How AI Language Models Will Shape The Future | Aidan Gomez | Eye on AI #123

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AIDAN 00:00 It was quite extraordinary,   quite extraordinarily convenient. That  simply by scraping more data off the web,   not necessarily clean data, like messy data  it’s just web data, you're just taking in   everything and there's tons of junk out there. But  taking in a very noisy, messy, massive data set,   and just making the model bigger, throwing some  more chips at it. And what came out the other side   was something that understood language, in a way  I personally thought we were we were decades from. CRAIG 00:55 We're talking this week to Aidan Gomez,   who helped develop the transformer algorithm,  which lies at the heart of generative AI and   powers large language models, such as GPT-4.  Aidan now leads a startup Cohere, a platform   that offers users access to pre-built LLMs, as  well as allowing users to create their own LLM. But first, I want to give a shout out to our  sponsor, and encourage anyone with a business   to take advantage of a deal from Oracle, which  is offering a full NetSuite implementation with   no down payment and no interest for six months.  NetSuite is a cloud-based business management   software for enterprise resource planning,  financial management, customer relationship   management, and E commerce. To take advantage  of the offer, go to Now let's get back to Aidan, AIDAN 02:20 I’m Aidan. I am the CEO and co-founder of Cohere.   I started the company with Nick [Frosst] and Ivan  [Zhang] about three and a half, four years ago.   Before that, I was kind of the perpetual intern at  Google Brain during my undergrad and then later,   my PhD. I started down in the  Bay Area and Mountain View. AIDAN I was part of the team that created   the transformer. And it was incredibly exciting.  You know, it took the world by storm, I think,   certainly, to my surprise, and I think everyone on  the team was quite taken aback by its popularity.   But before Google, I was an undergrad or also  during Google, I was an undergrad at U of T   [University of Toronto]. I  grew up in rural Ontario,   Canada in a maple forest. And so I'm the  world's most Canadian man. Yeah, that's me. CRAIG 03:25 And so you were at U   of T studying with Geoff Hinton, I guess, he was  probably kind of retired from teaching by then. AIDAN 03:38 He was definitely not teaching,   but he was still at the university. This  is before the Vector Institute was created.   And so yeah, he was, you know, like I,  I didn't really get into deep learning   until after second year. And then when I started  looking into it, I became obsessed, and I was just   reading papers, night and day, I would fall asleep  with a research paper sitting on my bedside,   I would, in between sets at the gym, you know,  have a stack of papers that I was reading through.   And I kept seeing this name.  And his affiliation was U of T,   which was where I was. And so I reached  out to Geoff, this is before Google. And I just, you know, I'd been reading his papers  at that point when I was studying, you know,   reused and MLPs and just the most simple piece  of the AI deep learning stack. And I was like,   you know, why do you have these functions that are  just flat and then up? I think that they should   be periodic. And so I emailed him with an idea  being like, Hey, why did you make this decision?   I think they should be periodic. There  should be some regularity and it should   be bounded so that you know, it doesn't  go to infinity if we get a large input.   And to my surprise, he responded, and  he actually explained the decision.   And so that was pretty amazing. That was  my first interaction with Geoff. And then   when I came back from Google, in Mountain View to  Toronto, Geoff said, Hey, come work with me in,   in the Toronto Brain office. And that  was where I met my co founder, Nick. CRAIG 05:31  just on, on so so you, you worked on  the transformer algorithm with a team   in Mountain View at Google. Google Brain?  Was it? Yeah, Google Brain. Yeah. So can   you explain that periodic versus stable, or  what? Which algorithm were you talking about? AIDAN 05:54 Yeah, I mean,   it's not very important, because I was  wrong. It doesn't, it doesn't really   matter. And I think it's  more just to Geoff's credit,   the fact that he responded to a second year  undergrad with, you know, a wacky idea,   earnestly. And this guy was literally the  top of his field yet toook time for me.   And so I think that that particular piece that,  I mean, he made me - it's interesting. So for   instance, in deep learning and neural networks,  we have these neurons, these neurons fire,   there's some function that determines their  firing, there's some generally some threshold at   which they don't fire, they stay dormant. And then  above that, they fire. And so when they're firing,   they basically, they fire linearly proportional  to the input intensity that they're getting. So if   the input intensity is high, the output intensity  is high when they're firing, but that leads to   potentially unstable behaviors, if you have, for  whatever reason, some sort of blow up or some sort   of like burst of signal coming in, then you'll  get a huge burst out. And it'll that'll propagate   and make things more and more noisy. And that  leads to instability. It makes things complicated   in training. And so my proposal was, instead of  just firing linearly proportional to your inputs,   instead have some sort of predictable, regular  periodic pattern, like a sine wave or something.   So that you always know your output is bounded  between some values. But that has not taken off.   