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I just posted about my Asol jungle pick and I guess others have been trying it with a bit more success :D

Video was posted after my reddit post btw.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/JOMbirds 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2023 🗫︎ replies
aurelian Seoul the scaling mid lane Mage now in the jungle it's a bizarre pick as this Champion has very little CC but this is alien Balian a master eused player who climbed there with aurelian jungle this is a very unique jungler that's all about farming Stardust Stacks from your camps using the jungle to safely become a strong carry this pick is not an Opie jungler in fact it has a plan to specifically give up the first two dragons and two Rift Heralds just to buy him time to wait for the big fights when his Champion is ready using this role to scale from a tiny little Magikarp into a terrifying Gyarados throwing huge ultimate waves in fights and burning enemies at huge range and shockingly this player plays with ghosts might so even on this risky pick he has no flash I interviewed him to get all of the tips and Tiny details that turn this from a banworthy pick into something that works in High ELO but first with the big mid-season ranked update coming that makes it much easier for gold and silver players to hit platinum as well as rare announcing a whole new Emerald rank above Platinum this season is the perfect perfect time for anyone to get a new highest rank and I have the perfect thing to help you do it this is poor Professor A League of Legends companion app that's also the sponsor of this video If you're trying to rank up poor Professor is your best friend showing detailed stats including your weaknesses you need to improve on your profile in-game Professor has a live stat tracker so you can see which areas you need to improve there also having Summoner spell timers on the UI click to start and it will automatically tell you when the enemy Summoner will be back up and if like me you love playing Aram por Professor now also has Iram stats so you can see your best Aram picks and in champ select it shows you the champion win rates of each available Champion making sure you don't accidentally pick a terrible one over 9.5 million players are already using Professor so to catch up with them download it completely for free from the link in the description and start ranking up today back to aurelian soul and our player alien baelian also known as David a player from Milan Italy he started playing league in season 6 just before aurelian Soul came out coming from the Dark Side Dota 2 as he hit Level 20 right released a trailer for the Galaxy size Star Destroyer aurelian Soul knowing it immediately he would mean this champion and learn every little detail about it no matter how small then he reached level 30 and started his ranked placements he only played early in Seoul and as we all know all duralian was incredibly unique and also very hard to play so he lost 8 games in a row only winning two of them his friends teased him about this score and looking back on it our player is thankful that they did it really created a grit of determination inside him to try hard and outrank them by the end of this year he hit gold matching their rank in season 7 after losing six promo Series in a row and winning the seventh one he reached Diamond hitting his goal and outranking all of his friends with his ego beginning to match aurelian souls he was not done the next couple of Seasons he kept going becoming a well-known aurelian Soul player in High ELO this all changed in season 13 with the aurelian soul rework as the gameplay footage came out our player was quite worried for his favorite Champion just in case he didn't like it he spent months trying other picks dropping his account to low diamond in February the rework was released and luckily he loved it then one day he was streaming the new asole playing mid and someone suggested hey if you like this Champion why not give a soul jungle a try just to see if you enjoy it our player laughed looking at the win rate being below 40 it seemed like a terrible idea but he thought he'd try it anyway and from that moment his love for the champion and the game itself returned adoring this pig and all of the new tricks to learn in this new role this is not a story of an OP pick it's the story of a player rediscovering his passion and spending months practicing to make it work not only regaining his love but also regaining his ELO reaching 189 LP eus Master with aurelian jungle so why would you play jungle instead of just playing mid lane well since the rework our player says the in mid lane in High ELO the champion is really easy to punish due to how weak his early game is most matchups you'll fall behind in Stacks fall behind in gold and by the time you start to get strong the game will be over but in the jungle it's much different your goalie is still to play for Mid game where aurelian Soul gets strong and he wants to Collide With the Enemy jungler as little as possible even giving up the first two dragons and probably the first two Rift Heralds as well but in exchange for this he's using his very strong AOE damage to farm stacks off camps and these passive Stacks give him a ton of stats which turn him into the mid and late game Monster we all know and he makes this clear in champ select every time linking his account to show this pick works and telling his team I'm not trolling keep a stable mental don't tilt let me get two items and I will 1v9 the game if nobody Dodges he gets into game and starts his special path pathing is vital on this pick since you have no hard CC low damage and won't win any 1v1s in the first few levels it's super dangerous and that's why he has a unique jungle path which involves early bases every game he passed towards bot Lane as he thinks it's super important he Wards his opposite buff at level 1 