Houdini Vellum grains basic tutorial

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hello everyone so today we took a take a look on vellum grains so this is what we achieve so I did this render at the night and this you can see these clumps I'll tell you how to make these clumps yep so you can see this is a clump this is a clump I can give them another color also okay and these are the smaller small clumps we then broke so we'll see from the basics what are the nodes I'll create everything manually with the collider and everything so this is how we will do so we'll just start with the amputee scene and I set my project okay so I'll save this scene as the tutorial and ESCO 1:01 okay so we start with the rubber toy or any model bit or whatever we want so you know we'll take the rubber toy yeah we got him okay so then we will take a transform node and move it up sorry move it up and I'll rotate it a bit different yeah so we have our model so for creating valium we need first note this is vellum configure green this fourth one and and we connect that one so as you can see it lit but nothing happened so what we have to do we have to click here create points from volume let's click on this one and it converted so what is this these are the points so and which on which we have a sprite material so this is a material this is like same Maya sprites wherever you are wherever your camera they are facing that that 2d only so now if I remove this you can see they are only points and we have a grain size if I'll decrease the size so you can see we have more well again do this yeah so as you can see now we are more and 2.01 you are more and more which we will use later for now will you use point zero and five maybe yeah this much is enough for now so we have volume constraint of sorry vellum grain now we need a call strength okay this vellum constraint yeah and then see this okay I'll show you so this is what you this output is for geometry output this is for constraint and this is for collagen so I have only geometry now I don't have any constraint when I'm not creating constraint in this one but we can create constraint with this so same constant same logic that we can use connected yes and pieces and you can create so now what we have we have this so we take this output and create as you thirty null and we'll name it video and one more the furnace constraint which has nothing but we need these both for simulation so sorry we have this geo and this constraint and later we'll do a lot of things here I will tell you so for now it is okay so now I'll create a dope net okay so first of all what we need we need a vellum object and we have to call these material this object and constraints so let's see here this is the nation symmetry and initial constraint so what we have to do we have to just cover to our geo and here we want our constraint we have both if you'll click you can see and hide other objects so you can see only this yeah so you have this and after this we need a vellum solver what solving this yeah and then we needed gravity force and output so we got this if I will play now you can see it is falling but there is no ground so I will create a ground plane yeah and much and always remember first output geometry second order gravity then this one so it shall play now you can see it fell down and it blast it doesn't look like a sand or something if I creating snow off sand it doesn't look like that now look like particle falling okay so and layout okay so we have this so okay I'll increase the bit of I would go for 1:05 again so I'm in.net again I'll play it you can see same effect so first of all what we have to do you have to go to ground plane or whatever if you are using a Collider so go to physical bounce forward zero and I will make the friction tip so you will get a little bit change not a lot yes a little bit change in the simulation so then we have this vellum solver in vellum of that we don't have that much settings we have like thickness you can see what is the thickness even you can change it also see it is okay enough and the field cause self collisions when you will play this one then you can see those things this is for constraint so now what we will do so okay I'll show you first in vellum solver in vellum solver so in vellum solver we have these settings so I'll tell you what is this so first time scale same for timing velocity damping if he'll increase this value see what will happen if I will make it 0.5 so it will damp our velocity see okay so I am making it zero I don't need this one if you'll make it one it is like ultra slow it is multiplying with the your external whatever this velocity it is multiplying with that and it will create damp factor so it is damping I will make it zero sub-steps it is a like most important thing in a valium constantine's so what is this if I'll see I didn't change anything if I'll play you can see same effect and just if I'll make it 10 you can see the defect change a bit you can see now they're not jumping a lot in center that going here and there that is okay but they're not jumping before they were jumping this one is constant iteration how much time it will solve the constant and this is smoothing iterations so if there is something like field our processes failed to iterate the constraint then again it will iterate for 10 times so if I increase this value then we have to increase this value also so it is also very useful then we have cold isn't so we have called it and passes it will calculate 10 times then again same post collision passes is like same like this smoothing iteration if collision will fail then it will do and the process then we have a static threshold so if I will increase this value you can see so one more thing you can do you can click here question mark if any tab so you can see this node and you can read everything