And we've since solved the training, instability  in the blow ups and that type of thing. So it   was just my first email to Geoff, I think  six months into my study of deep learning. CRAIG 08:02 Wow. That's impressive. And from a Maple forest. AIDAN 08:11 Yeah, I love that. But I go back, CRAIG 08:13 Then at Google Brain, what   was the project that you were working on? What  was the initial idea that led the transformers? AIDAN 08:30 So I was on the infrastructure side, like the   original idea, I joined Google for I was working  with Lukasz Kaiser, and what we wanted to do,   I think, Lukasz operates half a decade to  a decade ahead of his time, constantly. And   so the project that I joined for was actually  this paper called one model to learn them all.   And the idea was, we're going to take every  single dataset that machine learning researchers   have compiled, and we're going to put it into one  model. And that means it needs to be multimodal,   because we have datasets for images, we have  datasets for audio, video, you know, text,   everything. And so what we wanted to do was throw  all the modalities in, as well as out. So you can   consume video and let's say, describe the video  or you can consume audio and transcribe it. But   you can also take in some text and then produce  audio, you can also just describe the video that   you want and video comes out the other side. So  it's just like fully multimodal on both input and   output side and we just train on everything  like truly everything we've come across. AIDAN This now sounds kind of familiar, right? Because   this is sort of the project roadmap that we're  on right now with these large language models   that we're throwing everything we have, the entire  internet, and now we're starting to add in every   modality that we can. So that was what I joined  for that was a different project altogether. To   support that project, we built this, we built this  piece of software, this piece of infrastructure.   Because that model was going to be huge.  And the data pipelines were going to have   to be extraordinarily complex. And so we  needed something to suit that. And so,   what we did was created this program  called tensor tensor. It could distribute   across arbitrary numbers of GPUs like 1000s  and 1000s and 1000s. And it was very focused   on auto regressive modeling, which is the  type of modeling that the transformer is. AIDAN And so at that time,   I was sitting next to Noam [Shazeer], who  was fiddling with autoregressive models and   in particular, attention based models.  He was really interested in attention.   And then we heard about a team over in  translate which was being led by Jakob   which was also interested in attention based  autoregressive models. And so Lukasz convinced   Noam and and Jakob to come over build it on our  stack, build it on tensor tensor. And they did.   And so over the next I think, 10 weeks, it  was just a sprint to build this model. And   the intensity just ramped up and ramped up because  the results we were getting were extraordinary. AIDAN So I think this was like,   it wasn't the first, but it was one of the very  early, extremely successful scaling projects,   like hyper scalable architectures,  massive data, massive model sizes   and massive GPU clusters just lead  to extremely high performance. CRAIG 11:55  And, and the first of all the tensor tensor.  That's a framework or an orchestration layer. AIDAN 12:04 Yeah, yeah. So it,   it's, it was built on top of TensorFlow at  the time. But it was basically just a library   to support large distributed model training. And  it had all the latest kind of tricks and hacks   with learning rate schedules and initialization  techniques, and it had all this stuff built in.   And so it let us experiment really  rapidly. I think, if I'm being honest,   tensor tensor was a mess. It was crazy. It was  just like all over the place that supported   everything we were just throwing, every new paper  that was coming out into it. It’s a little bit   chaotic. And there exists far, far better  systems nowadays. But back then it did the   job. It did the job, we were able to move  insanely fast. And so I'm quite proud of it. CRAIG 13:13 And you were - attention was already   something that was being talked about. A couple  of questions in that process. What was your role?   I mean, I'm a journalist. I imagine you guys  sitting next to each other furiously coding,   I mean, were you coding? Or is it more that you're  in a room with a whiteboard trying to figure out   the architecture or is it something else? AIDAN 13:51 There's a lot of like,   whiteboarding and diagrams and just conceptual   structuring these building blocks and putting them  together and the thinking about the architecture   itself, there was a lot of that. And that was  mainly done by Noam, Ashish, Nicky and Jakob.   I think, for me, like I wasn't sleeping. I was  working, like 14-hour days coding, building up the   infrastructure, making it more robust, running  experiments. And so it was very much hands on   coding and no one was sleeping. Everyone was just  hacking, experimenting, running little tweaks,   little ablations to see if I add this in what  changes if I if I remove it, if I tweak it?   Every single one of us was just messing  with everything and trying to figure out   what was the optimal configuration. And so  that's how we got to that finished product. CRAIG 14:57 Yeah, and and certainly the result now is   leading to auto code generation. Were you using  any tools to speed up the writing of the code? AIDAN 15:14 At that time? Nothing existed.   Truly nothing, nothing existed. It  was all. You wrote it yourself. Yeah.   