HOUSE TOUR | Southern Charm's Venita Aspen Opens Doors To Calm, Cool & Collected Home in Charleston

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hey home worthy my name is Vita and welcome to my Charleston Department I cannot wait to show you guys around so come on [Music] [Music] in you're watching homeworthy where we believe every home has a story before today's episode click the join button below to support all of the storytelling we do on this channel our growing community of members help to directly fund more videos so we can capture these extraordinary homes from around the world so join today to receive early and exclusive access to new homeworthy videos hey guys my name is Vita Aspen I am a southern taste maker and TV personality and we are in my 1200t apartment in Charleston South Carolina okay so I have been living in this apartment for 4 years and when I first moved in um I actually did not walk through the entire apartment I walked in and I saw how bright it was and I said I'll take it um which is so crazy because I had no idea what the rest of the apartment looked like so when I came in I learned that there were a lot of changes that needed to be made so I wanted to create with this space um a calming space for me a lot of what I do on a day-to-day basic is pretty hectic so I want wanted a sense of calm when I walk through the door so I've changed light fixtures I've changed countertops I've turned my dining room into a closet I mean anything you can think of I've done it to this apartment so my closet was traditionally a they uh sold it as a dining room and to me it's kind of just like a middle ground of the house in between my kitchen and my bathroom and I ended up designing a walk-in closet in that space instead of us using it as a traditional dining room and are switching it into an office um so that is definitely my pride and joy space of my home um besides my porches and my backyard so this is the apartment that I live in now is the apartment that I got blessed um and you may or may not know the television show that I'm on is called Southern Charm and one of my castmates who is now a dear friend of mine um lived here prior to me and upon learning that by receiving his mail one day I decided to have my apartment blessed not once but twice um by a priest so this apartment is actually the first space I've ever designed start to finish on my own um I don't think I've mentioned it but when I did live in New York I had roommates so this has been my first space I've ever been able to design so I chose to design this space to it's the word I'm looking for to bring out Serenity peace and calmness I decided to start with the paint colors first and then I brought in a style within that um I don't think I have a particular style I like what I like and I put it in the room if I like it there I'm not one of the girls that say oh I like art deco or like maximalist or minimalist I I like it all so I just kind of figure out where I want things to go and replace them and you know I learn to basically live with it once I find it um but I think my my style could be described as playful colorful um bold with the hint of calm you know I think that's how I would describe [Music] it welcome to my living room so I wanted to start by showing you all this piece um and to give you a little background I think the majority of the items in my home are actually thrifted are antique I don't tend to buy most things brand new so this was a I think like a $400 fine that I got at an antique shop and I have put all of my favorite books here um including some beautiful plants that have been gifted to me from people who are no longer here that are still thriving which I love um and one of my favorite pieces on this bookshelf would have to be these Opera frames and I also have have the case um I saw these at an antique shop before I even purchased the bookshelf and I just knew that whenever my bookshelf came I would put these um opera glasses on them so here they are in all their Glory um and moving right along I have these beautiful lamp shades from a woman who is based here in Charleston her company I believe is called bbby home sorry if I'm not saying that right but she custom makes these lamp shades so I wanted something to separate the amount of blue that I had in the space um and I told her to do something out of the box I gave her all free range so we ended up with a yellow lampshade and a lampshade that has um Hues of purple and cream in them as well which we'll see once we get to the other side of the living room but um moving right along my art that's on the wall when I first started designing my space um I naturally have a preppy aesthetic and I wanted it to feel preppy but not scream preppy and my girlfriend alique actually sent this art piece to me she was like I think this would be perfect for your living room and it is a beautiful I don't know how to describe it it's a beautiful portrait of an individual whose entire head is hydranges um and I thought that was exactly what I described so that's how we landed on that piece and I basically framed the rest of the living room around this piece um I painted first we got the piece the couch came shortly after um I'm trying to think what else the lamps obviously that's a thrifted vintage RF Lauren lamp that I found um and the living room just kind of started to come together on its own and basing it around this art piece was definitely helpful to me especially when it came to pulling more colors that weren't in the the blue family um as you can see my entire living room is blue um and I didn't want it to feel so blue that was unapproachable which is why the pops