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hello and welcome to animal watch and this week we're talking show huskies versus the working line the husky considered to be one of the world's most beautiful and striking breeds piercing eyes and a face which mimics his larger cousin the wolf he can run like the wind and often is used to portray wolves in the movies but did you know that there are two types of siberian husky the working line and his supermodel brother the showline husky they are both so very different physically and mentally and here on animal watch today we will show you the differences between the two meet the beautiful house wolf the siberian husky the siberian husky a true arctic supermodel one of the world's most ancient basal dog breeds so hardy that he can sleep happily in baltic weather conditions deep under snow outside so tough and mentally programmed to run that he eats snow as he runs for water and will run till he drops dead if pushed that is here on animal watch i have tried karting with uk working siberian huskies flown to northern norway inside the arctic circle to sled with some super tough working huskies where i face planted in the snow twice but also decided to invite a supermodel show line husky from russia to come and live with myself and my wolf dogs here in the uk my experience today with both types working and show line hopefully will educate you into why both are similar and also quite different and why this should be considered and checked by you when thinking about having a puppy or adopting a rescue husky the history of the siberian husky goes back thousands of years where he was developed in northeast asia where they are bred by the chuchki people of siberia for sled pulling and companionship super hardy and some known for their piercing blue eyes despite many having amber brown and sometimes odd coloured eyes these dogs have attracted people all over the world into having won as a pet often resulting in the destruction of sofas furniture and many ending up in rehoming centers why is this well the original siberian husky was bred to run he is the fastest of the sled dogs he is hyper active and in need of huge amounts of stimulation belgian malinois levels stimulation if he's not being worked he will exert his excess energy out on your household furniture with great speed and vigor he is also in great need of canine companionship as he is a pack animal so to leave him lonely home alone unwalked as you work all day is a horror show just waiting to happen also leaving your gate open or keeping him in a low fence garden can result in him escaping being run over or shot by farmers for worrying sheep as he is one of the most predatory breeds in the world so would having a showline husky be a better option there are very obvious differences between working and show german shepherds as well as show and working malinois so will this be the same with huskies well what better way to find out than to invite one over from one of the world's top show line kennels to come and live with me in the uk after losing my temascan kiyoshi who was genetically 50 finnish polar speed racing husky i fell in love with the soft nature and affection that huskies are very capable of but also as i'm used to wolf dogs owning a husky is easy for me i have plenty of time as i work for myself at home i take my dogs away when i film i love to rough and tumble and have acres of garden as well as dogs to play with one another i looked across the uk for another tamaskan that looked just like kyoshi but with no luck so instead became set on finding and a gooty coloured husky like kyoshi was descended from which is basically the wild wolf colour that many possess along with a full mask i came across a kennel in russia where i discovered one of the most beautiful agouti female dogs i had ever seen she reminded me of kyoshi except for one thing she was a champion husky not a working sledding line she looked like a supermodel i waited a year and then suddenly her son became available and i jumped at the chance to have such a beauty and flew him over i realized that he was show line husky but i had no idea what to expect a show line still are originally descended from working line just spread to be more beautiful and perfect looking for the show ring but does this mean his character has changed and mellowed for this task or would i be inviting destruction into my home well i'm here at reception area at heathrow and we're waiting for cal al cal-l arrived at heathrow and the first thing that hit me was how confident and chilled out he was despite being shipped across the globe to me he licked my fingers and gladly snuggled with me in the car despite me being a total stranger wolf dogs would not do this as they are very fearful generally of strangers and if older can even be reactive also a racing husky would be so hyperactive that sitting on a lap would not be an option however cal snuggled down in my arms and looked every part the lap dog look at him he's just going all sleepy pie with me in the back seat here he doesn't really know where he is so he's all a bit tired a little bit confused but you can see what a gentle gorgeous dog he is physically he looked very different to a working husky working huskies can be larger taller longer-legged shorter coated all sorts of colours some patchy some mongrely looking bent ears odd eyes and a mad look of a deranged scientist he was almost perfect his coat looked trimmed even though it wasn't like a shiba inu or an akita perfectly rounded around his face he had teeny tiny ears which almost touched in the middle perfect almond brown eyes and shorter stockier legs he walked like a cocky male supermodel and stood like one due to his show training he had the gentlest mouth i'd ever experienced as he gently removed treats from my hand instead of snapping them this was obviously down to his show ring training i asked erica of ulgivan show huskies about how they viewed the show line versus racing line and she said that it was like comparing a bodybuilder