How A Non-Engineer Made It To FMS With A Horrible Quant, Ft. Hitesh B, FMS Delhi Co'26

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coming from a non-engineering background uh I knew quants would be a pain point for me but I had never seen anything like drr before having an MBA surely adds a lot to your CV itself and the rules which I was after beat the McKenzie being bcgs of the world or the Consulting uh firm that I was gunning for they hire primarily from IM IM and the fmss and the x of the world hence an MBA was my was the option to go for my name is hes I have done my schooling from Hyderabad I did my bcom honors from Christ University Bangalore and I have been doing my article for the past 2 and a half years at deoy I come from a Commerce background so my father is a bcom graduate from DHI University and my uncle is a chared accountant himself so CA was the natural progression however the pandemic hit it made me realize that you you cannot succeed in business or in the corporate world rela on a CA degree and having an MBA surely adds a lot to your CV itself and the rules which I was after beat the McKenzie being bcgs of the world or the Consulting uh form that I was gunning for they hire primarily from IM IM and the fmss and the ex of the world hence an MBA was my was the option to go for so to start things off with regarding my card Journey uh the very first thing I did was write a mock to see where I stand and the very first mock which I I wrote I scored a 60 or 62 percentile I had a three or four marks in verbal section I had a zero in dilr and uh the highest scoring part of my mock was my Quant score which was a 15 or 16 there and the thing about cat was I'd never seen a drr section ever before right like I coming from a non-engineering background uh I knew quants would be a pain point for me but I had never seen anything like drr before I I wasn't able to comprehend what those sets were I wasn't able to understand what they were asking us to do and and the first 40 minutes of seeing that section uh I couldn't solve anything I didn't know where to begin I didn't know where to end and even in verbal when I when I would read the options they all would seem too awfully close to each other I couldn't understand why this option is right over the over the other option and when I would review my answers I could understand why I went wrong but during the exam setting I couldn't I couldn't figure out what the best in the end I scored a 99.75 percentile with a 99.59 in verbal and a 9.88 in drr does seem great now but in the very beginning it seemed impossible so surprisingly for me when I began my card journey I was scoring relatively well in the Quant section I was scoring a 90 or 91 perc in Quant however during the examination I scored an 85.3 to uh my verbal and my Quant D went extremely well and I and I was aware of the same during my examination itself then I started gunning for 100% I could see the end very well and when the qu section hit I couldn't solve anything on there and hence my my score tanked relatively in Quant as compared to the other section in the verbal section you have to understand what the character is testing you upon it isn't that you have to have an exemplary vocabulary to start things off with I started uh exposing myself to a lot of diverse writings I would go onto Aon essays and I would start reading passages on there which I was having a difficulty in understanding be it fism be it quantum mechanics be evolutionary biology a lot of people do this but they don't see success in their in in the in their preparation and that is primarily because they don't read with intent when you're reading these passages you have to understand what these passages are saying you should not just read them for the sake of reading them but rather you should read them trying to connect what each sentence uh is is is trying to tell in terms of the broader story and what the next paragraph is all about if you are able to do do well I can assure you you'll do well in the RC section itself that covers the reading comprehension part of the RC but uh there are around what 16 reading comprehension questions and uh eight verbal ability questions in the verbal ability question there are around four or five questions which are which are TAA right type in the answer questions right for the TAA questions my Approach was I don't want to waste too much time on there because sometimes even if after wasting 2 or 3 minutes on a single question you will not be able to get it right deploy like 30 of 40 seconds on there and if you're not able to answer it right move on same with summary questions as well some people are extremely good in summary some people are not understand what you're good at and understand what you're not good at I wasn't good in summary questions I am not an early riser I don't wake up at 8:00 in the morning I don't even wake up at 10:00 in the morning I wake up at what 11 :00 12:00 like that I was hoping that my cat slot was at 4:30 but my cat paper was scheduled at 8:30 meaning I had to reach the center at 7:00 in the very I I felt like if if I write my cat paper in slot one my cat is destined to go back because I wouldn't have woken up properly in the exam itself so right after the cat uh admit card was released I started following a schedule wherein I was waking up at 5:00 in the morning I would write a mock paper at 8 8:30 and I would not do anything for one hour before the mock because that is how it would go in the center as well because uh you will be waiting for your turn for 1 and a half 2 hours and that is extremely draining you are you are you have an anxiety of how the of how the paper will turn out how things will things will happen there and all so I started creating those environments for myself over and over again right after the admit card was released so the dday journey for me was relatively easy because I was aware of what I'm getting myself into uh once I reached the center I started conversing with the people who were around me many people came in there to write C to see to see uh how much they would score without taking doing preparation which I was extremely happy about because that means I will for a higher percentile then when the verbal section paper paper came in uh I read all the four passages and although I had I planned to devote 30 minutes to my uh uh to my RC part it took me 32 minutes to solve it in this entirety and I started panicking a little bit because I felt like 8 minutes is not sufficient to do the VA section in by itself however I I tried not to diverse in that mindset because the more you think about what might happen uh the Lesser time you have have to actually answer the questions I did the best I could in the VA section scored well there moved on to D in D the very first set that I picked up I couldn't solve it so the very first set that I did I could solve like two three questions and then I got stuck stuck in there 8 minutes had passed by that particular point of time and I figured that even if I'm able to solve it it take me like around 7 or 8 minutes more that means 15 minutes on a single set so I chose to skip it on its entirety and turns out two or three questions in that set were wrong so I was very lucky and very fortunate to have skipped that set and moved on moved on to to a different set again not in its entirety but I saw like four questions there uh I saw that 11 or 12 more minutes have passed and I can't figure out the last question at all so I skipped that set I went on to the third set in the third set again I was able to solve two or three questions there and that in the paper got over so in the end I scored a raw score of 32 a scaled score of 36 and I got a 9.88 percenti in drr which I couldn't even have dreamed of in the very beginning in the last section that was the Quant section I always have done well in the qu section compared to the other other two sections so I felt like I'll do well here as well I started solving the first question I couldn't do it second questions couldn't do it like that I came to the seventh question I couldn't do a single question till that particular point in time I attempted one question and that was a guess because I got an answer of like 32 and the and the option that was closest to was 33 so I thought all right that's that's good enough 33 and marked on to the next one uh however I gathered myself I started looking for the easy questions on there I could solve like four questions and in this attempt score getting a raw score of 11 meant that you are an 85% tyer and I got a raw score of 11 and I got an 8532 so I have calls from uh MDI g i SP jmr FMS Delhi I am shilong and I am cap calls I think that's about [Music] it when you're choosing a b school a lot of people go by the placement statistics and that is not the only matric that you should judge a b school by it is which companies you are gunning for so for suppose you want a job in general management or if you want a job in uh marketing you have to look at the placement report from a perspective as to which companies are coming on there and whether those companies suit your aspirations or not the second thing is the people it isn't you you don't just learn about about your MBA subjects there you you interact with a lot of people there right so it's very important for you to understand whether whether the B profile of that uh of that uh of that College master matches what you're expecting or not looking at average or the median salary of a college is not the matrick to judge the college by the top 25 percentile or the top 30 percenti of the college will definitely do extremely well there and it is about where you see yourself there what kind of profile you have and whether it matters the college profile or not a lot of people will choose i f over IM lakau or spgr or im lakau or IM lakau over X so you can't really compare the colleges per se it depends on what the best colleg is for you
Channel: TestPrep By InsideIIM
Views: 22,911
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Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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