How ANYONE Can Beat ALL Pantheon Raid Bosses! (No Experience Needed)

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with guaranteed Adept weapons exclusive emblems raid Exotics and more the new Pantheon braid boss Gauntlet has a lot of reasons to partake in it and with this guide you'll be in and out quick and easy even if you are an inexperienced Raider that typically plays solo for each boss I'll first tell you the weapons and builds you should use for the highest chances of success followed by a breakdown of the mechanics and best strategies and wrapping up with an example of an ideal phase use the chapters in the video play bar to skip around to whatever section is relevant to you but remember that throughout this entire activity you have void and strand surge modifiers along with a new class Warfare modifier that boosts nearby Ally DPS by approximately 10% on class ability activation stackable up to three times and stackable with other DPS Buffs like radiant and weapon surges unsure at this time if these modifiers are permanent to the branch of panthe on or change weekly so just keep an eye on them before launching and adjust accordingly if necessary now since this is an activity that does require six total players if you are lacking allies to hop in with you need look no further than the lfg channel in my Discord server Linked In the description below which is full of tons of other kind patient and helpful players that have probably also seen this exact same guide as well with all of that in mind let's begin with the first boss golgoth for golgoth you'll have four players focused exclusively on DPS with the other two focused on swapping the Gaze for the DPS players Whisper of the worm packs a punch to make for an easy one phase with izanagi's burden and void legendary linear Fusion rifles like the doomed practitioner from season of The Wish being solid alternatives for the two Gaye players I loved rolling with tractor Cannon to debuff the boss on my way back and forth between DPS puddles and the bridge along with a legendary sniper to take the Gaze in one shot as far as classes go all Hunters should roll with Celestial Nighthawk Golden Gun all warlocks on well of Radiance and all Titans on Thunder crash with cous of the falling star as far as strategy goes each phase will begin with a simple dispatching of all spawned enemies nothing fancy there once all enemies are killed the first DPS bubble will spawn at the entrance of the Arena where all five allies should sit behind as they begin shooting it to drop it to the floor and to draw garth's attention so that the left gaze player can get an easy shot on his back as the puddle drops to the floor the left gaze player will snipe garth's back taking the Gaze as the other five players hop into the puddle to receive the DPS buff to be able to DPS go grth immediately after taking the Gaze the Gaze player should rotate around the arena optionally hitting gogoth with tractor cannon on the way to hang out on the balcony behind the players inside the DPS puddle thus turning gogoth to face their Direction and giving them an easy shot at his chest as the left gaze player counts down their timer on their gaze debuff the right gaze player will listen and leave the rest of the team at around 8 to 10 seconds remaining moving up to the bridge optionally tractor cannoning Garo on the way while getting in position to snipe his back and take the Gaze once the left gaze player counts down to 1 or 2 seconds as the countdown timer gets low this should also signal to the DPS players that their DPS puddle is almost gone and it is time to start breaking the next one to create a new DPS puddle furthermore it is at this time that multiple players will become inflicted with the unstable light debuff which will also create a very noticeable green particle effect on the border of their screen once this debuff timer hits zero that player will explode killing any nearby allies but also dealing massive damage to golgoth it is for this reason that anyone with this debuff at any time will want to move away from the rest of the team and sit next to garoth ensuring that they will not kill any allies and instead putting the damage onto the boss since multiple players receive this debuff however it is important to communicate where you will be standing next to garoth so that the unstable light debuffed players don't end up blowing each other up our team found it easiest to Simply call dibs on standing to the left or right of gogoth and having the other player take whatever is left over with a potential third unstable light player simply running away from all of the action entirely to ensure no deaths the entire DPS phase is simply a rinse and repeat of all of those Mechanics for six total DPS puddles at which point the phase will end and you can rinse and repeat until he's dead okay I mean this part is is literally just out clear there's no I'm killing ads I'm killing ads I'm shooting the Z shot him there's no mechanical element to this at all there's an ogre in the middle the room they're right there uh actually though so like the so there's like Knights and ogres that spawn now like is there I saw the ogre was in the back is there like did the Knight spawn in any particular location or they kind of random by the door yeah door the back doors or the side doors side doors next to the bridge okay they're in place of the usual lights kns that come out yeah also uh Dusty by the way so there's two unstable lights per bubble now instead of one so like if you have one just call like unstable left or unstable right and just stand to whatever side of the boss you call so you don't blow up the other guy that's running up to him to put the damage on it sounds good all right you guys get by Bubble yep all right start start melting it I got first wall got him tried to get tractor on him I don't think I hit him 12 11 10 99 8 7 6 5 4 wait I also have it I also have unable light there's three there's three unstable lights that oh that's weird oh wait what's your time Dar three two one sorry my mic was on me yeah yeah break break new bubble guys break new bubble 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 I got left one 10 9 8 7 six 5 4 3 two one I got left we have two more