of color in the lamps came into play and if we make our way over to my beautiful second lamp that's in my living room that I actually have stacked on books so I found this lamp and I loved it but it wasn't tall enough and I just had this Grand idea I was like What if I just stack it on some books and I believe all those books are blue except for the bottom one um so I stacked it on top of I stacked the lamp on top of these books and again this lampshade just creates such a different visual space for the room um these two vignettes where the lamps are are completely different it almost makes you feel like you're in two separate parts of the living room um which I love and giving the artist free reign to kind of do what she wanted allowed me to fall in love with introducing a separate color to U my living room and lastly we have my little bar area here which I had been searching for the perfect bar cart for I don't know like I think three years and the moment I decided to go in a drinking hiatus what popped up my bar cart so we have this beautiful antique bar cart um that I purchased locally from give me one second it's going to come to me antiques of South windir oh my God my brain was like not working so I purchased this bar cart there um and I got it out of steel the guy's Booth was 50% off that day um so I think I got a really good deal on it I believe the bar cart is from like 1971 which is to me not that old but in the grand scheme of things I guess it is kind of old um and again with the art on the wall as well as this one my friend omnique again helped me pick the art for this wall I would not have any art in this living room if it wasn't for her um she introduced me to an artist whose name I can't remember right now but hopefully we can put it somewhere um so you guys can find her pieces but I wanted this wall to feel calm in comparison to this wall even though they're very close to each other I feel like this is to me this has a lot happening so I wanted some sense of calmness that will allow me to flow into the bedroom which is completely calm um so we found this set of blue squares I guess is the best way to describe it and I think they work perfectly here um I originally had baskets on the wall and opted to put art in its place instead um being that my space is to most large but as a fashionista my space is small I don't have a lot of space for the clothes and bags I have as you can see put some of my clothing and shoes items into my Decor I have a pair of vintage manolos that I found at the rear reel in La for $70 I know I'll never wear them so I put them into decor and then I have this beautiful bag from over the moon in a poolside that I just figured and I mean when I take the bag out look how empty the space is and we add it in and it is just the perfect pop for that corner um it's a monogram bag that they so kindly gifted to me after we had a dinner here in Charleston for a store opening and I just you know it ties it in perfectly it gives me a little bit of that preppy flare that I like but it's not so to the tea of being preppy which again is something that I love and appreciate when it comes to my style so my house in is weird because each room has a different scent which I know is overwhelming for most but the living room is Palo Santo very calm brings you back to a sense of you know just peace and ground being grounded um so that's my living room scent and this candle in particular is from Celadon here in Charleston and it has a base of sandal wood the middle scent is Cedar and Pine and the top is a Cypress that I cannot pronounced so I will not even attempt to butcher it right now um and it just smells so it smells so yummy and warm and inviting um and it's a candle that I can burn year round because it's not since specific to like a holiday or a time um which I love so in this corner I kind of have like my stationary my keys go here it's kind of like my placeholder so my home isn't set up in a traditional way so I don't have a fourer that I can just kind of throw all my like whatever things in so I created this little space here which this is a Serena and Lily bar cart that I have placed anyway they hey Charles they did a collab with over the moon so I keep pens and pencils in the top small letters and stationer in the middle and then my larger stationary items and more unique pieces of stationary in the larger one and mail that I need to remember um so I kind of use these suitcases as more of a storage sit uh storage solution for my stationary and my Mayo which is pretty fun so I really do enjoy the art of station in writing letters I feel like in this day and age we are so used to being able to talk to someone so quickly and it the thoughtfulness is kind of lost because you can do it in such a quick way whereas um I have a really good friend of mine named Ryan and every single time we hang out three days later or four days later I always have a letter in the mail saying thank you so much for your time I really appreciate our friendship so I picked up on that and I started doing that on my own as well so once I hang out with someone or we have dinner do send some snail mail to them which is kind of fun because kind of breaks up the hecticness of the world that we live in in our day-to-day life um by receiving a handwritten letter or note from someone who loves and cares about you so when I first moved into this apartment I only had one closet and it is right here and this closet also holds my washer and dryer so what I ended up doing is I partnered with graceful space organizing we completely changed the way this closet worked um so we store all of my fall and winter items in here