Hotel Inspector, Ruth Watson (S3E7) - Haven Hotel, Great Yarmouth

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this week it's back to school for the hotel inspector we want five stars this is i think it's unrealistic ellie if they don't get their finger out i'm sorry this business might well collapse please no i'm just sorry i've had enough [Music] [Music] this is the haven hotel a nine bedroom guest house located in the faded seaside town of great yarmouth [Applause] the haven is owned and run by young couple rob farrow and ellie koopman three months ago rob and ellie threw in their well-paid jobs to gamble on a new career it's always been my pipe dream hasn't it to have a hotel but the harsh realities of the hotel business have taken their toll on the couple's dreams we never imagined it was going to be easy i think it's just a lot more gone wrong um in the first three months than i think anyone could have predicted or anticipated in a few short months the rundown guest house has devoured all their savings what we did have has all gone and we've i've had to borrow some of uh parents we're getting on for about 20 000 pounds now aren't we yeah at least in three months and running a hotel together hasn't lived up to their fantasy putting a strain on their relationship i always used to be a really tolerant level-headed person but since starting this because of everything that's happened everything just riled oh no we're not again despite the turmoil they're not short on ambition ellie wants to turn the currently ungraded hotel into great yarmouth's first five-star guest house there's a lot of four-star guest houses in this area and we want to be the first lifestyle but in the last month they've barely managed to get any guests at all they've got a long race ahead of them but they've fallen at the first hurdle there is a chance we could lose it if that did happen i'd feel absolutely good if we did lose it because you we've put so much you know we've been here three months and we've put so much work and effort into it it would you know be a shame to see it all you know fly off going the road [Music] they're hoping respected hotelier ruth watson can bring their five-star dream within reach [Music] ruth's aims to assess the hotel and come up with a plan to rescue robin ellie's floundering business from going under [Music] pretty uninspiring reception hello hello hi i'm ruth how're you doing hello hi hi i'm rob hello rob hi you're married no just living together not yet not yet no i'm working with him time is of the essence so ruth gets straight down to business in the hotel's public lounge [Applause] have you any regrets about being bnb owners first couple of months first couple of months first day we signed on the line at four o'clock in the afternoon on the friday i think by the time we got to bed which is you know wee hours in the morning we wanted to phone up on monday and sell it really we just i mean if we could have phoned up on saturday i think we would have done do you feel you're lacking confidence yeah probably i mean yeah i mean at the end of the day you know we've been doing it three months when you started this all off did you have a vision we want we wanted to be yama's first five star b b okay why because i tend to set myself too i'm high for quality i'm all for doing a good job absolutely i think maybe five stars might be just unnecessary in the sense that if you aim for three or four stars that you could still get just as much money out of it still do a very good job and i have to say that unless you're doing something hellish i would say that you can probably get two stars anyway one of the things i immediately thought when i walked in and took a peek through here was that this room is so just so not you i mean it is just so turgid and dreary and dull and old-fashioned and awful the fact is if somebody does walk off the street you walk in here and immediately the impression is set and it's the wrong one to gain a thorough understanding of the fledgling business ruth will stay the night he's a very steeply staircase yes ellie escorts her upstairs to room 1 the first completed renovation ah this is a bit different from downstairs yes so this is your taste this is what you want to do yeah this is my red room okay i'll leave you something thank you thanks well it's good they've got a guest information pack got the necessary things about emergencies and file pillows are fine and the bed seems i think okay [Music] ruth seems happy with the direction the new rooms are heading in but a look at the hotel's unrefurbished rooms tells a very different story the really mildly upsetting thing is that somebody actually has decorated this within recent history but the curtains are revolting and the bed heads revolting and the carpets revolting and the furniture is revolting in fact the entire thing is revolting and good for ellie and rob for thinking that they really need to change it this is just so symptomatic of old-fashioned seaside hotels and they wonder why they do so badly with eight rooms in total only half have been refurbished rob and ellie have decided not to use the other four till the works completed but that means losing revenue they can ill afford the unrefurbished rooms and public areas are nowhere near five star but ellie's not about to adjust her lofty aspirations i'm not gonna settle for two stars or three in just seven weeks it'll be easter the start of the vital holiday season if the havens to avoid financial ruin it's