How Artificial Intelligence is Reinventing HR, Skills and the Employee Experience

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well good afternoon everyone it's a pleasure to be here on the stage today and hopefully that's the only slide I'm the show from now because what I'd like to do is as we look at this subject and how AI is going to transform all aspects can you hear me okay I've got some people taking their markers one good and as we start to think how artificial intelligence is going to affect human resources and the way that talent is managed in the organization's I actually want to show you real examples of technology that we're using an IBM today and we're using with our clients that changes all aspects of the employee lifecycle from recruitment to learning performance and career management to employee care and then right through to compensation and benefits and if I go fast I can probably show you about five things in about 17 and a half minutes so then you can ask me questions so if we can flick over and then I'm going to flick to my screen interestingly I'm not showing you an IBM screen this is the ey homepage ey have recently rolled out success factors recruitment and expect success factors learning globally and as part of that we help them put a cognitive or artificial intelligence recruitment engine in the pet so this is the ey homepage in the US can you see over here ey careers and it says if you want to use Watson candidate assistant so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you live how a artificial intelligence Canada assistant is going to help potential candidates job seekers find their fit within careers at IBM so here is an ey we're building the workplace of the future blah blah blah whatever your professional background does I'll get started let a wise Watson Kanda assistant so I'm just going to accept and I'm now going to start talking to Watson Watson is IBM's artificial intelligence chat bot and I think you can still make it a little bit bigger hi welcome I'm here to explore careers at ey what types of jobs you looking for here a few examples well I want to cut straight to the chase I want to get AI to read my CV so he go upload my resume so I'm going to upload it and there's my CV now I'm not actually applying for a job at UI but I'm just going to show you how it works here we go open so what Watson is now going to do is going to read my CV in seconds and it's going to match it to all the open requisitions that are available in the US at any one time and see if there is a fit and then it's going to start to recommend potential jobs again depending on my skills now probably because of my seniority or my skill set initially there aren't a lot but it's giving me some ideas where there might be a high match oh that's quite good or there might be some other jobs where low match so what's this first one IT analyst IT advisory business transformation delivery financial services so it's picked up from my CV the fact that I've got a lot of business transformation experience I've worked in financial services before I've done a lot of advisory work and that's recommending to me and if if I was interested in that one I can there's quite a lot to I can start to filter it so I could say oh I only want to go for I don't know let's only want to go for Boston it's now going to redo that and only give me the rolls are available in Boston okay and if I clicked on that that would then take me straight through to success factors recruiting model recruitment moderate module and I'd then be able to apply now on the left hand side you see it's all it's also started a dialogue with me so it's wanting me as a candidate to to ask questions and to find out a little bit more about what life is like at ey so I'm now going to try and trick this chat bar and ask you the question that's never been asked before and see if they can see it and get it right so I'm going to ask it a question about dress code you know what's the ey dress code you know you have to be a stiff and wear a suit like me or can you come in and jeans but I'm going to ask it in a slightly different way and a bit difficult because it bit of we'll get there but um can anyone sort of name me a fashion guru or some person some famous personality who is a fashion aficionado just if you can either mouth or shout a name to me and I will pick one out it works best if we've got audience participation right okay someone okay someone said so David Beckham right what's David Beckham famous for wearing sorry that's so wrong okay go I'm not sure I thought how do you spell us the wrong right do I have to wear a so wrong too work like David Beckham okay now will you attest to me that that is probably the first time that that question has ever been posed to this chat bar what AI does is it understands my intent it understands natural language processing understands English so it's going to interpret that and hopefully make sense that that is a question about dress code well let's try it okay that's what AI does you don't need to code every single permutation of question a I can interpret your intent but that's the first thing I want to show artificial intelligence in the context of the candidate experience our experience at IBM and I know it's similar to - ey they've launched this is we've increased the number of people that apply to us by 46% because we've put AI in our candidate landing page right now let's move to a scenario I've now joined the organization and why don't we create a career advisor a coach that gives our staff career advice learning advice job advice so they can work out how to how to navigate their careers within our organization and encourages them to look how they can you know extend their career IBM rather than going to other organization so we've created this micah my career advisor which is a chat bot it's available on the mobile phone here i'm doing on the desktop and i can ask any questions like i don't know how long should I stay in my role can you read that ok yeah ok fine so here we go so here