Houston astros vs Chicago white sox ALDS FULL GAME 10/10/21

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his first career postseason start that's dylan's cease let's find out about the game plan behind him as we check in with tom perducci well thanks adam the path for the white sox to get back into the series begins with cease as you mentioned making his first career postseason start against the astros lineup hitting 417 against fastballs that means his excellent secondary stuff slider curveball change up will play a very important role in this game now he has not finished sixth inning since august so behind him white sox manager tony larussa has lined up michael kopeck for multiple innings and if there is a tomorrow the russo hands the ball to carlos rodon the lefty has thrown only five innings in the last 20 days because of a sore shoulder it is must-win time for chicago with a spotlight on how larussa navigates his pitching adam there is carlos rodon waiting in the dugout remember no dallas kykel on the american league division series roster it is cease with the ball as he warms up tonight for game three aj well dylan sees tom mentioned it and he framed it beautifully he's got to use his off speed and the reason the astros have hit him around is because of that fastball he's 0-3 career against the astros he's had no success this year the astros cease misses in the strike zone he's not wild sometimes adam he throws his fastball he throws a curveball he throws a slider and the changeup you mentioned the open but he has to be precise with those because if he makes mistakes adam to this lineup the astros will do damage to him he's facing a lineup that's really good at hitting the fastball but that doesn't mean he can't throw the fastball this is that starting lineup that wayno was talking about it's sponsored by good sam aj mentioned it at the top julie guriel the batting champion is going to balance out the lineup a little bit the hotter hands are hitting in front of him including kyle tucker jake myers the rookie is in the eighth spot martin maldonado the only hitless astro in the lineup tonight will be jose altuve to lead things off against dylan sees [Applause] astros have been hearing it on the road all season long the white sox were the number one team at home in the american league this year and dylan c starts off game three with a strike in a breaking ball not a fastball a breaking ball to set the tone early for these astro hitters duvet has good numbers against cease and his limited looks at him four for eight with a home run there's no one waiting down and missed and it's quickly nothing in two starting off curveball then coming back with the slider right there the cutter and you know as a hitter that can get you out of your approach right away [Applause] off the end of the bat flared out towards short right center coming on is garcia and leori white sox defensively so far errorless during the first two games of this division series eloy jimenez luis robert the gold glover from last year and laurie garcia the utility man getting the start in right field tonight he was a sub in game two there monkatta anderson cesar hernandez makes his first start of the series at second and jose abreu makes his second straight start at first base yasmani grandal once again behind the plate now to be mentioned they're errorless they have no errors on the board but i think if you look at their defensive efficiency they've made some mistakes that weren't counted as errors michael brantley stands in that's going to have to be cleaned up there were a couple of moments in particular the garcia play on the correa hit in game two that stuck out what a professional hitter michael brantley is there's not one easy way to get him out he's he's good to go in all fields and he's good to take what the pitcher gives him which can be really tough on pitching [Applause] he's just missed according to the home plate umpire and crew chief tom hallian 2-0 on brantley who led all the major league baseball in hitting against right-handed pitching this year he has two home runs and a double for the three hits he has against cease in seven at bats there's a 2-0 on the inside corner here are the home runs well heater in for the first home run for brantley off seas then another heater in i don't think we're going to see dylan sees try to go inside he just got he got a stole a strike right there from tom hello with the cutter in but it's not the four seamer he can't get that by michael braley inside 2-1 oh he got the outside corner at 100 on that fastball that's a pitcher you love to see that you love to see that strike zone come out there and tom likes to raise that right hand too so tom's about the lawnmower this pitch is closed tom hallian will give him the lawn mower right here domino you'd love to bring guys up with two strikes the youtube moment coming perhaps on this 2-2 pitch on the ground to the right side and the second baseman hernandez retires bradley two up and two down how do you stay ready for 100 miles an hour and hit an 83 mile an hour nasty curveball with a 90 mile an hour slider and a 78 monitor change it if this guy locates he's going to he's going to have a field day with anybody who pitches pitches against even if it is against a great lineup like this bring up alex bregman missed just about half the season with that left quad issue three hits in this series with rbi astros hitters will hear this all night just low 1-0 on bregman so i've already gathered that tom holland is giving in and out he's not giving up and down because it's been a couple close ones up and down that have been called balls and the ones in and out have been called strikes bregman pops it up agree and hernandez out garcia racing in abreu cannot make the play and he goes crashing into the camera well it's a big boy and jose abreu and seems to be okay one of the hearts and souls of this team [Applause] but this is what aj you were talking about defensive efficiency trying to take balls like this that are potentially in play and get outside it's tough well that's a tough play i mean he went 150 feet to try to catch that ball against the railing that's a tough play that ball could have been caught possibly but i'm not saying it should have been caught [Applause] fans have gotten used to seeing these white sox go all out into the netting for defensive plays there's a 1-1 inside to bregman tom hallian plenty of division series experience he's behind the plate he is the crew chief [Applause] two balls in a strike on bregman from cease fouled back and out of play and a chance for a one two three first inning [Applause] two two to the bottom of the first we go garcia here is their starting lineup it is sponsored by good sam 18 hits in this series so far all of them are singles we'll see if the white sox can get a little slug going tonight sheets back in the lineup tonight in the seventh spot in d.h garcia hernandez will round it out this evening the top of the lineup has been very good anderson and robert in particular it's the 24 year old from venezuela luis garcia who had a fantastic official rookie year his second career post-season start this guy has no fear he's a fastball cutter slider changeup and a curveball he already faced the white sox once this year seven innings only seven hits one run four of the seven hits came on his fastball his slider has been really good for him all year look for him to go against his white sox right hand hitting heavy lineup he's owned right-handers the entire year a lot of sliders a lot of breaking balls away which has been the success so far for these astro pitchers [Applause] tim anderson will climb in a long wind up from garcia and anderson will lay off what a start to the postseason career for tim anderson the last two seasons he has 13 hits in his first five post season games that is a new major league record and these are the types of streaks that tim anderson can get into where he can carry an offense or at least the top of the order here's a 1-0 outside you notice both starting pitchers for both teams they started the other the the hitter off with an off speed pitch they're both known as notorious first pitch swingers they like to get their best wing off as fast as possible and tim's no different he loves to be aggressive he's aggressive on offense and defense that's kind of his name there's a 2-0 big it's two and one well it's much more important for the white sox to score early and get on top of the astros with this crowd the way they're into the game and being down too low that takes a lot of pressure off you yeah if the houston astros are able to score especially a crooked crooked number early they're just all the pressure goes into the white sox dugout so they need tim anderson to get on base they need louise robert to keep doing what he's doing they need to score early breaking ball down in the way i mean look at this crap we're blacked out completely everybody's wearing black the place is rocking i mean playoff baseball at its finest right here in chicago this is so fun you know what this is like right you know when it's really loud when it's really energetic when it's really electric no surprise that seized through 100 plus a few times in that top of the first day understandably so there's a 3-1 to anderson and chasing after that one and it's a full count well there you go 3-1 lead-off hitter slider 3-1 slider to the lead-off guy and last thing on earth tim anderson is thinking is a slider right there wayne oh he's thinking 3-1 here comes the heater i'm going to flip it out front make it one-nothing yeah these big moments in the postseason you can use it against hitters or pitchers they everybody wants to be the hero sometimes here in the postseason and it's hard not to but it's hard to lay off pitches like that sometimes the payoff pitch to tim anderson into right a base hit lead off man is the board for the white sox here in the bottom of the first that is 14 postseason hits in two years [Applause] gets a heater out over the plate finally gets the fastball it's not a bad pitch by garcia but tim anderson does what he's been doing the entire postseason career and that's take his single get on base a really great job of hitting right there he tries to pull that ball he rolls over to shortstop right there but what we know about tim is that he's a really good thigh-high across the zone hitter you get that ball thought high no matter where it is in location he's gonna have a good swim here's the aforementioned luis robert might be the most talented player on this roster they'll take a strike we talked about the edges being very pitcher-friendly to start this night that was the case on that pitch as well to luis robert who's been on base eight of the nine times that he's been up in this series one of them by error he's only been retired once by astros pitching big cut and i like that pitch right there that's a message up and in we're not afraid of you garcia's sending it to him hey i'm going to come right after you two fastballs the only thing i don't like about when you start throwing that many breaking balls wayne out to the lead off guy it sends a message to the other team you're a little bit afraid of them right instead of hey here it comes there's two pitches of robber there was no there was no fear in those oh two check swinging i used to think like that um i've gotten too old to think like that now i have to put my ego behind me and just embrace the fact that i'm getting this guy out however i can get him out and and i used to be up there you know through a first pitch breaking ball be like oh man these guys think i'm such a wuss like i'm not scared of these guys but they think uh yeah but now i'm like hey strike one you know it's so simplifying and making it easy and putting all those negative thoughts out of your head is important [Applause] anderson takes his lead he stole 18 bags this year and 25 tries maldonado very good behind the plate garcia will toss over you did notice the elaborate wind-up for garcia at times a problem in trying to keep the running game in check obviously he's now in the stretch but in general both garcia and cease have longer wind-ups but both of them have been better at keeping the running game intact and contained as the year has gone up both managers expressed that [Applause] what garcia is doing it not only messes up the hitter but also the base runner he's holding the ball so he's not just getting it go get it go get he's holding the ball making everybody anxious if you listen to the crowd the crowd's all excited he holds the ball for so long the crowd then sits down and gets quiet so he's doing a great job of settling everybody down there's so much more to pitching than just throwing the ball you have to hold that runner close you have to vary your times to home plate you know hold it like aj said quick pitch one it's there's a whole lot more pitching than just throwing the baseball one two and robert stays alive [Applause] and we know if there's one inning that's giving garcia trouble we should we talked about his numbers and how effective he was his whole year the first inning for him he had an era over five so that is the one inning that has given him a little bit of trouble maybe it's because of all the all the motion and all the things trying to get comfortable trying to find a rhythm but yeah it's the one inning that has given him trouble throughout this year and there's lots of really good starting pitchers in the big leagues that that's the same case with you know it's that first inning or you're trying to get settled in a little bit you don't know exactly where all your stuff's going to be and then you you settle in as you go one-two again hard hit towards center field myers over and in back to the bag at first goes anderson and there's one down they get the balls and they make outs at about as high of a clip as anybody in baseball only the dodgers and adam wainwright's cardinals were better in terms of efficiency this year brantley myers and tucker left to right in the outfield bregman correa altuve guriel altuve a gold glover once in his career as you mentioned maldonado has been excellent in cutting down the running game including one time in this series correa and altuve up the middle and veteran combo over 60 playoff games played together with the astros well this playoff run recently for the astros these four infielders have been together for every game so over 60 games it's pretty incredible that they've had this run all together here's the reigning mvp of brayu anderson took a healthy lead off first one ball and no strikes out of breyer [Applause] this is where it can be really tough as a pitcher you got a very fast runner at first base that can take second very easily but you have to put all your focus on this great hitter that's at the plate or he's going to do some major damage so you know you take a little bit longer maybe he's still second right here you never know [Applause] just off the plate 2-0 ana brayu the 34-year-old from cuba a cuban league mvp in his time defected eight years ago american league rookie of the year in 2014 has been top five at mvp voting and then last year put together another fantastic run producing season and earned american league mvp the first since frank thomas in 1994 for the white sox battling flu-like symptoms the first couple of the games back at home tonight anderson close to the back this time but trying to be kept close by garcia the base dealers always told me we know 203-0 that's the best time to steal a base the pitcher usually locks in again on the hitter forgets about you because they want to throw a strike but with that guy behind the plate machete better be real careful because he'll cut you down he's got a cannon we saw it in game one i didn't have a cannon he put it right on the back cut down louise robert trying to steal tony larussa said we can be more aggressive on the base pals early in the season the white sox who have some speed obviously they had a bunch of guys that stole bases weren't really stealing bags because they had a lot of nagging injuries tim anderson in particular dealt with a hamstring issue a lot of this season and the rooster is a funny quote in chicago he said yeah our guys are ouchy right now that's why we're not running him but he said now's the time if we're going to be aggressive if we can find a spot we'll go still 2-0 on abraham [Applause] popped up myers and tucker in and it's myers for the catch in center the natural center fielder making the start for the second time in this series two away big pitch right there for garcia 2-0 abreu makes a good pitch gets an easy fly ball that's a big pitch yeah he doesn't seem scared to me right he looks calm and cool you got the cool ponytail working you know he's he's pitched a lot of really good games this year but he seems real comfortable out there to me and and a lot of rookie players wouldn't be that comfortable in this situation he seems like he's got his nerves under control made a good pitch at the top of the zone popped a really good hitter up right there and now you got two outs that will face grandal batting from the left side facing the shift on the right of the houston defense his first inning really is important i know you talked about his numbers in the first thing this year but also as a pitcher you know you get you get the first one out of the way you get that big zero you walk back into the dugout the crowd's going to be going crazy you get that good feeling from your dugout they're going to be rocking it's a it just kind of settles you in [Applause] there's a 1-0 back-to-back hitters and three of the four have seen a 2-0 count to start this first inning so the white sox offense we told you the top of the order has been great anderson robert and abreu have been rock solid as per usual the rest of the team the rest of this lineup including grand old who is hitler's trying to get going [Applause] it down the right field line towards the corner and it is foul oh this crowd was ready to unload instead a long loud strike off the bat because of grand doll's reaction you thought it was going to be way fair at about 700 feet but unfortunately it was way foul and about 300 feet well it's not surprising to see him in a 2-0 count right there either he i we played them earlier this year i don't know if he's swung the bat the entire series if it's not right down the middle he's not swimming three balls and a strike on grandal he had a fascinating slash line this year not a high average incredibly high on base slugged very well high ops because he really picks his spots well to swing like no said he doesn't swing unless it's right down the middle he takes more good pitches i feel like to hit when you watch him but then he gets the one he's looking for he pulls the trigger it's quick he can do some damage he has tremendous power to all fields i've seen him back spin balls down and away real easy and as grondol often does he walks to a board with two out here in the first for the white sides three one off speed though again that's not the worst thing in the world to walk him after that swing he had two and oh eloy jimenez is on deck he's coming up right here wayne and i know you never give in but garcia right there just don't give in after that ball he smoked right because ximena's been struggling he's been struggling september he's been struggling in the playoffs so not the worst thing in the world such a fine line with pitching in these situations because with the runner on first the only way they're going to score a run is with an extra base head and maybe a home run so you know if you execute your pitch you can keep him in the yard and you know not many bad things happen but when you start getting these multiple runners on that's when the big crooked numbers happen that's what beats you in the playoffs single runs rarely beat you but especially in the playoffs against good pitchers it's the crooked numbers that end up costing you and sometimes you can walk your way into a big situation lance mcculler's junior did not walk him in in his start from bervalda's only one in his outing for the astros as a starter here's eloy jimenez waves at that off-speed delivery tailing away you pointed out eloy jimenez specifically specifically because you feel like he can sneak up on you in this lineup he can and he is a sneaky huge person if you get up next to this guy i don't know how tall he is he's got to be six five six six and he's got some weight behind him too but he's got huge pop he'll go right center with the best of that i've ever seen especially on ball's middle end he loves taking them to right center it's really impressive [Applause] no one towards center field and down for a base hit anderson rounding third the throw from myers white sox take the lead in game three [Applause] right on cue it's eloy jimenez to put the white sox in front out of the gate we swung and missed at the slider first pitch garcia came back with a cutter a little bit harder a little bit more up and jimenez lines it to center field and tim anderson speed he's going to score easily on that ball here's johan monkana just two for 