Houdini Beginner Tutorial | Growth effect using VDBs and Solver

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[Music] yes it was one of the things that pushed me into learning or Denis it's so nice see you will be able to create all these super cool effects and growing systems it looks really organic and here you can see that we are just starting from scratch from a sphere and it's going in a super organic way Wow so today we will learn how to create a super nice effect and I'm super excited so I will push really are my key so you are able to see what we can do with this effect so we will learn to create this and it will be a beginner tutorial so if you have only basis on nobody's in your Denis you will be able to follow this tutorial and we will share it and hunter hit into octane render force anima 40 just one thing before starting this tutorial I invite you to join our group called motion designers community you will be able to share your super nice work there you will be able to share your under I'll talk about v80 and if you're angry about vtt yarn and shot in the air I'm in front so I not have a gun I'm shutting water and now my keyboard is full of water if you are curious about learning Houdini you can also check out our patreon we may lessons for people coming from cinema4d and have no basis at all even in coding so we already have 5 hours of training Wow now you want to learn a lot of incredible tutorials about how to use orany in combination with cinema 4d to improve your creativity and I also have a talk on the channel if you are curious about it so feel free to check out the offers I've had it to beat more offers so you can join the $20 at $9 if you are seeing this video now if you are in the future you maybe don't have this offer and we also have offer where you can get repost on our community page motion designers enough talking now let's jump into the software and disable this really really disturbing ad let's go okay now let's start to create something let's create a sphere let's double click and let's change the sphere into a polygon let's have a frequency of 12 and let's duplicate it by dragging the repeat adding the Alt key first let's make this fear a little bit smaller maybe 0.02 and I want to copy this little sphere on this bigger sphere I will use a scatter node so let's take a scatter and scatter will scatter points all over my sphere can see here I have a bunch of parameters to control the points scattered let's stick to basic parameter now I will use another node called copy to points and I will be able here to plug primitives to copy and here the target points so now I have a bunch of little spheres but the thing is it could be a bit slow because they have a bunch of geometry because later I will be modifying this object so I want to have something really fast because I will only have instances of one object so let's click on copy two points and let's take back an instance I will have something definitely much more faster right now I want to create something so I want to create this little sphere going over time so oh I can create this we will use an attribute called piece K so let's see what we can do for example with a piece Cal don't do that is just to show you what we can do so here I have a bunch of attribute and here P scale attribute will help me for example to have different size like condom so that's not what I want to do but I want to use the P scale attribute to create a value going over time and how we can create something changing over time we will use a node called solve and the solver will allow us to take the previous frame and recreate each frame new operation so let's use let's use an attribute drop and let's plug the previous frame in the input number one now let's dive into attribute go up and you can see here I have a bunch of inputs in here outputs and you can find some attribute for example CDE UV and but I can't find B scale but I can import any kind of attribute choosing a node called bind so we will use bind and here I will type e scale so now I'm creating an entry for P scale I want to add to this P scale value constant value over time so let's simple simply add a node add let's take our value and let's create a constant plug the constant into v2 and let's type for example 0.02 and now I want to export this value as the new P scale so again type line but this time we will choose bind export so here I will be able to explore the new P scale you can understand this it could be for example P scale plugged here but you see in the output I have only like five default attribute so I can also choose the attributes here by using bind and bind export so its previous frame it will do the same operation and saving in memory the previous state so each frame it will be going so let's see what's going on right now yes at the beginning of a growing effects and you can see that it's not playing real-time it's super fast because Houdini is playing super fast so if I want to have real time I can toggle here and see heat real time so it will be a bit slow but we will be able to tweak it a bit later right now I want to add more variation to it so let's create a male node and just plug this and plug this so let's plug the computer points and let's plug this sphere so I will have my small sphere going on the bigger sphere that's the way to get to object merge and I want to create something different for example I want to scatter points but I don't want to scatter points on all the sphere so I will use another point Bob let's plug it here and for example we will call it color choose you can also change colors of the node here you can change how they look here and you can also add nuts if you are starting Houdini it will be nice to add a little note and for example type why you're using this node okay so let's dive into it and this time we will not