being that I live in Charleston I do not reach for those items often at all we have all of my backup like skin care hair care products paper towels vases um and like random things like hats and sunglasses they all belong in this space with my washer and dryer um some days I still can't believe that this was the only closet I had the first year year and a half that I lived in this apartment it blows my mind and once you see the closet that I currently have you'll completely understand why that is the case um moving over to our fireplace so my I have two fireplaces in my home and neither of them work because my home is split um and there's another unit above me but I decided to add some candles for Ambiance in the fireplace area and my boyfriend so kindly gifted me for one Christmas this morning paral speaker um that I use to create a sound a surround sound effect when I'm watching television and movies and I think that it fits so perfectly with my aesthetic it's like vintage but new allinone and then obviously tips and tricks this basket I cut a large hole in the back and it holds every single wire that is for the speaker the cable box my television it's all stored in here which is great great um and it took me a bit to find that concept but it was one that I thought worked best for me in my space um and I love still being able to tie in my love of wicker and retan by having that box here too so when it came to designing this space the original lighting that I had in the living room was pretty drab and I wanted something that again the words peace Serenity and calm are words that I will continue to use throughout this entire tour but I wanted a light that gave me that same feeling and since I decided to paint the living room blue I wanted to have a white light that resembled a cloud so it was kind of like I was resting in the clouds when I came home um I know that's silly to say out loud but I mean I kind of I love it I kind of live in that too I just wanted a very strong sense of Peace in my home so this is where this light comes into play as my cloud if you will um and being that my space is completely blue when it comes to florals I can kind of play a little bit more I think and my friend Sunny always uh delivers um these beautiful floral to me and he appreciates and loves my love for orchid so there's always Orchid somewhere within the florals which I think the color and Hues now tie in so perfectly with the lamp that um is is actually a new addition to the living room um but yeah Sunny makes the most insane floors like I mean insane um imagine taking your Pinterest photo handing it to him and then he hands it right back to you that's Sunny um and we love Sunny for that the florals are I mean my favorite part of the house obviously but they're just they're beautiful so when I first walked into this apartment I knew immediately that I wanted it um hence the fact that I walked in cut the corn Corner once and I didn't even see the back of the house all I saw when I walked in was the amount of light that poured into this house um and it was the only apartment that I looked at it was the first apartment I looked at um upon moving back from New York to Charleston and I kind of knew right away like this is mine but I had no idea how I was going to design it um I started off with a lot of retain a lot of wicker I wanted it to feel so Palm Beach cuz that was a place at the time I was traveling to quite a bit um and it was a happy place for me so I thought I was going to go that route and then as time went on I kind of found my own style within the Palm Beach aesthetic um some things still make an O to Palm Beach like a lot of orchids all over the home and um both colors but yeah that's kind of that's kind of how I felt when I first walked into the apartment I was I knew right away that this was the apartment for me so when designing the living room being that my bedroom is only separated by two sliding doors I wanted to be able to create a room that had the same sense of calm but a lot more colors so if we come through my pocket doors here which I'm sure you'll see Charles patiently waiting oh I'm sorry patiently waiting on me to get to the other side so in order for these these rooms to flow together I wanted to play more with the colors that some of them are in the hydrange ah head some of them are in the living room um the lamp kind of ties in with the mustard are s CH Truse color that's on the bedding um the blues again are tied in with the headboard some of the pillows um and green has been a color that I've always kind of been afraid of which is so wild for me to say because I'm basically wearing a yellow green right now um but it's been a interior color that I definitely have been a little weary of so I decided to play with that when it came to the curtains that I have hanging in my bedroom I like a room to always feel light and Airy but especially a bedroom so I did not want to put a heavy curtain in this room so I went with a linen blend curtain instead um so it always allows some light to come in um and I can just filter it if I decide to close the curtains at any point or blinds at any point during the day um and Mr Charles here who is so cutely sitting in his bed needed his own station so I found this chest at cadon and I believe it actually was meant to go in the kitchen um it has this little like tray so I'm like maybe put a cocktail here or something I don't know we haven't tried it out yet but I store all of his toys his clothes his medicine and food in the bottom of this and some of my um overflow items go in the top like I have a few purses in here and a bag or two um and when it came to my bedroom