Houseplant Tour 2024! My Complete Collection 300+ plants 🪴

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hello welcome to my home and my official house plant tour of 2024 [Music] hello there my name is Melissa and this is this is my plant room I am going to bring you my official house plant tour of 2024 it has been way over a year since my last house plant tour my last one was done in January of 2023 and looking back at January of 2023 my plants have grown so much since that time and I'm excited to share each and every plant with you today also before we get started I want to give you just a little bit of a background about me if you're new here or you don't know anything about me so I'm Melissa I've been growing plants since the end of 2019 beginning of 2020 and my collection has been growing ever since obviously I have some huge plants behind me that I've been growing for several years now super proud of them I have a lot of big impressive plants in my collection and I spend a lot of time and Care into growing the plants that I have I'm super proud of where my collection is today I've gone through a lot of plant struggles and everything so I've been there and yeah I love helping other people out there with issues that they're having with their own plants and I love just sharing what I do with my own collection and yeah I just love making these videos I live here in Savannah Georgia where it's bright and sunny during spring and summer but we also get a lot of rain so we are very fortunate here to have a good growing season it's very warm it's humid and I'm very lucky that the this plant room here is actually south facing which here in the northern hemisphere it is really great light for plants and So currently my temperature is kind of low 7s to mid 70s and humidity is roughly anywhere from 50s to 60s upwards to over 70s so yeah I just wanted to give you that little background about me so now it's time to get started since it's a little early in the morning I'm going to do some other areas first and come back to my plant room because all the lights haven't come on in here yet get comfy relax it's going to be a long video I'm not breaking this stuff into segments so you're getting the full thing right here and I will have time stamps down below to help kind of pick apart some areas of my home if that's easier for you to kind of navigate this long video I will have the plant names on the screen as I go through them so thank you so much for watching and I really hope you enjoy going to start off with our big beautiful tany I've had this tany for almost 2 years this was actually the first plant that I bought when we moved here to Savannah almost 2 years ago it was last April this plant is beautiful it has like this burgundy Underside on the leaves it's a beautiful plant and they're so easygoing I love these plants so much and I hope she continues to grow well and do well for me this year I adore these plants they are known to get a bad wrap for being finicky but tenanes are a really easygoing one so I highly recommend a tthy plant starting on the end is a moranta kersana this is also known as a rabbit tra moranta cuz of the pattern on the leaves it is so beautiful I absolutely love the markings a lot of my marantas are putting out a ton of growth right now since spring is here so these uh beautiful vibrant leaves are all new and they have the cutest little blooms on them I love moranta blooms I do have a couple more baskets of this one that I took propagations from her that I will show you so technically I have like three of these uh but this is like the main plant and it has been through a lot it survived flat mites well a lot of my moranta survived flat mites but she had a little bit of a setback she was really full at one point but I'm happy to see her finally growing back kind of skipping over these two this is is another like propagation from her down here and you can see that new growth coming in the older leaves kind of fade that marking so they're not as vibrant as like the new growth but this was just a little propagation that I decided to pot up separately we're going to slide her out so this here is my red moranta moranta Lucan nura I adore this red moranta she has been in my collection for over 2 years now it is such a stunning maranta and again with the beautiful blooms she's definitely uh probably one of my favorite moras along with my lemon lime and then next to her on the Shelf is a lemon lime moranta I have several of these actually in my collection and I love the lemon lime this one is actually still in the original mix I have not repotted that one yet either uh she's very long and full and beautiful uh they seem to like the spot even though it is less light they really don't seem to mine as long as they're happy I'm happy cuz I just adore these plants so much so yeah you guys will see some more in my collection next to these on this other side here these are actually some HOAs in my collection back here in the back I'll start with this little cutie this is a hoya Australis Lisa I love how vibrant the new leaves come in aren't they pretty this Hoya I've had in my collection for a while actually a lot of my HOAs are pretty old Hoya I've had them for like 3 years I started them from my collection as like cuting that I got locally actually all these here started as very tiny plants uh this one I feel like is a little bit stubborn uh to grow but maybe because it had mes it was affecting it but I like the bright colors the green and the green I think it's a pretty Hoya but yeah it got a little sad with the mie outbreak it has not bloomed uh for me yet Hoya aluva Splash this one has the round leaves with the Splashy markings you can see and this one recently bloomed for me and I have some open Blooms to show you look at those they are so pretty I don't know if you can make the do drops out it's a very sappy Hoya so unfortunately like sappy HOAs if you have them in the window can attract ants cuz I've had that issue with before there's another peduncle over here these ones haven't opened yet I have more podal up here forming there's like one here and there is one here as well so these little tendrils will grow more leaves you can actually see a little leaf here forming like that so yeah if you see those uh don't cut them off unless you don't want the leaves to grow but you can see the little leaves so those will grow in to be like beautiful leaves like these here I love the round shapee I think this is a beautiful Hoya it's kind of outgrowing the trellis situation that I have for it so I'll probably eventually uh switch it to a bigger one but uh yeah it's a very pretty Hoya this big one up here is actually one of my oldest HOAs this is a hoya Sunrise it sunst stresses beautifully aren't those leaves so pretty I had this one in my plant room getting Southern light so this side was up against the window but since I noticed a couple mes popping up on it I did recently move it in here so it is getting lower light right now this one H had a ton of blooms on it uh recently but they all fell off you can see all the ponal here they do regrow from the same peduncle I have another Hoya and Bloom that I'll show you that does constantly so don't cut these off once the blooms fall off cuz I'll re regrow a new Bloom from them I don't know if you can make her out all the way a big big Hoya a hoya latifolia it actually got reclassified it it's also known as a macro and this one has a beautiful like elbow marginada I believe is what this one is has the variegation on the outside and this one actually bloomed for me recently you can see kind of the pedal here had fallen off and it's growing some new leaves in here this one is such a pretty I've had this one again for a really long time and it's clearly outgrown it's trellis and everything uh yeah I need to like reot it and get this restak I have a little 10 watt lamp there just to give some extra light and then I have a 36 watt bulb in that one just to give a little extra light to this area so I'm going to see how they do here and once I know the mes are gone I'll probably end up moving them but I kind of just want them isolated right here so that they're contained this is our kind of master bathroom area and we have a few plants in here straight in front we have another lemon lime moranta and I adore this moranta so so much she's so beautiful I'll put a picture on the screen of when I first got her she's another like big box store find I do want to slowly work on repotting some of these plants for this season because yeah I haven't repotted her yet and straight up ahead hanging is a golden pathos this one really needs a repot when I underwater it which I do often I'll get some yellow you can kind of see there and I just pluck them away but usually I know when she's thirsty when she starts to droop her leaves she's growing all the way down here now I did take cuting of this golden pathos to do on a moss pole which I will show you later some bigger leaves of this plant back behind beautiful lemon lime is a Calia and this one kind of went dormant over winter but she is pushing some new growth H I forget the exact name of this one I'll have to see if I can find it and put it on the screen but I got this one it's still in the original mix I got this one from Costa at my big box store but yeah I was a little sad it kind of went dormant in here over winter especially cuz the bathroom growing environment is pretty ideal um I did have it back away from the light a little bit so I did move it up here so that it could get some light this little cutie is a tany burl marxy again another tany these plants are so pretty I love like the dainty tiny leaves on this one it's like a mintty green color and it has kind of like a red burgundy maroonish Underside it's so cute this one I got from my local Big Box store as well it's plotted into my soil mix this was a uh water prop uh in a little vessel and I transferred it to soil so uh it's growing and filled out quite a bit I got this one last year hi hi did you join us do you want some water she likes to drink out of the sink let's get a get a Luna water break we'll finish up while she's drinking the water this moranta here is another kersana rabbit tracks look at the big leaves coming in on her and all the blooms this is another uh propagation from the other one that I showed you these are all like the original older leaves here had like a huge gross spurt so all these big beautiful ones are all new growth that have come in since the start of spring it's such a beautiful moranta just I love them I love them so much and this CIA over here is a Rosa picta Sylvia I believe um it's somewhat still happy but I feel like it could use like a pickme up or something I'm not sure maybe I feel like this one is in the corner so it doesn't get as much light but I'm tempted to move this one to a new spot cuz it's lived in this area for a while and I just feel like it's not as happy as some of my other plants other colas so I don't know I definitely want to do like a refresh and uh just make sure it doesn't have pest because yeah flat might's really damaged my moranta and CIA collection I like the the pink on her even though it's a little dull at the moment they do come in more vibrant I might be tempted to put like another CIA or something in here but again I didn't want to overwhelm our bathroom space and oh I forgot to show you I have a little moranta propagation in that vessel from that one I accidentally broke a stem off I might just pop that one up as like a separate plant or something but yeah I am going to be tempted to repot her this year just cuz she needs to repot yeah I love the little bathroom plants in here they make me so happy whenever I'm in here getting ready in the morning or showering I just stare at them and again it being the bathroom where it is more humid they just love that environment and of course you know I feel like that's enough light for these type of plants coming in I recently redid this for spring so I put a few plants out here I was watering this guy so we're going to put him back out here this is a stagghorn fern and I mounted this guy by myself it hangs right here I tend to underwater this one I left it out in the sun last summer and I have some like burnt leaves on um some of the older leaves but it is pushing a ton of New Growth so I'm just trying to not to underwater it cuz I do have a habit of underwatering that one yeah it's just on a SE Cedar Wood plank I do have an old video where I did this and put this guy on here and it was a very small plant without any basil fronds or anything but it's done well I feel like since I've had it so I do have a lot of new growth coming in but yeah it's a cutie little plant now again since this is the north side of the house we don't get like too much light in this section this is all North facing so the plants do get a little bit of Eastern exposure out here which is on this side in the mornings and then this side over here is like west facing but again like the plants in here are in the sun you can actually see the shade where it comes out to so they don't get any direct sun on their leaves I put them out here it hasn't quite been a week and they're tolerating the adjustment just fine and I don't see any kind of burning or anything like that because it's not like super bright out here but so far they really seem to like being out here okay cats are looking at the dog do you see them they're like what is that thing that's funny we got new neighbors here and so they put a fence up okay back to the plants I'm getting distracted by animals uh this is a birds of paradise here I got this one last summer and unfortunately it came down with a fungal issue but uh I kind of rehabbed it back over winter uh it is pushing some new growth you can kind of see in here and I don't have any of the fungal issues coming back on this plant so uh I did recently just slightly upssize it just like maybe an inch for the season cuz I hadn't repotted it yet but uh yeah so far it seems to be tolerating that well and I hope I can get it to grow well for me oh look now the third cat has come this is like such a cute photo that is adorable they're watching the dog that is so funny I am dying right now they're so cute you guys are so cute this here is a ficus tanaki and I've had this Fus for quite a while I got this I think locally back when I lived in North Carolina it's three vines in here total I had this one out on my front porch all summer last summer and it got really burnt out there it was just too hot my front porch is all south facing full sun and I underwatered it cuz it cuz it was drying out so quickly oh there's a plane up ahead but uh I had it in my East window all winter it did drop some leaves on this Vine here it did actually which is nice it did kind of self Branch right here which is kind of cool and there's actually another little Branch coming here and it is pushing new leaves on all three Lake Vines now so I feel like it's really going to like being out here on the patio instead of my front porch but I'm hoping it fills out nicely and grows a bit taller for me I was tempted to propagate it but since it's kind of self- branching I'm just going to see what it does I tried to notch a few more areas to see if I can get some more branching where I lost some leaves so I'll kind of see what happens but it's a beautiful Fus I don't have many Ficus in my collection but I do love the variegation on this one the white parts of the leaves can Brown kind of easily just with it being a variegated plant but yeah it has beautiful markings beautiful color gorgeous plant here is my Monera deliciosa I did recently uh combine my two big ones I potted her into a huge planter the tallest Vine This is the biggest leaf here and it's a pretty decent sized leaf and it is pushing a new growth back in here that you can see the growth Spike right there so that leaf is going to be a huge Leaf once it unfurls and then the original plant was two Vines so so I have a total of three vines in here now and one of the vines is pushing a new Leaf there I love moner deliciosa and yeah I just love all monsteras I'm a huge monstera lover it's my favorite genus I do have a little cart here I might eventually put some more plants out here but for right now I have a Oxalis this is a purple Oxalis I recently repotted this one because I hadn't repotted it yet so I put it in an 8 in planter and and it's a lot happier I have like these purple blooms coming in this thing blooms like crazy they're really pretty though I think Oxalis here is a beautiful plant look at that I have heard they can go dormant over winter mine didn't really go dormant it just prefers higher light I was worried like this spot wouldn't be enough light for it but it seems to be happy I'm probably going to have to throw some water on it actually since my storn Fern was a bit dry I'm pretty sure that that one's probably wanting water it gets like really limp and Droopy um when it's thirsty but since the repot I am getting some a new growth in there this one here is a type of antherium it's a variegated I forget the name but I will put it on the screen I didn't buy this plant it was a gift from an import uh company that sent me some plants over the summer last summer I do have this one in pond I actually just stuck it out here cuz I didn't really have a spot for it and although I think it's beautiful it's not my favorite plant like I wouldn't I probably wouldn't have bought this on my own but since it was gifted and I have it like and it is variegated I figured you know right now I don't want to get rid of it or anything I mean it's a pretty an theum it's it's an interesting ethereum Leaf shape but I would say not my favorite and this cutie here is a variegated banana this is actually a tissue culture and I recently put it out here it was in my plant room I did underwater this one so I I unfortunately have some yellowing going on which is kind of sad this one is very very thirsty mine isn't that variegated you can kind of see some slight variegation it's not really what I was hoping for with a variegated banana but it is growing like pretty steadily uh since I just put it out here I'm not sure if it's going to like this spot I feel like it might want more light so I'll see how it goes I just wanted to get it out of my plant room cuz it's getting kind of tall and my plant room is already so squished and full of plants but uh I do really like it I might eventually get a variegated banana that's more variegated but yeah this is a tissue culture and it's doing well so yeah we'll see how that goes for the summer out here so yeah I might eventually add a few more plants out here for the growing season but for right now I kind of like what we have I do want to get some colums and we are going to be doing some yard work out here too so I'm excited for that I love colums I had several out here over the summer last summer so we are going to head in and do our dining area next which is just right in this little corner it is less clutter because I did move a lot of these plants that were in there like these plants so it's it's more open which feels nice uh but I do still have like a good little selection of plants there we are going to start with this cutie here this is one of my marble queen paos or Apper preminum marble Queen I can't get enough of marble Queens I love them so much just some of my favorite plants this Leaf here is one of my favorites because of the tones like all the minty colors and everything feel like all marble Queens look different but this one is more splashy and I do have a lot of white that comes in on this one I mean I I technically bought it as a marble Queen uh it just has lots of tones which I love about this one I'm not counting these as plants in my collection because this was a plant mail that came with RPS unfortunately it's been in quarantine it is starting to grow some new leaves but I'm not ready to take it out of the bag yet um I'm not keeping this plant I am going to look at giving this one away because I do have some others in my collection that I was gifted which I'm so grateful for and you guys will see those in my plant room um but yeah this one is doing okay uh but yeah I'm I'm going to get rid of this plant I don't want it it's doesn't mean anything to me so yeah I will be letting that one go is kind of the overview of the plants in this section this shelf is from Amazon I don't really have plants blocking this window cuz I had all my monsteras and everything shoved in this corner over winter and it was just really really cluttered I recently repotted this Orchid I was trying a water culture out but unfortunately it just was not doing well so I did pot it up recently and it just feels and looks a lot better because it hasn't really been a week yet it's going to take a while for this plant to start growing again but I'm at least excited to have it back into like an aoid mix I have like uh moss and then some of my aoid mix kind of mixed in this one I do not know the