House Built on Lava ? Can I Survive Every Disaster Roblox Video Game

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yes i am so happy you are here today we are gonna be playing some roblox but not just any roblox we are gonna be playing some major disasters today so i wanna see if my cookie fans and i can survive every single disaster that is thrown at us there's gonna be lava there's gonna be tornadoes it's gonna be crazy and i hope we will be able to survive so i am here in my cookie world let's come on over here's some cookie fans right here hey hey everybody we're kind of like lost in like all the pancakes oh there we go he's just like she's even saying help help i know come on come on oh no now i'm stuck oh i'm stuck in the pancakes too okay this might be a disaster but this is a good disaster i could eat my way out of the pancakes screeny plays sure oh no wait i keep getting stuck in the pancakes she got stuck in the pancakes too here come over here we'll take a screening jeez all right i am so happy everyone is here oh look she's got a cute like little bag where is it she's got like a little pug in her bag that's a sloth where's the pug in her back she's got a baby she has a baby she has a baby that is the best that's so cute okay well i can push no you guys i keep okay we the pancakes are dangerous the pancakes are so dangerous here we should hang out over here but do you guys want to play some games with me for my video yes yes okay good all right so we are all going to play can we survive some of these disasters here we go first disaster we're going to see is the flood flood survival waves seek high places for safety there's 19 maps let's play map chosen ooh moon moon map okay we're on the moon the moon is very sandy we need to get up high because this flood is coming i don't know if this is high enough oh she's got the right idea i don't think i have enough time do i have enough time to go over there oh i feel like i shouldn't leave here comes you can see it coming in please please please don't get me oh good ah okay good yes i think we're gonna survive this flood oh no no no please please they didn't survive but i did oh i'm so happy i didn't leave it's falling apart no please no please please please get up a little bit higher there we go stay right here no please please please yes i survived one of two people that survived where is everybody at it's like nobody in this server okay now we're in arch park okay oh good we got to get to this giant arch wait no no you know this is gonna be so much stronger cause it's made out of metal there's no way this is gonna fall in the flood there's no way but that arch boom is gonna go down she says i've been trying to join you all day well yay i'm so happy you're here and you're able to get in look she's got the gummy bear shirt that's the new gummy bear shirt oh we fall no no no we found we fell okay so we did not survive that one look at how sweet pinkie popper poodle is so sweet i've been a super fan ever since i discovered maybe your youtube we are a huge fan oh wait okay we gotta go we need some more metal this is metal over here actually all these structures look kind of good but wait can i get on top of this one how do i get on top i don't want to be trapped inside oh wait you can go up okay let's let's go up there we go now we're safe okay that looks like an even better spot to be over there though hopefully we'll be able to survive this everyone come on up there it is there's the flood oh it's like really raining and really coming down on us no it fell no said nobody survived we all died in that one okay seriously this little baby that she's got carrying around with her is just the cutest i wonder what her baby's name is because earlier i was watching your pick a side vid oh i love that video i should play that we should play more of that okay wait we gotta go up high this is oh this is like high we've got to go up really really really high this is what we're going to do we're going up this one keep on going up oop i went up on the wrong side no i have to start over keep going okay we're up we're up at the top oh no i fell get up get up get all the way up i wonder if we can actually no we all do no we all survived okay so we've survived the flood so now let's take on the next disaster and see if we can beat it says can you survive a tsunami in a 10-story house is relax game that does not sound very relaxing to me at all inspired by can you survive lava in a hundred story house 100 stories okay we're gonna play that one next but right now we're gonna be taking on the tsunami can we do it can we do it wait is this the house is this where we should be going should we be going in all right let's go in we gotta get all the way to the top i don't actually know where the safest place is gonna be during a tsunami it says everyone get on the roof now tsunami coming okay come on wait there's a vending machine should i grab a snack really fast there's no time i want to get a snack so bad can we get to the roof on time we're here wait this isn't on the roof but it's on like the very top floor can we see the tsunami coming ooh here it is here it is here it comes here comes here it comes everyone hang on is the house falling apart says cookie i hope you survive i hope you survived too i want us all to survive she has a tattoo on her shoulder i think we did it did we do it you can still see the water rushing out there phew tsunami is gone but what what is that what happened what is that people falling from the sky tsunami will come again we made it there's somebody who's like dropping money everywhere who dropped this money there's money over here by the window too here comes the tsunami here it comes here comes the next one i think we're doing pretty well because we're all here on top you can see it like going past that one looks really high that one looks super high that girl's got so much money or who is it it's this guy ninja simulator 2020. he's just like raining money it's totally raining money but there's just so much money everywhere this is so crazy okay that tsunami is gone okay what else