use bind we will use you'd just use turbulent noise and in my turbulent noise I will plug P into pulse and now is into CD in my table noise I will promote all the parameter so it will allow me to control them in this level so let's go here let's right click let's go and go to bag swap option and click create input parameters and you see if I double click it it's creating a bunch of little power Internode's you can also create a parameter node by going here and plug it but it's faster to use the right click back swap and create parameter eruption and I can also middle click somewhere for example and I can also promote the parameter so right now if I choose to see this node I see that color are here and at this level I have control and my noise so I will change the amplitude to have something with a lot of contrast I will have a lot of zero roughness so it will be a lot of contrast and now I want to delete these polygons based on the color so I will use a node called delete so I'm plugging the node here and then not delete it is pretty nice because I can delete for example to delete node by pattern by range or by expression and by expression I can use for example the expression to see air and choose a value for example like 0.1 0.5 so each time the value of this will be superior to the red channel it will delete so each black area will be deleted so I can control bit what I can delete like this and again I can go back on my flop node and choose to change for example the frequency I can middle click and drag and drop here to choose different areas so I'm happy because now I will scatter object but just in not everywhere so if I'm coming back to the merge and see what's going on I will have object going if it's going everywhere I need to go in the solver and it R is a simulation so now I can see my real effect so do not hesitate to reset the simulation and now I want to have something a bit more funky because that's just simple sphere I want to have something more complex so let's go here I have my little sphere but I want to have something more complex we will display this object using mountain and mountain is pretty nice because I will be able to change the size of this object and create some really strange forms oh and to me it's pretty nice it doesn't matter if I have something not that precise just play with the value to create something you like maybe it could be something like that and now you see that I have this object that will go everywhere but it's all going in the same orientation so I want to change your orientation in Houdini there's a lot of ways to change orientation but I found one really cool way to change the orientation of an object and it's a technique by Johnny farm field so I will unpack my objects I will use the node assemble because in assemble there's the ability to unpack the object directly so use assemble let's click on create packed geometry so here I'm creating that geometry now I will use a transform pieces node so let's connect the transform PC is node here and now I will use natural beaut randomize in hatchery between the miles I will plug this here and I will plug this here here we'll choose attributes audience and I will choose four dimension and select different values from minus one to one in Houdini you will learn that audience is an attribute that walks with quaternions so you need to have four dimensions for the attribute onions okay so now let's go here and you see it's making nothing but again if I go back and I plug again the assemble here in the transform piece in the rest point you see that I have a lot of variation now so I'm just super happy I need now to and back because I've create packed geometry and now I have my effects right now it's super slow so I can go back into my solver attribute weapon for example change this value for example 0.04 and I can also use a node called transform here and I'm able to change the uniform scale of the object so if I want to have something to time bigger I can use this node so right now let's see what's going on it's pretty nice maybe I will need to have even something bigger yeah and it's creating something pretty nice and going so now how do I create is going effects I will use VD bees so let's create VDB from polygons let's plug it here and let's see what's going on could be taking a bit of time but not why it's a normal because each VDB operation can take a bit of time but when you will export the final result you will be able to get one ABC sequence so it will loading pretty fast so let's change the voxel size and find something nice it's still not what I want maybe let's try it 0.02 yeah we are near the effect I want maybe 0.01 will be the one ok it's pretty great for what I want so now I can use V DB convert and choose to convert my objects back to polygons so polygons oh I can choose polygon soup and you see it's all legumes and I have a growing effect based on the instance geometry so I can also change this geometry or change the object here and that's the power of Houdini now once you've built these effects you are able to apply it to any object so now I can also use for example a smooth node and I can smooth beat my polygons just plug it here and I can have bigger value see what's going on yeah it's moving a bit the result I can bypass a node by clicking here I'm using a bit of detail so maybe I will just go to 25 and now the magic of Houdini at any time for example I can import a file or change subject let's try with the torus and see what's going on let's go back to the beginning and maybe let's activate our VDB at the moment and just focus on the match so let's change it and I can even like maybe create a switch object we have different objects switch do you see now you have effects here but if I'm going to the switch I say the input one maybe change bits the holes and columns and see what's going