Hot Lava Fish Fry!! Insane Indian Street Food in Kerala | Kozhikode, India!

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day at smart queens we are in cody code in the state of Kerala India and today we're gonna go on a food to our quota code is by the way known as a culinary food capital of Kerala known for some of the best food in Kerala so today we're gonna go on a food tour specifically a street food tour of Kota code well I've been is first gonna take us to this amazing fish fry spot chili fish fry spot and then later in the afternoon we'll be doing a lot of street food eating and I'm gonna share all the food with you in this video [Music] there's no parking at the fish spot so we're just taking we parked over on the other side in an empty lot and we're just walking down the street to get there I can almost smell the fish already so across the road then into like a construction zone and now down the neighborhood path oh I can smell it you're on your way to the fish yes but wafting down this entire alley you can smell the all of us on the coconut oil you could swing them into the contender let's go walk don't even take a seat just directly to the kitchen into the kitchen and the views of spices are just steaming around this room and just like floating around this room they have the mainly griddle pan which is over wood which is just sizzling with spices and he just like you flicked in some curry leaves it's just bubbling like hot lava slices of fish there's a number of different types of fish I think and then it's not his team fish Virgil guys conference pomp red light gonna go it's some black plum frets the massive pans of rice you can tell they're expecting a lunch rush and she is got none of us got up with you it is the smoldering away like lava over opens fire over boil just the combination of the curry paste and that coconut oil she's gonna take off this batch and then she's getting ready to make a whole nother batch but that is literally that's a bucket of curry paste and spices so get back they never know and then she takes they have an entire jug of coconut oil and she just splashes onto the the mother pan but that as soon as she pulls up and the unique way they she serves it as well as she takes hit she she flips the fish a few times then scoops it with as much curry paste as possible that will clean to the fish onto the plate so it's so juicy oily from that paste and coconut and then as soon as she takes them off she then goes to the the pot of curry paste it's innocent it's an instant marination so it's just like Rob as much of it onto the piece of fish as possible and directly onto the pan and then immediately a splash of coconut oil really when any of the flavors or ingredients get slow she just tosses on more coconut oil more curry leaves she just tossed on a fresh batch of curry leaves just like throws them on like splattering them across the pan but griddle that is one of the most beautiful griddles I think you'll ever see in the entire world with your umbrellas the spices this is a genius way to cook fish right like the fish fry is something you'll find all over kare 11's style this is mini really unique for this place this is the spot actually the mother used to prepare like this and they followed there's no special ingredient but this way of progression is unique to this place she's rehydrating in ways I've never even seen I've never even imagined before the splash of coconut oil from the jug just I'm just completely soaked and bathing in spices and steam and smoke and then when she feels necessary when it's the right time she just instinctively just makes it rain with curry leaves what a pro move like just literally grabbing into the another splash you can't miss it it's what she's literally a handful yeah of curry paste like scoots it like flicks it onto the fish version of who invented this she's just like tossing around lava she's playing with lava curry lava this is the only piece right I have seen so juicy oh yeah because we've got other fish fry that's more drier yeah because it it probably like dries them dry this they actually preserve the juiciness you can actually see that yeah it's just juicing juicing around itself should be going to desert fish curry or a fish fry or you'll be doing that I think it's like us yeah exactly you don't know and I can I can already see that you're gonna want that you want the deep dish you get your to the deep dish give you more sauce okay I think we should we should do this [Music] another fish curry so can you see the fish pieces all this is a defender idea fish it's not that spicy because of coconut I finally worked up the self-esteem to come out into the dining room at all they're full now I am like like if you looked at me right now it looked like I just got out of a swimming pool thank you so we're starting off with water from boiling rice yeah rice soup oh yeah it just varies like just like a gluten or starch from the rice right yep just very very simple it's exactly what it is but we know we need all the hydration we can get right now lemon plus mango right so what you have to do is you have to make a hole in your rice for the gravy for the and we got another curry coming right up next up for the fish curry oh I want a big hole yeah see she look like the ice - oh yeah yeah I cannot believe it yeah mark your smallest wall they come around with the pans