we go all of us have to take charge of our career I cannot tell you the amount of time you should its blah blah blah so giving me some information right but what's more interesting is it's it's giving me some advice well why don't you go to the career guide so on the left hand side I've got a nice series of things I've got job opportunities career navigator learning recommendations which are personalized to me so I'm going to start off with job opportunities because you'll recognize the format for this when I throw it up what this is now doing is it knows my CV it know my skills and it's automatically the same way as Watson Canada assistant did it ey it's automatically recommending potential roles which might work for me within the organization and it's looking for senior level jobs now here actually there aren't quite a lot they weren't quite a lot because I'm looking at the UK if I look further afield there might be more significant roles but it's encouraging me to say look elsewhere within IBM there are careers for you but then I might be more specific and say okay but what kind of roles would suit my skills where do I need to go next and so what it's doing is first of all it says Andy you are a business sales and delivery executive I am a band see in our organizational structure and so it's therefore saying well the most obvious move for you in IBM is to move to that one a business sales and delivery executive band B so to move out from AB and C to AB and B so stay in the same role but just take on a more and the reason it's making that recommendation is it's looking at actually over the last two years 22 people similar to you have moved into that role now I may say well I don't want to be a business and sales delivery executive can you give me some other career paths so show me where other people like me in our organization have gone so I can start to think through and so here you go it's using data to say okay in the last two years eighteen people similar to U of mu out of 22 have moved into an executive role or a business sales and delivery level a a double-jump so it's giving me based on data where I can go within the organization so it's giving me career advice based on my skills and based on data where people have gone in the organization and then of course I can select me in fact let me do that let me select that as my learning path I'm going to say ok I'll do that I'm going to change role and I'm going to add that to my part let's say I want to be in learning it will now absorb that information and start to make learning recommendations so here it's going to read all the data around what people like me or people with my chosen career path have undertaken and it will start to Netflix style make recommendations to me as a business sales and delivery executive and within IBM we've actually switched off our learning management system Sabah and now we have a learning experience platform that guides all of our staff what they should be doing and so they are and I can look in there how many people have undertaken this training what the average rating is and I can do the training so it's a little bit like a Netflix style we want to encourage people to continuously reinvent their skills within the organization how am i doing that clock by the way didn't start so I don't know whether or you can tell me how far I've got to go right now let's let's take something then very different let's talk about how artificial intelligence is going to change the way that people give and receive feedback this demo is actually better on a mobile phone but obviously it's quite difficult to get plugged in here so this is IBM's feedback system a stands for appreciating coaching and evaluation that we want all staff to give to one another on a perpetual basis and it's a by the mobile app so I can literally call this up it looks identical and I can say I want to give some feedback I will select someone from my team and then I can start typing in here versus the mobile phone I'm not going to type I'm just going to speak and I can say great meeting Justin today really impressed with the way you delivered that presentation next time think about this now what's the AI component to this the AI component is that we've built in tone analysis so you can see there's a little box there that says check my tone so what I'm going to do is I'm going to pick some really negative feedback that I'm going to give to this guy where do I go right and I'm going to give some negative feedback so your presentation today was poor quality and very disappointing and totally uninspiring you did not listen to the team did not structure the agenda accordingly I'm frustrating you were late for the meeting and you need to use your slide more more slides and less boring uninspiring ultimately pointless demo of technology that no one in their right mind will be interested in right has some negative feedback feel what never to do is I'm going to get watts and to check my tone now you could say well that's obviously a bad piece of feedback but in a global organization where many times people giving feedback in not their mother-tongue having a tool like this can be quite useful because it helps people identify whether their tone so immediately it's looked at that tone said there's a lot of anger there or there's a lot of sadness so it gives me the opportunity to read you matter as I saw this this particular technology was designed for the mobile phone so you don't need to type anything you just speaking in real-time as you go okay so that's how artificial intelligence is going to change feedback let's talk about employee care and how virtual assistants and chat BOTS are now being integrated with them all right file full screen view full screen okay how am i doing I've got six or so minutes left I going to go fast so in this case this is a chat bot a virtual assistant but what I'm going to do is I'm going to process a form so this is a families and medical leave act form which if I'm in the u.s. I have to submit if I want to take time off or if