again I wanted to put an emphasis on the My Love For Color I didn't want to have another room that felt uh as singular in color as my living room does so we played with Hues of oranges green chartreuse and blues um and this rug is a a unicorn find because I found this rug on the biggest sale I think it was 90% off or something like that which I didn't even think existed um and this is a 9 by10 so we all know how expensive a 9 by10 rug is so for me to find that as such a steel was amazing and at first I purchased the rug for the living room because I wanted to break up the blue in there but it didn't work so I brought it on into the bedroom and I think it just goes so beautifully with all the other colors that I have um and when designing this room I'm a TV Watcher to go to bed type of gal um and at first I thought it was kind of silly to have two TVs right next to each other in the sense since my living room and bedroom don't have a traditional door I ended up creating a gallery wall that worked around not only my TV but my mirror where I sit at my vanity to get ready um and she's still a work in progress I think but I have her to a point of love right now so I really love her um I have some art from a local artist here named Carrie Davis she makes these unique and fun faces and I walked into Charleston artist Collective and I was like I don't know the paint might be too bright and when I put it in the space I was like okay no it's perfect I have an original on this wall I have a print from the internet on this wall and I have a vintage Tapestry on this wall so saying all that to say don't be afraid to mix things together um building a home takes a lot of time and a lot of money um and you don't have to stress yourself out having Originals of everything um sometimes prints are just as beautiful as an original piece of art um okay so my vanity so when it came to design in this room um we all have our landlord woes and I don't know if you'll be able to air that or not but we all have our landlord wo so when I got to my bedroom they just asked me to not paint anymore so I had this white vanity I was going to wallpaper it I decided not to but by keeping it white I felt like it did once I got this room finished it did break up the amount of color that was in here which is really great so I sit here and I do my vanity I do my vanity I sit here and I do my makeup every day I also do my own makeup every single time I film which I know might be a shocker for some um I know some of the girls love to hire hair makeup teams on other shows but I like to keep things pretty simple unless I'm going to an event um so that's the only time I kind of bring in a Glam Squad um other than that I'm doing my makeup every single time you see me on TV um so if you have any questions feel free to ask um and I have a few Holy Grail Beauty products right now um I am loving any and everything and I'm not going to apologize for how they look because this is real life um any and everything by Westman atier um I currently have three blushes by them in one contour color and the pigmentation of their products I mean like look at that it it's insane it's worth every penny that you'll save up and spend on it and I definitely think every girl F able should have a piece of Westman atier products in their um day-to-day routine okay so a cliff note version of my career let's start I went to culinary school worked in the field loved the job hated the people left went to Fashion worked in Charleston and fashion and then left Charleston went to New York I wanted something bigger hated the company moved back home um I sat idle for a bit I worked at a um antique shop here in Charleston where I figured out my life from there I started a production company U I did that for three and a half years in between all of that I was uh modeling and influencing on the side the influencing was not a full-time job it was just something that I did for fun um and the modeling was more of like a part-time gig for me um and from there the influencing turned into a full-time job from there I stumbled upon reality television and now we're here there a lot of there's a lot more in between but I didn't want to bore you so I just gave you that as quickly as I could yes so when I come home at the end of every day um which is partly the reason why I painted my living room blue uh I wanted again a sense I'm going to say the word calm Serenity and peace a lot throughout this um I wanted to feel that when I walked through the front door like okay I can let everything go now I can sit sit down relax my place is not a chaotic place or chaotic um space at all so I definitely feel that sense of overall calmness when I walk in through the front door and being that I have such a non-traditional space um I had to find this side table which I would roll out to you as my like nightstand um because I again my bed sits right next to a fireplace and then on the other side there's are doors so I don't have the traditional setup where I could have two side tables so I found this fun side table um which is blue and white stripe which pays homage to the blue in the bedroom um which I absolutely love and when it came to decorating the top of this I kind of wanted to keep it simple um so I just have some books that I love to read um I'm not the biggest reader in the world so I typically read the same book over and over again because I like I'm just I'm just that type of person like I like seeing the same story and like discovering new things about it so I just have a few books here um and then I also have a photo book down at the end and some dried hydranges because they are perfect for every