Hot Dogs - Weird Stuff In A Can (And Also In A Jar) #127 (also featuring: WobbleDog)

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welcome back to weird stuff in a can today's weird stuff in a can is hot dogs [Music] so a little while ago I uploaded a video about dehydrating a hot dog and then attempting to rehydrate it I didn't make a very good job of rehydrating it but that video got lots of interest lots of comments and perhaps one of most frequent comments we had on that video was hot dogs in a jar but also a lot of people were surprised that hot dogs were in a can so we're going to look at that today so in the UK hot dogs are most commonly found in cans and I have a sample of those here kind of more recently we've started seeing a few brands turning up in jars typically the brands in jars are those that come from just across the North Sea so Germany Denmark Sweden and but we do also have and much less commonly hot dogs in chilled vacuum packs so we're gonna have a look at the lease today there's a lot of hot dogs here and try and do a comparison to see whether they're very different when they're in cans versus when they're in packs we're just going to spend some time exploring all these hot dogs and finding out what's good and maybe what's not so good so I scouted the shelves of my local supermarkets and we've actually got a very very wide range of hot dogs available here now I don't know whether any of these actually resemble authentic American hot dogs but this is the selection I've got and we can find the hot dogs in cans in jars in chilled vacuum packs and in fact there are hot dogs for special dietary needs such as halal and yeah in fact there's just a huge diversity available so I've picked up today a selection of different hot dogs and we're gonna have a look at them all so it's interesting how people get quite uptight about hot dogs given that they are actually quite a low quality meat product they are typically made from mechanically separated meat so anyway what do we got so we've got that's the cheapest brand so Kingsford this is sometimes also branded Lancaster this is the forty nine pence brand this is in most supermarkets and then we've got the old oak which is one of the UK's leading brands of canned meat products out corn beef and luncheon meat and so on and then we've got Prince's probably better known for its tuner tulip which is a Danish brand this particular brand is interesting because you can get the same hot dogs in a variety of different sized jars up to very large and then we've got this one which is the only one I could find in the American section of the imported foods and I imagine that's going to cause some consternation to some of my viewers from America and actually don't recognize this as an American product at all but there it is one of the things that people disliked the most was the fact that these are packed in brine both in the cans and jars they're packed in brine but interestingly when you look at the ones in the packets they are also packed in Bryon see I don't if you can see that there there is a small amount of liquid moving about there in the pack and that is brine so it's the same thing it's just a different packaging method the packet ones tend to have a shorter shelf life so this has got a second of September 2019 so this has got just a few weeks shelf-life whereas obviously a canned product has got years of shelf life right let's get these open and have a look so let's begin with the brand that are used in my hot dog dehydration video this is Vic Inga hot dogs and these are made from I'm not gonna go through the whole ingredients list but this is turkey and chicken then followed by pork so it's turkey chicken pork sausage it's made from processed meat it's got salt and nitrites in it we're going to find that that recipe is true pretty much across the board there'll be a difference in the blend of myths but they all quite similar things so there we go is a jar of hot dogs with a slightly gelatinous brine because some people gave me grief about sticking my fingers in the jars on the previous video I'm just gonna go and do that I am going to be touching the food my hands are clean if you don't like that I don't know what to say to you so there we go we've got a kind of wobbly hot dogs sausage that's very standard sort of hot dogs sausage I can smell the smokiness of it right from here so that's that one so now it's Dino's Brooklyn famous hot dogs famous big dogs so this looks to me like it could be a branded version of the Vicky hot dogs because I think there's a jar they can go that's actually that kind of size and this might be just a branding exercise but again you know it's a wobbly sausage so now we come on to these two varieties now you old oak is a popular brand in the UK and we've got American hot dogs which I'm sure is going to be offense to some people six of these in the can and we've got premium hot dogs eight in the can now I looked at the ingredients on these and there it really isn't much difference again it's ER it's chicken a little bit of pork and beef college and casings so these might have a skin on them so let's open those up and have a look now I am using a can opener on a pull-tab cam if you've been here on this channel a while you'll know why I do that now I did get some people who suggested I use my can opener that way instead of that way that doesn't work on this can opener I have tried it just mangles the top of the camp but I will leave a little bit on there because people don't like it when that falls into the contents of the can so there we go a rather sparse selection of sausages in there six in a can I imagine that's a cost exercise here that might have been eight and then seven and six and then they'll hike the price at the same time as saying biggest can ever or somesuch