20 in his playoff career the last couple of years he's got two aboard and a first pitch swing to file it away back to the jimenez rbi just a hanging slider cutter whatever you want to call it you do a really good one the first time that one's a little bit higher what a flat perfect neon plane swing by jimenez line drive up the middle myers put in your pocket kid the manderson's going to score easily one-nothing white's out so what we just saw there i've been really noticing this a lot lately you throw up a pitch two times to a batter and the same at bat could be doubled up could be just two times the one at bat one let's say throws a slider just like that but he throws it really nice on the corner down but then you throw another one in and it catches a little bit more play than the other one after seeing the nasty one you got if you bring it up a little bit more that's going to get whacked most of the time throw a nasty breakable in the dirt and then you throw one for a strike usually it gets hit that's just something i've been noticing towards the gap in right center field myers hustling to the gap to make the catch and end the inning covering a lot of ground in that bottom of the first but eloy jimenez strikes for the sox in the bottom of the first inning a couple of base knocks for chicago and a one-nothing lead through one in a must win game three eastwork day one two three top of the first inning including a handful of triple digit fastballs including a strikeout of bregman and the frame he'll face alvarez correa and tucker very difficult middle of this houston order alvarez has been as good as it comes first pitch is down and away to start this frame to jordan alvarez over five though with four strikeouts in his short look at dylan cease a three for five of the homer and a double in this series both of those in game one talk to me a little bit about adrenaline for dylan cease and that helped pump up that fastball in the first a little man the first thing we saw 101 miles an hour on the on the pop-up to right we saw a couple of other hundreds you know and and this is a dangerous thing for a starting pitcher in the playoffs especially these big games you feel the crowd you really start feeling that energy and it pushes you to the next level a 1-1 down low and what can happen is if you don't control your breathing and you don't control your heart rate you you you empty that adrenaline tank too early and then the second and third and fourth innings you out there with your legs shaking i know that because it's happened to me you really have to take time to step off and really control your breathing control your heart rate slow things down just a little bit so you don't get out there racing ahead of time there's a 2-1 big cut from alvarez for more we can go down to tom braducci well that's right you talk about adrenaline adam and he's channeling it in the right direction because we know that can be a blessing or a purse put it this way guys this year dylan threw 2 957 pitches none at 100 miles an hour twice against alex bregman over 100 miles per hour wow great context from tom there a 2-2 pitch to jordan alvarez tried to clip that top of the zone and as we said it feels more left and right not as much up and down for tom helly and strike zone to start i need that one that's too high hi slider you want a high slider neck high i want them all aj he's going to rare back and throw 101 right now let's see you don't have that in the tank anymore way no i never did i'm lucky for 91. here's the payoff changed it up a little bit on him on the inside part of the plate and alvarez will take a lead off walk the first astro base runner tonight that's a big walk you just go out and you score you get a lead you come out and you walk the lead off guy that is the last thing tony larussa wanted to see he'd rather have alvarez hit a home run right there i didn't feel like right we know that him walking him he certainly does not want to do all that lead outfitter i mean that is just how you give the adrenaline or the the uh the momentum right back to the other side and that could be a dangerous thing these these teams are great they're here for a reason these these hitters they react to these big situations with runners on base here's correa taking a strike correa one for eight with three strikeouts in his career against dylan sees seas has cut down on walks significantly in the shortened season last year he led the american lead he was averaging almost five walks per nine innings his first two years in the big leagues that's down under four this year major improvement and he'll challenge right-handed hitters inside he does there it's one and one on correa you talked about defensive efficiency for the astros and the whites on sitting up here in our booth we can see the whole feel the white sox don't shift hardly at all compared to every other team you watch after watching team after team they're pretty much a base defense they there's no shifting moving they do it every occasionally but not like the other teams do this is more classic double play depth for this white sox infield they shifted at the fourth lowest rate in major league baseball this year it may have actually come back to hurt him a little bit in game two whereas it kind of helped houston in particular that play that altuve made up the middle well there was how many base hits from the houston astros right up the middle on ground balls but usually there's a guy standing there but against the white sox in game two they were all base hits all singles just missed at 99. and cease one of that one because he felt like he had one of those earlier now lead off walk and now three and one count on correa leno wants that one too that's about six inches outside though hey i want them all you might not get them but i doesn't mean i don't want them be careful right here i don't care how hard you throw carlos cray in the playoff different animal [Music] try that same spot just missed off the corner it is back-to-back watch for dylan cease to start this second inning so it's going to be an early trip from ethan katz the first year pitching coach for the white sox as we get a look at statcast powered by google cloud you see the walk rate lower than it was his first two years in the big leagues one of the best strikeout pitchers and the whiff percentage and wayne all that means is this guy misses bats and in an era where power is as high as it ever has been you need to miss bats and he can do that at his best you need to get you need to miss bats or you need to get soft contact but i tell you this astros team if you're throwing those thigh high balls and and hip high balls that he's throwing so far even though he's on the corners that's a very dangerous height for this team you got to be above that or below it you can't be in that middle range that's where the ball leaves the park and uh this this astros lineup has guys from top to bottom that punish that thigh high ball so look for him to get back to the knees needs to be back at the knees he needs to be back like at the letters somewhere in between is not going to be the play [Applause] alvarez at second corey at first corey and abreu share a quick moment together a couple of excellent players there here's kyle tucker he's the hottest hitter in the american league for september and october ending the regular season and he has had some big moments in this series in particular in game two [Applause] you call the wino trying to get back to the middle and towards the knees a little bit low that time you've got to simplify in these big moments you got to simplify things what what do i do best what does he do best as a pitcher what can he command the best what can he get in those spots where he'd get this big ground ball that's what he needs right here is to get the ground ball or something soft to contact there's a 1-0 this is down at inside things getting a little bit tricky now for dylan cease this has been a major difference in this series in houston at least runners in scoring position comparison the white sox were three for 19 in the first two games they're two for two tonight they've got the one nothing lead but a runner at second and first cease almost meditative as he gets set for this 2-0 delivery tucker hits it towards the gap in right center long run for robert and garcia and that's going to get down into the wall it's going to score two potentially here comes correa he'll slide in for a 2-1 houston lead and kyle tucker the last two games has been delivering for houston one thing is true now was true 150 years ago you cannot walk people in the postseason you cannot do it especially these great teams you put those free passes out there you're you're opening yourself up for something really bad to happen well not only the free passes then you fall behind a really good fastball hitter 2-0 and you throw one right down the middle and kyle tucker laces it into the gap we know all that momentum the crowd everything remember we talked about hey we need the astros the white sox need to jump on the astros they got an early score and then cease walks two guys now they're behind two to one and now here is the batting champion in the american league julie guriel moved down to the seven hole tonight ahead of the count 1-0 hit 319 to lead the american league but just one for eight in the series he struck out three times in game one dusty baker said he's gonna put a couple of hotter hitters in front of him in particular tucker and take a little pressure off guriel to balance out the bottom of the order 2-0 [Applause] not only does carlos correa hit well in the postseason that's a perfect read by him on that ball in the gap and this turn impeccable perfectly on the inside corner of the bases scores easy alvarez is telling stand up stand up but craig just wanted to get his uniform dirty [Applause] tucker's driven in five in this series a 2-0 off the end of the bat to right garcia tracking it all the way out and he makes the grab tucker will tag from second and take third base one away here in the top of the second inning productive at bat good fundamental baseball right there get him on get him over and let's see if they get them in this has been the difference in the series right the astros even with their outs they're productive outs guriel had a 2-0 count he could have got selfish he could have tried to pull the ball instead he sticks with his plan gets a fastball hits a deep fly ball to right right field and we already have kopeck up in the bullpen for the white sox they are messing around they got no nothing to do but try to win today because there is no tomorrow it's an all hands on deck type of situation once you face elimination tony larussa in that spot tonight the infield brought in here with jake myers the rookie who had an rbi in his first career postseason at bat in game one scored a run as well the strike zone just not there right now for dylan cease he's behind every single guy he is and he's in that weird spot where you're just missing with a lot of pitches yeah then you're like all right i'm just going to bring it back towards the middle a little bit and then all of a sudden it's right down the middle and that's what kyle tugger hit so hard but gosh it's it's it's such a fine line and throwing a great pitch and ball one you know and that's what we're just he's just barely missing those corners right now he's been behind seven of the first eight hitters comes back with a much needed strike and it's 1-1 [Applause] it's on the corner it's a nice off-speed pitch but it's still a little up isn't it i mean that's if i'm if i'm myers right there i'm that's the one i want to hit a fly ball with that's a sac fly pitch all day that's a hanging slider you just kind of stick your barrel out and it goes to right field and you're up three to one [Applause] on the ground past the diving moncada it's three to one houston jake myers coming up big in his first post postseason another slider up it's another breaking ball slider another hanger wayno yeah the infield in mankato has no chance that ball is hit past him before he can basically even react to it have we seen any changeups out of him yet no not one i love that change up he throws two i know you it's his least amount of usage but i i think it's just a really cool pitch is that a pitch that you bust out at any point do you find do you find a time to throw it out there cool and effective or completely different thing i mean it's super cool like bobby jinx the big closer for the way he used to have a knuckleball yeah and he thought it was cool to throw it like in spring training and i'm like yeah but it's not effective and it's not cool for me to catch so stop right but like i mean it's cool but he doesn't throw it to right hand hitters and this lineup is right hand heavy i know he should though he said he's he was on my scouting tape a lot this year and he's one of those pitchers that i kind of fast forward through because i go well i don't throw 100 and i don't throw sure sure my fastballs his slider is so uh buddy this guy has incredible talent incredible incredible talent i want to see him get back now if people listen at home i always root for the pitchers just know that okay i'm not cheering for the white sixer but i do want to see him get back on top of the baseball right here drop this sucker downhill get somebody to hit a ground ball for him right here one to maldonado [Music] the changeup is a pitch that sees really didn't throw much in high school he said it became sort of an average high school fastball he was a little bit worried to use it in the minors trying to manipulate bats but he has had moments this year where he feels really good about it the tigers can tell you that use it a lot against detroit we had a pitcher named anthony reyes when i was coming up and he had a 25 20 mile an hour off his fastball change up and it was unhittable warner goes pitches upstairs grondel's throw to second not in time myers lifted three bags during the regular season he has one of the playoffs here and a man in scoring position with only one out for maldonado now we discussed this earlier myers picks a great pitch to run on o2 he's pi he's thinking okay here comes a breaking ball from cease he gets one he just outruns the ball not a bad throw by gundall but we have discussed in game one especially you can run on the white sox you can run on grundle you can run on collins if he's back there they gave up the most stolen bases in major league baseball this year so you can run that's a big base because that keeps them out of the double play and that almost guarantees you that jose altuve will get a chance with runner in scoring position now two and two on maldonado and now i gotta start asking you wayne how far does larussa go with cease until kopeck is this his last hitter does he give him try to get him through this inning like at what point are you like enough is enough i gotta i gotta go get the weapon i have down there in the bullpen looks like he's getting hot down there to me i'm sure tony's patience is wearing thin because he's he's gotta play this like it's their last right now and kopeck tony larussa wants to put him in a clean inning if possible but he may not have that choice this at bat is big sees to maldonado a 2-2 fouled away you see him use his stuff up in the zone and there's nothing wrong with that because he has the swinging mitt fat miss fastball he probably has great carry on his ball and probably gets a lot of swinging misses underneath the ball and that's great but we need to see him throw his fastball up there we need to see if he uses off speed down you know off of that so but i still think there's a time and place for both you work up you work down you work the off speed underneath it off of it in these spots he liked his slider he got a lot of misses on that this year 2-2 missed down it away with a fastball well he's not comfortable the misses started off small now they're getting bigger right they're getting larger misses at the beginning of this inning first inning listen he got some pitches in the first inning i mean i'm having behind the plane he gave him a couple here and there but this inning those misses have gone from a few inches to six eight inches yanking ball that might be what you talked about the adrenaline wearing off 27th pitch of the inning coming a 3-2 there's the lawnmower that was tom hallian special behind the plate demonstrative strikeout call it's a big one for cease and there's two away this ball we just talked about tom halli and giving him some off the plane that falls off the flame a couple inches i know says i want that pitchman that's paint aj that's that's a ball that's painted well maldonado is going to want that too right absolutely the opposing catcher i love having a pitcher and a catcher up here can't wait for these spirited debates back to the top of the order and here it is aj wanted him to tell me what i was catching that's right i was gonna say when you were here hopefully altuve flew out to right his first time [Music] up is with that off speed pitch that looks better that's a better miss there he was on top of that ball had better break better sharper break and you saw where the location was that's a it's a pitch a lot of people are going to swing at right there looking for 99. but he's thrown so many off speed pitches now a lot of these asteroids these guys are veteran guys they've been around they've seen all this right they know hey altuve first at bat first pitch breaking ball i saw a lot of breaking ones these guys know they learn they talk altuve had good numbers as you mentioned earlier against cease he's ahead of the count here 2-0 looks a little late to me honestly i think that the ball needs to come out of here earlier he needs to get that thing in the right spot so he can get on top out front of the ball but you lose your legs a little bit that adrenaline catches or sneaks up on you a little bit you lose your legs you start really trying to heave the ball a little bit looks like he's just a little late with his hand break to me kind of yank that fastball a little outside three and up turning the ruse on the phone i wonder if maybe this is the last batter green light 3-0 i mean it's the face of your franchise right he's got you got a young pitcher on the ropes i i think i think i'm with you i think does he want dusty dusty wants kopeck in this game as soon as possible does the more pitches kopeck has to throw in this game the bit less of a chance if the white sox win they'll see him in four or five that was the criticism of not using michael kopeck in game two because you had the off day on saturday now if you pitch kopeck deep and you win this game you may not use them for game four but again all of that is dependent on getting out of game three astros have scored three times and cease is done here in game three one and two thirds he's responsible for both men on base and michael brantley coming to the plate michael kopeck is on for the first time in this series part of the chris sale trade that brought he and johan monkatta to the white sox attacks brantley with the first pitch and misses inside left-handers miss a lot against kopech he's got a good arsenal and you've heard the guys talk about it in studio you've heard people here in chicago talk about it he is a weapon for the sox and they're using him here in a desperate time in game three well you never know you never know when the biggest spot of a game is gonna be and right now three to one with two outs it might be right now they get out of this inning right now it might win them the game so that's tony's got to manage it like that well tony didn't want to bring him in with guys on base or in the middle of an inning so i'm surprised he didn't use maybe a lopez or ruiz to kind of get one more out clear the decks and then have kopeck start the next inning might tell you a little bit about how important this is right now there's a strike from kopeck or i might tell you tony heard a little bit of criticism [Applause] and i know what cease is thinking over there too he's he's feeling like he let this entire city down this entire organization down he's feeling pretty low right now he's going to learn a lot from this experience it's the sometimes it's the bad ones that that carry you better and farther into your career than the good ones one on brantley there's that fastball but it just missed another guy throwing 100 miles an hour you know everybody everybody and their grandma throws 100 miles an hour now so are you a grandfather i think i'm a grandpa so i i what i want to know is do the white sox envision kopeck as a future starter are they going to keep him he's been such a weapon for them in the bullpen is he is he a starter down the road is he along uh closer brantley lives it in the air to left jimenez is there and kopeck comes on and gets out of the inning but three runs across against dylan cease the two run double from tucker the big blow and a 3-1 astros lead to the bottom of the second [Music] and welcome back to alds game three kind enough to be joined here by white sox pitching coach ethan katz ethan it looked like dylan