How a farmer turned 90 acres of wasteland into a lush green forest in Odisha

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] this is the Hobart uh 90 days device on variety and this is mu Gaza which tolerates returning and it can also harvest it for two times from the same crap these are all varieties which grow in highlands and uh plants there are some varieties like Kuja partly then soon upon e ja landry Samudra lahardee better than Joel Kamini her husband Jerry etc which tolerate water stagnation for a longer time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] out of 90 acres we have only to wake us of paddlin and half an acre of land dedicated to vegetables growing vegetables and the rest is three species including the fruits like mango lychee chiku jackfruit coconut lemon and many others [Music] in 2018 Karif we cultivated 497 varieties all indigenous varieties of rice in s RI method [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] since we have conserved the forest in the upper side and then in the water harvesting structures the water comes like a spring in the paddy fields so that you don't have to irrigate the field separately unless there is a very emergency situation [Music] we took a lot of soil and water conservation measures besides planting we also protected whatever plants were coming up on their own so that is how they could arrest the soil erosion we used specific species like bamboo and then the sabai grass Hill brooms for arresting the topsoil and we also planted a lot of leguminous plants which could fix nitrogen in the soil and mulching use another important thing we did so the reason is that you below the mulch material of white ants and many other insects they borrowed made holes and what was percolating inside and also the soil improved in the meantime [Music] we provide seeds only to those who are interested we have started a small initiative called adopt acid like people adopt babies boys or girls we also a call for seed adoption so anyone can adopt a variety there are two ways of conservation one is centralized conservation back in one place you conjure many varieties and the other thing is decentralized conservation so all these varieties we have collected from different farmers fields so why it should not go to the farmer's fields again may not be the same farmers but we different farmers and that's how you know many people will get engaged in that so people take oath that they will conserve the seed that variety particular variety as long as they can and they also share with others Samburu panahon on until you pass on rol Akutan in Astana holla Astana Raja Baru rahman aggregate Hannity Roosevelt Rockefeller puja Valley Sabo Sabian only Negri bay or CA % o local quarry city sadhana most important thing is in context of climate change particularly the indigenous varieties have experienced various climatic conditions and various climatic challenges over the years for many years when people cultivated they might have experienced drought flood water stagnation stardom and all these things still so many varieties are still there ever since the Green Revolution the focus of all our public laboratories has been on increasing yield and farmers wanting also you can't blame them for this they want to maximize your profits they've also gone in for hybrid seeds but then what happens when you have something like the real calamity of climate change hi Linda Hodja thermotherapy Haiti who do the chicken do said they pack a packet in Sao Paulo to broker at honno-ji Olympic relay a dominant just over true that's what Amitabh Bachchan Uday Chopra Cara be hot or puris MTG - lets go take a mental a lodging hey Nutella though I'm coolin Kuchiki guard ethical it's a semi- a true teacher so cotton is a meeting no Cory cajeta see some mistake Gautam arranged a ditch our so-called witnesses our midday sunday is summers do salmon a mother rock-a-bye way oh gee a puja Ali Saleh see it's not the only map indicate this I saw a great Akane hitting our motor Honoka lag raha GT belladonna Bhutto quality Oh [Music] Calogero to be no growth era behind me them to call a booty Ella Barbara black color choke our lime tip even a rock a rock or a chair or a kiss some sorority so empty bin agriculture Road Ahuja make Highbury wave our could tell em rock had this undernutrition Kakaako jato Chihuahua knee Parvati Marwan could you've had this at a table hop rehearse or did or they say they we were on a hip ever we think about our troop that's a tiny grain of rice we forget about the food for the cows so the plants when they grow taller and healthier and they also provide food to the animals in the root system is good and so that also provide food to the side [Music] you [Music] when you grow just one kind of crop you tend to eat that only overeating of that but it's you give many different types of crops at different seasons so this system is nutritionally and better nutrition wise better than also when you save your own seeds from different crops you don't go to buy them it's a seed sovereignty that is addressed and you get something at the other to eat throughout the year so food security is addressed much better when you have a very diverse system in the last 40 years there's been a major threat to our farmers from both the government research laboratories all focusing on hybrid varieties higher yield higher yield and the multinationals who then went into GM technology genetic engineering all this has cut at the very root of our farming practices traditional seeds have almost disappeared [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Down To Earth
Views: 1,657,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Environment, Sustainable Development, Down to Earth, Sabarmatee, Radhamohan, Sambhav, Indigenous seed bank, Agriculture, India, Odisha, nayagarh, drought-proof, Floods resistant, Organic farming, Agroforest, Food forest, SRI method, Wasteland development, Rainwater harvesting, Watershed dvelopment, How-to, Climate resilient, Medicinal Plants, Nutrition security, Mother nature, Lush green forest, Water security, Paddy cultivation, Food security, Centre for Science and Environment
Id: C08FAa-Vlj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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