Hot Rod Lincoln
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Views: 2,255,915
Rating: 4.8239408 out of 5
Keywords: Commander Cody And His Lost Planet Airmen, γ³γγ³γγΌγ»γ³γγ£οΌγγΊγ»γγΉγγ»γγ©γγγγ»γ¨γ’γ‘γ³, γ³γγ³γγΌγ³γγ£οΌγγΊγγΉγγγ©γγγγ¨γ’γ‘γ³, Lost In The Ozone, Hot Rod Lincoln
Id: 868DSi85odQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 45sec (165 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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I remember being a kid when this song came out
Bill Kirchen on that guitar.
One of my first favorite songs. Sooooo many alt versions and sequels out there.
I partied all night with George many years ago. Great guy, lots of fun and had tons of stories from his days as a session musician.