in that first inning channeled his adrenaline second inning two walks brought you out to the mound what was the difference that you saw yeah i mean you're just getting bad counts we really want to control the lead off guys especially with you know their their team and the strike zone discipline they have um you know it's unfortunate walk the first couple guys and now now we're in this position you have kopeck now in the game what can we expect from him in terms of length um he's good to go he's we got him built out that's why we stretched him out at the end of the season you know he can go five evenings if maybe um we'll pay attention see how the game goes and consumers uh nathan thanks so much for joining us thank you back to you adam tom thank you garcia facing gavin sheets to begin this bottom half of the second inning and oh two to sheets and down he goes swinging it 95 on the fastball to sheets and there's one down first strike out of the night oh louise garcia tom just ethan castro said he could go five innings he's done it one time this year he's gone four innings one time this year but that was really early in the year five innings that's that's that's i think you started that that's it's gonna be an interesting question that i imagine some folks are gonna talk about this i mean if he can go five innings why not in game two after geolito comes out let him run the rest of the game in a tie game well you know yeah i mean i hear you i mean cece has been had a good year though you know he deserves a start but that's hard to disagree with what you said there if he can go five man that stuff i don't know well if he can go five he could pitch game three and you have rodon was great for him all year he's questionable as hell so if they win this game they have to pitch him but why not go kopeck have or cease game three kopeck game four vice versa and have rodon maybe as a long guy swing guy garcia on leori garcia there's the big sweeping breaking ball and it's low great report tom thanks for the insight by the way yeah ethan katz was kind enough to let us know first year pitching coach for the white sox taking over for the long-standing don cooper garcia's one for seven in the series luis deals to liuri and just missed luis garcia 24 years of age from venezuela debuted last september he's got a really good cutter that he uses often against righties it's a lot of swings and misses and strikeouts off that the slider change up and curveball to mix in as well signed as an international free agent in 2017. five appearances one start in 2020's shortened season yuri fouls it away and it's two balls and two strikes he's throwing 94 miles an hour and it looks like it looks almost slow compared to those guys for the white sox we're throwing 100 miles an hour it's crazy to me but he's locating it he's going up and down he's mixing in that cutter like you said he's mixing it up man that's he's pitching out there the rock the step back and a 2-2 and larry garcia went around according to lance barrett back-to-back strikeouts to start this second inning for luis garcia well it might look like that to you ayno but the way the white sox last two hitters have reacted it looks like it's 120. this would wear me out if i was pitching you should try this next year when you come back love to see six foot six adam wainwright do this next year he does he's got a little little rhythm out there huh he's dancing that would wear you out wouldn't it just tire yet i've are we comparing apples and oranges essentially here aj here's hernandez another switch hitter batting lefty and i'll foul one back i like i like the movement though you know he's not too you know just still out there he's not stiff he looks like he's you know flow he's like he's uh composing something out there right he's he's he's dancing he's he's creating some kind of art piece right now and it's really cool to watch i think he just rocked the baby right there a little bit he light he locked rocked the baby before he went to his motion there's a 1-1 there's that fast ball at 95 at the end of the year garcia's average fastball velocity had gone back up he threw his hardest in the month of july right around 94. that velocity went down in the month of august under 93 there was a little bit of concern but he's pitched a little less deep into games in the second half and that saved some of his velocity as he threw well over 93 average in the month of september he's throwing 95.96 tonight [Music] you know what's cool about baseball too he wins this game or you know has a great career there's there's going to be kids in venezuela everywhere practicing that same little rocking motion he's doing right now clocks into a 2-2 and misses the count runs full on the nine hitter for the white side i can remember mimikin john smoltz sure when he when he would take his hands over his his head and get into his delivery because it my double a coach said you need a little a little rhythm out there you're too stiff you know you just and it causes you to yank balls a little movement with the hands a little movement with the body sometimes can get you real comfortable into your into your delivery there's the payoff and hernandez is aboard with a two-out walk to turn it over to anderson [Music] and tim anderson is the spotlight of our player resume it is sponsored by indeed three straight years he has hit over 300 he's had the best batting average in the major leagues over this last three-year stretch we already talked about it we know we've said it a couple of times but this guy's the rock of this lineup excellent basketball player at hillcrest high school in tuscaloosa not a guy that even really wanted to play professional baseball it was just something he was doing because he was athletic and needed to play his sport but his junior year he finally started playing baseball after multiple injuries in basketball received one scholarship offer to junior college he's the tying run early in this game in the second with two out on the ground to short correa with the backhand gonna retire his counterpart and will garcia leaves a man stranded we played two in game three a two run houston league [Music] three to one lead and we're kind enough to be joined by houston manager dusty baker right after michael kopeck delivers this first pitch just so you well know there's an old saying in this game when you're walking you're hitting your team has 12 walks in 18 trips to the plate in this series what do you see from your hitters up and down the lineup well these guys are you know having quality at bats and they're swinging at strikes and uh if you swing at strikes most of the time you're going to hit and uh i'll tell you these guys got electric arms over there but they still got to come across the plate one of your hitters who did exactly that kyle tucker got the count of 2-0 took advantage of fastball you moved him up in the lineup today why did you move him up and what do you see in the series kyle well i'll tell you uh kyle's been swinging the back great and uh carlos been swinging the back great as he usually does during the playoffs and so i moved him up you know back to back i move you know yuli down he's not swinging quite as good as they are or nearly as hot dusty thanks so much for joining us off the glove of kopec and monkana nor anderson has a play on it tom we thank you and dusty for your time bregman is aboard to start off this top half of the third inning for houston best part of that interview besides the information dusty gave us and tom's questions because when that ball was hit you could hear dusty rooting for his guy that's a knock you hear him in the background yeah that's him not get off his glove and it is a base hit on the infield off the glove of kopec you know what i appreciated about what he said too is in in today's game it's important to understand all the back numbers and the things that reasons why you know spin rates and all that kind of stuff it's important it really isn't important to understand that but it's also important to understand the simple things too they're swinging at good pitches they're taking good at bats you know they're they're they're hitting balls in the middle of the plate and they're taking the balls that aren't i mean that's that's baseball at its finest and that's that's a good way to succeed at this game alvarez walked back in the second inning and scored one of three runs alvarez another cuba native 24 years of age and consistent all year really the month of july was the only rough month he had every time you look at his numbers and splits they were consistent he fouls one away and it's quickly nothing in two from kopeck to alvarez [Applause] shift is on the right side against the left-handed hitting alvarez kopeck gets the strikeout 97 to freeze alvarez one away that is a nasty pitch in a nasty location you couldn't have done anything with even if you just swung look at the movement on that ball and tom holland he can't wait lawn mower just comes back hits the corner perfectly that's a perfect pitch wait when i was if i was catching and tom how i saw tom howie and i'd come up and i'd say listen tom i know you love to ring guys up just before just please wait until the pitch hits the glove because he was already struggling three before the pitch would even get halfway to home plate is that oh that's great you got you got it you got a good good one yeah is like halfway there you can hear him yelling you're like come on tom give me a chance i have to be much more careful because tom's still going to umpire some of my games that's right tom i think you're doing a great job bud listening anything else you want to say to the home plate umpires around baseball right now you have the let you have the microphone it's a thankless job umpires at home we love you you're doing great you know i just want you to know we support you and you're special he he listen he's actually a really good opera i don't want you to think that but there are certain umpires you know when you go into the game listen this is he's going to ring you up at some point you just don't want him to do that because all your friends are watching on tv and they see tom valley and lawnmower and you're just like here we go again you know what why not why not why not have something cool like that when i was a kid we had an umpire named terry and if he's if he locked you up on one and you didn't swing he'd go i got a corner three to make a production out of it and that's fun man i think the fans want to see tom hallian bring it up again kopeck to correa a one-two pitch coming [Applause] foul back and out of play it is the 10th division series for tom hallion has a playoff umpire he's worked five league championship series and a world series as well kopeck had 15 pitches thus far those two starts we talked about where he went five innings in four innings 87 and 65 pitches his season high and relief came last week last sunday in the regular season finale against detroit he threw 51 pitches in relief on the ground to the left side anderson hustles the throw to second and gets the lead runner in bregman it'll be a fielder's choice for the second out corey is at first safely such a good play right there to get the lead runner on and not easy angle for him to throw that ball to second right there keeps the the runner at first base out of scoring position where this team has done such a good job it's just a great play in the good speed you're probably not going to get him at first honestly well plus bregman's been banged up with his legs right tim anderson knows that so he knows it's an easier route that ball is deep in the whole career it's probably going to beat it out if he goes across the diamond so it's a really well played defensive play by tim anderson that is something that anderson has worked on a lot it has been a career season in terms of metrics for tim anderson defensively had a lot of errors early in his career he's really cleaned that up here's kyle tucker who had a two run double in that three run second tucker lifts one the other way pretty well struck jimenez ranging back at the track it's gone kyle tucker having a post season it's 5-1 houston his second home run in as many games [Music] that ball just kept going [Applause] did you think he got that yes you did that's the exact same flight path as the home run he hit off kimbrough the other day [Applause] boxes when they went about the same distance man that this that ball just did not come down i thought it was a fly ball and it just kept going and going and going good swing uneasiness has quickly settled in here at guaranteed rate field julie guriel swings and misses opposite field shot once again for tucker for seamer that's not a bad pitch right you'd be pretty happy with that pitch wayno down and away but khan you don't want to get kyle tucker to get his arms extended he did it the other day against kimbo and that ball silenced the crowd good off speed pitch for kopeck nothing at two it wasn't it wasn't terrible i mean it's right out there you know i mean it might be a touch above the knees but it's out there how good does dusty baker look right now switching tucker and guriel four rbis for tucker only in the third inning went around and that'll do it for the astros in the third but kyle tucker a 24 year old from tampa the number five pick in 2015 the same year alex bregman was drafted going up against a high level pick and michael kopech a high leverage spot and tucker delivers a 5-1 astros lead through two and a half here in game three knight in a 5-1 astros lead to the bottom of the third luis robert jose abreu yasmani grand all good part of this white sox order robert flew out to center field back in the first and he's had an excellent start to this series trying to get on base against luis garcia who sees one get fouled back in his head nothing at two well the white sox have to score they have to score now they they can't take a chance of it's 5-1 now way no if they fall any farther behind this could get ugly really quick because the astros will just keep piling on they're not going to stop scoring so the astros this is the inning two three four the white talks have to figure out a way to at least get one and get them some momentum back on their side he started off with three fastballs in a row here one though painted at the knees down and away the next one belt high away on the corner and the next one let's let's just see if you'll go a little higher on the chase there it was good pitching almanado's setting up and it's fouled away once again four straight heaters away now let's see if he comes back off speed here i think he's seen the tape on robert too robert had a postseason home run against oakland last year that went 487 feet off of mike fires in game three lays off of that one that was off speed down it away how about this so far through two and three innings here two and two two games and another two innings white sox have 20 hits in this series all singles houston has eight extra base hits five doubles three homers two homers by the right fielder kyle kyle tucker and just barely two in the third game robert tried to lay off the breaking ball and does cow runs full on luis robert this is the offensive comparison astros scoring 14 more runs white sox all singles that [Applause] payoff pitch from garcia and robert will believe take first base you're still waiting to figure out the count it's like yeah we're good he wanted to hit that's right now retire are you sure can i get one more swing while we have a moment let's go to kevin burkhart in los angeles with the game break what's happened in the other series kb [Applause] [Applause] wow that was a controversial play in that 13th inning and then the red sox finish it off i got to start we know next year you tell your outfielders if a ball hits the wall just knock it over the fence i thought the umpires had the discretion to let a guy score if they think he was going to score on something like that but i guess not that was crazy i don't think i've ever seen that before a ball come back into play off a fielder and go back over the fence now you know you guys got to work on that in spring training oh will he be getting that willie mcgee hear that have him hit balls off the fence have your outfitters practice knocking him over the fence we should also practice on not giving balls up off the fence a brave big cut in that breaking ball and it's nothing at two game four that series with the red sox one step away from the american league championship series they'll look for the series win on fs1 tomorrow this is a big at that right here huge you got the middle of the lineup up runners on first your guys up your your main man's up to bat i know he's got a tough count against him right now but let's see what he can do [Applause] breaking ball down and away keeping an eye on robert who remember in game one was cut down by maldonado trying to steal second base four on deficit right now though not sure how aggressive the white sox will be especially with abraham at the plate now they may try to stay out of the double play here with robert at least moving a little bit no chance you know you you don't you just want to let you're willing to give up a double play because you know bray who might get something to hit that he can handle and knock out okay the whole right side of the field is already open i think jose brady right here is trying to put one to right i went waving at that one down low another good breaking ball from garcia he wasn't playing on that nasty curveball though from garcia when you get down in moments like this too i think it's important to not try to do it all with one swing you know like just just get back any way you can just just chip away get one here get one there you know you all of a sudden you get two here it's five three now you're back in the game even if you score one right here it's five two you're feeling a lot better about it you kind of flip the momentum a little bit you just gotta like aj said a minute ago you gotta get something going positively for your own side shift is on for grandall with one on and one out there's that breaking ball again wow good news is it's the third inning yep it's the third end there's a lot of baseball left and these teams are here because they found ways to win a lot of different games a lot of different ways so we'll see what happens well the problem is garcia looks like he's starting to find the breaking ball and that's bad news for the white sox comes back with a nice change up that's a great combo right there curveball and then change up right after a hitter that sees straight they think it's going to be a fastball and all of a sudden change up you swing and miss you're going what what did he just throw right there see that's funny because when i first came up which was a long long time ago i was told never do curveball change up because you'd already slowed the guy down but now i agree with you 0-2 i thought the same thing and it was something i had not used until this year and i thought especially since change up was my fourth pitch there's the nice curveball and then look at that same arm action right there with perfect location down and away that's impossible to hit man so i wasn't a big believer until there's a guy who's still pitching named joaquin soria and he was with kansas city he would always throw curveball change over he until we figured out his pattern and then he came over and played with me in texas and we talked about it and he's like oh that's a great combination now you see more and more guys doing doing that combination is i think martine maldonado is like i was going to say i think wino's reaction oh my goodness gave me a lot he just leaned back in his chair you know that should have been called straight through i'm on camera right now i can't react i see i want that one though but you know what's cool is this guy's mixing all his pitches in for strikes and they got to be ready for 95 so they can't hit you know the curveball but then they got to be ready there all of a sudden now he's throwing change-ups for strikes too man you don't know what's coming fastball high that time to run the count full so brondall after being down 0-2 as he often does works to count full he walked his first time this is how you get back in it right here he if he if he puts grand all on now you now you've got something working with a very dangerous hitter who's got the only rbi for the other side up on dead payoff pitch to grandahl fouled away talked about grandahl who had a career-low swing rate this year he was more aggressive as the season went on but when it comes down to postseason play grandahl hasn't hit particularly well in his career but he is patient seventh straight postseason appearance for yasmani grandad almost 40 games played another payoff from garcia coming rondale sends it in the air to left brantley ranging back at the wall and it's gone first extra base into the series for the sox gets them back within two [Applause] brent strom making his way out to talk with garcia it is postseason home run number six for yasmani grandahl and the sox are back within a pair well change up up in