imperative all of the rooms are up and running by then good afternoon welcome to the haven hotel early speaking but is the haven beyond health right now unless everyone gets their finger out you're going to die basically [Music] three months ago rob farrow and ellie koopman abandoned well-paid jobs to pursue ellie's dream of becoming great yarmouth's first five-star guest house good afternoon welcome to the haven hotel only speaking but the hotel they bought turned into a money pit the couple built up massive debts and are struggling to cope we're getting on for about twenty thousand pounds now aren't we yeah enter ruth watson she started the process of steering the haven out of deep water as part of her inspection ruth has spent the night at the hotel in room one didn't sleep as well as i might have done because to be quite honest although the bed i think is new it's really quite cheap and i think this is such a force economy but aside from that this is a really spacious room it's pretty well appointed it's got a plug and a mirror where i can dry my hair which is fabulous and doesn't often happen the bathroom's really clean which is a marvel and i think they're you know doing a good job the furniture may be new but if the quality is not up to scratch then rob and ellie won't get the five stars thereafter time to assess the haven's breakfast the traditional full english is off the menu due to a collapsed kitchen wall so ellie is forced to offer guests nothing more than the healthy option i'm preparing breakfast like this at the moment because our kitchen is out of action so we're putting out orange juice fresh milk and fruit [Music] oh hello hi that looks so pretty heavy okay that's fantastic are you normally this generous yes we are very beautiful thank you enjoy your breakfast see you later now the only problem is where'd you eat ruth seemed pleasantly surprised i think at the amount of fruit that she gets and she did ask whether that was something that is standard and it is much to rob's disgust now i understand about the problem with the kitchen and having this up here and i understand i can make my tea over there but where do you actually eat your cereals i wouldn't want to eat them in bed i suppose i could eat them on my knees over there i think they need to think this one through there's plenty of space for a little table and two chairs the makeshift breakfast is only temporary once the kitchen's up and running the basement dining room will be called into action ruth heads downstairs to take a look [Applause] [Music] there must be a shop somewhere that i didn't know about called horrible bed and breakfast furniture just horrible neck curtains horrible horrible wallpaper everything horrible like the public areas the dining room is desperately tired and about to get a rude awakening [Applause] upstairs rob's busy revamping room 2 one of the haven's largest rooms ruth is eager to find out how he's dealing with the pressure of refurbishing the whole hotel by himself there you are rob harder workers ever yes the way your jobs are dividing at the moment you're very much on the kind of let's get this place sorted out decoratively she's looking after the the phone the bookings the business end of things but you don't see a point where you'll be stepping on each other's toes do you feel that you're going to work out how it all yeah is this because ellie's going to tell you what to do probably like most women and you're quite happy for her to be the driver and you're the break is that something you did yeah yeah very much the break yeah yeah and she sometimes wants to you know take you to the garage and have the break removed simply more often than not yes ruth heads back down to reception to get ellie's take on the business hello ellie i thought i might find you here while bob's grafting away this is your department yes this is this is my domain but if rob is answering the phone have you got any kind of script as it were so that you're all singing from the same machine do you say yes we do we've got we've got it blue tacked on here and it says good morning stroke afternoon struck evening welcome to the haven hotel ex speaking how can i help and rob says it down to the tea and you don't i don't i drop the how can i help why i feel a bit like i'm in a call center taking telephone calls well it sounds as if you've got the basics of reception pretty well sorted the only thing i would say and it gets back to the look and feel again is that this is not the most glorious cubby hole in the world is it it's a bit like i'm buying a train ticket 50 years ago it's time for ruth to tackle rob and ellie with her findings so she sits them down in the hotel's unused dining room she wants the haven to get a nationally recognized rating one of the things i think we can get almost immediately even without having done the other rooms and the hallway and everything else is a rating i have been to so many places that have got two or three stars i cannot see that you're any less than them even now does that surprise you despite only having three months experience ruth's comment seems to have offended the ever ambitious ellie potentially you know worst case scenario get two best case scenario get through would be disappointing but can i tell you it would be perfect can i tell you immediately why that would be not disappointing because they are expecting more now so don't be disappointed ruth also wants to modernize the public areas especially the hotel's lounge which is selling the