of fish that they loaded up in the kitchen where they're frying yet you choose between the king fish and the palm fret and after seeing it being fried yet there was no way I was ever gonna make that decision of which one to to go for so if I got both and you then amazing because you make little holes in your rice for the different curries there's a fish curry and that one is the down dad lead on this with coconut here right coconut - god I'm an endoscope net maybe tomato the mother of a chili chili okay it's just this is like a painting splatter artwork it's beautiful can I serve some salt in it soup which we call it a threesome okay Devin has just bought me some bruh some yeah you smell the coriander tamarind and the tamarind yeah oh it tastes like a pickle brine juice good hammer that's from the Simran you know trouble letting out irritable drink that it snip this okay I gotta do that oh wow awesome that is awesome this is the traditional way of drinking listen shall i yes please that is awesome yeah should get that sounds incredible that's like oh that's a beautiful flavor it's that sour cameron but like like herb DUP herbed up with the coriander it daddy hipster talk yes it oh that's beautiful it does did you taste it more too you know yeah you have to gurgle to taste more before should we begin with actually we should start with this visit and also common and topical you maybe bring some purple and mix it with us vegetables and rice together mix that papa it's a bit more of the crunchies in there you can see the mustard seed in there I believe yeah mix everything to get everything like together in one [Music] mmm Wow yes the coconut and the saltiness of the papaya cover a lemon in mango pickle into the vegetarian side yeah mmm salty cured lemon mm-hmm oh it's outstanding I'm gonna begin with the king fish now and you can just see that caramelized coconut crust of Lama curry with the curry leaves the fish underneath it oh wow this is what just goes up in a flaming flaming mess of hot oil mixing with rice or no rice okay you just get the gist only their daily only the dish fish with that masalas taste of masala it's okay it's just like your chili powder it's like candy it's like curry candy just as good as the fishes you actually could eat it with no fish and just she could actually just be fair I have a curry paste in coconut oil and let me eat that with anything you could use that as a jam as a spread for anything as a topping for your name as it so flavorful that's because of the friendliness of that coconut oil as well as the masalas okay next up for the palm prep it's just like it's actually equal ratios of curry paste to fish they have their ratios in place the totally different texture than anything Vic I mean equally as good both of them [Music] more beans that lemon HR is just insane whoo it's so salty sour but that fish that fish [Music] and for the amount of pretty face they use the amount of chili powder that they use it is it is pretty decently spicy like you feel that he start to to grow on you you just want to wipe up every last drip some sauce though on your banana leaf it's just too much flavor condensed now you can't miss with every bite you just cannot believe yourself another just life-changing meal in Kerala the final swipe the final wipe I know this place is blister pika one finger yes plus the pickle the index finger swagger and again it's totally appropriate to lick your fingers yeah one final awesome could try to get all the all the curry sauce off my fingers well that's just like flavor going through my veins right now so good well have been fantastic man this is just contained contained like over joy yeah and I think it is that sad moment goodbye until next time yeah until next time set the cup on top that's a wrap okay and he's just explaining to me that if you don't have the change for your meal you often come come out here to have a sweet to balance the change right hmm oh yeah really good now try it is like a peanut brittle but jaggery de bunda be born be means island election it's from election it's not from lectures if it's made here but the jaggery is from the tree oh thanks thank you uh-huh we're going coconut and jaggery oh the coconut ball from here we're actually I think we're gonna take a little rest this afternoon because we need a little rest after that meal um and then we'll do a lot more street food in the evening in Cody hood heaven we're on our way now to the Market Street right exactly sweet sweet sweet Street job we're gonna taste some of the famous sweets I love you gotta code we will try some fellas so we're on our way to walk around the market a little bit we're gonna taste some sweets and we're gonna just walk around and then we'll be eating a lot more street food this evening one of the main sweets and snacks to eat here is called a halwa which is it's like a sticky we're gonna find out but they have different versions I've had it in other parts of the world as well especially a Arab influenced but this is gonna be to the back they just have like a mound of it no mountains of it but not it chef Brody okay good okay so yes all the hugglemas in the back here all just like blobs of like slinky it's kind of substance okay well this is coconut first yeah sweet and the coconut in there looks like a hardened gelatin it is made from wheat flour and made into a kind of like a doughy