disaster can we survive can you survive lava in a hundred story house yes this house is a hundred stories who would build a house on lava it says yep it's back let's play here we are are we already in the house cause that's nice if we're like already in this house oh wait i saw i saw a glimpse of it how do i get like a little peek can i look out the window i want to look out the window somebody's actually floating down are they crazy don't float down they're like they have a parachute they're gonna get burned up in the lava oh wait they're going up they have an anti-parachute oh wait we're so low right here wait should i get the anti-parachute ooh we have to go i have to do it the lava's coming the law is coming okay look i'm go i'm on my anti-parachute i'm floating up come on everybody come on no they're dying go all the way up all hundred stories we all have to do it the house is being taken over by lava oh i saw some people just falling come on get to the roof there we go 100 stories up i have to make it over to the roof and fall put the parachute down there we go oh it's like a lego house get to hide ground quick melting lava i am on high ground right should i be higher is there gonna be lava coming out the chimney this lava is still coming okay let's get the anti-parachute coming back guys i don't think we're safe i still don't think we're safe that lava is rising it is absolutely rising up okay i i think i think we need to get our anti-parachute there we go we're going i'm going up i can't be on the roof anymore it's just not safe here goes it's gonna just completely engulf the whole entire house and it's gone oh survived we survived we all survived this feels so good look i'm still like going up up up maybe i'm going up too high should i put like my parachute on am i falling down okay i'm i'm gently floating back down to earth oh you can see the moon okay i'm happy we made it ah we survived the lava okay can we survive the natural disastrous says quick run around in circles your life depends on it what an apple a day saves the day red apples last forever click now nom nom nom nom 80 robux no way it could happen to you insure blocks hurricane insurance all right next map is the launch land whoa how tall this person is with his bone legs oh cool there's a rocket ship okay we're all going up okay we got to go up are we going up as high as we can how do we know what the disaster is we don't even know what it is what if it's an earthquake and then we're up super high is this really the safest thing that we should be doing right now who's taking the rocket ship someone's trying to launch the rocket i just don't know how high we should be getting okay we're all the way at the top oh we can launch the rocket from here okay i'm not pressing it disaster warning fire keep the distance from the fire where's the fire out no no i saw it i saw it in the building it's in this building there it is there it is can i jump down no do i die if i jump down i'm keeping my distance from the fire i do not want to be in the building at all i'm as far away as i can be from it can i jump down here oh there's pieces flying down no i found no no okay i wish i hadn't have fallen or else i could have survived because now you can see everybody surviving down there oh no it's going up to the spaceship now oh there goes the spaceship oh it's crumbling oh no houston we have a problem the spaceship is down no wow it says everyone leave there is a hacker no you nah just asking and happy birthday is this someone's birthday all right now we're going to the lucky mart lucky mart lucky mart there's not a whole lot of places to hide in here so i'm just gonna have to make do with what i can oh is there any food in here lucky mar oh there is yummy chocolate bars yum yum yum oh look at there's like a little tiny food area to sit in here everyone's going up here should i go up here this goes nowhere maybe it's just a safe spot to be okay first we need to find out what is gonna be the disaster okay cause we've got cash registers i could stand up on i could stand up on here if there's a flood maybe i can jump up here can i jump up here disaster warning tornado stay clear of its path okay we have to know where the tornado's coming out where is it coming at no i'm like right in its path no it got me no no no no oh no these people were so smart don't go into the lucky mart the lucky mart was not lucky at all everyone's running there it is it's just it totally just of course it's gonna completely destroy this area oh i wish i would have known all right what is the next disaster going to be her name is cookieswirl720 hi she's jumping up and down right now we're back we're back with the space shuttle okay the last time this was a fire so maybe i don't want to go in just yet maybe i just want to hang out here just in case because if it says like a flood then i can run up if it says a tornado i can run away so maybe i don't exactly want to be inside of the launchpad just yet just gonna play it safe just for a second oh apple alert says i'm starting my youtube channel because you inspire me disaster warning earthquake yeah definitely get away get away run run run things are falling things are falling the space shuttle already went into the water oh things are shaking please we're gonna try to stay up on here careful so careful careful careful careful oh it's gonna fall everything is falling but it's falling over there stay over here i think we're gonna survive it's kind of better if you like jump you can kind of like stay off the ground wait it stopped no it didn't okay it's still going it's still destroying the launch pad do i want to get on this piece of metal maybe maybe not i don't know it might just be safer on the ground i don't know the writing it's just going crazy i think we're doing it i think we're surviving she's just hanging on to the sheet of metal here so maybe i'll just ride it with her oh it's kind of getting close to the edge though oh i don't want to do that i do not want to go off the edge i think we're doing it i think we're going to survive i think we're all the survivors all