name of I got this one a while ago and it has like a curly some curly leaves to it this one was in my plant room but I decided to move it out here now that I cleared up some space and this little cutie I got from my big box store and I don't know the name of this one either but it's cute I just have it right up here in that little cat I got it because of the cat uh I couldn't resist so uh yeah I do have um two more airplants that I will show you I don't have a lot in my collection but I do think they're really cute I just soak them once a week in like gentle fertilizer this beautiful CIA in the corner is an orolia and I love this plant so much this is not my original orbifolia it unfortunately didn't make it it had FL mites and it just went downhill it just got super stressed and my other one had thrips as well during the summer that I had them it it'll be two summers ago and it just did not handle it well this one I found at my big box store I got this one last year and this is actually variegated I don't know let me see if I can find I don't know if it's going to be able to if you're going to be able to see that vergation there I don't know if it's coming across but aot of the like original leaves have variegation kind of slight variegation some of the newer leaves don't really have as much variegation coming in but it's very minimal I feel like it's really happy in this corner I did have it like right here getting some lower light it is getting a bit more light in this corner so I'll have to see how it handles it if it likes it if I feel like it doesn't like being in the corner I'll move it back and probably slide those poles over a bit but yeah it is getting a bit more light than what it's used too this is just a neon Pathos and I wish I would have saved cutting it I recently cut all the strands because it was so that one was on the Shelf over here and it was so long I mean it was extremely long like all the way curled to the floor and it was just too big for this space so yeah I recently Chopped all the vines off so those will regrow in some time I didn't cut all the bottom ones off but I cut a lot of the long longer ones away and this one here is actually a neus as well it's very neglected you can see it's been uh needing some more moss in its Moss pole for a while but I am getting some bigger lease finally I feel like this one because it is so neon is just a bit slower these two Moss poles here I kind of neglect because they're not in my plant room I have a lot of plants on Moss poles that you will see I did start this neon the same time as my marble Queen in my plant room and it's just so slow like that's been years of growth this one over here is a Monera suta picana it's just the I guess a regular form it's not an El salador but I love like these mature leaves with the splits it's so cool you know some of the more juvenile leaves kind of look like that yeah I've had this plant in my collection for a while you can see it's a bit droopy it needs water the Moss PS completely dry so I'll have to water that later so over here on the corner this is another app primum posos uh it's more green right now because it was getting lower light but you can see kind of some of the variegation now I do have uh a very very impressive Moss pole of this plant that I actually took some cuting of I did recently prop her so a lot of the ends are kind of snapped here but it will regrow the new growth comes in a lot more vibrant but it does kind of Fade to a bit of a darker Green in lower light situations next to that we have a p Lily this one is a platinum the blooms aren't White or anything they're kind of coming in green I'm sure this one probably could use a little bit more light I loved the green tone of the leaves but it's kind of minty uh it is a very thirsty plant I have underwatered that several times this one here is a filad dendr Brazil this is my original Brazil and I had to like kind of restart this one over again but it's pushing out a lot of new growth especially down here probably will add those props back in to fill this plant out up here is a massive Bonia this is a Bonia macula this is actually my only Bonia in my plant collection look how beautiful this plant is this one's actually growing hydroponically in water you can see the I can move the leaves out of the way you can see the root system there I did upssize this plant recently it wasn't a much smaller water vessel I did break a strand accidentally so there's a couple uh strands in here that doesn't have any Roots I'm sure they probably have Roots now but they these guys root so easily in water if you ever want to prop yours it really loves growing in water I had it in soil at one point but I propagated it and stuck those props in water and yeah I just left them in water for too long and I just noticed it really liked growing in water so I don't have any plans of potting this one back into soil moving down from the Magonia you can see a very long trailing marble Queen now this marble Queen is my OG marble Queen this is the one that I've had for for a really long time and it's also the one that I started my Moss Pole from and yeah she's my original basket and I love her so much especially these strands down here growing look at how beautiful the variegation is I mean look at that that is stunning and she has another long one down here so so pretty I'll probably eventually uh prop her but I don't know uh she has a special place in my heart I love Marvel Queen it's one of my favorite plants cuz I mean for the price you just can't beat like the variegation and the color and everything just such a beautiful plant I adore them I also recently got another marble Queen uh right down there that I'll show you next to the marble Queen is what is back here oh this is technically a Geo plant so mine was on The Struggle Bus I had in my bathroom and the entire thing got crispy and it went dormant but I do have let me take it out I do have some new gross spikes that you can kind of see down in there there's one there and I thought I had another one oh no the other one's drying up so I just have one Ghost Bike I mean it's still alive it's hanging on um I got this one because I thought the leaf that was on this plant was variegated I thought I got like really lucky and found one but apparently that's just the way the the new leaves come in hopefully it still does okay for me and in here is a water propagation this is a singian Baltic and the leaves uh I don't know if you can tell like all the veining on this one it's very pretty I recently have kind of fallen out of love with zonum I had a bigger basket of this but it kind of stressed and yellowed a lot of the leaves and um I ended up just propagating what I could and I recently again propagated my propagations because I let them overgrow I don't know if I'm going to keep this in gonium I might uh I might look at letting this one go for some reason I'm not in love with it anymore but that's okay it's okay to fall out of love with plants this is actually a cutting that I got from one of my neighbors this is a Thanksgiving Cactus and it kind of fell off of her plant now it didn't have any Roots When I had it but I po it into a soil mix and I potted it in here without any roots and it's decided to root and grow and you can see all the cute little new leaves coming in look at that and it also has a bloom here coming in which it's April so it's funny that it has a bloom it did Bloom like a really pink pretty Bloom recently but it fell off but I have lots of new little growth spikes coming in and it looks like I don't know it might it might bloom again there I just feel like the little leaves are so stinking cute like look how little look how little that is but yeah I've never had like a Thanksgiving uh Cactus before I think I did try at one point to get a Christmas cactus but I let it go before we move I'm excited to have this one and I feel like because it was a gift you know that it's more special but it's it's really happy it really likes the spot and yeah it's growing a ton of new leaves this here is a enjoy pathos at perum enjoy or actually pearls and Jade I did buy this as a pearls and Jade but some times I feel like they kind of have mixed pots in a way cuz I feel like some of the leaves look more like a pearls and Jade where you have the speckling um there on the green and then some that are more white kind of look like an enjoy to me sometimes I call it both but technically I bought it as a pearls and Jade now this is the original pot I do have one on a moss pole that I will show you in my plant room but this was just like the extra um plant that I had I did have this one in a different spot this is a new spot for this plant and it was in extremely low light so it really hasn't grown a whole lot but since I moved it here I feel like it's a lot happier these two plants here are a recent propagation that I did when I rearranged for spring I have a filad dendrin billy attia which is this guy here and then I have a filad dendrin Jose buono which is this guy here these plants I don't think I want to keep in my collection so they were plants that were outside over the summer last summer and I really neglected them out there and I kind of house them in here over winter and again I kind of neglected them so I recently propagated like a good top cut because a lot of the bottom growth was yellowing and just did not look very happy so I'm going to reprop this Top Cut here and the top cut on this one feel like I don't really want these plants in my collection anymore so I'm probably going to look at letting these go yeah I just want to root like a healthy cutting first before I do that this little cutie singian is so ad adorable I'm so happy that it's coming back this is a singian frosted heart so mine was really really really really big and tall I had it growing uh not really on a moss pole but just kind of a steak situation and unfortunately it came down with a fungal issue I only was able to salvage one cutting and even the cutting wasn't doing that well but it activated two nodes here you can see and it's finally starting to grow back now this sodium is one that I really do love I just think it's so unique I love the heart-- shaped leaves and like the Frosted to it I don't know and I love like the minty ton so this is one that I really love it's really cute and petite right now and it's so adorable I have it in my aoid mix but yeah I'm so excited that it's coming back I just think it's such a cute little syoni next to the singian I have a zzy plant this is my only zzy plant right now this is a chameleon zezy and it has the beautiful kind of very irrigation there this one was a rehab project I have five stocks here that have grown back and then there looks to be like a new Spike here I had to completely like re-root this plant it broaded I basically stuck all the ryom under the soil and they eventually rooted and popped New Growth so this is all new growth has to come back I feel like this one would appreciate more light but it seems happy at least right now cuz it does have this lamp right here so I'm going to leave it here but I'll eventually have to move it because these are going to get too tall for this shelf but yeah I like this sey plant I think the color of this one is pretty back behind here I just have some fil dendrin mikin propagations I have a couple containers of props and then I have my huge Moss pole that you will see but yeah I took some cuting off of my pole and you can see all the tiny new growth that has come in so I just kind of have that there for now but I'll probably eventually like separate all those props and make some new containers down here on this shelf this is the new airplant that I got recently this one is a zero graph I love how big it is I fell in love with not only the color of it but just the size of it I think that color of green is so pretty I love the minty the mintiness on it but yeah I just soak this once a week with all my airplants and add some gentle fertilizer and I let it kind of dry upside down for kind of overnight and then I'll put them back this beauty is another new purchase I found this at my big box store and I could not say no to it I love the leaves and the color of this one I don't know it just looked so different like I love the white on it uh it might look more snow Queeny I guess I don't know but it's very pretty I just love this one especially this Leaf here I love this leaf and this Leaf so yeah it's in a cute little basket uh in the original pot so I'll probably let this one grow out and then I may eventually you know propagate them but I could not pass this one up I feel like they look so different like that one looks different than that one there and it looks different than uh that one over there they're just all different this one I found at my local Big Box store it's known as a zebra plant I'll put the actual scientific name on this screen but this one is the Snow White Version and this one is beautiful the leaves are kind of like a white color I did have the original one but I let that one go so I was in there one day and I saw this whiter version and I fell in love with it and I kind of missed mine I recently put it on the end here because it was getting too tall for this shelf you can see the new growth coming in my old one bloomed they have yellow blooms that come in this one is a very very thirsty plant and they do like a lot of light so I feel like the spot is kind of lower light which I hope it doesn't mind but I'll see how it goes cuz I kind of recently just rearranged all these plants so some of them are adjusting to some different light levels but so far it seems happy I just uh yeah sometimes I can underwater this one it's very dramatic like the P silly it tends to droop when it's very thirsty now this one is a newer Mana in my collection and it's been a struggle to kind of grow this one it's had some flat M issues and yeah flat M just really uh kind of inhibit growth and this one blooms constantly I feel like I want to take a propagation when I can I I feel like it hasn't really grown enough to for me to actually take a propagation but once it does I'm going to propagate this one and hopefully grow out a cutting that's a little bit more healthy but I just kind of stuck it down here it was in my plant room but again I was trying to clear some space out of my plant room so I have it right there for now and this is another rabbit track maranta kersi oana but this one is the barricaded version you can see there's a variegated Leaf there in there now this part here is most reverted this one was in my plant room I did take some cuting that were more variegated and they're currently in water I'm still on the hunt for a really variegated one of these I have not I have not come across one yet so whenever I do I'm going to buy it immediately because I really want one that's highly variegated because I love maranta so much so if I ever find one locally I'm going to buy it I'm just afraid of buying one online because I don't know what the variation is going to be when I do that and I don't want one that's not that variegated I want I want to actually be able to see it and see like a really highly variegated one so I'm hoping to come across one in store uh that's what I'm hoping for anyway I do have some HOAs down here on the bottom these HOAs were my recent like chop projects because these were the HOAs that I had and actually in this East window over here and they all came down with MES and they kept returning I had tried like every treatment under the I had repotted a lot of them and uh mes kept coming back on it so I got really frustrated because there's like seven different HOAs here and I made the decision to just take some cuting and I tossed the rest uh and so I had the cuting callousing for probably like 3 or 4 weeks at least I just left them in the container and they were still holding a lot of water some of them did get wrinkly but uh I just kept putting off actually taking care of them so I wanted to take care of these before I film this video for you guys so they're actually all in their individual cups of stratum now I don't really want to take all these out cuz they're not that rooted so if I go to move these they're probably going to fall out of the stratum but yeah you can see I potted them up this uh one here is a crimson uh princess this is all that's left of my big Crimson princess that I had uh it had flat mites and mes and it just did not do well so uh I do want to buy another Crimson princess because I really do like the Crimson princess I have the Crimson Queen here too um this one here it's a little sticky because I use toic cultural oil so I didn't like wipe it off or anything you can actually see the oil coming off um but yeah I'm really sad because these HOAs were in my collection these are some of my older HOAs and they were really big well this one here wasn't an old Hoya this is a carnosa this one had me so bad oh my gosh so I took some cuting and they're in stratum and I'm going to regrow all these back I have a very splashy Hoya pubic calx in here very very splashy and then I also have a retusa this one was so long and it bloomed like crazy this one was in my plant room and it attracted ants because I didn't realize all the sap was Dripping on my window ledge very very sappy Hoya it does single flower blooms I do have a hoya shaper ey in here as well it's just a couple strands there it goes right there it's like the string bean HOA I'm sad to kind of restart these Hoya but maybe it'll be like a fresh start for these in in a way and this one here was actually my second oldest Hoya this one now this one is I was told is supposed to be a beron a like SP AF ber but I have had people tell me like no it's a babata but then I purchased a Bata which I will show you it's in the other room but then I've had someone tell me that one's a beron a so now I'm just confused I don't know if they're both uh bow badas or if they're both berad I'm not really sure now this one has bloomed for me um before since it's like one of my oldest toas and it also had ants because of the rusa here so yeah I just took some strands of what I could and then I'm going to re-root them and then pot them back up and hopefully they'll start blooming for me here once they actually start rooting I'll look at potting them back up but yeah I'm just keeping them isolated down here together so these are the plants in my dining area it just feels so much better like the space feels so much better and it's not as cluttered and it's more spacious I might eventually take some plants out of my plant room like maybe a couple more and squeeze them over here for the summer this is my husband's office but I do want to show you that there is a marble Queen in here this is a cutting from my mother plant cuz he wanted to plant his office sometimes I come in here and just like open the blinds for the plant uh he mostly takes care of this I have watered it a few times before because um it's gotten really thirsty but I love how like white this one is it does need to be repotted but um I'm hoping he repots it with me for a video since it is like technically his plant that he cares for but yeah I just wanted to show you that uh this one is in here so you can see our living space is pretty plantree there's not a lot of well there's no plants in this living space and it's very dark in this section because there is no windows like this entire section is completely dark you can see without those lights it would be like Pitch Black in that corner so if I were to bring more plants in this space I would definitely have to use grow lights but I didn't want our space to feel cluttered with house plants in a sense and that's why I have like a dedicated plant room and then I slowly brought a couple cabinets out and we're going to show you those next there's some of my uh favorite plants well not favorite plants but I got some new ones and I'm obsessed with them so that new cabinet is only like a week old it is very very new uh so yeah I'm going to head over there and show you that little section next and then uh we'll continue on so this little precious cabinet here is so new and I absolutely love the plants that I put in here I just love this entire setup I love this cabinet so much and I did make like a dedicated video putting this together so if you're interested I will link that and then I also have the little mini acrob bar cabinet right here that is also from Ikea and I do have a video on that as well so I will link those in the description if you are curious let's go ahead and do the little mini one first I do have this one kind of vented open as you can see because I did have it closed the stratum was getting a little mold just because there wasn't enough air circulation I don't have a fan in that little one this is all Hoya by the way there are 10 Hoya in this cabinet and these are new newer HOAs in my collection I had a couple wishless HOAs in here and then I had a couple that were gifted and then some more like random ones