself with the middle eastern holiday season nearly over it looks like the remainder of the private handbag collection may well remain unsold but at the last minute a visiting princess has finally responded to her invitation jess had a phone call and we've got a saudi royal family wanting to keep the straw open for a private viewing tonight they want alex show them around bags okay and remember they're all family so treat them with that much respect of course okay fantastic thank you thanks so obviously they've shopped here before um last visit uh let's just say it was uh it was a great it was a it was a good shop with the shop closed to the public and the camera crew the princess now has the store and the stuff all to herself [Music] yeah one off just one bag one in one in the whole world [Music] last night the princess spent over two hours in the shop waited on by alex and the team she likes to have everything laid out in front of her and then she can pick literally this one this one this one um but uh she was spoiled for choice how many bags has she taken 12 12 12 collection bags phenomenal yeah bingo overnight the private handbag collection has turned into a success i go back to looking at every single bag the day i saw them i knew it was as good as having money in the bank i'm delighted with how it's gone i think it's gone really really well really pleased with it very pleased the handbags will now be picked up by her royal highness's staff put onto her private jet and flown to saudi arabia [Music] it's done just done today and after nearly four months of meticulous work stuart is finally ready to unveil the chaos collection stuart hello it's done it's done do you want it done be pleased uh yeah i think it looks very pretty i just want to check it on emily it looks better on her than me [Music] thank you right now i forget all the frustrations and aggravation that has caused along the way when it's sitting on somebody's neck looking beautiful yeah it's great it's worthwhile it's so fun there we go stu will you drop it down i will yeah be a pleasure [Music] stuart rarely gets to deliver his finished pieces downstairs onto the shop floor quite privileged [Music] i'm scruffy urchin going down with all the smart people are [Music] i just feel out of place somehow bobby hello hey the chaos necklace all ready ready for you sir take away and find a new home i don't think that's going to be here long it's gorgeous good actually it's yeah the chaos necklace and bracelet are now available to anyone who happens to be passing with a spare 133 000 pounds in their pocket here you see colossal amounts of wealth just walking out into the street i try not to let other people's wealth worry me too much i've always understood that all the time i'm sitting doing stuff with my hands i'll never become a millionaire but i think all the time that women like shiny glittery expensive things then hopefully there's going to be guys like me making them i hope so [Music] you
Channel: Real Royalty
Views: 38,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real royalty, real royalty channel, british royalty, royalty around the world, royal history
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 4sec (2764 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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