about that node you have all the settings so like this static threshold ordered static a threshold at which to playful frictions so this is the threshold when the value will exceed then friction you that solver will apply full friction on this and this is the scale for that friction and it is external enable same we can go and check what is that here you can see if Stern reliable it is also a scale factor of the amount of friction effect to apply for cold engine with external geometry if you have any external geometry for collision then then how much friction amount it is like if scaling it is not the amount it whatever if you'll make point one it will multiply with the value and this itself enable it is for self collision it will make it point one say same thing with a scale factor on the amount of friction effect to apply for cold engine with cell geometry if whatever if they are doing self collisions so whatever that iteration so if I'll make it less so it will it is like a scaling factor how much friction they want and so after that I'll show you what is useful for now this thing green code isn't so in green collagen we have this attraction weight so if I'll make it one and play you can see something cool yeah so now we have our traction see there is a search radius such scale so it is 2.5 and maximum neighbors from one particle one you can say one green particle it will find 20 neighbors and this is the global weight point five and reposition weight repulsion okay so attraction weight what it is doing it is attracting towards itself okay so now what we want we want like clumps you don't want this attraction on complete maybe same thing you can do I'll create for this one you can create what your position also for other things also you can create so I will show you how I can know this said that do that thing okay so I'll select this one I will go down so from here so we have these even decrease the size for now so yeah we can see so now if I'll create a attribute walk which will run on the points because the other points and I'll go inside it so you can see same so what we want we need the noise so we'll take a anti aliased noise and I'll plug this point to position and this noise to color so we have this so I'll change the noise of it I'll make it yeah this is okay six by six so we have a lot of noise the black and white so okay first I'll show you and I'll export this noise with bind export as attraction wait I'm not creating a new parameter this is in build parameter I'll show you in this one if you'll go to solver and it is okay yeah middle you see attraction wait we have a traction rate so I will just override this one with my values okay so we got this one and I'll show you all the color and you can check with this one with the tribute and we can put a traction wait and you can change color or better preview green and traction wait at traction right okay maybe I wrote it attraction wait it is right now okay I'm sorry I didn't take this one okay okay I'll take some you can see the green is more and this red is less as you can see ya so now you see first what will happen so we have attraction rate on here we have to put value 1 automatically it will calculate whether it is 1 it is so in color and you can check HERE attraction rate so we have a value from minus 0.42 0.4 and we don't want this value to be negative otherwise they will do repulsive so what I will do I will put a fit and you can see with the fit it is going from 0 to 0.4 you can check in this one ok so yeah for now make it like this because I have to change some things letter which I'll show you so we have this disabled oh yeah and now I will play okay one sec maybe I need this value it will take time so I'll decrease this to point to the three fives yeah I do not want to give a lot of time for this same that extra time so see what will happen once as you can see it fell down and you can see this whites all of it together but these blacks are going here and then check when ya see these whites are like clumps and this are going so what what is issue just where is this one yeah so I will go and increase the value to 10 now see what will happen the more right the more attraction rate now you can see this clump and say this pure clump okay yeah so this is how we create clumps and one more thing if you think like this black is like they're sliding a lot and so what you can do you can go there an attribute whap and this destination minimum what it will do it will change this black from black orbit gray the value multiplied now okay just calculating out make it one again white isn't working okay there's Amish rule once it oh okay okay okay no it is happening but we can't see that then check this one and see if I'll put LCD yeah sorry so if I will move this one it will again become white I need to turn again maybe five yeah and what I will do from this black I will make it a bit of crash not a lot but we have point one is enough so what it will do they will not slide a lot they will also try to bind itself with 0.1 values of attraction rate you can read like that so see these blacks also are not sliding a lot some are going that is okay and see these clumps okay so we got this one and now what is about Collider so we have Collider so first I'll create a cube or something and create a cube okay take a cube okay sorry boxed not Mya yeah so I'll create a box I will show and what I will do I'll make it up size it down from top also and I'll make it yep so we got this one what we have to do we have three things to do means we have three types so what first we can do we can select this one and we can go vellum and create select the Sun surface Collider it will automatically create for you and otherwise you can go to a static object and select this one then but I will make it by myself so what I will do I will create a static object