that I purchased so this one is a hoya multi Flora I got this one because I wanted the blooms on this one uh it was just a cutting and you can actually see it's rooting nicely in here some new roots well it wasn't a cutting it was a small plant that I purchased so yeah that one is probably going to get I'm probably going to put all these back into like a soil mix but yeah I wanted this one to start growing it because I really really really want those blooms so I'm excited to have this one these two here I got because of the color of the Hoya this is a lacunosa I believe this is a silver mint and again I got this as a very small plant but look at that color on this Hoya isn't that beautiful it's grown so much since I got it and I have this one in stratom as well it's definitely overdue probably for an upsize it's growing in a ton of new spikes but it is such a beautiful Hoya seriously one of my favorite colors just like that cabinet that cabinet color is so pretty yeah very happy with this one I love this one so much this one here is so pretty look at the color on that one this is a cronana silver I think I like this one more than the laiosa silver mint just because there's something about like this deep silver color and this one actually Sun stresses a bit let me see if you can see in the light it's unstressing a little pink there it's not super intense light there's just one like 10 watt B light up here but if I put this one in my S window I bet you this would get really Sun stressed but yeah I love that color so much this one was gifted I recently potted it into my soil mix so uh this is a mini canana so it has like a dark dark green leaves you can see it a little bit more in there it's very cute and petite um I'm glad that I have it but I don't know what the blooms look like on this one I meant to look this one up but yeah this one was a gift this was a gift as well uh this one is actually a hoya micro dorf ns12 323 uh I think that's the name of it uh it's very very tiny cute petite leaves I like the sun stressing up top that it's doing like the orangey tones but I don't really know anything about this Hoya either I don't know what the blooms look like it's so cute though it's growing a ton since I had it I probably got it and it was like that big so it's grown all this in just a short amount of time very cute now this one I am excited for this one is a hoya im8 I didn't know anything about this Hoya but she sent me a cutting uh I got these from the planted Mama on Etsy and she sent me a cutting with P dunes and they recently started opening I don't know if it's going to show you they're so fuzzy and cute so I did recently pop this one up so I hope it doesn't drop the rest of the batun I'm hoping I didn't stress it but it's really cute I love the dainty leaves too they're like round they're really cute and petite so I'm really excited to have that Hoya I love the leaves or the flower blooms on that one and the leaves for some reason I can't think of the name of this one off the top of my head it's one that I got because the blooms are so pretty and I didn't realize how beautiful the leaves are on this Hoya and they're actually they have fuzzy hairs I don't know if you can make out the little fuzzy hairs on the leaves if it's picking up I love how fuzzy it is and it has like silver markings that's like New Leaf here coming out but I can't wait for the blooms on this one I bought this one for the blooms uh I have several cuttings in here and they're rooting in nicely so I'm excited to see what this one does but yeah I'm just happy to have this one and that it's growing well I'm mad that I can't think of the name though but I will put it on the screen this one was a wish list Hoya this is a New Guinea ghost and it's rooting in nicely in stratum but look at the color of those leaves they are so pretty some of the leaves closer to the light have come in a little bit more pink that you can see but yeah this was a wishless hoya I just love the silver tones on it it's so beautiful I got this one from Corey as well from the planted Mama the other ones I got from the green Escape but these are so beautiful I love the color and the leaf shape and everything so I'm really excited to have this one so this one I purchased I got this one from Corey as well this it was a wish list Hoya this is a polyura it's the um elbow marginada so the outer variegated look at how beautiful I have the original polyura in my plant room that I'll show you but this one has the cute uh outer margin it's so pretty I love this Hoya so much the one in my plant room has bloomed but um I don't know if the Bloom on this one looks the same I eventually want the inner variegated but this one is so pretty H it's probably like my favorite Hoya right now I love it so much and this one here was a purchase from the green Escape it's finally rooting these cuting didn't really have many roots and I don't know why the name of this one is slipping my head as well I had SE several little cuting but they haven't really grown or done anything yet cuz I think it's just working on growing Roots first I love the color of this one it's like a light light green center and then a darker green on the outside and this one's like a little half moon but I'm really excited for this one too I can't wait for this one to start start growing next up is the Ikea cabinet here and I'm going to show you all the plants and I'm very excited to show you this cabinet I love all these plants in here so much so in the back I'm going to take this one out for a second so you can see them now they're the same kind of uh plant species they're in alacia watsonia watania this one here is called a light veins and this one here is called a dark form this one has a closed sinus as well as this one here it looks very similar to a poly but it's not and I think this one might be getting ready to push a leaf I recently moved them to pawn and they're doing so well I just cannot wait until these aliccia get bigger I know I'll have to move them out eventually U but I really like them in here and yeah I just I love these aliccia they're both newer probably within the last several months and I love them both I don't think I can pick a favorite between them so I'm just excited for them to grow I love the veining on this one though if you can see the veining in the light can you make that out it's so pretty I have a baby alaka fried deck here has the cutest little leaves it's literally the size of like my finger that new Leaf coming in is so cute it say stratum this was a a very small corn that fell off when I repotted my big plants uh so yeah I just have this one in here cuz I thought it was just the perfect small little plant for in front this one here is a moranta light veins this is uh kind of my only pot I do have the base uh but this was like the top cutting that I took and it is rooting nicely I am going to move this one to Pond cuz I do have another moranta that I want to show you in my plant room that's in pond and it's doing so well I love the light veins the leaves are so pretty look at those it's beautiful I love this moranta so much and this one here is actually a um alaka poly but this one is supposed to be a pink variegated now you can see the variegation is very minimal let me take it down here so yeah the variegation is very very minimal on this one you can see a little bit there it does have a new Leaf coming in here but I recently uh put this one in pond so I'm hoping the corns uh will actually be variegated I think I got about six corns from this plant so I'm very very excited to see what those are going to do I feel like that's going to be on my wish list though cuz I really want um one that's highly variegated these two here are the newest plants in my collection this one is a variegated alacia pink black velvet this is the newest leaf that it just gave me this was a wishless plant for so long look at that leaf see I just got this plant within like the last week and I'm already obsessed with it so much it's in soil this is the mix that I came in but I am going to move this to stratum temporarily and I am going to move move this to pawn um eventually but this new Leaf is everything like look at that it is so pretty and then this is the other one here that I recently got I got these both from rare plant fairy look at this Leaf this is a variegated dragon scale this is the elbow varag and this new Leaf here is unfurling and it has beautiful color such a gorgeous aliccia I have a regular dragon scale that I'm to show you but I had to have the elbow I just love variegated plants and alaka is my second favorite genus look at that pink veining yeah this Leaf has so many beautiful colors the white mint dark green like the pink veins very beautiful uh same thing with this Salon this is the original mix I'm going to work on moving this one to stratum I was going to wait for that leaf to harden and then um yeah both to stratum and then a pond that one there in the back is supposed to be a mint poly that's another recent Pond transfer you can kind of see the leaves like that kind of pink tone on them so that one was a pretty small corn when I got it so I had it in stratum for a while but again it's a recent Pond transfer I did a recent video on that so so far all these that I transferred to Pond recently are doing well and I'm going to show you this one because this is probably like one of my top favorite plants right now this one is my own hybrid that I created can you see Delta for similarities so I crossed my antherium clar Nerium and Pato radiatum I did this on 10:18 of October is when I harvested the berries I pollinated them in December of 22 it took 10 months to grow the berries and I only got three seeds so I potted two up into pwn and I have some newer leaves coming in here look at that one that one has like even more traits these ones are going to get big look at that leaf oh my goodness I'm in love in love in love with this antherium Delta forche was on my wish list but since I crossed my own hybrid I know like it's not a true Delta Force but it's going to be similar at least I'm glad that it's looking similar uh I can see the traits and they're just so beautiful so these are the two seeds and then my other seed is actually this one down here so this one uh is kind of the run I like to call it out of the bunch I it you know I harvested them at the same time and the seeds were all the same but this one is growing so much slower and I do have another little leaf coming in finally so this one was growing in Moss and I recently put it into my aoid mix so I feel like it's going to really like uh growing in that so I'm excited to at least have like both of these growing into two separate substrates I feel like since I only got three seeds I don't want to get rid of this one I did pollinate her again my clarinervium is pollinated with my pato radiatum so once I get berries I will grow them out to sell them but yes I seriously love this ethereum so much it's definitely going to be a favorite of mine um that I own and it's special in the sense that I actually like created this this is my my creation that I did and then there in the back this is a very tiny uh monstera mint this is a little seed off of my plant so my plant that I got was a tissue culture and this is my tissue culture gave me like nine babies I guess the callus was left on it and it was growing a ton of offshoot so I recently did a video on this one as well where I propagated the main plant and then I separated all the babies so this is one of the babies that I separated and it's in my aoid mix I think I'm going to keep this baby and then the rest of them are in my plant room and I'll show you in there cuz I would love to have like another mint growing I love that leaf look it's like a half moon it just unfurled that's so pretty very very pretty I love this monstera so I had this little guy like right here in front so let me show you the other three plants in here this one is another alaka this is a actually a ninja and it's supposed to be a variegated one you can actually see some of the original leaves there were variegated and all the new growth has come in non variegated now this one is a tissue culture as well I love the leaf shape and everything it's so unique and it's so pretty this one is in my aoid mix I was going to uh move all my allocation upon but um haven't decided about this one it seems really happy so I might just leave this one in soil well it's soil free but uh you know what I mean I was hoping more of the leaves would come in variegated but that's okay I know that's the chance you take with variegation you can't really predict here's another allocation in there now this one just gave me a newer Leaf as well and this is beautiful gorgeous this one um was a corn that I got last year a very small plug and it didn't do well for a while I recently well not recently maybe 6 8 months ago six seven months ago something like that I put this one into pond and it struggled for a while but it's finally taking off which I'm super excited about I'll put the name of this one on the screen cuz I always forget the name of this one but yeah that color is so pretty look at that gorgeous allocation are just amazing I love them the last big allocation here let me take this one out I feel like the light just kind of blocks you can't really see them that well look at her uh this one is a Silver Dragon I've had this one in my collection for a really long time it recently gave me this huge Leaf which made me fall in love with this plant all over again and it has a little blip of sport variegation there and look at that color text texture tone it is so incredibly beautiful did I see a new Leaf coming in yes I have a new Leaf I have a few corns in here so uh this is like my only Silver Dragon plant but yes I love this plant so much I love the regular dragon scale but the Silver Dragon just the color and tone I love love love love love this alaka but this new Leaf like sold me as soon as this popped out I'm like yes I love you and I love like the darker leaves too but these are the newer ones they're a bit lighter such a beautiful alacia it's a lot bigger compared to some of the other ones in there and I have a lot more alloca I'm going to show you I have so many I have yeah I have over 20 over 20 alloces in my collection I wouldn't be surprised if it's closer to 25 now I have a lot of them all right I'm going to get these put back into the cabinet here and then I'm going to quickly show you the plants uh I have one there and then I have a few that I moved out front and then I'm going to go show you the nursery real quick and a few of my plants in there and then we're going to move into our plant room finally and show you the bulk of my house plants in there so over here on the entryway the only plant that I currently have is the sad little money tree uh I did recently move it here it was actually on the opposite uh wall right here on top of the Shelf all like winter and last year but I feel like it wasn't getting enough light this is like a little Slither of a window but it's very low light so I feel like it wasn't really doing that well because of that so I had my snake plants here over winter and I actually moved this money tree here now that the snake plants are back outside and I can already tell since being being here a week I already have some new growth coming in that you can see some little spikes here and here and here as well but coming around this side you can actually see how how many leaves were dropped on this plant just because of probably just like underwatering and then not enough light and it was just struggling so I feel like now that it's under some more light I feel like it's going to grow better but this is a new Leaf here I believe and that one as well so it was looking pry pretty bare there for a bit I'm happy to see how it does in the spot here and then yeah once uh once I have to bring the snake plants in I'll have to move it back over here for winter but maybe I can do some kind of clip light or something for it now our front porch here is all south facing direct sun so here on our front porch you can kind of see the line that the sun is right now but it will kind of reach all the way back towards the door so anything that I put out here has to tolerate like full direct sun usually only plants I put out here are my like succulents cacti and snake plants stuff like that the Fus I did that I showed you was like over here but yeah like I said it didn't do well all summer it just got too hot I think out here for it I'll start with these guys down here this is a cactus planter I've had for several years now this is actually the third summer with it and I do want to maybe possibly repot it this year I feel like it could use a refresh and I would like to get a bigger pot for it but uh it's not going to be on the top of my list cuz I have a lot of other plant chores to do and the one right next to it is a succulent planter I poted all my succulents into one pot some of the succulents I've had for a while like that haworthia there that's getting ready to bloom and then the rest of them are um rescue succulents I got like a discounted basket at Walmart for like five bucks so I actually ended up potting all of my succulents into one that's the bloom there so um I left these out here all winter and they seem to tolerate it this one here this ghost Cactus got a little bit of like cold damage you can see but overall it did well and I feel like they tolerated having some colder temps we got a lot of frost here I feel like the lowest our temperatures got was in the 20s for us this winter my Domino Cactus is getting ready to bloom again so this thing blooms in the early morning hours and it only stays open for a few hours and then the bloom dies off and I'll put picture on the screen if I can find it of what the bloom looks like but it's very beautiful I water these probably once a week if that sometimes every two weeks it really depends and sometimes they get rained on when it rains back here in this corner this is actually new I just put this out here I didn't have this set up last year I have a couple snake plants and then I have one more Cactus on the bottom I bought this one because I liked the color and then it's very Pokey do you see how spiky that one is I would like to get this one potted up with my other one if I do repot it but he's just a lone little guy out there I had him inside this H winter this one here is actually a propagation from my seai or say silver or Metallica uh snake plant the new growth came in nonv variegated so if you do like a leaf propagation you won't get that same coloring back unfortunately but I don't know if any of you remember when I took this cutting and the pup and everything grew but yeah that's the new growth that has come in on it this s plant here is called a Whitney snake plant and I've had this one for a little while I can't remember where I got this one at but it has like a lighter green margin and it's dark in the center so I had this one out here last summer um and it did well it's going to get a little bit less light back here in the corner but it's still like a lot of light compared to inside these three uh plants here are uh three snake plants they actually got reclassified as Drina even though I call them snake plants still s Saria but technically they're justena now so this one here in the middle is actually my very oldest plant I've had the snake plant over 10 years now probably going on 12 this year actually I don't remember exactly when I got it but I do have like photos of this like back in the day but it's the only plant that I remember getting like really early on this one here is probably my favorite uh snake plant this one is Metallica S silver or seai I've seen it called all three names I got this one at a local uh plant shop here a few summers ago and it's grown a ton it loves being outside this one has the most beautiful color I love all the tones I just love that silvery color the markings are so beautiful on this one look at this Leaf down here this one is very pretty I love that so much and then this one down here is my whale fin so I have my original whale fin in the back and then I have the variegated one I love how wide the leaves are this is the original leaf on this one I think I got this in 21 and then I got the variegated one and 20 one as well this is the original leaf on that one and these are all like oo gosh these are all pups like this is the newest pup that has grown since uh winter I decided to pot them up together just to save space but I love how wide the leaves are I really like them I definitely recommend I feel like snake plants are such easygoing plants I probably water these like I said once a week maybe out here in the summer it really depends sometimes it's every couple of weeks but that's like over summer so they're getting a lot of warm uh warm air warm temperatures it's very like hot uh so I try not to underwater them but uh yeah sometimes they get underwatered out here but