to a sprinter totally different however we do have this amazing footage taken by erica of algerian show huskies including cal's mom's sister and dad taking to a sled very easily indeed i introduced cal to my other dogs and he settled in so now i was to find out his true character did i have a destructive lout on my hands or was he indeed a different dog all together the first day inside the house he ran around and jumped on zorro my shepherd mix showing himself to be very bouncy and in need of hard play but after a few warning nips he soon learned not to mess and would come and cuddle with me on my lap instead hmm super cuddly and super mellow outside however he was another beast the day he landed on his first countryside walk he tried to jump in the air to kill a bird while on his leash he tried to kill several toads and mice in the pathway as i walked he also looked very intensely at some horses like he really could not be trusted he was certainly as predatory as any working line husky hyoshi was pretty bad but he was far worse another thing which was evident was he pulled hard really hard on the leash oh boy so hard he was so powerful for such a small dog the desire was extreme nothing i'd seen before he possessed this drive to pull as much as any racing husky i'd met i decided to canty cross with him to see how he got on and honestly he almost pulled me flat this beautiful supermodel was powerful driven and absolutely as fast and as efficient as the working line huskies i'd met while filming he learned the commands fast and wanted to run as much as i could give him he fell into his name cow elle's superdog as he really was super powered and while filming this fun superman sequence he almost pulled me headfirst onto my face due to his strength and speed now i thought that i'd try training him a bit has huskies unknown as being untrainable according to many sources kyoshi would do basic commands as long as there were no animals around or distractions so what would he do i started with some basic commands at home which he did immediately extremely trainable i took him on a walk and taught him to stand to put his front feet onto objects and to take a mark which he did with great gusto he also retrieved a ball and tug rope over and over again now i'm wondering if his train ability is unique to him being show line as perhaps temperament is considered when breeding for the show ring so i took him to trainer kamal fernandez renowned agility trainer for his opinion hi i'm kamal fernandez professional dog trainer and dog sports coach my job is to help people get better relationships from their dogs using reinforcement based methods huskies do have the reputation of being notoriously untrainable but it's actually a little bit of a misconception because actually they're actually very trainable but they just need a certain approach they're incredibly clever and they do have breed specific challenges like being prey driven so the first thing i'm going to do is just get his attention with some food so obviously he likes the food that i've got for him uh i've got a mixture of some product raw soft treats which are easy for him to eat palpable and also something a bit sneaky bit meatball okay so we want to be thinking about really high value treats so i've got his attention from that and initially all i'm going to do is just make a little noise so now he's responding to that little noise i'm going to substitute that and use his name okay carl yeah super touch the collar feed the dog so again a misconception about the breed is they're not trainable yeah we just got to find what floats their boat see how you really respond to that toy that's great because it means then we've got another thing to um good boy to train him with good boys and let him win it oh we're strong i'll get the sweet good boy cow good sit yes get it good so i just asked him to sit there that time just to mix it up good we get oh we get it good luck well done cow yes get it good nice good boy in a big game that was it you're the winner [Applause] good if he makes that decision to come near me i'm going to reward him so i'm now going to head back good yes good so his job is to keep the slack out of the lead okay so i'm going to move somewhere else so he's as if i'm a magnet yes good boy he's learning that if he lingers around me yes good there's a possibility that i might feed him so if i start walking off and i change direction yes good boy he's going to get reinforced for um lingering in my personal space all right so now i'm going to move off good and i've got my food in my hands okay i'm going to change direction on him let him catch me up yes good boy so kamal after meeting um calallen and working with him for a little while do you in your opinion feel that the the show line huskies are any different to the working huskies you definitely definitely see a difference and that the show line dogs are certainly here is very very biddeable and trainable or more vital than a lot of the racing huskies they tend to be much more they're better race they're better to run fast and they tend to be a little bit more uh independent which is what they're bred to be and genetically um hardwired to have that little bit of um yeah just to want desire to pull and run um he even for a show husky he's very very trainable um i've trained several and to be fair they do tend to be biddeable and they like food he's he likes toys which is again quite unique for um for the type of dog that he is um they do again he's and he's quite he wants to bring it back to you which often what they want to do is rip it up and go away from you again it's a little bit of independence he's actually quite personable he wants to be near you he likes physical contact so he's definitely trainable so there you have it kamal felt that there is definitely something far more trainable and easy in the show line huskies than the working huskies had met now in my opinion they are different he is more responsive he's definitely more trainable he looks cuter he looks prettier he looks smaller