How and why I bought a $30K house in Wild Sweden

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[Music] when I first came to Sweden three years ago I had no idea I would buy a house here and call it home I'm going to share the story of how I bought this house how I found it and some resources that can help you find a cheap house in Sweden and I'm going to show you why I moved here in the first place [Music] can you hear that I just heard my first cookie [Music] thank you [Music] spring comes later in Northern Sweden and finally in June we have leaves Blossom and wildflowers [Music] so I first came to Sweden three years ago and I spent six maybe seven months here and I just fell in love with the nature the place the squirrels and originally I came here to photograph golden eagles with a photographer he rents out hides Connie lundstrom and his brother actually got me in contact with the owner of this house at the time I messaged him being like do you know if there are any houses available in the same Village and he gave me a couple of options one of the options was this one at the time it wasn't actually for sale it was for sale the previous summer but something fell through so Magnus got me in contact with the owner of this house and I communicated with her on Facebook I'd never even seen the house in person but from photos and videos I was convinced that I liked this house and in the end I paid for this house over the internet without seeing it we created a simple construct ourselves and a private sale like this means that myself and the seller don't lose money to an estate agent but there is more risk if it wasn't a friend of a friend I may not have gone down this route I literally can't believe what we saw we were driving home after swimming and I saw a moose in the middle of the road and I was quite surprised with how she was behaving because she didn't want to run and then we saw this tiny newborn calf and I think that's quite rare but it was amazing to get some photos like the size difference between the mother and the baby is just crazy we might see some more moose so we'll just keep driving home and we're about halfway so let's see [Music] foreign I think it's pretty obvious why I moved here I came for the nature and I stayed for the nature [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] we're on a bit of a moose Safari and we've just seen two young males I was amazed at how relaxed they were as soon as we saw them they ran but then they calmed down and then they started eating uh the young tree sucklings because all the trees have really young leaves and yeah I got so much footage of them and it was really nice one reason I really wanted to move here is that amazing forests around our house I'd already spent six months in the area before buying the house so I knew the forest already this afternoon I've come to the squirrel forest and I'm going to set up this camera which is the nephew bird fly camera and how it works is that you fill it up with sunflower seeds or other seeds and birds and squirrels will basically feed from it and you get a notification directly to your phone and you can easily monitor the wildlife in your garden I've got a couple of exciting projects and I'm going to set it up just to see what's going on in the squirrel Forest but you can easily have it in your garden and connect it to your Wi-Fi and then you can get lots of notifications about the wildlife visiting your garden this winter we used it to monitor squirrels and the deer we'll see what we find in the squirrel Forest but it's probably going to be squirrels [Music] a couple of days later I checked the camera and of course we had lots of bread squirrel activity it was so nice to get lots of different squirrels A lactating female we had digit with broken finger it was also lovely to get some audio recordings traffic and even some squirrel squeaks I'm sure with time other species will find the feeding station but what was really interesting was seeing these magpies look at what's going on in the background [Music] so again and again a bird of prey was mobbing the magpies and looking at the footage I'm pretty sure it's a male orchestral so he's probably got a nest nearby and he's just mobbing the magpies because they could predate on the chicks or the eggs so already in two days I've seen some fascinating stuff if you're interested in watching the wildlife in your garden check out the nephew bird fly camera it will be linked in the description one of the reasons for why I bought this house was actually the cost and it might surprise you how much I actually paid I ended up paying 27 000 pounds for it and compared to England and the UK getting a house that cheap just wouldn't happen for me it was kind of perfect to buy a househib it could allow me to continue doing my photography and have a whole house for myself we've just got back from swimming and I'm going to make dinner we're having ceviche vegano um or Ceviche which is like a fish salad and you eat it with tortillas it's usually raw fish but I'm using this which is a vegan salmon by hooked and the first time I tried it I had to check the package because I didn't believe it was vegan but it is it tastes and smells really good the texture is yeah it's the only vegan fish that actually tastes like fish in my opinion so let's cook [Music] one aspect I didn't expect moving to Northern Sweden is how creative I'd become I came here to do Wildlife photography but now I make videos and short documentaries I love cooking and making up recipes but sometimes it doesn't always go right [Music] thank you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Music] we've come to the lake and all the ice and snow has melted so there's finally water and we're going canoeing for the first time this year [Music] good Ness [Music] this lake is literally five minutes from the house we really take it for granted and I hope this summer we can get on the canoe more often and when it's warmer I really want to swim but I'll probably be a bit freaked out [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] we're just arriving to the Osprey Island and so far I haven't heard or seen anything so I'm not actually sure it's here maybe it shows a different Nest I hope you enjoyed the Drone footage because we almost lost it and I had to emergency land it in some bushes but it's fine [Music] think I can see something so you know the island on the left the middle tree has an open bit that's the nest and I think there's a bird sitting on the right yeah there we go see just flew off [Music] wow yeah she's just landed back on the nest Circle [Music] I'm thinking one day I can come on the canoe on my own with a camo netting and just try and get some photos but whoa whoa that was epic almost like a comet or something yeah anyway as I was saying I want to come back on the canoe with a camo netting over me so it won't really see me and try and get some photos I'm going to share some resources in the description for how you can find a house in Northern Sweden thank you for watching see you next week something very exciting has happened and you'll find out soon bye thank you
Channel: Dani Connor Wild
Views: 895,625
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Id: Ku1hihc2zvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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