they did so well last summer and grew so much I had already started showing use some plants but uh for some reason my my memory card messed up so I had to like re-record this part but yeah most of the plants on these shelves are for my plant shop so I'm not really going to go into detail and show you every single plant in here I do have some plants that are mine that I am going to show you uh here and then uh we'll get to moving on to our plant room so uh up first is a filad dendrin pink princess this is actually one that I got at a big box store and I got it because it looked to be very pink uh this is all actually New Growth the ones that have the most pink but I liked the marble leaves on this one I know these ones at The Big Box store are tissue cultured because a lot of their growth is coming in very weird and wonky uh but I feel like it's finally stabilized I might eventually propagate this one I haven't decided but since it is growing a lot of pink leaves I want to see what it's going to continue to do so um I'm going to let this one grow out a bit and then I haven't decided if I want to keep this one this little guy here is a synapsis trbi Moonlight this is all that I have left of my big plant mine just got really sad I think it was like rotting in combination with flat mites possibly so I was able to save a couple wet sticks and this is the growth that I recently potted up this was in my perite propagation bin so I'm excited to at least somewhat get a plant growing back cuz I was really sad when that one went downhill and then this is another one here that went downhill this is a couple singian in my collection these are two little baby singon Mojitos I had a really big plant of this and I don't know what happened I think I propagated it and I don't know all that I could Salvage was a couple of wet sticks I honestly thought they all rotted but I was able to save two that were in my peite bin so I recently potted these up so I'm hoping that I can get somewhat of a plant growing back and same with this senium as well this is a tonium ara I love this new Leaf that it just gave me this one um was I guess a propagation so I'm going to pop this up and grow this one out I really like the Arya I have the elbow that I'm going to show you it's in my plant room on a moss pole but I was sad I don't know what happened with this one I think it was just I neglected it and it was growing weird and I decided to cut it back I do have a couple more wet sticks of this one that I'll probably get rid of but this is like my main plant now that I'll keep and grow back this one here is another basket of justen paos I potted some propagations up probably a few months ago I want to grow another basket so that I can use it to propagate more cuting for the shop so once this one grows a bit more I'll take some top cuts and root those and get rid of them but yeah I want this one to kind of fill in nicely so that I can use it for propagations but I love some of these newer leaves that have come in and the same thing with this one over here this is a mandula posos I have a big one well not too big yet but I have one on a moss pole but this is one that I want to um propagate and grow out for for the shop these are some new leaves it gave me recently look how beautiful I seriously love manula they are just the prettiest plants pathos EP preminum they're just so beautiful and so easy goinging this one's actually in tree fern I wanted to test this one out it is pretty dry so I need to water it actually but I really like the I really like this plant so once it grows a bit more I'll take some cuting this next one let me move this plant this is a filad dendron I've had in my collection for a really really long time it's a filad dendrin Mame and I've struggled with this plant so this one is a crawler I've had it in a long pot for a while and it just started yellowing all of a sudden it had spider mites I've rehabed this a couple of times it's dealt with root rot so I finally took a chunk and I re-rooted it it's in stratum and it's been ready to pot up for a while you can tell that it wants to start crawling so I need to get it in a long pot but I really loved this fendron I've I think I got this one in 2020 and I really liked the pedal it's got some Ruffles here if you can see the Ruffles it's so cool so I really liked that on this plant so hopefully like I don't know how many times I've grown this one maybe this will be the fourth time fourth times in charm with that one so yeah I'm going to move it to Pon I have a few other crawlers that I've struggled with I don't do well with crawlers so I'm going to move them all to pawn and see if I can grow them and this one over here here is a antherium crystallinum this one is a rehab I've had I think this was actually my very first antherium that I had in my collection this one in my forget ey and this one apparently suffered some root rot last year and I tried to rehab it and it continued to rot so I cut the chunk away and stuck it in water and it has now re-rooted I've neglected this one recently it's been in water for quite some time so I do want to move this on to pawn here I just have to get that done but I have some new leaves kind of coming in here so I do have another crystallinum it's a silver I got as like a small plant that I'm going to show you but yeah I really like the crystallinum I feel like it's just a classic plant so hopefully uh that one I can pot up into pond soon and get it growing back here's a couple other of my plants that I have in here right now I have a monstera Peru cutting in water I have some more up top that I'll show you and then these two pots here this was an import plant this is a monstera ad andoni but it's supposed to be an ARA and it's mostly reverted I've cut this plant back a couple of times now you can see some of the leaves have some variegation there it's very minimal and a lot of the new growth has come in like mostly reverted so I don't know what this one's going to do I'm hoping I get some like yellow to come back in some of the variegation but we'll see I have this one in soil and then I have a ton of like wet sticks and propagations in there so I was going to try and grow a plant out if I can get some color to come back so I don't know I don't have high hopes for that having much variegation but I'll see how it goes so most of these plants up here are my propagations for my shop so when I chop Moss poles or take cuting or if I cross an theum and have a ton of seedlings I have like a whole cart of seedlings over there and lots of water props and everything thing so I grow them out and once they are like happy plants growing in like with the new growth and I look at listing them on my site so I have a lot of props here I wouldn't be surprised if I have over 200 probably more I have over 200 and 50 seedlings left probably so there's probably like at least 400 plants here but I'm not really counting these as like plants in my collection uh but if you want to get into specifics I have a ton of plants in this little section I have a lot of aloca corns there on the bottom so I'm using these glass containers because the cats sometimes come in here and I don't want them getting into anything on the bottom shelf so I'm using those little ceiling domes and then once they get big I move them into the bigger trays and then uh once they grow and establish a bit more I'll move them out of like higher humidity and then let them kind of stabilize for a couple weeks I have a perlite propagation bin down there I recently redid that and then I have a couple more of my plants up top that I want to show you over here I want to show you a pot of monstera albow this one is actually growing in pond and these were cuting that I took in December so I had about 30 or 40 propagations of monster albow and Arya when I had to restart mine over because of some rot and I had chopped mine back and I had gotten rid of pretty much all the cuting these ones were the ones that were left that were growing more white so what I did was put them all in a container a pond and you can see a lot of the growth is still coming in a lot of white which is very sad unfortunately I I got some leaves to come in with some green but there's still majority of them are white so I don't know what I'm going to do with this pot I'm going to let it grow out and hopefully in the future as more leaves grow I can get some more green to come in but yeah I just have a very white pot of albow there I just kind of have it sitting here cuz I didn't have a spot in my plant room for it and up top here I have another mon St elbow I recently put this one in here it was actually in my plant room but I didn't have any room for it so this one I am going to um let go I'm going to actually propagate this one for the shop this will be like my propagating elbow and it's done a ton of leaves within like a few months I feel like since it since I potted it up so yeah once it grows a bit more I'll take some like I'll take a Top Cut and then several mid cuts and then I'll grow them out and then once they actually root and grow and have new growth coming in then I'll look at listing those for sale and the plants in that container up there were some of my like other plants I have a couple alaka corns off of my mother plant and then I have like some more moner Peru water props I have some mananta cuting and the bottom cut of my light veins moranta in here so I don't know what I'm going to do with those just yeah they were just like extra stuff that I didn't have room for so they're just like hanging out up there oh and I do have like a heartly filad dendrin there as well and this one here is like a sad plant of mine that is most likely just not going to make it I uh have a dedicated video on this plant but this is my variegated Monera at inia and unfortunately all the growth started coming in white so I made a video where I chopped the plant completely back and a couple of the wet sticks rotted and didn't make it and then the cuting is what this is here and all the cuting the original leaves have now died and all the new growth has come in mostly white uh this bit of green is a little bit of a propagation that I potted in off of my regular monster ad in sonyi someone suggested I do that to see if that would help promote some green to come in so I'm going to see what happens a lot of the growth has already started browning just because it's all white so I don't really see any green coming in on this plant so unfortunately I think this one isn't going to do well it's just a shame I really wanted this plant it had half moon leaves when I got it and it was a beautiful Monster ad in sonyi uh the elbow variegated but yeah I have heard of these either reverting or growing all white which is very unfortunate so I'm just kind of hanging on to it I don't really have high hopes that it's going to do much of anything but I'm just kind of leaving it there and I'll see what happens and then my only other plants in this room is actually these three right here I have three Hoya baskets and then one more little airplant here I don't know the name of this airplant I found this cute little setup with that airplant in a plant shop in St Augustine Florida I just thought this whole thing was so cute so I bought that as is and I don't know yeah I don't know what kind of airplant this one is but it's really cute I had that in my plant room but I recently moved it in here and the three Hoya baskets that I have in here uh are a hoya weti ey this is a lacunosa uh snow caps this is the one that I purchased as a bobata but I have heard someone um say it was a Berton a I'm not really sure this one has longer leaves which I thought the bobata had longer leaves and my other one is a Bert and this laosa snow caps here has started blooming again I have a regular lacunosa in my plant room that I'll show you but the snow caps is supposed to have like some variegated leaves it's very minimal has like some silver on there yeah this one has lots of ponco here coming in it hasn't bloomed quite as much as my regular lacunosa but I feel like it's still establishing I recently like potted all these up so I think they've taken a little bit to kind of grow and establish some yes this one has bloomed already the bow there's a couple ponal here and this is a weti ey this one has not bloomed yet but it's very uh long it's grown a ton I do believe I found all these at The Big Box store yes cuz they were still in their original pasta pots I hadn't repotted them yet so I did finally like take the time to repot them and give them a soil refresh and they all did so well I do have a video on doing this whole entire setup I have like a curtain rod um up top there with them they get kind of low light here but it's not like a ton of light coming in but I feel like for the most part they're happy and they continue to grow being in the spots now we are heading in to our plant room all the lights are on in here now I know earlier it was a bit more dark and we have a lot of plants to go through in here you guys a lot of plants kind of just give you another look around especially with some of these huge impressive Moss poles here's our cabinet View and then yeah we have another big shelf behind us so yeah we have a lot to go through in here I think I might just start on this side of the room uh I think I'll start with the cabinet first and then we'll save our big moss PS for last cuz yeah I do want to kind of bring some out so you can see them more in their entirety but I also don't want to go moving a ton because it's a lot of work to move them but let me start here and we'll work our way around so this is the Ikea msbo tall I've had this Ikea cabinet the longest and I love it I do I think eventually want to reconfigure the inside and get the acrylic shelves in here but uh it's done really well this is now I think I've had this for 2 years and I love having the cabinet I love the athetics of it so up top on the cabinet are two ethereum Pala flums and these were both gifted to me and I'm so grateful for this is a new Leaf that came out on this one here I got a little damage I think I may have accidentally slammed it in the cabinet door it has 1 two three five leaves on this one and these are both in the original mix that they came in and this one here is actually the newest Leaf it's still kind of hardening it's very fresh uh this is the bigger one and I got this one from uh top otaku plants on Etsy she sent me this one and that one's in its original mix and you can see all the roots in there this is probably like one of my top other favorite enion because it's so beautiful and I just love the look of strappy antheriums and the light up top is a clip light and it's providing some extra light for those plants I do have some like surrounding grow lights and then of course this big South window here in front but the light coming from the Ikea cabinet on top itself isn't a ton of light so I definitely uh am glad that I have that clip light up there cuz it definitely keeps them happy and growing well let's open her up I like damaging I have to like be careful I really only open this cabinet up a couple times a week but I just have to be careful with the new leaves coming in we have three shelves in here and the top shelf I have three plants I have my clarinervium which is one of my older antheriums this I believe is a newer leaf that came out I love the clarinervium look how beautiful she is and I have several leaves on her and then the inflow that's pollinated is actually right here and then I have another inflow that is just now kind of pushing out right there so since the one is pollinated I don't want anything to happen without that one so I'll probably just collect the pollen from from the other inflow and then cut it off this beautiful antheum here is a antherium war aqu but this is the El morala and look at this huge Leaf she gave me it is insane how big this Leaf is and she has a few others in the back I have an inflow there that is a boarding I do have some pollen stored for her but I'll probably try and self pollinate her eventually and she is currently living in Pawn the other clarinervium is living in a soil mix she has really loved being in pawn and like obviously she's responding really well cuz she gave me this humongo Leaf I mean it's a pretty huge Leaf I know it's hard to tell but it's literally taking up the entire front of the cabinet and next to this antherium is my manula poos let me actually take this one down so you can actually see a little bit better and look at how beautiful so I have this one growing on a medium grow pole by thickle and she is nearing the top of the pole and the very top of the cabinet I will have to move her out very soon look at some of these bigger leaves coming in like look at the color on that especially the mint there like so beautiful and they are starting to size up uh nicely I feel like I know they're not overly big yet by any means but uh she's getting there it's a beautiful plant I can't wait to get bigger leaves on this one in the middle row we have a couple of crawler filad dendrons that are living in stratum but I will be moving those to Pond I have an alocation micholitziana from my mother plant that one is in soil and then I also have a uh antherium three of my ceilings that I pollinated I put them into pond recently I have them together in a container this one um is in soil still and I don't really want to grow this one in soil anymore so will be looking at uh probably letting that one go this filad dendrin is a crawler this one has a beautiful color this is a SP Colombia silver and this one is like I said a crawler and it has a new Leaf here look how cute that new Leaf is isn't that beautiful look at that stunning I love the red uh pedal very beautiful plant but actually mine looks like it wants to climb so uh this it looks like it's growing to be similar like the filad dendrin El choco red that I'm going to show you there so mine is like wanting to go up which is kind of nice that way I can just put it into a pot and maybe provide some climbing support but this one has made a huge comeback I'm very happy that this one has come back I'll leave these three in here this is all filad dendrin gloriosum I have a total of three pots in here they're all in stratum this is the same filad dendrin gloriosum that I've had for a really long time I struggled with this plant it had root rot I've rehabbed it multiple times it had thrips a couple summers ago and I made the decision to propagate it again and put it in stratum and regrow it and then I'm going to move it to pawn now since I do have a three cups I have several cuting I don't think I need all of these so I'll probably take a couple to do in a longer pot of PA and then look at probably getting rid of the other one I know there's like a zebra version now but this is just the regular gloriosum but I really like this plant and this here this antherium is my little hybrid seedlings that I cross ethereum crystallinum and magnificum so this is a hybrid and yeah I grew this from seed and then there's three uh babies that I potted up into this in pond so uh yeah it's going to like look like the original mother plant the mother plant had a bit of a setback I'll show you her in a second so this one's been living in pond for probably like a month but it's doing really well here on the bottom shelf shelf this bottom shelf uh doesn't have a lot of room it's mostly like my rehab SL bab plant shelf so let me start over here these two antheriums in the front were gifted these were gifted from the planted Mama on Etsy so this one here is a red Crystal and Ralph Liam p and I'm not familiar with this antherium it's still like a really baby seedling but I'm excited to see what it matures into I feel like the leaves are really pretty on this one I recently potted these up into my aoid mix so I'm excited to see what that looks like in like another year from now and this one over here is a PO times I don't know how to pronounce this one this is a Sarah campanis uh this one I really like because it has like a pink Hue to it so the stems are pink which I really like you can see there and then there's also like a pink Hue to the leaves it's like a orangey pink color I don't know it's really pretty that's a new Leaf here too I really love the shape and everything so I'm really excited to have this one and see what it grows into I'm really happy to have these she was very nice to send these to me this one here is a bit of a rehab this is an ethereum that was imported uh it was sent over the summer from I believe this is from aoid market and this is an ethereum vum I believe but it's the variegated and I recently put it into stratum it was in pond and it just would not grow and the whole thing was rotting I think it was just still struggling from being imported once it grows back some healthy roots and stratum I'll get it potted back up into pond but I'm really excited to have this one it's just the leaves are kind of sad and yellow looking right now so hopefully