haven short the other thing that is so obvious is that that first impression thing you know you come through the door and honestly if i'd been a customer i would have taken one look at that and walk back down the steps finally she wants to accelerate the work the start of the summer season is no longer a name but a must now rob don't want to get at you because you're doing a good job but it's a little bit kind of like oh i'm having a nice time tinkering along here and i would like to feel a sense of if i don't get this done by easter my god we're going to be in the mar because actually you are you know really rob got to really up the ante on this with half their rooms out of action until they're refurbished the couple are throwing away revenue they dearly need i mean this is serious stuff you cannot be taking four or five hundred pounds a month come easter i mean you i mean seriously you can't you this will be up for sale before you get there okay you know that don't you i mean you're getting to the bottom of the pot yep we've got to get the ratings we've got to get the rooms up and running and functioning by easter because right now unless everyone gets their finger out you're going to be trading at half the level you could with half the money and with no visible presence in the marketplace you're going to die basically [Music] they have got to be trading eight rooms come easter that's six weeks time they've got to get a move on at the moment they're hanging on by their boot laces and if they don't get their finger out i'm sorry this business might well collapse [Music] ruth has left them a lot to think about and her words have ruffled some feathers i think you're a little peeved don't you yeah i mean you know no one likes being told that they're taking their time to get you know another four rooms and nearly all hold on in six weeks is very daunting we can do it yeah it's possible it's possible [Music] easter is now less than two months away if the haven is to survive to its first birthday robin daley will have to pull out all the stops there's a huge amount of work ahead first ruth wants them to get a rating from visit britain a big issue for any new hotel next she wants to modernize the public areas especially the lounge as its current state is giving a bad impression but as the couple are so deeply in debt the hotel inspector will help to fund the work the couple will be responsible for the rest of the hotel ruth wants rob to finish the bedrooms and hallways as quickly as possible so he'll need to get in some outside help if they don't start trading all eight rooms before the summer season begins the business could go under but days later ruth's advice still rankles with ellie particularly one comment when ruth said that we'd easily get a two star i immediately thought i should have one hope so too it's not a rating that i want if we're gonna do it we're gonna do it properly and get as high as we can she still wants her five she's quite a proud person so she doesn't get five i think if she got four i think she'd be happy another remark that hit a nerve was ruth's suggestion that the work on the hotel was taking too long he took ruth's comments quite badly yeah she's a bit of a hard task master the deadline ruth said this is a little bit a little bit tight don't prove very wrong that'd be great to say yes i can actually get them done and still do them to a high standard but rob's been given a somewhat unwelcome incentive i've put a bit more pressure on rob because i have started to take bookings for the rooms for easter so i meet my deadline and he has booked some of the rooms out so i wouldn't really have a lot of choice but to get them done a little bit of pressure does no one any harm does it the couple have already acted on ruth's advice and brought in some help for rob the rooms are being slowly transformed into ellie's idea of five-star luxury but are their standards high enough to give them a reality check ruth has arranged for the couple to go to a nearby b and b that already has a five-star rating it should help put things in perspective for ambitious ellie i don't know if she's worried i think she wants to see what other people have got and she'll always want to be one better than them we've been through the tourists and you know the standards that you need to reach and we think that 90 of them we reach but that's our opinion ruth wants to show them that determination may not be all that's needed hard work high quality across the board and good business sense at the bottom line when it comes to gaining a top rating hello hello you're robin ellie yes we are in please hi thank you owner angela and her husband john labored intensively to earn their five stars and hold on to them for over ten years what do we need to be looking for to become five star on your five star you've got to be excellent or very good in every area they particularly like nice furniture they don't like flat pack furniture that is one of the things angela hinted that the inspectors aren't taking on flat pack furniture we have some flat pack wardrobes they are very strict very strict and obviously the higher grading that you want the stricter they're going to be if we've scored excellent or very good in everything else but the one thing that's let us down is flat back furniture i would probably have to have words with the fear of flat packs still in their minds the tour moves on to the breakfast room the heart of any five-star establishment so i mean what what do you