so there we go slightly wrinkly looking hot dog there doesn't actually look all that as wobbly as some of the others we've seen so that's the yield oak american style let's see if the premium style is all that different hmm again swimming in brine well do you know what I don't think we're gonna find very much difference oops now I've damaged that one so I'm gonna put that one aside and then we'll get one out that's pristine well not a whole lot of difference between those two the premium slightly thinner than the American next up to let the Danish ones now these are the only hotdogs we've got in this group I think which are entirely pork I could be wrong well really really pale looking hot dogs and hardly wobbly at all everything right princess next princess hot dogs and these are chicken mostly chicken tiny little bear pork rind they look quite similar to the tulip except perhaps not quite so pale but again not that wobbly and then the last of the canned hot dogs the King's food but also this brand is sometimes bashed Lancaster [Music] these look very similar to the last two that we've seen so that's it for the canned and jarred hotdogs so that's what we got there now we've got these three brands of vacuum packed so let's start with kissies hotdogs so I'm just not really sure how to eyes in this pack without getting the contents everywhere these packs are not really designed for opening a little bit let's make an incision about here it's interesting this hot sausage is it almost kind of stuck together into one block as they've been cooked in the pan that's very interesting yes mm-hmm so there we go that's the hessy's now these do look paler in their unheated state they are cooked all of these sausages are already cooked the canned ones obviously it cooked as part of the canning process but so are these as well these are probably posted in the pack so next up we'll do the curta these ones feel quite loose in the pack so let's again just cut into here somewhere take my best to get an undamaged specimen at each brand out these look very similar slightly squarish where they've been packed together in the vacuum pack and the delano which is from little authentic German frankfurters okay [Applause] and again quite similar to the other two brands so time to have a little wipe down on the table and then we will just do a little bit of comparison of the mechanical properties of these hot dogs now one of the key properties of a good hot dog for me is its wobbliness I don't know what it is there's just something quite funny to me and pleasing about the fact that these sausages are so very wobbly so how can we test the specific wobbliness of each of these individual brands and preparations of hot dogs well let me show you here's how we're going to do it we are going to use the wobble dog and well little demo what this actually does got a a machine in which we can clamp a hot dog sausage and then test it's wobbling us at various different speeds okay well we're going to test these in the same order that we opened them so this is starting with the Vic Inga brand hot dog just clamp that gently into the hot dog clamp right there so let's see how we go with the wobbliness hmm a little bit of a sack there maybe I haven't done that up tight enough let's try that again in fact let's maybe just maybe there's a bit of a curve on it let's just try it - there okay well it's you can see the hotdog is sagging as we speak well I think there might be enough of the test for that one it's having trouble holding itself up you can make up your own joke for that I think so this is now the Brooklyn Dino's Dino's hotdogs the biggest of the bunch this is the jumbo hotdogs no bun big enough for something was that was the thing and again we've got some sack going on already so let's get started on that yes we seem to have had a failure of grip there okay well next the ye olde oak American style hot dogs now this one the this range of canned hot dogs were all significantly stiffer than the jart ones let's have a go with this oh well we have breakage hmm I kind of expected that because these what these stiffer brands are inherently more brittle next the ye olde oak premium now these are thinner so they may not suffer the same problems as the American ones let's have a go No yeah same story there now tulip now this is really quite a rigid hot dog so let's see where we go with this one Kona not wobbly at all really until we get to quite some right ok well that one survived the wobble test next princess I think we're gonna find this is very similar [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] hmm that one to survive to the wobble test to finally for the canned ones we've got Lancaster this is the last of the canned varieties oh now there we go we have a failure so right Lancaster more similar to the other can varieties now we're going to move on to now the vacuum-packed varieties starting with hessy's I think we might see some different results here because these are very much more wobbly then either the canned or the jarred hot dog so let's get started on that [Applause] [Music] well I'm impressed by that there's no amount of wobbling no amount of resonation there that will break the hessy's hotdog next Herter or Herto I think we might find that these results are similar across all of these vacuum-packed then let's see what we get [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] well it doesn't seem to be anything we can do to make that one fail mechanically and finally the Delano frankfurters when these feel like the wobbly stand most flexible of the bunch [Applause] [Music] I mean look at the swing on that you've just gotta admire that well there we go we couldn't break that one either so there we go that's the wobble dog so if you're interested perhaps in a slow TV version of this