Houdini Auto Rigging Tutorial - Rigging - Part 01 - Auto rig Biped - Wild VFX

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hello everyone i'm praveen here in this video i will show you about the automatic tools of houdini before that let's have a look on the features of the rig now if you see in the parameters interface you can see many folders like root spine head arm left and arm right leg left leg right hand left hand right then foot left and foot right and in the root folder you can see the control displays on and off and geometry display switches on and off and you can reset the control to defaults and you can set k it only for the root controller and you can see the entire rigs controllers displays under the root folder itself on on off then for the bone displays also you can switch to on and off and you can reset all the controls to defaults and you can set key in the spine folder you can see the control displays not only the spine folders you can see in the entire folders itself you have the basic control displays on or off then bone displays on and off and you can resit that respective folders controller is reset to defaults and you can secate only to the respective holders then in the parameters with the spine folders see these parameters have been promoted according to the these orders which the controllers have been generated say suppose if we move the test controller the translate gets update in the parameter next to the rotations for the test and the next control is just a in the viewport you can see same in the parameter view same in the parameter interface you can see it and same as like belly translate then for the core if you move the cog the chest won't follow it's because on the top of the all these parameters the there is a parameter called just follow cog once you set to one then the chest gets affect means it follows same thing it has the cog rotation also so let's we have a quick look on other folders the head here the head also has a head follow chest everything then in the clavicle arm follows then for the stitches it has individual stretches also for the fingers it has curl fans plays and for the legs you have the twist control everything then you have the toe roll rotate translates everything heals everything you have to move on to the auto rig tools first let me open the geometry file this is just a biped character just a cotton boy here i've just imported the character and selected some primitives through delete operator and taken out through null to create the auto rig panel just go under this new pane type type under this you can get after rigs in the auto rig panels you can see all the options under this file menu it has new rotary new from preset new from json file hd session and hd on disk we'll see these two later now let's go to the new auto rig first let me create the asset name boy underscore user 1 then to create the asset label let me leave it as boy to access the geometry for this auto rig you can use these options it has four options and without the geometry we can create the auto rig and then the operator you can get the geometry through this boy geometer for the file we can get the geometry in the disk itself stand in it here it is just a box sop we can use it as a placeholder you can create the rig again once the geometry gets update through the ordering settings what we have done you can create it but here i am going to use through the operator which we have already imported in the auto rick type you have three options which is blank rig biped and quarter pit since the character is a biped but here i won't use this biped which already has presets so i would like to go for the blank rig where we can get each modules next is auto rig asset file path it has two options which is embedded in file and safety disk here you can save the auto rig settings in the hip file itself which means the file which we are working right now otherwise you can save as hdf inside the disk itself let me save as automatic underscore v01 once the rig gets done we can capture the geometry with these three options which is by our money sea region proximity by harmony it creates a data header meshes for the source geometry from a solid current from sop and capture the weights to those points then the c region which is tube volume and affect the points by the capture operations then the proximity uh here the bone finds the closest points to capture and deform the geometry here i am going to use the bioharmonic which is more effective for these organic characters to capture and i have selected the deform network here capture deform by default which i'm going to use this option by default once the rig gets done it captures the geometry by default there is no point of doing step by step process since it's a medium resolution it won't take much time then the auto rig asset icon it is just an icon for the digital asset let's hit the create button now we can see a roots guide at the origin of the viewport if you go to the network view yeah well now we can see a digital asset has got created uh other we have mentioned as a name as boy v01 and the label name as boy let me hide the source geometry once you dive into the digital asset you can see a standing geometry and roots guide inside the digital as you can see over here and then the auto rig settings which we have mentioned the path we can see under this type properties and then the and then the auto rig settings which is under the extra file tab let's get back to the auto rigs over here you can see a tab called boy which we have mentioned as the label name as boy and you can see a biped modules quadruped modules phase modules presets all modules in the boys tab you can see the roots options which has uh well we can create a controllable this has got created where we have mentioned earlier as boy you can also create a custom name like boy sample but i'm leaving as it is then start adding the modules first add the spine model which gets create next to the root itself next to the spine head you can see the gauge over the arm then hand then leg and then the foot for each modules it has options let's see one by one if you move the root all the modules follows the root it's because each module for the spine it gets parent under the root itself if you go for the head if you select the top root of the spine guide the head and arm also stays over there it's because the head has been parented by default to the root if i switch to the spine before switching just have a look here is the spine guides which has got parented under the root itself and the neck which belongs to the head modules these guys also got parented under the root if i switch to the spine underscore top underscore hook which means under the spine you can see the changes over here same thing for the arm if i parent the arm to the spine soon it gets update over here you can see yeah now if you move this top root guide for the spine both the head and arm gets follow if you move the arm now the hand guides won't follow you can see the root at the origin for the hand if i parent the arm sorry if i pattern the hand under the arm you can see the changes over here the hand follows the arm same way for the leg you have to parent on the spine and for the foot we just took its parent under the lake now you can see all the changes what we have done you can see all the changes over here and you can specify the options for each modules now i am going to give the stitch for the spine and you can also specify the bones but i am leaving as it is and for the arm since it has got created to the left side i am going to mirror it to the right so i am going to check this mirror and then the stitch now for the hand you can also mirror it then for the leg you can mirror and give the stitch and i'm going to give it the noodle which is a bindi curvature rig now let's start positioning the each guides let me hide unwater modules and start positioning the guides this is for the belly chest now placing the blades