for safety on this side he starts blue doing gromp and then wolves on the other side he starts red doing Golems Interrupters each Camp heals you after it dies and also the jungle pet heals you constantly so early and can just stand still and use his Q for DPS but he does get quite low so after just three camps he bases immediately having 350 gold this Champion isn't a healthy clearer so to reduce the risk and to increase his power he bases and uses this exact gold amount to buy dark seal also regening to full health so that any assassin jungler won't be able to invade and catch him out returning to bot side he clears the rest of his camps constantly watching for any danger as I mentioned this pig is all about stacking early in Stardust is very similar to nasus or Cena getting Stacks the more you have the stronger your Champion gets stacking infinitely and making your Champion very overpowered in late game so in the jungle your goal is to use your e to collect Stardust from the camps the only way to do this is to use your e near the end of killing the camp using your q and the execute damage to get the stack usually in Lane you can also get Stacks with your q but that only works on Champions so for Jungle it's all about killing enemies inside this circle you get Stacks from every minion in the jungle including the small ones the large monsters give three dust each and the small ones give one each so it's optimal to focus on getting the stack from the big one but he does have a trick to get all of the Raptors walking into the camp taking aggro and only queuing the big Raptor then after some time he uses e to finish all of them off at the same time giving him eight Stacks from Just One cam they don't have to die from your e as long as they die inside the black hole you'll get the stacks but he doesn't worry too much about stacking an early game as aurelian Souls clear gets really fast with just one item the early game is mostly about survival and getting this item so then you can start power farming to get stacks and become strong and here is where his goo starts to come in I asked him why ghost over flash it seems super risky to not have the Escape however he believes the overall ghost is actually the stronger Summoner spell with a much lower cooldown almost a third less than Flash and at the same time if you use it well it can provide much higher reward than flash as well first off against invades the ghost gives him enough speed to run away whereas if he uses Flash the enemy just match it with their own wasting a Summoner and still probably dying and overall at this point in League keepily's flash as a spell is quite predictable people use it in similar ways every game to engage or Escape however ghost is much different on every Champion giving bonus movement speed that works differently depending on how you combo it with your abilities so for example early insults W the flight comboed with ghost it's perfect as the speed of the flight is increased by the Summoner so if you're chasing an enemy with your Q the ghost will start to Gap clothes and make sure you can catch up to them or if you're flying away and kiting the ghost helps him make space between him and the enemy keeping him safe and really flash wouldn't combo with aurelian's kit at all so it wouldn't make a lot of sense for this pick early game this pick completely avoids fighting as his damage won't be enough to kill anyone and for cc he only really has a slow but after his first clear and buying some amp tomes he can actually gank how do these ganks work well he simply stays near a lane until a fight begins then uses w from fog of War to enter going over walls if needed you can really gank from all angles on on this Champion inventing a new one every time he ganks when he gets close he places e on top of the enemy to slow them then uses Q along with his teammates damage to finish off the kill Saul can do about 50 percent of an enemy's health bar in a fight so ganking when Elena is behind is quite a bad idea to help a little our player takes First Strike every game of course this Champion loves any free gold it can get since it scales so well but it's also really easy to proc as you can fly from fog of War into the gank practically guaranteeing you can Prock it with your Q giving him much better upfront damage and actually able to assassinate people later on at level 6 he gets old which helps a lot with ganks he can ghost into a lane and then use alt behind the enemy to predict their escape path using e to try and trap them inside where it's going to land taking his ultimate Hunter to start stacking it early this lets him take more fights and more fights means more hitting enemies which gives him more Stacks from his Q he has a stat goal for every game and says that even in bad games where he dies a few times it's still really likely you can get enough Stacks to stay relevant unlike in mid lane where if you die a couple of times you're going to get stomped in Jungle he wants a hundred Stacks every 10 minutes which is very doable if you clear well so by 20 minutes and 200 Stacks his Q will be dealing an extra 6.2 percent max HP damage per tick his W gains an extra 25 range his e will execute anyone at 5.2 percent Health the same as having a free collector passive and his ultimate size is increased by 40 percent and this is all on top of his item damage as well so you can see how ridiculous this pick can be even in average games due to how safely and quickly this role can get Stacks 200 Stacks is roughly the same as full clearing jungle 7 times in 20 minutes it only takes about one minute to do when you have an item so you can probably gank mcplays and protect teammates for about 10 minutes and just farm for the rest of it you never really have to AFK Farm it's your damage grows so quickly in the jungle our player has an interesting skill order the kind of thing you'd only learn from a one trick unsurprisingly he maxes Q