season and they'll never die so I never have to worry about repurchasing flowers in my room which I absolutely adore um and coming over to the bed so this being that this is the first space that I have designed fully on my own um when it came to designing my bed I wanted my bed to have a more is more feeling when it came to the pillows um I honestly think I could add a few more but some people might call me crazy I think I have 10 pillows on my bed right now um and I just wanted the color to shine more so in the room through the bedding which is why I chose to go with the chartreuse color which was not my first choice I originally had a black and white bedroom idea um and and I decided to add in color and then I have a beautiful Blue Quilt that ties in the blue with these pillows I am a pillow hoarder I like the idea of having a lot of pillows on the bed more is more when it comes to bedding is something that I really um enjoy when I look at other people's homes so I try to encapsulate that here with the 10 pillows that I currently have on my bed um and my favorite pillows on the bed are from hunt slonim and I discovered this artist through my friend Grace Atwood um she was obsessed with the artist and she constantly shared it on her Instagram so when I walked into a local shop here in Charleston and I saw they had the pillows I knew that this was going to be the perfect pot for my bed um just enough of a pop for me and then we kind of calm it down again with this beautiful pillow here that has some beautiful watercolors that tie in the chartreuse and blue so perfectly to the bed um I was on the hunt for a bed tray for quite some time and I found this actually at the same antique shop that I found my bar cart and I was so shocked at how inexpensive it was because all the new ones are so expensive to me um so I was able to find this vintage retan bed tray that I think is just so cute and I do use it um I typic I usually have my iPad sitting right here and my computer um so when I wake up after I've like gotten up gotten some water brushed my teeth did all the things I get right back in bed and I work from here for a little bit um again allowing me to feel calm and peace when I'm working for my bed and not sporadically just working from not having a tray um but yes that is my bed that I adore um and my art that I have on this dresser here it's kind of a mix of things um so this is this pink is actually just a random pin board so I used to have a mood board that I kept in my bedroom and once I started to develop the space more I decided to clear it and just use it as another layer for art that I did not want to hang um so this is by an artist who is no longer painting um by the name of Lauren Taylor and I actually had this piece in my office and I decided to put it in my bedroom instead it's absolutely beautiful and I discovered this artist with a friend of mine um Austin Walker we went to an artwalk in Buford and there was a woman there who created these faces out of steel and the steel was out of my price point and when I said that to her she was like well I actually have it in prints too again letting you guys know prints matter okay they're just as important um so I ended up purchasing the print of her original sculpture and adding that to to my room um a lot of my artart has a feeling of um strong and belonging I think that's how I'd like to describe it um so these two pieces definitely tied that in perfectly for me I think we've kind of covered the bedroom and now I'm so excited because the next room that I'm getting ready to show you guys is my absolute favorite room of the house which is my dining room turned closet so come with me so you guys can see what that looks like [Music] so we are stepping in to my closet um I I definitely have designed a closet of every girl dreams um so my closet was an empty space when I moved in um none of this was here and I couldn't decide if I was going to turn it into an office space or I was just going to have it as like store Frid and the more I thought about it the more I said how crazy would it be if I just flipped it into a closet um so I teamed up with closet Factory almost three years ago now to build out this closet and I literally designed the closet with my Barbies in mind so we had to make sure that it did not go to the ceiling so I had enough space to stack every single Barbie that I have um I have been collecting Holiday Barbies since before I was born thanks to my godmother um so we have a slew of Holiday Barbies up here and I definitely wanted to show them off with the closet design which is how we came up with designing the closet this way um like I said I am a typ a organized individual so making sure everything was organized in this space and it was you know beautiful and color coordinated is something that I worked with gray spaces organizing on to make sure happened um um when I first organized the space it was completely different my heels actually weren't in this closet they were in the front closet um and when graceful space organizing came they were like no your heels need to go in here and I said to them I was like I don't think I have a heel that's lower than 5 inches I don't know that's going to work um but we did some shifting and we made it work and now all my heels live here um as well as like my purses obviously everything else my jeans boots um my athletic wear um and I wanted this space to have art and I couldn't figure out what I wanted to put in here and I stumbled upon an original poster from the whz and I I found it at um where did I find it I found it at Elizabeth Stewart designs and I left it and I ended up posting it posting it on