Houston Faces Dire Fourth Day For Over 1M Without Power As Elderly Dangerously Swelter In Heat

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we have already seen the heat hamper power restoration efforts in portions of the Houston Metro and Center Point has made strides in regaining electricity for many but still over 1 million customers in Houston are still in the dark on day four the frustrations are rising and so is the heat temperatures will approach nearly 100 degrees feels like temperatures for the next several days and it's expected to be a multi-day effort to get the power back on while the dangerous heat sticks around and fox weathers Katie burn joins us now live from Houston Katie this will be an enormous effort to restore the power it is Kendall and the damage is widespread we've made our way around Houston all different neighborhoods we're seeing debris everywhere down trees all kinds of things so they are up against a lot of work but some updates from Centerpoint they say of the more than 2 and a half million customers who lost power that was the peak after Barrel hit about a million have gotten it back but that still leaves more than a million in the dark and some people just can't take it anymore we're in front of a a condo here that actually where a lot of elderly people live and you can see this is a tall building we're told uh the generator here went out yesterday and people in their 80s and 90s live here they're having to take the stairs to get to and from their Apartments finding food and water still a challenge here most people are throwing out what was in their fridge at this point we stopped at a busy drive-through distribution site and cooling center where people are getting help and getting cool they're charging their phon phones some of them haven't been able to check in with family because their phones have been dead some of them are using oxygen masks after dealing with 2 days in a row it feels like temperature is in the triple digits and now we're going on to the third but many of the people that we spoke with they're just say they're worried about young kids and their elderly Neighbors in this heat I just want to see them help these elderly people that's in these H houses that are way older than me they in their 70s and their 80s and they can't move Mo around like they normally do and they in a serious stress situation right now the big problem is food right everything back this way including the east side no no lights off no water no stores open nothing I mean David describes it so well that's exactly what we're dealing with here it's very hard to find food it's very hard to find gas to find water all of these things are a huge problem for so many people hundreds of thousands of people Center Point says they promis to get 400,000 more customers power back by the end of tomorrow that's still going to leave almost a million without power through the weekend and potentially for an entire week going on without power since the storm hit and a lot of people that I've met they're dealing with this long stretch of outages for the second time now because most people I've talked to said after the dero hit they were out power for a week and now here we go round two round two just a horrible situation that folks down in Texas are continuing to deal with and that's why these cooling centers that have opened up all across the area are so vital to help prevent heat related illnesses that are unfortunately a very scary big concern for so many Katie burn thank you so much we'll be checking in with you later this morning
Channel: FOX Weather
Views: 5,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beryl, elderly, houston, hurricane, power, texas
Id: 4TLa65U2VMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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