it bounces back here I feel like it's going to do fine in rehab fine this beautiful ethereum here is an Ace of Spades this is actually a tissue culture and I have a few leaves on it there you can see this is the the newest one it is very beautiful I love the shape and everything of this one so I got this from Orange lake Nursery as a little tissue culture and it's done so well it's in my aoid mix and you can see like all the healthy roots in there so beautiful en theum I'm excited to see this one grow more I've always wanted an ace of spade so that's why I purchased this one I just think the dark leaves and everything Are So Beautiful on this antherium so I'm excited to see that one this little guy in the front is a variegated mikans this is the AR and this one reverted so I propagated it and it looks like the newer Leaf maybe is reverted uh it's so slow it will not grow it was imported uh over the summer from the same place and it had some nice varigated leaves but they unfortunately like yellowed off and the new growth was coming in reverted so I propagated what I could and I do have like another growth coming in here on this one so I'm hoping that I can get some variegation to come in this one was a nice Lea but then this one looks to be reverted which is very sad so I think I'm going to go ahead and make the decision to buy one that's more variegated cuz I really love the variegated mikin ARA it was like a wishless plant and I was excited to get one through the import process but yeah this one is just uh the jeans aren't really there but who knows maybe the next Leaf after this will be variegated I'm not giving up on it or anything but I'm just kind of f one that's more variegated look how maroon this leaf looks too from the light I guess it's like a purple pink purple almost it's so pretty I have two seeds here these are Ace of Spades times for giddi ey they're baby seeds that were gifted to me so it has like its first little leaf in here so once they grow and establish um I'll probably let one of these go the other one I accidentally ripped the leaf off whoops these three here these are alacia fredex now these were from my variegated mother plant but these two corns are growing in mostly green they're like reverted and that's why I don't like to sell corns so I was keeping them in my cabinet to see uh if they could grow in some variegated leaves here so I'm not sure what's going to happen with them if they're just like completely Reed then I'll sell them as like micholitziana but um I'm probably going to have to move these out of stratum though because I feel like they've been in here a little while yeah they have been in here a while I have underwatered them quite a bit so it's kind of set them back but just like minimal variegation and this is another corn that's variegated it's just it was a baby corn that came off so the smaller corns kind of struggle just because they are so little so once that grows more I will get rid of this one but um I just have him in my cabinet for now getting like really good conditions these other two plants back here are rehabs they both rotted uh this one was imported this is a filad dendrin torum and I had like repotted it and everything I thought it grew like enough healthy roots to go ahead and pot up but I guess it didn't like the transition from perlite to soil so once it grows enough healthy Roots back I will pot it up but I feel like it's it's definitely taken a bit of a hit uh it's a little bit slow to grow in some Roots but I feel like it's still it still looks perky and okay so uh hopefully that one does better here in some time cuz I really wanted a filad dendrin torum and this one is a filad dendrin gigas this is one that I got from the green escape on Etsy and it was a decent sized plant I had like repotted it and put it on a pole and then it immediately shocked and rotted so it is finally growing in some healthy roots and some new leaves so I'm going to get this one potted up probably once this new Leaf emerges I'm going to go ahead and get it potted up and back on a whole I just feel like maybe the root system wasn't healthy it definitely shocked but I really like the gigus I have a Milano that I'm going to show you but I'm hoping the gigas uh does okay so that is the Ikea cabinet and everyone that is currently living in here the back shelf is next we're going to go through all the plants on this entire shelf here I have a couple kind of onto the floor just because they've outgrown the Shelf but yeah after this video I am going going to be doing a lot of propagating I have a lot of like moss pole chops to do that one is all the way up to the ceiling uh I have a lot of overgrown plants so I'm excited to start propagating but I wanted to make sure that I could show you all these plants in full before I decide to chop some of them so over here in the corner this big plant is stuffed back here this is a big filad dendrin Burl marks varata now a lot of mine has reverted but it still gives me a lot of leaves that have variation on it right here this thing is massive I don't know if you can kind of tell from it just being in this corner but it's gotten huge I do want to propagate this thing because it is overgrown and it's back in this corner so it doesn't get the best light but I do want to I think I want to take a cutting for me and probably chop up the rest of this plant honestly cuz it's just huge and overgrown it's kind of one that I've fallen out of love with but I'll probably end up propagating this soon so in this cubby Haul is mostly I think I have four HOAs and then I have a tiny rehab string of dolphins so all these HOAs minus the one in the middle are import so I didn't get to pick these HOAs I honestly am not too big of a fan of these HOAs so I might propagate them and look at getting rid of them in the future this one here I believe is a Angela red I had Tak it a propagation but I sold it already so um once this one actually grows I'll probably look at maybe getting rid of this one I'm not sure this one here is a macro Fila red and mine is kind of more green because it's not as as Sun stressed but it is growing some new leaves ever since I got it from an import and it has like a long peduncle now or not peduncle but a stem here so it should be growing some more leaves in some time I do have the lat lat Folia now that I showed you at the beginning so I don't know if I want this one or not but we'll see this one in the middle is a hoya K ey Splash you can see the Splashy leaves in the heart shape and it has a really really long stem it goes like all the way I do have some little baby leaves I think forming like right here so it should start uh growing in some new bigger leaves so yeah this one started from a cutting I did propagate this uh at one point uh but it is growing in nicely I think it's cute it's my only carry eye that I have so I do really like it but I probably won't get any more of them but I'm happy with this one I like how splashy mine is that Hoya in the back is a another import it's a it starts with an R I'm not really sure how to pronounce it uh it's done really well since the import I have like a long uh runner there too but again I'm not sure it's one that I want to keep in my collection and this little string of Dolphins is a rehab because mine came down with MES it was in my window and I didn't and I didn't notice it was covered in mes I think the Dolphins are so cute look at the little dolphin leaves isn't that cute like come on I did notice actually another little uh cutting there or something coming up so it doesn't have any more mes thank goodness I was sad about that because I really wanted a dolphins for so long and after about a year of looking I finally came across one at my big box store and then when it had Mees I like saved a couple cuting because I just couldn't deal with them after the whole Hoya debacle with him so uh all the strands died except for this one so I'm happy at least I have one little cutting that survived so yeah once that uh grows a bit more I might look at propagating it so that I can fill my pot back out I'll go ahead and do this one here on the floor this is a filad dendrin uh gigantium blizzard variator I have two plants in here I'm probably going to separate that out and just keep the smaller plant this one is very uh pretty it has like beautiful variegation it's too big for the Shelf now so I have it down here on the floor this one I Grew From tissue culture I really like it but yeah some of these plants get huge and and it's like a space issue so sometimes I like my small petite plants and when they get really big although I love my big plants it's just I can't have too many big plants so I'd rather keep some smaller this one here is a seonia milk confetti and I'm probably going to let this one go as well I think there's two plants in here this was another tissue culture and I have some pretty leaves here that have some pink on it but again I'm not really in love with the syoni I keep underwatering it a lot and uh I might just look at letting this one go cuz I like my other sodiums a bit better and I probably won't get any more sing onium at least not like the normal Arrowhead shape there's a singian Chia pants variegated that I was looking at that I kind of might want now um but yeah this one isn't my favorite or anything so yeah I'll probably look at letting this one go moving up to the Shelf we have a few plants here on this one this is a filad dendrin mikin but it's the Halo variegated let me see if I can show you one of the Halo leaves so it has like the white irrigation there on the end and mine kind of reverts and does all kinds of crazy stuff there's a pretty Leaf there it's a cool unique Leaf shape compared to the regular mikin and I've sold a lot of propagations off of this one I'll probably propagate this one again here eventually but some of the leaves are really pretty on it this one here is a variegated monster Peru now this one was imported so uh I have it currently in Pon and so far so good I did chop a runner off which it's activating New Growth right here uh these plants are known to run uh I do have variegation on all the leaves it's just these leaves are newer so the variation takes a while to fully Harden and develop and then they kind of fade into a more prominent like uh yellow variation I had one of these a long time ago in mine unfortunately didn't make it so this is my second go at one I'll see how it grows here if it continues to give me I'll chop it off but I I kind of want to do some kind of situation for that I don't know maybe I'll add like a clear support or something in there for it but I don't know I'll probably redo this plant here at some point and this one here is a filad andren I think it's a violin variegated I don't know why these newer leaves came in so funky it's like they got stuck in the catery and you can see where where it got stuck with that coloring cuz these were some of the original leaves and they were variegated but then it's having some weird like getting stuck issues this wasn't import I didn't pick this plant so I don't feel like I want to keep this one I do want to propagate this but we'll see I don't really like the way that it's growing like this so I'll probably at least take a cutting and maybe like regrow the bottom part and see what kind of growth the cuting give me yeah I'm not like super in love with this plant or anything and since it's one that I didn't actually pick myself I probably wouldn't have bought it you know if it wasn't like a gifted import or anything so yeah this will probably be one that I chop back moving to the Shelf here I have a couple alacia and then there in the back I have a rapid aora Tetris Sperma and I can't take that one down unfortunately because it's actually growing onto the wall like all the aerial roots are stuck on it it's so funny so I kind of have it climbing it's a bit of a slow grower right now I have it in just one pot there there and then I have a couple vines that are kind of growing I'll probably let it continue to climb the wall but I feel like it could probably use a little bit more light honestly now this alacia here I don't know what is going on with this alacia so this is supposed to be a Mickey Mouse alacia uh it's very interesting like look at the way that the leaf is it's like almost peeling off it's like Ruffles and it's got some like Browning and crisping and this one here is a newer Leaf I got this as a plant and I've struggled with it so I put it into pond but it's got these really long stems now so I'm not really in love with this one I'm thinking I might take this one out of pond and put it in soil and let it grow outside for the summer maybe it'll be like an outside plant but yeah it's just so funky like look at that I don't know it's just like it's so weird it's like some kind of I don't know if that's normal or not like I knew it was like variegated like that's flat right here but this this is like raised I don't know it's so weird I don't know I don't know if that's normal but that's what that thing is doing this one here is my big alaka capria I currently have it in water right now this is one that I'm going to transition to pawn I've had it in water for a while like probably a couple months now I just haven't made the transfer to pawn yet this one was in soil and then it came down with some kind of weird fungal issue and the whole thing died Backus one Le Le and then um the last three gross on it have been flower blooms that I cut off I love the Capri I think these huge leaves are so cool they're like alien-ish yeah it's a really cool alacia so I'm excited to finally get it moved over to pwn this next shelf here I have three antheriums and this one on the end is look at this huge Leaf like that's that's pretty big isn't that crazy this one was actually a gift this is a hybrid cross from somebody on Instagram her name is Jonah and I don't know she might still be selling these on her Etsy uhoh that's not a fungal issue is it this is a massive Leaf it just gave me so you can actually see it in its entirety now so that's the big leaf and there's another big one here in the back look at that so this hybrid is fgid ey and doraki so that's what she crossed to create this there was one of the leaves that was so this is the sinus that's closed and then some of the sinuses were a not closed like this one here isn't closed I love forgetti eye so it's cool to have like you can see the forgetti eye but then you can see the dorak eye in here too but this Leaf is huge I have it in Pawn uh a lot of my antheriums and alacia are growing in Pawn but this thing is massive such a huge Leaf it's a cool hybrid she was really sweet to gift this to me very beautiful this is the crystal Lum I was talking about this is a crystalum silver I believe this one's a little bit of a rehab project because it kind of struggled a bit I moved it to pawn and then it kind of took a bit of a hit so I only have two leaves left on it so I feel like once it kind of stabilizes in pawn it should give me some new growth but it kind of had a little bit of a setback so it's kind of there in the back here and this one here is my OG for GTI ey I actually have another inflow coming in it's been a while this plant uh was one of my first ethereums I love for GTI ey I think the leaf shape and everything is so cool on this one look at that so that's the first leaf that it gave me this was the second leaf that it gave me and it has a new one here currently that's getting a little squished these are all like not the original leaves um I had this plant growing really well all last year but it's another ethereum that was rotting so I have it in Pawn now after it's grown back and it really likes being in Pawn so I'm really excited to have this one growing back again cuz yeah I really like the antherium I think the veining on this one is so cool so uh once I get some pollen I'll probably collect this one so this one here is a filen and pink princess another one in my collection let me move this one down so you can see it a bit more so this one here I have growing in pond this is L chusa pond this was a cutting I took off of one of my plants and it has some nice variegation and then some of it is coming in more of like a burgundy but I will say this one seems to really like being in pond this one isn't as pink so I'm not as much in love with this one so I do think this is going to be the one that I'm going to chop back I feel like if I chop it I feel like I would get some growth that comes in more pink because this one again it does have good jeans this one came from like my highly variegated one so um I'll I'll probably let the other one grow out and chop this one back yeah this one's doing really well in pond next up is this carnus like little open bog terrarium type situation this is probably um this is pretty new it's only I don't think this is even 2 months old I recently discovered like some carniverous plants and it was a fun little project for me to do honestly I had so much fun with this I do have a video on my channel so I have H three pings here in the front they were really pink when I got them but since they're under lower light they kind of reverted to green and then I have three sundos and then I put a jewel orchid in the back and then I had one more pink that's slowly dying back there it was a bit of a rehab and I actually have a bloom opening up on the sundo look at that that is so cute little purple flower and this do over here this I think drosera I had some yellow Bloons but then there's like a spike coming up it looks like it's going to have some pink blooms that's so cool it's actually caught some random fungus Nets that you can see that were flying around it's very sappy this this one in the middle this drosera is very sappy it's grown a lot but I'm excited that uh it's happy in here and it's catching some random Nets that are flying around yeah I'll link my video I did on this down below cuz I went into a lot more details but uh this one here in the middle is kind of my favorite now just because yeah I love how sappy and all the Dew drops and everything and it's definitely I feel like if you have random knats this one will be a good one to get because it is collecting them like crazy I have an alacia that is huge I'm going to show you and then I have a couple filad dendrin let me take them down cuz it'll be easier to show you what they look like if I can take them down this is a alaka Tander Roa or Jacqueline look at the huge Leaf like this is my hand what the heck this Leaf is humongous and it's actually growing in another Leaf here in the middle right here and this one is yellowing a bit this one uh was lacking nutrients I have it in pond and I kind of added and fed it better added some better nutrients and it popped out and rewarded me with this Hue hum humongous Leaf this one is so cool I love this alacia can you see all the fuzzy hairs on it it's so cool very impressive alaka it's humongous and look at that Underside oh it's so cool it is a huge huge leaf that one uh back there I'll leave back there but this is a filad dendrin silver stripe uh that's what the leaves look like it's different than the Brazil cuz it has like a creamy uh Center and it has like another green stripe down the middle this one I had uh in a trailing basket but I decided to go ahead and put it on a moss pole and then it was climbing well and then yeah I've kind of neglected it a bit a lot of the growth at the top started reverting to more green as it climbed which was interesting so although I do really like this one I'm not sure what my plan is with it it's definitely overgrown so I think I do want to eventually like propagate this one this next one here is a filad dendrin and this one is really cool this is a serpent I don't really see this one as much but look at this Leaf shape look how cool that is the best part about this plant is the extremely fuzzy petals look how cool so cool oh no did that rip that new Leaf might have ripped a little bit oh no so I have a few leaves it kind of had a fungle infection when I first got it so I had to re-root it and grow it and everything but it really seems happier now and I'm excited to see this plant grow more I just think this Leaf shape and everything is so cool it's such a cool Plant I have it on um any of the clear poles that that you see are thickly brand poles and then any of the other poles that are on wire are ones that I like hand make next up is my impressive filad dendrin L choco red I don't know if it's choco or choco I say choco and it gave me this huge Leaf this is the latest one it is incredibly impressive how big this Leaf is so I currently have gosh one two 3 4 5 six 7 this is the seventh Leaf it is insane it is currently living in Lusa Pond and I love the pedal and everything there's a new Leaf behind the catap here I just don't like removing them when they're wet when they're like juicy cuz they're really wet so once this dries I'll remove that and then there's another new Leaf behind here but I think the ptio