Yeah, that came that came later. And that was  powered by transformers. Yeah, they kind of. CRAIG 15:35 I've read the paper and, and certainly talked   to a lot of people about transformers and, and  their progeny. But can you explain as in as simple   terms as as you can muster what the transformer  algorithm is and what it does? And I'm just   curious, too, if if, if you were to send me the  transformer algorithm, sort of the basic algorithm   is it a million lines of code? Is it 20 lines  of code? I'm just curious what it looks like. AIDAN 16:21 Yeah, nowadays,   it's probably closer to 20 lines of  code. Extremely, extremely simple.   I think a big part of the beauty of the model,  the architecture was the fact that it was just so   simple. Like it, it is among the simplest  architectures that were going around at the   time, it was just some, like the most basic  layer, the layer that has existed for like,   I don't know how many years now, maybe over half  a century. Like the the basic layer is called,   like an MLP. That's just what it's called  MLP. And really, the transformer is like,   it's a simplification, but it's just some MLPs  stacked on top of each other, plus an attention CRAIG 17:20  NLP? You're saying like natural  language process? M No. Okay. AIDAN 17:25 Yeah, yeah.   So this is just the name doesn't  matter. multi-layer perceptron, okay. CRAIG 17:33 Multi- layer perceptron sounds like   a neural deep net. But AIDAN 17:38 totally, yeah, that's the fundamental   unit. And before, before, transformers, there  were these very complicated LSTM architectures   with gates and all of these like confusing  bits and bobs that just made it made it work.   With the transformer, all of that was torn away,  and the layer became MLPs plus one attention.   That was it. And so that was that was super.   I don't know that there was a very, it was  beautiful, that you could just carve away so   much stuff and just leave something so simple  that performed so well, that was so scalable.   So the architecture is not this hyper  complex beast. It's actually just a very   simple scalable compute saturating, you know, CRAIG 18:38 well explain what it   does. So you have the multi-layer perceptron  as as the base How do you create attention? AIDAN 18:53  How do you create attention? Yeah. So attention is  like this idea that you want to relate parts of a   sequence, to other parts, fundamental property,  that there are relations, if you have a sequence   of things a thing in a list in an order, there are  going to be relationships between those things.   Obviously, that appears on language,  very, very strongly, you have adjectives,   which are tied to nouns, and, you know,  tons and tons of structures like this.   And so since we were developing this explicitly  for language, we wanted the model to be able to   represent those relationships quite easily.  That's what attention does. Attention says,   For this word, in this sentence, I'm going  to learn which other words or which other   word in the sequence it's related to.  And so for the sentence, the brown dog,   you're going to want to learn that brown  refers to dog and maybe The refers to dog.   So you're gonna want to model those relationships  and attention enables you to do just that. And   it's not that simple. It's not just like the  model is learning adjective noun relationships,   it's learning far more complex stuff that we  probably don't even have a language to describe.   But we just do it intuitively in our heads. So  that like that attention layer is the fundamental   unit of learning relationships in sequences.  And it turns out to be extraordinarily powerful. CRAIG 20:37 And how then   does that scale because I've spoken to Ilya  [Sutskever] on the podcast, and he talks about   seeing the paper, like the next day implementing  it in, in what they were doing that that led to   the GPT models. How does that scale them into  the large language models that we see today. AIDAN 21:12  In their earliest form, it was like a very naive  scaling, it was just take it, take the model,   and make it bigger. And the way that you do  that, as you add more neurons to the network,   you add more layers. So it becomes, you know,  a much taller model much more deeply stacked.   And you just take a much larger dataset than the  one that we were considering and a much, much   larger model than the one we were considering.  And a much larger pool of compute. You plug those   all together. And what comes out the other  side, I think it shocked virtually everyone.   It was quite extraordinary,  quite extraordinarily convenient.   That simply by scraping more data off the web,  not necessarily clean data, or like messy data is   just web data, you're just taking in everything.  And there's tons of junk out there. But taking in   a very noisy, messy, massive data set, and just  making the model bigger, throwing some more chips   at it. And what came out the other side was  something that understood language, in a way   I personally thought we were we were decades from.   Yeah, it was it was quite a extraordinarily  convenient and exciting reality. CRAIG 22:42 So in that led to Bert, is that right? AIDAN 22:49 That that in particular, like Bert predated,   or maybe I have them in the wrong order. There's  some order there's, there's GPT one, which was   the first of these scale up large language model  papers. I think Bert predated GPT one, I think.   But Bert is a different thing. Bert  is kind of like a different beast.   Instead of learning to generate language it learns  to represent and that's a subtle distinction. Now,   like, we're all paying attention to  the Generate side, because it's so   it's visceral, right? It's like, you can talk  to these things they can write back to you.   It feels there's a very visceral human  reaction to something that can speak to you. AIDAN But there's another side to this   whole thing, which is representing language in a  numerical form. And that's extremely important.   