and fluffier he does tend to listen to me more and be quite reactive in that sense however still inside him there is a husky that just wants to run and i know this because whenever i take him for a walk it's like fighting against a weight he just wants to pull pull pull all the time he's highly predatory wants to kill everything so when we go out on a walk he wants to kill the squirrels wants to kill the birds the butterflies anything that moves in the ground as you can see he's sitting on my my lap really really well and a lot of dog trainers that have met him have actually said to me compared to a lot of working huskies he is about 50 times calmer he's a very friendly dog so demeanor with my other dogs friendly super friendly super lovely not aggressive just in your face now my other dogs don't particularly like dogs in their face so the problem with him is he's too confident i guess you could say the word is he is so forward that a lot of dogs will actually um show their teeth or get a little bit funny with him because they want him to back off because he has almost too much confidence he is incredibly loving he is incredibly sweet but compared to a racing husky i would say they still have that desire to run away they still have the desire to misbehave chew things wreck things and not listen to you you're still going to get that wild spirit it's just tamper down a little bit more they can be a little bit easier in your house a little bit more easier if i talk to him calcao he's just a little bit more aware of me he'll do more things for me and he'll relax he absolutely loves being with me and giving me cuddles he is um brilliant to train with one of these squeaky rat like um toys that you can buy and that will tap into his prey drive which all huskies have so now seven months into having cow i now know exactly the beast i'm living with and i have to say apart from a little chewing when he first arrived he is non-destructive and keeps to his tug toys and nylar bones so quite different to a racing husky which has to sometimes be kenneled outside due to their hyperactive temperament and destructive nature cal is exceptionally intelligent and super trainable except when prey animals or dogs are nearby i do feel that racing huskies are trainable too but are full of so much adrenaline and literally spin around all over the place with very little eye contact that it can be hard to keep their attention cal is the king of eye contact and very patient sometimes i feel that i'm training a shepherd due to his eagerness to please me i would not trust him off leash though as his prey drive is so huge just like a racing husky that he would be off in an instance and i do believe that he has the drive and power to be just as charged and driven on a sled the main difference in my opinion is that the showline husky has been mellowed as show dogs need to be calm and trainable in the ring for this reason puppies with a temperament not suited to the show ring are sent to homes as pets or to sled dog kennels so over time this creates a much more mellow gentle temperament for the remaining showring genetics this reflects in their ability to settle well in the home and provide you with a calmer living arrangement with them they shouldn't destroy your sofa any more than any other dog breed not like a racing husky filled with drive and adrenaline but this outcome is still down to you and your training they need a certain degree of initial crate training supervision and direction in their younger years to get them on the straight and narrow and then they relax into lovely house companions they definitely need human and canine company and should not be left alone like any husky this will really make them sad which could result in destruction the show lines seem generally much lazier and sleepier i find cal is really chilled out and relaxed apart from his daily zoomies which surface from nowhere this includes tucking their tails under and running all over your sofas for about five minutes they love other dogs and are so social that they will sit all over them to the contempt of your older rattier lone dog who might nip them to remind them that they must respect their personal space they love people and will jump all over them so be aware of boundaries and control your husky i found that other dogs sometimes won't like huskies as they want to jump on top of approaching dogs so be aware of this and make sure to give passing dogs space to get by otherwise your husky could be attacked for being too like their racing cousins these huskies will pull you right off your feet so don't ever be deceived underneath their spirit is 100 arctic sled puller and if given the chance to drop his catwalk for the sled he will choose the sled in a drop of a hat anyway if you'd like to ask me any more questions about um huskies in general the working versus the show line then be sure to um write your um questions in the box below and i will be checking them and i'll be answering your questions go on his instagram his name is carl husky i will be popping a link below if you like this video be sure to give us a big thumbs up and subscribe to the channel by clicking the button in the bottom hand corner and tune in every single week where we will be bringing you more amazing videos on dogs walls animal rescue and conservation bye for now bye-bye [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Animal Watch
Views: 732,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Siberian Husky Dog, Siberian Husky, siberian husky, Siberian huskies, show husky, show siberian husky, showline siberian husky, agouti siberian husky, agouti husky, wolf husky, husky wolf, wolf, wolves, Wolf, The Wolf, Grey wolf, gray wolf, wolfdog, wolf hybrid, wolf cross, wolf mix, husky wolf mix, large wolf, wolf lookalike, dogs that look like wolves, Wolf Girl, wolfgirl, blonde hair, blonde girl, Canadian Wolf, Russian wolf, Russian Dog, Russian Husky
Id: LN_tLlhFPdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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