a lead off walk again scores a change of up to grand all much like kyle tucker the wind's blowing out apparently the left those flags are moving that ball went far wayne wasn't sure it was going out i would but i was i was as soon as he hit it i was like here we go now that one i felt like it was going to go farther than tucker's ball for whatever reason but i'm actually surprised he even swung at that i think it was because the other two fastballs before that were up and away also so he threw the change up right off that exact same spot [Music] he's got tremendous power though he does he can backspin the ball with the best of it and that's really all you can ask from the white sox side right there now they're back in the game the crowds rocking again they were kind of like all right should we go ahead and start heading to the parking lot or what do we need to do and now all of a sudden they're back in it here's jimenez swinging at the first pitch charging correa with the glove fires away just got jimenez in time and there are two down in the third what a play crowd rocking ball chopped it's ball correa doesn't make this play the crowd gets even wilder even crazier nice play comes in gets it over the top perfect throw [Applause] i mean just great great play by carlos correa right there with a very dangerous hitter coming up in mankato this guy you know they don't get that out right there's one out of runner on first and this guy he swings a lot of pitches another plate but he doesn't swing it hardly anything outside of the zone he's got a very good idea of the strike zone i'll take one to start i remember our pitchers meeting mike maddox that this guy will not chase he will not chase your your stuff outside the zone now he will chase down because he likes the ball down in the zone a little bit a career low strikeout rate this year for moncada and a career high walk rate this season for johan he's not chasing left and right he might chase down but he's not chasing left and right and he's got good vision of the plate from both sides the switch hitter who has been very good from both sides almost even numbers down the right field line may have hooked it though and he did one ball and two strikes on monkana can we show his chain again please look at that which one he might have upgraded that by the way that's an upgrade right there from okada that is wow i always wonder what i look like right there you know with a big diamond i think you should ask you want to just try it on and make sure you snap before you think i can pull it off sure you can you got to own it buddy into right field that's down for a base hit okada's second hit of the series and it extends the inning with two away well that's the one thing monkatta has done better this year besides not chasing he's hit breaking balls really really well he's killed breaking balls especially breaking balls in the zone in the years past he had chased him he had missed him this year you throw him a breaking ball for a strike he's getting hits and he's doing damage off of him yep very good strike breaking ball hitter okada and guriel at first base both cuba curiel now the all-time postseason leader among cuban players in hits and rbis [Applause] here's gavin sheets who struck out his first time [Applause] the rookie who played 54 games during the regular season hit 11 home runs five of which came in the last five weeks of the year now as louise garcia has labored a bit here in the third christian javier is loosening up for the second time in this series he did not pitch in game two on the ground pull the foul [Applause] there's a walk that started this rally wasn't it robert walked after he was down in the count nothing in two and came back to draw the lead off walk abreu struck out grandal the opposite field homer to left and then has a ground out on a good correa play and montana with a two out single sometimes there's a pitcher you're up five to one you try so hard not to give up a four run homer with nobody on base you know you got to attack those hitters right away sheets into right field that's down for a base hit montana will stop at second white sox putting together a rally and the tying run is on base here in the bottom of the third against garcia and exactly what the white sox needed to do like you said bueno chip away chip away chip away now it's 5-3 and they have a chance here one swing of the bow by garcia to take the lead [Music] [Applause] so many offenses are good momentum-based offenses too you get that ball rolling the next guy can't wait to get up there and as a pitcher you've got to just do whatever you can to stop that right away before that wheel starts turning too big because these lineups are can be really really dangerous well here's a momentum stopper let's slow this down i remember kenny rogers remember kenny rogers the pitcher yep played with him one year and he said listen the guys get on base i'm going to put the game to a halt and i said why he said just trying to take the air out of the ball i want them to have to wait on me i'm going to throw it slower and slower and make them wait because when the offenses get rolling like you said bueno they want to get up there and get going first pitch let's go let's go let's go now quick work from draftkings hey better better this postseason bet one dollar to win 100 if either team gets a hit download the app sign up with the promo code and make it rain two on two out bottom third the number eight hitter is larry garcia who struck out his first time against garcia louise de laori again [Applause] and the dirt on that breaking ball to start one another houston's showing a lot of faith in their rookie pitcher right here i appreciate it you know they're starting pitching sometimes is what gets you to the postseason so i like seeing them trust the guy who's had a great season right now he's got a lot of big moments for him this year and a big moment right here he's got the good breaking ball that's the one pitch that leory garcia struggles with most [Applause] 1-0 2-0 javier was already loosening up and now yimi garcia who pitched in game two but that great fastball is loosening up and here comes dusty baker to make a change never mind sticking he's seen enough they tried to stick with garcia to try to get out of the inning but back to back two out singles from moncada and sheets in this inning to get the tying runs on base and finally the white sox get an extra base hit in the alds it comes off the bat of grandau i cut the lead in half it's five to three [Applause] yummy garcia is it yeah shrewd moved by dusty baker when maldonado went out to the mound he changed his mind and he got yimi garcia up in the bullpen instead of javier why yini garcia is his best option with inherited runners and we talk about the white sox facing elimination dusty baker managing with that same kind of urgency game two numbers pitch two-thirds of an inning so he got three garcias in this at bat first it was luis de la hoya now it's yimmy to leary and it's 3-0 on lyori 2-0 you don't see them you don't see very often where the manager changes pitchers in the middle of an at-bat garcia was the first man out of the pen to relieve from valdez in game two his 3-0 back with a strike [Applause] fastball slider curveball mostly leory garcia sends one a deep center field and the right shots are taking the lead in game three good that was a blast dead center the first career postseason home run for laurie garcia the longest tenured member on this roster has just put the white sox back in front after five unanswered by houston chicago has five here in the bottom of the third [Music] incredible what one walk and one swing by friend dawg can do change the momentum of this game change the crowd now the white sox are ahead just a 3-1 heater he gets it up i already mentioned that the ball is flying out but that hit the batter's eye yeah i know dusty baker knows his team better than i do but the match-up of luis garcia throwing his breaking balls to fiore garcia is a better matchup for me than jimmy garcia coming in already down 2-0 guess what he's going to see a heater 2-0 which he did and he saw heater 3-0 and then he saw heater 3-1 and he hit a three-run homer two balls and two strikes on fernandez 404 foot shot from leori garcia from the eight hole talked about lineup these lineups man they're deep and they're strong all the way to the bottom 436 feet out your eight hole that's that's pretty impressive two and two on hernandez got him at the knees with a fastball to end the inning but what an inning it was for the white sox they hadn't had an extra base hit in the first two plus games rondale the two-run home run to cut the lead in half and then leori garcia the super utility the longest tenured white shot a three-run blast we're through three in game three a one-run game [Applause] [Applause] through three to the fourth six five white sox in a back and forth game three two nothing series lead for the astros laurie garcia his first career playoff home run a three-run shot off of yimi garcia dusty baker's decision backfires and it's six to five white sox dylan cease taken off the hook for chicago there's a no one from michael kopeck to jake quickly nothing in myers rbi single for myers back in the three-run second inning a two-run home run by tucker put houston up five to one before the five-run third for chicago kopeck home with an o2 close pitch one and two so how long can michael kopeck go that's the question that is the question to 23 pitches so far we told you his career high in relief was 51 last week we can go five innings we heard it earlier that that is a starter earlier this year this is a huge inning though i mean this is a big thing put a zero up right here that'll be huge for the white sox get that shut down inning after the big inning to get back in the game and get on top of the of the game actually be a huge zero right here one suit of myers [Music] kopeck 25 years of age from longview texas originally drafted in the first round in 2014 by the boston red sox you mentioned it he was one of the big pieces in the johann moncado chris sale trade he and moncada have been important pieces for the white sox here's martine maldonado kopeck's been used as both a starter and a reliever four starts this season three of them came in the back ends of double headers there's some time due to injury in the middle of the year there's the fastball at 98. and it's 1-1 on martine maldonado who's still looking for his first hit of the series i like this guy's stuff a lot i mean obviously it goes without saying but i mean he's moving it in and out he's controlling he's moving up and down he's got a good breaking ball to go off of it i don't know why you wouldn't want this guy to start honestly injuries injury history there's a 1-1 off the fist a defensive swing from maldonado and it's one and two the ball took off got halfway and exploded this is self-defense ball's gonna hit him if he doesn't i'm gonna swing right here oh no i'm gonna get hit right here in the dirt it's the right idea he sped him up he you know he's starting early when he swung at a pitch that almost hit him in the belly button he's getting he's having to get going early because he's got such a great fastball so you know if you could throw a nice breaking ball at the bottom of the zone down in the way he's going to swing in this if he is even able to swing at it so guys starting early like that you can exploit it with some spin how about i just rush him up yeah or that 2-2 how many times though you know well you're a pitcher so you don't know [Music] but as a hitter you see a hitter swing at one end up and then you throw in the two strikes you get up and in and then you're like oh here comes the breaking ball as a hitter they dive out and those two tanks showed me right there he was looking break there's no way you can take that swing and then take those breaking balls if you're not looking for them it's a good take for sure three and two on maldonado kopeck one of the best put away pitchers this year maldonado spoils a pitch there to stay alive he used to be a hitter aj as i've gotten older it's harder to see that spin oh what did we talk about when i saw you in st louis and you're in the wild card game i said come on now you need to get a hit you said first pitch slider you're going to go deep off shoulders didn't happen but i was button the situation changed for a lack of trying to have to admit it was not for a lack of trying i tried to hit it back to brunswick where i'm from and came up a little messy a little missed there's a payoff to maldonado down at 101 at the knees and maldonado can't believe it he has struck out twice on fastballs and both times maldonado was certainly curious about the call when he turned around as tom hallian about it curious yes um that's one nice way to let's put it that's the way to put it um yeah 101 usually you drop the bat and act like that i mean there you go got the tom hallian going just hop into it we got somebody make that into a gif pete please aj doing the hallian lawnmower aj when you go back out there you got to look at tom and say hey i need that same pitch for my pitcher right of course i also you say some bad words and let him know that he didn't appreciate him ringing you up twice well it's three straight strikeouts for kopeck and for the last six on stripes back to the top in altuve ahead of the count 1-0 [Applause] ooh way inside 2-0 the count altuve has reached base safely in 19 straight division series games he's always gotten off the hot starts in the playoffs been one of the best playoff power hitters in major league history been a career-high home run number this year with 31 in the regular season 18 career post-season home runs and 40 rbis the most by a second basement in playoff history hope comes back with a strike two low breaking ball yep he's an amazing player there's so many ways that jose altuve can beat you you know you just wouldn't think looking at him that he would have as much power as he does and he you know steals the big base when he needs to makes the great defensive play like he did a couple games ago when he needs to he he's just an incredible baseball player he's got incredible instincts on defense and offensively he's a great player ahead of the count three and one be careful right here be careful on this pitch white talks just took the lead 3-1 home run by leori garcia jose altuve's got one thing on mine right here he's thinking i'm going to get the head out for 99 from kopak and i'm going to see if i can make this six to six right here and altuve when he gets the head out oftentimes pulls the ball to left field he's got a lot of pull power key to getting him out is keeping the ball down he loves the ball up 3-1 elevated fastball and he did not chase it is a two-out walk for altuve his second walk of the night so that's one time through the order now for michael kopeck [Music] will face brantley with two down this is what the astros have done with two outs in this series so far nine of their runs have come with two outs out of the 20 day of score oh those two out walks about walks being a huge issue and obviously that's the case in just about every postseason series but they've been quite prevalent in the first two plus games in this set brantley's over two not stealing bags at the rate that he used to five for eight this season during the regular campaign the white sox prior to the bottom of the third had scored in four innings in this series the astros had answered three times so the shutdown inning after the white sox have scored has been rare a big opportunity for kopeck to try to get out with no damage done in the lead intact that's why he's trying to keep altuve close because if altuve lifts second a base hit from brantley ties the game yeah i'm putting all my i want my pitcher to focus on 23 at the plate right listen now duvet steals right here great he's still got to get a hit 23 so for me i'm grendal i'm saying listen michael let's just get this guy if this guy gets out nothing else matters if altuve still second third you still get brantley out guess what it doesn't matter so get focused that's just taking attention away from the thing you need which is the hitter first one just a little low and see that altuve on first slide step went from 195 first pitch to michael brown again get the guy hit the plate maybe he's just trying that little baby sinker at the bottom zone trying to get him to roll herself i wish i could just get me over baby sinker 95 mile an hour pitch that'd be great [Applause] [Music] the other way into left field that's what michael brantley does uses all fields as well as anybody in a single his first hit of the night back to back two out base runners for the astros here in the fourth and now bregman coming up those two out walks i'm telling you they are they're from the devil they are they just they just extend those innings and you know there's no holes in this astros lineup so you know you walk in and all of a sudden you got you got you walked off two bay now you got brantley up okay well he won a couple batting titles or real close to it oh well he hit a single okay now you got bregman up and then you got alvarez up i mean that's just this is a tough lineup to navigate through for any pitcher but if anybody can do it this kopec can do it about it singled on the infield in the third off of the glove of kopec struck out on that 100 mile an hour heater from cease back in the first [Music] side with a fastball and then see he went back to the high leg kick he's not worried about how touve stealing third 98 jump jumped it three four five miles an hour that is amazing what was the velo on the changeup did you see 90 89.8 1-0 back up the middle and into center field altuve around third here comes the throw it is cut off and alex bregman has tied the game at six apiece a two-out rally from the astros here in the fourth [Applause] what what a game first of all nobody like gets the lead and wants to hold on to it right but two-hour walks the devil walk as you said right now i mean and then what i mean it just takes this ball right here and just belts up the middle bregman two-out hit i mean it's incredible these two teams what they've done tonight with two outs and what the astros have done this whole series in big moments i mean it's hit after hit after hit in these big moments it's incredible this is a heavyweight fight right here they're just knocking each other around and come back but you know those things that you notice when you're up here in the booth that you don't really notice when you're on the mound you know the two out walk you're not thinking anything you got two outs nobody on you know a really tough hitter at the plate but you're thinking all right i'm just gonna pitch him really tough and i'll get the next guy but then all of a sudden you know geez the deck the problem is he has a 14-game hitting streak that's michael brown well we have a moment a quick word from lone depot the home smells like citrus our home smells a lot like fresh cut flowers it's just that feeling of coming in and you're like i'm home tony larussa has ryan tapara loosening up in the white sox bullpen now he pitched in inning in game two two on two out in the fourth the astros have tied the game with a run across they've scored in three straight innings jordan alvarez has walked and struck out he scored when he reached base on that lead off walk in the second bregman single has tied the game is it six to six in the fourth year oh man but you weren't kidding this one feeling like a heavyweight fight oh man it feels like it's a furious fury wilder the other night they just kept knocking each other down right until finally somebody couldn't get up but right here okay so the white sox we talked about they don't shift a lot this right here with this guy hitting i don't love the shift right here full shift right because this guy's so good he's pit kovacs going to pitch him away he's not going to challenge him because this guy hit one alvarez hit one 500 feet right the whole left side of the infield's wide open all he's got to do is get one of those fastballs away get a little ground ball to the normal shortstop and it's 7-6 astros career ops 950 against right-handers 9 45 against left-handers so already a good indication of how he can use all fields against different sided pitchers those are really good numbers we saw it in game two when he got the hit to left right or up the middle off of the left-handed pitcher right off of crochet was it crochet or bummer did that against bummer bummer yeah that was the one to take the lead here the rbi to center in the seventh inning the astros are three for six tonight runners in scoring position they're hitting 440 with him in the three games of this series so far timely hitting something that often pops up in these conversations during postseason series two and one on alvarez he had a timely hit he got one off of garrett crochet back in june for a walk off one of the five regular season wins for the astros in seven meetings the two white sox wins came at this ballpark in july against houston the 2-1 foul back chance to get