how AI tools will actually crush humanity

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okay so I'm going to tell you a real story that happened to me today that I think exemplifies how AI is going to not necessarily take away our jobs but just allow us to screw each other over more easily so so so let me tell you what happened so um for a little bit of context I am a professional voiceover talent I record I've been recording voiceovers fulltime from the studio for the better part of the last 8 years and someone sent me an email today and they asked me if if we could have a consultation they didn't necessarily want to hire me for my services what they wanted to hire me to do was to have a listen to a video that they had produced to let them know if I think the voiceover that was used was an AI cloned Voice or a real human being and and um no I'm not I didn't I didn't engage in any kind of any kind of transaction with this person or or hiring of me for this purpose because I don't think that I can actually reliably 100% confirm nor deny the use of an AI voice but um but I was happy to to give them my thoughts and insights about what I think they should look out for and those are things like unnatural Cadence in in the speech pattern um lack of mouth noises or breathing the over enunciation of certain words or phrases that we typically pronounce as a single word and and things the like and I said if if it's a real person um ask the video producer to give you a couple different variations of certain lines with different emotional intent because that's something a real person should be able to do and then I said if this person if this voiceover person has a portfolio online that would be a good way to see what they're all about to see their range of emotions right because most AI clone voices have one style singular style of delivery and I sent it off and and the person wrote me back and they said thanks so much for your for your Insight um here is a portion of the video that we were the the deliverable that was sent to us and they sent me a link to the supposed voice actor that was hired on one of the pay to-play voiceover websites a casting website and so I clicked on the video and I listened and watched and and yeah the delivery of the voiceover was super Robotic Super measured too rhythmic too clean and it was a long video so when you hear that kind of speech pattern over an extended amount of time you can tell like AI voice cloning has gotten to the point where if you listen to something for 15 seconds you might not be able to to ascertain or discern that that was a cloned voice but if you were listening to something for an extended amount of time and in this case this person paid a lot of money for a number of videos that were 40 minutes or longer you can hear it over the course of even a 3 to five minute continuous listening and so I listened to it and I was like I'm pretty sure this is an AI clone voice I clicked on the voiceovers profile on this other casting website and I listen to their demos they seem like to be a real person all of their demos sounded great they sounded real and conversational and authentic in all of their all of their different reads and then I scroll down to the bottom and it said that this person has an AI cloned demo that you can sample like they've cloned their voice for use and then I was like okay I wrote back this person who emailed me and I said look I listened to it the Cadence sound sounds unnatural I clicked on The Voice talents page he's a real person but he discloses that he has cloned his voice for use it's a way that I think a lot of voice actors are going to supplement their actual work with jobs that um don't necessarily pay in the range that they would command based on their experience levels but a a segment of the market that they otherwise would not win jobs in because the pay is too little that they'd gladly lend their AI clone voice to to to make some extra passive income and it got me thinking it's not that AI these AI tools are taking away our jobs it's that we have figured out more nefarious ways to use these AI tools and to pass them off as our actual work I think if this video production company had disclosed to their client that they rely on AI cloned voices for these longer projects as a cost-effective measure that would be one thing but it sounds like they misled their client into thinking that they would be receiving a video with someone's real voice when in fact I truly believe it was an AI clone voice and and it's disheartening because as if it wasn't bad enough that people are worrying about a AI tools replacing them that we all haven't banded together in some way to combat this as people and maybe it's because I'm on this I'm on this YouTube journey of trying to portray myself in a real and authentic and human way and AI tools are something that just don't fit into my workflow at all and so I'm very anti- AI tools when it comes to outputting final creative products I think they may be able to be used in some kind of creative capacity to you know in the process but not as the end product and I don't know let me know your thoughts down below because I was just kind of appalled that some person who was making videos for other people thought that this was an acceptable way to do business and it just it just kind of taints taints the creative process it taints what we do it makes it feel just kind of just kind of not cool especially when it comes to YouTube the way that a lot of these faceless automated channels are cropping up using AI automation to id8 to produce video content to do all the writing to produce the voiceover um it makes me firmly believe that I am on the right track when it comes to these types of videos that I don't do any editing I leave in all the stuff I don't edit out any breaths I don't worry about mouth noise or mouth clicks I don't worry about stumbling over words making mistakes or any of that stuff because because it makes us human and and in a world where we are already disconnected from each other I just think we need a little more Humanity in the stuff that we do and in my case that's that's connecting with you so thanks so much for hanging out with me today let me know your thoughts on AI down in the comments and we'll talk again tomorrow
Channel: Wayne's Leap Year
Views: 2,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Hacks, Grow on YouTube, YouTube Revenue, YouTube Monetization, YouTube Journey, Start YouTube, Create Channel, Self Improvement, Personal Vlog, Unedited, Zero Editing, No Edit, No Edits, Unscripted, Real, Authentic, Raw
Id: rX6i3folHaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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