How an FP-45 Liberator works
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Channel: Si vis pacem , para bellum.
Views: 399,020
Rating: 4.8043261 out of 5
Keywords: FP-45 Liberator, FP-45, Liberator, .45 ACP, Single-shot, WWII, weapon, gun, guns, pistol, How a FP-45 Liberator works, FP-45 Liberator how it works, how it works, how works, Либерэйтор, освободитель, Woolworth gun, George Hyde, World of Guns, WoG, World of Guns: Gun Disassembly, Si vis pacem, para bellum, Si vis pacem para bellum, как работает, Woolworth pistol, insurgency weapon, insurgency, Single-shot pistol, Guide Lamp Corporation of General Motors Corporation, Guide Lamp Corporation
Id: 1bSdSV1Y-_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 56sec (116 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
It's obviously not very efficient, but I believe the intended use was to kill an armed soldier or guard and take their (much better) weapon.
FP-45 Liberator Pistol:
Here's Ian from Forgotten Weapons on the history of the gun.
and here he is with Karl shooting a reproduction
Wasn't there a shotgun created to be dropped somewhere in South or Central America to overthrow some communist dictator?