House Dayne: The Complete History & Lore (Game of Thrones)

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as a boy even I dreamed sometimes of being not a stark of Winterfell but a Dane of Starfall Legend has it that the darnish founder of house Dan followed a falling star to where it hit the ground and there he raised his castle a fantastic story I know but house Dan has a relic to prove it Dawn the most famous sword in Westerose forged from the fallen stars cold hearts and a strong and sharp as Valerian steel many houses have ancestral swords passed from father to oldest son like my own family is ice but Dawn doesn't pass to the lord of House Dan by right to wield Dawn a knight of their house must first be deemed worthy it doesn't matter if he's the Lord a younger brother or a distant cousin if none are found to be worthy the blade stays on the mantl in Starfall until the next Generation but Dawn hasn't rested there often for from house Dane have risen some of the greatest warriors in Westeros voran danne who was a king and the greatest Knight in Dawn before he was defeated by nimia because of his honor and his prowess she sent him to the wall in Golden Fetters and took his Heir as her husband Joffrey Dan who answered aegon the conqueror's demand to submit by invading aegon's Seven Kingdoms and marching an army to the gates of Oldtown where aegon had been crowned and the greatest of them all s aodan the sword of the morning during the reign of the Mad King a band of Outlaws calling themselves the king's wood Brotherhood terrorized the forest outside of King's Landing every Force sent after them either returned empty-handed or vanished into the woods never to be seen again the King was Furious and dispatched s Arthur of his own King's Guard to deal with the threat sarur didn't put the villagers to the question or Set Fire to the woods to smoke out the Brotherhood as other forces had done he paid the small folk for the food his men a brought their grievances to the king even won them the right to take a few of the king's deer during the Autumn the forest folk had looked to The Outlaws to defend them but sraa did more for them than the Outlaws could ever hope to do when a villager LED sraa and his kns to The Outlaws secret Camp the Brotherhood to their credit didn't flee one of their Leaders The Smiling Knight was a Madman cruelty and honor jumbled together but he didn't know fear not even when Sir Arthur Drew Dawn before him soon The Outlaws long sword had so many notches that sraa stopped to let him fetch a new one the robin Knight chose another and then asked for Dawn sraa replied then you shall have it The Smiling Knight never smiled again the Mad fool Dawn is just a sword s Arthur was the true steel strong Brave and loyal to a fault he would never evaded rhaegar's Abduction of my sister if his vows hadn't compelled him and though we fought on opposite sides I admired him when I was younger I wanted to be him every boy did and I killed him not in single combat but as he was on his knees a dagger in his back I'll never forget the look in his eyes he wasn't angry or betrayed he'd done his duty to the last even though he found it dishonorable and even though he knew what awaited me in that Tower Sir Arthur Dan died the greatest night who ever lived after Robert's coronation I returned Dawn to Starfall one day how stay will raise a worthy successor to s Arthur until then Dawn gathers dust above the fire with the dream of every boy in Westeros
Channel: Thronesbook
Views: 5,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: book, swords, novel, fantasy, popular book, popular novel, popular fantasy, game of thrones, asoiaf, lore, show, adaptation, series
Id: gAobBxZ28CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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