first for the practically infinite duration giving him the most damage as fast as possible but second strangely he maxes W the flying this is a rare thing to do on Soul something only about five percent of aurelian Soul players do with most of them mixing e instead but the reason for it makes a lot of sense one thing that people often don't notice or maybe don't care enough about is this small part of irelian's w text while flying with W his Q damage is increased by 20 and the cooldown is decreased as well comparing this to maxing e that only increases your damage by a tiny bit while also increasing the Mana cost so although e is very important for this jungle playstyle the reward of maxing it second is not as valuable as maxing W you may also have noticed he takes the Green Jungle item Saul has enough damage from skills and enough speed already thanks to the ghost so this just provides a little more safety throughout clearing in mid game to make sure he's able to stay alive and keep stacking buying leandries as his Mythic just for the damage then buying properly his best item realize the slow is incredible on your q and to combo with the slow on your e keeping enemies constantly slow to enable your damage and make yourself safer at 20 minutes you really notice a big change in this guy's game sure his Focus stays the same you're still a stacking Champion so you gotta keep farming but the champion really comes online and Deals a lot of damage all of a sudden he isn't a pushover anymore enemies have to be scared of him carrying the fight if he's alive they can still lose for every fight he'd love to have his empowered ultimate to the skies descend this requires 75 Stardust to be collected but it's most important for the third dragon fight as this is where he can really start to contest the game and turn it around his goal is to fight around objectives where he can land a huge AOE alt on multiple enemies and get a big slow using alt into e to trap enemies in the zone where the old's going to hit but it's even better if you can combo with your team CC the ideal way for him to fight is dpsing with Q while flying past to get the extra damage buff getting one takedown to get the flight reset and then pick a new direction to chase someone else he's mostly concerned about his positioning over everything else and won't start dpsing until enemies have put themselves in a bad position such as jumping on his teammates giving irelia an easy window to dump all of his damage this 200 stack Mark is where I really install power spikes and out damages most other Champions as well as melting objectives with his q a very underrated strategy is simply pressing Q on a baron and killing it it doesn't look like it should work and people don't expect it to so that's why it's so effective he can Duo Baron at 20 minutes with two items in about 12 seconds getting it before enemies can even react and since his DPS is so stable it's really easy to Smite her as well late game aurelian soul is true to his lore he destroys everything in his reach gets guys descend press it in a team fight and cover most of the enemy screen slowing everyone with royales and the Shockwave and then cleaning them up with your Q it is super hard for enemy backlown Champions to outplay this and meanwhile you're just having a great time throwing out stars and breathing fire it's great according to our player the most important part about this pig is that if early game goes terribly no matter how bad it gets Saul is not out of the game you can always get Stacks from camps clear waves with your e to stop enemies from pushing and use these Stacks to gain loads of damage to get back into the game this pick is very unique and so is the champion with our player often just standing still and hoping his damage is enough to get a kill but overall this is a fun rule for the champion allowing you to avoid the terrible mid lane matchups this pick is not OP or easy but mid and late game soul is one of the true remaining scaling Mages that can warn v9 games so if you can get past the struggles you will probably win that game if you're a new aurelian player and try this against a good jungler there's a good chance you go 0-10 and get banged this pick needs some time put into it for his full build you don't actually need that many items the early dark seal for bonus at and potentially snowballing into your Mythic magic pin boots royalace for the slow and safety buying rabadons for your big damage Peak or zhonyas if you need it against assassins ideally winning by this point or adding more AP if the game goes on normally our player is the best jungler right now A Champion like kha'zix or rexai are great options here's his full room page as well first strike and of course free boots a free 300 gold and extra stats is great and Cosmic insight to make sure his ghosts deserve more often for more aurelian jungle alien Balian has a twitch Linked In the description and thanks to him for all of this great information and thanks again to poor Professor for sponsoring this video whether you're playing ranked normals or a ram make sure you join the other 9.5 million other users and download it right away for the time saving and game-winning features Link in the description thanks so much for watching
Channel: HappyChimeNoises
Views: 154,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aurelion sol, Asol, aurelion sol lol, league of legends, off meta, aurelion sol mid, aurelion sol guide, aurelion sol season 12, aurelion sol challenger, aurelion sol runes, aurelion sol build, aurelion sol montage, aurelion sol skins, aurelion sol pro, aurelion sol faker, aurelion sol season 13, asol season 13, challenger asol season 13, challenger aurelion sol season 13, s13 aurelion sol, aurelion sol rework, aurelion sol rework jungle, new aurelion sol jungle
Id: 0ipE1MrGAEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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