sticky sweet this one is chili yeah it's straight up tastes like a green chili but it's sweet they're cooking coconut oil that's a bit okay took in coconut oil but you really do taste the flavors of the ingredients vibrantly yeah like because he's using the real ingredients to to flavor them fruits are so fragrant the guavas the guavas are so aromatic but we're walking now to the front of the line we're gonna catch a rut Ric shot to the seaside we're in the evening they start selling strew food [Music] serious thank you so we've come to a place to tell the scene is house and they have they specialize in especially local snacks different local snacks almost like a tea house coffee shop style and then they have the cold cabinet full of the different snacks we're gonna order a few to try to Monica - mother - Wylla Larry I love the same fun to do so different types of local snacks and uncle here is really really friendly we're not actually gonna eat all the full platters of these buddies thought it would be good to set the scene like that but we're gonna actually try like one of each mix up water this is known as food Mikayla Winnick I made from plantains and ripe plantains and coconut so the sugar coating it caramelize most probably you can open any minute right you can just try to operate and see oh yeah don't set the onion case too the onions at the popular Michelle Shannon are shallot yeah this is mashed plantains outside okay this is the whole plant is juicy Oh papa just like juiced so juicy and oily the coconut oil just like I think that's what's juicy regular decisions and the Jews the Jews dips to UM chicken chicken power and so how is bread right yeah again it's coming oh it's like a stuff stuff to sit up chickens oh it's like a whole piece of chicken just like chicken and turmeric and onions just sweated down inside of a fluffy slightly sweet and fluffy loaf there's one also gonna break it in the middle yeah you can see what's inside dough is kind of like kind of like spongy almost pretty awesome - it's like curd chicken in kind of like a eggy feeling spongy flatbread and then the final one is the fish Steven yeah but 303 Wow oh wow that's like a steamed bun [Music] that screwed up its current fish full of onions this is also buddy Patrick but the layers of a protective but rejecting means might fall and this one is always also sweet house although because it's like a factory layer cake you can just see the different layers of the dough - like an egg custard moving within the layers of hill and I have to admit like there are they're all tastier than they look the insides of them the flavors of them they're all really tasty those are a little on the greasy side but they're so tasty and it starts like go good with heat from here we're gonna take a little walk towards the beach side towards the seaside where some food carts set up in the evening [Music] so the first stall that we have just arrived that he is famous for his soya chunks so it looks like a pan of mutton but that's all vegetarian those are made from soy beans if you can smell the curry leaves and again he gives it like that careless spice mixture there's chilies in there you can smell up I think they like the ginger and then also he he just splashes on the coconut oil again coconut oil yes I've never been so excited in my life that tries to soy chunks oh man and so he dishes it out into the bag and then he gives it a a pepper a shake of pepper and then you get it anything else we've done seven wine oh it actually feels like sausage in your toothpick it tastes like sausage yeah I mean there's like sausage the spices in there again the curry leaves the coconut oil and the that nice squeeze of lime juice [Music] it's so addictive once you start eating you can't stop hogging the beauty of it believer the addictiveness the texture and the spices in there and the coconut oil okay we're gonna continue walking from here [Music] this is the beach there's a bunch of stalls it looks almost like a little festival going on Calicut Beach okay famous for snacks people come here to hang out to the please Jax beach food also some of that till he has fresh fruits and vegetables come few covers and then he also has pickle fresh oh so that's like a chutney that you can use this is the pic of living the system rain this looks like timer in this between it's just self-service yeah you just grab what you want so this is a pickle amount of the I need yeah it's a bigger thank you Kevin thank you oh it's so good more than pickle because the Piccolo's salty and sweet from the tamarind it's just like sweet and a little bit spicy - and then that you're right about dividable because pineapple is the most acidic so to contrast that salty sweetness that's so good yeah also awesome so crunchy next I'm moving over to this jar I'm gonna grab a few pickled mingle add a bit of this you don't want to overdo it on that Bigelow or you will have just a salty and over-salted Mississippi Wow we have the pickled met goes I'm amazing it's so sour my teeth immediately got that hurt but the flavor is so good okay last one I'm gonna try is the watermelon and this is kind of not like fully white from what ripe watermelon it's almost like cucumber eat watermelon is great too but what's amazing is that every fruit I mean every fruit is a different texture and a different juiciness and a different sweetness level and