is really cool it's like a I don't know how to describe that it's kind of rough feeling but it looks it looks so cool and the back side is a red color they do kind of lose the red backs as they mature but you can kind of see it a little bit on that leaf big leaf look at that compared to me like she's massive she's massive I love her so much but this Leaf is actually insane like it's insane compared to my head this is monstera obla now I did chop my Monera obla probably a couple months ago it was growing some Runners and then it also had a lot of yellowing so I attributed that to like some kind of nutrient issue so this was like the very top of the pole from when I chopped it last and then this here is like new growth coming in so the newer leaves and everything seem a lot happier this one is known to run a lot and throw Runners but I really think it's a cool Plant I like monstero obla so yeah next time I get Runners I just chop them off it looks like this line here might be giving me a runner so I'll probably end up chopping that but yeah once you get a runner uh chop it off so it doesn't continue to run and then usually after you chop it it puts out a leaf next this next one I brought down is a filad dendrin at Ring of Fire and I got this one locally last year and those are some of the original bottom leaves and I feel like it's grown pretty steadily since I like that this one has shorter inner noal spacing at least it appears to be growing that way so even though it's growing big the it's not taking up a lot of space on the pole I feel like M was giving me some like random pink on it as well but yeah it definitely Fades I feel like as the leaf hardens off but it's such a cool fil of dine I'm glad I got it I love the leaf shape I think it's so unique I love the little the little flamy spikes looks like I have a new Leaf coming in see I really like this guy a lot it's done well since I've had it pretty easy going and these two up here on the Shelf I'm not going to take down just because they are kind of big and uh the Florida ghost here is probably going to fall over if I take it down this one is a filad dendron Florida ghost and a lot of the newer growth you can see how long the pedals have stretched so it's extremely long I have a leaf the newest one is all the way back there that's a new one it's gotten like really big leaves they're beautiful leaves though like look at that I love the tone and everything so these are known to come in more vibrant and then they fade to a darker green over time mine actually started out growing minty leaves which these ones here are my favorite like this color here is to die for I think that is just so pretty these leaves are perfect sometimes they grow all white and then sometimes they fade to a more darker green like this here but some of the newer ones are kind of more of like a yellow tint in a way see how like more yellow it is it's very interesting it's a huge plant like mine has gotten huge I do think I want to chop it just because I kind of want to I kind of want to restart some of this growth that's more minty on the bottom I'm really wanting to get that back but I don't know it has grown a lot so I don't know if I want to chop this one just yet but we'll see the fil Florida Beauty right here that's done the same thing this one I am going to chop just because it's gotten extremely long I know it's really hard to make her out but I love some of these leaves here that are more variegated like that's beautiful but these newer ones like look how long that has stretched out that is crazy it's like that is at least 2 ft of a a stretch like that leaf here is very beautiful and then the newest one here is actually look how long that is it's actually all green these are known to revert pretty easily I did have one before this one that reverted uh unfortunately and even after chopping it to try and promote more variegation it still reverted like everything came back in all green so this one here is my favorite Leaf actually this is really pretty I like that one I think what I'm going to do with the Florida beauty is chop this one and restart uh one of the leaves and then I'm probably going to chop up and sell the rest just because it is overgrown the plant in the back is extremely tall and overgrown so I had a moss in this pole up until like right there and then the rest of it has just kind of grown off the pole this one is a variegated hadium or heartleaf filodendron I love the variegation it's very beautiful I love the variegated heart leaf some of mine have gotten some huge leaves up top you can see it's just massive it's grown so much and some of the newer ones come in with like a pinky tone this one is definitely going to be one of my next chop projects for sure I'm probably going to take a few cuting and restart on a pole for like my own plant and then the rest of it I'm going to chop up to propagate cuz yeah it's just overgrown at this point it's just gotten too big the last two plants on this shelf area is on the bottom here so in the back it's kind of hard to see this is a filad dendrin white knight and mine has gotten huge holy cow it's gotten so thick uh all the leaves kind of come I know the Florida Beauty's in the way but you can kind of see it like that in the back and it's overgrown way past the top of the pole a lot of the white Parts have Browns on mine I don't really like the white KN as much as the pink princess I think I'm going to completely chop this up to get rid of it this was like a random purchase I did at the Big Box store I found it mine isn't that variegated so maybe eventually I might invest in one that's more variegated but you can see a lot of the leaves have come in just more green which I'm not really that much of a fan of so I'm probably going to chop that one back and this other one here is an amedium medium silver in the front I think it's a really cool plant look at that Rippling there it's definitely cool there's some other leaves so mine has thrown a lot of Runners and you can see that it's actually running again and I am way behind at extending it so this one I am going to chop back as well I'm going to take a few cuting to restart on a pole this one is very thirsty and I underwater it a lot it needs to be repotted and extended so I'm not sure how I want to go about that I might do like a top section and kind of propagate the rest up I do have some random props of this one already but yeah it's a cool place plant you have to stay on top of extending this one because yeah it tends to run a lot and it's very thirsty so at least in my experience it's a very very thirsty one but I do really love the color and we are back now this corner is pretty crammed so I'm going to do my best to show you these plants I might take uh maybe I'll take my big nickel micholitziana out at some point just to show you her in full cuz I know she's huge but again she's very crammed in the back so uh let's start up top actually let's do this little shelf here this one will be easy to show so up top there on the right that trailing Hoya is actually called a Lin arys and I am going to be propagating mine again soon I started mine from like a short cutting and it's one of my HOAs I've had for a while uh I did cut it recently but I do want to propagate it again and beside that one is my filin hadium lemon lime and I love the neon color of that one I love how like the new leaves come in this burnt orange color look how pretty that is oh and look at that one too look how pretty and orange that one is there in the middle oh it's so pretty I was trying to propagate to fill mine out but I'll probably eventually uh prop propagate it some more this Hoya on the edge is a hoya curtisi so I have my plant that's on the trellis and then the one that's in this cup over here is actually just propagations I ended up cutting the length off of mine and they are in stratum so instead of like potting them back together I'll probably just look at creating like a small plant with that and getting rid of those cuz I don't really need the cuting my uh curtisi has not bloomed yet but it did at one point have several ponal on it I p on it situates from the repot cuz I did like repot and everything the only one on this bottom shelf is another filad dendrin miks this is one that I've had from uh my Moss pole it was some random big propagations here there's like one big leaf left and this is all like New Growth that has formed so it's just another trailing basket and then I have this white shelf you can't really see where the bottom of it ends but this is from Ikea it's a Lac brand of shelf and I have all my Sy dapsis starting at the top is actually a combo pot I don't know if you can really make out the plant up top but that one is the arus and the silver lady you can't really see much of the silver lady I think it's on the other side but they looked kind of similar and so I just potted them up together to save space uh that one is actually trailing all the way you can't really see but it's trailing all the way back there in the back you can kind of see it a little bit this big one one here right below that is a synapsis pictus Exotica and my Exotica is humongous so the pot is like here and then I have all the vines like stuffed in here and then they started growing down below so I have it trailing you can see all the way down there on that side and then I also have it trailing like all the way down here on that side all the way down it is huge and overgrown some of the leaves on my Exotica here are humongous I love this synopsis so much it's so pretty it's such a beautiful plant I love synopsis I feel like they're so easy going they never get pasted and there's so many different varieties including this one here this one's actually my favorite this is the uh synapsis Jade satin with these beautiful gorgeous dark leaves they are stunning absolutely gorgeous this one here look at this leaf look how pretty that is that is stunning gorgeous this plant is so beautiful I don't really have like dark foliage and plants and so to have this one be so dark and beautiful I love like the the texture the ribbing I don't know what you call that it's so pretty the new leaves come in a little bit more bright looking like that they're a little bit more brighter of a green color and they kind of Fade to um if I can grab a hold of it here kind of Fade to a darker green so mine is very beautiful I have propagated mine many times and it's getting very long again and good news is I have a variegated version that's kind of hiding back here you can kind of make her out a little bit more look at this Leaf this is a new leaf and this is a new Leaf this was imported over the summer last summer and I uh ended up taking some propagations because it was just kind of one strand and I'm glad I did that cuz now I have a few that can fill out this pot like this Leaf is beautiful I'm really glad to have a variegated version I have another strand over here as well that's putting out a little bit of a leaf here I think this was one of the original leaves and this one as well as this one here was one of the originals and I think that was maybe an original Leaf I'm not sure but these three are the new ones and these three are beautiful so I cannot wait to grow this one out more I love this sy dapsis so much I love the dark one like the dark one is very beautiful I mean I really love this one here but I'm just excited to have a variegated version one more synopsis that's hiding under that bottom shelf is this one here this one I believe is called a platinum I don't think this is a silver hero I think they called it Platinum it was imported mine has struggled I've like propagated mine I've added cuting in I've had cuting not make it it hasn't been the happiest synapsis I'm tempted to just start over with this one again because you can see as it's Vining like the new growth is really small on it look how like wonky that is so I don't know what's going on with it it's not that happy this one I feel like didn't import that well and ever since it just hasn't been the happiest I'm not really sure but I really liked the Silvery blue color like I hope I can get it to grow better so I might take some cuting and kind of start this one over pulled out two more plants to kind of show you in there entirety so this is my pink princess that is the most grown so this is my original like highly variegated pink princess and then I potted in the other one that I had with it the other one is growing in with like less pink on it it's more of like a burgundy and then my highly variegated one is still giving me some like pretty variegated leaves this one is in my aoid mix but again I feel like this one has had a bit of a struggle I've had Raw on it before and I've like rerooted it I was hoping to have more pink on this one come in um but like I said I feel like this one's been a bit of a struggle plant for me I do really like the pink princess though this is a CIA make goana or it's also known as a peacock CIA and she is large and and in charge I actually did a dedicated H video on my channel of this plant of like my story with her this actually grew back from just a pile of dirt and she's been on a long journey with me like she is huge I love her so much I hope she blooms again for me this year but she's starting to give me some new leaves again I love like the backside is this beautiful maroon color she's really pretty at night when she folds her like leaves up such a beautiful plant I have this one potted into a 8 inch Nursery pot it's just sitting in a white cash pot but it's in my this one's in my old soil mix that I used to use it's not like technically an aoid mix but she seems happy in it and I don't feel like she needs a repot or anything this year I'm going to see how she feels out but yeah she is huge she is a huge huge plant here's my Moana so beautiful I love her this one is actually my ethereum pato radiator the leaves look like long eyelashes somebody told me that when I posted it and I can't unsee it look how cool that leaf is this one is what I crossed my clar Nerium with I do get some crispy tips on mine I don't know if it's some kind of like fungal thing I'm not sure this is one of my older antheriums I've had this one for quite some time they look so different and they're less uh mature form like in their juvenile form it's just crazy to think that it's the same plant I love all the fingers it's also called antherium fingers so cool and this is my big mama Crystal mag hybrid that is all that's left of her is this new Leaf here I did recently cut off her ugly Leaf cuz she battled root well she didn't battle root rot she battled a pretty bad fungal issue so I made the decision to move her to pawn and it's taking a while for her to push a new Leaf but she's finally pushing a new leaf and she's the one that self-pollinated and I have like 361 seeds she's the mama so I'm hoping i'll regrow her this summer I don't think it'll take too long for her to give me some some new leaves I pulled out my two variegated fried EGS I have two of them here this one has beautiful variegation she is gorgeous these are some new leaves here like look at that this this one is my favorite that color is everything this is a new Leaf here stunning look how big some of these leaves are she is beautiful this one is very pretty too this one's giving me such gorgeous color I have a smaller corn on the side and then I have the main plant there and this one's living in Lusa Pond and this one here is actually a corn from her this was like the original plant that I've had to regrow and this Corum is huge I think this is the newest one yeah these leaves are huge and it is pushing it looks like a new one there in the center so beautiful I just love aliccia I love the variegated fried deck obviously it's just such a beautiful plant and mine are so much happier in Pawn they don't get as much light they were a little unhappy under more light but uh they're really happy now they have like established here this is kind of where they live so they get some ambient light from the window and then there's like a grow light there and a grow light there I pulled both of these big girls out so I could show you them this one is the big one and then this one uh in the back is like the bottom part of her what I ended up doing so these were stumps like June of last year mine had a fungal issue and it completely died back so uh I made the decision to propagate I cut the stump in half and that's like the bottom stump and these are like four like growth points that activated and this is the top section that has produced all this big growth um this big section here has this Leaf here was having some issues and I later found out that she was lacking nutrients so I started feeding her better and she's grown and done better she does have several blooms coming in on her right now which I'm going to cut these off because yeah these blooms are huge I have one two blooms I have three blooms coming in and I don't want this plant to stress because of the blooms I don't plan on like trying to pollinate alaka I've never done that before I so I do want to cut those off I just haven't done that yet I try to keep them watered about once a week but sometimes I'm a little behind uh this last time they got just a little bit dry but you can see like they are some massive plants like the leaves and everything are huge I do need to kind of like restake her a little bit differently she's kind of like flopped over a little bit uh she's probably due for a water soon and then some of the older leaves on this one have started to Yellow a bit but there's so many on this plant I love micholitziana though this is probably like my favorite aloca other than like the new variegated ones that I got I like the variegated version better like obviously these are beautiful leaves and I love the variegated plants but I will always love regular mix glana she's beautiful like these leaves are beautiful look at that veining I'm going to get these put back in their Corner over here it's so much more empty without them right there and then we're going to move on to the Shelf here I have a row of alacia that I'll go over I have some random uh moranta CIA and an ethereum there and then up top I have mostly monsteras that I'll go over which they are facing the light that's how I usually have them them I want to like turn them around so you can see how beautiful they are so I'll probably do that and then we'll go over the hanging plants okay I got them all turned around oh that was a lot of work I actually have the so I have two ties over here on the end and one is tipping forward cuz uh she needs like a heavier pot she's got a massive Leaf uh right now I have her pressed up against the window so she's not tilting but uh I have some big plants let let me just go ahead and start up top first so up top over here we have my polyura so this is my original polyura uh Hoya and this one has bloomed for me already this year I don't currently have any balloons but I do have like a peduncle coming back on that one that you can see sorry if it's a little back lit you can kind of see a little bit more just a little bit back lit with the window but here's the ponle coming back in on this one the blooms on this one were pretty sappy so uh once the blooms come in I do have to unfortunately move her from the window cuz I don't want the ants to come in beside the polyura is a variegated String of Pearls can I see my plan was at one point to combine I have a regular pearls as well but I haven't done that yet both of my pearls actually suffered some root rot so I've had to like restart them but they've done really well they love the window here this beside my pearls we have a massive peperomia Prada or string of turtles this one I did have to restart because the ants that came in from that Hoya I was talking about earlier made a colony in her pot so I had to start her over but she has done very well look at all the fluffy leaves I even have her in a turtle pot from Target next we have a hoya linosa now this is the one that I mentioned blooms constant I have some looms that are getting ready to fall I like to pull them off if I can catch them because they make a mess when they fall but yeah lacosa blooms those ones are starting to open a bit this one is in a cute little sloth pot there yeah that one blooms all the time for some reason like the ants don't care about this Hoya cuz I guess it's not sappy so I can leave this one in the window with it blooming and it's no problem and then next to that this one is my regular pearls here gr back I kind of have most of the strands like in the front there in the window but it's getting pretty long you can see how long it's getting I might eventually combine them both just to save space I would like it' be nice to actually um like plant that one the variegated one on the back side of this one so they're in Nursery pots this one here so they're not actually planted into that planter yet so I could actually pot them together which I may eventually do and here