How Antoni Gaudí Transformed Barcelona's Architecture

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[Music] foreign [Music] a pioneer of the modernism movement and Tony Gordy truly made Barcelona what it is today drawing inspiration from not just neo-gothic Catalan medieval Oriental and Islamic architecture but also nature around the Catalan land from a young age gauri was in awe of nature is avant-garde style was formed by a number of influences and was largely a result of the late 19th century architectural setting when it was becoming less popular to adhere to precise historical Styles when he graduated from Barcelona architecture school in 1878 the director of the school reportedly declared he gained popularity starting from his early works with designs such as the kosovitchens and at the age of just 31 was commissioned to work on the Sagrada Familia project over the coming decades he changed the face of Barcelona with projects like Park well cosamila Casa battler and many more to this day many still associate gaudy as the face of Barcelona and they are almost synonymous with each other in this video we'll take a look at some of Gordy's most brilliant architectural wonders in Barcelona first off Barcelona's most famous landmark La Sagrada Familia which began its construction in 1882 and is still unfinished this expiratory Temple has the most unique and awe-inspiring architecture a product of Antoni Gordy's imagination and a stunning illustration of Art Nouveau and Catalan nowcentisma no visit to Barcelona is complete without visiting this iconic monument at first glance you'll be able to see why with heavily ornate walls eye-catching complex designs and religious symbolism in every aspect of the church it can be overwhelming at first but beautiful at the same time the church consists of elevated extravagant Bell tars eccentric Interiors singing praise to God and abundant inspiration drawn from nature although the Sagrada Familia is incomplete and Tony Gordy envisioned 18 Monumental spiers of which nine have been built while you head to the Sagrada Familia make sure to check out the three Monumental facades Each of which is connected to a moment in life of Christ this includes the facade of birth the facade of passion and the facade of bliss this facade is the only one yet to be completed this is a masterpiece you just cannot miss parkwell is another Masterpiece that showcases Gordy's brilliance drawing inspiration from nature the lush green Park boasts of alluring Pathways and intricate sculptures originally it was not intended to be a park but a miniature City for the affluent class but once count use a bike well the one who commissioned Gordy to work on the city passed away Gordy decided to turn it into a park park girl finally opened its gates to the public in 1926 and has been attracting hordes of tourists every year since the park is spread across 18 acres of land and divided into two zones the free zone and the Monumental Zone the free zone as the name suggests does not require tickets and hosts the goalie House Museum this was one of the original houses in the park and was home to Goldie himself now it has been turned into a museum about his life and work the Monumental Zone which is about five percent of the park host's various attractions using his Unique trinkady's Style like the dragon stairway Austria Gardens Porter's Lodge Pavilion the nature square and many more this masterpiece should definitely be on your Barcelona itinerary [Music] next on the list is one that exudes a rustic charm casamila which was built with stones from the mountains close to Barcelona here you'll see sculptures created primarily to give ventilation and lighting to the house if you visit the patio you will truly be enchanted by gaudi's Creations sheer Brilliance and Avid guard style because of the natural sunlight and ventilation provided by Gordy the courtyards have never needed air conditioning beautiful paintings are displayed on the walls and ceilings once Gordy stepped in to restore it a lot of natural materials were used for the exterior and interior painted in bright colors but out of everything what stands out the most is the roof which is Iconic on its own accord from Casa Mila it's quite evident that Goldie never sacrificed his eccentric Style the building continues to be one of the top attractions in Barcelona for locals and tourists alike next on the list is where Antoni Gordy used his deep imagination to build some of the most striking architecture inspired by Art novel and modernism one of Gordy's finest pieces is Casa battler before Antoni redesigned it in 1904 the house belonged to the Battle of family and home to Louis Sola Sanchez Cosa battle is a must-see attraction due to its unique design and history it is an equilibrated structure because it can stand without any internal bracing or external reinforcement the exterior is Trend caddies and the inside has an underwater theme with no angles or straight lines the house has a surreal quality and is flooded with natural light that filters through the various circular glasses when you walk across the noble floor you can see what once would have been Majestic celebrations hosted in this part of the house the four stairs are interesting as you'll notice the wavy windows with your reflection under all sorts of different lights and when you look up you'll see elaborate chandeliers that lead to the blue green tiled Terrace decorated with chimneys [Music] the next one was Goldie's attempt to pay respect to the Catalan Gothic style of architecture scene in torah's bellisguard which has the unique appearance of a medieval Fortress the stone building which was completed in 1909 is actually a residence and a portion of the grounds is accessible to tourists the word bellisguard refers to the building's advantageous location which translates to a beautiful view Architectural Components that Gordy would eventually use in the construction of Sagrada Familia were used in the torah's bellisguard building the building's Gothic front has a sparse intimidating appearance while the interior brick walls and sizable Windows maximize the amount of natural light entering the structure it provides a star contrast to its exterior the exterior features a tall pointed tar with a traditional goalie cross and all the Hallmarks of old Catalan Gothic architecture such as elongated windows and crenellations it is a distinctive architectural style that departs from the garish and vibrant aesthetic that has come to be associated with Gaudi some of the other masterpieces by Gordy in Barcelona that you may want to take a look at include kosovitchens quell Pavilions and Casa Calvert if time is on your side make sure to check these out as well over the years Gordy's architecture in Barcelona has become synonymous with Barcelona itself there is no way a visit to Barcelona is complete without a visit to his works a large part of Barcelona's popularity can be attributed to Gordy's mind-bobbling bizarre and eccentric architecture that has people swimming in Delight whether you're an architecture Enthusiast or simply have the first to travel visit the head out app to plan your next trip to Barcelona and experience the magic of Antoni Gauley firsthand [Music] look
Channel: Headout
Views: 12,366
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Keywords: gaudi architecture barcelona, sagrada familia, antoni gaudi, gaudi, barcelona, la sagrada familia, park guell, antonio gaudi, casa mila, antoni gaudi sagrada familia, antoni gaudí, antoni gaudi architecture, barcelona architecture, what to do in barcelona, casa batllo, things to do in barcelona, antoni gaudi barcelona, la pedrera, park güell, park guell barcelona, art nouveau, gaudi barcelona, things to do in barcelona spain, sagrada familia church, gaudi's barcelona
Id: mhm-JEJUi9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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