here create a merge node and and see this nice thing my one of my friend also asked me how you do the I did this so this is very easy you have to just press by automatically this one and then left click and cut so easy and yeah and now check okay so I have to hover over there I have to go and check this box accept and try to play you check and hide other object and they're colliding yeah it is colliding so you can directly click here and create that or maybe you can create by yourself you can see how they look like now they look better better than my one whatever I created so one more thing I'll show you so now for cash in purpose how you cash that also I'll tell you if you are done with the simulation you have to just create a gear node and you have to create a dot import node and the hair drop Network you can go like this but I prefer dot dot slash dot dot slash top net yeah and in object mask I will put valium and this you got this so what is vellum it is a searching for the object with the name vellum I know I created valium and this FET geometry from top you have to do if who you are working on are BD and you want for you being something then you use this thing fetch and pack geometry from top Network and the standpoint lot other things so we got this one and what we can do we can color them see any red color so this point and this one we can do bounding box see we have a different color but I what I do I will do attraction wait again and use that one yeah and you can see I can make this a bit fresh you can see these value you can make this one darker maybe if you want to make it more visible you can make like this dry sand and that thing now it look nice and we can go and what we can do we have the Sun so if you don't want to go again and again inside this and chain this so what you can do you can create an aisle over here yeah that shape said you can change the shape and see to change the color and name is cran thrown and what you can do you can click here and go for edit parameter interface so easy and you can take a folder put in the route what the folder and you can name control oh sorry yep and what you can do you can take a float and put her name it to what it says size copy just and accept it so you can see we have this one control with the size so what you can do 1 0 3 5 copy this one and go inside this and there right click paste relative reference yeah so now you don't have to go again and again inside and close these all this is okay though and you can go and make it like point 0 2 and go to first frame you can see it change which will go for point zero one can see it will change yeah but it will take a lot of time if I will do now so now on this frame only I'll tell you how I did shading for this I use same color you can use the same color for entering so what I will do well create a camera and you can graph with the same view yeah and I'll go for out and I'll create a month run ode so the material you can go and take principal shader and in obj we have this geo one this you can go and apply that material yeah so why I color that doesn't change so easy when were surface and you can see use point color okay so what we did we have given a color to the point okay now which is there in you one I give this a color on point so we have this color so whatever we will do on this one it will multiply with the color if I'll make it one one one you can see it is multiplying so always make one one one one of your color will be done and same reflectivity less roughness more and no transparency scattering okay for now basic thing and if I will create a light setup and maybe a directly a skylight I will get better lighting yeah and I will go to render view should I skip okay so I will create a grid also this is the same setup whatever I did for whatever I showed you in the starting same thing yeah so you can see if I render it how it looks like you have to select that see you can make it more smaller you depend on your PC you can see colors are also coming yeah so we have I have the Sun I'll show you go to file will show you I did one caching before yeah the Sun connect this color see and you can see this is animated but that attraction value I made very less over in this one that color the amplitude value so that's why we have less clumps but in our new one we have a lot of drums so you can see in render how it looks like render it and that is on point 1 1 0 1 sorry value so as you can see how it look like Effie but color inherited and you can color by yourself that is artistic busy then and for these I increase the Sun also they now - I always increase it's a pixel sample also because they are the small small particles so this needs a lot more to render this clean yep so I'm done for this one and I'll make more tutorial this is the one I want to show just what is the alum how you can import how you can create first source and everything you can even use this other source also if you will go into op net ok yeah so I used here vellum objects so it is like initially straight even it is written over here also initial data initially matrix but if I use of beldam source this one and as you saw path and constant same path and so then it will be a stream like we are doing point but that is so have you also fought now and I'll show you with some example letter this thing before now this is the wrap-up for now and thanks for watching if you have any doubt with this one if you can't find anything or you have any issue with this one and just comment me I will still do what is the initial thank you
Channel: MR. FX
Views: 2,730
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: houdini fx, houdini 3d, 3d, fx, houdini tutorial, tutorial, 3D, vfx, houdini, tuts, applied houdini
Id: oqFPeicqPKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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