It's hard to overstate how significant that is.  And that was like the first killer application of   transformers. It was integrated into Google  Search and Google themselves describe it as   the most significant advance in  search quality in I think it was   two decades 20 years like basically  Google's entire lifespan. So that was,   that was amazing. We got we got something we  got a model, we got a program that was capable   of representing language to be used downstream for  applications like search and classification, etc.   Extremely, extremely faithfully, like in a  very, very high utility way, in a way that   just boosted performance in a way we really  didn't expect across pretty much any tasks   you throw at it. And anytime you want it  to use language for some downstream thing,   putting a Bert model there and taking the  representations from that and running with   those representations, you beat state of  the art, you outperformed everyone else.   So maybe, maybe Bert was like  the first seed of this idea.   We can take a transformer, we can set it against  a very simple task on a very diverse set of data.   And what comes out is something that seems  to get language, but it seems to just get it.   If I'm right, that predated  GPT-1, I'm not sure that's true. CRAIG 25:36 You'll forgive me, I want to get to Cohere. But I,   I'm a layman. My audience is somewhere in between  me and you. I mean, they're, they're fairly   sophisticated. But so you've got 20 lines of  code. You feed it some data, let's say a sentence.   How is it and it's it's relating within the  neurons of the or the perceptrons of the multi   layer perceptron? It's relating one piece of data,  one word, to another word, how is it doing that?   Does it is it? Is it by feeding huge volumes of  data that it begins to see patterns? Or within   that 20 lines of code, Something incredible  is happening? Is it possible to explain that? AIDAN 26:46 I think it's not,   it's maybe one line of code that leads  to that behavior. The other 19 are   support. I would say the one line is is the  objective. It's like what you're asking the   model to do with the data. You're feeding  through this, like hypercomplex pool of data.   And what does it mean to feed it through? Well,  what you're actually doing is you're saying,   in the generative case, this is like  the GPT style case, you're asking it to   given all the words up to a point in a sentence,  predict the next one. And that sounds simple.   It sounds like stuff we've had for a while,  which is like autocomplete tab autocomplete or   no, it's like that that objective is horrendously  complex. Because if I give you on the internet,   there's examples of translation, right? Like these  forums online where people teach each other how to   speak different languages, and someone asks,  Hey, how do I say, the brown dog in Spanish?   And then stop, and then the person responds, oh,  you say it by? I don't know how to speak Spanish,   but whatever it is, right? And so  if you ask your model to model this,   the only way for it to accurately model  this, it has to know how to speak Spanish,   because it's seeing the English part saying hey,  how do I translate the brown dog into Spanish   stop. And now I need to produce  the Spanish translation.   And so you can see like, just organically,  by learning to generate sequences in order,   you're forced to learn extremely complex  behaviors like translation, like classification,   like writing code, you know, at the top of a  piece of code, you'll have a function signature,   you'll have a comment a docstring, saying, this  function does XY and Z, it takes these inputs   of this structure and outputs the following.  And then if you're going to model that code,   you have to learn to program because you're just  given a function signature, and then a doc string   that humans wrote for other humans to read. And  so I think one of the most beautiful things that   falls out of this is using this very, very simple  structure, which is just hears a ton of data,   learn to generate it, learn to predict the next,  the next token, you're you think you're asking   the model to do something quite simple and  minimal. The reality is, you're asking it to   do an extraordinarily complex task set of tasks.  You're asking it to understand our culture,   our language, the interactions between us  your app, you're asking it to understand   that data at the deepest level and so what you  get out the other side is a model that, you know,   roughly does understand and does have the capacity  to do all that stuff does understand our culture.   I think That's another one of these like,   beautiful Simplicity's. Such a simple object.  Such a simple object Pick, pick the next word.   And what falls out of that what you're actually  asking you to do. It's so extraordinary. CRAIG 30:15 And when you're - so there's   what five? Have you working side by side? How  many people were working on the project? I think   weren't there five or six names on the paper? I  think there were eight or eight? Yeah. But in any   case, you're it? Was there a moment? Or did you  know, going in just from whiteboarding that, wow,   this this could work? Or was there a moment  when you were, you know, running tests that   you began to see these extraordinary results  and knew you were on to something amazing? AIDAN 31:01 Yeah, there are   definitely moments where like, someone would come  running over from their desk and be like, Yo,   come, look. And they had just run the eval. And it  was like, it was state of the art beat everything   that came before. And then we would all be like,  next, okay, let's, let's keep pushing. And the   funny thing is, it came together so quickly, it  was really like over the span of three months.   