out of this inning with only one across and the game tied here they come in chicago you gotta love that crowd trying to get their team out of this big jam right here get them back in the dugout [Applause] about 40 000 umpires all thought the inning was over well only wayno wanted that ball that ball's inside it's a great tank it's a good pitch it's in good pitch good take that guy wanted it more than you did three and two runners will be moving on this pitch with two outs in the fourth fouled away again goodness what a battle oh yeah holy man i'm exhausted fourth only by the way speaking of exhausting kopeck's at 46 pitch that's right i told you 51 is career high out of relief five innings going to be tough tonight he's only had two innings unless he's going to hit 100 plus pitches which there's no chance tony larusso will allow him to get to 100 plus pitches this might he gets out of this this might be it after the adrenaline and everything trying to put the spell on alvarez another 3-2 he stuck him out it's been a back and forth three and a half innings in game three astros come back to tie it bregman the rbi but the strikeout from kopeck gets alvarez to close the inning i guess some credit goes to that gentleman right there [Music] binnings in relief allows the tying run but limits the damage it's six to six to the bottom of the fourth tim anderson's aggressive but he'll take here and a strike from jimmy garcia nothing in one anderson a single and a run scored in the bottom of the first then six unanswered five unanswered beggar pardon by houston the sox scored five in the third the astros scored one in the top of the inning outside and it's one and one on anderson who continues to extend that major league record in the postseason 14 hits in the first six career postseason games there's a strike near the top of the zone one and two on tim anderson and zach grenke who is shifting to the bullpen for the postseason at least for this series is beginning to loosen up dusty baker said if he used grenkey he would like to use him at the start of a clean inning if possible keep him in line with his starting routine two and two you've done you've started and closed pitched out of the bullpen is there a difference does that mean something starting a clean ending why can't you just come in with guys on base and get them out well a guy like zach grinky could do it i really do believe that i mean he's pitched in every situation a pitcher will ever pitch in in ever right like he's pitch forever he's probably a future hall of famer he can do it but it it is different it's different coming in broken back garcia flung his glove at it correa with a tough play and anderson beats it out [Applause] 15 playoff hits and another lead off single for anderson this one starts the fourth i like zach grinky in any situation but i do agree with dusty just bring him in just you know what what but why would you you have guys that are down there that that's what they do they come in the mid game their their craft is getting people out you know like yemi was earlier we talked about how he was one of the best in all baseball getting uh getting clean innings out of the like when there's runners on out there there's already runners on base he's one of the best in the game getting out of those situations there's people in that pin that are really great at it he's a starter let him come into a clean inning but if anybody could do it zach grinky could do it for sure he's not going to be scared of any situation here is luis robert [Music] saxon put the leadoff man on base in three of the last four innings first it was anderson in the third it was robert with a walk he came around on the grondahl two-run home run i was just thinking ahead you know like let's just say the astros or the white sox go first and second here no outs there's not a whole lot of bunning going on in these games that's right so there's that wouldn't be one reason to bring in zach because he's an incredible athlete a great fielder of his position too no no that's not jose brady [Music] but they never expect it it might work off the fist rolled past the shift of altuve and anderson's gonna go first the third the throw from tucker's not there the astros shift more than any other team in the american league that time the shift hurts them from a pitching st perspective i know this the shift the shift probably helps you more than it hurts it definitely helps more than it hurts it probably does for sure but as a pitcher the one the liner that goes past your head uh you expect that to be a hit the one that you you know you get a jam sandwich from somebody and they hit a 47 hopper at a second that ends up being a base hit for with a guy that's been there for 150 years those are the ones that hurt your feelings the most whether it makes sense or not i mean he made a great pitch jammed him up big time right there but he he he forced it over there and there's nobody there that's great hitting but it also hurts the pitcher's feelings you know it just hurts you deep i feel like you did everything possible to try to get it out on that plane now it's first and third still nobody out and here is abreu over two tonight garcia is looking for a ground ball double play he'll give up they'll give up one astros feel like they're going to score some more they'll gladly give up one run for two outs right here that's why the infield's not in and i wouldn't honestly be surprised to see louise robert try and steal a base here [Applause] especially with the brew up to that you get two right here you've really done it you've really pulled a magic act over a brave bouncing ball past correa white sox regain the lead on his way to third robert he'll take that base an rbi from abreu and it's 7-6 back and forth we go again [Applause] here he comes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] infield single from anderson robert singled him to third and the base hit from abreu drives in the go ahead run emmy garcia is done [Applause] zach grinky's coming out of the pen for the astros [Music] sponsored by intuit quickbooks live 19 career postseason appearances for zach grenky 19 starts for the first time in his long and potentially hall of fame career he's gonna appear in the postseason as a reliever two weeks before the end of the regular season while he was nursing a sore neck and coming back from injury told dusty baker i'm willing to do whatever it takes in the playoffs here he is facing grandahl and a foul sharply hit off to the left these two know each other well i bet zach's got tons of at-bats on all these guys which is you know good for both sides right you know exactly what the hitter is trying to do but the hitter again knows everything you're trying to do too it comes down to execution [Applause] shift is on for grandal who hit the two-run home run in the third [Applause] bouncing ball to the right side they're coming home with it the throw is away from the catcher tom hallian got taken out by robert a brainer goes into third the ball hit the runner grendel was inside the line to throw home hit the runner it hit his helmet right he was inside the line and the ball hit his hit hit him when gary all threw it home i don't think you can do that it's going to be potentially i don't think you can do that dead ball potentially here first off italian okay after luis robert came charging in at home plate wow what in the world plays wild at the plate but he was way inside what did how what happened to halya he got trucked by the police robert came charging home i mean so here's the nose way inside like i mean he's crazy inside the baseline right here like he's in the grass doesn't get out of the way the ball hits him and then at least robert's sliding in and just takes out tom hallian at the plate plenty to sort out here i mean dusty dusty's reaction he just got his hands up in the air like what is going on this is crazy is it just mirror the first basement looked like the the glove and the left center field stands at whatever the giant stadium is called now too he's like the biggest glove i've ever seen i don't think he's going to lose it right yeah he's going to get the explanation here he's way inside i mean he was in the grass saying it doesn't matter where he runs here's the question though isn't it is it the the 45 foot box right [Applause] i i think the rule and i could be wrong here but i think the rule is you establish the line until the 45 foot box and then you have to be on inside the two white lines the other thing to establish here that's very important to this the runners lane rule doesn't apply to the play because the baseline is essentially whatever you establish it as i'm sure that's part of the explanation for dusty baker [Applause] so brondell's already inside the line that was he didn't go out of his way i'm not gonna potentially he did that on purpose but he did that on purpose he didn't not do it on purpose that might be the better stuck his shoulder right into that ball and then on this robert takes hallian out from his legs i mean wow oh boy i mean that was so let's piece this together by the way again the lane line so to speak is where grandahl establishes it so he's going right out of the box that throw by the way doesn't apply with the base runner only applies if he's getting thrown out at first base so that's a throw that comes home it's a choice from the first baseman in that in that instance in guriel so the ball is live until it isn't at the end of that play that's why the run comes across after all of that abreu ended up at third it's grandal at first base fielder's choice rbi e3 on guriel and it's eight to six white sox still nobody out and now jimenez at the plate with runners at the corners and goes after the first offering from granky jackson world series sticking his hip into the ball i mean i was thinking a-rod when he was doing his running motion and he hit the ball out of the catcher for the first place in the year yeah you're thinking of 78 yeah water's interference call against speaking of a rod he also did that against us we're in yankee stadium stuck his hip into reggie jackson jose contreras and orlando hernandez were on the team at the time he did it off of i think el duque was pitching it was in yang old yankee stadium el duque and jose contrera said they were going to hit him every time they faced him from that point on and they did because he yeah it was bad [Applause] there's a strike at the knees from grenkey i just got a text that said that is a very aj brzezinski i feel like somebody's maybe game two might might pop up at some point all of that being said though there's still nobody out a single a single a single that wild play that ended up as a fielder's choice e3 rbi and it's first and third nobody out one and two in the dirt smothered by maldonado two and two of the count on eloy jimenez the astros have to at a minimum nine to six to have a chance in this game you you get into you get bigger numbers than you get in 10-6 11-6 you're starting thinking about tomorrow night's match-up but this is wild and this game ends tomorrow at seven o'clock in the afternoon it is going to be crazy 2-2 pitch 3-2 laborious fourth inning for the astro staff second batter that grinky's facing so i was at the minnesota twins we had that play happen right there runner to first end the game mike sweeney was the first baseman corey koski hit it i was on deck he was running down line mike mike sweeney hit kory koski right in the chest game over we win we're celebrating they're structuring off cosby 3-2 but a roller up the line it's a fair ball glove by the third baseman bregman not in time one scores it's nine to six white sox [Applause] the heavyweight fight is starting to turn into a cage match with this crowd 9-6 on another close play a few innings ago a few things ago this crowd was quiet now we got hoop there it is and we got air guitars left and right this is absolutely bonkers and if you're zach grinky you've given up two joints in a row and no outs crazy well the white trucks haven't exactly smashed the ball around the ballpark this thing they the first field single then two choppers through the hole right and then more choppers that ball was going foul hits the line roger bossard the groundskeeper for the white sox when he engineers the lines stay fair i mean that's that was blatant it was going foul hits a line and kicks dead right for a knock nothing in one to count he flew out on a good play by jake myers in center field to take an extra base hit away from him singled and scored in the third [Applause] you talked about roger bossert he's the godfather here saw it father that's right this ball is going dead foul watch it hit the line hit the line and have that english right back in a fair play that's why roger bossert always gets a full share when the white sox it is one of the best grounds crews in baseball there's a 1-1 [Applause] white sox three for 19 in the first two games with runners in scoring position they only scored five runs in the first two games of this series they scored five runs alone in the third three more in the fourth to make it a 9-6 lead the 2-1 2-2 for zach grenke coming in to a tough spot inheriting runners in his first career relief appearance in the postseason six-time all-star including three straight years from to 2019 the cy young award winner what feels like a lifetime ago in 2009 this guy has had a very impressive career with longevity and a huge spot here in game three let's not forget we're only in the fourth inning yeah long way to go in this in the fourth what else could happen [Laughter] home runs plays guys sticking their getting in the way of throws to home play i mean and every time we say man they just have to do something now or blah blah blah they do something crazy but the other team comes right back so cranky gets monkada to chase and the first out of this fourth inning comes on the sixth batter of the frame i'm such a grinky fan i am such a zach grinky fan because i know how hard it is to pitch as long as he has without any injury like without any step i mean the guy has never missed any time except for the whatever he had this year a little bit but he's been such a horse for so long it's really remarkable and as he's dropped in velocity and whatever he's made up in pitch ability it's really been cool to see 29 starts this past year in 30 appearances here's gavin sheets with one out and two aboard the bottom of the fourth [Music] takes a strike frankie 33 starts in 2019. 33 starts 2018 32 starts 2017 26 more in 2016 you just the numbers are the same year in and year out for this game from the incredible 2015 he had with that cy young candidacy finished second that year with the 166era one ball and one strike on the rookie gavin sheets who has had big hits in his young tenure with the white sox grinky's got one of the coolest changeups of all time too he he throws a change up that's like one off one mile an hour off his fastball a lot i've never seen it it is crazy it's it plays almost like a two-seamer but people swing at it like it's a change-up because he grunts really loudly throws it to one on sheets he will not give in he'll keep throwing he'll keep trying to dot that outside corner with the fastball and the change of 89 like you said 89 fastball 88 split change whatever you want to call it and he will not give in he will just keep trying to hit that outside corner be ready for the 60 mile an hour curveball that comes off of it too tossing once in a while in there as well sometimes he'll just tell the catcher what he's going to throw [Applause] two on one out on the fourth and a two one to sheets is on the ground to the right side past the diving burial stop sign at third base four grandahl into second base goes ximena's a single first sheets and the bases are loaded with only one out as the rally continues [Applause] that'll bring up laurie garcia who had the game-changing home run back in the third inning a go-ahead three-run blast off of luis garcia oh give me garcia beggar park you see that a 436-foot home run in this divisional series every moon blast home run over 425 feet ftx is donating ten thousand dollars to charity and the white sox still haven't hit a ball hard this inning okay so the four singles they've hit the four singles 73 miles an hour off the bat 72 miles an hour yeah the 109 mile an hour shot and then 60 miles an hour from jimenez that's it wait which one was 109. on the ground to first goriel's got it force it home they get the out there on the lead runner grandall that's the second out of the inning and on the fielder's choice huge second out for grenkey just look what he's doing he came in this game and he's got nothing but choppers through the infield this entire time doinkers that are fine in line guys are running into balls with their shoulder i mean he is he is pitching his tail off right now garcia should have learned from granddaughter why can't you run right at the first baseman he established his line right at the first baseman that's what i'm saying i told you to teach your outfitters and knock balls over the fence i just think it's good aj's just gonna write a book on the new like you're the new money ball this is gonna be where we go from here on i'll never make it out i still contest that he has he sets his line but he has to kick straight towards the base and he had a little veer in there he did cesar hernandez will what do you mean look at a strike but he has to go if he's running in the grass he ain't going towards the base well if he where he started and then he you know he's running towards the base which i agree with he was way inside the line but he he had a little bow in that line i think what wayno saying is that he veered almost into the grass to start and that led to what you talked about with grondell kind of staying in the line and maybe taking that throw into the shoulder and maybe having a little bit of awareness running right at the first base well he's also probably ten more feet off the line that time i think these rules are getting confusing buddy whatever it takes by the way the 109 mile an hour shot was the abreu basin yeah but it was 109 miles straight straight into the ground yeah yeah yep you're right there's a whole city down there in texas somewhere that is pretty up in arms about what's happened a couple minutes ago sure sure go out feels like wayne oh may have had an experience or two at some point vomit a strike on hernandez what a game 17 hitters combined in this fourth inning between the astros and white sox my goodness what a game still in the fourth of 1-1 on the ground to first guriel is there foot race to the bag and the inning finally comes to a close but three runs from the white sox a little voodoo magic first home playoff game since 2008 the play from grandad was wild it led to robert and hallian colliding italian and baker a little bit of english up the line at third what an inning to the fifth 9-6 in game three [Music] relief for the two and a third inning of relief for the white sox and goes 47 pitches ryan tapara had a quick outing pitched a five pitch sixth in game two against tucker mccormick and then got a double play from maldonado he'll face correa to start this fifth inning folks what a game here in game three 2-0 series lead for the astros white sox scored first in the first astro scored five unanswered in the next two innings a five-run third for chicago one in the fourth for houston three for the white sox in the bottom of the fourth and now the astros bat down three correa scored twice tonight and he takes a strike [Applause] seen this guy come in some really tough situations in chicago across the other side of the north side and get a lot of really good outs this is a very very good pitcher right here traded from the cubs in late july 1-2 on correa he's a little bit different than most relievers he's more of a multi-pitch guy right he's a pitchable guy he's got more than two pitches he's got a cutter slider curveball changing he can throw all the pitches right so it's a little bit of a different look than most bullpen guys are used to seeing fourth playoff trip for topera correa goes the other way garcia was playing deep he comes on for the out runway in the fifth almost to the halfway point here in game three adam amin adam wainwright aj brzezinski tom varducci our fantastic crew i know you've been through playoff games like this guys where it's back and forth it's a slugfest it's gonna be a long night give me a quick sense of where you guys are at aj i'm in shock of everything i've seen we're only four innings four and a third innings now and we've seen big hits we've seen mistakes we've seen crazy plays we've seen crazy bounces it's what a game yeah one of the things i love about baseball is that you could play it your whole life you could you could be in the game for a really long time think you've seen everything and every day you show up not every day but a lot of days you show up and go i've never seen that and that happened today there's tucker who's had a huge series first pitch to the first baseman abreu just as it was in game two real quick to get the first two outs for topera out of