of us girls are going to survive look at all the pieces is it over is it over yes i think the earthquake is over yes we did it yes survived welcome to survive the disasters it's a flash flood i don't think i can survive no get to the house get to the house even though the house is totally falling apart no i couldn't make it in time all right now what do we have to survive the suburbs no the moon is falling get into a house right now that moon is gonna fall okay i want to see down here i don't think i want to be up at the very top because it may crush the roof in whenever the moon falls but the moon is so big it may crush the whole entire house how do we know where it is how do we know where the moon is oh there it is there it is careful the pieces i saw him scatter i think we survived i don't see the moon i don't see any of the pieces i don't see any evidence of it i think we did it yes okay i've just fived out the evil santa and a super volcano no i can't handle both of them all at once i can see it i can see the volcano it's starting to spew out where's the super there it is i see santa he's flying around in his sleigh he's throwing like giant presents around that's a giant present he left oh okay good thing we were safe in the house oh now there's a nuke okay there's a warning so we definitely need to hide i'm gonna hide underneath the stairs here maybe the stairs will protect me over here milly bean over here hide over here she wants to hide right there i don't see it i don't see it anywhere can i see it from over here wait what is that did it already hit i might have already hit over there this house is actually doing wait a minute missing some of its roof but it's kept us pretty safe all right now let's see what we are up against next in for indestructible where are we supposed to go where are we supposed to go oh no why did i die why are we all just dying all of a sudden we're just coming in and dying what happened no what was the disaster i'm not even sure what the disaster was oh no this game it's lagging so much look i don't even know if we're gonna be able to play says there's a monster evil knight who is that okay we're in what is the disaster gonna be says we're at the trailer park can we go into the trailers is that safe it all depends what the disaster is oh i can't look it's so tiny and tight in here it's so hard to even get in here it's just so small no we're all trying to get in and i'm trying to get out no now we're gonna be stuck inside of the trailer all right where are we now oh no now we gotta survive a shark attack oh at least our boat is super cute it's a little unicorn okay the shark has been released there it is like a bunny shark hi hi here we go we're off oh yes this is so cute this is the coolest boat i've ever seen i don't remember this last time i played it this is so cute i wish you had the best day in your life i am having the best day thank you you too that's so sweet look at the little chick head person the little egg chick person i think we're gonna survive this shark attack seriously this unicorn boat is the cutest no it tipped over what happened no now i had to swim the shark has been killed oh we survived the shark attack just in time too all right here we go we're back on the boat sit next to me okay here comes the bunny shark it's like still celebrating easter they say they're watching youtube right now i wonder which video they're watching oh there's the shark i see the shark out there they said they're watching my newest video that shark is going crazy oh there's another unicorn boat out there oh there goes that shark because that shark is just bouncing up and down in the water what is it doing what is it doing it's like trying to hop like a bunny in the water no you're a shark not a bunny i think it is forgotten okay now we're like hiding behind the island here the shark will never find us behind here never i think we're gonna survive this uh oh please don't come over here oh it's going fast it's like hopping around oh the shark is coming right at us the shark is coming out should i get off the boat i don't know what to do is attacking that no it's not doing anything oh okay good thing i did not get off the boat oh it's coming back this way no it's not it's going after that buoy oh i feel like it's kind of coming over this way yeah it's definitely a bun shark oh it's destroying that boat over there oh there was people in it okay i definitely got in the right unicorn boat yeah oh no saw unicorn boat was crashed yeah it definitely got taken out look it even it looks like it's little propellers are like candies there it is no it's never gonna be able to catch up with us it's got less than a minute to come and get us oh no oh no did i speak too soon please no oh it's got a little buoy on it now so now you actually know where the shark is oh i wonder if that's just for the easter update or if that's always oh look at it jumping i like your voice it's so funny all right i am back in my cookie world we survived most of the disasters thank you to everybody who got to be in the video and got to play with me today that was really fun we actually tackled a lot of disasters there was lava there was tsunamis there was floods there was the moon exploding i mean there were some really crazy things so i'm so excited that we got to actually play i hope you enjoyed this video keep being awesome keeping you make sure you're subscribed for more crazy fun you never know what you're going to see on this channel see you in my next one bye cookie swirl
Channel: CookieSwirlC
Views: 61,580,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cookie swirl, show, video, game, cookieswirlc videos, roblox, roblox videos, cookieswirlc roblox, cookie, swirl, cookie swirl c, new, today, world, cookie swirl videos, cookie swirl roblox, house, reaction, reaction video, rp, roblox rp, story, youtube, youtuber, random, random videos, recommended, extreme, warning, extreme sport, sim, simulator, disaster, survival, survive the disaster
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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