bubbles left right yeah sorry uh eight 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 yeah kill with kill with unstable oh you guys are going to blow each other yeah there you go yeah that's pretty easy oh boy Platinum time achiev o do you get an Adept weapon for every encounter you complete wait that's actually Big Boss number two is the caretaker where I recommend one player run tractor cannon with a DPS Fusion rifle such as the scatter signal from season of the wish one player run Galah horn with a DPS Fusion rifle and the other four run the isagi bir and exotic sniper rifle along with their favorite void or strand legendary rocket launcher due to the void and strand surges all hunters will once again use celestal Nighthawk Golden Gun warlocks on needle storm and Titans on pyale gauntlets with burning Maul or thunder crash with cous of the falling star as far as encounter roles go you'll have two players dedicated to running symbols two players dedicated to stunning the boss and two players dedicated to ad clear the symbol Runners will take turns turns entering the darkness room to scavenge a maximum of three symbols and exiting the room before they reach 10 stacks of Darkness typically you would need to remember which symbols you grab and there is nothing wrong with doing so if you do want to memorize these symbol call outs but there is a way around it after Scavenging three symbols and being let out of the room by the other Runner thanks to them shooting the nodes by the door the totem will ask you to submit the symbols you collected by shooting all three of them on the totem within a short period of time however if you and the other runnner simply work together to blast all nine symbols on the totem at the same time it will register that you at least hit the three correct ones and accept your submission after the first runner submits their symbols Runner two will enter and do the exact same thing while Runner 1's Darkness Stacks begin to fall off once Runner 2 exits after collecting three symbols both Runners will shoot their collected symbols or all symbols on the totem to submit after which Runner one will head in again to scavenge the final three symbols while this is occurring the two boss stun players will position themselves such that one person is on each side of the boss the player facing the boss will shoot at the boss's face to open the crystal on his back at which point the player behind the boss will shoot the cryst Crystal stunning the boss in place for a few seconds rinse and repeat this process until the runners collect all nine symbols so that the boss does not arrive at the totem and wipe the raid before they finish once the runners collect and submit all nine symbols it's DPS time where you will have three plates that will glow in sequential order where standing on the glowing plate will give you the DPS buff to damage the boss you will notice however that the boss does have Health gate and that it's pretty easy to hit but if you play things right you can actually kill him in two floors skipping the third entirely to do so use the first two plates to carefully damage the boss so that he is right up to his health gate by the end of the second plate then on the third plate activate all supers and absolutely unload on the boss to chunk him as hard as you can if you do enough damage it will be more than easy to finish off his HP bar on floor 2 and head straight to Final Stand to wrap things up is everybody ready yeah you can go first I wonder if I can if I keep the door open I bet I I think the bugs come from the Wizards not super sure though coming out now yep it is traveler dark and w okaying ogr on the clear Sid Earth witch Queen and kill coming out what I say Earth which Queen kill which Queen K yeah go ahead yeah the bugs inside the symbol room are like negligible they might as well not even be there you can just outrun them all right we're done save supers for third plate I use my well on like the first one um I mean we have two Wells right yeah we have oh uhoh Dusty there is no way I mean it doesn't matter he has two he has two plates worth of time to get up here oh yeah look at his look at his health gate like we're fine let's go totally meant to do that I mean for guide purposes it's kind of good demonstrates that even if you have a player that completely falls to the bottom of the map like you're still fun all right careful the health gate stop stop stop just primary all right go and plop well possibilities nice yeah such an easy two FL good stuff I'm 100% just going to Sprint all the way forward and just sit next to in tractor arless you don't fall back down again D why are you telling Dusty this I'm was about to should say that's a word I'm just nuking him with tractor shooting him way more than I need to be platinum time again good job guys wow oh my God you actually get a dep from every single in that is crazy that's actually nuts boss number three is the explicator where I recommend one player run tractor cannon with a DPS Fusion rifle such as the scatter signal from season of the wish one player run Galah horn with a DPS Fusion rifle and the other four run the isagi burden exotic sniper rifle along with their favorite void or strand legendary rocket due to the void and strand surges all hunters will once again use Celestial Nighthawk with golden gun warlocks on well of Radiance and Titans on pyale gauntlets with burning Maul or thunder crash with corus of the falling star for this encounter's roles you'll have two players exclusively on ad CLE two players working together on the top platforms of planets with one on the left and one on the right and two players working together on the bottom platforms of planets with once again one on the left and one on the right the encounter starts with each planet player on their assigned platform while the ad clearers will kill ads until they Spawn Two solar shielded centurions in the back middle of the map killing these centurions will spawn a Col on each of the planetary platforms that must be killed by the player who is stationed on that platform which will reward them with the planetary Insight buff this buff will allow that player to see the colors of the planets on their platform AKA which ones are