for the head this for the leg please try to maintain this dotted lines between the leg and the foot to avoid the means to maintain better knee foldings yeah hope so almost i'm maintaining the straight line now for the heel and for the foot roll please try to maintain this foot roll on the toes almost to the state why because we might be facing these issues while switching between the fk and ik there will be some offset issues so please try to maintain it almost to the state oh for the arms as usual please maintain the straight lines for the elbows okay then for this hand please don't position the guides by translating as like this because these guides hand guides fingers everything depends on its parent of the arm all these rotations these act axis depends on the parent of the um otherwise we will be facing the problems as like this so to do this just rotate the arm and start placing the guides okay at the end now placing the gates for the fingers to make the work easy just go for the premium primitive snapping inside the primitive snapping check this interior snapping this makes to place the gates almost to the center of the volume just snap it which maintains the center let's unhide all the modules oh oops forgot to switch the mirror now the here the hand has two types on his fingers which we have placed recently and in the glove um if you see in the fingers and this thing is a display purpose you can display all or either hand or fingers and for the fingers you can specify the counts as three two one finger or just only the time so here let's keep it as four and then you can set the limit up to 99. uh for the fingers it has options for metacarpals also and you can specify the length for the metacarpals and you can reposition it now for the leg sorry for the foot it has two types boots and toes toes it has fingers and metatarsals also you can mention and you can specify the length also and you can specify the fingers three two one as like that let's get back to the boot itself now we have completed placing the gates for our body but still there are some updations on the geometry here we have seen the network for the geometry and over here there is one more group through the delete operator which this character has a tail which i will be connecting and by adding the merge operator yeah you can see the tail over here let's go back to the ordering panels to get the tail setup you can easily access it from the quadruped modules over here you can see a cartel once you click it it gets updated here with options by default it gets parent under the root over here you can see it and we can change the parent option to the spine you can see the update over over here and you can start placing the gauge to that exact area but here i've already placed the guides and exported it so i'm going to import it let's see how to do it just delete this module and go to the presets import preset once you click the input preset you can see the file which i have exported as json format as boy tail01 now you can see the tail has been imported and it has got parented under the yeah over here parented under the spine it's because since we have mentioned as spine and you can mention the bones how much you want now it's time to generate the rig but before generating you can confirm it through this asset geometry settings the options what we have given you can have a cross check over here and then yeah by deformed by default we had given the option and everything whatever we have give accept and you can see the all the placements those issues which i have mentioned over there just crosscheck once again and or the legs near the hands now let's generate the rig by clicking the generated button it shows the message or should want to generate the rig for boy you will not be able to modify the rig after generation this action cannot be undone let's cancel it so it's better to save the rig under the extra files altering settings either json files or either to the hdr let's generate once the rig gets complete it choose the asset name as a type as its stored asset disk path the path which we have mentioned it has shown let's click the ok button in the automatic panels you can see the modules which you have used earlier it goes to the non-editable mode and you can see the digital asset has got created for the boy you can see the stitches what we have mentioned at the beginning and since we have given the option as deformed by default it has got captured through the by harmonic type on the tail also you can see which we have imported the preset it has come up well you can see a smooth blending between the fk and ik without any issues which you have seen earlier those are the food tools and this is the noodles rake which is a curvature kind of freak we can also edit this rig say suppose for example this arm twist control shouldn't gets follow under this chest control if the animator wants to place a pose as like this then if the chest moves here the arm also getting affected means the arm twist control so let me reset to defaults to edit this let me go to the allo editing of contents which unlocks the digital asset once it gets unlocked let's find where the current this control okay on top of this control there is a null it has been constrained let me open the parameter interface over here can also see there is one parameter called arm fullest clavicle if this zero the armed is controlled won't follow means if you set it to one the arm follows the clavicle and this clavicle also got parented under the spine so this arm clavicle root and arm clavicle fk control has been constrained to this null so i'm going to cons so i'm going to delete this constraint inside the null i'm going to delete this top network and let's parent this arm twist control to the spine let me maximize this panel now let me parent under the spine by the spine yeah okay spine local hook let's get back to the vapor if you see this now the arm fist won't get effect and if you go under the type properties for the digital asset then parameters tab if you find that arm left folder you can find this arm false clavicle parameter you can delete this parameter and you can save the nodes as save node type then you can match current definitions to lock the asset and i have done to the right hand side also now you can see the changes which the arm twist control doesn't get followed to the chest and you can also reuse this rig which we have already been created let's go to the file new from hda on disk let's access the settings which have said the previous one as version one now let's create the asset name as boy v02 let's leave the label as boy and to get the source of the geometry here i won't use the operator since in the c file there is no geometry so i am going to access it inside the disk itself here already there is a character and i can save this to the disk as another version as v02 then i'm going to use the same deform by default let me create yeah just got guides has been placed according to the model this is the same character but in this there is no tail so i am going to delete this module in the previous rig tail was there and we have saved the settings now i'm going to delete this and you can also create a custom name as boy tailless now you can generate the rig with these options you can retrieve the previous setting rigs and you can keep updating it and then this auto egg tool is a more effective tool which creates quick rig and takes less time for capturing the geometry through the by harmonic type and you can start fun with this automatic tools yeah thank you for watching this video and follow us to get our latest updates
Channel: Wild VFX
Views: 2,416
Rating: 4.9375 out of 5
Keywords: #Houdini, #Rigging, #Biped, #3D, #Autorig, #Houdini 17.5, #Prakash Kumararajan, #Wild VFX, wild vfx, #Houdini Tutorial, #tutorial, #Houdini Rigging, #rigging Tutorial, #Houdini 18
Id: FD5AQhq1ChQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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