HOU AT NYA - October 17, 2017
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: MLB
Views: 21,300
Rating: 4.801105 out of 5
Keywords: Major League, Game Archive, Major League Baseball, New York Yankees, Baseball, MLB, Houston Astros
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 18sec (12918 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Imagine knowing what's coming and still striking out. What fucks
From game 3 2017 ALCS, not sure how they could have the signs in a visitor's park. But interesting still given the rumors of the bullpen catcher relay method. Worth noting Sanchez not using multiple signs here.
Can we start looking for more signs of this? u/jomboy has mentioned he has heard from people within baseball that the astros did this. Perhaps that was a way to cheat away from home.
I donโt know - he could be looking at the 3rd base coach.
About an hour in you can see another altuve at-bat. you can see a close up of Sanchez putting down the sign and then the angle changes to a wider view and altuve immediately looks towards left field. This is the pitch that leads the bases in a huge spot for Houston.
That's so fucking obvious, wow.
I can see why this would not be an effective method and they had to go to camera and thumping. You gotta be focused on the pitcher. Changing focus would make it tougher to worn your timing.
Holy shit itโs so obvious. How was he fucking offered immunity? Fuck rob manfred so fucking hard
this seems like he is just looking at 3b coach. visitors bp is more left of center