light and which ones are dark and will allow you to pick up a planet by interacting with the node beneath it your job is to interact with the node beneath the odd man out Planet so if you see two dark planets and one light Planet you will want to interact with the node below the one light planet and vice versa with the node below the one dark planet if you have two light planets and one dark planet interacting with this node will turn your planetary Insight buff into the planetary Affinity buff alerting you that you are now instructing the planet that you just interacted with on where to go with your next interact it is at this time that you and your planetary partner across the other side of the map will now run across the arena and switch sides during which you will alert each other of which location you scavenged your planet from be careful though as one of the planetary plates at random will have a fiery tornado orbiting the outline of the planetary plate once you arrive at each other's sides you will interact with the node that they picked up their planet from thus depositing your previously picked up planet into that location you can use whatever call outs you like for this but I have always found success in using different call outs for the top and bottom teams to avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications while multiple call outs are being shouted at once it is for this reason that I like to label the planets numerically from closest to the center of the Arena to furthest from the center of the Arena where the bottom team uses 1 2 and three from closest to furthest and where the top team uses four five and six from the closest to the furthest like I said it doesn't matter what call outs you do use like comment and subscribe for your call outs for all I care just make sure you are on the same page with your teammates before starting after swapping your planets you should end up with three planets of the same color on all four planetary plates at which point the text in the lower left will say the indexed planets reveal themselves spawning a mini boss Tormentor in the middle for the ad clearers to deal with it is at this time that you can repeat the process of killing Solar Shield centurions in the middle to spawn a Colossus on each plate and then kill the Colossus to once again receive the planetary Insight buff and view the colors of the planets but this time the colors of the planets in the middle of the Arena that align with the DPS plates it is at this time that you can interact with any node on your platform of planets to take your planet and deposit it into a DPS plate aligned with a match color middle Planet so for example if you take a planet from a plate of three dark planets you'll deposit it into a DPS plate that is also aligned with a dark planet once three players each successfully deposit a planet into each of the DPS plates in the middle the DPS phase will begin where the boss will glow a particular color light or dark requiring you to stand on that plate to acquire the appropriate element DPS buff to be able to damage him it is worth noting that the three planets in Middle will always be two light and one dark or vice versa and that the element for DPS will always alternate so for example if you have two light DPS plates and one dark DPS plate the boss's glowing Shield that you must match with Will begin as light then transform into dark and then transform into light for the final plate of that DPS pH once you get him to Final Stand All DPS plates will glow a deep red at which point you can stand on them in any order as you finish him off do you know how to do damage in this encounter sword or were you just slow I just was so slow oh okay yeah all right P you have got five again mine hasn't even spawned yeah where is mine oh you have to kill the other Centurion all right thank you I have what Mac five again you have three all right you have one dude the fire tornado just smoked okay I don't have I don't have a revive for him thank you are are you guys done on bottom swaps already B okay I'm just going to hit the thing then yeah yeah let get these centurions nuked again Centurion spawning uh you have four so close as to boss yep you got five still yeah yeah I think the whole point of exuse Ric I think the whole point of the fire tornadoes is to just be like make it difficult for you to run off your plate so I guess just yeah you got to be a lot quicker let me know when you're done by the way have you deposited I'm done I'm done yeah yeah hit the hit the thing the the Diamond the the bean I don't know okay we can just stay on these sides we're indexed not this dude again is dark middle I I dark I'll get light right I'll get light right y I have the dark all right get away from me bro I got dark metal is in the Tormentor is not really a problem yeah language freaking freaking Bon you want to do left mid right yes uh yeah yeah it seems like he sends a tornado out to every plate by the way when he shifts make sure you're using your class ability a lot by the way as well okayy another well I got it uh right middle left for final okay he he he might do something funky for final I have no ammo just going to stand over here so I can tractor oh I got air CED hell yeah man love this game dude freaking freaking freaking freaking love this game in PE loot I love that for me man hey for the final boss of this Wing you have atrax where all six players will want to begin the fight with the parasite exotic grenade launcher and have a lament exotic sword in their inventory to swap to for Final Stand For sub classes Hunters want blade barrage with the knock them down aspect and Star Eater scales exotic boots warlocks will want Vortex Nova bomb and Titans will want Thunder crash with courus of the falling star normally this fight is quite complicated but with these load outs you can easily kill the boss in one floor eleviating the complication of having to take the elevators and pass Buffs back and forth between your Europa and space the fight will begin with three players assigned to space and three players assigned to Europa where the three space players will get a few kills to generate about 10 stacks of worms hunger on their parasite grenade launchers before