my Instagram and everyone was like you need to find space for it you have to find space for it and I didn't even know how much it cost I was just like okay everyone's screaming at me I have to find space for it so I ended up calling them back and was like do you still have it and they did and they held it for me and we ended up adding it um in my closet here to kind of just give something on this wall besides an empty space and I absolutely love it it is um a beautiful woman who's standing strong and the colors are just so perfect they're not distracting so it doesn't take away from everything else happening in in the closet it kind of just Blends in very seamlessly and we I'm obsessed with this I'm very happy that I found her um and with this space in my closet it's a little weird so as you can see I have a door that separates these two spaces but behind that door I have a wall of headbands um I have a wall of headbands here and I have my necklaces and I also use this area to store all of my perfume um I originally had all of these items placed here but I did not want this area to feel uh overcrowded um when you first walked in I still wanted to feel again have a sense of calmness cleanliness um so I decided to place all of my perfumes and headbands here um versus having them here and I just love this little Nook again and living in charlon you will find that a lot of your homes will have these random spaces and I think the best part is learning how to utilize it and make it work best for you um I would have never thought to hang my headband here if it wasn't for graceful space organizing and then deciding to put my perfumes here in Li of having them in this focal point here would you like to talk about perfumes with me young man Mr Charles are you not getting enough screen time um and yeah I I love my closet my closet is my dream the day I have to leave this space um I'll probably cry so let's hopefully that's not anytime soon because I really do love this apartment and I've definitely made it um my own and my last piece of this apartment is going to have to be the chandelier so I went to an antique shop called Warehouse 61 and they had the large version of this chandelier I'd never seen it before it was astronomical it was about eight grand and I fell in love with it that day and I was like I said to myself I wish they came out with a smaller piece I wish there was a smaller version of it and I go to my next consignment shop or antique shop and what do I find in the booth that I bought the bar cart from the Mini version of the chandelier and it was on sale so I knew I was going have to get it I loved everything in my closet is so colorful and bright they're really I needed something in this space to match that and the chandelier having a slew of different colors and shapes really felt like it was going to fit the space um and it's just perfect I I could not have I could not have created a more perfect chandelier for this space besides the one that we currently have um and I absolutely love her um she the chandelier as I learned from my antique dealer you can switch these fruits out um and I learned it the hard way because when I first hung this with my handyman we dropped it and I thought that I would never I I lost the chandelier I thought I lost it and the antique dealer told me she was like no this is something that you can interchange and people sell the pieces so we got online and we found some Replacements and we also found some new pieces to add to the chandelier um which makes it even that much more special to me because it's like I almost lost her and I got her back um and yeah she's just you know the lighting is very unique and when it came to pulling this home together lighting was not something that I was well versed in and once you start playing it with it and understanding you know what works for a space and what doesn't you really grow to appreciate Lighting in a whole new light if you will no pun intended um but yes this is my beautiful closet it um I love her she loves me back obviously a favorite shoe to show you all I'm quite torn I'll give you two sides of my personality I'll give you one that's a little calm it have to be these Rafia Heels by Sam edman I say calm and they're like four and a half inches or if not five um I basically wear these shoes every single time I get dressed in the spring and summer it's just a very easy neutral um and they're comfortable because they have the platform and they're very Timeless to me um because I love a very high heel I know most people do not enjoy them as much as I do um and if I had to pick my handy dandy pink ladder here when I first built built out this closet my Mom's main concern was how are you going to reach everything I was like Mom I'll just get a hot pink ladder to stand on everything to reach all of my goods so my second favorite shoe are these Pearl heels from Giani beanie um I as a Southern girl I love a pearl and when I saw these I definitely fell in love and I feel like this is a neutral but I don't think most people would find these shoes to be a neutal and lastly my favorite shoe how pretty are these These are from Hill House and the owner of Hill House loves a platform so all of her shoes are platform heels and she just has fun with shoes which I can appreciate a lot and I just love them the blue and sparkly and I also consider these to be a neutral but you know to each their own um and to give you a load down of my handbags as well while we're here I decided to treat myself when accomplishments would happen in my life and that was with the purchase of um a vintage Chanel bag and I have a bag from every mon Milestone so I have