I've got a medical condition and I'm going to say right let's submit that form now or where have I gone sorry I'll get there a minute right so I say I have my FMLA form here we go right and it says great please upload your form so what this virtual assistant or chat board is going to do is actually going to process the form but I'm going to trick it I'm going to give it a form that is invalid if you like so there are some fields that I've not filled in I've not signed it off I'm not dated it properly and what this will do will it immediately tell me I'm sorry your form is insufficient either now obviously in the next version would be great if it told me why it didn't work what fields were incomplete but just for the purposes of this demo I'm going to then upload a complete form so a valid form and I'm going to submit the file now what has happened in that one second is a quite an interesting and complicated robotic process automated routine whereby that form has been checked by a robot every single field it's been validated its then been loaded up to an external system all I get is that great the form is complete I would submit the information but just so you know what's happening in the background here you go this is the little routine that's happening oops sorry let's go back this is the routine that's happening in the background so the form is on the right-hand side they are PA routine is on the left-hand side and it's literally going through every field in the in the form checking that everything has been completed and it's then in a second going to extract all the data and start loading it into an external database called leveling absence in in the u.s. it will do that probably any time now right there it is it takes the data starts loading it up okay so you get the idea the artificial intelligence won't just change the communication with the employee this typically would be done through an HR shared service center it's now going to start actually doing some of that administrative processing for you and save your administrators a lot of time so let us check on the time it's 45 okay I probably got forgot a few few more minutes so I'll do I'll do one more quickly and then I'll take any questions so the minute let's show you cognate a right so this is the this is how artificial intelligence is going to influence the world of benefits and salaries so here is I'm a manager my name is Addison here is my team Dylan Jean Jesse etc and then we've got people down ROM now what this is doing artificial intelligence is giving me and manager a recommendation as to whether I should give these pull employees a high a medium or a low salary increase or skip them entirely so if I look at this individual Alice we're saying that Alice we're going to skip and not give them a salary increase at all so what this particular tool is doing is it's reading all the data that we have about about this individual and then saying right I suggest you skip so I'm just trying to pull up the relevant so if you can see let's look at performance this individual is actually done quite well they've achieved expects more achieves achieves exceed so they've done quite well most organizations would probably give this individual a salary increase but look at the other data that we're now throwing in base pay competitiveness is a hundred and five percent so they are paid above market average compared to new joiners that only get 86 percent of what this individual receives their attrition risk risk is not high it's medium and then over here we've got their skills market scarcity of skills is low it's easy to replace those skills in the market and is it is it a skill that's in demand for us well it's medium therefore we're actually saying that this individual is well-paid they've got skills that are easy to replace their performance has been quite good but actually we're not going to give them a salary increase now as a manager I can overrule that but can you see there what the what the analytics engine is doing on behind it's gathering all of the data so I can now have an objective fact-based conversation with with this individual about their skills right I'm going to pause there because I'm running out of time are there any questions or observations presentation so obviously this system is pulling that vast amount of data what advice would you give to an organization that has a data problem so there's the data exists but they probably existed multiple areas how what do they need to do first yep all of our clients have data problem and particularly when you start to you know work and implement solutions like success factors you'll find very quickly you'll be surfacing the you know the you know the data that's poor the first thing is make sure that you invest enough time in trying to cleanse your data as much as you can secondly work with the data that you've got so you know you you know you you are not going to be able to cleanse all the data in time for you to styling analyze what you've got draw insights from the data that you have and then that will begin to surface the data that you need to work on again in our experience do you want to focus on your pain point so if your focus is is around salary and compensation then we would argue those are the key bits of data you probably need to focusing on if your focus is on recruitment and finding the right people for your organization then focus on your job requisitions and your skills of your existing employees because that will help you decide whether you need to buy skills from outside or build them internally so focus on your pain points and work on that area of data as a long-term strategy just make sure that you build and build an information architecture that supports artificial intelligence there's no AI without ia no artificial intelligence without a good information architecture great session
Channel: SAP
Views: 5,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SAP, #InnovationX, #LifeChangingInnovation
Id: GQh8n5bKqao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.