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[Music] did you know that pigeons have better vision than us have you ever wondered how animals and birds actually see the world what do fish see when they look at us this video will explain all these to the smallest details makes vision of snakes dippers the most from ours they sense thermal signatures due to the infrared sensitive receptors on their snouts some snakes can see the radiated heat of warm-blooded mammals cows cows don't see colors as clearly as human you've probably never heard about this they see the world in a red orange color scheme also counts don't like when someone suddenly approaches them because everything appears much bigger than usual to them horses there is a blind spot where horses can't see it all directly in front of their faces this is because of their eye location also horses don't see as many colors as we do their world is mostly made up of greys yellows and blues fish fish eyes have ultraviolet receptors and a more spherical lens than we have they see the world in green red and blue colors deep-sea fish can easily see in the dark as for sharks they can't distinguish colors at all but they see much clearer under the water than we do birds as reverbs they have something similar in their vision unlike humans birds can see ultraviolet light thanks to the structure of their eyes they can focus on certain places for example birds of prey such as Falcons and eagles can see up to a distance of wanted to have kilometers we might just see a field but a falcon can focus on tiny Mouse out there a pigeon also has a unique vision they can see all the tiny details we might just see a road but a pigeon can distinguish all the smallest cracks in it their vision is like a magnifying glass as for sparrows they literally look at the world through rose-colored glasses sparrows can't distinguish green and blue colors because of the structure of their eyes insects fly sub thousands of individual visual receptors that collectively create a broad field of vision also they see the world in slow motion and can see ultraviolet light another insect a bee has an unusual vision as well it's a surprising fact but bees can't distinguish red colour at all for them the color red appears to be dark blue rats rat vision is quite blurry and they can't see red they also see the world in slow motion each eye moves independently so they can have two images of the world cats cats don't distinguish red and green shades and their world is made up of brown yellow and blue shades the cats field of view is broader than ours so they can see more on the sides however cats can see six times better than us in the dark their pupils can expand adapting to any lighting dogs dogs can't see red and orange colors but they clearly see blue and violet as well as ultraviolet light moreover they are able to differentiate forty shades of grey where frogs frogs - notice on moving objects they can literally starve to death in the abundance of food if the food does not move bronze can also focus only on certain things so they don't concentrate on what they don't need for example shadows chameleons the eyes of chameleons can rotate in different directions independently so they have a 360 degree field of vision they see two images at the same time one in the front and the other one behind have these facts impressed you let us know in the comments below give this video a thumbs up and if you're visiting our channel for the first time click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life [Music]
Views: 6,624,095
Rating: 4.8741665 out of 5
Keywords: Vision, see the world, animals, Vision of snakes, Cows don’t see colors, blind spot, Fish eyes, Bright Side, HOW ANIMALS SEE THE WORLD, bright side, brightside, bright side videos
Id: -ss-nmT7oAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2017
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