one from the year that I was born I have a 1993 white and gold Chanel bag I have one from the year that I graduated high school I have one from the year of my first large partnership and you know I try to make sure with everything that I purchased from furniture to clothing to shoes that everything has a meaning and a purpose so that's kind of how I justify those purchases I'm like oh well you know it's so nice to happen from the year that I graduated high school you know um which is very fun um and it allows me to create you know Timeless uh moments and Timeless things within my collection so now that I have gone through all of my favorite things and showing you guys my closet let's take a step into my kitchen which is my second favorite part of the house because I have a background in culinary art so I have spent a lot of time making my kitchen just as perfect as my closet so let me show you what that looks like what makes a home come alive is seeing the reflection of that individual when you walk through the home um if you had to describe my personality a lot of people would say it's bright bubbly um energetic and calm which I think is also ways to describe the house some of the colors are energetic but it still has a calm Aura um and I think that definitely sets and makes a person's house at home um is being able to see a reflection of them throughout their their spaces I would say to someone trying to figure out how they can tap into their personal style um do what you want first uh I think that that is like the biggest thing and as far as Interiors go I this was one of my biggest struggles I had never designed anything before I didn't want to you know spend a lot of money trying to have someone help me so I had to kind of figure it out as I went um and every decision I end up being the happiest with is the one I decided for myself and you know not allowing other to say well that's too many pillows on the bed or I don't think chartreuse goes in your bedroom you know it's like what I wanted so that's what I did and I stuck with that I think that that is my number one tip when it comes to getting confidence in any space but especially in the space of [Music] style okay so welcome to my kitchen um so when I walk through this apartment the first time like I said I did not make it to this portion of the house at all so I kind of just moved in on a whim and the kitchen was a labor of love because when I came in I had odor countertops um which were fine but they needed to be replaced but I didn't have the finances to do so so I went to a marble place a marble store I don't know how to describe that and I asked them for scrap metal not scrap metal scrap marble that they had for sale and the gentleman sold me a piece that was very long um and I hadn't measured anything I'm not one of those I don't I probably make everyone so annoyed because I don't like measuring things and I just took it I was like it's perfect it was in my price point I was like I'll take it and I brought it in and I realized that I made it too long so with that um alongside working with closet Factory to do my closet we ended up creating a buildout because I enjoy tea and coffee I used to have coffee here now I'm only drinking strictly tea so we created these drawers in this shelf to make sure that this did not seem silly when we place it within the kitchen um which I love and um I keep bowls measuring cups backup storage items here um and all of my glass and containers again I keep things in wicker baskets to kind of keep the vibe going throughout the house and behind this curtain um is actually my water heater um living in an older home sometimes you just come across things that are really ugly and my water heater was one of those things and um I didn't think that it was something that could be moved so I just decided to hang up a rod and hide my water heater behind a curtain um and being that I don't have a lot of space in here and I have more kitchen items I think than I do shoes believe it or not um I decided to use items that I do use quite often but use them as decoration instead of hiding them um when I ran out of under when I ran out of storage for my other pots and pans so we've placed all of our tea kettles our water pictures um our strainers some Lake Crusade pots Mackenzie child's items um I also have a beautiful vintage tea set that I bring out on occasion which is very fun My Kitchen Aid mixer I just decided to decorate it up there instead and um I know I mentioned earlier that I do have a background in culinary arts and with that when it came to creating content around it um I didn't have an overhead space above my oven or my stove so I decided to work with my handyman here to create some shelves that will also allow me to store my cooking books um extra glasswar um some some vases this holds olive oil and vinegar um my oven mitts I just wanted to be able to create more storage when it came to this space um and again I did not know what I was walking into because I had not come back here so when I first moved in um my refrigerator actually sat right here um and I had my small kitchen table at the time where my current refrigerator is and I wanted to open up the space more so again I worked with with um closet Factory to build this banket which also gave me extra storage for all of the kitchen items that I do have um and I came in being that I live alone I didn't need a refrigerator that was very large so I purchased this Chambers refrigerator that gave me the Vintage Vibe um but it also didn't break the bank I smag was a little bit out of my price point so I found something that was similar which was this Chambers refrigerator