offer for breakfast they have a choice of cereals i do a homemade news delay and then we do a full norfolk breakfast we do scrambled eggs and homemade fish cakes so do the inspectors look for they like to know they do like a nice menu they'd rather see a menu than you tell them the menu is extensive and very high quality so far rob and ellie have only stretched to packet cereals and the fruit plate wowed by the possibilities they had upstairs to look at one of the bedrooms [Music] wow look at this what do you think nice a little bit flowery for my liking but yeah but it's taste so it's still nice though isn't it the decor may not be to rob's taste but there's no flat pack furniture in sight but has the tour given ellie the reality check roo thought she needed we want five stars i want five stars i'll be happy with four and three but i know you wouldn't no i wouldn't be happy with three despite the massive differences ellie is still clinging to her five-star dream a few days later and ruth is back in great yarmouth keen to know what lessons have been learned if any did it kind of inspire you or did it depress you [Music] when we first walked in we thought no there's no way we can do this there's no way we can get five stars yeah they've got three bedrooms we've got seven eight yeah so you're having to triple what they've done and all the rest of it but then by the time we finished actually we kind of thought it's all in the extra little touches that people don't think about so if if the basics are there like cleaning and the actual structures there then you can do it but you said about the nice little bits and pieces but it's also the underpinnings you know it's the quality of the the architraves and the cornicing and the carpets and the you know the solidity of the whole thing that also matters i mean do you think you can do that well i'd like to think so i don't know if we can for the time being just get it to a standard that's okay rather than what we've got so am i hearing from you rob that actually you're thinking that three stars would be perfectly acceptable for the moment and that you build to five yeah and ellie what about your expectations and aspirations i would rather aim for five i think it's unrealistic kelly ruth is concerned that ellie's fixation with five stars means she's not paying enough attention to other aspects of the business you've been building right presumably yes and getting on with it ellie i know you've got work to do but have you not been able to think about tidying up things yes and i've been doing little bits here and there unfortunately in the past couple of weeks while we've not been as busy as we could have been there's been other things that we've had to deal with like making sure all the bills get paid making sure all the emails get replied to that the booking site's up to date what do you mean it might well be you know i'm sticking to it bills to pay if that takes you more than five hours then you've got serious problems greater problems than i thought you had ruth is worried the couple aren't doing their homework how will rob and ellie cope with the hard lessons ahead really i'm pleased i'm [Music] four months ago rob farrow and ellie koopman bought the haven hotel in great yarmouth the ambitious young couple dreamt of transforming the rundown hotel into the town's first five-star guest house we want five stars probably happy with four [Music] but the building's taken all their savings and failed to give them any profit with thousands of pounds of debt the stress has become overwhelming so they've enlisted the help of distinguished hotelier ruth watson [Music] she's tutoring them in the art of hotel keeping but she hasn't always seen eye to eye with her determined pupils this is what do you mean it might well be you know i'm sticking to it [Music] ruth wants them to get a recognized rating from visit britain but she's concerned because of vital renovations to the kitchen the couple have yet to cook a full english breakfast for any of their guests as the final part of any inspection it's vital they get the breakfast right so ruth has invited them to her own hotel in suffolk for a crash course in cooking the crown and castle's head chef max is ready to take them under his wing [Music] so ellie and rob this is max our head chef who is used to churning out at least 36 breakfasts the morning what's the secret to cooking the good breakfast then um i suppose really it's it's the preparation mushrooms tomatoes and sausages we can park cook beforehand okay so it's from the lime so one layer today they'll be instructed in every aspect of cooking the perfect full english 10 minutes tomatoes again one person okay if ellie's to get her long 4 5 stars she'll need to master the cooked breakfast with the added pressure of a hotel full of expectant guests sausages what we're gonna do with these pop them in the oven okay so we're gonna sort of almost cook them but with not a lot of color blackberry yep take the oral rubber skin off i'm just gonna cut them into bite-sized chunks it's a lot to take on board especially under ruth's watchful eye ha ha you're getting okay tell me to actually do something right i've always wanted to do this rob how do you think ellie's coping with all this so far i'm she's doing all right yes i can can i look for what four to one tomorrow morning maybe [Music] now all that's left to master is the fine art of displaying the food in an appetizing way okay so we're gonna play it up there pop that on there okay