aesthetic eat and then combine it with that hot choc it's like it just like amplifies you everything six pieces for 30 so they're five each I think like that one of the coolest parts is just the self-service you just serve serve yourself on the beach they have that spicy spicy to be totally a latina banga banga banga banga banga awesome thank you spicy shaved ice which is something I don't think I've ever had but he scooped in beetroot he scooped in pickled mango and then basil seeds on top and there's actually chunks of chillies within this ice spicy shaved ice that is amazing spicy pickle like a refreshing icicle beverage awesome the combinations in India are just amazing that the genius of sweet salty and spicy everything mixed it's not sweet at all it's just like sour and spicy next version that we're having is the ice but this one is the mixed with sweet and spicy and vegetables and pickles the difference is this first he added the sweet syrup and so you kind of mix it up and he added in a spoonful of roasted bell on top plus tutti frutti okay go [Music] yes that is balance the salty sweet sour the crunchy icy knows what he's doing we can add more sugar you can always add more to your liking we love to add more salty so you can add pickles otherwise you can add motion I love more on the sugar side and less on the soreness as well as chilly side but for mark he loves spicy [Music] big one for sure yeah I just had a pickle a pickled chili bath your just exploded with juices ha ha yeah Angele he's not spicy but that's our saltiness is just like that we'll hear you in the back of the throat mmm everything we've tried from the pickles to the fruits with the charm to the my new favorite type of shaved ice spicy shaved ice spicy pickle shipping buffets everything we've tried everything is just like an awakening of the taste buds like your tongue just dances with the flavors and these are just snacks Beach snacks nowhere has Beach snacks like India this is holy cloth that is Colima cut muscles and this is quietly well likes nice so we journey do you like to try I mean used to try all of them to try a little bit of all of them yes there's a chilly chandelier hanging from the from the rafter and they have a bunch of deep fried snacks there's quail eggs there's the stuffed mussels or he's dishing us out we've got three of their main dishes one is the fried cauliflower the stuffed mussels and the quail eggs yeah let's try the cauliflower squeeze on the lime juice oh yes you don't pump some cauliflower deep fried I got a backup oh that's like 30 minutes mom my bread dough deep-fried hmm oh it's so good next step is the muscles and then it up it's stuffed with rice flour yeah right oh and there's the muscle inside of it yeah and then do you eat it from that mountain Oh scoop out like this it's like a baked bread inside of a mussel shell with the mussel get the high okay scoop it up yes some technique Oh tastes like bread almost is easier a big bird okay yes the muscle like it's like a essence of muscle flavor yeah you are Hank crispy cheers yes yes and you ending that well you yeah Wow quail egg yolk small in size but tasty the green peas were trying one more snack here scrambled eggs and peas and then we powder and then he sprinkles on he heat set up in the pan and then he sprinkles on some pepper when you order it okay Oh wonderful the future starts you then there's a turtle up with a the scrambled egg you got the onions in there and then that spice blend the turmeric the pepper thank you yeah that's great huh I'm the one oh the lime cutting them and then finally ending with a black tea he'll wash it all down [Music] Oh flamin hot Oh Oh Hawaii a lot of snapped in Paradise just a like this is the type of snacks you could eat throughout the night late night and so that's gonna wrap it up that's gonna be the end of this food tour mostly street food tour of Carrico they in Kerala on the coast of Kerala for sure the highlight of my day was that fish fry for lunch that was just a life-changing transcendent fish experience fried fish experience that I will remember for the rest of my life I will also always remember the spicy pickled shave ice I want to say a massive thank you to Evan from food and travel TV I'll have this link in the description box he's such a fun guy he loves food he's passionate he's such an amazing guy and I'll have his link his channel who makes videos on that in the description box below as well and if you haven't watched all the videos in this Kerala food Indian food series so far I'll have the link in the description box again go back watch the entire series thank you very much for watching and thank you for your support and remember to subscribe if you're not already subscribed thanks again for watching good bye from Cody Cody and I will see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 6,985,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kozhikode, India, Kerala, Indian food, India street food, India food, Indian food in Kerala, fish fry, Calicut street food, Calicut food tour, Indian food tour, Indian street food tour, unique Indian street food, Kozhikode street food, Mark Wiens, Kerala India, food videos, street food videos, street food tours, food travel, South India, South Indian food
Id: f0TqulqxLF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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