the pin well they've set the bar i mean for wackiness i mean you know it's only halfway over not even let's uh let's double this i want to see something crazier happen i mean you know this is my one of my debuts in the booth you know i get to do it last year with y'all but i hadn't i'm not a seasoned bed at this might as well make it as interesting as possible they're they're they're coming sure thing sure thing that's how it is sometimes the old adage is you think you've seen everything in baseball and you come to the ballpark and you see something new every day and that's been the case here tonight white sox trying to do something that the astros did last year in the alcs they got down early 3-0 in the series to tampa bay came back to force a game seven eventually losing it the white sox down 2-0 trying to come back there's a strike to guriel there's over two tonight one for 10 in the set for the a.l batting champ 37 years of age winning his first batting title what a season he had [Music] it's that little slider cutter it doesn't seem like hitters get a real good look at that pitch for whatever reason it's like they have a hard time picking up the spin something i've seen some really bad swings on that slider on him pitching uses the most 45 percent of the time zepera goes with a slider opponents hit 132 against it this year although opponents didn't really hit much of anything from topera between his two stops in chicago this year that cubs bullpen had a stretch where they didn't give up even a hit for like 50 innings or something crazy like that down the left line and it is foul one and two on guriel that was really the effort for the cubs that at one point got them towards first place in the first half of the year kimbo had a zero i think against everybody and then tepera had a one and there was a couple other guys in that mix too de pero looking for a one two three fifth one of the best two strike hitters in the [Applause] trying to get game to chase appeal down to first no swing says vic carapaza two into the count on yuli guriel never get the call when you wait you don't get the strike right away you never get the call when they appeal late to pera downhill to guerrielle and it's the first 1-2-3 inning since the top of the first we're halfway through game three [Applause] [Music] this is the postseason where a moment any moment can become major tonight is a great example of that you can follow at mlb on twitter facebook instagram and youtube to make it major nine to six white sox on top and christian javier checks in at the top of this inning 36 appearances in the regular season great strikeout numbers for a guy who started and came out of the bullpen as the year went on javier 4-1 this season made nine starts of his 36 appearances he faces tim anderson who's got two singles tonight including an infield knock that started that fourth inning there's a strike and it's one and one javier fastball slider curveball mix is going to change it mainly fastball slider though needs strikes needs innings somebody's got to give dusty banker some sort of length in this game how many more people are down there came in with eight in the bullpen obviously the off day on saturday but they've used garcia grenke and xavier already out of the pen the only question mark was maybe kendall graveman because he had pitched each of the first two games of this series and both outings were a little lengthier this is when you're a starter and you're sitting on the bench you're looking you start looking at the other starter although they may not have any other starters on the bench sure but that's where you look at the other star and you go do i need to go put my spikes on like what do you think start asking you start pulling the audience about it anderson down to start this inning [Applause] robert's single to back up anderson in the fourth javier comes home christian javier 24 years old from santa domingo in the dominican made his major league debut at the start of the shortened season last year made his postseason debut in the wild card series against minnesota a season ago finished third in the voting for a.l rookie of the year behind luis robert the man at the plate of course the winner from seattle kyle lewis nothing into the count i wonder what the best ballpark food here at this park is i will say this is a very high level ballpark food journal so if you're looking for something i feel like america would love to see you eat something on camera we had we had a great chicago dog earlier i had to teach you what a chicago dog was today you named all the ingredients i think my uh my mom and dad would be very proud that i was able to rattle off the old menu from our restaurant give it to us real quick celery salt sport peppers tomato pickle sweet grain relish you have to have mustard on it you're not allowed to put ketchup on that particular dog you can put ketchup on hot dogs in chicago nobody's against that but you can't put it on a chicago style hot dog and call it a chicago style hot dog it's that simple there you have it i think we narrowed it up but the ice cream helmet is the most popular item here ice cream helmet the helmet nachos are very popular and aj's right the ice cream helmet i'm thinking savory more than i'm thinking sweet right maybe it's not just for you though maybe it's the nacho helmet there it is that's the ice cream helmet right there we could split one of those one two on robert down split a helmet [Applause] got four more innings we got a long way to go boys what are we gonna eat for breakfast when this game's over you mean i hope it is i hope it's just just legendary it's already legendary it's been a fun night in a back and forth game 9-6 bottom five a 2-2 to robert breaking ball lifted down the line and foul we had a wild game over in boston tonight the postseason continues with a full day tomorrow brewers and braves are tied at one in the series that's on tbs if we need a game four in this series it'll be at three eastern tomorrow on fs1 raisin red sox back on fs1 tomorrow night with the red sox one step away from the alcs and then a 1-1 series out west as the scene shifts to chavez ravine for giants dodgers big cut from robert and javier with back to back big strikeouts to start this bottom of the fifth inning he's looking for a shutdown frame freed urias vasquez some of the postseason headliners freed has been one of the best pitchers in baseball over the last month plus orios getting the key win in game two and tonight in that wild game that went to the 13th inning christian vasquez with the walk-off home run to give boston the series lead all these series are going to be if the white sox come back and hold on to this one all these series get real interesting one to one and both nationally the ray is the best team all year in the american league on the brink of elimination in fenway white sox have been the best team at home all year they win tonight they got a chance to get this series back to houston braves going home one to one dodgers going home one to one with scherzer on the mound just awesome alex wood will pitch for the giants tomorrow in game three so there's another added storyline going up against his former club scherzer has been excellent since coming over from washington ian anderson getting to start for atlanta tomorrow we'll see who milwaukee comes out with nothing in suwana brayu a chance to strike out the side for christian javier guy who is cut down on his walk issues o2 bouncer in the dirt and it's 1-2 maldonado so good at that he's a wall back there i think is the word you used for him he is just so the ball just hits him and dies it never i mean just even off the face mask just right there perfectly in front nowhere to go 17 gold glove award winner martine maldonado behind the plate i've been up to bat a couple times when he's thrown through to second base to get runners caught stealing and when that ball whizzes past your ear it looks like a bazooka there was a sequence the other day where astros pitching had maldonado behind the plate he called for three straight curve balls two of them were in the dirt and he stopped them both and he called for another curveball again tom bruce pointed that out to us earlier with our chat and dusty baker he said that's martine maldonado as confident as it comes behind the plate defensively 2-2 to abraham close pitch but off the plate and he he was with the astros a couple years ago and then he left to go somewhere else right and then they traded to get him back right to get him back in houston martin maldonado yeah the angels because he was just vital part of that team he controlled those pitchers really well he blocks and throws great and you know with the thump that they have through their lineup what they needed was a defensive backstop that could really control them oh fans have seen this all year abreu has been hit more than 20 times this season obviously not anything behind that pitch other than javier lost it he had a chance at the first one two three inning of the night and he lost it and abreu's aboard with two out well you know pitching abreu is tough because you have to pitch him inside to get him off those balls away if you're just going to try to throw balls and let him lean out over the plate he's going to smash the ball and he can hit it to all field so you have to show him in there he has a tendency to chase it in off the plate and and sometimes you run it in there a little bit too far because you know you can't leave it on the plate so the inning extends to grandall and there for a strike and grandahl has been at the center of this game tonight a walk in the first the two-run home run in the third and then that wild sequence on the fielder's choice error that drove in a run in the fourth well you don't want to miss over the plate right wait right to brayu you want it it's got to be in or off you can't you cannot miss you can't miss the middle to play to jose brady you just can't do it yet and if you don't get him uncomfortable inside then he's going to lean out there and he's going to smack balls so you've got to get him you got to move the feet a little bit obviously he didn't want to hit him you got to move the feet a little bit so you can go back down away or stay inside try to get him out foul back and it's one and two a little more from tom perducci down to the field yeah getting back to that fielder's choice play with grandal it's important to remember that a running lane is not established until there's an attempt to make a tag at the runner grandahl could run over the mound if he wanted the only thing being discussed right there among the umpires is did he do anything intentional to interfere with the throw they got together and said no nothing intentional so the foul line itself not play there 45 foot running lane not in play yet and there's not a baseline established until a tag attempt is made so the umpires decided perfectly legal by grandal really appreciate tom giving us the additional layer to the rule there as somebody that's been in the middle of some controversial plays oh really you don't say the only thing intentional was he didn't get out of the way so again the next time you can run wherever you like you can run right you can run technically if you wanted to yeah and you're not out so there's all kinds of new things i'm learning i might make a comeback i'm wondering what that book is going to be like aj's going to put this together and change baseball for the next 25 years but you know every sport people watch golf and play golf their whole life there's plays that happen and there's lies you get in on the golf course where you know even tiger woods is calling the rules official over there and saying hey what do you think man like well i never seen this before what do i do here that's that's the great thing about sports just one of the wild plays we've seen at this game tonight i do think that his giant tricep was intentionally potentially in the way rondale is a strong man no catcher for the white sox would ever put themselves in position to do something not at all aj jimenez on deck three and two of the count [Applause] payoff pitch runner goes and brondall walks again four productive appearances for yasmani grandal and another two out rally for these two teams tonight both of them have been putting it together with two outs and now eloy jimenez to the plate two for three tonight rbi single in the first to give the white sox the early lead rbi infield single and that three run fourth grounded out on a good play by correa in the third infield plays back against jimenez javier struck out the first two batters in anderson and robert free passes to abreu and grandah he has swung in every first pitch tonight they've tried mixing it up on him they've thrown him a lot of breaking balls first pitch he just came out aggressive tonight got a huge hit in the first inning to drive in the first run for the white sox [Applause] because he was aggressive he got a first pitch slider then he got another slider and laced it up the middle punches that one foul and it's nothing in two another chance for javier to get out of this ending with no damage done and like wayno said a lot of times pitchers throw a good pitch slider and then they try to do it again make it better and they hang it and that's just what happened to javier he threw him a good slider foul tip then he hung one he's lucky that x didn't hit that about 500 feet [Music] much better work from the bottom two thirds of the order for the white sox good stop by maldonado again stays at second lead runner 35 years old drafted in 2004 by anaheim he muscled his way through the minors seven years in the minor leagues for martine maldonado before he finally made his major league debut with the milwaukee brewers went to the angels in 2017 won that gold glove traded to houston in july of 18. replaced salvador perez in kansas city a couple of years ago when he was hurt traded to chicago for the cubs and then went back to houston because they wanted him and another strikeout it's a three strikeout frame for javier he leaves a couple men stranded to the sixth we go in game three welcome back to the 2021 american league division series presented by good sam [Music] white sox trying to avoid the sweep the astros impressive through the first two games of this series outscore the white sox 15-5 9-6 in a back-and-forth game tonight as we head to the sixth it'll be eight nine and one in the astros order jake myers is one for two with an rbi and a stolen base tonight he'll face ryan tapara who goes into his second inning of relief after a one two three fifth and there for a strike to start so 22 appearances with the white sox during the regular season tapera did not throw multiple innings did it eight times in 43 appearances with the cubs earlier this year playoffs everybody has to do something they're not used to doing in order to get to the point you want to get to first two hitters right and then looks like they got a lefty warming up maybe for for brantley for the first three first two meyers mauldin ottawa they have bummer for bran myers and bummer a very good ground ball pitcher brantley's numbers way down relative to his excellent numbers against right-handed pitching a 1-1 a little bit low and myers held up so this is a big bridge ending here for the white sox right if topera can get through this inning then you have bummer face brantley bregman alvarez two three of two of the three are lefties that's the seventh they're trying to clear for tony larussa then you have kimberly hendricks ninth that's how they get through the the ninth inning with their bullpen right now yeah then it's starting to look more normal big cut for myers two and two it really does feel like managers when they get to this part of the season they're just trying to keep it on the tracks and the tracks is starter to the fifth or sixth rich me to the seventh and usually seven eight nine is lined up on the back end that's what both managers were hoping for tonight arusa more on track for that right now they both kind of went off the track yeah they did early but kopeck settled things down tupara came in did a nice job last inning [Applause] cece went an inning and two thirds garcia for houston went two and two thirds 2-2 myers deep to left jimenez in the park though run away he did not miss that by much just off the end just enough he's retired and that'll bring up maldonado you get eloy with the oh with the stylish catch too the shirt's all down he's got like the front of a romance novel look going you're going back to the days of the 2000s with fabio on the cover of a lot of those books he walked through jewel maldonado swings at the first pitch albano looking for his first hit of this series over 10 with three strikeouts two of them tonight including one on 101 mile an hour fastball from kopech fan looking both times both times he was fairly upset with the call [Music] there's a cut on that breaking ball and it's nothing in two [Applause] altuve's on deck back at the top of the houston order a good fastball down in the way set that pitch up right there looked exactly the same coming out of the hand breaks right off the same plane right into the dirt it's a sneaky pitch home with a no two two down second strikeout for topera it's five up and five down against him out of the bullpen so far really good slider like you said set up by the first pitch of the a bat starts as a strike finishes as a ball while gonado cannot lay off [Applause] i want these good hitters to chase something you gotta you gotta throw something for a strike that looks like the one you wanna take you want him to chase and he did that really well there [Applause] a couple of walks for altuve including one in the fourth where he scored below in astros run at the time the game in the lead and tied the game making part back in the fourth nothing in one on altuve [Music] [Applause] only has two hits in the series but he's walked four times [Applause] if topera gets through this inning gets this out right here he deserves some mention for most valuable player for the white sox he goes two scoreless settled everything i mean this place is going crazy bueno's head was about to explode from all the things happening i mean the para comes in and just calmed everything down [Applause] at the top of the zone for strike two a chance for another one two three inning out of the pen for topera two outs three run game in the six [Applause] bouncing ball wide a third it's a good spoil right there by all two vets just a perfectly executed pitch and great hitting right there to spoil the pitch and get him another one right here seems like if you try to attack him away he just reaches out and keeps fouling pitches away and tries to force you to throw back in against him [Applause] one two inning over game three rolls on to the bottom of the six [Music] this game featured on the free to play fox bets super six app one of the questions in tonight's contest which team will throw the most strikeouts and how many will they have chances to play super six all post season long five strikeouts from the astros pitchers seven from the whiteheart the white sox first two pitchers then tepera came in it's 10-8 in favor of chicago juan moncado will lead things up here in this last of the sixth inning two huge innings from ryan tapara bridget to the seventh oncotta lifts it in the air to the left brantley over he's played here a bunch when he was with the indians knows this part pretty well one down if you ever want to see if you know the wind's blowing or something's happening michael brantley the way he went after that that ball went up he came in and then he realized oh the wind's blowing out the left circuit this route nicely done sir well done go get it yeah the flags are really whipping now you can see him up there above the scoreboard watch him go in and then he realizes oh boy i'm blowing that ball a little bit farther back than i played what a way for gavin sheets i don't know if i'm supposed to talk about this on there but i do have to mention that they brought us three they did nacho helmet they did and they're outstanding i was gonna say i imagine on a happiness scale you're uh you're pretty high up on the chart right now i got the pulled pork boy jalapenos salsa sour cream so what you're saying is you're living and you're watching game three of a really fun postseason series so basically you're living your best life at this point right i think all three of us in sense are by the way one and two also realizing i need to start asking for more things you know like man i love this here's this magical thing here's this magical thing where you just go hey can i get one of these and because you're adam wainwright and aj perzinski they might do that you know i'm an ice cold gatorade right now two balls and two strikes after you eat it all you can take it home to your kids there's your chicago dog you had by the way that's right i'm 100 taking this home yeah and you can wear it for bp in the off season it's actually a very nicely weighted helmet 2-2 question is am i going to have to take or need to take vp in the in the offseason coming