This wasn't like a year long effort or anything  like that. It was just like super fast iteration   pace. I don't know if there was a moment, I really  don't think anyone fully grasped the significance.   And that's mostly because the  significance wasn't there at the time.   The significance came from the fact that people  adopted it, they could have adopted something   else, they could have leaned into something  entirely different. They chose a transformer for   whatever sort of mimetic effects led to that. But  they chose a transformer, they started investing,   the community started investing tons  of time in building infrastructure and   support all the way down to the hardware level,  for this particular architecture. And they enabled   us to us being the entire, like aI community,  to consolidate, consolidate on one architecture.   And so I've said this before, and I, I  feel quite confident almost everyone on the   paper would agree. The transformer could  have, it could have been another model.   Frankly, it could have been another model, the  transformer was just this bliss, they had the   best support, and then the community reinforced  that. And the community made some sort of decision   to consolidate on this architecture and really  invest in it, and they made it a success. It could   quite easily have been another architecture that  similarly scaled up, well saturated compute. Well, CRAIG 33:20 you think there   are other architectures out there that could  that just haven't been discovered or explored?   That could lead to such dramatic results? AIDAN 33:34 Absolutely, like, unequivocally,   I think, definitely. They exist, they're  out there. And with enough work and effort,   maybe we could flip to another architecture,  but we've already done half a decade of   infrastructure development and software support  and you know, writing highly optimized kernels   for the the hardware for transformers. And so  there's a there's like this resistance to move,   and it would take a lot of community will  willpower to move away from the transformer.   And the only thing that would motivate that is  like some new substantial breakthrough at the   architecture level. Yeah, so I don't see that  happening. But I also don't make the claim that   like, the transformer architecture is something  like divine. Yeah, clearly, you need pieces. CRAIG 34:34 I mean, right. But presumably,   these large language models themselves could  at some point suggest other architectures. AIDAN 34:48 Yeah, people have wanted to use models   in that sort of like feedback loop. Yeah, yeah. I  think that's definitely we're already starting The   chip architectures being decided by by models.  No one's heard, right. Yeah. And so the chips   train the model and the model change, you know,   decides the next generation of the chip.  And there's this feedback loop that CRAIG 35:20 who's doing that? AIDAN 35:23 Google mostly   there V four or five TPU. chips were model  placed designed. Yeah. So I think that's,   that's exciting. That happens on a super slow  timescale, because it just takes so long to   actually fabricate chips, push them out, verify  them. So that happens, too slow a timescale. The stuff that you're describing, like the  architecture search projects, I would say   those have actually surprisingly been quite low  yield. And that's probably because humans have   spent so much time on neural net architectures,  they've explored that space so thoroughly,   and done a pretty like pretty compelling job  at it. And so when we threw models at it, like,   the gains were marginal always. Or, or they  like rediscovered stuff that we had discovered   previously, and kind of missed. And they just  brought it to light, they surfaced it again.   So people have kind of tried that. But it  seems like in architecture space, it's actually   it seems to have been saturated. Or perhaps  the methods used, this was also a Google.   Perhaps the methods used weren't the right  ones. It's hard to say. But there was an   effort to try to get models to produce  new model architectures and have this   self improving feedback loop. And I would,  I would say that it largely fell flat. CRAIG 37:05  So you, you went then from Google? Web,  tell me about how you started Cohere? AIDAN 37:15 Yeah, so I spent the better part of three years   bouncing around. So I was in Mountain View for  the transformer. And then I went to Toronto,   and Geoff said, Hey, come come and  hang out at Google and in Toronto.   And then I graduated from undergrad, I went to  Oxford for my PhD, Jakob from the transformer   paper, he had actually decided to leave Mountain  View and go back home to Berlin. And he was like,   Yo, I'm going to set up a brain office  in Berlin. And so I was like, Hey,   that's pretty close, like a 40 minute flight  from London. Let's work together. And so then   I was on a plane every two weeks to Berlin  to see Jakob and work there. And eventually   eventually, I just realized, like there  was a revolution kind of promised.   Back when I was in Mountain View, just after  we had released the transformer paper publicly   Noam immediately started working on language  modeling, and scaling the models up and he was   like, actually deeply involved in the GPT  one paper, he was helping OpenAI with it.   And then I went back to Toronto, and I got  an email from Lukasz. And he's like, Hey,   have a look at this. And in that email,   there was a Wikipedia article.  And the title was the transformer   and then I saw I was like, Oh, hey, this  Wikipedia article on this I kept reading   down and then with a Japanese punk band  and consistently these members and this   member had left and I was just like, What the  fuck like Lukasz What is this? He was like   But transformer wrote this I just put in the  transformer as the title everything else.   