on the end you can actually see my string of Hearts now this one I did plant my regular hearts and my variegated hearts together I did that I think last year sometime and I have propagated this plant many of times uh the more light that you give it the more pink that the hearts come in you can actually see some pink there hanging in the front of the window on that side it's not that full up top so I may eventually like prop again but it has gotten so long so you can see it goes all the way down there down there down there and it actually comes I have it draped onto the planter here and then it's actually going all the way down to the floor and look at how big some of those leaves have gotten the ones down here and she sheds blooms constantly the string of Hearts have these cute little blooms here they're so cute so you can kind of see the variegated versus is the regular it's a really fast grower uh they're really easy to propagate I find too so uh I'll eventually give it a haircut here but for right now it's kind of all the way down there before I go into the front row I actually have plants behind the front row in the actual window ledge so I'm want to see if I can go over some of these guys first so this one here is a new one I just got this one was a free gift from rare plant fairy cuz they sent me the wrong plant so this is a Monera Lech Lech Lana or something so I'm very excited to have this one cuz I love monsteras um I'll probably eventually get this one climbing but yeah it has that beautiful like elbow variegation that leaf looks to be all white which isn't good but it's a really beautiful PL I'm excited to grow this one and have this one but yeah this one's um only like a week old if that in my collection this next one was in my cabinet but I decided to move it out of my cabinet cuz it was getting kind of tall and this one I am going to be obsessed with so this is a Monera Burl Marx flame I am getting a new Leaf here which I hope has a fenestration this plant in its mature form is so beautiful so this one I actually grew from tissue culture and it's done really well it has been a super easy tissue culture like I said I I haven't had any issues with this plant and and to me I feel like it's growing pretty steadily um I have heard these can be somewhat of a slow grower but honestly I feel like mine has done fairly well since I've had it I think I did this in October so I've gotten like one two three maybe like five leaves so that's not bad but I'm really excited for this one to grow I can't wait to get mature leaves on it it's very beautiful let me see if I can turn this one around all right so this one is my monstera stanle on albow so I had mine on like a 4ft moss pole but I decided to chop it and only keep the top cut and I propagated my entire rest of the pole just because it got too overgrown it's put out some beautiful elbow Half Moon leaves very pretty I had it on a pole but I kept letting it get too dry so I'm just doing a steak situation for it the white does brown on this plant very easily I have been watering with silica for a while now but it still Browns I feel like it's just mostly a watering consistency most likely uh but it's a very beautiful plant I hope the elbow leaves continue cuz they're very beautiful that one's mostly green though this next one is one of my pride and joys that I'm super excited for I got this one as a tissue culture last the very end of July this is my monstera mint and it gave me this like weird elongated leaf and this is the newest one it's very beautiful I hope they kind of get more minty like this one these ones aren't minty I've noticed like some of the original ones are pretty I do need to get this one uh repotted cuz the roots are grown like crazy so this is the tissue culture that had all those weird babies growing and the babies are actually right there in that container so I showed you one of the babies already in my other cabinet so it was just so weird how let me see if I can peek through here so it's just weird how all these were growing from that one plant out of the callus or whatever so I'm growing these out and hoping they all make it and I'll eventually let these go but it's still going to be a while I feel like they need to root and kind of establish the one pot on the bottom left I don't know it's going to make it I don't really see anything left on that one but I'm hoping the rest of them do okay and I have one more plant in the window over here this is my Fus Shana and it's getting the best light here in the window I repotted this so I have I've had two plants this one on the right was getting lower light and this one on the left was getting like high light in my window the whole time so this one's actually pushing a new Leaf now that it's getting higher light finally it's starting to grow more I'm really excited for this Ficus I only have the two Fus in my collection the one I showed you uh the taneki that was outside and this one here so I'm really excited for this one I think the shria is beautiful like the color on that this one's in my aoid mix and it is very happy in here so yeah it loves it spot in the window so starting on this corner here this is my pilea peperomioides right here it's got um one stem there in the middle and then it's got like another one kind of leaning out over this way and it does have some pups forming so mine I've had for a while and it was doing well and then I believe it suffered some root raw issues and so I made the decision to move it to a semih hydro into Lusa Pond and it really seems used to love it let me move it down it's really hard to show you the plants when they're all cluttered together uh but yeah she seems really happy I hope I can get her to grow better this year I'm still losing some bottom leaves um I think it's still kind of adjusting I feel like it's done better though like it's grown better I'm still getting like wonky growth and stuff I feel like it could probably use more light honestly but um I don't really have like the best spot for it right now yeah all my plants are just getting too big too big I don't have any room okay besides the pilea I have two monstera elbow plants that are growing back I have this one here which is my original very original monstera albow uh all of my monsteras that you saw behind me all had root rot issues last summer which was very unfortunate cuz I had to restart them all this was my original one that I got as a cutting from my husband it was like my very first expensive plant it's very white it's a very very white elbow it's very beautiful some of the original leaves here from when I propagated it when it had the raw issues did a lot of Browning but uh since it's stabilized and re-rooted back all the newer growth has been very happy this newer Leaf has my heart look how beautiful that is uh it's done some beautiful leaves it's growing in so well since the root rot issues but I love how like different all the elbows are that's why I have so many cuz I love them I love all the tones in this one this one's very white very beautiful this is another one that's growing back I decided to keep this one because this propagated midcut Leaf I fell in love with the colors it's produced some pretty leaves like it's produced some beautiful like variegation and everything it's just one Vine they're all beautiful so I don't know if I'm going to keep this one this might be one that I might propagate for the shop I haven't decided because I like this one is beautiful and I also have the one in pond but there was just something special about this leaf that made me decide to keep this one too uh but it's very pretty I love this one I'm just happy that they're all growing back before I show you the other elbow it's kind of like keeping my monstera tie from falling let me show you one of my newer plants as well this is also from rare plant fairy I fell in love with this Arya on their site and I have my beautiful big Arya right next to her like my OG but this one was just special in the sense that I just loved the color on this one it's very beautiful this is the newer leaf and you can see all that variegation that's hardening and this is a leaf down here I love her so much I just couldn't resist getting another one I don't know I want to grow it out but I may eventually prop one of these in the future but this one here is my original Arya she is a very very happy plant let me move her so you can see what she looks like you can see her a little bit better now she's got some really long aerial Roots the newest Leaf here it's so beautiful I have a new one here on the way I just have a COR pole in her for support uh but yeah I had propagated her entire top cut all of the bottom growth I ended up selling so the top cut was like these original leaves and then I've gotten like all these new leaves to come in since so I'm very happy with the progress that she's made these leaves are so beautiful I love this ARA it's definitely one of my favorite plants in my collection very beautiful gorgeous plant I love all the leaves I hope this one has some good color I feel like I'm getting a little bit more finra to come in I have her planted into my aoid mix very beautiful very impressive monstera I'm going to show you this tie before she falls look at this huge Leaf like this is humongous huge leaf and she's pushing another one here so my tie wants to crawl I need to water her so her base is very light but she's topheavy so she won't stand now cuz she she just leans forward I have her pressed up against the window because this Leaf is huge and long she's long I don't really have a spot for her but you can see that she wants to crawl and then here's the new Leaf coming in right there this is my favorite leaf on her I love the big one cuz she's got some like huge finra but this one this one is beautiful gorgeous Leaf so this is my OG Monera tie I do have a video on her I did last month I grew her from a node uh very impressive plant uh I got this in 2021 I believe as like a node with like one little growth point the very first video I did on my channel was with this plant a repotting video video so she is my OG very very impressive I love this tie this one is my other monstera Tai conon this one I will eventually get rid of cuz I don't need two this one's in a much smaller pot uh this one still kind of wants to crawl but I feel like lately it's kind of wanting to climb up which is a good thing cuz when they crawl they just get too long there's just not enough room for them but this one has some pretty leaves coming in too this one was grown from tissue culture so it's done really well I got this one in 2022 from tissue culture I feel like she's probably going to give me a new Leaf um she's not ready yet but she she'll probably give me another one in the next maybe the next month she's beautiful I love my OG one though but this one's still special so I'm still holding on to her but she's a she's an impressive plant very beautiful here is my monstera albow that's living in pond she's getting tall I'll give you another angle of her I love this one so much I have her just on a clear support you can kind of see the back side I don't have any Moss or anything in here I'm just using it as like a steak yeah she's getting very big she loves Pawn this is the only like Monera deliciosa that I have currently growing in Pon so she seems to love it and is growing I have two vines in here and they're both growing very steadily I have monsteras all over the floor now so here is another look at her in pond I love how the white leaves are on this one I feel like she's just got beautiful color beautiful beautiful indeed that's a new Leaf here and that's a new Leaf here and there's another look at her backside you can see all the aerial roots are growing back down into the pond I need to go ahead and add another extension on so I'll probably go ahead and do that soon so yeah these are all my elbows right here and then I showed you the other one in the other room that I'm going to propagate so this one definitely I'm keeping as as well as this one but this one I might go ahead and propagate too cuz yeah I don't need this many elbows it's a lot it's a lot of monsteras they are my favorite plants especially her back there they are my favorites and of course the ties are stuffed back here so I have her propped up against the window cuz she's so massive now she's very top heavy but yes very very chunky Monera let me go ahead and show you the rest of the plants on this shelf really quickly we'll run through them and then um I'm going to put these monsteras away and then we'll kind of end with our pole area over here everything is in Pawn on this middle shelf so on the end here we have aliccia black velvet so that's I recently got the pink varigated which I I showed you in the other cabinet but yes uh she's getting very big like this Leaf is huge I struggled to grow this aliccia but it really loves semih hydro and it's done phenomenal in Pawn I definitely need to upsize this one the one right next to it is ailani uh this one came to me from The Big Box store it was in soil and it had a really terrible fungal issue oh my gosh that fungal infection on this plant was awful uh I grew it back and actually the original plant didn't make it I take that back these were all corns that I saved and I planted a few into Pon after I discovered Pon and realized how much alas love it and it gave me recently some pretty big leaves that you are seeing right now so I think that's just in response to like the nutrients and everything it just really loves semih Hydro next to that is my dragon scale now my dragon scale is I does have some sport variegation it's really hard to see uh it's very minimal and it fades as the leaf hardens it's really hard to make out I bought as a variegated one but none of the leaves came back in full variegated it's just very minimal and slight on this plant yeah I have a couple corns in here and uh I can't wait for more growth on this one and I'm really excited to have like an actual elbow variegated one now this one is my original poly here these are all corns that have grown back I forgot to mention a lot of these alaka had fungal issues last summer so it's taken a while for them to kind of grow back and that's what prompted me to try a semih hydro because my regular big melit on was huge in soil and then it suffered that fungal issue so unfortunately like I had to start it over I really like the poly though I like the kind of yellow veining on that I can't wait to get a variegated one I know mine isn't variegated but I hope the corns are cuz it's so pretty next to that one is alaka Maharani this one has the cool textured leaves and the Beautiful uh veining here it's a very pretty aloca I was tempted to get a a mellow recently cuz I saw it but I decided not to because I have the Maharani and I don't really have room but I really love the texture on this one it's so cool next to that is a newer alacia it hasn't pushed a new Leaf yet but it looks like it is about to which is exciting this one is aliccia platinum or bisma this is a new one that I got recently I love the color on this one too that texture and tone and everything is so pretty I rooted this one in water for a few weeks and then I moved it to pond so this is this will be the first Leaf actually in pond which I'm excited to see this one here is the infernalis I couldn't think of the name for a minute this one is a recent alloca I found at the Big Box store and I love the dark leaves on this one this was a recent Pond um that I did that I put into pond from water so I don't have a new Leaf yet since being put in pond but all the old leaves still look really good and happy so I like to move to water stratum before I move to Pond just to lessen any shock this one here um has grown on me quite a bit this is alaka quilted dreams or senua ignore the massive aerial roots on the ponera but it's a beautiful alacia like look at those leaves I love like the texture on that they come in lighter green and they fade to a darker green this one really loves semih Hydro very beautiful and this next one is one of my favorites oh no the leaves are getting squished of course ah let me take this one down this thing is growing like a weed holy cow look at the leaf shape on this one this is a alaka hroa or dragon's breath this is a massive leaf that it put out it is such a unique shape these leaves are getting a little kinked accidentally I hope they're okay it's too big for that shelf I'm going to have to take her down such a cool alaka such a unique shape this is one that I got last year and these are corns that grew back from my original pot that I bought this is one that I purchased um in the moment I saw a picture of this that somebody posted online and I immediately fell in love with it and I immediately bought it it's such a beautiful alaka like look at that she's getting massive so beautiful I don't have any words this is probably other than like my variegated um aloca that I got in my mlana I feel like this is one of my favorites behind that one because it's so unique and it's so beautiful moving to the bottom shelf here this is the other part of my variegated maranta so these are propagations that I took that were mostly variegated so I feel like I have enough Roots I could probably go ahead and pot them up but again I don't know how much that one's going to revert I hope I get some good color uh I think I might put those into pawn and see how see how it goes for me but I really do want some variegation I still like still hoping to find one next to that is my strany Trio star this is the same one that I've had for a while it battled a fungal issue as well so it took a while to kind of finally rehab back but it is pushing a lot of new growth I really do love this plant it is so beautiful I love the colors in the underside of the leaves like look how hot pink that is it's so pretty it's such a beautiful plant um stany Trio star so I can't wait to get mine uh back full to where it was it was probably at least double or maybe even triple the size that it was now next to that is my silver band moranta this is a recent one that I upsized this one did have flat mits really bad so these were all propagations that I took from my original plant and I kind of um started over basically with this plant so I underwatered it uh while it was rootbound a few times so it's taken a while to kind of finally uh stabilize I feel like but now that it's been repotted and better watered I feel like it's starting to push more growth but I really love the silver band I like the leaf shape and everything on this one beautiful leaves flat mites really did a number of damage to my mananas next to that is a an I've had in my collection actually for a really long time this is a magnificum this new relief coming in is beautiful that color so this one I got as like a little chunk and it never grew I've had it for years it just struggled for some reason but ever since I moved it to Pond I feel like it's been in pond for maybe like five or 6 months it's finally growing so I'm very happy with it I think the magnificum is pretty so I'm excited to have it and I'm finally excited to see it grow it hasn't had an inflow yet but once it does I might try like pollinating it with something in my collection yeah beautiful um antherium this big beautiful plant here is a moranta lemon live this is another one in my collection now this one is in pawn it is a little bit kind of later in the evening now I've been filming this video most of the day so she doesn't look as full and fluffy as she normally is but she's a big Mira but you can kind of see I hope you can kind of see how big she is but usually when uh during the morning hour she's more like fluffy and everything but since it is the evening evening now she has gotten a little bit um inward I don't know the right word but she's beautiful she really loves Pawn uh that's why I want to do another Mira and pawn because this one has done so well uh but yeah I love lemon lime I have I have a lot of lemon limes I got a little crazy there when I was shopping at The Big Box store and I came across so many but this one is my OG this is the one that I've had for a really long time and this one had flat mice really bad as well um but I'm glad that she's happy now and she's doing better um oh gosh that's heavy but yeah uh I love lemon lime so that terrarium is mostly just a jewel Orchid and a fern that's kind of dying off I just have it there in the back it doesn't really get any light or anything so I honestly I should move it cuz it's not an ideal spot and this aloca is a Regal Shields this one I am going to move to pawn I just am really behind on doing a lot of transfers it's still in soil and it's taken a bit of a hit this is another one that had a fungal issue and you can see the stem how thick it is it's a really big chunky aliccia so I might do the same thing that I did with my um meliana is do like a propagation and uh do a top chunk and to pawn and then the bottom part will like re-shoot and grow I