now you can kind of build your breakfast around the river put your tomatoes up against each other in your mushrooms am i just overlapping yeah [Music] but the master class isn't over ruth has another surprise up her sleeve right well it's not all over i'm afraid we have another task for you in fact it's more than a task so do you want to come with me okay like naughty school children rob and ellie await their fate in the hotel's parlor okay this is where i'm really going to put you on the spot i am genuinely concerned that you may not know as much about running a business as you might think especially a b b so i've got here two examination papers so i'm going to leave you and come back in 20 minutes okay see how you get on after her first visit ruth set rob and ellie homework she sent them the gospel according to ruth an information pack about hotel business basics that pack that we're given to read this is what this is the pack that we're working on three weeks ago yeah which and did read but you did i've been too busy trying to get my rooms [Music] ruth wants the exam to show rob and ellie how far they still have to go i'm really concerned that they don't know how to run this business they haven't done it before they've received no training and ellie has an idea that just by furnishing the place rather beautifully and working very hard that that's all there is to it well it isn't running a hotel or a b b requires real understanding of how business works and i'm hoping that this might expose their lack of knowledge in a way that will inspire them to actually go out and find out some more facts about things [Music] pencils down okay question one which was write down briefly the five things you think are the most important about keeping a bed and breakfast establishment cleanliness customer service comfort quality and value for money and rob quality of service provider cleanliness friendliness and foreign manner our appearance and the hotel appearance very very good i give you full points for that the one thing that you haven't got in there which i would add is location now question two write down the three things that are crucial to the survival of your business i know but i struggled on this one i've put good business acumen organization good reputation and good marketing cash flow profit are key okay in terms of the business question three how do you work out your average room rate and i should say here that you have all these facts in the email and the folder that we've given you do you want mine yes it says hey ask ellie as i've been busy concentrating on finishing the room the lesson is clear rob and ellie must try harder in some respects you've done quite well when it comes to the look and feel of things then you've scored pretty highly and you're you're understanding what people want when it comes to the hardcore business stuff there's a lot to be learnt yet ellie and rob have got about two weeks now to get this bed and breakfast up and running they've done a lot of work and they know there's a lot of work to be done but what really bothers me and i think it's beginning to sink in with them as well is that time it's really of the essence and actually i don't think they're ready for it rapidly coming up to the start of the season we have got to get the furniture for rooms eight and nine we have to get new carpet for the hall we have to replace to the hall we have to paint the hall we have to do our lounge and bar we've got to paint the outside of the building we've got to do windows of the building not much then harsh reality is finally dawning on rob and ellie easter is now only weeks away and the inspection to decide their rating could happen at any time with mounting debts they're fighting to keep their dream alive right now we're in our worst nightmare if we get through easter and beyond unscathed it will be a miracle we know that we've got to get it right at easter because if we don't get it right at easter then we might as well kiss goodbye to our summer season [Music] two days later the hotel's a hive of industry as ruth's team arrive ready to transform the old-fashioned lounge into a bright modern room while the works carried out they're also staying at the hotel but so far their experience has been anything but five-star it hasn't been the best because when we arrived sunday night uh when it says there was no water at all easy was not some of the people haven't had curtains in their room and we haven't had breakfast if i was going to get the star rating i would give us all like one and a half to two stars [Music] ruth has got wind of the situation and decided it's a great opportunity for rob and ellie to get in some vital practice before they open the kitchen to paying guests in high season they could be cooking for up to 16 people at a time [Music] ruth has got in touch and asked them to cook a full english for the five-man workforce but her request hasn't gone down well i will do breakfast this morning for the guide nice to have known about it dr please roll no i'm just sorry i've had enough it's been nice to be told what's going to happen and not turn up and say right we want you to do this come on look we're standing here fanning around doing this we must get on and do it while ellie prepares the breakfast a deeply unhappy rob has returned to plastering with tensions running high and her partner absent ellie is left on her own to wrestle with the long list of ingredients the problem is he's feeling the pressure because of all the