How a high-flying 1980s socialite became homeless in her sixties | Compass | ABC Australia

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for many years Glen Marie was living a Charmed Life with a Stella career and influential friends who went to Sydney's most exclusive events it's one of my favorites and underneath near the face you've got this lovely watermelon Pink So when you're wearing it it looks like this in the ' 80s it was a giddy time Sydney was the Emerald City lots of social life and Glen Marie featured very [Music] prominently when you walked into the room it was Flash Bobs it was all about the social Pages it was a time of when we had the big hair the pattered shoulders total glamour it was the era of the quantro ball which was the triaa list a glen was a fixture at all those things she was misss everywhere [Music] there one night we arrived we had to go down a slippery slide in full regalia by the time you got to the bottom you were just laughing for the rest of the night she was a prolific Entertainer she was also a very generous person she included a lot of people who might not have had access to that sort of Lifestyle it was always fun to be at Glen Marie Park she Anna Allison Darren Hench son mcmah and the bottom shots beron King and bromin Bishop her work and her social life was sort of all blended into one keran keny there was nothing wrong with networking with a glass of champagne in your hand there's nothing wrong with networking very late at night the lines between professionalism and private life were completely blurred I butros and Alan Jones at home for dinner Glenn Marie was born in Brisbane and arrived in Sydney in 1969 where her career quickly took off people believed in me from a very early age in fact I was only 20 when I was walking into the offices of ministers in camra asking for government grants and it was all Bluff on my part there I am here with Mr International Quest sometimes you can't actually pinpoint the magic moment when when you met someone the photograph is me wearing that Darby day dress she had worked closely with some key political players back in the in the ' 70s we were a bit of a natural fit and then I fronted to beers as the diamond lady he's good I like this one hard work for the Diamond Girl we worked hard we played hard traveling the world as I did with almost every job I had opportunities to meet many famous people I did end up investing in a lot of costume jewelry you could travel with it I met Bert Reynolds once at Ro Hawaii and another time Tom celic and I had no idea who was Magnum I mean how silly am I it was a top rating show in Australia so I had two days with him not knowing I was with Tom selich [Music] let's just say he was a great [Laughter] kisser I don't know whether it's the fact that I'm a brzy babe but I never am in a of people I never want to pinch myself in 1985 Glen Marie married businessman Bob Frost who at the time was high-profile and success successful we had dinner together a few times and then he said to me that he wanted to marry me and I'd probably been engaged about four or five times gave all the Rings back but I was a little bit hesitant first anyhow he persevered the wedding was a beautiful wedding you know glittering wedding and it was wonderful to be part of her special day the guests were a mixed of politicians businessmen I had people going back to my school friends it was people we loved in that [Music] room Glen Marie and Bob Frost had a son and for a while life was good he spoed us incredibly and uh he was very devoted to our son the company my husband was chairman of sponsored the Australian Ballet in London and the queen was invited remember she asked me do you come to London very often said yes your majesty I'm very lucky I get here almost every [Music] year yeah Happy Days eventually Glenn Marie and Bob Frost grew apart it was during this time she had a major corporate role with the Sydney Olympics I was spending a lot of time at the office less time at home with Bob and uh I think he was you know he was having some financial difficulties at the time and of course I was being so successful that doesn't help in a marriage either the wheels fell off fell off what was a a glamorous marriage a high-profile marriage um and and all of the bells and whistles that that went with it I didn't know any Financial dealings while I was married to Bob no I didn't and should I have asked the questions more often absolutely but I no I think I think there are a lot of women like me out there who did not ask the questions I've only had two long relationships in my life and both times I basically walked away um with with nothing my dignity uh yes my pride yes but I really did not walk away with cash or [Music] assets there simply was no money to split after the divorce luckily Glenn Marie's work as an executive coach covered her rent but then began a series of Health setbacks requiring major surgery I had a major issue with my knee and it just became so problematic so painful I couldn't get on a plane travel into State and I thought I had Private health but discover I did not meant that I was 9 months on a waiting list most of my gigs involved into State travel and so I resigned from my five clients and then had my operation then the second one but the reality is by that stage I'm 63 and H low agism all those skills you've learned throughout your life mean absolutely nothing you are so battered so tired so depleted that bouncing back every day and smiling is not easy the journey for Glen Marie to actually acknowledge what was happening to her I think was really quite hard for her in the end of course she couldn't pay rent I'm of the generation that was before super I didn't have anything to fall back on um no savings as such I remember waking up one morning and the rate was due and I knew I actually had no nothing to pay for it I didn't have cash of food and I said okay Frosty babe you're homeless and I started laughing and then I started crying and I made sure I didn't cry again for a long [Music] time
Channel: ABC Australia
Views: 405,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ABC, Australia, ABC Australia, Glen-Marie Frost, Bob Frost, Indira Naidoo, It Can Happen to Anyone, homeless, homeless women, Helen Coonan, Joh Bailey, Michael Yabsley, Equanimity project, over 55s, homelessness, PR executive, Compass, homeless services, living in my car, 80s fashion, 80s archive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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