up right now wait no asking you shall receive there's your game see what i'm saying see what i'm saying and and best buy guest cards bass pro shops by the way your white your white shirt situation right now is a little more tenuous with the nachos and the fruit punch gatorade right now i'll point this g right towards the camera that what three and two on sheets and a good off off-speed pitch from javier for another strikeout that's his fourth since coming in hey javier has been good now too yep let's not forget he came in punched out the side in the fifth two outs in the sixth a lot on breaking balls got a good curve ball going sheets here emergency hack just trying to spoil that pitch but strike three javier's been good too dusty baker needed somebody to come in and calm it down javier's come in and bend that guy for him here's larry garcia three-run home run in the third and at the time gave the white sox the lead in a five-run third frame astros tied it in the fourth white sox scored three in the bottom of the fourth zeroes for the last three half innings two balls and no strikes see xavier working out of the bullpen he went to the bullpen in late may at the time james click the general manager said this is the best option for javier this is the way he can help us long term for the rest of this season but long term going forward they still view javier as a starter but you have to have guys like that this time of year that can give you length on a night like tonight where luis garcia went two and two thirds dylan cease went one and two-thirds both starters needed some backup tonight that's been the case on both sides 2-1 to garcia 3-1 pitch count relatively low i mean if he's a starting pitcher he could who knows they might be set up pretty well right here for him to go another ending or two that all depends on the score though you know if they keep it where if they're still behind nine six they'll let him go as long as he can right to save everybody for the next two games nice backdoor breaking ball for a strike if they climb back into this game it gets nine nine nine eight you see some of the big guns for dusty baker coming in payoff pitch to garcia and another strikeout five of them out of the pen for christian javier and that takes us to the seventh a couple of lefties do up brantley then the righty bregman then the lefty alvarez [Music] follow all the action of the postseason with the mlb app from real-time tracking of every pitch to in-depth analysis of the games you can download the app today to make this postseason major lefty on lefty that's why tony larussa has turned aaron bummer here in game three with a three-run lead in the seventh brantley then bregman followed by alvarez bummer pitched the seventh or at least started it in game two altuve singled off of him he got brantley on a slider for a strikeout bregman singled and then alvarez singled home the go-ahead run in that astros rally in the seventh inning where they scored five in game two and quickly bummer has greatly where he wants him ahead of the count nothing into [Applause] bummer was tagged with three runs in that inning in game two after correa came up and had that scorching extra bass knock to right it was a tough play for garcia went back to the slider and brandley fights it away this is a tough about on the lefty bummer comes in throwing 96 mile an hour turbo sinkers in on your left on your hands and then he has that nasty slider going away this guy has been a weapon absolutely for the chicago white sox ever since he came to the major leagues especially against left-hand hitters he's a ground ball machine with a high velocity this is one of those teams that if you don't have the lead going into like the sixth you're in trouble right we faced them earlier this year with kopeck and bummer and and i mean they didn't have kimbrell at the time but their clothes was locked down obviously and i mean there was a couple of lefties down there too that were just incredible uh just a really really nasty one-two there's that breaking ball again trying to tail it away and a little further out over the plate brantley fouled it back see now he's got him set up to throw that 96 sinker in a few breaking balls away get brantley leaning out i feel like that always works 96 sinking in on you good luck to you this guy's a very very tough hitter though bummer to brantley 1-2 got him on that pitch tailing away just as he did in game two he gets him here in game three for the first out of inning seven last two pitches you guys were talking about it from bomber to brantley these are just filthy sliders that's a hanger that's the one if you're brantley you're like oh that's what i needed to hit because the next one breaks about four feet away from you you have no chance that's how hard hitting is so yeah it is because you know he throws 96 up in on your hands and then he throws nasty sliders down and away and you're thinking all right is it going to be in or is it going to be away and then he misses in the middle and you're like shoot there's bregman pulling one foul now it's sharply hit on front it's nothing in one on bregman who's got a couple of hits tonight an infield single off the glove of michael kopeck in the third and then an rbi single in the fourth 14 outs recorded by the white sox bullpen nine of them have come via strikeout including that one to brantley again this is an astros team that had the lowest strikeout rate in baseball for the third straight year fourth time in the last five years you have to get outs with the strikeout against houston [Applause] easier said than done very much so this shows you how good of stuff these guys have though [Music] whether it's kopeck to pair a bummer kimbrough when he comes in hendricks when he comes in these guys are 95 plus all of them with good breaking balls command usually balls in a strike on bregman he's had big moments in his postseason career with the astros 11 home runs in the playoffs for bregman [Applause] i thought you had to throw the bat before you could go get extra pine tar or extra sticky stuff [Applause] i got a better grip on it not allowed to say that anymore that's what you need right there i mean jose abreu's helmet that takes a little bit of it too that takes too long though they go with the spray more efficient brayu's helmet's been seasoned it looks like uh it looks like when you open this down you can say you ordered a steak and got the topping on top of it the peppercorn crust or something i i we you got me into a food mode as soon as you brought the nachos into this thing i'll do that to you if you hang out with me i'll get you talking about food real quick two two two away a filthy filthy breaking bar it almost looked like it was going to be a hangar and then it just dropped out of the just the total bottom just dropped off of it right here just wham good pitch [Applause] eight in a row retired by the white sox bullpen the last four via strikeout between tapera and bummer here is alvarez facing this pocket of three with two lefty batters alvarez is the assignment for bummer and he gets a strike to start off you're done a little buckle me up there for jordan alvarez how hard is that for a lefty hitter aj when the guy comes in you know he can throw 97 he starts the first slider right at your hip that's got to be impossible that's the one you want to hit believe it or not but can you make yourself pull the trigger on it i could oh i just wanted everything so it's a little different for me but no most guys cannot then you get that one which you have no chance of chance to strike out the side for bummer in the seventh reminds me a little andrew miller asked the fastball slider combo very very andrew miller-esque over to alvarez stretch time in game three [Applause] 9-6 advantage kyle tucker has been huge for houston throughout the series and tonight as well with four rbis first houston player ever with back-to-back three-plus rbi games in the playoffs the white sox offense had been relatively dormant in the first two games in houston the third and fourth things they finally woke up the bullpen has been excellent for chicago tonight for houston it's christian javier continuing after he came in in the fifth inning now into his third inning of relief and the white sox potentially have their eighth and ninth innings lined up for kimbrell and hendricks to try to keep their season alive with the astros leading the series two to nothing cesar hernandez will take the first two pitches close but away and it's two and oh we asked tony larussa before the white ass turning the russo before the game one run lead in the eighth is kimbrell your guy he said yes with the three run lead definitely i would assume but [Applause] the astros are a little mad because the lawnmower has only been mowing the astros law not the [Music] kimbo hasn't gotten up yet is maybe there's some thought to let bummer go there is a lefty due up in kyle tucker in the next half inning [Applause] obviously tucker has been a thorn in the side of the white sox pitching staff although tucker is a pretty decent power hitter against lefties as well brio in there for a strike to cesar hernandez javier another name if the astros end up winning this series he's going to be in the talks for most valuable players for today's game anyways because he's absolutely been huge for them today holding this down right here into his third inning of relief left two batters stranded in the fifth struck out a pair of batters in the sixth you see kimbrell now grabbing the hat if there's any thought from larussa to let bummer try and get tucker out he'd have to face correa obviously too he's only thrown 14 pitches right he's inning so i wonder if there's any thought to let him get those two and then bring hendricks in and try to get the last four out and of course that may change if the white sox add on in this seventh inning against javier a leadoff walk from the nine-hitter hernandez five of the seven lead-off walks in this series have scored [Applause] as uyno shivers hearing that stat lead up listen lead off walks and two out walks yeah there's something about one out walks nobody scores just i don't know weird things happen like that but no out walks and two out walks it's like what just changes the complexion of your approach i would i would imagine you're trying to get the final out or at least try to get off to a good start in an inning this throws you off track back to the top and tim anderson who's two for four tonight and that's typical tim anderson right there aggressive he had been very patient he had swung at the first pitch in the second and grounded out other than that he had laid off the first pitch that's not like him that does not like it i mean you know it he goes after the first one if you give him one he's going after the first one he was getting trigger half he's getting itchy javier misses low and it's one and one [Applause] [Applause] check the first bouncing ball is wide a third in foul one and two the count on tim anderson [Music] signed a six-year deal before the 2017 season he is under club control through 20-24 team options on his last two seasons batting champion already an improved defender obviously has improved as a power hitter jose abreu agrees [Applause] you really can't see the pine tower it is i mean it reminds me of a well-seasoned cast iron painting sure it just looks it's got that seasoned look about he's it trying to hide the front of it now they used to make you take that off remember the clubhouse guys used to have to come and make sure you could see the logo right one two pitch i love that a little back and forth right there you got a tough pitch up and in which i was a big fan of and then anderson looks out there and goes you didn't get me off that plate i see what you're trying to do i love that see ryan stanek loosening up in the astros bullpen christian javier with a 2-2 up and in on anderson and the count runs full stance up because dusty senses javier might be in a little bit tired here 54 pitches walked hernandez the ball come up right the first two innings he was down he really pinpointed his breaking ball paul started coming up up and in like you said bueno it's usually a first sign that the guy's getting a little fatigued payoff pitch to anderson coming got him a really low pitch right there really good tail to it good pitch after a couple of fastballs up up and in really good slider down away like like aj said sometimes when you're when you're getting a little fatigued that arm side miss up is a is a is a thing that happens a lot to come back and get on top of that breaking ball down and away right there very important pitch right there there's luis robert on base twice with a walk in a single he has scored both times he has reached in the air right center tucker got kind of a slow start to it but he's there for it two away let's go down to the field and check in with tom perducci well adam if the white sox do get this alds to a game four tony larussa said before the game the ball will be in the hands of left-hander carlos rodon and remember he's been suffering from some shoulder soreness has pitched only five innings in the last 20 days and in those five innings his fastball normally at 96 was down to 91 miles per hour but tony larussa said that after a bullpen session carlos convinced them that he's good enough to start the key will be that shoulder strength if you do get to a game four pitching change here as javier does his work out of the bullpen try to give some backup to this houston staff we're in the seventh last year and winning the central division this year first home playoff game in 13 years down 2-0 in the series they've had more to cheer about tonight brian stanek got the win in game two just 17 pitches on friday he'll face jose abreu here with two outs and a man aboard in the bottom of the seventh inning stanic fastball changeup slider really mostly fastball changeable though some sliders boarded right-handed hitters he started to bray you with one right there big cut for mobreo on that fastball quickly nothing and two outstanding work you guys both talked about it from christian javier who goes two and two thirds without allowing a hit and strikes out six grenkey was able to get out with no damage done against him and his inning of relief and now stanek trying to back it up he's responsible javier is for hernandez on the lead-off walk struck out anderson and got robert to fly out and outstanding trying to put away a breyer grand all a full 15 feet from the batter right now yeah he's a little closer than uh that i would feel comfortable with certainly but there's no way he can get hit by a foul ball what are the circles are those those are just general areas you're supposed to do general they're just they're suggestions the ones up by the club those are the fungo circles when you hit fungus is that what that is okay that makes sense i don't think i've seen that maldonado thought about snapping it through the first have i seen that is that is that a normal thing or is that just unique to here it's i think it's unique to here there are some places that used to have it i believe but yeah that's roger bossard the sod father coming up with a new way not to have to grow more grass yep makes sense for three with two strikeouts against stanic in his career the one-two coming two and two astros trying to make the american league championship series for a fifth consecutive season only two teams have ever done that the a's went to five straight in the 1970s the braves of course had their impressive run in the 90s for the 2-0 series lead game three back here in chicago game four tomorrow afternoon if necessary abray reaches out to grounded to correa short out to altuve and the inning is over white sox have a three-run lead to the eighth inning correa tucker guriel coming up [Music] the slider to bregman the fastball to alvarez aaron bummer struck out the side of the seventh and tony larussa sticks with him here in the eighth carlos correa leads things off aj and wayne oh you guys were alluding to this that maybe bummer would stay on because tucker is due up and he's been very good both craig kimbrell and the ninth inning closer liam hendricks are loosening up behind aaron bummer here but you would imagine bummer is out there to go after tucker pitch to correa is a little bit low and the count even had a ball and a strike on carlos correa who reached on a walk in a fielder's choice in the second and third scored both times tucker has four rbis tonight and two extra base hits including the home run but why not why even have kimbrell up if hendricks is up with him why not just if you're using bummer to get through tucker you use hendricks to get the third out of the inning and you have him pitch the knight there's no reason to have kimbrell up tony larussa talked about it too where oh well craig kimbrell who had struggled a little bit well that's not his inning he's not a e fitting guy well that's gonna be talked about then too why is he being used in the eighth inning if he's not an eighth inning guy that's gonna be a question going forward hendrix has been lights out in the back end of the white sox pen one and two from bummer to correa here in the eighth tried that backdoor slider and just missed we're thinking back on the trade to get kimbrell i just know how nasty that bullpen already was everybody already had established roles they go out they get kimbrell which by all accounts one of the greatest closers of all time i'm not saying it's a bad thing to add any anytime a picture like that to the back end but now you have the both the guys that would have been the closers for the national league and the american all-star team [Applause] and they don't fully know their situation down there right like it can complicate things when you add an incredible arm to the back end of a bullpen that's already incredible now you got hendrix looking over his shoulder and you've got kimbrell maybe looking you know ahead going why am i not pitching maybe they're not thinking that i'm just thinking it could potentially complicate things because craig kimbrough had a zero in the ninth inning this year right something like that real close to it if not if not a zero so i just i don't know his eighth inning i mess with a good thing is what i'm right that's what i'm saying 2-2 to corral and another strikeout from the white sox bullpen that is six straight astros that have gone down on strikes the highest strikeout rate in the major leagues from a pitching staff belong to the white sox the lowest k rate from a batting group was the astros right now the white sox pending is winning him over well the first two games the astros won that battle and tonight the white sox bullpen has really been pretty incredible after kopech compact did a nice job settling things down but you get to para now bummer they've done a really nice job of saving this game for them well neither team has scored since the fourth inning both bullpens have put up three zeros a piece here is tucker to face a lefty in bummer tucker's the only astro who has not struck out tonight and he went around according to tom hallian nothing at one on tucker now obviously a lefty lefty matchup is more advantageous to the pitcher but tucker did show power against left-handers he took sean manaya of the oakland athletics deep four times this year that's ownage four times in one year that shows you how nasty this guy is because he just swung at a slider a foot off the plate and now it's nothing in two on tucker nice catch by the fan in the second deck here getting a couple of those tonight huh 0-2 josh staying alive i kyle bummer slider is disgusting tonight it is making a right turn you got the hottest hitter down the stretch of the regular season who's already got what two home runs this series of really good pitchers and he's he's looking like he's completely defeated against that but but also at the same time great hitting to foul it off and spoil a really tough pitch right there no team has ever struck out seven times in a row in post-season history the last six astros have been fanned 0-2 and that streak will not be broken a bouncer to second tough play by hernandez and he gets tucker hustling down the line for the second out of the eighth inning 11 in a row sent down by the white sox bullpen and is that it for bummer sure enough it will be at least with larussa at the top step bummer comes on in the seventh he faces five batters strikes out for them and retires all five and will it be hendricks or kimbrell that's the question [Applause] looks like kimbrell if he's still loosening up things are about to get even more interesting as if they haven't been already kimbrell coming on bummer five up five down [Music] and now our pitcher profile is sponsored by intel as craig kimbrell comes on you see the splits he's pitching the ninth inning with the cubs on the north side in the eighth inning on the south side with the white sox came in in the seventh inning of game two faced four batters including yuli guriel who lined out to right field correa doubled and tucker hornwood off of him and then he got mccormick to pop out to end