And that was just like, You're kidding. Like,  it was like surreal. It was just like, you know,   you went to bed one night and models could barely  spell and then you woke up the next morning and   they were writing as fluently as a heat like  such a plausible story about a Japanese punk band   called The transformer and I I think that was like  the moment that I was like, Okay, this unlocks in   product space this unlocks something categorically  different like it just something extraordinary. AIDAN And I thought it was gonna happen.  And I waited and I waited and I you know,   I was In my PhD, and I was putting out new  research and proving fundamental methods. And   after three years there, nothing  had changed, the world was the same.   And Nick and Ivan, my co founders,  like, I think we all felt the same   disappointment. Nothing had changed. We saw  something magical three years ago, and nothing   had changed. No one's talking about it. And  so eventually, that disappointment turned into   resolve to do it ourselves. And so we  decided, okay, let's leave. And let's   go build cohere to bring this to the world. This  is before GPT-3, just after GPT-2, in in 2019.   And back then the mission was really just a, this  is the most amazing technology that humans have   ever created. Let's model the web, let's build a  model of the entire Internet. And be, let's put it   into the hands of every single developer on Earth.  And Let's inject it into every single product and   just create a new generation of magical product  experiences. So that was really the seed. Yeah. CRAIG 41:29 And then, so Cohere   is, at its core, a large language  model, or a suite of models. For   different vertical tasks are what describe  what what it is, and how people use it. AIDAN 41:53 So at its core, yeah, it's like a, we're an   intelligence factory, building these big models,  making them as usable, as usable as useful as   possible. There are like a suite of models, we  have both sides of that coin that I was describing   before, where there's the generative and then  representation, so both styles representation,   and GPT styles, the generative side. So we  have both of those, and we build them in house. AIDAN The way that we bring them to   the world is that we partner with enterprises,  and we solve really, what what are some of the   today's largest blockers for adoption,  which are privacy, privacy blockers,   data compliance blockers, if you're really  gonna put these large language models into   useful applications at the forefront of your  product, they're going to be touching data that's   the most sensitive, like user  data, right, like people's private   data. And so that very, very high security bar. So  for us, one of the benefits of being independent,   our competitors mostly are sort of bound to  one cloud provider. There's exclusivity there.   For us being independent means we can play with  everyone. And with the enterprises that use us,   they don't get vendor lock in. So  they're not trapped into one cloud   provider. They can bounce between,  and we can deploy wherever they go. AIDAN So for cohere, one of our core efforts   right now is making it so that these models can  be deployed on any cloud provider, in situations   where the data is the most sensitive, because  that enables the most interesting and impactful   applications. Otherwise, you you kind of get  what I've been seeing a lot of recently, which is   superficial deployments of these models,  not real, not product changing, not like   fundamental shifts in infrastructure, but  more like, here's my product, and I'm just   tacking it on to the side. Here's like a delivery  experience. I think that makes a lot of sense,   given the fact that this year everyone just  kind of like woke up. And so it's gonna take   a while to actually replace this with the  the thing that we want. So it makes sense. AIDAN But   really, the piece that's  blocking this is the fact that   there's not a lot of trust in some of our  competitors due to the fact that in the past,   they've trained on their user data and they  disintermediated people. And so for us,   we want to regain that trust and be the trusted  partner for enterprise to actually bring large   language models into like a truly transformative  way. So I think there's like right now.   There's a product transformation that's  kind of similar laying under the water,   because the whole world just woke up, every  single company now is trying to figure out   what does this mean? What does this technology  mean for my product? My experience? What   am I users? My the consumers? What are they going  to expect from me? How do I not get left in the   dust by my competitors who are going to reinvent  their product on the back of this technology?   So they're starting to do the work. AIDAN in 18 months, product space is   gonna look completely different, because right  now, everything is shifting behind the scenes.   And so for cohere, we really want to power  that transformation, and be a trusted partner   to the largest enterprises and  the best developers on Earth. CRAIG 45:49  And and enterprises span the gamut of industrial  verticals, or are you focused on one industry, AIDAN 46:02  it's totally, totally horizontal. So it impacts  everything. Like, I think you're going to be   doing your banking with a conversational agent,  you're going to be doing your shopping with a   conversational agent, I think it's really hard to  think of a particular vertical or industry that's,   that doesn't need to be changed by this, because  consumer expectations are going to be, there's   going to be this interest, when I show up to this  new product, there's going to be this interface   that I expect, which is language. So with these  interface level changes, and in the same way that   if you're a product or a service, you have  to have a mobile app, because everyone's on   their phones. And that's, you know, how they  want to interact with products and services,   in that in that same way that that mobile  transition led to everyone having to support this   interface that the consumer expected, everyone is  going to have to support conversation and dialogue   with an intelligent agent, as an interface onto  your products and services. So there's like this   resurfacing of product space that  is literally happening right now. CRAIG 47:11 Is there an   example without naming names that you can give  that you think is gonna blow everybody away? AIDAN 47:21 I mean, it's no secret.   