work that we're having to get done so um i think this was possibly the last draw for today i've got the whole of this hallway to do from down the bottom all the way up to the top and i've got four days to do it we got up early this morning specifically so that we could get on and get a head start on things so i think he just took it a bit badly this little surprise but that's him he's a hot-headed person so so tucked really on it's the first time ellie's had to prepare a cooked breakfast for any guest let alone six but when the hotel's full they'll have to make those and more every single day the builders seem impressed with the full english i think they enjoy breakfast either that or they're so hungry they don't care despite the tension breakfast has proved a valuable lesson for ellie and ultimately lured rob back from the brink how many stars do you think that breakfast is worth out of how many five five you smiley ellie's breakfast is the toast of great yarmouth or at least part of it and it marks a turning point for the couple it's a slow and draining process but over the coming weeks the haven and its owners undergo a remarkable transformation [Music] some of the corridors and landings still need work but rob and ellie have finally finished all eight bedrooms the ugly curtains and stencils have been replaced with modern fixtures and fittings [Music] in room two the peach decor has been transformed into a cool and elegant green space and rob and ellie have made it even better by ditching the flat pack in favor of quality furnishings [Music] downstairs ruth's team have taken the old-fashioned lounge from dark and dusty to light and clean more in keeping with the young couple's style they even plan to change the name from the haven to number 78 a simple and more modern title that suits the new look and in a few weeks new signage will smarten up the old-fashioned exterior with all the elements in place ruth has arranged for the official hotel inspector to come and stay his surprise visit could happen at any time but ruth is still concerned rob and ellie are so fixated with their decor they're letting other aspects of the business slide she's decided to spring a surprise on them at ruth's behest two sets of undercover guests have booked to stay the night they'll be able to check out every aspect of the hotel and will report back to ruth waltz and all brother and sister joe and ed arrive first followed by couple will and maya both are equipped with a secret video camera they'll check in and stay the night monitoring robin ellie's hospitality and courtesy ruth wants to see how they both cope with the day-to-day requests of the average customer breakfast to serve from eight on nine in the morning right down on the basement the only problem with this room seems to be this fruit that has a bit of a maggot in it petal has been boiling for about two minutes now do the other channels work so i can only get beauty one and two [Music] the following morning the spies rendezvous with ruth on the seafront a safe distance from the hotel so guys you've just been to stay at the haven in its new form did you have a great time very pleasant she was really yeah everything seemed very clean from the minute we sort of got there really did you ask how to do anything out of the ordinary we did have an issue with the kettle don't we the kettle linked yeah i just picked the kettle up poured my tea like this put it down and it just dribbled everywhere unto me when we came back it seemed to all have been sorted silence yes okay and what about you jonathan how how did your welcome go our arrival was a bit more complicated because we'd actually booked one room and then we arrived and we wanted two we wanted twin beds instead of a double the only option i can give you is if i have a quick road next door and see if they've got a twin room available she didn't have twin beds so she offered to send us to the hotel next door hellman was she full could she not have given you two sets she did rooms she didn't have a twin room right um but she said she could give us two separate rooms if you don't mind waiting five ten minutes what we can do is um we can put one person in one another another so we said we'd be happy with two separate rooms and did she charge you the same price as she would have done for a twin or no it was supposed to be 45 pounds and for two rooms she gave us the second room for 20 instead of an extra 45. right okay so she did some kind of deal on it yeah yeah okay and how was breakfast ed did you enjoy your breakfast yeah it's really nice it's um exactly what you sort of expect from a full english on the whole do you think ellie put up a good performance did well very good really well and would you go back there yeah absolutely yeah i would and i was coming back to great yarmouth definitely yeah that's great marvelous the young customers were clearly impressed by the new look number 78. it seems ruth's advice hasn't fallen on deaf ears rob and ellie have made huge steps forward both in terms of the decor and the hotel's management but there's still one final hurdle to overcome the inspection ruth decides to return to the hotel to assess the changes for herself first for scrutiny the new lounge crunch welcome to our lab this is so much bigger yeah definitely much lighter and more spacious isn't it aren't you thrilled with the change in the space and the feeling that it's actually modern and youthful and yeah reflects more your style especially and you've got your wood