which is great um and over here I have all of my plates and some additional glass wear and this piece I actually found at Habitat for Humanity and it was originally a TV stand and I paid $25 for it and I decided to use it to display my plates and to place my microwave being that it was made originally as a TV stand the hole was already in the back for me to um make sure I could plug my microwave in and and we have just displayed my plates here in some glasswear and graceful space organizing also help me Place some Linens for table settings up here as well as additional pictures that I use within the space some fun things about my kitchen is my wallpaper my wallpaper is peel and stick wallpaper um being that I rent I didn't want to place wallpaper in this apartment permanently and I worked alongside chasing paper to put up in place and figure out what wallpaper was going to work best for my space um I let them know that I was a fan of blue and pink and they were like we have the perfect wallpaper for you and this was the room I felt like I could have more fun when it came to design because it is an enclosed space where my other two spaces are pretty open um so I was like okay let's do it so at first I was a little scared I was like how do I style around such wild wallpaper but um I ended up stumbling upon an artist at one of the home stores I like to shop at here in Charleston called Celadon and her name is Savannah and when I reached out to her I told her I wanted something that was big and bold and unique and that was not going to distract but more so compliment the wild wallpaper that I had and she showed me this in a print and I asked her I was like you know I think I want the original I didn't want a print and I wanted the original because of the texture that is on the painting you can't get that in the print so I opted for the original here and it is I mean it's absolutely beautiful I love it again it ties in with the women that are in my bedroom that just give this strong presence um and the her hair being a palm is very um what's the word I'm looking for it's very much an old to Charleston and palm trees um and you know the green now ties in with the green in the bedroom and it was just a very spectacular piece and I was very happy and excited that she was able and willing to sell her original to me because that was a big ask and I was a little nervous and I was very happy that she said yes about that and um since I do a lot of cooking and I don't have a lot of space I did not want to take up my shelfing Space by putting my spices within them so I opted out for a floating spice rack um as you see here and we have everything labeled beautifully um graceful spaces organizing actually switched out the canisters that I had and they were like how do you feel about a bamboo top on your spice spices and I said I'm game for it so they did that for me and they also included um magnetic knife holders for me um my knives are very special and I like like to make sure that they're protected and on display so we have them here um which makes it very easy for me to grab them while I'm cooking I can just turn around and do this number and then my spices are here which is great and then I can do this in this portion of the kitchen or all my oils um additional overflow for spices and all of my baking items as well so now that we have gone through and shown you everything that is to love about my kitchen I I want to show you one of my last favorite spots of my home which is my side porch and living in Charleston having a porch is the best thing [Music] available this is my lovely porch um I have a strong love and appreciation for um flowers and gardening and when and I moved into this space one of the main reasons why I did ultimately decide to choose it is because my front and back ports were very spacious um at least from what I saw online because as you know I did not cut the corner when I first made it into the house and I knew it was a place that I could make feel very Tren and bring my own flare to it as well so I keep potted plot keep potted plants around year long um and I also keep an herb garden back here in the corner and I have two citrus trees back here as well that are finally blooming some Citrus so I'm very excited to see what amount of citrus I can get from them this year and I also have just this one cute seat here party for one if you will um cuz I didn't want to overfill the space too much I didn't want uh a table and chair situation I wanted the back porch to be a place where I can come and relax the word home means to me and you can take a wild guess at my answer the word home means a place of calmness peace and serenity which I know I've said over and over and over again but you know we live in such a world where things are constantly being thrown at you or things always feel out of whack and you know your home is the only space where you set the standard of the feeling the look The feel the vibe everything so those would be my three words to describe the word home to me thanks for watching be sure to go to homeworthy [Music] docomo guides and so much more
Channel: Homeworthy
Views: 167,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house, house tour, home, home tour, homeworthy, architectural digest, veranda, quintessence, HGTV, Listed, house beautiful, interior design, interior designer, Venita Aspen, southern charm, apartment, charleston, vintage home, home decor, calm, serene home, colorful home decor
Id: 6f6PcBGgGYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 3sec (3123 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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