It's no secret that we're starting to see  some very compelling assistant like offerings.   There were the promises with Siri and  Google Assistant and Alexa that came   10 years ago, or whatever it was. And those  fell flat, and I think the technology truly   just was not there to support it. There is now  the possibility of a truly general assistant.   Like we actually have the technological bedrock to  support that. it's emerged recently, it's a fairly   recent development that that has been unlocked  as a thing you could possibly build. Yeah. CRAIG 48:19 You know, I talked to Ilya   about RLH F reinforcement learning with human  feedback, his way of kind of guiding the model   toward more grounded responses. But I've talked to  other people who say that's still speculative and   and takes a lot of time and they're, they're using  vector databases and loading vector databases with   authoritative data. And then the language model  in effect is just the the mouthpiece it's it's not   it's it's not calling up the answers  from it's accumulated knowledge it's   referring to this vector database How  do you guys deal with hallucinations AIDAN 49:25 Yeah, I there's   like there's someone Sarah hooker echo  here. She said this before and I really   I really like it. You have to distinguish between  the hallucinations that you want which are like   creativity, and the hallucinations that you don't  want it like it's great when it hallucinates a   story or a new joke or you know, you want that  and so you don't want to like beat that ability,   that capability out of the model. At the same  time you need ways to control it. So for instance,   if you're doing knowledge gathering  or research, you definitely don't want   anything made up. There's like almost  zero tolerance for hallucination. AIDAN And so you kind   of want a gradient, or a parameter that you want  to set, which might be the creativity parameter.   And I think that's becoming increasingly  possible. Another another really good way to   get models to be more truthful, is to actually  force them to cite their work. So there's   Patrick Lewis, he was the first author of meta  on creating rag. It's called retrieval augmented   generation. And so that's this idea that you have  a model. And you have an external knowledge base,   or maybe multiple external knowledge bases, maybe  one's Google ones, your private emails, ones, your   blah, blah, blah. And what the model can do is it  can go out, and it can query these sources. So it   can say, hey, the user just asked me about this,  I think I should query Google. And then it gets   back from Google some documents or gets back from  your email, whatever emails you're looking for.   And then now that it can read those, it can  generate a response, and it can cite back   to them it can say, hey, you asked me this.  I think this is the answer, because of this   sentence inside of this document or this webpage.  By forcing the model to learn to cite it sources,   you get two things. One is the fact that you  can actually check its you can verify it right?   You can check that it's telling the truth, you  click into that link, you can read the thing,   and you can say it lied. Or you can say, oh,  no, it's right. Yeah, you know, that checks out.   So one is you get it two sided sources. The  other thing is that you force the behavior,   you reinforce the behavior into the model of not  making claims without grounds to those claims.   And so it starts to learn the scenarios where,  you know, when I'm writing stories, I don't really   need to cite sources, I just need to write and the  user is happy and content and you know, I get a   good reward. And in the scenario of ham doing  research on a topic, can you tell me about X,   it starts to learn, okay, shit, in this case,  I need to have a very rigorous bibliography,   I need to be able to tie that back. And if I  mess up, if the user clicks through and sees a,   an error or a hallucination, I'm wanting  to get a super strong negative feedback.   And so it learns to differentiate between  these scenarios. So I really do believe   retrieval augmentation is going to be one of  the key pieces of along with human feedback,   it's gonna be one of the key pieces of making  these models more reliable, more grounded. CRAIG 53:07 That's fascinating.   I'm coming up to an hour. Can I ask a few more  questions? Yeah. Yeah. I've got to ask this,   you know, this has set off sort of the public  release of chat GPT. has set off this debate about   how dangerous these models can be. To everyone's  surprise, Geoff has gone public saying some really   dire things. Which, you know, I don't know, like  you do, but I've known him for a while and it's   It surprises me. I've never heard him  speak that darkly about something.   Do you have a view on that? That's one question.  