floor next for inspection bedroom number two it's been a labor of love for rob but has his effort been worth it oh now this is a triumph it's a beautiful room i mean it really is lovely proportions i think it works really really well and as far as i'm concerned ellie the five stars is still elusive but this is the model if this was moved throughout the whole hotel and transposed then you're looking at five stars but you know we have still got areas corridors and bits and pieces which don't tell the same story the couple have fared well so far but their final and biggest test is yet to come tomorrow an inspector calls here on behalf of is written to do your assessment for the star writer [Music] [Applause] for the past four months ruth watson has been helping rob farrow and ellie koopman prepare for an assessment by visit britain with their livelihood in the balance judgement day has finally arrived last night the official inspector checked in under cover he's assessed the quality of the hotel and secretly sampled the breakfast meanwhile ruth's been keeping a watchful eye on things in the kitchen the seasoning bit of oil jolly good after breakfast the undercover inspector heads to reception where a blissfully ignorant rob is attending to paperwork now he can reveal his true identity at least to rob and ellie give me my card from quality and tourism uh here on behalf of elizabethan to do your um assessment for the um star rating okay for the next 30 minutes the inspector tours the hotel with rob and ellie in private scrutinizing each room before finally reuniting the couple with ruth to reveal his decision [Music] six months of hard work financial worries and the strain on their relationship have come down to this despite everything ellie has refused to lower her sights from five stars now the moment of truth has finally arrived okay once again thanks um very much for a comfortable stay and obviously giving me the opportunity to have a look around the property i'm going to put you out of the misery basically um overall your assessment has come out as a good four star okay which is it which is um a credit to yourselves [Music] you okay it's good i'm glad you're happy you should be it's a fantastic rating uh we've talked about the bedrooms and bathrooms you know i think room two i said to you you know if you're looking to move the standard forward think about that level of quality throughout all the rooms okay we've talked about the public areas corridors stairs they're huge i know um you've got some finishing off to do you know the bedrooms they look really sound but cultures and stairs perhaps let it down slightly but your overall has actually come out at four and there are some four star elements which is why it's full start but you you've also got some three star which you know you need to move on with ellie may not have got her five stars but four stars is a remarkable achievement for a first attempt and a great launch pad to remarket the hotel all that remains is for ruth to sit rob and ellie down for a final debrief first thing is many congratulations on your four stars thank you you're pleased yes very pleased you've had three or four months of what effectively is hotel school how do you think you've coped with it all well we're still there we're still here we're still together it's been hard and what about the five stars does it really still matter to you getting five stars it's not the five stars as such it's just any it's almost as if and i know nothing about your childhood but it's almost as if i didn't ever get what i thought i should have got at school or at work or whatever university and if i'm gonna get somebody to say i am the best this is where i'm gonna do it um is that way off the mark no it's not way off the mark i know teachers telling me i'll be no more than a check out girl very bright but underachieving i'm not there no told you i wasn't gonna be a checkout girl so it really is something to prove yeah it's not well yeah but that's the kind of person i am and that's the other reason for getting everything done that's what gave us that extra push wasn't it you see what i mean anyway you've done very very well thank you i have been worried along the way didn't like your sulky face at times didn't like the fact that you weren't very good in adversity but you have stuck at it and you have achieved something right now it's a very short period of time and you've done a very good job in that what i want to know this in two years time is that you're still loving it working hard at it giving everyone a good service good product the building is getting smarter and smarter this isn't just short term no it's not short term time [Music] so all i have to say is fantastic order you've been very good pupils and i hope you carry on the school work all right see ya [Music] with the acquisition and the refurbishment of the haven soon to be known as 78 ellie and rob have taken on a project that a couple twice their age would find really daunting they're so young and they've achieved so much in such a short time period four stars is a remarkable achievement as long as they remember that customers are the name of the game then i think they're going to have a great future [Music] [Music] you
Channel: inhighspeed
Views: 77,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d-vIxx-O9QE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 30sec (2730 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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