on yeah the effect is taking place on the other object again let's try another sing test geometry could be one of your object let's plug it in the switch let's change the input of the switch let's go back to the beginning and see what's going on yeah perfect it's going and again I can just check what's going on so once you build something in Houdini you are able to apply it to any kind of object and now I can also change the input here and use any kind of objects and it's going to be super nice to create a lot of KO'ing effect and structures so I hope you guys have fun and once you've made this just go to file export LM big export frame range and choose a pass to export your sequence so now I will import something already made so we will not lose time exporting because it will take a few minutes to hours and hours if you are doing something really really really complex but here I have my half act and you see it's pretty interesting and I really love it because uh I can see that I don't have the effect and it start like going from nothing to something better so I will just show you oh I've shaded to create the result we saw in the beginning so I use octane render but you can use any kind of render her I will use a small program called afterburner and afterburner allow me to use my fans and decrease the temperature of my cards actually running pretty odd because it's actually summer in Paris and we have it waived there so I'm really crazy that's why I have again the water again ok so let's try to create something interesting I will go for something really simple but let's create nhgri environment and I will use the plug-in HDI link it will allow me to go faster and choose sky so maybe I will go from cross to disguise and use the blue and red yep now I will use texture environment and select it into visible environment and change it from for something black let's change a bit the rotation to have something maybe more interesting just play to finder right shadow values and get something interesting that's nice I love this balance I can also change the intensity maybe you have something brighter now let's focus on the material so let's create material let's create a glossy material and into the node editor I will use an mixed material and I will create another obtain material here and yeah let's drag and drop the mix here so this material I will change for example the color to something maybe metallic so disable the diffuse channel let's go to index so I need to go into glossy material index with the index into 1 so it's like a comb and add little roughness maybe like that I don't know maybe change the specular color to have something darker and here for example I can maybe even duplicate this one and plug it here and I can change the color for example for something like gold and I want to have only material in certain area so I will use the node called dirt and dirt is pretty nice because I will be able to get maybe let's change that to something really visible and again I will invert the materials because the dirt will apply the second material in the little area that's it invert normal and let's add more effect so you see I start to see the gold effect may be reduced to it's pretty nice so here at the goal I can choose something maybe more white it's creating this nice white areas like that and it's a bit the process that I've used to show you the image in the beginning drop box I'm just running back the image image or Eenie yeah like this so I've shaded shaded it's a bit better you see little bit of more time into it but it's pretty nice I guess now the only thing in it you is an environment had a camera and you can create a really nice Honda now of course at post-processing if you are placing two astanga Instagram everybody love plus processing you are not a great artist if you are not using post-processing you can also create for example mac whole macro details I love to have like a lot of depth of field so you can really create interesting effects and see your object going from nothing to something more interesting in terms of shapes of course it's it's taking a bit of time to update but that's the price of using easy geometry in octane but their final result is a really interesting to me and really nice so I hope you guys enjoy this little hose effects tutorial in Houdini I hope it will push you to go further and I can show you a few other things that you can create in Houdini for example this is part of another tutorial and you can create a lot of super nice structures and things this is a other things you can do using aleni vide bees can create a lot of interesting structures like that mmm yeah I really love Rini it's just super super powerful to create all those super organic shapes really really easily I really love nerdini for that because you are able to create organic looking sings in a minutes and yeah you can't achieve this effect in cinema 4d so that's why I love really neat all the power you can get in your creativity for abstract stuff and even for more advanced stuff and animation stuff so if you want to learn and learn with me do not hesitate to join our patreon and we have to offer here community builders so thank you guys for watching this video and see you next time
Channel: Motion Designers Community
Views: 58,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motion designers community, tutorial, motion design, video, copilot, greyscale gorilla, greyscalegorilla, eyedesyn, brograph, houdini, houdini tutorial, entagma, houdini tuto, houdini learn, learn houdini, houdini 17, houdini 17.5, houdini 18, vex, growth, growing system, grow houdini, growth houdini, growth tutorial, vdb, houdini vdb, houdini vdb tutorial, growth effects, houdini beginner
Id: WLoewBv9mOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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