wobble dog perhaps 42 minutes of wobbling hotdogs and do let me know in the comments so just a roundup of the wobble tests the jarred hot dogs fared very well the kin hot dogs suffered a variety of failures that the canned hot dogs seemed to be a little bit stiffer and more brittle than the ones in jars the hot dogs in packs in vacuum packs fared very well indeed and had a magnificent wobble on them really quite impressive so now the thing to do is we'll go and get these warmed up and we'll do a taste test across the board as well okay so here are the reheated hot dogs and the heating process has made them all more wobbly so I think we need to go back to the wobble dog but we're not gonna probably have time to all test all of these so I think what we'll do is we'll take the wobbly and give that a another test which is the the hessy's hot dog is definitely now the wobbly of the bunch I might have to hold that up what I get started because it's just very very loose [Applause] well that was interesting I'm not sure exactly why okay time for the all-important taste and texture test so we're gonna whisk through this fairly quickly because these things are cooling down as we speak so starting with the Viking uh jarred hot dogs so we've got a yeah well homogeneous sort of hot dog type of thing there we can see kind of separation our dinner whether that's actually a skin or whether that's just a a different surface layer anyway taste time mm-hmm tastes like a very typical German or Germanic star sausage this is the Brooklyn Dino's paler color in sight no conspicuous difference between skin and contents slightly more chewy and resilient than the Viking go now the ye olde oak American style hot dogs now Americans do feel free to let me know if this resembles anything you recognize as a hot dog I suspect it probably doesn't but again quite similar inside milder flavor than either of these two less smokey done those two there now this is the yield oak premium conspicuously more pink inside hmm softer texture slight with soapy taste I presume this there's some kind of seasoning or spices in there that's making it taste a little bit fragrant less meaty than that I would say next tulip palest of the canned hot dogs really weird color kind of orange color looks almost not like meat you have quite different flavor as well um more salty test it if I ham or something okay and next the princes well similar to what we saw over this side of the table here firmer than that than that one similar to similar to the others so the last of the canned hot dogs lancaster very smooth texture inside the sausage quite different experience chewing that as well much more crumbly inside the sausage more like pate or meatloaf or something weird like that and yeah the texture is a little bit gritty as well I'm imagining that's probably cheaper variety of meat ingredients than these so onto the packets now this is hessy's hot dogs this is the Wobblies to the bunch very smooth and uniform inside a smoky flavor like we had with these two varieties over here texture much softer and lighter almost kind of fluffy texture inside there that's interesting okay now the Herta or Herta well quite a lot tougher on the outside and again smooth and pale inside how to describe this interesting texture almost like a fabric like resilience to it mmm anyway and the last of the packets in fact last of all the hot dogs the delano frankfurters delano so similar in appearance to those two interesting sort of bacon taste to that one similar in texture although firmer than those two but probably more on a par with the jarred hot dogs they're smoky flavor similar to the jarred hot dogs so there we go that's a big big roundup of all of these different brands of hot dogs now I've got to say that my favorite of all of these is the ones in jars actually they they to me have got the the right combination texture and flavor nice smoky flavor nice little bite to them yep so if I had to break these in order of preference I would say that jarred varieties are my favorite and then that canned versus that packets I'm gonna say the canned are my least favorite even though they are quite wobbly and resilient they are more of a granular texture inside the sausage the packet I think is my second favorite but I find them a little bit soft and insubstantial these hot dogs from a jar really quite meaty substantial satisfying so yet these are the winners hot dogs in a jar now I'm sure some people will still disagree with this and still be disturbed by the idea of hot dogs in a jar but if you find them somewhere and you get a chance to try them give them a go and let me know what you think in the comments so that's been weird stuff in a can and a jar and a pack today hot dogs are big roundup of all of the different hot dogs available in the UK actually there are more brands than this but I just didn't have a room on the table for them hopefully this is a representative sample now don't worry about all this going to waste because I'll have this little bit for my lunch here and I'll do the other hot dogs in the jars and cans and packs I'm gonna make into hot dog jerky in my dehydrator so that was a roundup of hot dogs and an introduction to the wobble dog machine thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you again soon [Music]
Channel: Atomic Shrimp
Views: 32,607
Rating: 4.9209328 out of 5
Keywords: hot dog, sausage, review, food, canned food, weird stuff in a can
Id: 1gx2frQWzeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
Reddit Comments

Wobbling gets underway at 11:30 for those who canโ€™t wait.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/nomadic_rhubarb ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 20 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
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