And then the other is this debate about   sentience or self awareness? I mean, you've  you had your fingers in the, in the brain of   of these things. Do you? Do you think that  sentience or self awareness could really   emerge? Or do you think that you know, these  are bits of code and it's all an illusion? AIDAN 54:40 There's a lot to say that   we need we need another hour or two together  to properly represent my beliefs around that   question, I think the first part for Geoff Geoff  is like Geoff went through the same thing. I think   many of us in the field went through where our  timelines got pulled forward massively. And so it   you know, we thought we'd have models that could  write compelling English and a few decades and   then suddenly it shows up a year later. And so  that throws you into this state of shock and   uncertainty. And you're quite caught off guard  and he's spoken about this I think publicly.   The scent sentiment of surprise, progress and  rate of change. I remember having conversations   with him myself, where both of us were kind of  like these people who talked about AGI you know,   what, nonsense, haha, this was back when models  could barely spell. But then you kind of get   surprised and shocked and your your uncertainty  blows up. And sometimes that can have the effect   that okay, anything's possible. Oh, my God, like  I was so far off on that. But now I am shooting up   my uncertainty across all anything could be  possible super intelligent god. Okay, maybe   that's even. So I think like, a lot of folks.  We're all reckoning with that and recalibrating.   And, you know, adjusting our, our own timelines  and understandings of progress and pace. AIDAN Geoff is extraordinarily   thoughtful. And he's been thinking about this,  since at least the beginning of cohere. So at   least the last three and a half years, he's  been thinking about this very, very deeply.   So I think people should take him very seriously.  I think there will be a lot of sensationalism.   And a lot of extrapolation from what he's saying.  But if you actually listen to what, what he's   actually saying, it's quite a measured, he's  like, I'm highly uncertain about what can happen.   And that means we should take this stuff  seriously. Because we just don't have   certain bounds. We don't have certainty around  the future. And so we should be taking all   the different possibilities, quite seriously.  Not saying that they're likely to happen. But   just saying that we they can't be ruled out  yet. And so let's take them very seriously.   I think there's a lot of journalistic texts  and headlines and clickbait and nonsense.   But if you actually listen to Geoff, I think  his take is quite measured and reasonable. CRAIG 57:47 And, and actually,   I'd love to have you back on to talk at  length about these things, but on the idea of   sentience or the illusion of sentience. I mean,  you've, you know, more than almost anybody having   built these models, and both what they're capable  of and, and what's behind their expressions.   Do you think that? I mean, it's  a philosophical question about   what what sentience or consciousness is, whether  it's, you know, whether our consciousness is just   an emergent property from the neural  activities of our brain and, and,   and it's largely illusion. I mean,  just what would you say to all of that? AIDAN 58:54 Yeah, I would say, I don't place like a divinity   on on humanity. I think that consciousness is  in the brain. And it is like a physical process.   And it's maybe like, maybe consciousness  is what computing feels like, like, what   processing feels like? And if that's the case,  it's really hard to argue that that same phenomena   couldn't be present in silicon.  I think you'd really have to,   I think there has to be a leap right to say that  the circuits in our brain because they're human,   or because they're biological have some sort  of fundamental distinction. I think you really   have to take a leap of faith there. And so if  I'm just saying being pragmatic and reductive.   Again, we need two hours to discuss  this, I think more completely, but   I think it'd be really, just as a scientist, I  think it'd be really hard for me to say, There's   no way these machines could become sentient. I  just I can't construct an argument that and that. CRAIG 1:00:27  Yeah. Yeah. Well, let's leave it there. But  Can Can I get a promise that you'll come back?   You know, in a few months, and we can  go deep on that subject. Yeah, I'd love AIDAN 1:00:43 to. Yeah. CRAIG 1:00:46  Okay. Yeah. Aidan. This has been  really fascinating. I'm delighted.   And I'm sure you heard at the MIT Tech Review  Conference. Somebody asked Geoff, he was on   virtually from the UK, but somebody asked him  whether he would divest himself cohere. And   he said, No, no, he's, he's gonna stay invested.  So yeah. Yeah, that's a that's a funny question.   Yeah. Yeah. Okay, great. Well, I really  appreciate your time and, and we'll talk again. CRAIG  That's it for this episode. I want to thank Aiden  for his time. I also want to remind you to check   out NetSuite Oracle's business management  software for enterprise resource planning,   financial management, customer relationship  management and E commerce, among other things.   Go to to  take advantage of this offer. CRAIG  And remember, the singularity may not be near. But  AI is about to change your world. So pay attention
Channel: Eye on AI
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Keywords: AI language models, future of language AI, revolutionary technology, communication revolution, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, AI advancements, transformative technology, human-machine interaction, language models, AI impact, future technologies, cutting-edge innovation
Id: -xobW4jh66U
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Length: 62min 4sec (3724 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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