might grow in a different spot I might take this one out of my plant room over the course of the next couple of months cuz yeah it's really squished back here and I do want to move it to pond so I'm going to have to like root it in water for a little bit but yeah that's kind of like is that my last plant over here that's not a moss pole no I have one more plant over here that's not a moss pole and I'm going to quickly show you it it is hiding way back down there so that is a synapsis it's a silver lady and I've had that one for a really long time it started as a cutting and then it's kind of trailing like all the way back there so I probably will eventually propagate that one too I have propagated it once before but I'll probably go ahead and prop it again we are in the home stretch you guys oh my gosh my voice I feel like I can't talk anymore but I'll try and show you what I can but these are like my biggest most impressive plants in my collection and they're very squished I have like two rows of plants and not not enough space unfortunately so I am going to be chopping a lot of these back I have a lot of overdue extensions and a lot of chopping to do and they're very overgrown uh the ad andon ey is taking up a ton of space that's like my biggest plant in my collection right now so uh yeah let's start over here so right in front this is the enjoy pearls and Jade that's from the original pot that I showed you earlier I did chop it so I think the New Growth here got a little bit smaller it'll definitely start sizing up again but I think it's just a little bit slow to kind of get started again but yeah I think the bigger leaves are so pretty on that one next to that is a eper prum patam marble variegated it is taking a while for the leaves to kind of mature I feel like this one's pretty stubborn about growing into the actual pole I don't know if anything is actually rooted we have a little bit of roots in there so hoping it kind of takes off here um and gets growing a bit more I have seen these leaves like pretty big so I'm hoping it'll eventually get there but I think the marble variegation on it is so pretty mine started as like a a cutting with no growth at all so it has it has grown and done a lot in about a year's time it's just yeah it'll probably be a while before it starts to size up these two big plants in the back are my two big Apper prum on Moss poles and then we also have a golden here in the front so over here is my big marble Queen and she is a huge huge plant the size of these leaves are actually crazy um I did chop her and so the I added like her bottom section in you can see that growth there but when I chopped her from like the first time she started growing some like smaller leaves like this one this one this one and then uh now she's starting to size up and grow some really big leaves again and I have another one there on the way but those leaves here in the back are huge look how big they are uh she is definitely overdue for I I want to try and do a little bit of an extension CU you can see she's outgrown the pole she is climbing well beyond it I am very late on extending her and then right next to her is my just Sienna and this is a beautiful eper preminum you can see all the way down there and just look at the color on this plant and these huge leaves gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous plant I love marble Queen but man this jessen is absolutely beautiful like look at that color very impressive leaves like these are huge leaves it's crazy to think that this started from just tiny little cuttings that I put on a moss pole it's it's insane to think about it really is and look how thick and chunky the vine is getting it's very thick I love them both this one has definitely uh done really well I have not I have not technically chopped this one yet and I have chopped the marble Queen uh once already and then the golden I have a video on my channel where I put the golden on the pole um and this is like all the growth that has come in I am a little bit late at extending it you can see it's kind of overgrown on the top so I need to get on that as soon as possible possible she is starting to give me some bigger leaves here uh which is pretty crazy to think about I have a total of three vines on the plant you can see see I need to I need to really extend this one before it overgrows too much but I took cuting at the bottom that was from my plant in the bathroom that I showed you earlier so this I decided I wanted one to climb so I took cuting and now I have this huge plant on a moss pole she gotten so big not as big as my other ones but definitely big it's going to start getting crazy in here with all these poles uh you can kind of see there so that is a Apple preminum SAU blue and I chopped it already so all the little leaves are gone so this is all like the mature growth so recently mine I was really late at extending it so what happened um was it grew a runner let me move this thing so unfortunately I had to to like chop so this was like the latest leaf that was most uh mature so I had to chop the runner off and you can see where I did that and so it's activated a new node that's growing so it actually gave me a fenny as the second Leaf so usually when you top chop the top off it's it reverts back to juvenile growth um but it shouldn't take too long to size up again so I'm happy to at least have another split leaf already but you can see how many splits she gave me down below so yeah even though that she was on a poll and everything she decided to give me a runner I'm not sure why she decided to do that but uh but yeah I hope I get some of those big mature leaves again I don't really like this Gap in the middle So eventually as she grows more I'll probably do some kind of chop and extension and adding the base or something back in this one here is filad dendrin majestic I kind of scooted her so you could see a little bit more and she is getting super big super tall I have a total of two V on this plant and this is the newest Leaf here very beautiful look at that coloring beautiful plant and this is the other smaller Vine This is the leaf on that vine so this plant um I have it on I think four layers of the clear so it's very uh it's getting very topheavy because the leaves are getting so big there we go I hope you can see a little bit more I kind of moved some lights out of the way so yeah you can see where I started her on the bottom she has some really small leaves and then the one Vine just like boom popped these huge massive leaves which is just insane I love like the silver and the blue and the other one is still a bit small so I can't really extend this plant again honestly cuz any more layers to her she's going to get too big and overgrown uh going to get topheavy so I might make the decision to do a Top Cut maybe like under here and then I can propagate this bottom growth um so I might do that soon with this one she's roughly 6 feet tall now with the top Leaf so she's a big a big pole but very beautiful and her uh kind of sibling is right here this is soroy so Majestic is a hybrid it's a hybrid of the soroy right here and also is it the varicosum I believe the varicosum and soroy okay I brought the soroy forward a little bit so you could kind of see and or full I love how the leaves are on this one how round they are it is pushing a new Leaf here so this one is just one Vine I got this as a really tiny plant well all my PO started as really tiny plants and yeah this one is more like compact like the spacing between the nodes isn't as long which is nice I like the more compact look you can kind of see the vine there it isn't as stretched out but yeah she is beautiful she's it's a big plant still though I feel like the only thing that I don't like about this one is all the extra floral nectaries the efns you can kind of see all that sap there it just gets very sappy and the leaves get very sticky so uh this one is more uh noticeable than some other phos uh that have them so yeah but she is beautiful I love them both it's hard to pick between like this one and the Majestic it really is they're both unique in their own way this is a sort of r kind of in fo next to me you can see how big it is beautiful plant this is majestic she's huge I had to be careful not to hit my ceiling fan but massive massive plant compared to me like being next to this plant this is the newer the newer Leaf here it is crazy crazy it's really hard to show you like the sheer size of some of these plants like actually just showing you but when you have them like close to like an actual person you can kind of get a size reference for actually how big some of these plants are it's crazy now we've kind of opened up this middle space I'm going to start on the end here so on the end is a monster but this is Monera escaleto and you can see how big some of these top leaves have gotten on this plant pretty big like this is my hand so this is probably I imagine that's probably at least 20 in or something that's a pretty big leaf and here's another new one here in the middle danglin I did chop this plant already and I'm selling all of my bottom cuts on this plant uh I can add two more layers onto her if I really wanted to I'll probably add at least one more and I might consider doing like another Chop on this plant right now currently it's just one Vine and the leaves are beautiful it's just a big plant um I like that it's it doesn't take up too much space I feel like even though it's a big plant it's still a little bit more compact in a sense like the inner noal spacing isn't isn't crazy long which I tend to prefer ones that have shorter spaces oh no did my uh no my veros some leaned oh no I was like what happened to her top growth oh gosh she's getting too top heavy whoops I just noticed like my varicosum was leaning it's like all the way up here it was like leaning behind I'm surprised she didn't come falling forward I need to I need to do a chop on that one like ASAP so yeah monstera escaleto love her uh right beside escaleto is filad dendrin glorious this one I chopped as well not too long ago so there at the bottom are still some pretty big leaves but all the small leaves are kind of gone this one is a hybrid so the Glorious is crossed between um filad dendrin Milano chrysm and Glory ome you can kind of see mine kind of resembles I feel like mine resembles the gloriosum with the veining this is the newest Leaf here and this one um was the one before that look how beautiful and pillowy these leaves are very beautiful I still have a ways to go for I would have to like chop her I would probably do like a foot or two extension and then chop her again but I really like the Glorious I feel like it's such an easygoing Pho it loves climbing and these leaves are just so beautiful and gorgeous and next to her is the varicosum that is now top heavy uh varicosum I have chopped a couple of times now you can see kind of at the bottom where it starts and then her newest Leaf is like uh this is how much she's leaning that's the newest growth I can't even show you cuz uh yeah she's leaning now too topheavy maybe I'll get a piece of tape and tape her up let me tape her to the wall for a minute so you can see okay I'm back I put a piece of tape on her top vine on the wall there so she wouldn't fall over uh yeah she's she's big like she's gotten some big leaves I love varicosum I wish I could show you the top Leaf you can kind of see her and this one has like the fuzzy pedals too you can kind of see there I love the fuzzies my varicosum is over 3 years old I've struggled to grow my varicosum and I'm so happy to see her in the state that she's in cuz it's been a long time coming uh I've struggled with this plant a lot um definitely a finicky Pho for me but uh we pulled through I can't believe that this is the same plant that I got like over three years ago in the mail that was uh lost and had spider mites and it's crazy to think about it's crazy to think that the journey that some of these plants have been on with me uh let's do these two little ones in the front so we can move them out of the way oh my gosh this pole is so dry I need to water this one you know I didn't realize how thirsty some of my poles are I'm going to have to do some watering tonight uh this is Monera duia so Monera dubia I restarted because I I was behind on extending her and the leav side down the I can't even talk now I was behind on extending her and the leaves sized down so I did a chop and I started her over it's taken a while for her to size up again but she started sizing up and I again I'm really behind on extending her this is the biggest I've gotten and now she's off the pole again and um I'm going to have to probably do another chop uh I don't know I'm just really behind I am really really really really behind on my poles they're a lot of work next to her is Milan moo and Milano I'm mad at right now let me move this cord I'm mad at Milano because she was growing so well and I underwatered her and she freaked out so I was starting to get some good siiz leaves uh like this one over here is a decent size and I think she has some kind of powdery mildew again I don't know if you can see on the leaves I had treated her once for powdery mildew and I think I'm going to need another treatment I thought she was going to be fine fine um but because I underwatered her look at the top growth look how wonky it is like what is that I'm going to have to pull all that off yeah that's coming off so unfortunately I yeah that's like wonky uh hopefully I can get her growing again cuz I was super upset I've been trying to grow Milano for so long she's currently in pawn and I accidentally let her go dry and it's my own fault uh but that's okay um I told myself I'm going to try and grow Milano one more time and if I can't grow it after this then I give up on this plant I do have the gigas that I'm going to try and grow now but yeah Milano it's so finicky uh the stuck leaves and stuff drive me crazy with this plant next behind Milano is filad dendrin Splendid and Splendid goes all the way up to to the grow light up there these leaves on this plant are massive I can't even show you how big like this this one here is the newest one and it's huge it was accidentally growing like up into the lampshade so the top left corner of it got burnt by the grow light but she's big she's now like my tallest pull with the varicosum I think I chopped her twice already and she's definitely going to need another chop cuz yeah she's she's a massive plant uh yeah just just behind on all my PO I don't think I've been this far behind on my Moss poles before I've just been so busy now with the shop that a lot of my plant he projects got behind and plus I knew I wanted to film this tour so I didn't want to chop my poles until I filmed this cuz I I really wanted to look back and see what my plants look like before I went to go chop them and stuff again I just wanted to show them in their entirety and what they actually look like I love filad denden Splendid seriously just such an easy plant I highly recommend if you don't have this Pho this one here is another marble queen that I am growing I'm doing a little experiment with it it's definitely been somewhat of a slower uh one to get started uh much lower than the golden pathos on a moss pole this huge plant front and center is my massive Monera ad inoni this plant is huge you guys this Leaf here is 23 in long she is a massive massive plant this is the newest one here I haven't measured this Leaf yet it's still kind kind of hardening she just gave me this one not that long ago but seriously such a big plant I chopped my ad inoni three times now and um my latest chop uh she was yellowing some leaves cuz she was like nutrient deficient so she's kind of empty on the bottom part of her Pole now that I've been feeding her better and stuff it's been better it's just this plant is so huge and so massive that she just takes up so much water and so much nutrients I have to feed her and water her minimum twice a week and her pole is actually dry even though I just watered her 2 days ago I'm going to have to water her tonight but just look at the vine on this plant look how thick that is that is crazy right like it's massive the aerial roots go all the way down it's like the wings band on it is huge I don't have anywhere to put it honestly like there's just no room I do want to like rearrange my poles when I have like a maintenance day and take care of some plants because she's currently taking up like walking room into my plant room I like Bang into her every time and she is leaning more forward now because she is such a big plant she's only going to keep getting bigger so I have to do something here soon but very impressive I started this from a tiny tiny tiny plant on a moss pole I do have a video on her journey as well and all of my previous like moss pole chops and all that stuff I have an entire playlist dedicated to Moss poles I think there's over 40 videos most of the chops that I've done on my plants I have filmed so if you're interested in a particular plant uh that video should be in that playlist somewhere getting you next to addin Sonia I like this Leaf I don't even know if you can even make out how big this plant is like look at that that is crazy how big these leaves are huge massive plant I love her so much like she's huge huge huge huge huge huge plant okay I have a few more poles to show you I'm going to speed through this because I am running out of space on this memory card I have 10 minutes left um this one here is syoni albow look at how tall she is uh it's crazy I have it growing up a huge pole I think I have a total of six vines in this plant but not all of them have grown all the way up some of them come in green here like all green and some of them come in more variegated uh it's very dependent the variegation is very random obviously I like the more like elbow looking leaves than the green leaves uh but I'll probably do a good Chop on her at some point cuz again she's getting too tall and uh yeah just a massive massive syum I love syoni elbow though it's a beautiful beautiful plant like some of these leaves here in the middle are absolutely stunning beautiful this one here and that one beautiful um this one here in the middle is oh my gosh do not fall if you can kind of make out is upper primum patam albow and I have not chopped this plant yet you can kind of see the more juvenile leaves there on the bottom and the vine slowly got thicker she started getting more finestra I have a couple like smaller vines in there and then this main Vine here is the one that really started growing so she has a beautiful big fin stated leaves and the newer ones are kind of squished behind this massive addinon ey uh but I will chop her I think soon because I feel like yeah I feel like I want to kind of reconfigure her on a poll a bit and then the last pole the last plant is a filad mikans on a moss Pole look at that beautiful gorgeous growth up top I love filad mikans and these leaves are absolutely gorgeous I've had mikans growing on a pole for a while I've actually uh now I'm trailing all the vines back down I'm not like chopping or extending this one so as the vines kind of fly off the pole some are some are actually anchoring onto the wall now and some are just going crazy so I try to Anchor what I can back down the pole but yeah I'm just I'm just letting that one grow wild on a pole and kind of do its thing so thank you so much for watching my house plant tour it was definitely a long video I filled up this entire memory card I think it was brand new and held about 5 and 1/2 hours so I have a lot of footage to edit and go through through uh but it was worth it uh I'm glad I was able to get through them all uh it was a long day a lot of talking I am tired but uh I enjoyed it I'm glad I could get this tour up for you and just give you an insight to all of my plants that I currently have and I love them all so much I just love growing plants and it brings me so much joy uh to have these plants in my collection and just it's crazy to think where my collection started from like way back in the day compared to now it's crazy to see the progress so I appreciate you so so so much thank you so much for watching and until next time I will talk to you soon
Channel: plantsbymelissa
Views: 71,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house tour, home tour, plants, indoor plants, growing plants, plant tour, best indoor plants, house plants, urban jungle, houseplant tour, beautiful houseplants, rare plants, my full houseplant tour, houseplant tour living room, look at my houseplants, new houseplant tour, full plant tour, indoor jungle house, houseplant tour spring, houseplant home, full plant collection tour, houseplant room tour, indoor jungle, plant room tour, fall houseplant tour, plant room
Id: 0lokE7yOQtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 33sec (11133 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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