the inning but he doesn't have to worry about that he's got a three-run lead trying to get one out to get it to the ninth inning and a strike to burial to start at 97 from kimbrel and great closers in major league history up there on the saves charts pitching in the eighth kimball two pitch guy fastball curveball pure power intimidating stance when he appears in to get his sign but like you said one of the best closers of all time jason guriel who still seeks a hit tonight goes after that one and it's quickly nothing and two 11 astros in a row sent down by the white sox bullpen kimbrough trying to close the eighth in the dirt [Applause] just 13 pitches on friday in game two for kimbrell and obviously the off day saturday for both teams kimberle downhill on one two to gorilla bouncing ball to moncada picked out by abraham a one two three eighth between bummer and kimbrell white sox have a three-run lead hoping hendricks can close it out in the top of the ninth first to the bottom of the eighth in game three freddie peralta and ian anderson tomorrow astros white sox right here on fs1 at 3 eastern raise red sox tomorrow eduardo rodriguez for boston alex wood max scherzer on tbs for giants dodgers yasmani grandahl has one of the two big blows for the white sox tonight in this entire series they still have only two extra base hits they both came in the five run third the two-run grandahl home run that made it five to three and the three run leory garcia home run which made it six to five brian stanek continues to work rondall quickly behind the count nothing in two he's been aboard via walk homer that wild sequence with the fielder's choice and error and then a walk in the fifth [Music] kimbrell got the final out of the top of the eighth inning 12 in a row sent down by the white sox pen and it will be up to liam hendricks to try to close this out chicago looking for some insurance here in the eighth [Applause] there's a cut from grand all and a strikeout one away let's take a look at our hyundai lift of the game and travel all the way back in time many moons ago to the bottom of the third inning in that five run frame ronda garcia the pitch granddaughter oppo just out of the reach of michael brandley and garcia gets a heater right down the middle 3-1 count gives the white sox their first lead of the game excuse me six five second lead of the game and the white sox just kept piling it on from there a couple crazy plays but those two home runs were huge here's eloy jimenez he's got a couple of rbis tonight on a couple of singles garcia had what five home runs in the regular season yeah get a 436-foot home run to dead center in the biggest moment of the year i mean how clutch is that wild it's awesome there's two hits in this series that was one of them check swing and it's 2-0 on eloy jimenez [Music] you know it's always amazing to me doesn't make any sense to talk about it now but the first and third base umpires you know when they catch the catchment appeal they're never like just looking in the stands right i have a feeling i would be doing that your vision would drift a little bit i think so do you think you'd be influenced by the people in the first row yelling at you i think i might be i mean we talked about it earlier there was then twice today that i've forgotten i was in the booth and i was just total fan boying up here watching the game just get captivated by this incredible game and i'm like oh yeah i'm supposed to be talking two balls and a strike on eloy jimenez stanek comes home two balls and two strikes we have had moments tonight where we've drifted off not in the sense that we're not paying attention just the game's been so wild and also once in a while you got to put a dent into this as wayno did i think aj actually put a little bit more yeah yeah way more than i did he demolished it well done gentlemen i left all the lettuce on the top though you're you're a high-protein guy give me the meat clearly there's a 2-2 pitch three and two in the top of the ninth inning for the astros it'll be myers maldonado and altuve so eight nine and one do up for houston likely against liam hendricks 38 saves this year only mark malanson of the padres had more in major league baseball eltouvey guaranteed and at bat [Applause] i think we might see a pinch hitter somewhere in there jason castro maldonado perhaps maldonado maybe myers trying to get it going 3-2 oh on the outside edge at the knees [Applause] according to tom on a portal jimenez strikes out looking back-to-back case for stanic to start the eighth [Music] [Applause] oh nasty breaking ball right there by stanek i don't know feminism is more surprised that it was such a good pitch or the tom hallian called it either way a frustrating event stanic is done he gets the three outs that he needs further into the bullpen goes houston guaranteed right field brooks rayleigh deals to johan monkatta who lifts one foul down the line first appearance for brooks raley in this series he is the first left-hander out of the pen in fact the only lefty out of the pen for dusty baker era a little elevated but he was very good down the stretch of the season 11 of his final 12 appearances were scoreless lefties hit under 200 against him this is just an opportunity to get him in the game yep he hasn't been in a game yet there's two outs nobody on dusty wants to get him to take control of his emotions get feet wet in the playoffs a lot of breaking balls from brooks raley with a single tonight that was in the second he scored one of the five runs in that third inning out in front it's one and two and a chance to finish off this inning one two three for the astros bullpen only one base runner the last three frames for chicago that was the walk to lead off the seventh to cesar hernandez one two hard hit ball into center field moncano reaches with two outs he's aboard to extend the inning it would be gavin sheets in this spot but with the lefty rayleigh out there he'll take the lefty sheets out and bring in the right-hander andrew vaughan who made his first career major league postseason start in game two went one for four with a couple of strikeouts but singled in the eighth inning of that game you see his numbers from what was a productive rookie campaign he played a major role in the outfield with eloy jimenez out most of the year did a really nice job struggled down the stretch like you said but early in the year especially once he got his bearings at the major league level he was a weapon in the middle of the white sox lineup especially against left-handed pitching he was he was death on left-handed pitching 9 38 o-p-s against left-handers for vaughn it was around 600 against right-handers he hits the fastball well he struggles with the breaking ball but he likes the breaking ball coming into him that's right so that's why this is a good matchup for the white sox raley's going to throw cutters and sliders coming into him tony lavis is hoping he clips one out front for a home run we saw him earlier this year do that exact same thing and i believe in a pinch hit at that might not have been a pitch at bet but he took one of our lefties deep for the exact same thing you're you're saying he had a little cutter coming into him and he clipped it and pulled it to left for a homer he did that against the world as chapman earlier this year that one ripped foul it was back in may he had a game tying pinch pinch-hit solo home run at yankee stadium offer oldest chapman to tie the game on a 99-mile an hour sinker white sox would lose that game but it was a big moment for andrew vaughn to acclimate himself to the big league level he's played respectable defense this year in the air left center field this one is carrying back towards the wall and it's going to head all the way to the fence big insurance run will score to extend the lead to four andrew vaughn off the bench delivers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a 10-run outburst for the white sox tonight not a lot of people have left from this blackout crowd tonight this is exactly what tony larouche was hoping for another breaking ball bond's ready for it the third one in a row not a terrible pitch but he gets it out front the ball is coming into him he's a little bit out front scoops it out there into left center for an rbi double and a full run lead for the white talk here's garcia there are shoe tops i mentioned the home run and showed it to you that 436 foot home run to center field was the longest of garcia's career another two out rally in this game both teams have done it throughout the series first two men in this hitting struck out against ryan stanek then he got into this pocket of switch hitter lefty switch hitter switch hitter the lefty was taken out vaughn came in and delivered the rbi double after moncada single [Applause] this is where that strategy by dusty baker it backfires a little bit right he brought in rayleigh to try to get some confidence get his feet wet when he looks up he's faced two guys giving up two hits a run now next time dusty baker be as sure going out to bring this guy into the game if they need a big out and is the lone lefty in that pen and there's only two lefties on the pitching staff for the astros from valdez is the other one the starter who pitched in game two and then it's raley this crowd is on the edge of their seat because their guy is warming up right now and they're about to erupt aren't they hendricks coming in likely if hendricks comes in when that gate opens this place will go crazy it's going to go crazy i always love teams that do big closer productions that's a yeah that's a big deal man fans love that players do too unless you're playing against it i hated hell i was gonna say ortho or if you don't like the song choice yeah payoff pitch fouled away or maybe those songs up in your brain and start to haunt you a little every time i still hear enter sandman a bad just magically [Laughter] everywhere that's that yeah that's the old uh wonderful wonderful life uh mantra there every time uh after sandman plays a bad break somewhere on this planet mariano rivera every time i hear that song i used to like that song and then i had to face it and it all went away i can remember being a rookie and saying oh i want to hear i want to see hell's bells today one of the veterans going i'm sorry what excuse me you want to hear what like that's a great point i guess yeah i guess you don't want to hear that that means that means our team is down and trevor hoffman's coming in for a big save three balls and two strikes on garcia vaughn at second base with two out the rbi double to score mankato and add some insurance braley trying to end this inning and get his astros offense back up there [Applause] another payoff pitch coming garcia over the third baseman bregman another run will score vaughn comes home one of the biggest nights of leori garcia's career it's 11-6 chicago [Applause] [Music] so much for none of those extra base hits you were talking about except for those two home runs back-to-back doubles by the white sox even hendrix is like let's score as many as we can make this ninth inning even easier on me but have a night leori garcia so now who else do the white sox have down that bullpen they they might start thinking about not bringing big fella in right oh no he's coming in i mean he's already warmed up kimbrough you could tell by the way he was standing he had shut it down right he's he's already out and they don't want to risk getting somebody else and hendricks has really been heated up at this point you probably want to use him he's warmed up for the last couple of frames he's warm he had yesterday off you only have one game before another off days fine to pitch back-to-back days bring them in let this crowd have one last big pump end this game as quickly as possible via the white sox you don't want to you don't want to mess around bring in somebody else have them get in trouble then have to bring hendrickson there's a 1-0 hernandez breaks his bat like i said somewhere after sandman correa had to adjust oh what a play by carlos correa he had to adjust with that bat helicoptering towards him and just get cesar hernandez at first we'll see if there's a challenge here that would end the inning was that bat about to hit him right i mean i couldn't tell exactly from here but that path of the bat was heading to korea and he definitely had to shuffle just in case my goodness it's got to be scary a bat coming right i mean it it's that bounce that it took that added another element to that and then after all this it's a play at first that was called out by vic cara pazza but it's being reviewed right now man from our angle that bat looked like it was just tomahawking right towards his head my goodness caesar runs really well too i always love the crowd reactions when they show the on the big screen what it did is it messed up correa's footwork yeah maybe didn't get enough behind that throw or at least that he typically would have gotten behind it had he not had to deal with that bat even larry garcia had to maneuver around it what are the fans seeing that i'm not teddy's safe you can hear the reaction because they're playing the replay review up on the jumbotron here at guaranteed rate and it looked like you may have beaten it out i'll finally watch the room you can see this giant is that what that in front of you you were asking for the big tvs well here they are for you there they are yes for enter sandman in a broken bat there that was and now you got it up on the big board tom hallian with the call saying we'll see how it gets scored it'd be a very difficult error to put against correa considering the circumstances but it may be we'll see that's got to be a hit it will be they have just rolled it probably rightfully so as a hit well hernandez just beat it there was no bobble there was no bad throw he just beat the play because of the the only thing i was thinking is because correa's throw was a little off-kilter but it's your point aj that he had to adjust and that's why maybe his throw wasn't as on target as it would have been otherwise that scared everybody yeah absolutely garcia and correa how good is his arm though to be able to flat foot that ball across that kind of velocity that's amazing so garcia ends up at third hernandez safe at first on the infield single and back to tim anderson who might be looking for one final knockout punch in terms of insurance runs already two across here in the eighth white sox wanted a block there against brooks raley no such call [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no one skips and again martine maldonado with a runner at third rock solid still working his behind off behind the plate not one to give up anything down five the tough hits to block and martine maldonado does not give away anything [Applause] falling a strike on anderson [Applause] 1-1 1-2 boy all this started with two outs stanek struck out grandahl and jimenez to start the inning monkatta singled vaughn the pinch hit rbi double garcia followed it up with an rbi double to score vaughn infield single by hernandez you know a ball in two strikes anderson yes this has been a long inning a long night white sox trying to avoid the sweep astros will come up in the ninth likely against liam hendricks one two two and two damage with two outs has kind of been the story of the day really right at times in the series too but definitely today that whole two out rally earlier was that was the the two out walk i mean it just swayed the whole time of the game back then didn't it really does feel that way two and two on anderson with two on and two out in the eighth ground ball past correa and the white sox will add another three in the eighth it's 12 to six they scored five in the first two games in houston they put the offense together here in game three and it's anderson's first rbi of the series that is 16 post-season hits in two series the last two years for tennessee and another three hits how about this guy in the american league division series aj brzezinski 02 game five against oakland with the twins game one against boston and oh five two home runs in that game and of course the last time the white sox scored 11 or more in a postseason that's right twice another interesting stat there's been six home runs by white sox catchers in the postseason five of the six are in this in the stadium tonight me and yasmani but why didn't you hit any of those for the cardinals it's like you could have helped my guy out here there's the 1-1 and robert flips it foul 1-2 on louise robert 16 hits tonight is a white sox postseason record two home runs in the third two doubles in the eighth the extra base hits for them tonight anderson with his first rbi of the series part of a three run eighth inning here one two two and two on robert anderson another three hit night what is that five of six career posters correct set three hits he knew it too he was telling the whole world that's three again it was tim anderson who obviously is going to be at the microphone when things are going poorly because he is one of the leaders of this team he said it ain't over that was his quote from yesterday it ain't over well he delivered on his end tonight robert floats it out to right for tucker a three-run eighth a 12 run 16 hit outburst for the white sox and here comes liam hendricks for the knight to try to keep the sox season going in the position to win in the position to go in the position to win in the position to a go card series last year comes to chicago on a major contract puts together a fantastic season saves 38 games to lead the american league and now makes his home playoff debut for the white sox to try to put this game away defensive changes for chicago larry garcia takes the spot of lloyd jimenez adam engel will take over in right field vaughn takes the dh spot and it's hendricks facing oled miss diaz who swings at the first pitch and sends it to center one away in the ninth diaz pinch hits for myers in the eighth spot we'll see jason castro pinch it in the nine spot he's been a very good pinch hitter this year for houston dusty trying to get his bench guys some work in case they're needed for later on in the series or in the postseason you don't want to go too long without having guys get it back 13 in a row sent down by the white sox bullpen [Applause] here's castro strike one hendricks does not mess around out there he gets it he comes right after you getting a fastball or slider they're both going to be really hard they're both going to be [Applause] it was aggressive in the final month of the season was the reliever of the month for september and october in the american league and 99 miles an hour forces castro into a defensive swing to run the count to nothing and soon always fun to see guys fall into the role that they're supposed to be in and really thrive with it came up as a starter and it was pretty good but then as he embraced this reliever role and worked his way back into the very back end to finally close it man he just really took off one of the best in the game 0-2 1-2 on jason castro seven for 18 as a pinch hitter this season but just one for 20 in his playoff career as lone hit was in the american league division series in 2015 against kansas city came back in mid-september had a really nice close to the year did castro hendricks 1-2 [Applause] 15 game 15 and two third inning scoreless streak to close the regular season for liam henders 2-2 delivery and the count runs full nice job by castro to come back after being down 02. [Applause] el touve will bet [Applause] got him two now [Applause] just straight gas from hendrix three two here's my best heater jason castro hit it if you can throws it right by him that ball's heavy isn't it sounds heavy for me [Applause] [Applause] nothing in one now tuba game four tomorrow afternoon we'll have coverage on fs1 at three eastern time [Applause] astros still one win away from reaching the american league championship series a one nothing in two there will be a game four [Applause] [Applause] 13 years since the last time this stadium hosted a playoff game they didn't get to see it last year the energy the blackout their first home playoff win since game three against the rays in 2008 they were down two over that series they were able to at least keep it alive for one more it didn't start out great dylan cease winchester inning in two thirds the astros had a 5-1 lead at one point but the white sox came back it went back and forth and then the white sox added on late for a 12-6 game three win to extend it to game four perfect ending for the game the astro struck out a season high time 13 times in this game season saving win for the white sox great job by topera bummer kimbrell hendricks the last five innings of the game white sox live to fight another day tomorrow those guys you mentioned they retired the last 15 astros hitters [Music]
Channel: MLB full games 2021
Views: 123,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wlSt9oOWcJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 13sec (12913 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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