heading to the back of the Arena to take the elevators up to space meanwhile the three Europa players will await the spawns of ctors and the operator Vandal at which point they will immediately kill the operator Vandal so that a player May scavenge his buff thus being able to shoot the keypads to call two of the elevators back down to Europa from space meanwhile up top in Space the three players will be clearing all ads and searching for the scanner Vandal to immediately kill so that a designated player can scavenge the scanner buff in preparation for the DPS phase once the Europa players have 20 worms hunger stacks and enough elevators to send the rest of the team up to space they will head up making sure to intentionally leave at least one servor alive down in Europa as killing all three will spawn a mini boss Tormentor up top once all six players are in space you will await for the bottom left text to say Extinction Protocol activated at which point the scanner will identify which at trxs close far left or right is glowing yellow and must be killed once they you will have all players use their class abilities for class Warfare times 3 a solar Hunter with emper of torches throw their melee to give radiant to the whole team and then countdown to alt together shoot parasite at the feet of the Clone immediately followed by supers from every single person if you timed everything right you'll be into Final Stand just like that you will however have to have any of the non-operator wielding players scavenge the purple replication orb on the ground to hold on to while you wait for Final Stand to begin making sure that the operator holder shoots it off of them to be res scavenged by another player to reset the timer on it before a final stand to avoid a white it is during this time that all players will swap to lament after which you'll follow the scanner player to the glowing yellow atrax clone and hopefully finish them off with a hold block light light heavy lament combat if it doesn't finish off atrax simply follow the scanner player to the next yellow clone until you do it is also worth noting that with this strategy if you do leave atrax with just a sliver of Health before a final stand after dpsing the first clone in space you can optionally send the scanner player along with three other friends back to the elevators very quickly to run downstairs to try and make up the rest of the damage on a clone down there the timing is tight but it is possible if you do end up doing this make sure that one of the players scavenges the replication orb from the defeated clone in Europa before taking the elevator back up to space all while this is happening the operator player and the individual that took the replication orb from the first clone killed in space can eject the Clone using the air loocks by having the operator player shoot the keypad next to an air lock to open it having the player holding the replication orb enter the air lock where the operator player can then shoot it off of them and have them exit ejecting the atrax replication into space it's okay it's not AIG deal I was just wondering I was I was just wondering it's not a problem yes or no question the answer is hell no you have potty Mouse you know that no that is not potty you want potty go in the bin call Operator if you see go to the bin is crazy dust there okay let's leave middle seror alive operator in go down each wave I have not been paying attention what's up the bonus time what is that I think that's if you kill the boss in that time you get like a higher score or something like that so that resets every time we don't have like seven minutes until something bad happens it it it resets every what gotcha I think it's just like the entire purpose is like just be counter fast as far as I can tell I got operator that's how you like get the Platinum Rewards or whatever yeah middle Ser are up right yeah it's still alive I'm trying to hit these keys pads but trying to think of a situation where it would take more than S minutes to do this whole encounter prease you like freeas it Jesus I mean okay yeah we'll go for the one and then we can immediately Rush downstairs if um you are leaving a Ser up on bottom right yeah okay yeah I'm just like just so I can the top ones okay we're hanging weekly Clan Ingram no way let's jump over on zoric we're all together for the class uh buff possibility buff is it guaranteed bottom like close bottom that we have just been lucky I guess lucky but I'll stay up top if we don't one phase with whoever picks up the ball then we can eject it let's say like Zorb you can always pick up the ball yeah is close again no way I think it's guaranteed class abilities three two one go oh we got it that time we got it zor pick up the a ball oh oh I'm coming oh hopefully that void not tick um I'm just going to shoot off yeah let's go switch laments I'm putting my lament on wait what are the chances of getting that all right balls off all right here we go follow it is close again are you kidding me it might be bugged three two one go yep that's later bud just like that Wing one Pantheon cleared we just got 1.1 million points if you do all of that correctly then congratulations you just cleared the first wing of Pantheon make sure to subscribe if you want to see my guides for the new Pantheon bosses arriving in the coming weeks join that Discord server Linked In the description to find teammates to run this with that have also seen this guide and stop by my live stream at mctic if you want to run Pantheon with me thank you so much for watching and as always have a great day
Channel: Mactics
Views: 190,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2, Mactics, Mactics Destiny 2, Destiny 2 PvE, max power destiny 2, destiny 2 power guide, max power fast destiny 2, destiny 2 guides, PvE, raid guide, destiny raid, omnioculus, destiny hunter guide, hunter guide, destiny build, nightfall guide, lightfall raid, lightfall builds, lightfall mods, lightfall hunter build, lightfall titan build, lightfall warlock build, strand, hunter strand, titan strand, warlock strand, destiny 2 lightfall, lightfall exotics
Id: V3kkumpJUZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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