How ‘RHOC’ Star Heather Dubrow Saved Her Husband’s Life

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I knew exactly what was going on I knew I had to get him to the hospital he's a doctor but it was his wife who figured out he was having a life-threatening medical emergency the drama began when Terry and Heather Dubrow were out to dinner he's the star of the hit show about cosmetic surgery botched and she's on the Real Housewives of Orange County they were talking about their security code for their front door I said to him what's the code because I want to do a new code to get in the house and instead of that it was cool he was um sort of babbling and his eyes were glazed and what was he was saying wasn't making sense he was not there and then he did it again and that's when I stood up and I said to my son call 9-1-1 The Matrix right there I said call 9-1-1 but Dr Dubrow refused to accept that he might be ill I said you're overreacting you're embarrassing I'm normal stop it they said he's an adult he doesn't want to go to the hospital we can't kidnap him I'm like I've been his wife for almost 30 years the man's having a stroke you got to take him to the hospital she finally convinced him to go to the ER and it's a good thing she did and MRI revealed a serious medical condition they had a TIA a transient ischemic attack he had suffered a mini stroke and he had a hole in his heart surgery followed and today he's all better they say doctors make the worst patients are you an example of that yes your wife saved her life yes what are you going to do for your wife try not to cry you know and you know maybe when she's arguing with me from now on I'll just go okay you're right [Music]
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 83,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entertainment, celebrity, california, Inside edition, inside_edition, ie newsdesk, ie celebrity, ie health, heroes, terry dubrow, heather dubrow, rhoc, real housewives of orange county, botched, stroke, lifesaver, transient ischemic attack, medical emergency, lisa guerrero
Id: lwcgSX8s3cA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 1sec (121 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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